Eighth year of the reign of Toturi IV, Month of the Hare, Twenty Ninth Day (Spring)
You rub your hands together as the servants light another brazier to warm the council room. Around you, with the notable exception of Akane, your councilors are all trying very hard not to show that they feel the bitter cold. Even Shem Zhe has decided to be somewhat scandalous and cover himself in furs for this meeting, not that you blame him. Why is it so cold?
The fire is lit and you bask temporarily in the renewed warmth in your limbs. Its supposed to be spring and the whether still hasn't broken, this is concerning. Thus the weather along with Togashi-no-kami's words and the Test will be the focus of today's discussions.
Looking around at them you decide its time to begin.
"I know this is a lot to take in, but we've had time to think about this and now we must begin to act. First we will address the mundane issues of the Empire, then the Test, and then...the Courtship of Shinjo-no-kami" You settle on.
Shem-zhe is...noticeably unhappy to hear that. You can't blame him really, Shinjo-no-kami is considered by most of the Shinjo to be their mother in spirit if not flesh, and well...yeah.
Its Noritoshi who speaks next.
"I've ordered it checked a dozen times, and so has my counterpart in the Treasury. The divination is clear, this year will be a bad harvest, the snows won't abate until the summer, well after planting season. We are at odds though on how to handle this imminent problem. I believe that the only thing we can do is to lower taxes for this year and run a deficit to be brought up when the weather improves."
Hiroko takes her turn now.
"Where as I, who have been working so very hard to keep the Treasury from being completely depleted believe that we cannot reduce taxes like that and continue our work on the Test. Therefore I believe that a tax reform is in order. We take a very high percentage because every Samurai must be fed properly, and in turn the Daimyo distribute this for us. So while the take is high, what we receive is not. If we were to create a more formal system of assessments and remove many of the exemptions in the codes, we could maintain our revenue and let the peasants keep more of their food."
"Exemptions like the Crab exemption from the food levy?" Ginchiyo asks lowly.
"Not specifically, it'd be a case by case basis" Hiroko says.
"Regardless of the...unpleasantness of that. Yoritomo-san does have a point about our need to keep funding work on the Test." Akane says.
Shem Zhe nods.
"Very well, do my other three advisers have their own things to bring to the fore?" You ask, mulling things over.
Akane nods. "The Phoenix wish to take your daughter and begin Ishiken training by the end of next year and all the Clans are very eager to know who your daughter will begin her training with soon. We can put it off for another year if we must, but any longer and it will look like you're coddling her and refusing to train your heir."
Ginchiyo nods. "The Legions are being reformed slowly, as the Unicorn and Lion rebuild. For now we can continue to hold the Jeweled City, but I would recommend we not do anything further at this time, beyond perhaps further fortifying it."
Shem-Zhe shakes his head.
"The weather is beginning to make some doubt that you are blessed by the Heavens, we need to find some concrete progress in the city this year. And to do that I need Jade"
Ginchiyo bristles, "The Crab cannot sustain any less Jade than they already supply, removing it is dooming countless warriors!"
Shem-Zhe looks at her. "And not doing it dooms the Empire. I hate that this is the choice I have to make. But if it comes down to one Clan, or the Empire as a whole. I will choose the Empire no matter whose clan it is."
That hardly makes Ginchiyo less upset with your Jade Champion.
"Enough. The things you wished to do towards Otosan Uchi outside of the jade are still valid?" You asks Shem-Zhe.
"Hai" he answers.
"Then we move on to the last matter. A kind man, who prefers words over violence, and a widower. That along with someone potentially like her first husband Lord Jin is whom we seek. What do you have for me to seek that?" You ask.
"While we were warned against seeking Benten-no-kami's guidance, we were not for seeking Musubi-no-kami, it may be worth it to do so" Shem Zhe says.
"The Amethyst Champion is not traditionally a matchmaker, but could serve as one. As luck would have it Doji Hirumi is actually an accomplished one. We could direct her to do so discreetly." Noritoshi says.
"We could ask your own nakado, Otomo Kasumi to do so, strange as it is, she did choose well for you, my Emperor" Shosuro Ayumi says.
"Lastly myself and Otomo Kotaro-san could simply discreetly search the Unicorn clans for a number of candidates" Akane says.
"Very well then my decisions are as follows. First I will allow my wife and mother to see to my daughters status, we have lamentably more important things to do. Second the Jade gathering will happen, we have no choice in the matter. Horiuchi-san, what else do you need done?"
Shem Zhe seems taken aback. "Er, I suppose I would like to build a new grand conclave for shugenja?"
"I will consider that as well then. Kitsuki-san?"
Akane steps in smoothly, "If you are delegating that, then I say that for now my primary role can be in soothing the clans or if you wish arranging a new tournament."
[] Sooth the Clans (Variable TN, Variable results)
[] Lower taxes for the year and look for ways to cut spending (TN 20, +5 Crab and Dragon, -5 Scorpion and Unicorn)
[] Fortify the Jeweled City (TN 25 +5 Lion and Unicorn, -5 Dragon and Phoenix)
[] Reform the Tax Code (TN 20 +5 Dragon and Scorpion, -5 , Crane, Mantis)
[] Build a Grand Conclave so Shugenja have a public forum from all over the Empire (+10 Phoenix, -5 Lion, Crab)
On the Matter of Otosan Uchi
[] Figure out the Pillars
[] Mount a Scouting Expedition
[] Prepare a Scouting Expedition
[] Attack the Palace
On the Courtship of Shinjo
[] Send a supplication to Musubi no kami, Goddess of Marriage and Childbirth
[] Have the Amethyst Champion put together candidates
[] Have your nakodo put together candidates
[] Have Akane and Kotaro look for candidates
AN: The Matter of Otosan Uchi has again all rolls. Courtship of Shinjo is largely Air based but has no set tn beyond higher being better