Tactical Superiority (Star Wars Self Insert)

Hmm...ideas for tech development that SW lacks (me just brainstorming really, love this fic):

- Nanotech:
--Medical nanobots (heal organics, or modify them)
--Industrial nanobots (heal machines like organics do, but better)
--WMD nanobots (city wide AOE, shuts down all nervous systems of living organisms in radius of effect, can be put in coma and cities of people held hostage, or just straight up kill them)
--Nanobot Swarm Assassins (like t1000, but made of nanobots, and can aerially disperse and reform elsewhere)

- Better concussion missiles and proton torpedoes (using machine intelligences to outthink and out-innovate Republic scientists)
- Specialized Void Battle Droids/Drones: capable of both anti-boarding defense and counter-boarding ops, swarm like Halo's Covenant Drones, uses similar tech to main character's new flying suit

- all droid ships have no atmosphere by default (great idea @Ankheg )
- refitting all droid ships with some kind of Anti-Boarding Party Package: Includes Void Battle Droids, advanced artificial gravity systems (crushing the enemy to death), controlled plasma venting (burn them to death), modular depressurization (space them/suck out atmosphere quickly), modular electrification (electrocuting enemy boarding parties through walls, floor and ceiling), automated turrets, etc.
- some kind of concussion missile spam warship would be very useful (not too familiar with billion+ ship designs out there)

- FOOF (I'm sure SW has some sort of advanced containment, like force fields or something, that could contain the stuff better than we can)
- start up our own version of Dark Trooper program (influenced by our modern ideas, like Skynet, Cylons, Geth, etc)
Is it possible for Blitzkrieg to install concealed weaponry (blasters and/or slugthrowers and/or neurotoxin tipped dartshooter (like what Jango uses in Attack of the Clones)) in his torso so that when he is in a blade lock he can kill or debilitate whoever he is blade locking.
I feel like blitz is eventually going to end up with his combat body (his current body) and a non combat civvy style body made from a human replica droid
Don't forget microwave hallways…those after fucking terrifying and with how much metal is on people? No force technique is going to save your water content from boiling…not a good way to go.
Could Blitzkrieg use kyber crystals he finds to make mini-Death Stars? I imagine they'd be pretty good at anti-fleet operations
You know… I keep thinking the sith will notice what he is doing and counter him but he isn't "alive" so unless he changes something directly the force shouldn't be giving them any warning about how dangerous he is planing to make the Droid army… and he probably will end up taking over him self.

And one well placed comment on how he was uploaded mind rather then just a regular droid should get the public on his side and put to bed any fears of a droid rebellion.

Franky I would love to see him take control of the CIS manage to kill the sith, but the republic wants there cheap resources still so decide to continue the war… and get completely recked.
Blitzkrieg needs to remember the first rule of droid-only ships: don't have an internal atmosphere, and if you need one, fill it with neurotoxins

Will he name it the GLaDOS class?
Will the "smuggler compartments" hidden under the corridor floors actually be incinerators?
Will there be suprise turrets hidden throughout the ship
Is the cake a lie?
I am very much enjoying this one. The Jedi are going to be cursing the name Blitzkreig by the end of this aren't they? Right up there with Grievous.
This is a neat setup but I think you are rushing too much. The MC is winning to easily and too quickly. He is finding resources left and right and manages to acquire them in a sufficient quality and quantity to immediately make use of them. You also barely have any descriptions of anything in the story. We barely know what anything looks like - you could at least provide links to images.

My special project, designed as a combination of the Vultures suit from the MCU and the Archwing from Warframe, was ready, even if 25 was worried about its calibrations.

IMHO this is a mistake from the narrative perspective. You are making the character a jack of all trades, capable of everything. He is now a master tactician, strategist, engineer, can fight almost any enemy on his own, and now he is also the best fighter/fighter pilot? And you are giving him pseudo-Jedi TK powers? At this rate, in a few chapters he won't need an army - he will be basically Superman able to defeat entire armies on his own.

This superior ability does not make for a very interesting scenario. A tactician or strategist can be capable of self-defense but should not be the best at everything under the sun, with no exceptions. That makes the story less interesting because at that point why have any other characters?

"The Starlight worked marvelously." I said, as I walked down a hallway.

"I'm glad, sir. You did design it, after all. We just built it for you." The head engineer replied.

And the engineer's name is...? And her species is? Is this conversation happening on one of the ships with the fleet? You provide basically no details about this scene. Since when does this fleet carry biological engineers with them? Are they getting paid for their work? Why are they with this fleet - what are their motivations for traveling on a warship during a battle? Unless this scene is set much later, on a planet?
Chapter 6
"My Master." Count Dooku greeted as he kneeled in the office of his castle on Serreno.

"Darth Tyranus, the new droid General is doing well." Darth Sidious said.

"Yes, my Master. The Republic will soon fear General Blitzkrieg as much as they do Grievous."

"But they do not fear him enough, yet. In a week, have him take the Pantoran system. Senator Chuchi will have returned to her planet for a celebration, and it will the perfect opportunity to strike at the hearts of Republic citizens. Senator Chuchi is in the same circle as Amidala, and her planet being taken by the Confederacy will aid in our plans."

"Of course, Master. The Pantora system will fall before the might of the Confederacy."

Darth Sidious ended the call, and Dooku prepared a message for the droid general.

Sparks flew and hydrospanners spun as I oversaw the repairs of the Starlight.

While the dogfight two weeks ago may have been a complete success of the pseudo-Archwing's abilities, it did sustain some damage, mostly from that kriffing little blue astromech shocking me. That wasn't fun in the slightest, neither was paperwork, which you can't even escape by being reincarnated in another universe, which is why it took me so long to get around to ordering the wings to be fixed.

The Zillo Beast was awoken and later killed on Coruscant last week, if the brief snippets I got from a probe droid were anything to go by. If the wheels of canon continue as normal, the Second Battle of Geonosis should be right around the corner. Perhaps I should send a probe droid or two to download the schematics for the HAATs. Those things were nigh indestructible during the battle and adding them to my ground forces would be a great addition to my army's strength.

On the topic of my slowly growing tech and weaponry, I decided to scrap most of the earth tech for my military, besides a few revolvers and rifles for civilian use. Even though it would be cool to see an HK-50 holding a Star Wars tech enhanced MG-42 with an attached ammo backpack, I decided to 'officially' discontinue the project, due to them being deemed a waste of resources. The people assigned to those projects instead went to building me a new body and designing a new tank to supplement the AATs, IG-227s, and N99s, some of which (just the Hailfire droid) were going to be modified into more sensible designs.

Speaking of the tank, I thought about it, and decided upon not creating the Abrams design soon after returning to Telos IV, since the technology could be better put to use in creating a completely new design. So, I tasked the team that would have worked on the Abrams with creating their own, something that had a main cannon capable of damaging or disabling an AT-TE at a maximum of four thousand meters, and armor and shielding powerful enough to resist or outright block returning fire from the Mass Driver cannon of the same vehicle. I also recommended that it be one to four feet shorter than the AAT, and an effective camouflage be added for most environments if possible. That was around five days ago, and apparently, they were going to present an early design prototype either today or tomorrow.

"General Blitzkrieg, the proposed design of the new tank is ready." Lona Hys reported.

"Good, I figured your team would take another day or so." I replied, stepping away from the Starlights cobbled together repair bay and following the woman.

Lona Hys was the head engineer of the TVEC (Telos Volunteer Engineering Corp), and a part of the first wave of volunteers. She was actually the one who activated H1-01, my personal bodyguard aboard the Finest Hour. A twenty-six-year-old Togruta with an eye for mechanics, and the knowhow to back it up. She was on a fast-track to ending up on the Finest Hour as my head engineering officer, for her technical prowess, and two other reasons.

"Did you have a hand in this new design?" I asked as we walked down the hall to the engineer's lair.

"I did indeed. I think you'll like my inclusion. I took it from the designs of your new body, after all." Lona replied.

We walked through a door and into the organized chaos of the engineering department. Datapads, assorted parts, and designs scribbled onto flimsy notes and suck to terminals were scattered across the room. In the center, sat a very large holotank, and on it was a hologram of the new design. I pressed a button on the holotank, which sent a signal to the mainframe, and the door closed and locked, along with the windows being closed. A low hum echoed through the room as jammers activated around us, stopping any transmissions from getting in or out.

"As you can see, it's still a very rough design right now, but it should be streamlined by the time they're rolling off the lines." Lona explained. "Anyway, we took some design elements from the AAT, the TX-130, and that scraped tracked design you gave us as inspiration..."

It essentially looked like someone took a TX-130 frame, enlarged it to thirty-two feet long, twelve feet tall, and fifteen feet wide. Then they threw an AAT turret on top with a rotary blaster mounted on a rotating cupola, and attached tracks to the sides, which were much thicker. The front of it was one straight piece, with an armored visor in the middle for the driver, giving the vehicle a passing resemblance to a Panther tank. It looked like a fairly solid design, but as I was looking over it, I noticed something interesting.

"It has repulsors as well as tracks?" I queried.

"Ah, that's where my added modification comes in." Lona began. "This tank can transform! Sort of. Originally it was just going to be on repulsors, but someone threw out the idea of a dual propulsion system, tracks and repulsorlifts working together to propel the tank forward. I took that idea, and the transforming design from the Infiltrator droids and your new body design, and essentially created this. It has two modes, siege mode, and maneuver mode. In maneuver mode, it moves around at nearly 100 mph, perfect for quickly moving across any landscape you come across and excelling at hit and run tactics."

"Activating Siege mode brings down the tracks from their housing and deactivates the repulsors, halving the maximum speed down to only 50 mph, but the trade-off is worth it." She continued. "All the power that those heavy duty repulsors were using in maneuver mode is funneled into the shielding, which right now we believe only multiple direct hits from a Mass Driver Cannon could penetrate, and the weapons, which become a lot more powerful. The main cannon is... giving us a little bit of trouble right now, but we believe that we can modify an AT-TEs mass driver cannon to fit with some modifications to the AAT's turret. We thought about using a droid brain to crew it, but we figured it would be cheaper to crew it with B1 tankers. And to top it all off, thanks to it sharing some parts with it, like most of the turret, this new tank is only five to six thousand credits more expensive than the AAT."

"Impressive, very impressive. How long do you think it will take until they are rolling out of the factories?" I asked.

"I'd say around a week after we upload the design to the network, in case any bugs need to be ironed out so... four months ...maybe four and a half."

"Good to know. How is the replication of the Defoliator missiles?"

"We've managed to requisition a singular Defoliator due to how few of them there are. Replication and modification of them is probably going to take around four weeks to complete."

"Well within acceptable parameters. What about Project: Midnight?" I asked.

"Project: Midnight is progressing well. There were a few... hiccups with the prototype, but I'm confident it will be finished, and you should have a battalion's worth of them by the end of the year."

"And Project: Junglefowl?"

"Since that one is the most comprehensive design you provided us, and the closest to our current tech base, we expect it to be completed soon, and the first batch of them should be ready in a month, maybe less. I have to say, it's going to be a real terror on the battlefield, especially with its added height and that droid brain fitted into it instead of an actual crew."

"And Arclight?"

"That one should be finished in a year and a half to two years. The teams are already on their way to Illum and should find enough crystals big enough by the deadline that's been set. I still don't know how you know where you got the location of that planet. There's a reason the Jedi don't let anyone near their precious kyber crystals. Just like they keep their emotions locked up like idiots! Leaving people behind because it's 'the will of the force' instead of keeping them safe!"

I jerked to my right as a nearby cup shattered against a wall, and I immediately placed my hand on her shoulder.

"Easy, Lona. Don't let your emotions control your actions." I said.

The togruta closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths, her montrals and Lekku twitching slightly as I felt the pressure in the air lessen dramatically.

"Sorry, sir." She muttered after a moment.

"It's alright. ...Let's head to the training room, I think you need to blow off some steam." I replied.

Another press of the button, and the room reverted back to normal. I gently guided the togruta out of the room, and we walked away from the engineering department.

One of the other reasons I didn't say was as you probably expect. Lona is force sensitive, and for a small part of her life she was apparently in the Jedi Order. She doesn't like to talk about her past much, besides whatever slips out when she gets angry, or what we talked about when she revealed her force prowess on accident, and scans showed no trace of a slave chip, so I could only guess at what her grudge against the Order was.

She was in the Order at one point in her life, because she had a lightsaber, green in color, and the skills necessary to use it, not to mention the force powers. Other than that, I had no clue of her past besides what little she's explained, and the records about her life were probably still at the Jedi Temple. My best guess was that she was abandoned by a master who was about as emotional as a brick after a mission went bad, and they believed her dead, probably somewhere in the Outer Rim. She's probably been out of the Order for most of her teen and adult life, considering how she carries herself like the average citizen.

The two of us walked into the training room/gym that the facility had. A few people were walking out, having just finished some exercising.

If anything, I am considerate to the health and wellbeing of my employees. Gyms, cafeterias with fresh meat and greens, recreational rooms with a few earth games I thought to introduce, and even a few bedrooms for those that are too tired to drive home or were pulling an all-nighter. A happy worker is a productive worker, or something like that. Something that a lot of companies in this universe have never even heard of.

Cough Trade Federation Cough.

"Are you ready?" I asked as we stepped onto a large mat.

"Just go easy on me, you are a droid, after all." Lona replied, activating her lightsaber and giving me a knowing smirk.

Lona is the one being in this universe that I've spoken with about being a former human from another galaxy, and that only happened because she noticed that I had the force presence of a human, instead of a droid. That was shortly after she became head engineer, and one very, very long conversation later, she threw out the term 'plane-walker', some sort of encompassing term for extra-galactic beings that found themselves in the Corusica galaxy through some cosmic coincidence.

I refrained from telling her that this whole place in my universe was a movie/Tv/Video game series made by some guy in the 70's to the 2020's, since that's the kind of nonsense that gets a person -or droid, in my case- disassembled, killed or locked up in an insane asylum.

And yes, the Republic did name the galaxy and called it a derivative of Coruscant.

An interesting thing I learned about myself when Lona and I began sparring, is that I actually have a force presence. Unfortunately, or fortunately, I suppose, I'm not force sensitive. According to her, my presence in the force is like a dense fog with no clear beginning or end, and she can't tell what my future holds, which didn't fill me with confidence when I first learned it. Frankly, I'm surprised that Ahsoka or Anakin weren't shocked by the fact I have a force presence, but I suppose they were rather distracted by combat at the time.

As for why I didn't kill Ahsoka or Cad Bane, let me explain. Bane has his uses, and I intend on hiring him for a few jobs while I can, to get a few things that I need for the future, and to kill a few people that need to be killed, like a certain red skinned Zabrak with spider legs that should have stayed dead on Naboo. But the time will come when he is no longer of use to me. When that time comes, the droid army will descend upon him, and he will not leave that battle alive.

As for Ahsoka, I'm not killing a literal child, even if she's an accomplished warrior by the end of the war. Call me what you like, but I draw the line at killing children. And I am aware of the fact that most of the clones are younger than her, but they look like adults, and act like adults, and they're going to die in this war either way, be it from a normal droid or from me.

"I promise I won't leave you with too many bruises." I replied, pulling out my lightsaber and igniting it on low power.

Her smirk widened slightly, and she lunged at me.

We collided with the hiss of plasma. I dodged a strike from her, then slashed down at her. She parried my strike and almost hit me in the midsection, but I jumped back a few feet and shot a stun round at Lona. She slashed the ring in half and grabbed me with the force, bringing me towards her blade. I blocked the blade and flipped over her, landing right behind her. I grabbed her by the shoulders and tossed her across the mat. Lona landed on her feet and threw her lightsaber at me. I ducked under the saber, and rolled to the left when she pulled it back towards her.

"You've learned." Lona commented as we circled each other.

"Part of the programming." I replied, slashing down on her.

"It can't be just the programming." Lona blocked my strike and pushed me back with the force. "I know you were a human once; I can feel it through the force."

I slid past a slash and tagged her on the shoulder. "That too, but probably more the programming, there isn't anything organic in here, after all." I tapped my chestplate. "1-0, by the way."

Lona groaned good-naturedly, and we reset our places.

After coming out with me ahead, ending with a score of 3-5, we ended the spar, and depowered our sabers. Sweat glistened off of Lona's reddish skin, and my servomotors whirred louder than normal from the extensive use. A glance at my chronometer told me that we had been sparing for half an hour, the longest amount of time we had spared so far.

"Well... that was... fun." Lona said between breaths.

"And educational for your saber training." I replied. "Your muscle memory has improved since we've begun."

"It's only been a week and a half since we've started sparring." She muttered.

"You may not have noticed it, but I can tell you have improved."

The conversation lapsed into silence for a few minutes, the only sounds being Lona's breathing and the gentle hum of the ventilation. Eventually, she spoke.

"...Thanks, by the way. For helping me." Lona said, holding one arm as she looked at the ground.

"You're welcome, Lona." I replied, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm glad you deemed me a good enough teacher, at least." I joked.

"You're the only one I could find." Lona sarcastically replied, a smirk on her face as she leaned on me.

If I still had a face, I would have raised an eyebrow at her. I instead settled for letting her faceplant on the mat.

"I hate you." She mumbled into the floor.

"The feeling's mutual, Lona." I replied in the most sarcastic voice I could manage.

Just then, someone called me on my communicator. I quickly pulled it out and answered it, and the hologram of my admiral popped up as Lona got back to her feet.

"General, there's a message for you in the command center." 25 reported.

"I'll be there in a moment." I replied. 25 hung up, and I turned to Lona. "I have a message, probably from Dooku himself."

"Can I come?" Lona asked.

"...Sure, why not."


"General Blitzkrieg, return to Geonosis for a refit and for new ships to be added to your fleet. Your next mission will require a much stronger force than the one you currently have." The Christopher Lee lookalike's recorded voice echoed out over my quarters as the mission details loaded into my brain.

"Stronger force? What, am I invading Naboo or something?" I muttered.

After a few moments, Lona decided to speak.

"So.... can I come with you?" She asked.

"...Absolutely not!" I exclaimed after seeing her serious expression.

"Why not?"

"Dooku could potentially be there, and I'd rather you stay alive than be killed by him, or worse, turned to the dark side."

"Fine. ...What about on your next mission?"

I crossed my arms and tried to glare at her with my three photoreceptors.

"You're going to keep pestering me until I let you come along, aren't you?" I asked in a deadpan tone.

"Yep. I've been stuck on this planet for far too long. Besides, you've needed a head engineer on the Finest Hour for a while anyway."

My vents cycled in air and expelled it in a sigh. "Well, you are on track to be promoted onto the ship anyway."

"And we could continue my training as well."

I somehow sighed even deeper, then looked at her. "Fine, you can come with me. But you are staying on the Finest Hour the entire time we are in orbit of Geonosis. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir."

Lona left to pack, and I sent out a recall signal to my strongest units, telling them to return to my fleet.

Hopefully I would be gone from Geonosis long before the Republic invaded it, because I have no desire to waste my troops in that meat grinder.


Geonosis is a very dry planet.

I mean, it's obviously dry, since it's a desert planet. But considering that I had been nowhere near a desert in either of my lives, the sheer lack of humidity was surprising, to say the absolute least. Lona was also surprised about how dry Geonosis was from the weather report from the surface and decided to not pester me about heading planet side, instead remaining on the Finest Hour.

"Query: This main factory we are heading to, couldn't it be better utilized to create more of my model?" H1-01 asked as we flew down to the planet in my personal stealthipede. "Prideful addition: The HK-50 line would be much better at warfare than these B1s could ever hope to be in their mechanical lives."

"I agree, but that isn't up to me, yet." I replied as the ship set down.

"Additional query: Why do we even need to come down to the surface to requisition more troops? This feels very inefficient."

"Tell me about it. Apparently, I have to come down to the surface to authenticate my presence."

H1 and I walked out of the ship and into the ray-shielded factory.

Unseen to any of the natives or droids, a small probe droid, designed after a small bird native to Telos IV, flew out of the ship and into a nearby entrance, keeping high to the ceiling to avoid detection. The little droid flew through chamber after chamber, flying ever deeper into the hive factory until it found an unattended console.

It landed on the console and plugged into it, its sizable databanks taking as much knowledge as it could about the HAATs. A short time later, and everything about the HAAT was downloaded into the droid's databanks. It quickly erased its presence from the terminal and flew back to my stealthipede, which uploaded the designs and sent them to the Finest Hour.

While all that happened, I met with Duke Poggle and his Tactical Droid assistant.

"Duke Poggle." I greeted.

"Welcome to Geonosis, BZ-KG." The Archduke replied. "Count Dooku said you need troops and supplies for a new mission. We have a new fighting vehicle that needs to be tested, and I believe your new mission will be the perfect test of its capabilities. TX-21 will requisition whatever else you need; I have a droid factory to oversee."

The Geonosian turned back to his holotank, where a display said that the factory was nearing 50% production capacity. TX-21 turned to me.

"Greetings, BZ-KG." The Tactical Droid greeted, his ever-present monotone voice echoing slightly off the high ceiling.

"TX-21. My new mission is to the Pantora system, I require an invasion force large enough to both blockade the planet and secure the surface." I replied.

"We have three Lukrehulks that can be added to your fleet, along with six Munificents and four Recuscants. Is that acceptable?"

"It is. Where are they located?"

"They are located in the southern hemisphere, all of them have been in docked for repairs, and are remnants of Admiral Trench's fleet, after he lost both Christophsis and his life."

"Good. I will take my leave then to oversee their addition to my fleet."

"Is there anything else you require?"

"...I do need more droids in my ships. I left Geonosis with depleted numbers when I liberated Telos."

"I will requisition reinforcements to be added to your fleet as soon as possible."

With that, H1 and I left. On our way back to my stealthipede, I received a report from the probe droid detailing the success of its mission to find the schematics of the HAAT. I mentally filed that into high priority and set a reminder to transmit it to Telos IV once I got back to the Finest Hour.

After setting the new coordinates to the southern hemisphere, I sat down and leaned my head against the headrest, turning off my optics. A few simulations danced through my head of projected battles I may have to fight on the marshy world of Pantora.

A few minutes after the ship took off, H1 decided to speak.

"Query: What are you doing?" The red plated droid asked.

"I am resting my optics and running battle simulations." I replied.

"Statement: Ah, then I shall stand guard for you while you rest like a meatbag, General."

"I can and will remove your vocalizer and reformat you into a cooking droid for Lona."

"Mocking statement: Oh, please do, General. It will certainly alleviate my boredom of being your personal bodyguard and not fighting alongside you."

"You need only ask to fight with me, you know."

"Pleased statement: I shall certainly take you up on that offer in the near future, sir."

Just then, the ship shuddered. I immediately reactivated my optics, stood up, and moved to the cockpit, H1 following close behind.

"Status report." I ordered.

"We've got fighters on our tail!" The B1 pilot reported.

"Put all power into rear shielding and forward thrusters, we need to get to the fleet or else-"

I slammed into the side of the cockpit when something hit the ship.

"We're hit! Brace for crash landing!"

H1 latched onto the side of the ship, and I grabbed onto the roof of the ship and locked my joints just in time for the ship to hit the ground. A horrible grinding noise reverberated through the ship as we skidded across the rocky ground.

After what felt like an ungodly amount of time, the grinding finally stopped as the ship finally ground to a halt.

"...Alright, who's alive?" I asked after catching my metaphorical breath.

"Damage report: I am operating at 100% efficiency." H1 reported. "Prideful addition: It will take more than an atmospheric crash to destroy a HK unit."

"I'm alright too." The B1 pilot reported.

The probe droid chirped an affirmative and perched on my shoulder.

"What happened, anyway?" The B1 asked as H1 and I walked to the back of the ship.

"I fear the Republic may be invading Geonosis." I replied.

I clicked the button to lower the ships ramp.

Nothing happened.

I clicked it again, and a brief, strained whirring accompanied by a clank sounded off from some mechanism in the ship.

"Kriff it." I muttered.

I pulled my lightsaber out of the compartment in my right thigh, ignited it, and plunged it into the ramp of the ship.

"Whoa, you have a lightsaber!?" The B1 exclaimed as I cut a hole through the durasteel of the ramp. "I never thought I'd get to see one of those in my life."

"Be glad you're not on the receiving end of it then." I commented as I finished the cut.

I deactivated my lightsaber and placed it back into my thigh, then reared back, and slammed my fists into the ramp. The cut out durasteel flew off and clanged onto the dusty ground. I glanced behind me to see H1 quickly checking over his blaster rifle, while the pilot pulled out his RG-4D blaster pistol. I pulled out my communicator and displayed a small holographic map of Geonosis.

"We will need to head west to regroup with the nearest droid force. Looks like this is a planet-wide invasion, if the reports I'm getting are any help." I explained as multiple notifications popped up on my Hud.

It seemed that the Second Battle of Geonosis had begun... and I was stuck on the planet while it happened.
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Sarcastic comment: The jedi are incredible guardians, they leave their young ones behind in a frozen planet if they are not fast enough to come back.
Proposition: Waiting for the Jedi to journey to Illum and wait for them to go back to Coruscant and investigate if anyone was left behind to persuade them to join us.
Joyful Statement: Dumb meatbags, glory to BZ-KG!!
Looks like papa Palpatine tried to fuck with the old blitz. Hope the battle turns out differently when the update to all droids gets forcefully upload patched to the whole planet full of droids and their factories...
So he has his own Force Sensitive with him...
I foresee many great things happening...
And the shenanigans that follow too!

Welcome to The Battle of Geonosis: Electric Boogaloo!
Time to turn what was once a defeat...
Into a victory!
For the CIS!
Hmm, feels like a lot of the stuff from last chapter was rolled back. Would it not have a better narrative flow to just edit the previous chapter? Rewrite it to where the ideas he gave them didn't entirely pan out but lead into the new designs, instead of them supposedly working but he scrapped for no stated reason?
On the topic of my slowly growing tech and weaponry, I decided to scrap most of the earth tech for my military, besides a few revolvers and rifles for civilian use. Even though it would be cool to see an HK-50 holding a Star Wars tech enhanced MG-42 with an attached ammo backpack, I decided to discontinue the project, due to them being deemed a waste of resources.

Why? This is not explained in the story. SW weapons have much more efficient ammo storage and more ammo, but by most other parameters they are inferior. They certainly have a much smaller effective range (due to the low speed of the bolts) and are far less stealthy.

Speaking of the tank, I thought about it, and decided upon not creating the Abrams design soon after returning to Telos IV.

Again, why? This is also not explained. While I see some advantages to not reproducing the entire design from scratch, there are certainly a lot of elements that can be retained. If nothing else, the relatively low complexity of the design means that it can be manufactured cheaper and in higher quantities, on less advanced worlds. It's a somewhat similar concept as the use of the T34 tanks in WW2 by the Russians. Those tanks were not the best but they were cheap and were manufactured in enormous numbers.

If anything, I am considerate to the health and wellbeing of my employees. Gyms, cafeterias with fresh meat and greens, recreational rooms with a few earth games I thought to introduce, and even a few bedrooms for those that are too tired to drive home or were pulling an all-nighter.

So, where is this? There is very little setup and description of the situation. How did the MC assemble something that sounds like an equivalent to an enormous corporation with research and manufacturing centers?

Sweat glistened off of Lona's reddish skin, and my servomotors whirred louder than normal from the extensive use.

It would be more interesting and would make more sense to mention that he was overheating and there was a sound of cooling fans or something. Also, some overstressed joints or armor plates could be affected. In an extreme condition, there could be ticking sounds of cooling systems, like from a hot engine.

"...I do need more droids in my ships. I left Geonosis with depleted numbers when I liberated Telos."

"I will requisition reinforcements to be added to your fleet as soon as possible."

With that, H1 and I left.

OK, so he flew down from orbit and landed on the planet for a 5-minute conversation? Something that could have and should have been handled over the comms? At the very least he could have mentioned the silliness of this type of meeting.
The MC has the entire holocron library of Telos and hasn't given a single one to his new ex-Jedi friend?
Why? This is not explained in the story. SW weapons have much more efficient ammo storage and more ammo, but by most other parameters they are inferior. They certainly have a much smaller effective range (due to the low speed of the bolts) and are far less stealthy.

Again, why? This is also not explained. While I see some advantages to not reproducing the entire design from scratch, there are certainly a lot of elements that can be retained. If nothing else, the relatively low complexity of the design means that it can be manufactured cheaper and in higher quantities, on less advanced worlds. It's a somewhat similar concept as the use of the T34 tanks in WW2 by the Russians. Those tanks were not the best but they were cheap and were manufactured in enormous numbers.

So, where is this? There is very little setup and description of the situation. How did the MC assemble something that sounds like an equivalent to an enormous corporation with research and manufacturing centers?

It would be more interesting and would make more sense to mention that he was overheating and there was a sound of cooling fans or something. Also, some overstressed joints or armor plates could be affected. In an extreme condition, there could be ticking sounds of cooling systems, like from a hot engine.

OK, so he flew down from orbit and landed on the planet for a 5-minute conversation? Something that could have and should have been handled over the comms? At the very least he could have mentioned the silliness of this type of meeting.
The MC has the entire holocron library of Telos and hasn't given a single one to his new ex-Jedi friend?
Also, no effort into creating Molecular Bounded Beskar Armor?
Certain things go way too fast and some things, way too slow.
Like moving all those factories, too fast, just drilling the holes alone, that's a five year project.
It would be easier to move it all underwater, you know.
And how did the SI get HK unit blueprints?

I think there is too much telling, too little showing and waaay too little plot or considerations for things like construction times and the like.
The SI left with End-products, how did he get the blueprints for them?
Reverse Engineering would take a while, since damage control is more of the chip type 1567 goes in slot B, chip 85369001 goes in slot C, ect, ect, on board type 567-CR-78654-JTY-001.

I also wonder why the SI has not invested any time & money, into artificial limbs and the like, if only for the fake skin covering.
Being able to hide you're a droid, could be quite the advancement, you know.
Also, Mustafar is where HK-47 ended up at, so deployment to that planet is actually the more logical choice for the SI to get HK blueprints, at all.
And while there is a old HK-50 droid factory on Telos IV, nothing is ever said about it, let alone finding it, directly.
Too much is glossed over, our dear writer is forgetting we readers, can't read his thoughts.


Recitation: Yes, as I said, I am an assassin droid. It is my primary function to burn holes through meatbags that you wish removed from the galaxy… Master. Oh, how I hate that term.HK-47, to Meetra Surik, on his functionality HK-47 was a Hunter-Killer series assassin droid and Jedi hunter...

HK-50 series assassin droid

The HK-50 series assassin droid was a HK series assassin/protocol droid model designed by Revan after the Mandalorian Wars. Like their predecessors, these droids possessed incredible linguistic skills and highly sadistic tendencies. The primary function of the HK-50 droids, as they stated it...

HK-series assassin droid

The HK-series assassin droid, also known as the HK series protocol droid, was a series of combination of assassin droids and protocol droids. The series designation stands for "Hunter Killer," befitting their primary functions as assassins. They were originally manufactured by Czerka...


Mustafar was a small planet located in the Mustafar system of the Outer Rim Territories, coreward of Rutan, between the Hydian Way and the Ninth Quadrant. A fiery volcanic world where an unusual type of lava was mined as a natural resource, Mustafar often served as a place to dispose of unwanted...

Unidentified Hammerhead-class cruiser

A Hammerhead-class cruiser was in service during the times of the Old Republic. Its wreck was found thousands of years later on the planet Mustafar. At an unknown point in time during or after the Galactic War,[7][8][9] during the Old Republic era, the cruiser crashed on the volcanic world of...

Neimoidian droid factory

We finished construction of our new factory. Based off of the design of the droid found in the crashed ship, we were able to make a new combat droid of incredible power. The factory is fully stocked and ready to be activated. With these new droids we will be unstoppable.A Neimoidian separatist...
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Well, that's quite the cluster fuck he finds him self in, and a perfect opportunity to take over quite a few CIS computer systems. Thanks for the chapter.
I think some of the complaints are valid. I still can't tell if this is Disney or legends. It makes a very BIG difference. In Disney canon, engagement ranges between spaceships are in kilometers, in legends it's several light seconds.

Blasters are actually outright better in legends and move at lightspeed. The red trail it leaves behind is the air turning to plasma in its wake.

In Disney canon the republic has about 3 thousand star systems under its control. In legends this is roughly 1.1 million. CIS has quadrillions of droids, and the clones are million legions, not a million clones.

Legends physical feats are also an order of magnitude greater on the higher end, as it's not uncommon for named Sith Lords to survive getting thrown through a mountain or survive kiloton explosions, while in Disney canon they still have human tier survivability.
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Conversation with an Ex-Jedi
AN: I originally meant to put this out before chapter 6, so... just consider this chapter 5.5. I mean, it is the Clone Wars after all, I'm pretty sure this is in line for how some seasons aired their episodes.

I cannot for the life of me find a definite dating method for Star Wars besides a ten-month or twelve-month calendar and the names of the days of the 5-day week. So, for a lack of a better option, I'm using the twelve-month calendar from Legends with month names taken from our own calendar. And for those of you that are confused at all about whether or not this is Canon or Legends, I don't know either, so just assume it's mostly Canon with some Legends bits sprinkled in for now.

Also, here's short timeline.

General Blitzkrieg came online on May the 4th (be with you) and arrived at Telos on the 7th. Over the next two months would be the Battle of Telos IV, Battle of Devaron, the unveiling of the Starlight, and Blitzkrieg going around Telos revamping the entire surface to serve the Confederacy's military while assisting with their environment.

This conversation takes place shortly after the end of chapter 5, which the ending of, and this chapter, takes place on June the 19th. And Dooku's message telling Blitz to head to Geonosis happened on July the 5th.

Lona and I walked down a hallway inside the TVEC building, after I had 'officially' discontinued the MG-42 and moved around resources and personnel to other projects.

Unofficially, however, a small batch of around fifty were created and shipped out to worlds with heavy bounty hunter traffic to gauge their reactions, along with a few dozen Cycler Rifles modified with a faster muzzle velocity and able to take aerodynamic bullets.

One rather embarrassing problem I learned about clone armor was that they were slugthrower-proof/resistant. Turns out the entire set of clone armor I used for testing purposes was defective, hence why the Garand round tore through it like paper. Against plastoid armor that wasn't defective, they simply embedded themselves into the armor, or shattered into pieces against it if it was at a bad angle.

Not exactly such a war winning weapon after I learned that. And man did I feel stupid when I found out my data was from defective fucking armor.

Interestingly, I was having better luck with the Cycler Rifles, which were essentially just miniaturized railguns. They weren't the best at penetrating plastoid, only able to penetrate the thinnest parts when unmodified, but they made up for the lackluster armor piercing capabilities by being able to hit about as hard as a freight train. The force of the bullet caused massive internal damage without even entering the body in simulations due to how hard they hit. With aerodynamic bullets, however, their range was massively increased.

While we walked through the halls of the still under construction complex, however, I couldn't help but notice that Lona kept glancing at me in what looked to be confusion, curiosity… and wariness, which I thought was odd.

"Something on your mind, Lona?" I asked.

The togruta jerked slightly, but quickly recovered and looked over at me.

"...W-what do you mean?" She asked.

"You glance at me every three to five seconds." I elaborated.

"I've just... never seen a droid like you, that's all." She quickly responded, averting her gaze from me.

"I suppose that's fair, I am a prototype, after all. But that doesn't explain the confusion prevalent on your face, and the way you carry yourself like you expect an attack at any point."

"I... don't know what you're talking about."

I decided to test her, and turned to her rapidly, optics dialed up in an intimidating glare of light. Lona immediately backed into a subtle, and familiar, yet sloppy, fighting stance. She rapidly glanced around, and I could see how she coiled up like a snake, her muscles tensing as she readied herself to fight or flee. A sort of pressure seemed to permeate throughout the hallway, and my plating felt restricted as some invisible force seemed to layer itself onto me.

"...You have some sort of training, more than a simple engineer can have." I observed.

"I... have training in self-defense." Lona responded.

"You keep hesitating when you speak, which does not help. And I doubt whatever 'self-defense training' you took included the normal stance that a trained Force Sensitive uses." I remarked, my rapidly forming thought turning true as the pressure on my plating seemed to double after I took a step towards her. I stopped and raised my arms slightly in a peaceful gesture. "There are many sects of force users across the galaxy that you could have learned that stance from, like the Nightsisters of Dathomir, the Baran Do Sages of Dorin, the Green Jedi of Corellia, and most prevalent and the largest in the galaxy, the Jedi Order of Coruscant. Am I getting close?"

Lona looked at me with a myriad of emotions crossing her face, as her montrals and lekku twitched rapidly.

"I'm not a force user." She snapped hotly.

"The pressure currently making the outer plating of my chest and limbs compress .13 millimeters inwards says otherwise." I immediately replied.

Lona's eyes widened fractionally, and the pressure immediately dropped. We stared at each other, tension so thick you could cut it with a dull knife, both of us still as statues. Finally, after around ten seconds, Lona seemed to come to a decision, and slumped out of her fighting stance.

"Fine, I can't hide it with someone as observant as you, calculating my every move, word and action. ...Just arrest me now and get it over with." Lona said, her voice low as she held her hands out for them to be put in cuffs.

"And why would I arrest you?" I asked.

"Because you'll just stun me then haul me to Dooku if I try to escape. Because I'm force sensitive and I'm not as skilled as I once was, so I'd be easy to capture."

I looked down at the togruta who seemed to be shrinking in on herself the longer I looked at her, pupils dilated in barely contained fear.

"...You are mistaken. I have no interest in arresting you for simply being a force user. If anything, you have simply piqued my interest as to how a trained force user as young as yourself ended up on Telos, alone." I responded.

Lona jerked up and stared at me, wariness clear to see in her eyes. I took a step back and gestured to a doorway to an empty conference room.

"Shall we take this out of a public hallway?" I queried.

Lona nodded stiffly, and the two of us walked into the room and sat down on opposing sides of the table in the center of it.

"Before I ask any questions, I want you to know that I do things differently than the other officers in the Confederacy. This conversation does not leave this room, and I will say nothing of this to Count Dooku. You are free to tell me the truth, and I will not hold any of it against you. I am not going to harm you for simply being force sensitive, and if you choose to leave, I will allow you to return to your life as a civilian." I explained. "So... Who are you?"

For a few moments, Lona stayed quiet, numerous emotions flashing across her face until it settled upon acceptance, and she sighed, eyes closed and head drooping until she finally spoke.

"I am... or was, Jedi Padawan Lona Hys of the Coruscant Jedi Order." She explained.

"How did you arrive on Telos IV?" I asked.

"I've been a drifter for most of my life, floating from planet to planet doing odd jobs, and a little bit of mercenary work when I feel like it. I've been across quite a lot of the Outer Rim. Tatooine, Crait, Kessel, Ryloth, most of the bigger names. I ended up on Telos... five years ago, on a merchant ship from Jabiim. I came to like this place while I was here, so I decided to stay for a while, and eventually I got caught up with the anti-corporation rebels for a bit. Then you came, and our job suddenly became redundant with your hostile takeover of the big businesses. After that, I decided to put my sizable knowledge in engineering to use and joined the TVEC."

"How did you end up as a drifter? More to the point, why did you not return to the Jedi Order?"

"I... don't want to talk about it."

"Fair enough. Your past is your own, as long as it doesn't come into conflict with future events. Although, if you decided not to return to the Order, does that mean that the time you spent there was not to your liking?"

"N-no. Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy my time there. I just… have a few problems with them now, since I've lived out here for most of my life and seen everything that they haven't done. I mean, I've been out here trying to make change, instead of kicking my feet up on Coruscant, haven't I?"

"Good point."

I tapped my finger on the table a few times and was about to speak when Lona spoke first.

"Why does my past interest you?" She asked.

"I find that learning a person's past can be beneficial in learning about who they are now. And I find that how a person carries themself says quite a bit about their experiences, and what they want in life." I explained after a moment.

"Then what do you see in me?"

"...When I look at you, I see someone who has experienced true hardship from living most of her life in the Outer Rim. Someone who has seen how far the Republic has fallen into corruption, and how they abandoned everyone here to pirates, the crime syndicates, and the Hutts, all while they sat in their ivory towers. When I look at you, I see someone who is practically begging for a chance to fight for what they believe is right in the universe."

"And you got all that from our brief conversation so far?"

"Mostly, that and how you carry yourself as someone who has seen so much, and the pain and sorrow in your eyes that is plain to see even to a droid."

"...I guess I have seen a lot of osik in my time. I do wish I could have saved that slave girl on Tatooine before..."

Lona trailed off, eyes glistening as she no doubt remembered some memories she had repressed over the years. I slowly moved my hand over and placed it on her own, drawing her out of her memories and back to me after a gentle squeeze.

"It is alright to mourn the past. But you must not lose yourself within it, or you will never see what is happening right in front of you." I said, trying to comfort the togruta.

"T-thanks." She said as she dried her eyes, a small smile on her face. "...You're good at that sort of stuff, you know? I almost felt like I was back at the Temple, learning from Master Yoda for a moment."

I let out a chuckle. "Being a droid means I have the entire Holonet at my fingertips. I think I can easily play a therapist."

"But you don't feel like a droid." Lona mumbled.

"What was that?" I asked.

Lona looked at me, surprised that I heard her.

"Uh, n-nothing." She lied. "Just an idle thought."

"You said something, what was it? This conversation does not leave this room, remember?"

Lona thought for a moment, but soon came to a decision. She looked me right in the optics, and her next words shocked me to the very core.

"You don't feel like a droid, General Blitzkrieg." Lona said.

"I-… Impossible. I am a droid; I am not organic." I replied, trying desperately to keep my voice even.

'I'm a droid, there are no organic parts in me. How did she figure it out?!' I thought.

"It has to be true!" Lona exclaimed. "You have a force presence, almost like an organic being's! Almost the same as a human's!"

I stared at her for a moment, then leaned back in my chair, staring at the ceiling, mind racing as simulation after simulation started in my tactical computer. I had failed to account for me potentially having a force presence.

"You aren't a normal droid, are you?" Lona queried after a few moments. "Droids don't have an organic's force presence, even if they haven't had a memory wipe in thousands of years. You can't be a normal droid. The only way you'd have a force presence is if you were human or another organic being, and I'm very sure we don't have that sort of tech."

Thousands of simulations ran through my head, and all of them attempted to lay out my next move. Eventually, all of them were completed, and I knew what I had to do. Or rather, what I had to say.

"No, I'm not." I acquiesced.

The truth.

"Then what are you?" Lona asked.

"I was human… once."

"Once? You mean you aren't human now?"

"I still feel human but being a droid, it hampers most of the humanity in me. The lack of tactile sensations in everything but my hands still feels weird, even after nearly two months of existing here. I am working on something for that but..."

"I wonder how a human managed to have his force presence placed into a droid. Unless it was one of those extremely rare hyperspace things." Lona theorized.

"Hyperspace things?"

"Well, there are asylums dedicated to people that have studied hyperspace too deeply. And there are... for lack of a better term, 'creatures' that sometimes exist in hyperspace. It's extremely rare, but it has been documented."

"And you think that I could have been brought here by a 'hyperspace thing'?"

Lona looked down at the table for a moment, deep in thought. Then, almost as if a physical lightbulb lit up right above her, she shot back up and looked at me.

"I know! You might be what's called a 'planewalker'. A mythical extragalactic being that is brought into our universe through some unknown means, likely the Force. There were some really old records I saw that said something about rumors of a planewalker showing up right around the time of the Jedi Civil War." She explained.

"How do you even know that?" I asked.

"I might have snuck into the restricted section of the archives at one point." She replied with a sly grin. "Madame Jocasta might have been an ornery old woman, but she still needed to leave the archives at some point."

Lona's mischievousness aside, the fact that the Corusica galaxy actually had a name for isekai bullshit was… slightly concerning. Although, I was a little bit more concerned about who exactly was here before me, if they even existed in the first place. They were rumors, according to Lona, and even if I started looking into it, I had never actually played any of the KOTOR games in my previous life. So, I wouldn't even know what was actually in 'canon' compared to what had changed here.

But the fact that someone else had been thrown into the Star Wars universe -the very same one that I'm in now- was what surprised me the most. People in my situation almost never interacted with each other, and the thought that another 'isekai' had been in this galaxy before me bothered me slightly. Even though the chances of them being alive are absolutely going to be zero by now, they could potentially have left a holocron or something behind if they were force sensitive.

If there really was someone from earth that ended up here like me, I needed to know if they left anything behind. Perhaps they kept some tech around from the Old Republic era that is 'lost' now.

I filed that thought away and turned my attention back to Lona, who was looking at me like she expected an answer.

"What?" I asked.

"I asked if you really were a planewalker." Lona replied. "Because if you are one, then the one from the records could have potentially existed as well. But I'm guessing from how quiet you went when I mentioned rumors about one a couple thousand years ago, that I was right."

"...You're right. I am a planewalker, albeit an unintentional one."

"Awesome! Wait, really? How did that happen?"

"I'm not too sure, to be honest. The last thing I remember from my previous life was driving home from work, but everything between then and coming online in my quarters aboard the Harbinger's Greed is fuzzy."

"Maybe it's a problem from being dragged across galaxies?"


The conversation lapsed into silence for a minute or so. I plugged into a table mounted port and surfed the holonet for the previous planewalker back in the Old Republic, but unfortunately it was mostly just a few forums filled with theories, or stories by a few fantasy authors romanticizing a mostly undocumented time.

"So… do I get to keep my job?" Lona suddenly asked, pulling me out of my thoughts and the holonet.

"You've just proven that 'planewalkers' are an actual fact instead of a myth, and your first thought after the fact is your job?" I replied after a moment to process what she asked.

"Hey, don't get me wrong. I am absolutely ecstatic about finding out one of my favorite myths is actually true, but there's still a war going on, remember?"

"True. Considering this entire conversation is heavily classified and personal for both of us, I believe it's in both our best interests if you're placed on the Finest Hour as a promotion in the near future. 25 has been bothering me for a head engineer anyway."

"I think that's for the best. And considering both of us have a lightsaber, we could also spar and improve our skills. Or my skills, really. I'm pretty sure I haven't actually fought with my saber in six years."

"You haven't fought with your saber in six years?"

"Nope, I've always been too busy working to keep food on the table. I'm probably going to be horrible at it."

"...I guess we'll need to rectify that then."

"I guess, I mean I was never the best at dueling in the first place. I can take apart and rebuild a speeder engine in around five minutes but tell me to beat someone in a lightsaber duel and... well, don't bet on me is all I'll say."

"So, you are less of a fighter than the Jedi currently acting as generals and commanders, and prefer your current job as a head engineer more?"

"Pretty much, yeah."

"Then I will not push you into combat until we are both sure you are ready."

"...Thanks." Lona looked at me with a new light in her eyes.

"You are welcome, Lona. Now, let us talk about a few new projects I have in mind..."

AN: I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

If you couldn't tell, I'm trying to improve my dialogue with this.

Also, who could this previous 'planewalker' be?
There's no way it'd have been a big name like Revan, or galactic history would have been radically different. Beyond that, who knows?

It also couldn't be Revan because then the events of swtor wouldn't happen, and thus the two thousand years of darkness wouldn't happen. Tech levels in Star Wars devolved to literal wooden sail ships for awhile.

Tech levels in clone wars era are lower than swtor era by a decent margin.
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