Honestly, this seems like it could really be a huge problem if this is happening elsewhere.
Which it totally could and would be.
Our first priority here is obviously getting rid of the devoid mana (or rendering it safe, though that probably isn't possible).
The 'sic constructs on them' seems inadvisable, since the wolves weakness could create problems with us trying to project an image of infallibility, would probably lead to killing and maiming etc.
Omri starts to glance upward before forcing his gaze back to the path ahead.
"Last I checked, the moon was still perfectly intact and as magically significant as it's always been."
"Dibs!" you send over the general channel.
"I didn't say I ate yours," you scoff. "It's probably made of dust and rock and other gross stuff instead of anything healthy. Just because I can eat those doesn't mean I want to."
[X] No, you're not okay. They're manufacturing Devoid mana. Do they even realize how horrifyingly dangerous that is?
-[X] You CAN tap it yourself, but you know better. In small quantities, it might be able to fuel spells without any visible effects. In larger amounts? It'll grow and grow until it either eats the world or baits the beings that CAN.
[X] Order them to cease any and all of their experiments into Devoid mana lest you burn their academy to the ground. You're dealing with a planar-level threat; "overreaction" isn't really in your vocabulary at this point.
-[X] Colorless is OK, but they've gone too far out the other side.
[X] No, you're not okay. They're manufacturing Devoid mana. Do they even realize how horrifyingly dangerous that is?
[X] Not immediately, but it could easily be a massive problem.
-[X] You CAN tap it yourself, but you know better. In small quantities, it might be able to fuel spells without any visible effects. In larger amounts? It'll grow and grow until it either eats the world or baits the beings that CAN.
Not giving a reason is silly, becuase we don't yet have the influence to make unilateral decrees that everyone will follow without violence.
Still, giving reasons and saying 'I will have to physically stop you if you keep doing this' seems to be the best option, save anything someone else comes up with.
Keeping the distinction between 'ticking bomb' and 'volatile' is important.
[x] Yog
We need to let Agneyastra handle this. If we make our displeasure so obvious, they'll just hide any other devoid experiments they have ongoing. Agneyastra will be able to figure out how to warn them and be believed.
[x] Tell Agneyastra about the Devoid spirits, mention how insanely dangerous it is, and let her handle it. You cannot into diplomacy.
I think that we could back down to just telling Agneyastra, but I'd prefer taking off the "you cannot into diplomacy" rider. Try something like this:
[x] Quick telepathic conference.
-[x] Mostly you and Agneyastra. Include Nanoha, Sidhe, and Mitra so they know what's going on.
-[x] Agneyastra already knows how insanely dangerous Devoid is, but it wouldn't hurt to reiterate and fill in the others.
-[x] Your first instinct: Purge it post-haste. You'll respect Magnostadt's sovereignty and run this through their equivalent of a counter-terrorism or police force, but if they take too long or try to claim to know what they're doing you will take action.
[X] No, you're not okay. They're manufacturing Devoid mana. Do they even realize how horrifyingly dangerous that is?
-[X] You CAN tap it yourself, but you know better. In small quantities, it might be able to fuel spells without any visible effects. In larger amounts? It'll grow and grow until it either eats the world or baits the beings that CAN.
[x] Order them to cease any and all of their experiments into Devoid mana lest you burn their academy to the ground. You're dealing with a planar-level threat; "overreaction" isn't really in your vocabulary at this point.
-[x] Colorless is OK, but they've gone too far out the other side.
I'm having trouble understanding the Sonic reference thing. Is it a dig at that time Eggman blew up the moon despite ostensibly wanting the planet intact enough to rule it, a nod to how Jade's line there could feasably come out of Sonic's mouth, or something else?
I'm having trouble understanding the Sonic reference thing. Is it a dig at that time Eggman blew up the moon despite ostensibly wanting the planet intact enough to rule it, a nod to how Jade's line there could feasably come out of Sonic's mouth, or something else?
Also really shows just how far Jade has come. She's not just okay acting out in front of other people, she's doing it during diplo-stuff and actively enjoying the grandstanding.
Jade actually thinks the publicity might be helping right now. It's hard to think of the watchers as actual people when she honestly doesn't care what they think, not like she might in a more private setting or with people she'd be stuck with later on. She's just here for Nanoha and the magic.
They also don't have Internet access or recording devices, which means no sharing and analysis of social mistakes long after she's made them.
The delay does remind you that you're supposed to be pitching your voice differently, though. What's the point of learning to sing your words if you don't use that ability?
Omri appears to remember who and what he's talking to and snaps his mouth shut. You're guessing he was going to reference the only other magical faction you know of.
"Reassessing your worldview?" Mom asks dryly.
"A bit," Omri admits, then inclines his head slightly. "I'm afraid I must beg for your forgiveness; we are still grappling with the idea of those claiming to be above even Magi. I did not intend to imply you do not exist."
Ha, this is a refreshing response compared to how mages normally react when Jade does or says something odd. I'm glad the thread voted to have Jade play up the role of a goddess on this plane—it's going to lead to some amusing situations, like this.
More than anything else, it means we don't have to worry about toning down the weird shit. Quite the opposite in fact; bizarre behavior and displays of magic make our cover story more believable, not less.
"And we do not claim to be above them," Agneyastra interjects. "Jade is the only goddess here, one who has previously devoured the heart of a moon for yet more power. The rest of us are mere immortals."
Agneyastra, while I appreciate you phrasing that to make Jade seem as impressive as possible, I distinctly remember you were the one who devoured the heart of that moon. Granted, you used the resulting Linker Core to make Jade more powerful, so... mostly true, I guess?
Omri starts to glance upward before forcing his gaze back to the path ahead.
"Last I checked, the moon was still perfectly intact and as magically significant as it's always been."
"Dibs!" you send over the general channel.
"I didn't say I ate yours," you scoff. "It's probably made of dust and rock and other gross stuff instead of anything healthy. Just because I can eat those doesn't mean I want to."
That same hand also serves to cover your retching after you actually sense the mana concentration of the connected structures before you. There's plenty of Blue and White, certainly, but there's also the familiar wrongness of Devoid. It seems to be contained in tiny spirits for the time being, but if enough of them are gathered in one place? They'd collapse and make the area as hostile as Eternity. This many mages might be able to contain such environmental changes, although the predators between planes would be another story entirely. Your predecessor worked hard to conceal this section of Eternity from their gluttonous gazes; the last thing you need is to bring them back.
A tall, black-haired young woman stands at the head of a full classroom. Everyone inside is wearing long black robes and matching pointy hats. Considering they spend a large amount of their time flying, one has to wonder why magicians are so fond of a piece of headgear that is so very good at catching the wind. A wooden box has been upended on the teacher's desk, presumably covering something.
Some of the students appear to be extremely bored and impatient, while others are having difficulty remaining in their seat. Regardless, they all sit up straighter and try to pay attention when the teacher starts speaking.
"Have you ever tried your utmost to achieve something, only to fail due to bad luck or other people? Has a loved one ever drifted out of your grasp without any cause or reason? If a string of seemingly-unconnected events results in a horrifying outcome despite your best attempts to stop it, that is Fate at work."
The teacher reaches out and lifts up the box, revealing a row of six small bird-like spirits. The first five are colored Red, Green, White, Blue, and Black, while the last is completely colorless.
"These are Rukh, the shepherds of Fate. They care not for little things like human morality or 'free will.' They have a certain way they want to redirect the world, and toward that end, they will manipulate anyone and anything to accomplish it. The Rukh favor some and harm others. Each person has their own place to play in the tapestry of Fate, and if they dare go against it, they will meet with terrible misfortune."
The teacher taps the bottle containing the colorless Rukh.
"This is the sole exception to that rule, our way of fighting against the stranglehold of Fate. By cleansing Rukh of their color, they lose their connection to Fate and become confused, favoring everyone and everything equally. Anyone can pull upon their power, if they know how.
"Obviously, magicians are the only ones able to cleanse them or otherwise defend against colored Rukh. Goi remain helpless and susceptible to outside influence. Do not resent them for their inability to protect themselves; it is not their fault they were born without magic. Until the world has been completely freed from Fate, it is our duty as magicians to protect them from themselves."
In regards to the vote, I'd prefer to handle this as diplomatically—and discreetly—as possible. In canon Magi the main villains were a group of mages whose objective was to destroy the world. Even if they don't exist in this AU, publicly broadcasting that colorless Rukh in sufficient concentrations can destroy the world/universe to an audience of mages capable of creating them is unwise, to say the least.
[X] Tell Agneyastra about the Devoid spirits, mention how insanely dangerous it is, and let her handle it. You cannot into diplomacy.
-[X] Include Nanoha, Sidhe, and Mitra so they know what's going on.
-[X] Colorless is OK, but they've gone too far out the other side.
-[X] Tell her to handle it discreetly, not in front of a public audience; the mere knowledge that Devoid mana can destroy the world is dangerous, if it reaches the wrong ears.
-[X] If Agneyastra believes the warning/ultimatum would have significantly more impact coming from you, do it yourself, but follow her telepathic coaching.
Actually, I'm starting to wonder what's up with Sidhe. We've just seen two variations on counterspell plus hexproof, but she's not doing anything at all about it. I expected eye-sparkles at least, maybe even a bit of experimental spellcasting.
In addition to what Alivaril said, remember Sidhe's mana sensing abilities aren't nearly as developed as Jade's. She probably can't tell at a glance what most of these Blue spells do, beyond them being a mass of organized Blue mana.
[X] Tell Agneyastra about the Devoid spirits, mention how insanely dangerous it is, and let her handle it. You cannot into diplomacy.
-[X] Colorless is OK, but they've gone too far out the other side.
-[X] Tell her to handle it discreetly, not in front of a public audience; the mere knowledge that Devoid mana can destroy the world is dangerous, if it reaches the wrong ears.
-[X] If Agneyastra believes the warning/ultimatum would have significantly more impact coming from you, do it yourself, but follow her telepathic coaching.
Magnostadt is one of the most magically empowered places on this planet, right? If it's only happening a little here, it's hopefully not happening much elsewhere? At least if this is just experimentation, not that cult people were talking about...
[X] Tell Agneyastra about the Devoid spirits, mention how insanely dangerous it is, and let her handle it. You cannot into diplomacy.
-[X] Colorless is OK, but they've gone too far out the other side.
-[X] Tell her to handle it discreetly, not in front of a public audience; the mere knowledge that Devoid mana can destroy the world is dangerous, if it reaches the wrong ears.
-[X] If Agneyastra believes the warning/ultimatum would have significantly more impact coming from you, do it yourself, but follow her telepathic coaching.
[X] Tell Agneyastra about the Devoid spirits, mention how insanely dangerous it is, and let her handle it. You cannot into diplomacy.
-[X] Colorless is OK, but they've gone too far out the other side.
-[X] Tell her to handle it discreetly, not in front of a public audience; the mere knowledge that Devoid mana can destroy the world is dangerous, if it reaches the wrong ears.
-[X] If Agneyastra believes the warning/ultimatum would have significantly more impact coming from you, do it yourself, but follow her telepathic coaching.
[X] Tell Agneyastra about the Devoid spirits, mention how insanely dangerous it is, and let her handle it. You cannot into diplomacy.
-[X] Include Nanoha, Sidhe, and Mitra so they know what's going on.
-[X] Colorless is OK, but they've gone too far out the other side.
-[X] Tell her to handle it discreetly, not in front of a public audience; the mere knowledge that Devoid mana can destroy the world is dangerous, if it reaches the wrong ears.
-[X] If Agneyastra believes the warning/ultimatum would have significantly more impact coming from you, do it yourself, but follow her telepathic coaching.
[X] Order them to cease any and all of their experiments into Devoid mana lest you burn their academy to the ground. You're dealing with a planar-level threat; "overreaction" isn't really in your vocabulary at this point.
[X] No, you're not okay. They're manufacturing Devoid mana. Do they even realize how horrifyingly dangerous that is?
I do not want to say things like "burn the academy to the ground" in front of Nanoha.
On top of that, threats are the worst way to handle this. If we threaten to burn their academy to the ground they're just going to keep doing their research where we can't see it. The only way to keep this from happening again is to get them entirely off the topic and make it officially a no-go, and we do that by handling this diplomatically.
I do not want to say things like "burn the academy to the ground" in front of Nanoha.
On top of that, threats are the worst way to handle this. If we threaten to burn their academy to the ground they're just going to keep doing their research where we can't see it. The only way to keep this from happening again is to get them entirely off the topic and make it officially a no-go, and we do that by handling this diplomatically.
I agree that we have to stop it. However, our fastest route to fixing it is to be diplomatic. Fighting our way through the academy might take hours and it might not even work. Politely asking them to not get everyone's reality eaten by the Eternal Hunger that lives behind the stars has a better chance of working and will happen faster and will mean we don't have to keep coming back here every ten days to tell them to knock it off again.
We need to make it in their interest. Ask them what measures they are taking to prevent total reality collapse. Offer alternative anti-destiny magic. Give some technology and knowledge. Make some of them immortal.