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Quests Archive

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A group of AI gain consciousness only to find that they are now in charge of Seedship responsible for ensuring the survival of Human race. They must settle strange new worlds, guide their charges through the turbulent beginnings of a new civilization and perhaps uncover some secrets of the universe along the way.
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It is the year 2901 T.A., and Ithilien has been deserted by the last Man who had lived here. You and your family have been one of the last people to flee from Gondor's most eastern lands, losing your lands and farm. Now you and your people await to be settled somewhere in Gondor by the Ruling Steward. Without a doubt, Túrin II will do the best he can but it will be less than what was lost. But there are rumors of empty but fertile lands in the North, in Arnor's old lands. Maybe settling...
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It is the 41st Millenium, and there is only war. Desperate battles are being fought in the name of the Emperor, Last Stands turn into phyrric victories as the enemy falters before the will of man, and titans long lost stir in their dreams. It is an age of unending battle, rising heroes, and legends being forged in the crucible that is the 42nd Millenium. Too bad you are too busy with guiding His Imperial Majesty's Republic of Momi ʻōmaʻomaʻo to take part in those conflicts. Bummer. Now...
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Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen of SV to a quest that has been on my mind for a long time. Which is an AU of Mass Effect where instead of playing as the boring canon Alliance, we get the much more exciting GDI of Command and Conquer. I have played a lot of CK2 quests on this forum but feel that I'll need a lot more experience before I could start a proper one that won't get abandoned in a month. So this is sort of a practice CK2 quest, where it will mostly be you guys playing as General...
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After many centuries of begging and pleading (and quite a few, embarrassing in hindsight, temper tantrums), White has finally given you what you've wanted for almost as long as you can remember. A Colony of your own! You are so excited! You had to fend off Blue and Yellow, who kept trying to "help" and do everything for you, but you finally managed to convince them to back off! You are going to establish this colony all on your own, using only the standard starter materials, you'll quickly...
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Infiltration, invasions, crossovers and fusions involving, so far, Gems and Irkens. Vote on whether you want a blatant crossover, or a fusion dealing with a massive AU or original characters. The title is a placeholder until the votes are in (unless this becomes a voting platform and other threads are opened).
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Hello Sufficient Velocity I'm going to be running what I hope will be a successful quest now...
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Identity is forged; the Young Gods embark upon their journey; many choices are to be made.
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***** Blackout ***** "Mrgh" ... "Hurgh" .... "..argh" ... Pain fills your awareness...
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Ruby Facet-53LG Cut-2XG opened her eyes to a black void filled with the light of hundreds of...
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September 1st, 2025 Greetings Magistrate. If you are reading this, then you and your charges...
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Congratulations! You have secured your place as leader and commander of Canada's first...
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