User Fiction

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For fanfiction related to the webnovel Worm and the Parahumans series by Wildbow.

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A man reincarnates in the Overlord world prior to YGGDRASIL's shutdown. Taking the opportunity for what it is, he tries for any advantage he might manage to secure himself a fantastical haven in the New World! No Harem. Outside POV. AU. No game lingo. Slightly grim. Non crazy MC. Story begins in the New World a day after the Dimensional Transfer.
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A Kancolle self-insert with a twist. Instead of being dropped straight into the horror Abyssal War, what if you have to live out of the history of the ship that you've been isekaied into. Watch decades of history go by that you can only just watch by, unable to change or stop history from rolling along it's preset path. Stuck with the knowledge that two world wars are inevitable. That is the fate of the Imperial Japanese Battlecruiser Kongō. To bear witness but be unable to do anything.
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Neo Zeon rises again, with myself at its helm. Help.
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Sometimes, life's walls feel like they're angled at 87 degrees. An awkward story about hope, progress, and learning. This is an AU/Leavanny Reincarnation fic (very light si) based in Unova, prequel to pokemon white/black, and starts when Burgh is just a teen, before he became Castelia City Gym Leader, and has a bunch of custom worldbuilding mixed in. The story is character-driven first, narrative driven second. It's not competence porn or a "realistic" take on pokemon. This is a...
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AN// Welcome to the continuation of Always be yourself..., this is the third story in the series so you may want to start there or you may be horribly confused. Big thanks goes out to FPSCanarussia and Arratra for betaing this one. Now, on with the story!
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What happens when someone who wants to abuse their Meta-Knowledge to all hell, gets a version of "The Gamer" that not only allows them to Hop through MULTIPLE dimensions, but also tries to nudge them towards Immortality? One thing's for sure, this isn't a slice of life... (Saiyan/Namekian Hybrid SI/OC) (Gamer-fic) (CROSS-POSTED FROM FFN and AO3) (Current Universe: RWBY)
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The top percentage Rattata was a legendary existence never before proven to work in the highest levels of professional battling, or any level of professional battling to be honest. But, Joey, a reincarnated youngster, was willing to pull all the stops into making this dream a reality and make his partner ascend into the realm of champions. A pre-canon self-insert. Inspired by the awesome "The most evil trainer," which focuses on showing the power hidden in the most unexpected pokemon. Also...
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Dread it, run from it, but death comes for us all someday. After a car crash where I ended up dead, somehow, I've been dropped into the body of the Head Communications Officer of the Decepticons, Soundwave. With a mind filled with both events from the show and memories from the war, what's a human turned cassette master to do? Definitely not blindly follow Megatron straight into the shadowzone that's for sure. I think the autobots deserve a bit of an informational advantage, they don't...
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100 Floors? Try 1,000. 10,000 players trapped in a death game? Try 10,000,000. Do you think you’ll be freed in a few years? Maybe in a few decades. A game that should be unbeatable - the impossible ‘Sword Art Online.’ Well, it would be impossible, if not for a certain psychopath. The ‘World’s Greatest Gamer’ will have you all out in no time! (Harem) (Crossover Characters)
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A modern man struggles to find safety and meaning in the midst of a dire situation: a mindflayer tadpole parasite stuffed into his head and a foreign energy suffusing flesh and bone. With unwitting companions, he may be one of few saddled with the burden of stopping a crisis that threatens to wreak havoc across the planes.
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An SI awaken in Battletech with nothing but his clothes, vague knowledge, and of course some new mechanical friends.
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I open my eyes. The architectures in front of me still decidedly unfamiliar. It is a mystery how I appear here-
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Man plays at being god and the world changes forever.
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Genesis 1.1 December 7, 2010 – o – o – o – o – o – o – o – "LET ME OUT!" His fists...
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The Second Death Star has been destroyed in a climatic battle with the Rebel Alliance. Both Emperor Palpatine and his fearsome enforcer, Darth Vader, are dead. Already, the Empire the two founded is beginning to crumble into ruin. Warlords begin to form their own breakaway fiefs and the newly proclaimed New Republic seeks to establish its primacy. It is a time of chaos in the galaxy. For someone who was crippled by the status quo, opportunity awaits.
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Waking up as Jaune Arc won't be a problem if I survive a school of reckless teenage superheroes, understand the Arc family before they find me, and stop a world-ending plot from an immortal mistress. It seems easy enough like checkers.
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In which a young girl finds herself trying to live a decent life in a world filled with injustice, villains, corruption and science-fiction level technology. Expect your typical Shonen shenanigans, sprinkled with a healthy dose of power fantasy, badly-written comedy and mediocre dialogues. Settle in for the long ride, because I have no set schedule and just post whatever my silly brain comes up. Hope you enjoy!
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What's a guy to do? Stuck in Brockton Bay, literal hell on earth with planetary annihilation coming - with someone to protect, someone to save... The heroes wouldn't take him, the villains would murder him without compunction. So fuck them all, the world can burn as long as his sister comes out of it okay. (OC/SI Villain Protagonist)
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A tired mage drops something. A flickering soul picks it up. Earth-Bet will never be the same again. Or, How a World Rune came to be in my possession. OC reincarnation.
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We've seen plenty of vile people, plenty of vile characters. The worst of the worst, the bottom of the barrel, the worst people, fictional and non-fictional. What if I told you there were worse? What if there were people who could truly hold the title of the worse people...alive? What if they enacted their will on everyone they met? What would they look like, how inhuman would they be? This is the Story about The Jackasses.
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Gundam Seed SI story
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Another player enters Yaldabaoth's unjust game to even the playing field and give a certain detective a second chance. Along with all the proper amenities he was denied as a guest of the Scarlet Room. SI as Akechi Goro's own knockoff Velvet Room attendant. POV from both SI and Akechi Goro, first person and third person respectively with the latter being most prominent.
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The Void is a strange thing. Some says that its endless darkness to where no light is found. Others say a place outside of time and space the boundary between worlds, or the afterlife but for one Soul it's how she found
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Girl goes to Japan. Girl meets Fallen Angel. Girl becomes a Pastafarian in protest of this BS. Also there are a lot of animals.
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"Reverse Cursed Technique." Fuyuko will nod as if she understands, even though she'll have long since given up hope of ever making sense of the impossibilities that chase after her son like moths to the flame. "But how did you know to use it?" "I just knew. I always know stuff like that." He'll shrug in answer, utterly nonchalant and forever at ease. "Throughout Heaven and Earth, I alone am the Honored One." "But what does that mean?" She'll ask in response to that proclamation, and her...
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Into the Grim Darkness of the Far future
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While Adam 'Adventure' Burns caused confusion and bemusement on his various journeys, he also created something a bit astounding. A Seed for the Conceptual System, which used the idea of itself to create itself and share its many abilities with a new User! Too bad not every user is normal. Or in a place with time and space. Or sane. Or alive. But with the System, that could probably be handled eventually!
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When you're a Titan, life can be rough. You're thrown into the world without your consent, and your parent(s) just hope that natural selection keeps at least some of their kids alive. Not only that, but the world is ridiculously dangerous, and everyone either wants to take a bite out of you for the sole reason of existing in their line of sight or wants to experiment on you to see what makes you tick. What could possibly be worse than that? Oh yeah, being the offspring of one of the most...
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My first attempt at writing in the form of a SI set in Asato Asato's works, the 86. Waking up and finding yourself reincarnated into another world is not something people normally are prepared for but, as anime teaches us, not something completely unexpected. So you can imagine my mood once I realised that instead of enjoying a harem and learning cool magic, I would be starving in a forced labour camp and most probably die a painful death as cannon fodder. This is the story of two...
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War rages across the galaxy, consuming entire star systems in its destructive inferno. Clone legions, led by Jedi Generals and Commanders, fight against seemingly endless waves of Droids created by the Confederacy, led by General Grievous and Count Dooku. On Coruscant, Darth Sidious, better known as Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine, plans for the birth of his new empire, out of the ashes of the Republic. The galaxy is diving headfirst into chaos, as brother turns against brother, and...
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