The correct way to fry an egg

  • Sunny side up

    Votes: 16 64.0%
  • Sunny side down

    Votes: 9 36.0%

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We are currently in the middle of something, but at the same time must do something about sayaka and the witch in the hospital. Hmmmmmm. We need to be in two places at once..... if only we have the ability to blitz the witch and then come back without delay. Too bad we don't. Sigh~

But we are in a police station and being watched, we don't want to leave any evidence that we can do things that look weird.
We won't look weird using our implants, we'd look like we do now. It's only in our head.
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Sitrep [quest date: 2018 - May - 29]

The twenty-fifth century is on fire and/or may have burned. It's 2011, and witches roam Mitakihara, occasionally harassed by demons.

Current appointments:
  • three Shizuki girls, with the police and Papa and a lawyer, ONGOING
  • Sayaka, Kyousuke, and a witch, at the hospital, RIGHT THIS MOMENT
  • Tentative group meet-up plans for this afternoon
  • Homura (and any tag-alongs), with Oriko at the train station, 6am tomorrow morning?
  • School. Monday, after the weekend.
  • Tea ceremony lessons. TBD.
  • Ask Madoka about her dreams, and set her up with recording capability
  • Timestop raid of police station for notes, soul gem decoy system (with covers)
    • Discuss with Kyouko, possibly try to frame Kirika
Infrastructure status:
  • Everybody has cell phones
  • Cell phone connections mostly lack data plans
  • Mesh network with the gang can proxy to wifi near any of the girls
Status of people and things:
  • Akemi Homura
    • is so moe, it makes you sick
    • exorcised her future implants
    • is low-key growing into her role as a meguca
  • Ms. Akiyuki
    • dementia / hoarding problem
    • has been referred to social services
    • has an albino kitty
  • Amy
    • best kitty
    • died, got better
    • also stealth surveillance unit
    • staying with Homura
  • Chitose Yuma
    • Working with Oriko
    • Refers to self as a powerful enchantress who can read at a sixth grade level, capable of anything
    • May have had designs on removing the ribbon from Yuuka's care
    • Has leaked information from team Oriko that maybe she shouldn't have
  • Grief cubes
    • Kyuubey is aware of the existence of six
    • You brought 13
    • You are now in possession of 14
      • 2 of them are probably from the original set, now overcharged
  • Detective Ikari
    • Older detective on your case
    • Grumbles about suspects who have the audacity to bring lawyers
  • Kaname Madoka
  • Kure Kirika
    • Just being her regular self
    • That's bad enough isn't it?
  • Kyuubey
    • Seriously annoyed with Oriko
    • Wants grief cubes eliminated
    • Amoral
    • Conniving
    • Thinks you have potential
  • Miki Sayaka
    • Died. Got better.
    • Is dating the Shizuki matriarch's father
      • a violinist who is in the hospital with a broken hand
    • Dreams of being a hero of justice
    • Can see grief seeds
  • Mikuni Oriko
    • She was trying to play everyone against each other.
    • Her plans somehow fell apart when you came back.
    • Designs on all the ribbons.
    • Designs on grief cubes.
    • Designs on "all witches, not just Walpurgisnacht"
    • You have her home phone number but she was out when you called.
    • You have her cell phone number
  • Detective Mitsuhiro
    • Younger detective on the school explosion case
    • Concerned with unfair treatment of Mr. Shiina
  • Nakimura Nanami
    • her wish has given the gang 25th century implant tech and scientific info
    • overheard your explanation about the goddess
    • may be crushing on Hitomi
    • is also sharing her small firearms with you
    • her half-brother is causing her grief and got shot
      • She visited the hospital overnight but has clearly gone home
  • Nakihara Asami
    • Where is she???
    • Ryouko might get lonely!!
  • Sakura Kyouko
    • was working with Oriko, has quit
    • has her illusion magic back
    • you're apparently dating her?!?
  • Mr. Shiina
    • Works for the police in some capacity
    • May have been responsible for Ryouko's body
    • Has the police chief's ire right now
  • Shiina Yuuka
    • Her dad works for the police
    • Has opinions on your and Ryouko's character design.
    • Sketches friends, like Sayaka, as megucas
    • Gave you a white ribbon
    • Feeds you cake
  • Mr. Shindou
    • Papa's lawyer.
    • Has some records on your time in America.
  • Shizuki Clarisse
    • You are a cute teenage girl
      • Full implications of this are unclear.
      • Have (or had) nontrivial potential as magical girl
    • You have been kinda adopted by your matriarch's grandpa
      • who knows Ryouko is magical
    • You are somewhat oblivious about your own romance
    • You apparently attended school overseas in America in your alternate past
      • And got the school evacuated over a proof of P=NP
      • Accused of "witchcraft" by science faculty
    • Learning how to deal with your feelings
  • Shizuki Hitomi
    • The future Shizuki matriarch would have been her daughter
    • dangerously insightful
    • has figured out Madoka is your 'goddess'
    • totally crushing on Madoka
      • marshmallows
    • capable of operating while absurdly stressed out under that pleasant smile
    • wants to do ballet
  • Shizuki Ryouko
    • is here from the future
    • died, is alive again
      • body may have disappeared from the morgue
    • has a magic ribbon
      • It does things like uncover hidden memories and interfere with timestop.
      • It prompted Madoka to give a worrying speech.
      • Exposure may have also prompted Yuuka to say weird things
    • may or may not have been wished into finding the idea of school 'fun'
      • may find herself having to go to school whether or not it's fun
    • may or may not have magically altered her thought patterns
      • to be more amenable to the idea of dating Asami
      • to be more amenable to the idea of being in the Shizuki household
      • almost, just for your sake
    • Attended school overseas in America in her alternate past
      • Might have been crushed on by, quote, "half the student body"
  • Shizuki Souta (Papa)
    • (whose first name was on the school application forms)
    • Knows you're meguca
    • Has been through this before
    • Likes you and Ryouko a lot
    • Treasures precious memories
  • Shizuki Tomoyo (Mama?)
    • Ex-magical-girl, amnesiac about the whole matter
    • Doesn't think you're her daughter, or even know meguca are a thing
    • Will want to put you and Ryouko through tea-ceremony classes
  • Simona del Mago (aka Shizuki Simona??)
    • Helped drag you into this mess
      • Extracted the ribbon from the Church of Hope and tied it on Ryouko
    • Low key kissed your girl right before this mess
    • Oriko seemed to call her Ryouko's lover
    • Kyouko reports she seemed obsessed with Ryouko
      • And that she referred to herself as Shizuki Simona
    • Whereabouts unknown
    • Did claim that she'd take care of Asami
  • Tomoe Machina
    • Is totally judging you regarding Kyouko
    • Is keeping Mami from freaking out, hopefully
  • Tomoe Mami
    • Mami's apartment was magically remodeled, apparently by Yuma?
    • Mami attacked Ryouko, Ryouko died, Mami witched, Sayaka died
      • Everyone's better
      • Her body may have reanimated in the morgue
    • In police custody / safehouse of some sort
  • Police Chief
    • Appears skeptical of the supernatural?
    • May have pre-existing beef with Mr. Shiina
  • von Rossum, Clarisse
    • hush you, that's OOC
  • Walpurgisnacht
    • is coming
  • Wakaba Tenjou
    • Feeds you gossip from #fanclub
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I'd been thinking that the other girls might be in class, but then I realized that if Sayaka is at the hospital, then that can't be the case. So it shouldn't be too hard for them to get out of sight so that Ryouko can teleport them.

The problem is that it might be logged and then it would look like someone texted someone without using our phone and we are trying to avoid evidence.
Strictly speaking it would be coming from Hitomi's number, wouldn't it? I don't think we have our own number yet.

(Homura doesn't have a phone yet, does she? Damn.)

Okay, well in that case the only person we could call on the phone is Kyouko, and she probably can't get there in time anyway.

[] Suggest that Ryouko ask to use the restroom. Once she's out of sight, she can teleport.
[] Tell Sayaka help is coming. Warn her in no uncertain terms to not to let Kyubey convince her to contract. Having her soul put in a rock isn't even the worst thing about it. The more meguca, the fewer Seeds to go around, the sooner we starve.
[] Alert Nanami to the situation, forward Sayaka's feed. Ask her to find somewhere private and send a live feed so Ryouko has a safe place to land.
[] See if Amy can get Homura's attention and somehow spell out the words "WITCH AT HOSPITAL SAYAKA NEEDS HELP" where she can see it.
[] Have Ryouko teleport to pick up Nanami, then to Sayaka to deal with the witch.
[] Curl up in a chair so it's not obvious when we collapse because Ryouko is out of range.
[] Suggest that Ryouko ask to use the restroom. Once she's out of sight, she can teleport.
[] Tell Sayaka help is coming. Warn her in no uncertain terms to not to let Kyubey convince her to contract. Having her soul put in a rock isn't even the worst thing about it. The more meguca, the fewer Seeds to go around, the sooner we starve.
[] Alert Nanami to the situation, forward Sayaka's feed. Ask her to find somewhere private and send a live feed so Ryouko has a safe place to land.
[] See if Amy can get Homura's attention and somehow spell out the words "WITCH AT HOSPITAL SAYAKA NEEDS HELP" where she can see it.
[] Have Ryouko teleport to pick up Nanami, then to Sayaka to deal with the witch.
[] Curl up in a chair so it's not obvious when we collapse because Ryouko is out of range.

I should properly critique the plan at some point.

We can't assume the toilets won't have CCTV in them, if they do then Ryouko telephoning will be spotted and then the body vanishing can be explained by evidence. Keeping people from contracting is a good idea until we can make a sustainable method of staying alive. I would argue that Sayaka needs to walk away from the seed, we can give Nanami the exact location since we have access to mind-to-mind data sharing and location trackers are a thing. Given Homura has a number we don't need the cat to do weird things, we can just have Sayaka text her and then she can get to the hospital.
We can't assume the toilets won't have CCTV in them,
We can, actually. There are some places that have an expectation of privacy, even on someone else's property, and the toilets are one of them. In a prison, maybe, this would be a concern, but not just a police station where visitors who are not under arrest can use it. I don't think that taxpayers would be okay with the police videotaping an underage girl on the toilet. That sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen.

Given Homura has a number we don't need the cat to do weird things, we can just have Sayaka text her and then she can get to the hospital.
Now that I know Homura has a phone, I agree, although I think she should call if you're really concerned about OpSec. The cops can get a court order to read her text messages, but they can't get the audio of a phone call after the fact. Also, phone calls are harder to ignore than a text.

[] Suggest that Ryouko ask to use the restroom. Once she's out of sight, she can teleport.
[] Tell Sayaka help is coming. Forward her Homura's number, ask her to call and tell Homura the situation.
-[] Warn her in no uncertain terms to not to let Kyubey convince her to contract. Having her soul put in a rock isn't even the worst thing about it. The more meguca, the fewer Seeds to go around, the sooner we starve.
[] Alert Nanami to the situation, forward Sayaka's feed. Ask her to find somewhere private and send a live feed so Ryouko has a safe place to land.
[] Have Ryouko teleport to pick up Nanami, then to Sayaka to deal with the witch.
[] Curl up in a chair so it's not obvious when we collapse because Ryouko is out of range.
We can, actually. There are some places that have an expectation of privacy, even on someone else's property, and the toilets are one of them. In a prison, maybe, this would be a concern, but not just a police station where visitors who are not under arrest can use it. I don't think that taxpayers would be okay with the police videotaping an underage girl on the toilet. That sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen.

I'll agree with that, but we do need to check it before teleporting, also, I don't think we should be there for this witch outside of making sure we move people to it (we only need to move Nanami since Homura can time stop across town if needed, she did that for the alleyway incident), we want to minimize the amount of time Ryouko is away both so Clarisse can hold onto her sanity better and to reduce the chance that Ryouko will be found missing.

You mean teleporting right?

I blame the auto correct that things teleporting isn't a word.
I'll agree with that, but we do need to check it before teleporting, also, I don't think we should be there for this witch outside of making sure we move people to it (we only need to move Nanami since Homura can time stop across town if needed, she did that for the alleyway incident), we want to minimize the amount of time Ryouko is away both so Clarisse can hold onto her sanity better and to reduce the chance that Ryouko will be found missing.
Having Ryouko deliver Nanami and then return is better for OpSec, but riskier in other ways: we'd be leaving two inexperienced and untrained MGs to fight unsupervised.
we'd be leaving two inexperienced and untrained MGs to fight unsupervised.

Nanami has her tac-comp for keeping her on task and Homura has time stop, any other 2 MGs and I would be worried but they should be able to handle the situation, just leave Nanami with a message that says she must continue to hold Homura's hand until they have the seed (and possibly cubes, Kirika might be around to deliver more of them to this labyrinth). They need to be able to fight without supervision anyway given the small team and the fact we can't be there all the time.
Here's a bigger question I haven't seen asked yet: does Kyubey care about the masquerade at all?

If he does, he sure hasn't been putting any effort into it. The police apparently have evidence of two bodies getting up and walking out of the morgue, even if the chief isn't fully convinced yet. That's not just going to go away without Incubator intervention. They will figure it out eventually, even if it takes them years, and it will be more work to clean up the longer they let it go for.

If he doesn't, then why should we? We can just come clean with a flashy transformation sequence and leave to deal with the witch and avoid the whole problem of trying to come up with plausible lies because we can't tell them the truth. If Kyubey doesn't like it, he can clean up his own messes.
I'll agree with that, but we do need to check it before teleporting
Right, so, we'll check, but know that you have the QM's explicit guarantee that I'm not going to write about the police using cameras to spy on you in the police station bathroom. goodness.

Yes, but if they want to keep their masquerade they have to clean up after them. Evidence suggests that, at least in this case, they're not. And if they don't care, why should we? The masquerade is not for our benefit.
You say that like your casual breaking-and-entering earlier during the witch hunt was perfectly legal.

If he does, he sure hasn't been putting any effort into it.
Perhaps he's distracted dealing with another crisis.

Curl up in a chair so it's not obvious when we collapse
A minor point, by the way: you haven't tested the consciousness-characteristics of Ryouko teleporting 1km+ without you.
I don't think we are in a position to drop the masquerade yet. All the girls would be disorganized and end up just forming inter-country organisations which could end up being used for wars which is exactly what we don't need. Right now it benefits us to keep it up so the option of the MSY remains open.
You know if kyubey isn't trying to protect the mascarade I can't stop thinking it's because he knows the place will turn into a smoking crater in a few more weeks, if we push it by doing something over the top or releasing the wraights in town, he will be forced to lose a little soul juice and blast the city early for the sake of his precious 2%
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I don't think we are in a position to drop the masquerade yet. All the girls would be disorganized and end up just forming inter-country organisations which could end up being used for wars which is exactly what we don't need. Right now it benefits us to keep it up so the option of the MSY remains open.
I don't think we can drop it worldwide whatever we do, I just think we don't need to put in any effort to keep it up for the police officers. If the Incubators want to keep it across the world, there's nothing we can do to break it, and if they don't there's nothing we can do to keep it without already having worldwide coordination. The important question is whether they will try to sanction us for letting the police see more then they already have, and the lack of effort put into cleaning up after Nanami's wish suggests no.

[X] Have someone ask Kyubey what he would do if the police saw Ryouko teleport out to fight the witch
-[X] If it's not too bad, or if he tries to be vague-yet-menacing, have Ryouko teleport away to fight the witch
[x] Insist to Sayaka run away, Nanami's on it
-[x]DON'T do something clever like call in a bomb threat, hang around to protect her husbando, or try and do a one-girl spirit uplifting show. She's worried, and mixed up with magic, which means if she hangs around the witch is more likely to hone in on wherever she is. We are going to fix this ASAP, but don't want complications.
[x] Loop Ryouko in on this plan, because if you get distracted by da po-po she can take over strategic command
-[x] Also keep an ear out recording the transcript of what's going down in that conversation between the police chief and the officers.

[x] Brain-mesh Nanami. She's in tactical command. Which is both trust and responsibility, but you know she can handle this.
-[x] Get her to contact Homura ASAP via her phone, or Amy, or Madoka. Get her to stop time and get to the hospital. Make sure to apologize for the suddenness and the long walk, we'll work out a better system in the future.
--[x] Have someone call Kyouko with the situation, remember to try and make it seem like not-crazy if someone ever checks on the records. You'll ask her to delete her texts when you meet in person, just in case. Let her know everyone's situation, and warn her that with everyone tied up this would be a very good opportunity for certain assholes to mess with our group (and her) in one way or another. Politely request she try and hang out close to ourselves or the group, if something else pops up she's the only one with freedom of movement we can trust.
---[x] If we call Kyouko, proxy it via via Sayaka's phone

[x] Get a status update of everyone, where they are, and what they're doing, and warn them to be careful. Hanging out in public places may not be a bad idea, if they're already there or can get their easily. If they're at home, staying put is fine.
-[x] Keep Machina in the loop as well. While you might be worried about Mami breaking out to defend the hospital, you'll just have to trust that her and Machina will trust you. And they need to be warned like everyone else anyways.

Right. Long vote, but if we're not supposed to micromanage these sort of situations, what the hell is our job?!

Basic idea is to mobilize our free MGs to take out the witch, setting up our reserve on back up, and warning everyone that with this many MG's tied up, now is a great time for QB, Oriko, Simona, or who the fuck knows from fucking with us. Even if they don't know that we're all busy, they might just randomly do something when we just can't properly respond. So warn everyone that things are happening, and if someone gets in trouble we may need to ditch the police one way or another if Kyouko can't handle it herself.

If we need to ditch the police, we can do so, either with Mami or Ryouko, but right now Kyouko is free, and I doubt she'll balk at chipping in. If she does get snarky, we can talk about alternate payment plans or just buy her dinner or give her some cubes, but I doubt she'll seriously be a jerk about it.

Even ditching the police can be done in a 'I want to go home, am I under arrest?' or 'Where the fuck did they go?' options, but right now it's not needed. Tempting the wrath of the whatever from high ontop the thing is not something we should be doing because Ryouko wants to ditch the police and kill something.

If we want to bring people into the MG stuff, we do it if we don't have a choice, or if we can do things calmly, and we check with QB first, because while he won't demand to do it or not, what he says ought to be taken in consideration before he goes up to some other MG's and says shit like 'normally I don't do this, but with these incubator weapons around I fear I must point out that these Shizuki girls...' yada yada.

And we do need to figure out what to do about grief cubes, because killing QB every time he pops up is going to get tedious, and make it clear we're not playing ball. But not right now.

Update: Edited in the suggestions to my plan. Alot of them are kinda micro-managy and nitpicky, which means they perfectly gel with the tone I already had. And allowing Clarisse to call Kyouko and embarrass with Kyouko some more (Something that I set up a little with the trust line, but I can give Clarisse even more rope on this issue.)
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[x] RubberBandMan
[x] Also keep an ear out recording the transcript of what's going down in that conversation between the police chief and the officers.