SYRINE - Into the Grim Darkness of the Far future (Warhammer 40,000/Isekai)

Getting to shoot a real boltgun has to be every 40k fans dream, being able to do so accurately and without bowling yourself over is even better.
And shes getting herself some armor! There is no way they will let her get away with just using some regular set of power armor.
Who wants to bet the tech priests are going to fall over each other trying to cram the best tech they can possibly get into it with Kryptorer using his Dominus title as a club to get everyone to ignore the possible tech-heresy.

Also im wondering how a meeting between Syrine and Celestine would go. Celestine has the wings but i bet Syrines halo is far shinier and she can play her secret card of making people see a second hand impression of the Emperors light so its hard to say who can put on the better ligth show.
Getting to shoot a real boltgun has to be every 40k fans dream, being able to do so accurately and without bowling yourself over is even better.
And shes getting herself some armor! There is no way they will let her get away with just using some regular set of power armor.
Who wants to bet the tech priests are going to fall over each other trying to cram the best tech they can possibly get into it with Kryptorer using his Dominus title as a club to get everyone to ignore the possible tech-heresy.

Also im wondering how a meeting between Syrine and Celestine would go. Celestine has the wings but i bet Syrines halo is far shinier and she can play her secret card of making people see a second hand impression of the Emperors light so its hard to say who can put on the better ligth show.

Oh, oh, you are dead center on one of your predictions.

It has been a while Explosion~ san, are you enjoying the new season of Konosuba?

Denied access to observe Syrine's training, Maylin was pouting slightly as she wandered alone in the monastery.

The preacher could not help but feel that either the Sororitas had something against her, or they were hiding something with all their lame excuses. Still, Maylin was extremely grateful for this assignment, thus far it had been nothing but a magnificent blessing.

Just yesterday she was in the front row seat as Syrine commanded the battle sisters to confront the heretic forces at the scholastica, and it was beyond glorious. That scene of the Holy Daughter steadily dropping one order after another to secure a flawless victory was more breathtaking than she could ever have imagined. To further amplify her shock, Maylin later learned that it was the first time Syrine had ever directly taken command of a battlefield.

While still being dazzled by what she saw, later on the same day, during the wake session for the sisters fallen in their campaign, Maylin witnessed the Holy Daughter summoning angelic birds. She had heard about it happening once before at the monastery gate, but never imagined witnessing it with her own eyes so soon.

Seeing the God-Emperor's miracles manifested one after another was an extremely rare privilege in itself, the position also propelled Maylin to a meteoric rise within the Ecclesiastical ranks. The young preacher suddenly found herself frequently interacting with many of the Church's influential figures, higher-ups who had once seemed distant and untouchable were now directly contacting her.

It wasn't far from saying that Maylin was living the dream, more than once the preacher found herself staring into the mirror and wondering if she deserved all this. Everything happened so fast, the whiplash of changed fortune left her feeling stunned.

Determined to make her time productive, Maylin thought for a while before deciding to interview some of the sisters about their experience with the Holy Daughter.

* * *​

I blazed through training with all the guns available from the Sororitas armoury.

The comprehensive list includes an auto pistol, a bolter, a bolt pistol, a storm bolter, a condemnor boltgun, a plasma pistol, a meltagun, various combi-bolter variants, a hand flamer, a flamer and a relic inferno pistol. Of these the plasma pistol made the deepest impression as it literally fired miniature suns, it felt extra dangerous and even Alicya was looking more apprehensive when I practised a few shots with it. Still, my focus was on the operating and reloading procedure of the weapons as the shooting part was a no-brainer for me.

There were a few items which I was not encouraged to handle, namely the bigger versions of the famous Sororitas' holy trinity of weaponry: the heavy bolter, heavy flamer and multi-melta. Something to do with the tradition and the long held beliefs that it was beneath a commanding figure to operate heavy weapons.

After some persistence I was allowed to fire a single salvo from a heavy bolter. An ammo box was used since I was without a power armour to use the belt fed backpack. The bigger cousin of the bolter was much heavier and a rush to handle. It barked louder, kicked like a wild stallion, but was still manageable for me.

From my brief experience with the heavy bolter, I saw the reasons why it might be counter productive for a field commander to wield heavy weapons; these massive guns required a lot more attention to properly operate and its user could easily develop tunnel vision, an issue that could lead to dire circumstances on a dynamic battlefield.

Soon my ammunition was spent and the firing range was filled with splintered dummies, marking the end of my firearms crash course. It was time to move onto the next item on my to learn list: power armour.

After a short break while Welminah made a quick report of my progress, we proceeded to the primary armoury inside the monastery. The first thing I noticed about the place was the sheer frenzy of sounds. There was a constant clunking and clattering of material resonating throughout the whole space, a ceaseless hum of servomotors and hisses of pneumatic tools punctuating the air, all accompanied by the occasional sharp snap of power tools. The air was thick with the scent of machine oil, metal, ozone, mixed with the subtle tang of sweat.

Entering the place was like stepping into the heart of a mechanised hive, many things were moving and buzzing with chaotic but controlled purpose. The interior of the armoury was dimly lit with harsh lights that cast stark shadows from many weapon racks and armour stands.

It was a hive of activity with busy workbenches swarmed by working servitors, and every space was cluttered with parts, tools, and half-assembled gear. Holographic displays flicker with readouts and diagnostics, casting a bluish glow on the faces of the many tech-adepts in their activities.

At one of the walls rows of damaged Sororitas power armour stood at attention, their surfaces marred by the scars of battle, waiting to be repaired and maintained. Alicya moved swiftly, seemingly familiar with the place whereas Welminah fumbled along, like me her eyes were darting all over the place. Soon we reached the centre of this dizzying place where a typical looking tech-priest stood, the figure was hooded in crimson robe with a simple Omnissian axe in one hand.

As Alicya walked over to greet the figure, I activated my noospheric connection to look around. The tech-priest's digital signature was active and displayed a name: Hattie Ortaal.

'Enginseer Hattie.' Alicya greeted casually.

'Probationary palatine. I see you have esteemed guests with you.' The tech-priest responded in a synthetic voice that was definitely female, the only indication of gender since none was given away by her appearance.

'I would like you to meet Lady Syrine, the living saint candidate,' Alicya said excitedly. 'And have you met Sister Welminah before? She currently acts as Lady Syrine's personal assistant.'

'We have spoken a few times at the library,' Hattie exchanged a quick nod with Welminah before turning her optics to me.

'The fabled Holy Daughter, it is an honour. I am Enginseer Hattie Ortaal, overseer of this sanctified forge. May the Omnissiah bless thee.' The enginseer said, forming the sign of cog with her hands while looking at me while her glowing optics.

I smiled and nodded in response. 'Nice to meet you, Hattie.'

'I apologise for the sudden request, but would it be possible for you to immediately prepare an operational power armour for Lady Syrine?' Alicya asked, straight to the point.

'At this time when we are most pressed with repair rites from all the damaged wargear of the returned expeditionary forces?' Hattie gestured around us, hinting at the massive workload.

'Lady Syrine's request has priority.' Alicya said confidently.

'Very well, with me.' Hattie nodded and started walking, prompting an ancient-looking servo-skull to fall in behind her like a loyal pet. We followed her into another space that was treated with some sound insulation, muffling the frenzied cacophony of the forge. There were more Sororitas power armour here, but unlike the ones outside these appeared to be in pristine condition.

'I suppose we can start with a size S and tweak to optimise,' Hattie said after throwing me a quick glance, quoting at my less than formidable stature. The tech-priest then walked to a particular row of power armour that was slightly smaller than the rest. She pointed to those and said to me, 'please pick one and we can work from there.'

I looked at my options with complicated feelings. Back on Earth I had a hobby friend who openly declared it was his lifelong dream to put on a functioning power armour, to see and feel what it was like operating such a mythical piece of war gear. Back then his silly remark was backed by many in the hobby circle, like who could resist the notion of armouring up like a space marine?

And here I was, standing on the edge on realising that distant common dream but all my focus landed on an unfortunate detail on the power armours before me - those curvy breastplates tipped with an extra pair of decorative plating in the form of Sororitas fleur-de-lis symbol. I never gave it a second though seeing them on the sisters, in my mind they even looked kinda cool but the very idea of putting those on myself sent revulsion down my spine.

Oh Throne, why why why why…

Fortunately, some of the offered armours came without those embarrassing details. Going through the few acceptable options, I clung to the plainest-looking suit like a life raft in a rough sea and declared decisively, 'I will take this.'

This is not up for debate.

While both girls did not comment, from their thoughts I knew they did wonder about why I went for the most undecorated piece. Just when we were about to proceed further, I sensed some unusual resonance, something was approaching fast. As I turned to face the direction, an instance later two servo-skulls flew into the area.

Reacting to the unusual circumstances, Alicya swiftly placed herself between me and the drones, her bolt pistol drawn and ready. Welminah stiffened up, the scholar usually went unarmed inside the monastery so she just stuck closer to me.

One of the servo-skulls then approached Hattie and dropped a binary message. <By the decree of Magos Balpradus Aukank, cease your activity.>

'Relax, Alicya. I recognise these,' I said just as the magos himself walked in uninvited, prompting the palatine to move her aim to the tech-priest. Balpradus looked at the weapon pointing at him blankly and stopped his movement.

'Why are you here?' Alicya asked.

'Sorry for the sudden intrusion, I was looking for Lady Syrine.' Balpradus ignored the weapon pointing at him and bowed to me, 'I was only made aware of your intention of retrofitting a set of power armour a moment ago. Since I received no response from hailing your servo-skull, I came here myself.'

Opps, I left it in my room. Solace is kinda like my too-often misplaced handphone at the moment.

'What is this regarding?' Alicya demanded, not relaxing her aim.

'Palatine Alicya,' Balpradus turned to her and replied with his cold, flat synthetic voice. 'You should know as well as I do, everything concerning Lady Syrine is strictly confidential. Enginseer Hattie does not have enough security clearance for this operation.'

Alicya blinked and lowered her weapon. Seeing the battle sister had stood down, Balpradus canted to Hattie. <Enginseer, I will take over from here.>

<With all due respect, magos, this is my place, my forge. By whose authority are you ordering me?> Hattie asked, her dissatisfaction apparent.

<I carry the jurisdiction of Arch Tech-priest Dominus Kryptorer Cykell, you are to do as I say. You may voice your objection to him directly,> Balpradus replied as one of his servo-skulls canted a series of binary codes to Hattie, to which she eventually bowed her head.

After that all four of us moved back to my room with the set of power armour I selected, the suit carried over by a servitor from the armoury. First I was handed a bodyglove that came with the package to change into, it was a skin tight outfit that was covered with fibro-muscle. This was the under part of the power armour's inner system that was rarely seen up close in the lore.

Upon closer inspection, the sheer sophistication of the bodyglove and the armour pieces left me in awe. The bodyglove was essentially an outfit of interwoven synthetic muscle fibres that was made from a composite of lightweight yet hyper-elastic material.

The material itself shimmered with a subdued dark metallic blue and on the surface of all the fibres was an intricate web of micro-weave patterns, mimicking the natural striations of muscle tissue. Running along the limbs and torso were delicate lines of circuitry, hinting at the bodyglove's integration with a power armour system.

The armour pieces were mostly constructed from an advanced ceramite composite, famous for being almost impenetrable with small arms fire, the same type of material used on space marine power armour. Their interiors were lined with shock-absorbing paddings, providing further protection to its user. These plates also featured some ingenious interlocking system that was designed to provide maximum flexibility.

Even with my untrained eyes these things looked really expensive. I had a better understanding of the depth of technology and resources needed to construct these gear, and it became apparent why only the really powerful factions in the Imperium could employ power armoured troops.

After changing into the bodyglove, under the supervision of Balpradus I began putting on the armour with the help from Alicya and Welminah. This part of the process reminded me about cosplayers putting on their elaborate costumes, only in this case it was a real functioning piece of wargear.

Piece by piece the armour was affixed on to me and I noticed the expression of both girls brightening up. Alicya was excited to see me donning her Order's colour, whereas Welminah was thinking I made the perfect image of a cute novitiate suiting up for the first time.

Soon the final piece, the power backpack, was put in its place and I felt the full weight of my armour. It was… unexpectedly manageable but my sensation for weight was so skewed from a normal person I had no idea how heavy it would be for a standard human.

There was a slight hum as power was turned on, and as the systems came online I immediately felt the weight pulling on me lessened as the armour started to support itself with the activated fibro-muscle network. Intrigued, I moved and flexed my arms, testing my movement.

'My lady, try walking around. Please be careful,' Alicya advised and I started moving as suggested. At first it felt strange, the activated fibre bundles acted like extra muscles that automatically mimicked my movement while providing momentum and aided strength.

The power armour and its space age materials felt amazing, although not reaching the "second-skin" level described in a lot of space marines stories, it was surprisingly comfortable despite having all the extra layers of stuff added onto me.

I got used to it and was moving naturally in no time. While doing so I caught a glimpse of Alicya's mind as she briefly reminisced on her embarrassing incident of immediately tripping over while using power armour for the first time.

Balpradus who was silently observing all this time spoke up, 'my lady, please try moving your arm as quickly as possible for a stress test.'

'What do I need to do? Throw a punch?' I asked.

'That would do.' Balpradus nodded.

I did as instructed, throwing out a punch and felt my movement strangely impeded. 'Again.' Balpradus instructed. I threw a harder punch, it was faster this time but still definitely slower than if I was unarmoured.

'How did it feel?'

'Restrained. It feels like… the armour was slowing me down.' I answered honestly.

'As I predicted, it could not keep up with you.' Balpradus said with a contemplating gesture.

'What is happening, magos?' Asked Alicya.

'The armour's system is hardwired to human limitations, not meant for a user with my lady's magnificent level of physiology. I can adjust the internal settings to an extent, it will be serviceable but not optimal.' Balpradus said as he extended a mechadendrite, a thick mechanical wire extension that could move like a tentacle, and connected it to a hidden port on my armour.

The tech-priest then spent some time working on a data-slat before saying, 'I had tweaked some settings and just set the encryption level for biometric readout of your armour to the highest level. In addition, I added extra tweaks to mask your twin heart beats.'

The tech-priest's words stunned me and the girls for a second, that was definitely something we had overlooked. He then asked me to throw another punch. I did so and felt a huge difference, both sisters flinching as my armoured fist flew out with inhuman speed, the force amplified by the armoured mass.

'It is not a hundred percent, but a massive improvement,' I said, quite happy with the improvement.

'I am afraid this is as far as it can go, to fully compensate you will need at the very least Astartes grade system,' Balpradus said while nodding sagely to himself before continuing to explain, 'do note from this point onwards this armour is no longer suitable for unaugmented human usage, to do so risks severe user injuries.'

'Why is that?' Welminah asked, her scholarly curiosity intrigued.

Balpradus turned to look at her before answering. 'The motion feedback limiter had been set to minimum, effectively disabled. As a result, under extreme circumstances a standard human might experience muscle tear or even bone fracture with improper usage.'

As both girls turned pale on that horrifying notion, Balpradus turned to me and continued his lecture. 'My lady, if possible please refrain from excessive usage, else the armour's system might not hold. At any rate, I highly suggest having a custom set of master crafted power armour tailor made for your specifications.'

'You know anyone capable of doing that?' I asked while flexing my arms, still getting used to the sensation of being encased in a functioning power armour.

Balpradus bowed again. 'I know a few individuals capable of such a feat. With your permission, I will gladly undertake this project and make sure the final result is thrice blessed by the Omnissiah, befitting your status.'

The tech-priest left after receiving my consent to custom build my armour. What followed was crash courses about basic operational procedures and equipment familiarisation. The first thing I needed to do was to get familiar with putting on the armour by myself.

Getting this part right was tedious but necessary, after a few trials I was able to go from just the bodyglove to fully armoured up unassisted under five minutes. There was still room for improvement on my speed but it would do for now. The trickiest part being putting on the power backpack by myself unaided, they usually used a custom stand for that.

With the fundamentals sorted, we proceeded to an obstacle training course. After Welminah helped me sort out my hair, tucking the ones on the back of my head into my bodyglove, I put on the Sabbat pattern helmet that came with the armour for the first time.

As the solid piece of headgear slid smoothly down my head and completed an environmental seal with a soft hiss, the system inside the helm came alive as a myriad of colourful indicator runes lit up. My breathing and the low humming of my power pack started to echo softly inside the sealed suit, the surrounding sounds became muffled until the audio feed was turned on.

I looked around and a targeting rune appeared. It moved around in my field of view, tracking my eye movement. I turned to Alicya, and immediately the targeter labelled her as a friendly and even recognised her rank, marking the sister as a palatine. The system interface was high tech yet gothic-looking, typical of the unique grim dark aesthetic.

Another crash course later, I familiarised myself with the helmet settings and usage on photo-visor and preysight settings, as well as how to use the built in comm-link like a normal user even though I could access it directly with my ability.

That sorted, we proceeded with the main event and I went through the hoops of going through the obstacle course in my armour. It felt like a movement tutorial of a first person shooter.

That said, having a primarch grade mind and body meant I was operating at an inhuman level of physical efficiency, and it showed. Whether it be running, overcoming walls, plank crossing, rope climbing or even the notorious monkey bar swing, I easily aced through all of them without trying much or breaking a sweat. According to Welminah I even broke several speed records along the way, but beating human records as a transhuman was nothing to be proud of.

After just half a day's work, Alicya nodded with satisfaction at my performance and declared I was fully proficient with the basics of power armour operation. With that it was time to set my sight on to the next major challenge: jump pack usage.
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A chapter of Syrine usually went through the process of
First Draft > Beta Reader First Sanding > Revision > Second Sanding > Done

Well, this chapter didn't make it to the second sanding so my apology if things were rougher around the edges.
Expect some ninja edits when the second pass returned.

Anyway in case you are wondering If there is a "typical tech-priest look", here is it.

So yes, Enginseer Hattie supposedly looks almost identical to Hadron Omega-7-7 from Darktide.
Plain armor hu? Sounds like a foreshadowing of that armor life before she gets another one. I can't wait to see what will happen next. This is such a good fic.

It was late in the lunch hour and Maylin was conversing with a random group of battle sisters she had met in the mess hall. At first the Sororitas were guarded against an outsider, but the preacher's bubbly personality and apparent devotion towards Syrine soon relaxed and won them over.

They were chatting amicably when the preacher took the chance to state what was on her mind. 'Rejoice sisters, we are all truly blessed! Just yesterday like many of you I was lucky enough to see the divine doves with my own eyes. By His will, together we should soon witness the canonization of a living saint. I was wondering if anyone has any interesting stories about the Holy Daughter to share?'

'What is this about?' A sister asked, a hint of wariness in her tone.

'It is part of my duty to chronicle an emerging living saint's many manifested miracles and deeds for posterity.' Maylin spoke with a sense of purpose but her keenness was met with silence.

It was a short while before a battle sister spoke up. 'Well, now that I think about it, I believe the Holy Daughter saved my life.' The sudden confession surprised everyone around the table.

'Sister, I would very much like to hear your story!' Maylin responded quickly, her eyes sparkling with the enthusiasm found only on a true fan.

'Sister Ephrien, I do not recall you ever having a direct interaction with the Holy Daughter,' warned the sister superior at the table. 'If this is an act of self-indulgence and your story turns out to be nothing but fabrication, you'll be confined to the cabin of solitude and made to copy the full Litany of Repentance three hundred times as penance!'

'I am not saying she personally pulled me away from danger or anything like that, but hear me out,' Sister Ephrien said calmly. 'It happened yesterday when the heretics clashed with us. During the thickest fighting, two hostiles were suddenly registered to be very close to my position. I immediately turned my bolter in that direction but found myself pointing at a short wall obscured by some foliage.'

'Damn targeter, I swear they are always glitching in the worst of times,' laughed one of the sisters.

Ephrien shrugged and continued her tale. 'That was my initial thought too. Just as I was about to move on, two heretics showed their heads and peaked over from that wall, exactly where I saw them to be and right into my iron sight.'

'How convenient.'

'Hey, I wasn't going to question my blessings. Firing my bolter, I blew the head off from the first heretic and shot the other through the flimsy wall, then… BANG! Huge explosion.'

'Throne's blood!'

'I think I heard that one, far left flank in the courtyard, right?'

'Yes, I was at the left flank. Even with the main impact cushioned by the wall, I was thrown off my feet. Turns out the scums had krak grenades on them. If those bastards had managed to sneak up to me with those, I surely would be at His side right now.'

'While I am glad you came out fine, what has this got to do with the Holy Daughter?' Maylin asked, confused by the story.

'You don't get it, preacher,' Sister Ephrien explained, 'the targeting system in our helmet doesn't work over solid objects. The fact that I saw those heretics before their ambush must have been a miracle. I had heard a few stories like this before experiencing it myself, it seemed to only happen when the Holy Daughter was around.'

'Now that you mentioned it,' another battle sister chimed in, 'several times in the midst of battle, the heretics' positions suddenly became astonishingly vivid in the readout. I avoided a few risky situations because of that.'

'Wait, you experienced that too?'

Maylin watched in astonishment as the sisters around the table started sharing their strangely similar tales. Sister Ephrien thought for a moment before slowly untangling the prayer beads with a miniature symbol of the Ministorum that was tied to her glove.

The battle sister then held the symbol up with her hands, gave it a light kiss before looking at Maylin with fierce conviction. 'Preacher, I stand by my account and swear by the Throne it contains no falsehood. As of now I truly believe it to be one of the Holy Daughter's more… subtle blessings. It will be your duty to verify these claims.'

Maylin's jaw dropped, she had been there when it all went down but had never contemplated on the possibility of missing out on miracles manifested right before her eyes.

* * *​

I was having fun and did not realise lunchtime had arrived until I felt the pang of hunger on Welminah's mind. Alicya on the other hand fared much better for being a battle sister.

Regardless I insisted the girls go take a quick lunch before we move on with further training. Since I was not feeling hungry at all and was still on a once per day meal arrangement, I didn't join them. Usually this would be my library time, but there was little point in doing that anymore, plus it felt strange reading books while wearing power armour. In the end I decided to just go back to my room.

After returning to my not-so-humble lodging, I sat down and noticed the sturdiness of the furniture. The gothic chair was delicate-looking yet it handled the extra weight of my power armour without a squawk of protest.

I took off my helmet, putting it aside before pulling the back of my hair out from my bodyglove. My eyes were looking around and settled on one of the mirrors where a heavenly girl stared back, the sight of her silky silver hair cascading down onto her colour matching dull silver armour was such a vision of other-worldly grace it took my breath away.

Is it because of the power armour or I am looking more and more like a living saint? As I sat there simply staring at my reflection, the disturbing vision from last night when my face was a featureless blur jumped at me, jolting my mind.

What was my face like back on Earth?

Strangely, even with my photographic memory I was having difficulty recalling my old face, all I could picture was a demi-goddess. It was still less than a month since I "took over", but with the many things that happened since then, it felt like a few lifetimes had passed. Absentmindedly, I ran [Analytica] on myself. A familiar line of text appeared in my vision.

Name: Syrine, primarch minoris, psyker-passive mode, abnormal existence.

With bated breath I ran [Analytica] specifically on the abnormal existence, and like many attempts before this, my vision went blurry for a fraction of a second and all the text disappeared.

It will break you. I almost heard her words again.

I let out a soft sigh and settled down, then tried but failed to relax as my mind ran wild assessing the current situation. Being a person with a sedentary lifestyle in my past life, the notion of me actively pursuing physically demanding activities felt strange at first but I soon got used to and even learned to enjoy it.

That, and all of it felt necessary. A gut feeling had been constantly nibbling at the back of my mind, telling me another storm was brewing. Between the active Chaos cults with its leader on the move, the notorious Cardinal returning, the still missing mysterious Space Marines, and the hint of a daemonic grudge…there was no shortage of troubles in the near future.

The threats I knew about were bad enough. Yet, my experience from decades of stumbling through reality whispered another chilling truth: in this vast, unforgiving world, the most lethal threats usually lurked in the depths of unknown shadows, unseen and looming in places I wouldn't even imagine exist.

From what was known to me from common lore, the abundant availability of options for tactical insertion in this era like drop pod assaults and teleporting strike forces was a thing. The ability for resourceful enemies to send elite super soldiers wearing armour as thick as a battle tank directly to your face was a reality, rendering the concept of "safe behind the frontline" an antiquated point. Primarch minoris or not I would be as good as dead if I was ever cornered by such attacks without the means to confront them, hence the need to quickly learn up on martial skills.

This was the grim dark universe after all, a place where direct and brutal confrontation was inevitable and rival battlefield commanders had an uncanny chance of settling their differences in a final "glorious melee combat". I certainly would not fancy being caught up in such a scenario without having the skills and tools to deal with them.

I had for now learned to shoot and put on power armour. While having power armour was good for increasing the odds of surviving a battlefield, having the ability to fly would be much better for hightailing out of any danger, so getting jump pack training was another high priority for me. Besides, who didn't dream of flying around by putting rockets on one's back as a kid? On that note, anyone familiar with the grim dark universe will instantly recognise the Sororitas Seraphims from a glance. Power armoured ladies with jump packs that were shaped into angelic wings. What is not to like about them?

However, upon closer examination of what it took to create the Seraphims, the absurdity of it becomes glaringly apparent. In fact, the very concept of Seraphims teetered on the edge of pure insanity.

The Ecclesiarchy, or the Church, with the blessings of the Imperium, essentially chose the finest examples of ambidextrous individuals from the childbearing gender of our species for this role. The selected girls then underwent special forces-level training from a young age while being constantly indoctrinated with religious faith. Those who survived the brutal process were equipped with power armour and jump packs on their back, and then these girls were launched directly into battle to engage all manners of galactic monstrosities in close-quarters, pistol-range combat.

And that was essentially one of the most highly trained human military units a galactic spanning empire of humanity could offer. To meet the basic requirements for becoming a Seraphim, one must possess the dexterity of a ballerina and the base body strength of a weightlifter, adding being ambidextrous on top of that, it was simply well beyond the capabilities of an average human.

As I contemplated on the subject, the master records for past Seraphim trainees from the monastery's library solidified in my mind, the convenience of it was a welcomed surprise. With the information available in my mental space, I went through with it and noted the chillingly substantial training injuries and dropout rate.

There was however no denying the winged ladies' effectiveness, nor how glorious they looked on the field. The few times I personally witnessed them with their mastery of flight always left me with a sense of awe. Every single one of them was a man-sized lethal combination of fire power with proper protection and notable mobility.

As I daydreamed, my super human level senses picked up on approaching footsteps and their vibrations, a small crowd had come to visit. I sent Solace to open the door, and my visitors turned out to be Canoness Diadinah with all four of her palatines, Markeylla, Welminah and strangely, Balpradus again. Notably, everyone here knew my true identity as Daughter of the Emperor.

Upon seeing me in power armour, Diadinah's usual icy facade melted and she smiled proudly. After the canoness bowed to me with the group, she moved in for a closer inspection, eyeing me up and down while beaming with a sort of motherly pride.

'My lady, you look truly magnificent,' Diadinah praised and the palatines nodded in agreement, with a few of them silently wondering why my armour was so plain-looking. Speaking of mind reading, I sensed a subtle tension, revealing that this wasn't just a casual visit.

'Thank you. Surely you all weren't just here to see me in my armour?' I asked, carefully keeping my tone friendly.

'About that,' Diadinah bowed again, and when she raised her head again her expression was grim. 'Please enlighten us, are we to expect any major confrontations in the near future?'


* * *​

I found out an edict had just arrived from the Church. For the first time in four hundred years the Order of The Shining Beacon was formally ordered to expand and increase their ranks. That, coupled with my timing of "sudden interest" in martial training and putting on a power armour, had spooked the sisters. Naturally they speculated I had foreseen some serious troubles ahead.

While technically they were correct on that assumption, I was no Aeldari Farseer and had no prescience into the future. It was kind of awkward, after reconfirming with the sisters that I was preparing myself to avoid another weapon fumbling incident, everyone relaxed and the topic of discussion moved to my request for jump pack training. Due to the high risk nature of jump pack usage, while none had said it out loud the sisters were worried about the risks involved.

Imagine being held responsible for putting rockets on the back of the prophesied Holy Daughter, and sending her flying at literally breakneck speed into a cliff.

Magos Balpradus came in handy at this point and flexed his knowledge on the subject matter. 'Omnissiah be my witness, I can guarantee that under standard atmospheric conditions on this planet, Lady Syrine's hyper advanced biology could easily withstand terminal velocity impact with minimal ill effect. Such activities when done with the necessary precautions pose little threat to her well-being.'

What? In gaming terms, I am immune to fall damage?

While that sounded assuring coming from a tech-priest, I had no interest in ever trying that out myself. It also reminded me of an incident during the Horus Heresy where a traitor primarch survived multiple direct hits from Titan weaponry. Compared to that, the force of a relatively high speed collision did look puny in comparison.

'Jump pack usage requires a thought control interface, will Lady Syrine be getting an augmentation?' Sister Markeylla asked a surprising question. Now that she mentioned it, since well known "jump" units like Assault Space Marines and Sororitas Seraphims were usually depicted as carrying weapons with both hands, it was never really made clear how they controlled their jump pack.

'Other than the demands of near instantaneous control and large-scale data transmission, that would not be necessary. A non-intrusive brain signal reader would suffice,' Balpradus answered with the air of an expert before turning to me for confirmation. 'That and unless my lady wishes to accept augmentations for maximum performance? I will gladly provide assistance if that is the case.'

Speaking of augmentations in this universe conjured the horrifying images of many primarchs and their warriors who embraced such body modifications during the crusade era. Those guys went all out on augmentics, basically retrofitting mechanical parts directly into their heads and bodies, then plugged in huge amounts of neural connectors and wires in the name of efficiency.

'Not for now,' I answered with a poker face. More like, not forever if I can help it.

The discussion then went to the vault, the Sororitas were somewhat excited since the final countdown to accessing it had begun. Being the typical devotees, the sisters had made a deal with Kryptorer on their rights to lay claim to anything of religious significance.

Welminah even took the chance and asked the question that was on everyone's mind. 'My lady, any idea on what we will find inside that vault?'

'Sorry, there's no improvement to my missing memory, so I really have no idea,' I confessed with a shake of my head. 'We will have to find out what's inside together.' Personally though I believed the odds of finding any religious treasures to be extremely low.

The impromptu meeting then ended with most of the visitors leaving. Alicya, Welminah, Sister Markeylla and Magos Balpradus had stayed behind to help with my next training program.

Surprisingly Markeylla once served as one of the winged ladies and qualified as a Seraphim trainee instructor. First thing we did was to test my compatibility with a brain decoder, a device that enabled jump packs to be controlled solely via brain signal, leaving the user's hands free. I learned these came in many forms; it could be embedded in a hood, shaped into a headband, worn as a circlet, or built into the decorative iron halo that stood on the power pack.

To my relief the test revealed I had excellent compatibility with the device, rendering the heavy-handed approach of augmentics or implants unnecessary. Balpradus then left to personally procure and prepare my jump pack from the armoury, and I imagined Enginseer Hattie would not be too pleased with that.

We then followed Markeylla to a special large chamber where they had a lot of equipment specially used for the Seraphim training program. Arrangements were made so we had the place all to ourselves. Still in my power armour, I was put through the works, tested on body strength, grip strength, agility, sense of balance, general coordination, both aerobic and anaerobic endurance.

While the sisters made little comments on my tests, from what I read on their minds and the occasional awed facial expressions, I knew my scores were exceptional. Yours truly was not a human, after all.

The finale was a g-force tolerance test on a giant centrifuge. I was strapped to the contraption as it rotated at an ever increasing speed. After the seemingly terrifying maximum speed was reached, they had to stop the test for failing to determine my threshold for G-LOC, a point where the loss of consciousness occurred from excessive g-forces. With that done, I was deemed overqualified for the Seraphim programme,

Immediately starting my next phase of training, I was introduced to a gigantic indoor vertical wind tunnel that was used to simulate the free fall period during a jump pack operation. It was a huge thing, measuring 64 feet in width - large enough for a whole squad to practise free falling together - its main structure was made of a transparent material for easy viewing from the outside. While it looked like a dream playground for indoor skydivers, it was hellishly loud when turned on, to the point where normal humans would need to wear a helmet or hearing protection when practising inside it.

A non-operational Seraphim jump pack was then fitted onto the back of my power armour. Although made of relatively lightweight material, I felt a significant extra pull from the winged backpack. Markeylla also put on a mock jump pack for a live demonstration.

'The aim of this exercise is to familiarise yourself with the air drag of having a jump pack on your back,' Markeylla explained. 'Try climbing with the air, and then diving, and repeat the process.' She then put on her decorated helmet and dived into the huge column of rising air.

In the next moment she was ascending and descending seemingly at will by expertly controlling her pose. While being a total noob at the art of free falling, I nevertheless was able to quickly learn about its basics just by observing how she controlled her posture. The veteran sister continued her routine a few more times and performed a few tricks before dropping down to exit the wind tunnel.

'Now you try, my lady,' Markeylla said with a bow.

With my default mindset of being a couch potato still lingering at the back of my mind, I put on my helmet and stepped into the tunnel with trepidation. A huge gale of air pushed me from beneath. The roar of rushing air was audible through my helmet and suddenly my body was unshackled from the force of gravity, and I was floating.

It was a totally fresh yet familiar experience, similar to my "flight" during a psychic projection but with my consciousness staying in my physical body. It felt like… pure bliss.

I could not help but smile at the liberating sensation. Due to having a pair of wings fixed to my back, the odd aerodynamic profile of myself riding the rising air did take a short while to get used to. Eventually I got the hang of it and was able to climb up and down the column of air, albeit in a boring fashion.

As I floated around wondering what to do next, a book materialised in my mind, titled "Soaring on Wings of Faith and Fire", a chronicle written by Sister Silvael who was one of the most prominent Seraphim during the Order's long history. Her most notable feat was leading a descent from high altitude and intercepting a rebel bomber squadron. Such was her skill that she was able to drop near the lead flyer to deliver a fatal blow, breaking the squadron's formation just before their bombing run.

Within the span of a heartbeat, Silvael's many chronicled tips and tricks on her decades of expert jump pack usage flashed before my mind, prompting me to immediately try them out. I quickly went through a series of standard tricks like back flying, daffy and carving with no difficulties. Wanting a challenge, I decided to just test the limits of my body control by trying one of the hardest known diving moves mentioned in the book, a personalised version of the head down carving.

After rising to the top of the tunnel, I brought my head down and aligned my body vertically. The rush of air intensified with its muffled roar rising inside my helmet as my body became a streamlined missile that cut through the wind. The sensation was indescribable, a mix of sheer thrill and power.

Descending like an aerial predator, I initiated the carve dive with a slight tilt of my head and shoulders. Instantly, I felt the change in air flow, guiding me into a spiralling descent. My body rotated smoothly, and the ground beneath me started to spin, creating an exhilarating panorama where the horizon became a constantly shifting line, always tilting and spinning. I carved down the air column while imitating Sister Silvael's signature pose shown in her book, with my arms close to my sides, hands flat and my legs slightly apart, toes pointed to top.

Feeling the delicate balance of aerodynamics, I adjusted my posture minutely, every movement precise and deliberate as I steered my dive in a spiralling motion of controlled chaos. It was understood from Silvael's notes that with jump pack usage and proper practice this move could be performed to create an erratic flight path that was capable of avoiding incoming small arms fire.

The world below became a blur as my rotation sped up, and my vision morphed into a kaleidoscope of lights, colours and shapes. Between the rapid rotations, I caught glimpses of the sisters who were watching me.

The expression on their faces… a mixture of bewilderment and anxiety? Time to stop playing.

I brought my arms out to the sides for drag, and arched my back to slow down. The transition from head-down to belly-to-earth was smooth, and almost felt well-rehearsed for me despite this being my first attempt. The air resistance greatly increased as I controlled my posture to decelerate before landing and exited the tunnel. The sisters walked up to me as I took off my helmet.

'How was that?' I asked, being quite proud but still a bit unsure about my maiden dive performance.

'My lady, was that Sister Silvael's Spiral of Faith?' Markeylla asked.

'Yes. Was it close?'

'Very much so, that's a very …arduous manoeuvre barely mastered by half of the seasoned Seraphims in our Order.' Markeylla answered, her stoic facade barely containing the awe in her mind.

Oops. I might have pushed all my cheats too hard to pull that off.
So, this took a while. Some extra research aside, I was experiencing a weird lifestyle change. Might be an age related issue as recently most of my nights were simply slept away after dinner, then wake up the next day only to rush to the office again. Rinse and repeat during week days, then feeling all exhausted at weekends. Need to come up with more creative ways to squeeze more writing time from life.

Recently an old friend of mine from the old table top circle venture into 3D printing and got me started on Battle Fleet Gothic, an ancient 40k fleet base game so old it could drink and vote if it is a person. The game also doubles as a crash course into the world of big spaceships battle in the grim dark universe, for when the story goes long enough, getting involved in space battle is inevitable for Syrine. One day, one day knowing your Space Marine Strike Cruiser from a Nova Frigate will be useful...
This is really good. I would bet that flying is super fun. I would most likely enjoy that if I was a super human. Also it's interesting how she is finally using information from the 40k universe instead of her other universe info.

Space battles hu? I don't know how our Mc will travel the warp considering that there is no beacon except for herself on this side of the galaxy.

I would be interested on how said space battles turn out. I would also hope there is ramming too. Those ships are designed for ramming. Such a glorious battle tactics.

I have to say that this fiction has been fun.
I don't know how our Mc will travel the warp considering that there is no beacon except for herself on this side of the galaxy.
The beacon is at a fixed location and is not Syrine herself. As for going to space, early in the great crusade, the emperor was able to leave Terra and power the Astronomican remotely, though doing that did eventually tire him out enough that he decided to go back to Terra and hand the crusading over to Horus.

Syrine mentions seeing the beacon in the distance here-
Even when visually blocked by many layers of walls a huge psychic beam could be "seen" shining from beyond the horizon shooting into the heavens
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Staff Notice for Rule 2: Don't Be Hateful - No "attack helicopter" memes.
TFTC. Flying lessons done, Drone powers done, and shooting lessons done. Now she can identify an Apache helicopter and she will be technically right. The best kind of right!

Edit :
Sorry if someone got hurt by this comment, I intended it as a joke about Syrine abilities but completely forgot that it has transphobic connotation. Definitely my bad here. xd
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Eating a meal while wearing power armour proved to be an interesting experience.

For the first time I joined the girls for dinner in the monastery's mess hall. It was a spontaneous decision made after we were done with the wind tunnel session. Markeylla went to report my progress to the canoness, so only Alicya and Welminah were with me.

Entering the mess hall for the first time, I was struck again by the immense scale that was quite common in everything around here. The place was about the size of a football field, with vaulted ceilings stretched high above that were supported by massive, ornate pillars. The pillars themselves were intricately carved with religious iconography and battle scenes, depicting stories of devotion and valour. The whole place was lit by huge chandeliers that gave off a warm glow.

The air in the hall was filled with the scent of food, mixed with subtle hints of burning incense. Rows of long, sturdy wooden tables and benches, all perfectly aligned, ran the length of the place, many being occupied by dining sisters. At one end of the hall was a raised platform adorned with a statue of a saint surrounded by flickering candles, and towards the other far end was a large kitchen area, separated by a service counter. We settled down in a corner and were soon having our dinner.

I tried but failed miserably to be subtle, having Alicya around was high profile enough as she was one of the only four deputy commanders of the whole Order, plus me wearing power armour openly for the first time had turned more than a few heads.

A bit uncomfortable at first, I soon learned to tune out the attention from the crowd and focus on my food. Seeing my gloved hand holding a spoon and feeling the vibration of my suit's power backpack as I ate was weird, not to mention I felt severely overdressed for the occasion.

In line with their doctrine and observance of religious teachings, the monastery served relatively simple food. Besides the standard fresh salad and soup, one could choose between rotellas, a type of new age tortillas, potato paste or good old bread for carbohydrate fix. For protein, today there were options between herb-marinated grilled grox or the ancient all time favourite of chicken and eggs. And finally for drinks, one could choose between plain water, tea or recaf, the last one being the catch all term of anything resembling coffee.

Without the grox dish which was produced from a type of common reptilian livestock throughout the Imperium, I could easily mistake this meal for an ordinary one back on Earth. Lean and firm, grox had a mild flavour with a hint of gaminess, but the meat was not as fatty as beef or pork. While I had the impression that food outside the monastery would be more exotic and exciting, for the moment the grox rotellas sandwich was good enough for me and my main go to dish.

'My lady, Magos Balpradus reports your jump pack is ready for tomorrow's session,' said Welminah as she put away her personal communicator. The scholar spoke softly, yet her words still attracted a few random sisters to discreetly peek over.

'Noted, thank you,' I said before continuing to slowly chew down on my food. Despite being active the whole day I did not work up an appetite and ordered the usual reduced portion.

Being able to do so much and yet still eating so little felt strange, I guessed the arcane biology of my body was unimaginably more advanced in energy efficiency when compared to a standard human. It reminded me of a story about Rogal Dorn, Primarch of the Imperial Fists Space Marine Legion; At one point during the siege of Terra good old Dorn got trapped in an alternate dimension for literally a hundred or so years from his point of view. He came out healthy and fine, punching through solid rocks and all that when the chance to escape showed itself.

How did he survive so long without water nor food?

As I was daydreaming, Welminah asked a question. 'By the way, despite our announcement that we will not accept any mail and parcels, many such items that are directly addressed to you have started to arrive. Before we proceed with discarding them all, do you have any directive on how we should handle this matter?'

Fan mails?

I thought for a moment before deciding on the issue. 'For now, if it isn't too much trouble please filter through them and bring to me those which you believe deserve my attention.'

'As you wish.'

We finished our dinner soon after. I got the impression both girls could not properly relax with my presence. Maybe joining them for meals was a bad idea.

On a roll with my training, I decided to just push forward for the evening. Thus it was a while later with Alicya as my instructor that I got to drive a Rhino tank for the first time.

Being the ubiquitous base chassis for many of the Imperium's elite forces' fighting vehicles, the Rhino was built with two core fundamentals in mind: reliability and ruggedness. The vehicle was legendary for its ability to endure an incredible amount of abusive usage and ran on virtually any sort of fuel; from the standard promethium to alcohol, if a liquid could combust, a Rhino could probably run on it.

At this point in time the venerable armoured personnel carrier had remained relatively unchanged for more than ten thousand years, a span of time outlasting most ancient human civilisations. The Rhino and its many, many variants had to be one of the most sold model kits of the grim dark universe. Personally I had helped to contribute to that with a full fleet of them back in the peak of my hobbying.

As was tradition around here, most combat vehicles came with a fancy name; the Rhino that was assigned to my training was the Benedictor. The chassis was huge to accommodate its primary users - the Space Marines. Being able to fit armoured giants meant it was extremely spacious for human users, so much so that the driver's seat had to be adjusted to the maximum level to compensate for my lack of height. With Alicya seated beside me, I drove the Benedictor into a training track that was built into the monastery's massive yard. The place was lit up by stadium grade illuminations to make up for the lack of daylight which was long gone by this point.

The session was… paradoxically awesome yet boring at the same time. After a minute or two of feeling thrilled about driving a renowned war machine of the far future, there wasn't much else to explore on the controls as everything was designed to be as straightforward as possible for no-nonsense combat use.

With Alicya giving tips, I quickly picked up all the basics. It was just like driving a relatively huge car, and I learned to do pivot steering, rotating the tank on the spot by making the tracks on each side of the tank move in opposite directions.

We spent some time going through the operation details of various support systems, most notable of them being smoke screen deployment and remote operation of the pintle mounted storm bolter that was attached to the main cupola. After that there was little else to do but wrap up the session by testing the limits of my driving with a properly timed lap around the course.

'Start!' Alicya signalled as she pressed her timer, and off we went. With my superhuman reflexes, senses and spatial awareness, it soon became clear I had become exceedingly good at driving compared to my past human self. Everything was coming at me with such clarity that the vehicle's response to incoming turns and bumps could be anticipated to an almost perfect level of precision.

As the session went on I became deeply in tune with the tank, my senses registering every vibration, every subtle shift in the engine's hum. The boundaries between me and the machine blurred, the controls melted away to become extensions of my limbs and every manoeuvre was executed with an almost perfect synchronicity.

With little to fear, I simply floored the accelerator and went all out, pushing the Benedictor closer and closer to its operational limits as it blazed through the course. I remembered a saying about how Formula One drivers could perceive reality at a higher frequency, or "higher reality frame rate" in gaming terms than the average human, which enabled them to drive at an incredible speed on racing tracks. That theory certainly explained my current way of driving that past me would never dare to attempt. Despite the seemingly reckless approach, from my perspective every move was done with a comfortable margin for error.

The tank was running full speed into the final corner when Alicya, who had been quiet for some time now, started to speak with a slight hint of anxiety in her voice.

'My lady…'

The expert driver had spoken, am I cutting this too close?

Activating thought acceleration, the world slowed down as I blasted out a short range [Auspex] to double check the road condition while reviewing our momentum and angle of attack. An instance later I had the answer: Just barely.

'I think it is doable, hold on.'

Trusting my readings and having multiple layers of protection, we were inside a tank and wearing power armour after all, I coaxed the Rhino into a drift.

The massive machine responded with a low growl, its engine roaring to the challenge as its weight shifted. The treads bit into the ground, churning up earth as its frame began to slide. Unlike a car's nimble elegance, this was a dance of ponderous precision. The tank's bulk shifted sideways, inertia pulling against the turn as I maintained a delicate balance between control and chaos. Vibrations resonated throughout the powerful machine as it groaned like a living beast.

The controls became heavy but were still responsive as it translated my every command into carefully coordinated movements. My hearts pounded in sync with the rhythmic thuds of the engine, senses heightened to keep on top of things as I drifted the Benedictor through the corner.

The Rhino completed the manoeuvre with barely any space to spare before straightening out with a final shudder. Alicya let out the breath she was holding and hit the stop button on her timer as we raced over the finish line.

'Nicely done, my lady. Give me a moment.' Alicya said as I slowed down the Rhino, she spent a short time verifying a few details before announcing my result.

'A new record.'

I knew there was still room for improving but found little appeal in flexing my unfair advantages, so I called it a day.

* * *

Near the entrance to my room, Alicya and Welminah both bowed before turning to leave just as Herlindya, who was waiting on the side, walked up to me.

'Good evening, my lady.' The throne agent smiled and bowed. 'So the rumours are true, you look marvellous in that armour. I also heard amazing stories about your training and witnessed your driving. Impressive speed. Congratulations on breaking multiple records.'

While what she said was true, I could not help but feel uneasy about it. From my point of view I hardly put that much effort into any of the activities today, it was simply due to my transhumanism operating on a completely different level that made it look amazing when compared to baseline humans. On the same basis, if I were to race Jaghatai Khan, Primarch of the White Scar Legion known for his love of speed, I would surely get my sorry ass handed to me.

I could almost see an instance where that happened on an alternate timeline: As the signal of the race sounded, the Khan in all his feudal Chogorian glory dashed ahead on a lightning fast jetbike, his top knot fluttering in the winds for mere seconds before completely disappearing from my view, leaving me in dust. Still being awed by his speed, I would be trying futilely to catch up when the vox came alive with the primarch's infuriating taunt delivered in his signature fake Mongolian accent made familiar on audiobooks.

'Little sister, I can hardly see you in the rear mirror. Do better.'

I winced and returned to reality from my micro daydream. My mind turned at full speed from the jolt as I noted Herlindya's words and was not exactly pleased at the implication.

Putting on a sardonic face, I responded with a question. 'Those records are not public information, are they?'

'Surely you jest.' Herlindya sounded amused but when our eyes met, she flinched and quickly added context, 'they are classified, I had to access them with my credentials.'

Did I actually scare her? Feeling a bit sorry for making the throne agent uneasy, I diverted the topic. 'You were looking for me?'

'Ah, yes. Preacher Maylin had been active today, she was going around gathering witnesses on your supposed undocumented ability to…' she paused to refer to her notes, '...light up the battlefield with miraculously vivid readings for onfield targeting systems. She seemed ecstatic about it and talked about pushing this to be officially listed as one of your divine blessings.'

Divine blessing? As far as I could tell it was just a weaponized ability. From the Church's point of view that explanation definitely came in handy to further strengthen their religious brand, I certainly was just spamming it without thinking much on its implications.

'How widespread is this information?' I asked flatly.

'Well, she had already interviewed multiple battle sisters who took part in yesterday's operation and was about to do more.'

My mood darkened as I wasn't happy about this development. With the looming troubles ahead, the idea of advertising my tactical abilities to the rest of the world was… less than ideal no matter how I looked at it.

'Should I put a lid to it?' Herlindya asked while placing a palm on her heart, looking every bit like a secretary ready to serve. I was confused for a microsecond before remembering, oh yeah, I am the big shot here.

Within another heartbeat I formulated my response. 'I understand it is Maylin's duty to look into such topics, but it is never wise to parade such information to potential enemies especially during these times of uncertainty. Can you please see to it that her current pursuit does not compromise our advantage?'

'It will be done.' Herlindya answered with a bow while my mind was moving on to the next topic. Might as well employ her capability.

'There is another thing which I require your assistance, kindly erase all the results of my training sessions and make sure none of them ever make it to the official records.'

'May I ask the reason for it?' Herlindya asked while half raising her head, her eyes shining with inquisitorial curiosity.
I pondered for a while on how to properly respond before answering. 'The same security concerns aside, I see no point in discouraging others with impossible transhuman standards.'

'Very well. If there is nothing else, I will go and enact your directive immediately.' Herlindya answered. I was about to dismiss her when a topic came to mind.

'By the way, whatever happened to the investigation into those Space Marines?' I asked.

'It… went nowhere. We came to the conclusion that the likelihood of them being still on this planet is slim and diverted most of our resources into hunting the heretics.'

'Is that so? Do you think Inquisitor Thaberus would mind if I continue my interrogation session with that Space Marine here?'

'I am quite certain he won't mind, should I ask him for you now?'

Wait, do I actually need Thaberus' permission? I thought about all the people that would be involved in the process: Diadinah being the top authority in this monastery, Balpradus as the transhuman expert consultant, Veritta or another Sister Hospitaller for on-site medical support. Pretty sure no one would stand in my way, at this point it was but mere courtesy on my part to notify the inquisitor.

'Ask him at your next convenience. Just let me know.'

'As you wish.' Herlindya bowed again and turned to leave, her heels clicking away on the marble floor as she walked away.

I entered my lodging and was greeted by Solace. For a moment I had the illusion of being welcomed by a living pet until the servo-skull dropped off the latest excavation progress report from Kryptorer. I quickly went over the report, and the interesting bit that immediately stood out was that they started encountering pieces of blackstone, the mysterious black-hued stone that could nullify psychic energies. Somehow this made me more nervous about the contents of the vault.

I shooed the probe away into a corner before taking off my armour. As the pieces came off one by one, another book titled Catechism of the Sanctified Arsenal: Rituals and Rites for War Gear Maintenance materialised in my mind. I was instantly imbued with a weird blend of knowledge that was a mix between practical and superstitious on how to properly maintain my stuff.

One of the most suspicious passages in the book mentioned the creation of "Sacred Oil", made by mixing the proper amount of machine lubricant and leftover lamp oil that was used in a church. Add exactly three drops of sanctified wine to complete the mixture. It was believed to be able to "ward off the machine spirit from becoming mischievous" by anointing the oil onto the crucial armour joints.

Then there was the Hymn of True Shot, a minor ritual involving chanting a short High Gothic hymn to the bolter's machine spirit while cleaning the weapon, believed to invoke the Emperor's blessing for a better aim on the battlefield.
I sighed at the silliness of it all.

By the time I removed my fibro-muscled bodyglove, the ridiculous book was viewed over twice inside my mind. Armed with the knowledge that made sense and the basic kit that came with my power armour, I performed the surprisingly easy fundamental maintenance work on my suit before going for my bath.

At this point I had mastered the art of bathing without ever looking at the mirror. I had also seen enough from the local television to know that while my current 120 square foot, fully equipped bathroom was the vision of ultimate luxury from my past life, it was considered to be only of decent standard compared to the mind boggling wealth shown in some local soap operas. A planetary governor and many of the local lords practically commanded the riches of the whole planet amplified by space age technology, so imagine the level of luxury such resources could achieve.

After finishing my bath, I put on a fresh white robe and exited the oversized bathroom. As I walked past the windows, the pilgrims outside came into view again. They seemed to be holding some activities and their numbers definitely had increased again.

How in the name of Throne can these people afford to camp out there day after day like that?

Then it occurred to me these pilgrims might not be your ordinary folks after all. Like that Rutibor guy I helped at the gate who later turned out to be a retired general, who knew what amount of resources you had to fork out to be able to even camp out there. In this universe where "gods" literally exist, I bet there would be a huge portion of the population who dedicated their lives to religion and would pay any price to be part of a significant event, like say… witnessing the canonisation of a living saint.

I shuddered internally, dropped the thought and went to get a drink. From a bulky fridge that looked to be bulletproof I took out a water jug and poured myself a glass of ice cold water. With crystal glass in hand I moved to the living room and took a seat while turning on the space age television with a flick of my mind. For a microsecond these very acts brought me a sense of comforting normalcy.

I was drinking when a program came on screen, and what I saw almost made me spit out the water. It was one of the primary news channels and the massive headline "Saint Candidate crushes heretics" was plastered across the screen while Archdeacon Ricene was giving a live speech under the full glare of the media.

It seems like the planet's authorities have decided to admit to my involvement in yesterday's event and had the leader of the high hat gang come out to trash talk. Ricene rumbled with the energy of such blind self-assertiveness that he reminded me of a certain infamous dictator I saw on a documentary. Between condemning the heretics' blasphemous actions and assuring the masses of our "righteousness", he quoted various verses from many holy books and cited my recent actions as proof that the Emperor was with us and so on, yada yada.

Slack-jawed, I continued to watch the dead serious yet parodic speech for a while before switching channels. However, no matter how many times I changed the channel, Ricene stubbornly remained on the screen. So, this was a mandatory planet wide broadcast. In the end I just turned off the television.

I should just… continue with mapping the monastery.

Settling down, I closed my eyes and fell into psykana meditation. Soon a sense of weightlessness took over, I opened my mind's eyes and found my consciousness floating above my body in the room. Despite this being quite the routine for a while now it still felt odd every time seeing myself from this out of body perspective.

Moving through walls, I began my work. I had been familiarising myself with the monastery's layout by ghosting around. Initially my progress was slow as I was extra cautious and worried about triggering any psychic security, then slowly my exploration gained speed. Building by building, section by section I had come to know many areas like the back of my hand.

Of course the fortress monastery had its own fancy name, called the Citadel of the Eternal Light, or Castrum Lux Aeternae in High Gothic. Appearance wise, overall it looked like a titanic church on steroids, an immense monolithic symbol of devotion that rose from the landscape like a gothic mountain of faith. Being both a bastion of faith and a military fortress, this immense structure featured multiple massive gun towers around its perimeter and even had its own void shield generators.

Following the Imperium's tradition of awe-inspiring scale, the primary building was so massive it could easily house around 80,000 souls inside its main structure. At the pinnacle of the fortress was the Sanctum Sanctorum, a complete chapel in its own right where the Sisters held their most important rites and ceremonies. While having another chapel on top of your super monastery might sound over top for any sensible individual, it was how they ran things around here.

Beneath the fortress lay a multi-layered network of structures. Here you would find huge storage rooms, high security dungeons, power generators and even a few massive garages that housed hundreds of war vehicles.

Moving around, I was making mental notes and came to a wall where dozens of souls could be seen on the other side. Unlike the bright souls of psykers, the "ungifted" normal people appeared as dimmed glows, but still registered to my otherworldly senses. This was a previously unexplored area so I had no idea what was on the other side.

Curious, I passed through the wall and came upon the most absurd scenario ever since taking on the mapping project. Like a scene straight up from some fanservice episodes, I ended up in a communal bathing hall where a group of sisters were taking their shower.

My non-corporeal jaw dropped to my surroundings of running water and a large group of young ladies washing their sculpted bodies. The crowd was a bustling bunch, laughing and joking about. Half panicking, I tried to cover my eyes only to discover I didn't have a body. Not sure where to look, my senses were darting around just for me to pick up a small group of sisters in a corner comparing boob sizes.

Then I remembered they couldn't see me.

Everything felt so preposterous I almost laughed out loud before noticing more details. On the bodies of a few sisters were exposed metallic components in reflective chrome, like spare parts being embedded into their flesh. Most of these were disc shaped objects located on shoulders or thighs, some were small bands that wrapped around legs or arms, while others were random parts that were fitted over necks or back of heads. A moment later I realised what these things were with a sense of chill.

Combat implants and augmentics.

The very notion of healthy people subjecting themselves to bodily mutilation for combat effectiveness was just surreal from my point of view. Still, at least these girls seemed content. Then again, from their point of view they might feel like they were living a very good life, no? They had their God and life's purpose, they were given proper training with arguably some of the best tools and had many Sisters-in-Order as companions in their lifelong duty. Even as an outsider I sensed their close comradery, at the very least they belonged here.

Then it hit me: I was the one that did not fit into this world. My hidden status of abnormal existence aside, I could not even sit down and eat a meal with my companions without making them scared stiff. I had no real friends, all my family had died thirty eight thousand years ago, and the closest person I might be able to relate to at the moment was a transhuman assassin, a living weapon in human form.

Literally invisible in the cacophony of giggles and water splashing, the feeling of not belonging slowly took over and became piercing. I felt like a lost soul in a sea of vibrant life and stayed unmoving as the deep sense of disconnect amplified with every passing moment, until the aching feeling of isolation came close to being a physical pain.

Somehow in this moment I remembered another person. Like me, he was here due to circumstances beyond his control. Unlike him, I was a lot further away from my initial place both in space and time.

Did he survive? How is he doing?

I wondered for a moment before realising I could just find it out myself. I want… No, I need to know.

With that decision made, I left the glorious fan service-like scene behind and flew back to my room in the blink of an eye. After seeing my physical body still in place and verifying that the odds of having sudden visitors was low, I floated out of the monastery.

Once out, I double checked my orientation and started the journey. Like a speeding ghost my consciousness flew across the capitol night sky, drifting towards another soul that was far from home.

Art source: When you need to purge heretic while delivering tofu as a side hustle.

Life, summer heat and mental blocks delayed this one a bit.

Then again the recent chapters seemed to be getting bigger and bigger. I remembered the series started with around 1,500 words per chapter, and I felt a sense of accomplishment when a it went up to 4,000 words for the first time. These days if a chapter went below 3,000 words I be like, wait, am I slacking off?

Looking at it from from just the word count it be like combining three chapters into one and post on the forth week. XD
At one point during the siege of Terra good old Dorn got trapped in an alternate dimension for literally a hundred or so years from his point of view.
Ah yes those poor Chaos gods, trying to corrupt Dorn only for him to start citing historical battle records for literally a hundred years and completely ignoring all of your attempts to make him fall. Good old Dorn.

if I were to race Jaghatai Khan, Primarch of the White Scar Legion known for his love of speed, I would surely get my sorry ass handed to me.
It still bears remembering that Syrine, however perfectly craftet, is still inferior to the Primarchs themselves. As she stands above regular humans they stand above her, since while i dont doubt that the Emperor used all his knowledge of arcane science to construct her, he did not steal fire from the gods for a second round of godling forging.

the closest person I might be able to relate to at the moment was a transhuman assassin, a living weapon in human form.
I have said it before and i will say it again, i cant wait for Syrine to meet Roboute, or maybe Belisarius, and finally get to talk about the state of the Imperium with someone who is probably as done with all this shit as she is.
Though im pretty sure that moment is very far out if it even is planned to happen in the first place.
Just read your story start to current over the past few days, amazing read very well done.

I thought your handling of the major battle was great, enemy powerful but then "good guys" get great advantage, only to find out they are constrained by something unexpected. After they overcome that there's the big showdown fight, very well done.

I also found the scene of the mc talking to big e and hiding from the custodes very moving

You have many good ideas and are able to get it onto a page well, thanks for the fun read and I look forward to any future updates.