The correct way to fry an egg

  • Sunny side up

    Votes: 16 64.0%
  • Sunny side down

    Votes: 9 36.0%

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  • Poll closed .
[] Have someone ask Kyubey what he would do if the police saw Ryouko teleport out to fight the witch
When you imagine "someone" asking Kyuubey, do you also envision this person being not Sayaka?

he will be forced to lose a little soul juice
No no no, not Seoul juice, Pyongyang juice.

--[x] Have someone text Kyouko with the situation,
Is a call acceptable? You should be able to spare the attention.

[2] Plan Rubberband
- which centers around delegating to Homura + Nanami and includes various contingencies
[1] Plan Skelm
- This isn't a plan, it's more of a dream predicated on getting QB's permission to do a flashy teleport. With a contingency for the event that he cannot be found, it'd be a plan.
You'll ask her to delete her texts when you meet in person, just in case.
It doesn't matter if you delete text messages on your phone, they still stay in the phone company's records.

Normally I'd love to bring Kyouko in on this, but I don't think she can get there in time, and since she doesn't have implants we don't have good location data for either Homura or Ryouko to get to her.

[x] Suggest that Ryouko ask to use the restroom. Once she's out of sight, she can teleport.
[x] Tell Sayaka help is coming. Forward her Homura's number, ask her to call and tell Homura the situation.
-[x] Warn her in no uncertain terms to not to let Kyubey convince her to contract. Having her soul put in a rock isn't even the worst thing about it. The more meguca, the fewer Seeds to go around, the sooner we starve.
[x] Alert Nanami to the situation, forward Sayaka's feed. Ask her to find somewhere private and send a live feed so Ryouko has a safe place to land.
[x] Have Ryouko teleport to pick up Nanami, then to Sayaka to deal with the witch.
[x] Curl up in a chair so it's not obvious when we collapse because Ryouko is out of range.
When you imagine "someone" asking Kyuubey, do you also envision this person being not Sayaka?
Yeah, like Nanami. Magical girls and potentials can just telepathy him, right? If that's not the case, just do it anyway. If he won't exert the modicum of effort required to be available to object to things, then he doesn't get to object to them.

And I'm not asking for permission, just an absence of threats.
Is a call acceptable? You should be able to spare the attention.

While I intended any non-mind-mesh communication done by people who could reasonably say 'yeah, I called/texted them, it's not like I was in a police station at the time' I will accept Clarisse modifying the vote so she gets to call and talk to her girlfriend while sending everyone else text messages/dry mission briefings.
Updated version of my original plan:

[X] Have someone not otherwise occupied try to
contact Kyubey via telepathy
[X] Ask Kyubey what he would do if Ryouko teleported out to fight the witch
[X] If it's nothing unacceptable, or if Kyubey can't be easily contacted, have Ryouko teleport out to fight the witch
[X] Lie down somewhere so we don't hurt ourselves when we go out of range from Ryouko

Thinking about it more, if we fight the witch in timestop we only need Ryouko to be gone for a few moments, which hardly requires any elaborate deceptions, especially since the observers are slightly distracted right now.
The first thing Ryouko said to Homura when they met was that breaking the masquerade was dangerous. So she clearly believes that, and won't want to just teleport in front of a group of witnesses.
[x] RubberBandMan
-[got edited into the main plan] If WE are calling Kyouko, proxy it via via Sayaka's phone
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[2] TheNarrator's plan, featuring:
- Help is coming, Sayaka.
-- DON'T CONTRACT, Sayaka.
-- Please call Homura, Sayaka.
- Ryouko teleports out from the restroom
- pick up Nanami, fight the witch
- Clarisse gets comfy

[3] Rubberbandman's plan, featuring:

- send Nanami, and ideally Homura
- loop in Machina and Kyouko
- no teleport
- proxy any call to Kyouko via Sayaka
(It'll show her number instead of yours.)
[+1] Try to keep listening to police dispute
Seems the obvious thing if at all feasible
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Thank heavens, I know what's going on.

Anyway, is there anything preventing us from just relocating the grief seed somewhere else? I'm sure we all agree that this is absolutely a trap of some kind.

[X] Have Ryouko visit the ladies' room, deliver the grief seed to Nanami, and then return to the interview. Nanami can fight the witch solo if necessary.
-[X] Try to raise Homura and Kyouko on comms and get them to reinforce Nanami
-[X] Keep Machina in the loop
-[X] Have Sayaka look around the hospital for QB or the Southern Group, both for info and so that she doesn't feel left out.

We probably won't be able to get Homura though, because any hypothetical mastermind will have ensured that she's otherwise occupied. Still, maybe we can triangulate her phone or something?
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Huh. Moving the grief seed to the girls instead of vice versa never occurred to me. Although if we're going to move it, I think I'd rather take it somewhere uninhabited.
[X] Have Ryouko visit the ladies' room, deliver the grief seed to Nanami, and then return to the interview. Nanami can fight the witch solo if necessary.
I have a few issues with this plan, first is that we don't know how long until the seed produces a labyrinth, once that's created moving the seed will be potentially impossible. The other issue is having Nanami solo the witch, shes only been in one witch fight so far, I don't think she experienced enough to solo a witch yet.

-[X] Have Sayaka look around the hospital for QB or the Southern Group, both for info and so that she doesn't feel left out.
This suffers from the issue of being dangerous on its own and she won't find them anyway. If its QB then he will be invisible or even if Sayaka could see him, she doesn't know anything and might even take him up on a contract offer in order to kill the witch. If its the Southern group then they might kill her if she finds while not in public.

Other notes are if it was QB, having a non-contracted girl, who we know can see QB sometimes, stay close would be a terrible idea. If she contracts we have to deal with the fact she will get herself killed, and we know she was taken by the law of cycles in our time. That means she would of witched out without it and that's something we need to avoid.
Yes, I'd prefer that we didn't endanger Sayaka's life by sending her towards either homicidal magical girls or a soul-stealing alien hivemind.

We are, at some point soon, going to have to have a talk with our fellow trusted NCs and explain that contracting won't help their MG friends but will, in fact, hasten their deaths.
Inflection point
[3] (Plan: Rubberbandman)
[2] (Plan: TheNarrator)
[1] (Plan: Dreikanter)

Honorable mention for best lateral thinking!

Command mode active.
Requesting command mode: MACHINA
Requesting command mode: NAKIMURA NANAMI
Requesting command mode: SHIZUKI RYOUKO
Requesting civilian emergency mode: MIKI SAYAKA
Links established.

Situation report:
Trusted noncontractee <and magical girl candidate>(1) MIKI SAYAKA is dangerously near supernatural activity site and should be presumed at grave risk of harm. This timing is suspicious and may represent a trap or assassination attempt. MIKI SAYAKA should be presumed primary target until demonstrated otherwise. Location is civilian hospital, patients/staff subject to some risk of harm. Civilian of interest KAMIJOU KYOUSUKE is a patient, may be a secondary target.

Magical girl NAKIMURA NANAMI available.
Magical girl AKEMI HOMURA status UNKNOWN, taclink unavailable.
Magical girl SAKURA KYOUKO status UNKNOWN, taclink unavailable.

Magical girl SHIZUKI RYOUKO engaged in police interview.
Magical girl TOMOE MAMI detained in police custody.
Tactical adviser SHIZUKI CLARISSE engaged in police interview.
Deployment would imperil security of ongoing operations.

Trusted noncontractee KANAME MADOKA located: Kaname household tomato garden.
Trusted noncontractee SHIZUKI HITOMI located: engaged in police interview.
Trusted noncontractee TENJOU WAKABA located: public grocery store.
Trusted noncontractee SHIINA YUUKA located: at home in her bedroom.

Preferred approach:
Priority evacuation of MIKI SAYAKA as probable target of incursion.
Deployment of NAKIMURA NANAMI.
Establish contact with AKEMI HOMURA.
- AKEMI HOMURA should rendezvous with NAKIMURA NANAMI to expedite her arrival.
- Activation of Akemi Homura's powers may sever TacLink.
Tactical commander NAKIMURA NANAMI.

Shizuki Clarisse to contact KYOUKO SAKURA as reserve.
- Communications relay through MIKI SAYAKA would contribute to operational security.
- Communications relay energy budget may impair evacuation.
- Evacuate to safe distance of 150m before activating relay.

Transferring tactical leadership... Done.

NAKIMURA NANAMI: Tactical commander? Sweet.

Plotting recommended evacuation.
Immediate danger greatest in immediate vicinity of incursion site.
Safe distance unknown, estimating: 200m
Transportation at incursion site:
- Motor vehicle evacuation
- Data not available
- Bicycle evacuation
- Bicycles available at site.
- Bicycles may be locked.
- Bicycle safety equipment not available.
- Use of bicycles may compromise operational security.
- Evacuation on foot
- Estimated max speed 45 km/h
Evacuation on foot preferred, maximum available speed until clear.
- Sprint 18 steps to end of hospital driveway.
- Bank LEFT to avoid street, possible vehicular conflict.
- Re-compute route with additional visibility.
- After clearing safe distance, look for additional threats.
Estimated probability of unavoidable collision: < 0.1%

- This could be a trap.
- If a trap, you are likely the target.
- You need to be NOT HERE.
- Nanami will take care of things
- DO NOT try ANYTHING clever.
- DO NOT make wishes or contract.

<MIKI SAYAKA> What fresh hell is this?!?!
<NAKIMURA NANAMI> welcome to the future, Sayaka!
<MIKI SAYAKA> there is no way I can run 45 km/h!
<NAKIMURA NANAMI> We all believe in you!

MIKI SAYAKA is evacuating.
NAKIMURA NANAMI is dialing Akemi Homura.
MIKI SAYAKA has reached turn.
Updating evacuation route... Done.
NAKIMURA NANAMI has reached Akemi Homura.
MIKI SAYAKA has reached safe distance.
- Civilian emergency mode deactivated.
- Communications relay available.


"Stay exactly where you are," says a voice, and the world around you suddenly darkens. "Don't move. You can look, but leave the taclink offline. Try to stay calm."

You raise your eyes and look to the ceiling tentatively. There's a hole where the ceiling should be, a surface that looks like water surrounded by a ring of glowing shapes. it's like you're at the bottom of a pool, and there are pillars of bubbles streaming up around you. A shaft of light comes down from behind the speaker, from a bright crescent moon in front of a dark sky. The speaker is looking down at you, just underneath the moon.

The speaker, to all appearances, is yourself.

Well this is new, you think to yourself, and try to stay calm, even though your sense of Ryouko is completely missing, and it feels very much like she's stopped existing and is nowhere at all. You focus on the other girl: why are her eyes gold? By the stars, what is she even wearing? It's a white dress, with lilac details, and somehow feels ceremonial. The flower in her hair is a little much, too.

"Okay, we're not time-limited here, we're information-limited," says Simona, peering over the frame. She's holding a staff in her right hand, the same as the one she had back in Governance; Clarisse is holding her other hand. Simona's eyes are not gold, but she is wearing a matching outfit, with orange details.

"If you two would kindly limit yourself to self-consistent ontological paradoxes only, and don't try to change anything this time, please." She places a lot of emphasis on the please.

You're a little bit stunned. "Simona? What's going on?"

"It's an inflection point," she says with a shrug. "You needed an intervention."

You are agog for a moment.

"… and earlier wasn't??!" you exclaim. "Ryouko died!"

"We tried earlier," other-Clarisse says. "Well, alternate-us tried, and everything exploded, which is why there was partial amnesia everywhere. It's a chronology protection thing, I'm told." She glances at Simona, then back to you. "Ryouko dying once was inevitable, given her adversary, and we were able to nudge Nanami's wish afterwards to buy ourselves time to act. The labyrinth right now is a trap we can avoid; its guardian is … like an inside out nesting doll, bigger on the inside. It'll play dead, then try to eat people in their moment of victory."

"Forty-five percent," says Simona.

You note the use of ambiguous terms here: "adversary", "guardian". Does this Simona not know about witches?

"A trap," you repeat. "Is the one who set it who I think it is?" You're still thinking Kyuubey, more than Oriko, but wish to guard against recency bias.

"Probably," the other Clarisse says. "We can't lose Nanami. Not if we want to save the Governance timeline, anyway, which you should at least be seriously thinking about. We want her railguns because with enough magic there's no upper limit on their power. Sayaka oughtn't contract here, either."

"Sixty percent," says Simona.

"If you want to save the timeline, changing places with ribbon magic won't be enough," the alternate Clarisse continues. "Ryouko left physically, so she needs to make a physical return. You need some way to cross universes, a strong emotional beacon to guide you, ungodly amounts of magic for when you get there, and a four-hundred light year equivalent wormhole just to arrive at the right time."

"Seventy-five percent," says Simona.

alt!Clarisse takes a deep breath. "I know," she says.

"Four hundred light years?" you ask, amazed. "That's stupidly long range. I assume we'll need to reunite with Asami?"

"… Asami?" asks Simona, lowering her staff and suddenly frowning.

The other Clarisse suddenly squeezes Simona's hand tighter, and reaches for her with her free hand as well. Simona, in alarm, tries to shake free.

Clarisse is trying to speak over Simona. "There's a reason that everyone—"

Simona is very upset. "Don't tell me that pathetic little minx—"

The image stutters.

"Damn you both!" shouts Simona. "You two just want her all to yourse—"

"— with Ryouko and she barely even notices, it's because her other —"

The image stutters for a longer interval.

"— like she did on the roof," declares Clarisse. "If they —"

"Go paradox yourself!" says Simona, and the window vanishes.

TacLink reconnected.
Clock drift detected. Approve chronometer adjustment? yes
Replaying 15 packets over 5ms.

MIKI SAYAKA has reached safe distance.
- Civilian emergency mode deactivated.
- Communications relay now available.

Communications outage: Shizuki Clarisse
Communications restored after 5ms.

Nanami: What was the blip?

> goddess preserve you

[x] Send Nanami updated witch instructions over taclink NOW
[x] Continue your call with Kyouko
[x] Continue police interview as planned

[] Share this little experience
-[] with Ryouko
-[] with Nanami
-[] with Kyouko
-[] with Machina
[] (other reactions)
[] (new priorities)
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[jk] Our lawyer better know where the Shizuki liquor cabinet is.

Also think we should note that Simona isn't stable enough to even consider what Lilac self-paradox might do to Ryouko...


"Damn you both!" shouts Simona. "You two just want her all to yourse—"

Is part of Simona's plan to remove Clarisse from Ryouko? She doesn't seem that worried about the consequences, yet she put in effort to stop it more than once.
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okay so we knew there was some level of timeline bullshit happening when we saw Moemura and all the witches everywhere but this? this is a whole new level bullshit we have to deal with

so we know Simona is up to something and it may or may not beneficial, depending on what kind of ending we shoot for here, but we are sorely lacking in details

as for voting, all I got so far is this

[X] Share this little experience
-[X] with Ryouko

because Ryouko desrves to know just how much weirder her life has become
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Fun update :D

[x] Send Nanami updated witch instructions over taclink NOW
[x] Continue your call with Kyouko
[x] Continue police interview as planned

[x] Share this little experience
-[x] with Ryouko

[x] Make an offering of cheese to the grief seed
[x] Have Nanami buy helmets, they might be useful
[x] Advise the Tactical Commander not to start anything until someone else arrives to help
What the hell just happened?
... If you haven't seen time windows before you really should read more Girl Genius.

Is part of Simona's plan to remove Clarisse from Ryouko? She doesn't seem that worried about the consequences, yet she put in effort to stop it more than once.
No comment on Simona's plans.

[v] Make an offering of cheese to the grief seed
Vetoed, that knowledge is too far OOC. :p

Have Nanami buy helmets, they might be useful
In before Nanami head jokes.