Okay, In order of priority.
[X] Plan: Questions in order of priority
-[X] My daughter is a baby Ishiken, please give me advice and aid.
-[X] What are Hitomi/Yakomo going to do within the first year after they descend?
After reading
@Sirrocco post. These are the only two additions I think should be asked. We have enough to do that being directed somewhere might be bad, and finding other deities might be a waste of time, or disturb the cosmic order!
-[X] Is best uncle Isawa no Toturi Sezaru still alive, if yes where is he? Same question, where is he, if he's dead.
--[X] What would sending best uncle to deal with the glass golems have caused? What would failing to convince him to garden, make buildings, flying ships, poetry, or train students cause?
This is important to affirm Toturi IV made the best decision with his uncle possible, and to make sure the guy is dead. I'm guessing the best choice would be to have uncle do something else like garden and social focus on uncle over time, but succeeding seemed unlikely.
-[X] Are there any plants with unique properties we should be interested in inside our borders?
Medical plants, miracle plants, plants thought extinct, or newly evolved in the last thousand years with helpful abilities for a war.
-[X] What is the best and worst possible future of Toturi Daio?
-[X] How does accepting the position of Sun and Moon mean marriage?
-[X] What is Itsume-Sensei doing these days?
-[X] (I'm not sorry

)What happend to our other sibling with Daio whom we seem to have forgotten?
-[X] Honorable Togashi-no-kami, do you think Togashi-no-Kami is a cheating bastard?
These are for fun, and cause I'm curious, questions.
Edit: Sorry about the double post, but new plan, a few people prefer if plan makers don't edit old plans. I'm hoping someone generates a better plan.