If by the end of this quest there is not a Deathstrike Missile Launcher under every bush on the planet we have done something wrong.
by the end of the quest i want to see how many WAHHH, Caos Incursion or other shit to be here just to see how many dead body we can pile, while the inquisition is still asking us why and how (but more why) we can be this accepted of beastman.
how (but more why) we can be this accepted of beastman.
"They willingly pay all of their taxes."

Okay, but no joke, the Administratum would absolutely tell Inquisitors to fuck off when/if they mess with a reliable tax-base.

IIRC, the Munitorum even stamped "Abhuman" on Xeno Lizards because they were fervent believers of the God-Emperor.

That is all to say:

Sylvaneth: "WAIT! Don't shoot us!"
Inquisition: "You are Xenos! Why shouldn't we shoot?"
[X] The Fallen's Due
-[x] Monument For The Fallen

(Unlocks: Tomb of the Fallen Martyrs)
-[X] Heroes, One And All
(Gain a Social Trait)

[x] Fortification Troubles
-[x] Expand Scope
-[x] Integrate Defenses Into The Architecture

[X] #BlessedMunition

[x] The First Visitor/s

(Choose as many as you want.)
-[x] The Soldier
-[x] The Heiress
-[x] The Knight
-[x] The Harem
-[x] The Wizard
-[x] The Seer
-[x] The Priest
Anyone have any ideas what the trait 'Heroes, One And All' does? My best guess is a slightly unhealthy ideation of martyrs, but I'm not sure if the name sounds quite fanatical enough for that.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on May 19, 2022 at 3:57 PM, finished with 32 posts and 20 votes.
Disregard the first dice.
HeroCooky threw 1 5-faced dice. Reason: Heroes = 1, Cremation = 2 Total: 2
2 2
HeroCooky threw 1 2-faced dice. Reason: Heroes = 1, Cremation = 2 Total: 1
1 1
Last edited:
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on May 19, 2022 at 3:57 PM, finished with 32 posts and 20 votes.
Disregard the first dice.

So Heroes won then, despite Cremation getting more votes, and they're mutually exclusive? What does the Social Trait even do?
So Heroes won then, despite Cremation getting more votes, and they're mutually exclusive? What does the Social Trait even do?
There were two vote-plans with the same name, one of which got 8 and the other 6. Alongside those were two votes purely for the plan-names, leaving me no indication about who voted for what.

As such, I rolled a die.

And you'll need to wait for the update to see the trait.
Tropical Storm Warning
Tropical Storm Warning

Iskander Khayon could only dangle limply from the Titanium chains binding him to the wall. When he had volunteered for this mission, he and the rest of the Ezekarion had considered everything from the Inquisition simply executing him on the spot, to having a small army of psykers rip his mind apart for information.

Not a single one of them had considered the mind-numbing boredom between interrogation sessions.

Torture? Boring, and only have him say exactly what he was sent to say about Abbadon's plans.

Psykers? He was a member of the Thousand Sons for Warp's sake, he can show them exactly how that would work out, and assuredly had.

Being stuck in his cell with psychic suppressors for months on end with only multiple cameras to watch his every move for months?

It turns out that this was the most annoying thing the Inquisition can inflict on him. It would be amusing if it wasn't him going through it. But he could deal with it, everything was still going just as planned as those damnable feathered daemons loved to say.

His attention snapped back to reality as he heard the locking mechanisms on the door begin to clank open. It would seem his boredom had come to an end! He idly wondered what techniques would be applied today? Dripping acid? Flensing knives? Maybe something new! Ten thousand years the Inquisition has existed and Khayon doubted he had gone through even a hundredth of what they have available for him.

His amused thoughts screeched to a halt as the seals on the door cracked open, and the first inkling that something had gone terribly wrong for him was the ear-splitting wail of an alarm entering the room.

'Well then,' the Traitor Sorcerer thought, 'I was not expecting the plan to come to fruition that quickly.'

That thought immediately came to an end as the being that entered the room was most assuredly not in the colors of the Black Legion or Inquisition.

In fact, the gold and red wearing giant entering the room told him that the situation had just become incredibly dangerous for him.

Magnus the Red smiled at his wayward gene-son. It was not a kind smile. "Well hello young Kingbreaker, it's so good to see you again after you humiliated me and made me kneel to Abbadon."

Khayon very calmly did not say a word.

Magnus strode across the cell in two simple steps, such was his height; in fact sorcery was keeping him from hitting the ceiling. "Nothing to say now? No demands to proclaim the Warmaster's superiority?"

"No point." Khayon replied. "You are going to refuse then murder me anyway."

"On literally any other day traitor, you would be correct," Magnus cheerfully proclaimed. "But fortunately for you, you have the opportunity to advance the plans of The Architect of Fate! How fortunate for you."

To prove he was not simply messing with Khayon, he disintegrated the chains and psychic equipment keeping the imprisoned Space Marine contained, then preceded to turn around and walk out the door, the unspoken command obvious.

Even as he was forced to follow his Primarch while his powers returned Khayon didn't drop his guard for a single second. "I had been busy advancing the plans of the Warmaster and Chaos as a whole, not just the Changer of Way."

"You mean the plan where you put yourself into Inquisitorial custody with a tracker created by Sota-nul herself? So your master can map your progress through the Inquisition's bases for future attacks?"

Khayon snarled to himself in his own mind. Either his constant focusing on Abbadon's plans except for that specific one had slipped while his powers were disabled and let Magnus know, or he was out and out told by Tzeentch. He ignored the ash piles they were currently walking past, most likely mortals that attempted to stop the Daemon Primarch. Fools.

"That would be the plan yes."

"Well that plan is no longer possible." Magnus calmly stepped over the body of an Inquisition Stormtrooper. This specific one had apparently been turned into crystal. In fact it looked suspiciously like the crystal that makes up the God of Change's Crystal Labyrinth, which implied poor things for the human's soul. "The Inquisitors that will be arriving soon due to the alarms will realize that they are playing into your hands if you remain a prisoner after all this and simply execute you. The Warmaster will have to settle for what information he has gained so far."

As this point Khayon had returned to his full psychic strength. "And what is so important that the Fateweaver had to ruin this operation?"

"An entire incursion of Neverborn led by Uraka Az'baramael never returned to the Warp, and they had multiple Greater Daemons."

Iskander Khayon actually came to a dead halt at that statement. That... that really should not be possible. A Greater Daemon can easily decimate an entire world, multiple would end a star system. And none returned?

Oh. That's why Magnus had decided to recruit him. Tzeentch had tasked Magnus with discovering what happened, and he had decided to dump the job on him because of how dangerous it actually could be to his continued survival. Great.

"Why me?" That was the main question on his mind at this point. Surely if Magnus wanted someone as a sacrificial lamb to bait out whatever threat this is, he didn't need to come all this way for someone who he hates. He has plenty of sycophants that would happily take the job.

"The Sub-sector the world is located in is currently a major warzone," the Daemon Primarch stated. "I only have one Battleship in the area who recently lost the rest of its attending fleet. As one of Abaddon's trusted commanders you can rally more ships to your command."

Damn, that was a legitimate point that he couldn't argue with.

"So, an extremely likely chance of death completing your mission, versus certain death by the hands of the Inquisition." At this point they had made it to the entrance to hidden bunker complex.

"Actually, it appears to be certain death at the hands of the Aeldari."

Khayon grimaced at the sight of the Aeldari host speeding towards their position. No questions on what they wanted.

Magnus simply raised his hand and waved a Warp portal open. "Coming?"

The Sorcerer began to swear as he followed his Gene-father into the portal.
Turn 21 - Visitors, Primarchs, And Projects
[X] The Fallen's Due
-[X] Monument For The Fallen

(Unlocks: Tomb of the Fallen Martyrs)
-[X] Heroes, One And All
(Gain a Social Trait)
[x] Fortification Troubles
-[x] Expand Scope

(+50% Progress needed for all Fortifications Projects, gain +1/2/3/4/etc. Morale per Stage 1/2/3/4/etc.)
-[x] Integrate Defenses Into The Architecture
(Doubles Cost of all Fortification Projects, does not negatively affect tourism and planetary aesthetics.)
[x] #BlessedMunition
(Unlocks: Shrine of Hallowed Munitions)
[X] The First Visitor/s
-[x] The Soldier
-[X] The Heiress
-[X] The Knight
-[x] The Harem
-[x] The Wizard
-[x] The Seer
-[X] The Priest
Both Houses Unanimously Vote To Create Monument To Honor The Fallen
In a unanimous vote lacking nearly all usual theatrics and violence, the Upper and Lower Houses voted today to create a monument to honor the fallen heroes of the Gate Invasion, ensuring their sacrifice and bravery are remembered for as long as Momi is home to loyal Imperial Citizens. A sentiment that is seen as a truth that will last for as long as humanity exists, devoted to the God-Emperor, faithful to the Avenging Son, and adamantium-clad in our conviction to fight eternal, no matter what role we take in our fighting! Aided are we in this task by Bishopess Archimedea, who raced to the planet once she had heard that once-members of her flock were assaulted by the perfidious slaves of Chaos. Yet, relieved, she found us safe and loyal and chose to turn what forces of priests and laborers she had taken with her over to the task of helping in the construction and sanctification of the Shrine of Hallowed Munitions and Monument to the Fallen. Yet, luckily and to great amusement for the people, a brawl broke out immediately after the vote when the floor was opened for suggestions on the shape, commitment, and scale of the monument. Commentators have ranked it to be at least in the top three brawls, with one suggesting that Representative Lilic's use of a suplex against...
Source: Independent Inquirer

Arriving Tourists Herald New Beginning For Our Home
The first few ships bearing tourists and visitors have arrived upon the back of our declaration that the world is ready to receive those deserving of rest and relaxation upon our lush home. So with great pomp and fanfare were those first visitors received, with Baron Bonduer Augustia Sagitari Lucrecius the Seventh of House Lucrecius, Vassal of the Great House of Saryn, the ruling dynasty of the Saryn System, being the first to step upon the world, citing his want for some fresh air to him and his entourage, shortly followed by what are most likely his children. Accompanying him was the Rogue Trader Amelie Survelia Mary Gastari Ultiamri Holltrianusi Suske Tramusk, the Fifteenth of the Great Cruiser "Roaring Dwagon," and her own entourage. Said retinue included, much to the concern of many people, the sanctioned Xenos "Eochad Shaec," an Eldar Farseer of Craftworld Ulthwé, with the awe-inspiring form of a Space Marine of the Dark Angels Chapter close behind. What reason he has or why he is in the entourage of the Rogue Trader Amelie Survelia Mary Gastari Ultiamri Holltrianusi Suske Tramusk, the Fifteenth, is unknown. However, we have reports that, whatever his reasons, he seems particularly interested in the to-be-built monument to the fallen.
Source: Farmers Magazine

New Defense Budget Tripled Over Any Previous Expenditure
After the harsh lessons of the Gate Invasion, the Houses have decided, though not without difficulty, disagreements, and seven incidents requiring some members of the Houses to be removed from the floor, to triple the budget of the armed forces, seeking to ensure that our defenders will not lack in the material for our defense. Now receiving funding that both Houses and the people saw as too much before the Gate Invasion, our PDF has started to increase the quality and quantity of the defensive works planned in and around the Capital, surrounding towns, and villages, including the archipelago settlements. In addition, a visiting member of House Larilla has pledged herself to aid in the planning against giant foes and test the defensive works herself, appearing more than eager to assist us in these trying times.
Source: United News

Hey, why isn't it much wider discussed that Alaxa Inura got a visitor from the ships? And then some really old geezers?
#AdetusAstraTelepathica #WhatsHappening #HorseSkullGrill
Source: Howler

...I don't think those are his children, y'all.
#[Puke Emoji] #FirstVisitors
Source: Howler

[Video of several Sharkhounds playfighting with each other in the middle of their two parents sleeping against each other in a pile.]
#Sharkhounds #CuteAnimals #EyeBleach
Source: Howler

'Slowly and gradually, the galaxy is going to shit,' Roboute thought, sighing heavily into his reports as he shuffled some lines around, saving and condemning several billion lives according to the most gain they could buy humanity. With several more taps of his fingers gliding across the work station he had been working with for the last three days, fleets, logistical schedules for entire sectors, planetary reviews, initiatives against corruption, both mundane and not, and many things more besides were planned, updated, changed, canceled, or discarded entirely.

'Of course, the bad outweighs the good,' his thoughts continued as he looked at the bloody swath of carnage and rot Mortarion carved on his way to do something not-good-very-bad to humanity, with his fleet currently racing to intercept him. Magnus was presently doing something near the eye of terror, the smug bastard, while Fulgrim was busy debasing himself north of the Great Rift. Things weren't going swimmingly, and they wouldn't do so for a long time, even if his most optimistic projections were correct.

'On the flipside,' his mind wandered slightly as he looked over production schedules, weapons manufacturing quotas, raised regiments, and the spread of the Primaris. 'There is some positive news happening.' Particularly regarding re-discovering lost technology thanks to his dealings with Stygies VIII, though their insistence on discarding the modifications he had done was as vexing as it was infuriating. Those models had been sanctified by the Emperor, and he had had to fight a near-legal battle against them to even accept that he wasn't trying to get them caught up in a provable 'Tech-Heresy Charge' the other Forge-Worlds and Mars could use against them. And when they believed him, they told him that doing what he asked of them would result in them being censored or outright expelled from the wider Priesthood of the Omnissiah, which further drove him up the wall. Metaphorically speaking, of course.

Sighing once more, the Avenging Son turned to his paperwork, bringing up the blinking alert from the bridge that had appeared half a second ago, showing the captain looking rather torn between suspicion and awe.

"My Primarch, we are receiving a request for updates from the Lance of Heaven, which suddenly appeared in the system, and a request to speak with you from Primarch Jaghatai Khan."

Re-Building Assistance for 1(One) Turn:
500 Miscellaneous Materials
and 4 Free Dice from the Adeptus Administratum
100 Miscellaneous Materials and 2 Free Dice from the Adeptus Ministorum as long as 50% is spent on Faith-Related Projects

Voidport Trade
Money: 1 Point = 0 Units
Metal: 20 Points = 1 Unit
Alloys: 100 Points = 3 Units
Advanced Machinery: 250 Points = 20 Units
Promethium: 25 Points = 5 Units
Food: 15 Points = 1 Units
Power: 25 Points = 2 Units
People: 5 Points = 1 Unit
Minimum Cost: 250 Money per shipment for bribing Captains to go out of their way for you.
Minimum Freight: 50 Units

Free Dice to allocate: 7 Dice.
-[] Spend X/Amount Morale For Y/% Progress

(Conversion: 1 Morale = 20% Progress Total)

Infrastructure 9 Dice
[] Open Arkologies (Stage 3)
Having finished the layout of the Capital, work can begin building upon the incorporated surrounding region and oceanside. Land for Skyscrapers, High-Rises, and Shops will be expanded, while Industrial and Commercial land will have their waterways and road/rail networks developed to increase logistical interplay. Finally, thousands of houses and dozens of districts will be finished, with the planting and finishing touches added after inspections have cleared every area. We are on the last stretch of construction, with most things being a thousand and one busy work project, all adding up into a titanic amount of work.
(-17 Metal, -5 Power, -6 Alloys, -2 Advanced Machinery, +11 Money per Turn, +13 Food per Turn, +14 People per Turn (2/1461))

[] Villages and Townships (Stage 5)
These expanded communities will have access to all possible accommodations a citizen will reasonably require and enough space to ensure the internal growth can cover any additional luxuries that could be wanted. However, due to the cenotes underneath our feet, we should stabilize existing settlements first.
(-28 Metal, -4 Promethium per Turn, +20 People, +4 Power, +6 Money per Turn, +5 Food per Turn (10/1064))

[] Archipelago Townships (Stage 1)
Having completed the Swiftwater Port, efforts to create towns, villages, and outposts in various Momi-Archipelagos can commence the moment resources are allocated to this effort. These locations will be vital in supplying and supporting native wet-navy capabilities, with aquaculture and industrial focuses on the area. However, several pumps and ferries need to have several components replaced before continuing the expansion, as getting attacked by a leviathan isn't anyone's idea of fun.
(-4 Promethium per Turn, +1 People per Turn, (264/336))

[] Gardens And Parks (Stage 1)
The beauty of our world can be watched everywhere people walk in our cities and towns. Yet, some wish for manicured gardens and parks specialized in specific plants or animals and centered around themes and packages crafted for every taste. So, let us lay the foundations for gardens that will awe even the most ornery bureaucrat.
(-5 Money, -10 Metal, -5 Food, -1 Power, -1 People, +5 Money, and +5 Food per Turn once Pleasure World Status is reached (0/401))

[] Casino Complexes (Stage 1)
Where there is money, there are those who want more, no matter the costs or the way. And the way you'll be able to satisfy this desire and greed will also be the way you'll be taking it away from the fools who participate. Cards, slots, machines, betting on sports, races, happenings, and more, all while everything is rigged to siphon as much money out of the nobles and merchants as possible. After all, the house always wins.
(-50 Money, -8 Metal, -45 Food, -6 Power, -3 People. +75 Money per Turn Money per Turn once Pleasure World Status is reached (0/536))

[] Luxury Entertainment Complexes (Stage 1)
What is life with a bed without any warmth, a show where nothing happens, or no sense of danger in the fun of combat? Bring drama to the tourists, pleasure into their rooms, and give them thrills they'll never get while cooped up in their spires of gold and adamantium.
(-18 Metal, -2 Advanced Machinery, -5 Power, -4 People, -4 Promethium per Turn, +27 Money per Turn once Pleasure World Status is reached (0/808))

[] Swiftwater Port (Stage 3)
With the recent refits completed, new slips and increased space for old ones can be initiated, alongside a general installation of machiner, servitors, and equipment to increase output and security while reducing redundancy and poorly done ships.
(-24 Metal, -2 Advanced Machinery, -8 People, -8 Metal per Turn, -14 Promethium per Turn, -6 Power ((242/738))

[] Road Network (Stage 3)
A general and widespread connecting train network will ensure that bulk raw goods can be shipped from industry to industry with little hassle. At the same time, increased road maintenance prevents any part of the network from sliding into unusability. Alongside this increase in capacity, roads connecting outlying villages and towns can be fortified against the creeping advance of local plants.
(-25 Metal, -8 Promethium per Turn (145/523))

[] Civilian Shallow Cenote Tunnel Networks (Stage 1)
The recently uncovered tunnels may be a curse for stability, but they are a blessing for everything else! In this case, creating roads and train stations for civilian use will ensure that our people can evacuate or move wherever needed or flee even with ground side bombardments. It would also allow faster transport in the shallow industrial portions of the cenotes.
(-5 Metal, -6 Power, -1 People, -2 Power per Turn (0/568))

[] Schooling And Education (Stage 3)
While having enough capacity for half the population to be educated within the schools in an all-day program, it is not nearly enough to ensure that our children have the needed space or educators required for their education. Moreover, though we are willing to expand as soon as possible to fill this lack of capacity, we currently do not possess enough teachers to adequately staff even those educational centers we have already constructed.
(-18 Money, -9 Metal, -6 Power, -5 People, -5 Money per Turn (30/494))

[] Medical Clinics (Stage 3)
The expansion of several clinics, hospitals, and healthcare facilities has seen a sharp reduction in fatalities from injuries and lack of medical care or the inadequacy thereof. Yet, we have to continue to push past the current system's limitations, as while people can now reliably be treated for any number of minor injuries, anything more significant will result in enormous queues for waiting, increased chances of death, and the risk of limbs.
(-5 Money per Turn, +3 People per Turn (246/655))

[] Sanitation And Hygiene Infrastructure (Stage 2)
Reserves of freshwater, extensive treatment facilities guarded by machine and faith alike to stave off any siege, and dozens of minor preparations for building all manner of extensions to the colony will ensure that disease cannot harm the faithful.
(-3 Metal, -2 Power, -1 People, +1 Morale (106/351))

[] Voidport (Stage 2)
Having finished the basic layout of the Voidport, shoring up inefficiencies, damaged portions, or inadequate infrastructure will be vital for the next step in ensuring the prosperity of Momi: creating a space station.
(-55 Metal, -9 Alloys, -17 Advanced Machinery, -40 Power, -32 People, -40 Promethium per Turn (862/1275))

[] Shrines And Churches (Stage 3)
The finishing touches to provide each citizen adequate access to faith and a place to listen to sermons and pray in peace require little in terms of resources yet offer much peace of mind among the citizenry. Expanding existing churches that are consistently overcrowded while opening auxiliary buildings will ensure that our people are as safe from corruption as we can passively do.
(-9 Promethium per Turn, +6 Morale (242/2386))

[] Tomb of the Fallen Martyrs
Those who gave themselves to us shall not be forgotten, for here they slumber, knowing we shall fight in their shadows and deeds.
(-1000 Money, -200 Metals, -50 Alloys, -20 Advanced Machinery, -200 Promethium, -350 Food, -50 Power, -25 People, -35 Promethium per Turn, -20 Food per Turn, +15 Morale, +4 Morale Limit Extension (0/???))

[] Administratum Headquarters (Stage 3)
The expansion of your administrative facilities will be all about expanding via quantity, as few things can be improved upon within the bureaucratic apparatus of the Imperium without sparking another civil war within. Lord Haku once commented on his role within, and Guard Veterans have had fewer harrowing tales in their service times.
(-85 Money, -15 Metal, -2 Advanced Machinery, -12 Power, Gain Dice (130/688))

[] Shallow Cenote Shelters (Stage 1)
The recently uncovered tunnels may be a curse for stability, but they are a blessing for everything else! In this case, shelters allow civilians to flee any devastations from natural disasters or invading armies.
(-25 Metal, -50 Food, -12 Power, -10 Promethium per Turn, -8 Food per Turn, +6 Morale (0/3170))

Light Industry 7 Dice
[] Promethium Cracking Plants (Stage 2)
The usage of the Holy STCs has increased our ability to process the natively pumped Promethium into high-quality forms to unseen heights. Additionally, with every newly connected Promethium field adding its output to these plants, the production of the Cracking Plants will only increase further and further. However, with the massive surplus already there, work on fuel silos should be started to prevent any idling production.
(-12 Money, -14 Metal, -1 Alloy, -6 Advanced Machinery, -5 People, -2 Advanced Machinery per Turn, -1 Alloy per Turn, +75 Promethium per Turn, +1 Morale (0/319))

[] Promethium Fuel-Silos (Stage 2)
More storage allows for more resources.
(-4 Metal, -1 Alloy, +800 Promethium Storage, +1 Morale (0/29))

[] Chemical Industry Complex (Stage 4)
Having massively outdone the need for any sensible Chemical Industry, any expansion to the current capacity is wildly unneeded and harmful.
(-1304 Money, -98 Metal, -26 Alloys, -20 Advanced Machinery, -49 People, -78 Promethium per Turn, +138 Money per Turn +1 Morale (124/1471))

[] Civilian Shipyard Expansion (Stage 1)
With the rising demand for off-shore resources like fish, crabs, plants, minerals, and chemicals and the increasing need for shipping across the waters of our planet, a general expansion of our Shipyards can be initiated to supply all the vessel's native industry demands.
(-39 Money, -17 metal, -7 People, -18 Promethium per Turn, +17 Money per Turn, +21 Food per Turn, +2 Morale (0/498))

[] Civilian Transportation Complexes (Stage 2)
Cars, trains, aircraft, scooters, bikes, boats, and more must be produced, marketed, and sold to the masses who need them. Renting out and selling more spaces and factories for companies to start providing these goods will ensure that nobody will have to walk without wanting to walk.
(-21 Metal, -5 Power, -11 People, +19 Money per Turn, +2 Morale (264/705))

[] Civilian Appliances Complexes (Stage 3)
As our people's prosperity grows, so does their demand for more things to spend their money on. Accommodating them will only benefit everyone, so it is logical to upgrade and expand native factories and manufacturing capabilities.
(-22 Metal, -5 Advanced Machinery -15 Power, -15 People, -5 Metal per Turn, +55 Money per Turn, +7 Morale (201/375))

[] Civilian Luxury Complexes (Stage 2)
An expansion of the complexes focusing on creating high-end products such as jewelry, electronics, and implants will be needed to ensure adequate production can be kept up with the rising demands. In addition, increased infrastructure links to trains and roads will render logistical bottlenecks so common in many worlds irrelevant for some years.
(-5 Metal, -1 Advanced Machinery, -3 Power, -5 People, -2 Metal Per Turn, +32 Money per Turn, +7 Morale (68/930))

[] Tourism Support Complexes (Stage 1)
From sex toys and fetishwear, specialized guns and armor, luxury cars, and vehicles to pets and tools for their care, everything a visiting tourist could ever want will be produced here. And with more enterprises needing materials, more money can be made from sales!
(+5 Money per Turn and Stage of finished Tourism Projects once Tourism starts, +1 Morale (368/594))

Heavy Industry 7 Dice
[] Blackfire Alloying Complex (Stage 3)
With the recent expansion of the BAC, we have reached the furthest extent that can be accomplished without serious investment in Holy Machinery purpose crafted to create alloys in all shapes, purity, and types required. The local Ad Mechanicum is happy to help.
(-26 Metal, -7 Power, -3 People, -2 Advanced Machinery, -25 Metal per Turn, +19 Alloys per Turn, +1 Morale (52/217))

[] Alloy Storage (Stage 2)
With your expanded production, you will need some expanded storage.
(-8 Metal, -3 Power, -4 People, -3 Money per Turn, +250 Alloy Capacity (4/4)) - (Requires 1(One) Dice to finish)

[] Promethium Extraction And Refinement Complex - (Location)
Promethium is vital to everything, from civilian life to industrial processes ending with the Guard. Getting out from the ground is the easy part. Refining it to something worthwhile will be much more challenging.
C-1/2/3/4, -6 Metal, -4 People, +10 Promethium per Turn, +1 Morale (0/495)

[] Off-Shore Promethium Extraction And Refinement Complex - (Location)
Promethium is vital to everything, from civilian life to industrial processes ending with the Guard. Getting out from the ground within the ocean is the hard part. Refining it to something worthwhile will be much more manageable.
A-1/2/3/4/5, -12 Metal, -3 People, +26 Promethium per Turn, +1 Morale (0/399)
A-1, +26 Promethium per Turn, +1 Morale (63/399)
B-1/2/3/4, -19 Metal, -2 People, +52 Promethium per Turn, +1 Morale (0/530)
C-2/3/, -25 Metal, -3 People, +107 Promethium per Turn, +1 Morale (0/929)

[] Orchard Mine (Stage 6)
Intensification of mining operations will require substantial investment into outposts, cenote infrastructure, and local housing for miners on long-term operations and prospecting operations.
(-14 People, -35 Metal, -6 Advance Machinery, -19 Power, -2 People per Turn, -20 Promethium per Turn, +50 Metal per Turn, +1 Morale (0/1703))

[] Undergrowth Mine (Stage 2)
Having dug the exploration shafts down into the earth and made clever use of the existing tunnels, the exploitation of the mineral wealth underneath our feet can begin as soon as the required resources are allocated.
(-4 Metal, -4 Advanced Machinery, -2 Power, -1 People, -12 Promethium per Turn, +3 Money per Turn, +9 Metal per Turn, +1 Morale (0/286))

[] Dew Mine (Stage 5)
Increasing the allocated resources for local exploitation with additional industries to turn the gathered precious and rare minerals and jewels into usable products on-site increases the profit and viability of the mines.
(-20 Power, -29 People, -26 Metal, +12 Metal per Turn, +66 Money per Turn, +1 Morale (0/1118)))

[] Geode Load Mine (Stage 4)
Why are we doing this?
(-16 Metal, -4 Power, -8 People, +25 Metal per Turn, +109 Money per Turn, +1 Morale (125/473))

[] Mineral Resource Depots (Stage 1)
With the rising capabilities of our mining industry, the resulting explosion of output needs somewhere to go rather than be dumped into the middle of nowhere where the minerals can either be stolen or poison the ground for years or decades to come. Therefore, constructing warehouses to secure our mineral bounty from grabby hands and shield the environment should be a priority.
(-5 Metal, -2 Power, -2 People, -1 Money per Turn, +500 Metal Storage Capacity, +1 Morale (0/274))

[] Geothermal Plants (Stage 3)
Only the volcano at the center of the island remains to be tapped. There is no fancy text for this proposal; there is a volcano; you have geothermal generators. Just put the two together.
(-11 Metal, -1 People, +26 Power, +1 Morale (238/945))

[] Wave-Generators (Stage 3)
Having tapped all primary and secondary sites, now is the time to bring every tertiary site fully into the power grid, enabling further growth for Momi. After this, there will be no economically viable place to put/maintain any more Wave-Generators until the population has grown.
(-14 Metal, -1 People, +30 Power, +1 Morale (110/688))

[] Plasma Ioniser Expansion
The work is done on the Plasma Ioniser, and the power it generates will last for a good long while, yet plans for its expansion have been drafted for review when needed.
(-75 Metal, -8 Advanced Machinery, -14 People, -8 Money per Turn, -8 Promethium per Turn, +863 Power, +1 Morale (0/790))

[] Shrine To The Omnissiah (Stage 3)
01001001 01110011 00100000 01110011 01100101 01110010 01110110 01101001 01100011 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01001101 01101111 01110100 01101001 01110110 01100101 00100000 01000110 01101111 01110010 01100011 01100101 00100000 01101111 01100110 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01001101 01100001 01100011 01101000 01101001 01101110 01100101 00100000 01101110 01101111 01110100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01110101 01101100 01110100 01101001 01101101 01100001 01110100 01100101 00100000 01100111 01101111 01100001 01101100 00100000 01101111 01100110 00100000 01100001 01101100 01101100 00100000 01100110 01100001 01101001 01110100 01101000 01100110 01110101 01101100 00100000 01110011 01100101 01110010 01110110 01100001 01101110 01110100 01110011 00101100 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01101001 01110100 00100000 01101110 01101111 01110100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01110010 01101001 01100111 01101000 01110100 01100110 01110101 01101100 00100000 01100100 01100101 01100011 01110010 01100101 01100101 00100000 01101111 01100110 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01001111 01101101 01101110 01101001 01110011 01110011 01101001 01100001 01101000 00111111
(-45 Metal, -25 Power, -10 People, -6 Morale, -19 Metal per Turn, -14 Promethium per Turn, +6 Advanced Machinery per Turn, +20 Money per Turn, +1 Morale (19/494))

Military 5 Dice
[] PDF Headquarters (Stage 3)
The first step is complete, giving you a respectable PDF, though one that is rather understrength at the moment lacking tanks, planes, vehicles, and any type of native logistical support. Although thinking about it, you barely have the needed supplies to hold for two months, expansion of the PDF with more coordination centers and an expanded staff should wait until you can actually produce military hardware.
(-5 Metal per Turn, -6 Promethium per Turn, -18 Money per Turn, gain an additional 4 PDF Regiments, chosen by you, and what native industry can support. (0/565))

[] Blue Navy Shipyard Expansion (Stage 1)
With the rising number of those living scattered around the Archipelagos instead of on the primary continent, the need to patrol and secure trading and shipping lanes will grow, as smugglers may well take advantage of our lack of a Blue Navy.
(-8 Metal, -1 Advanced Machinery, -4 People, -9 Money per Turn, -2 Metal per Turn, -7 Promethium per Turn (0/304))

[] Enhance Fortifications (Stage 3)
Dig deeper, dig farther! Bunkers in every strategic location, networks of logistical tendrils into every corner, sally places, barracks, spots for ambushes, and camouflaged bunkers with anti-air batteries both hidden and open. Double the bunkers, the AA, AT, minefields, fortifications, supply depots, every bunker a complex, every complex a fortress, every fortress a bastion! Do not let anything or anyone set foot or appendage on our world again without suffering the consequences!
(+3 Morale (197/983))

[] Shallow Cenote Bunkers (Stage 1)
The recently uncovered tunnels may be a curse for stability, but they are a blessing for everything else! In this case, bunkers for the Military. Let's see which perfidious Xenos or Heretic can dig out a fortified position spanning several stories with clear shots for kilometers! Erh, on second thought, let's not, but we should build these anyways.
(-72 Money, -108 Metal, -40 Food, -70 Power, -16 People, -24 Money per Turn, -12 Metal per Turn, -8 Food per Turn, +1 Morale (0/1761))

[] Military Shallow Cenote Tunnel Networks (Stage 1)
The recently uncovered tunnels may be a curse for stability, but they are a blessing for everything else! In this case, the movement of our PDF can be significantly sped up if they can completely ignore topography, enemy lines, and weak orbital bombardment. An army's position is king, and we will choose ours with minimal difficulty.
(-16 Money, -34 Metal, -8 Power, -10 People, -6 Money per Turn, +1 Morale (0/1383))

[] Small Arms Factory (Stage 2)
And expansion to the production lines for Lasguns, Autoguns, Stubbers, Grenades, and more will be created to supply our growing army.
(-9 Metal, -2 People, -3 Metal per Turn (100/28)) - (Requires 1(One) Dice to finish)

[] Ammunition Complex (Stage 2)
Ammunition does not grow on trees; they all need to be produced somewhere, whether the physical shells of bullets and bolter rounds or the energy packs for laser and plasma weaponry. So, expand your production.
(-1 Metal per Turn (-18/29))

[] Shrine of Hallowed Munitions (Stage ?)
Sanctified, consecrated, etched with holy symbols, prayers, and doused in blessed oils and waters, the munitions are the best and most sacred things produced on Momi without evoking the suspicion of sorcery and heresy.
(-20 Metal, -3 People, -2 Metal per Turn, -12 Promethium per Turn, +4 Morale, +??? (0/250))

[] Equipment Manufactory (Stage 2)
The increasing demands of the Military for more military goods require an expansion to provide the wanted goods.
(-14 Metal, -5 People, -4 Metal per Turn, -2 Alloys per Turn (148/168))

[] Basilisk Foundry (Stage 1)
The one and only the OG, war winner, and most beloved artillery piece of humanity: the Basilisk! Start pumping out these bad boys to equip our troops with superior indirect/direct firepower to turn any place on Momi into mere grid coordinates!
(-12 Metal, -2 People, -4 Metal per Turn, -1 Alloy per Turn (0/144))

[] Manticore Factory (Stage 1)
A recent "gift" has arrived from Fabricator-General Beturid-Cambruul of the Forge-World Delphi, handing over the blueprints of the Manticore and associated ammunition with several Techpriests to oversee their production as an apology for the actions of Explorator Charon-Psi-8. He has since declared that any remaining ill-will is due to our faulty fleshy bits and hung up on the astropath. Okay then.
(-4 Metal, -2 People, -2 Power, -1 Metal per Turn, -3 Alloys per Turn, -1 Advanced Machinery per Turn (0/433))

[] Tauros And Taurox Complex (Stage 2)
The recent rationalization of the Tauros has increased our capacity to produce more. Simultaneously, the addition of a cannon on top of the Taurox added sorely lacking bite to our PDF, in addition to a Mechanization effort initiated to fully mechanize our forces. Yet, hundreds of these vehicles will need to be produced. Therefore, an expansion of their Manufacturing Complexes is required as soon as possible.
(-12 Metal, -3 Alloy, -4 People, -6 Metal per Turn, -2 Alloy per Turn (134/125)) - (Requires 1(One) Dice to finish)

[] Leman Russ Manufactory (Stage 1)
It is the Leman Russ. Do I need to say more?
(-16 Metal, -6 People, -4 Metal per Turn, -1 Alloy per Turn (0/346))

[] Sentinel Workshops (Stage 3)
With the Ranid-Pattern Sentinel officially approved by Holy Mars, constructing their manufactories and production should begin immediately in appropriate numbers. Meaning as many as you can create!
(-26 Metal, -5 People, -7 Metal per Turn, -4 Alloy per Turn (16/301))

[] Valkyrie Roosts (Stage 1)
Having access to even a smidge of airpower has enabled even the most incompetent PDFs to turn wars. Luckily, with these roosts, so will yours too!
(-6 Metal, -3 People, -1 Metal per Turn, -2 Alloys per Turn, -1 Advanced Machinery per Turn (0/167))

Agriculture And Aquaculture 6 Dice
[ ] Biosphere Research Initiative (Stage 4)


[] Silos, Granaries, Emergency Stores (Stage 2)
Expanded warehouses, installed freezers, clever distribution plans, and incentives to construct their own storage can be used to increase the amount of food we can store to cover any drought, pests, bad harvests, and invasion.
(-8 Metal, -1 Advanced Machinery, -2 Money per Turn, +200 Food Storage (0/190))

[] Undersea Aquatic Foodstock Investigation (Stage 3)
Having found almost everything you can in the High Ocean, you will now descend into the deep dark below, seeking the strange, alien, and beautiful. After that, you'll try to eat the things.
(1221/1137) - (Requires 1(One) Dice to finish)

[] Aquatic Foodstock (Stage 1)
Fish, crabs, squids, and more are tasty, nutritious, and easy to catch if you know what you are doing. So design and build some Trawlers to get the aquatic bounty onto dry land, build some fish farms, and see what else can be created.
(-6 Metal, -3 People, -8 Promethium per Turn, +12 Food per Turn (0/369))

[] Aquatic Chemistry (Stage 1)
Taking advantage of the unique and familiar compounds found will not be difficult. A few facilities to process the bounty coupled with warehouses will allow you to earn quite the pretty throne. Once you actually get some trade going, that is. Meanwhile, your population will be delighted to take advantage of the offered luxuries.
(-6 Metal, -3 Power, -2 People, +8 Money per Turn, +1 Morale (0/156))

[] Luxury And Medical Crop Production (Stage 3)
With the recent rapid expansions of luxury and medical crop production, the standard of available food quality and medical care has risen in a statistically significant trend. Yet, there is further room for expansion and increased yields, using herbicides, insecticides, chemical fertilizers, and automation wherever possible. Such an expansion will, by necessity, require the deforestation of large parts of nearby forests and jungles, but the money to be made will be more than worth the hassle.
(-8 Metal, -12 People, +16 Money, +40 Money per Turn (53/173))

[] Farming Initiative (Stage 3)
This truly titanic expansion of farming capability will likely be capable of feeding millions of people, with only 0.7% of Momi's sole continent devoted to agriculture. Food will likely be a non-issue for years once this expansion has been completed.
(-28 Metal, -8 Power, -18 Promethium, -16 people, +120 Food per Turn, +24 Money (133/173))

[] Meat and Leather Factories (Stage 3)
More pens, more slaughterhouses, more profit, and food!
(-15 Metal, -3 Advanced Machinery, -5 Power, -10 People, -16 Promethium per Turn, +25 Money per Turn, +105 Food per Turn (72/236))

[] Wool, Fur, and Milk Farms (Stage 2)
While the current production of luxury goods, as well as secondary food products, is sufficient to allow unrestricted access for a third of the population, expanded pens and a better understanding of the needs and biology of native animals will now enable us to ramp up production and ensure that previous goods unavailable for many will become commonplace.
(-5 Metal, -3 People, +12 Food per Turn, +8 Money per Turn (6/480))

[] Sharkhound Domestication (Stage 3)
While the current facilities for breeding and containing Sharkhounds are enough to equip Auxiliary Units, the uses for these animals are as vast as they are profitable. For example, they can be sold off-world to be used by the Mea hoʻokō instead of horses or speeders as low-budget alternatives and rough terrain vehicles, pets, prestige objects, and more! Also, having a large and ready pool of replacements in the case of casualties doesn't hurt either.
(-17 Money, -9 Metal, -4 Promethium, -5 Power, -2 People, -20 Food per Turn, +4 Money per Turn, +1 Morale (253/430))

Services 4 Dice
[] Labor Corps (Stage 3)
While the Administratum runs the entire Empire of Man, their orders are carried out on the backs of workers endlessly toiling away. They are the vital blood that keeps the Empire running, buildings built on schedule and specification.
(-20 People, gain Dice allocations (131/108)) - (Requires 1(One) Dice to finish)

[] Teacher College (Stage 3)
While the last batch of teachers is currently settling into their roles, a new generation is being prepared to build and educate our children for the tasks ahead in our future. More teachers can be trained by making more rooms and adding classes, slowly ensuring that we have enough capacity for teachers in all aspects.
(-9 Money, -5 Metal, -2 Power, - 2 People, -5 Money per Turn (35/108))

[] Child-Care Systems (Stage 3)
Expanding the CCS and the CCA will allow more people to return to the workforce faster than before, indirectly boosting birth rates as mothers are no longer forced to choose between careers and children.
(-37 Money per Turn, -8 Metal per Turn, +5 People per Turn (22/565))

[] Public Archives Program (Stage 1)
How can one expect the populace to better itself if there isn't a place to learn? How will the poor but talented show they have what it takes to enter the best universities if they cannot access the information needed? Can we really say that we will get what we pay for if we allow nobody to improve in their private time, shutting them off from the wisdom of the Ancients? No. As such, every village has an Archive, every town a dozen, and for our Capital, the vastest collection of knowledge outside the Archives of the Mechanicum.
(+1 Morale, -12 Money, -8 Metal, -2 Promethium, -4 Power, -6 Money per Turn, -2 Promethium per Turn (0/498)

[] Electronic Entertainment Subsidies (Stage 1)
Now that the governmental portions of the Gubernatorial Palace are completed, the Republic can now make use of many forms of incentives to create native industries. One of those is to have subsidies ready for any artists willing and eager to produce electronic games for children and adults alike. They will, by their nature, be almost wholly cultural and subject to the whims of the people's taste but could add to the Republics' coffers in taxes and create industries by allowing merchandise companies to flourish.
(-8 Money, -1 Power, +1 Morale, +3 Money per Turn (0/175))

[] Animation Studios Subsidies (Stage 2)
Now that the governmental portions of the Gubernatorial Palace are completed, the Republic can now make use of many forms of incentives to create native industries. One of those is to have subsidies ready for any artists willing and eager to produce animations for children and adults alike. They will, by their nature, be almost wholly cultural and subject to the whims of the people's taste but could add to the Republics' coffers in taxes and create industries by allowing merchandise companies to flourish.
(-11 Money, +5 Money per Turn (0/108))

[] Movie Studios Subsidies (Stage 2)
Now that the governmental portions of the Gubernatorial Palace are completed, the Republic can now make use of many forms of incentives to create native industries. One of those is to have subsidies ready for any actors, writers, and directors willing and eager to produce movies for children and adults alike. They will, by their nature, be almost wholly cultural and subject to the whims of the people's taste but could add to the Republics' coffers in taxes and create industries by allowing merchandise companies to flourish.
(-20 Money, +5 Money per Turn (74/242))

[ ] Music Studio, Theater, And Opera Subsidies (Stage 2)
Music is, universally, seen as a pleasant experience for many, something to soothe, calm, excite, anger, and more, depending on the artist and piece. Aiding new and eager musicians can only help with the birth of native culture while also gaining a neat profit from taxation. These musicians will also assist the theater and opera houses opening with subsidies from the government, ready to bring stories of love, hate, drama, epic, comedy, and more to the people and elite tourists alike.
(-13 Money, -4 People, +9 Money per Turn (0/158))

[] Colleges For The Arts (Stage 1)
Ensuring that there is a persistent quality and moral standard across the arts industry will be the work of decades. Still, it can be helped by funneling prospective students into these colleges. Here, they can learn the trade from experts while also being molded to follow decency and moral guidelines. If the Republic decides that they want them to.
(-8 Money, -2 Metal, -2 People, -2 Money per Turn (0/336))

[] Schola Progenium (Stage 1)
The forge in which heroes are made. Orphans are molded into the Imperium's backbone within these hallowed halls of learning, discipline, and iron faith. Commissars will graduate here, knowing that their works ensure another saved planet. At the same time, Inquisitorial Agents are prepared to face the hard choice of fighting to save the remaining innocents or doom a world. Sisters of Battle will grow up within dormitories and curches, their hymns and war-cries soon to echo across the galaxy, while potential Tempestus Scion Recruits battle for the honor of graduation. It is within these halls that mortal flesh is shaped into immortal Martyrs.
(-2 Morale, -40 Money, -36 Metal, -8 Advanced Machinery, -60 Promethium, -12 Power, -8 People, -12 Money per Turn, -4 Metal per Turn, -8 Promethium per Turn, -4 Power per Turn, -1 People per Turn (0/1882)

[] Wilderness Resorts (Stage 1)
Several hundred kilometers of wild jungles, forests, and reefs can be mapped out, categorized, secured, and turned into wilderness resorts, where nobles and high dignitaries can mingle alongside other wealthy and influential people in "untouched wilderness" while blissfully unaware that they will never encounter any animal they are not meant to see. Alongside this, mansions and services will allow them to live to their high standards.
(-10 Money, -15 Metal, -2 Power, -2 People, -8 Food Per Turn, +25 Money Per Turn once Pleasure World Status is reached (0/917))

[] Adventure Packages (Stage 2)
It is not shitty; it is rustic. Authentic, not backwards. We are marketing dropping rich idiots into the wilderness, people; we gotta have some snazz to sell that!
(-20 Money, +38 Money per Turn once Pleasure World Status is reached (10/61))

Bureaucracy Dice 3
[] Defense Initiative Legislation
-[] Civilian Gun Legislation
-[] Civilian Armor Legislation
-[] Civilian Armed Vehicle Legislation
-[] Civilian Armed Ship Legislation
-[] Civilian Self-Defense Automation Legislation
-[] Civilian-Structure Structural Reinforcement Legislation
-[] (Write-In)

(1 Die each)

[] Economic Initiative Legislations
-[] Increase Worker's Rights
-[] Decrease Worker's Rights
-[] Modify Safety Standards
-[] Modify Union Laws
-[] Tighten Collective Standards
-[] Targeted Subsidies Clauses
-[] Native Industry Protection

(1 Die each)

[] Strengthen Beastmen Rights
It is unforgivable that the God-Emperor Himself has given these Abhumans a charter and rightful continuation of their existence in perpetuity. Yet, they are treated like trash and barely worthy! More Humans have fallen to heretical whispers and traitorous ideas, some even to XENOS! The God-Emperor has given them their rights for deeds, and now we must do the same!
(2 Dice)

[] Tax Legislations
The time has come. Let them pay!
-[] Income
-[] Sales
-[] Property
-[] Inheritance
-[] Capital Gains
-[] Luxury Goods
-[] Empty Homes
-[] Punitive Wealth Tax
-[] Punitive Import Taxes

(1 Die each)

[] Tax Drug Use
Once you hook 'em, you can tax 'em!
(1 Die)

[] Revisit Legislation For Drug Use
This has gone far too far! We need to look at our laws and stances on drug use and then revise our legislation!
(1 Die)

[] Revisit Legislation For The PDM
Some things need to be changed regarding recent revelations or changing circumstances.
(1 Die)

[] Revisit Tax Legislations
-[] Diverted Profit
-[] Unexplained Wealth Orders
-[] Public Tax Returns

(1 Die each)

[] Declare Independence
(10 Die)

Name: Momi ʻōmaʻomaʻo
Capital: Nā Hoʻomaka

The First Momi Representative (39 seats, 61.6%)
- 9 Seats (14.2%) for Green Momi Party
- 8 Seats (12.7%) for Sleeping Leviathan Party
- 8 Seats (12.7%) for The Conservative Party
- 4 Seats (6.3%) for The Machine Alliance Party
- 4 Seats (6.3%) for The Health Party
- 3 Seats (4.7%) for The Equality for All Party
- 3 Seats (4.7%) for Paradise Party
Create A Commission To Manage Pollution - Green Momi Party - Fulfilled - (+1d4+1 Seats in the next election)
Formalize Harsh Punishments For Polluting The Environment - Green Momi Party - Fulfilled - (+1d4 Seats in the next election)
Implement A Universal Draft - Sleeping Leviathan Party - Fulfilled - (+2 Seats in the next election)
Form A Competent Militia - Sleeping Leviathan Party - Fulfilled - (+2 Seats in the next election)
Achieve Full Self-Sufficiency - Conservative Party and The Equality For All Party - Fulfilled - (+1 Seat in the next election)
Start The Tourism Industry - Paradise Party - Fulfilled - (+1 Seat in the next election)
Initiate Military Mechanization Efforts - The Machine Alliance Party - Fulfilled - (+1 Seat in the next election)
Finish Two Biosphere Research Initiatives - The Health Party - Fulfilled - (+1 Seat in the next election)
Commander: Hancock
Tithe: Voluntary
Recruitment: Professional Force
Training: Guard
Equipment: Guard, Auxilliary Sharkhound Rough Riders, Tauros Scout Auxilliary
Special Forces:
-Coastal Defenders - Units trained and equipped for combat in tropical environments.
-Dive Troopers - Units trained and equipped for combat deep underwater. Honorifics
Alaxa Inuras - Psyker
- Gamma
Traits - Actually Sane (What's on the tin), My name is Alaxa Inuras. This is a lie. (???)

1st Momi Mechanized Infantry Regiment - The Megatooth Hunters
Regimental Standard: A green field semé of hurts (a background of green with blue polka-dots) charged with a stylized, black, rearing sharkhound. A white Roman numeral one (1) is in the top corner of the fly.
Major: Lamia Orca / Female
Traits: Logistics Focused (Reduced supply consumption), Vigilant (Low chance to negate surprise attacks)
Accolades: 32x The Koa of Valor (32x Chaos Gate Invasion (26x Posthumous Award)), 254x The Marksman's Cross (254x Chaos Gate Invasion (233x Posthumous Award)), 228x The Order of the Leviathan (228x Chaos Gate Invasion (175x Posthumous Award))

2nd Momi Mechanized Infantry Regiment - The Hoplites
Regimental Standard: A green field charged with a black Cretan labyrinth in the fly and a blue Greek helm in the hoist. A white Roman numeral two (2) in the top corner of the fly.
Major: Theseus Daedalus / Male
Traits: Muscled (Increased Melee and Assassination Survival Chance), Parent To Their Soldiers (Increased regimental morale)
Accolades: 148x The Koa of Valor (148x Chaos Gate Invasion (31x Posthumous Award)), 152x The Marksman's Cross (152x Chaos Gate Invasion (24x Posthumous Award)), 273x The Order of the Leviathan (273x Chaos Gate Invasion (4x Posthumous Award), 1x Beastmen Minotauress for killing five (5) Xenos)

3rd Momi Mechanized Infantry Regiment - The Cenote Divers
Regimental Standard: A green field semé of blue spirals with black borders. A white Roman numeral three (3) is in the top corner of the fly.
Major: Ellison Kahanamoku / Male
Traits: Zero Fucks (Cannot be bribed), Good Cuppa (Increased regimental morale)
Accolades: 151x The Koa of Valor (151x Chaos Gate Invasion (6x Posthumous Award), 2x Male Humans, for drawing a group of Xenos away from a village (Posthumous Award)), 165x The Marksman's Cross (165x Chaos Gate Invasion (116x Posthumous Award)), 145x The Order of the Leviathan (145x Chaos Gate Invasion (30x Posthumous Award))
"The Koa of Valor" for Bravery
An inverted, five-point, bronze star with a stylized acacia koa branch set upon it. The service ribbon is green with black borders. If this award is earned more than once, a bronze pin with the appropriate roman numeral will be added to the ribbon.

"The Marksman's Cross" for Excellent Shooting
A silver Celtic, Greek cross. The service ribbon is black with green borders. If this award is earned more than once, a silver pin with the appropriate roman numeral will be added to the ribbon.

"The Order of the Leviathan" for Daring Action
A golden disk with a stylized leviathan skull set upon it. The service ribbon is solid black. If this award is earned more than once, a gold pin with the appropriate roman numeral will be added to the ribbon
Silver Caduceus - awarded to medicae, first responders, and emergency personnel for acts of outstanding dedication and courage in saving or protecting civilians while risking their own lives (saving civilians from burning buildings, medicae continuing to provide medical aid in a facility under enemy fire, etc.). A caduceus takes the form of a staff with two snakes entwined around it, surmounted by a pair of wings pinned to the left breast - additional awards of the Silver Caduceus are shown by extra pairs of wings on the medal.

Golden Caduceus - posthumous award to medicae, first responders, and emergency personnel who died while exhibiting great courage to save or protect civilians, including the deliberate sacrifice of their own lives. Takes the form of a golden caduceus, approximately the length of a power maul (just short of human forearm length).

Tear of Lord Haku - award issued to civilians for acts of conspicuous courage or devotion to the welfare of Momi ʻōmaʻomaʻo. The medal takes the form of a teardrop of cloudy grey crystal hanging from a light blue ribbon worn on the left breast. Additional awards are depicted by small stars on the ribbon.

Planetary Defence Support Medal - awarded to civilians who provide support services for Planetary Defence Forces and other military forces during operations in defense of Momi ʻōmaʻomaʻo. These services must be more arduous, risky, or demanding than those required of regular civilians during such times, for example, exploration corps personnel operating with military forces in the field as guides, medicae serving support duty in combat zones, and laborers volunteering for ammunition hauling and reloading in combat zones would qualify. The medal is a bronze disk with a sharkhound engraved on the disc, hanging from a light green ribbon on the left breast.

Rockgnawer Fang - awarded to sharkhounds, both civilian and those attached to military and Oihana Hooia units, who show exceptional bravery and devotion to protecting Beastmen and Humans (the equivalent of the PDSA Gold Medal and the Dickin Medal ). Takes the form of a five-centimeter-long curved sharkhound fang cast in iron with the sharkhound's name engraved on it, attached like a tag to the collar required by planetary law to be worn by all sharkhounds. An additional copy of the decoration, cast of pewter instead of iron and mounted on a small trophy base, is also given to the owner of the sharkhound, whether a military unit or an individual civilian, as a personal memento. Stickers of a similar appearance, which are often stuck in the windows of the owner's residence or base of operations, are not officially recognized but are becoming widespread.
Harpoon Munitions
Specially developed munitions for use underwater. Currently in use by all naval forces of Momi, with no shortages or bottlenecks in their production.

Kraken Pattern Penetrator Rounds
Powerful armor-piercing rounds. The deuterium core is replaced by a solid adamantine core and uses a heavier main charge. [1] Upon impact, the outer casing peels away. The high-velocity adamantium needle accelerates into the victim, where the larger detonator propels shards of super-hardened metal further into the wound. These are effective against heavily-armored infantry. Currently handed out only to trusted veteran gunners when heavy resistance is expected or no information on enemy composition. The cost of the ammunition sees it produced with great reluctance, and only a small stockpile of 5.000 rounds is kept.

Hellfire Rounds
Replaces the core and tip of the standard bolt round with a vial of mutagenic acid and thousands of needles that fire into the target's flesh on impact, pumping the acid into the target. Developed especially to combat Tyranids, Hellfire Rounds have equally devastating results on other organic targets. Unfortunately, the cost of these rounds sees them only produced in small batches of 50 per year, at which point they are handed out in single bullet cases, requiring authorization from Major Rank and up to be used in combat. Only veteran elite snipers may be given these rounds.
Com-Bead Proliferation
With the production of a tested and venerated Pattern of Com-Bead, the interplay and coordination of our forces have grown nearly thrice-fold.
Rationalized Tauros
Are seatbelts really needed? Didn't think so. (+Number)

Taurox with Cannon
Put a cannon on that thing. Soldiers love cannons. (+Damage)

Ranid-Pattern Sentinel
Often nicknamed the 'frog' this Sentinel Pattern was extensively modified to effectively function in the waterlogged and vine-choked jungles of Momi ʻōmaʻomaʻo. Firstly, unlike nearly every Pattern in existence, the legs are enclosed in light armor, protecting the servos, hydraulics, and other moving parts. While this can slow maintenance slightly, it prevents the ever-present flora and fauna of the jungles from lodging in the legs, forcing the pilot to disembark to clear the blockage. Similarly, the cockpit is fully sealed and air-tight with filters on the intakes to ensure mold, pollen, spores, and other potential airborne threats do not become a hazard.
A refillable pressurized air supply is available if there is an extreme hazard (or the machine needs to ford a water body too deep for the cockpit to remain on the surface). The feet include 'soles' consisting of a highly durable-yet-malleable polymer that ensures the machine retains traction in slippy mud or water-slick stone and can effectively clamber up 50-degree slopes. The legs were designed to 'crouch' and then crawl forward, allowing the Ranid to move in much tighter quarters than a Sentinel. Due to it often being the heaviest form of armor the PDF can bring to bear (the jungles often being far too thick for Leman Russ tanks and similar vehicles), the weaponry is designed to be swapped out depending on what mission is being undertaken. However, like the better-known Catachan Pattern, the Ranid is always equipped with a large cutting tool to help work through the thick jungle.
Leader: Canoness Sabrella Rose
Boons: The Enduring Cleansing Flame (With Immolators and Flamers of all kinds in abundance, this Order will never lack for a pyre.)
Flaws: Long Removed From The Tree
Ground Forces: Immolators, All Flamers, Sisters of Battle Gear.
Void Forces: Dauntless-Class Light Cruiser "His Untrammeled Dignity," Defiant-Class Light Cruiser "His Unyielding Righteousness," Defiant-Class Light Cruiser "His Incalculable Prosperity"
Leader: Archmagos 01001001 01110011 01101101 01100001 01111000 00100000 01001101 01101001 01110100 01110010 01100001 01110110 01101001 01100011 01110100 00001010 or Ismax Mitravict
Boons: ???
Flaws: Sin of Innovation
Ground Forces: Rho-Tau 17 Surveillance Robot (100 Maniples with 5 Automata each.)
Void Forces: Secutor "Imperious Draconis"

Efficient Administrators. (+5 to all Rolls.)
Uncorrupted Government (+10 to all rolls due to the Oihana Hooia (Anti-Corruption Agency)) (Story Trait)
Currency Name: Mohala (Story Trait)
Champions of the Lex Imperialis
"None Stand Above The Law. Not Those That Write It. Not Those That Enforce It. Nor Those That Live Under It. Remember That."
-The words of Krissy Filchtoe emblazoned above the Academy of Law
Appliances And Luxuries
Cheongsam is created using vibrant bioluminescent dyes, suitable for several decades before the glow fades and still beautiful afterward. Truly livening up the nightlife scene!

Vehicular Transportation
Though a bit weird for off-worlders, native designs and variations of civilian vehicles often include the capability to traverse rivers or even lakes. These vehicles are popular in the outskirts and outlying towns and villages, as heavy rain can transform a tiny creek into a raging river or completely flood a road.

Through the use of machinery, you too can enjoy a place that doesn't have enough water content to qualify as underwater!

Steam Cookers
Using steam to cook lends many things a particular flavor and taste.
Unconcerned towards Psykers (Story Trait)
Look, as long as they don't blow up my house, they are fine. Their sacrifice for the Emperor and Humanity keeps things going, and how else would we be talking to other planets? By ship? The ones that couldn't use the Warp?

Acceptance of Beastmen (Doubled Beastmen Bonus)
Due to past events, Humans and Beastmen interact within this society more like equals than higher/lower members in the social hierarchy. Most priests that tried to act against such soon saw their listeners and flock dwindle to nothing, with many laws and customs targeted against the Beastmen quickly struck or quietly stopped. They fought with us; we fought with them; let us never forget that we both will bleed if they come again.

The Trauma of The Gate (Lose 1 Morale every turn a Military/Defense Project/Law isn't started, completed, or changed)
This attack has shown that we are but a small fish in an infinitely immense ocean. But even smaller fish have ways to defend themselves. The population clamors for self-defense classes, shooting classes, guns, any weapon they can feasibly own, and armor for their homes, vehicles, and people. It is, in fact, quite horribly clashing with the aesthetic of a pleasure world and expensive to boot.

Attempted Beacon of Learning (Story Trait)
A typical school day on Momi begins with the children being collected by schoolbuses, before starting school at around 8:00, with most classes ending at 14:00. While the students are driven by competitive and strict standards to strive for excellence, many unallocated resources have been opened. A policy allows many students to directly draw on state funds to advance their studies within reason and after a short approval period. However, no uniform is enforced despite the strict standards, giving many a sense of freedom within a regimented school day otherwise not attainable.

Additionally, they have the choice of after-school clubs, ranging from typical educational activities to hobbies clubs discussing culture, shows, or recent happenings, all the way to amateur militia clubs for those who have decided on or are interested in a military career.

Bioluminescent Courting
Bioluminescent flowers are a traditional courting gift, while elaborate bioluminescent tattoos symbolically connect the two emerge as part of the wedding.

Animation Appreciation
[Rank 5] Traditional Animation (Tom And Jerry)
[Rank 4] 2D-3D Fusion #3 (Planetes)
[Rank 3] Stop Motion (Wallace And Gromit/Fantastic Mr.Fox)
[Rank 2] 2D Animation #5 (Gravity Falls)
[Rank 1] 3D Animation #3 (Space Pirate Captain Harlock)

Movies And Films
Most Influential Cultural Classic: The Sharkhounds
Typical Movie Lenght: 2 Hours
Most Favored Genres: Sharkpup Movies and Man vs. Nature

Act And Actors
Epics are the favored genre of the Momians. Their long narratives focused on various heroes from every background allow for deep and immersive stories with complicated or fully explored characters and concepts.

Musical Symphonies
Gospel has emerged since the early days of the colonization effort as the most enjoyed music within the Republic, further amplified by the religious civil war in the nation's early history. Fueled by the victory over those perceived to be, at worst, heretics and traitors to the God-Emperor and, at best-misguided sinners, the people's faith became stronger than ever, integrating itself into the musical tradition of the burgeoning planetary culture.

Cooperative And Collective Driven Economy (+1 Morale to all finished Industrial Actions, +1 People cost per Industrial Action/Stage, can expend 1 Morale for 20% progress.)

Beads of the Emperor
Due to the prevalent and ubiquitous nature of rare minerals and jewels within the economy of Momi, prayer beads consisting of gems (jade, diamond, ruby, emerald, amber, amethyst, lapis lazuli, jet) etched & engraved with Hymns, Psalms & Sacred Iconography dedicated to the God-Emperor and his Sons are widespread and typically worn throughout the day if appropriate.

Heroes, One And All
They gave their lives for us, fighting side by side with the Custodes of the God-Emperor. Who are we to give anything less, to fight with anything less?
(Momi-Troops will be known for refusing to shatter or retreat unless ordered, taking more casualties than most non-death world guardsmen can stomach. They also provide a passive boost to morale to all friendly units due to their faith, friendly nature, and well-supplied gifts from their homeworld.)
Artificial Rivers Above And Between Houses
Through an ingenious use of gravity, channels, local factors, and an acceptable amount of insanity, rivers are not contained to the ground within the Capital on Momi. Instead, they snake themselves between houses, skyscrapers, monuments, and other buildings, sometimes going through, other times being integrated into the constructions themselves. Though the maintenance is annoying, the sight at night of the snaking rivers filled with glowing life is nothing short of breathtaking, even if one has been brought up with them.

Monument of the God-Emperor as the Statesman
A giant statue of the God-Emperor stands within a plaza of the Capital, venerating one of his sanctioned depictions as the Statesman who created the Empire of Man. Offerings, prayer beads, and praying people can be seen at all times of the day, maybe except during the monsoon.
Sharkhounds (+1 due to Domestication Stage 2, Story Trait)

Massive Purge of Traitors (Story Trait)

Recovered A Titan (Story Trait)

Survived An Invasion Attempt (Story Trait)

[REDACTED] (Story Trait)

??? Awakening (Story Trait)

Chaos Gate Invasion (Story Trait)
Draconian Anti-Pollution Measures (Story Trait)

Liberal Drug Legislation (Story Trait)

Progressive Taxation System (Law)

Emergency Powers (Law)
The Empowered And Their Duty:
The Head of State can immediately activate (or recall) all militia and reserve units to secure the planet in any strategically viable military or civilian support capacity. This could be for patrolling neighborhoods, active combat, S&R/Evacuation coordination, etc. (Normally, Militia & reserve have a delay built into possible activation and only have limited potential roles). They also can select some of these units based on location, expertise, or other relevant criteria. Efforts shall be made to distribute duties to spread experience and knowledge and decrease disruption to any single unit or group of units.

The prime minister can draft/conscript any legal adult in non-military/warfare support roles (excluding Militia or reserve) to assist non-combat defense preparations (industry, infrastructure, transportation, fortification, civilian support, etc.). The elderly that are able-minded will not be excluded, although the duties assigned should consider their physical health. The prime minister can also mass quarantine and mass vaccinate in case of a plague outbreak. During chaos or heretic action, a note/flag will be attached to their family's permanent records. Additional monitoring/surveillance will focus on their family and associates for one year (no judiciary review required). The prime minister will have the power to temporarily claim unoccupied housing or buildings for the government in the case of widespread civilian displacement. These shall be used for shelter, medical care, food distribution, or coordinating relief efforts until the emergency is declared over (or for 15 days afterward in case of widespread civilian displacement). Reimbursement of costs to repair damages and a base charge for the use cost shall be given to owners after the emergency has ended.

Either house can vote to enact emergency powers with 2/3rds of the living members and be confirmed with a simple majority in the other house (living members).

Any legislature or executive branch member can declare an emergency and call a vote to grant emergency powers to the head of state and prime minister.

Powers will last for 50 days or until the prime minister, head of state, chief justice, or chancellor of the Oihana Hooia declare the emergency has ended.

What Requires Their Activation:
In case of invasion or Xeno threat existing on His Imperial Majesty's Republic of Momi ʻōmaʻomaʻo or substantial presence in space nearby. Emergency powers are also triggered in the case of open chaos or widespread heretic presence or displacement of 30% of the populace or death/loss of 15% of the populace.

Consequences Of Abuse:
The Chief Justice or Lunakanawai Nui or the Chancellor or Kanikela of the Oihana Hooia can end the emergency. Actions taken during the crisis by those empowered can result in criminal charges after the emergency condition has lifted. A detailed review of activities and inactions leading up to the emergency will be conducted to better prepare Momi ʻōmaʻomaʻo for the future.

Militia Laws (Law)
[Emergency Draft] - All those Ages 20 to 30 will be required to present themselves to their nearest Militia Barracks or Gathering Point in the event of a declared Emergency.

[Militia Use] - Only Limited Attacks will be ordered to the Militia to cut off any attacks or attempts thereof towards Civilian Infrastructure or Targets, like Housing, Hospitals, Water Treatment Plants, etc.

[Militia Organization] - All those between the ages of 20 to 30 can voluntarily join the Militia, where they will be organized in numbers equal to double the professional Military. They will be equipped and trained with common Lasguns and Flak Wests, learning their operation and maintenance under the supervision of the Adeptus Mechanicum and Military members for four Hours per Week.

Public Tax Returns (Law)
All government employees, from the lowest rung to the highest office, are forced to file and make their tax forms public to place a further barrier between the nation's health and those seeking to rot its workings with corruption.
All corporations must file their taxes publicly to lay bare loopholes, criminal activity, or taxation avoidance.
Under the order of a court of the Republic, a citizen may be forced to publicize their Tax Returns.
All citizens have the right to publicize their tax returns.

Diverted Profit Tax (Law)
A punitive tax imposed on individuals, institutions, corporations, etc., who conduct business on Momi without filing taxes with the Momi government, including public tax returns.
Failure to pay these high tax rates can result in further legal actions depending on the circumstances.

Unexplained Wealth Order (Law)
The Republic maintains the right to freeze money suspected to have been obtained via illegal means or be used in illicit trades or for other purposes damaging the nation's well-being and security. This freeze can only last for a week without explicit court orders.

Workers Rights (Law)
-Freedom of association: Workers can form or join trade unions.
-The right to collective bargaining: workers may negotiate with employers collectively.
-Non-discrimination in employment: Equal pay for equal work.

Unions Laws (Law)
The requirement to form a union is based on whether they are geographical, occupational, or organizational. Geographical Unions are formed from workers working in a collection of small and medium businesses in a geographic area. Occupational Unions are those trades deemed necessary by the workers themselves enough to warrant representation in their professions, such as teachers, doctors, and caregivers. Organizational Unions are those formed in large businesses and organizations speaking for the collective workers in these organizations.
-The minimum membership to form a union is dependent on the union charter, which was agreed upon by both the workers and the relevant authorities in creating the unions. Specific rules apply for:
--Geographic unions must have the approval of the majority of the small and medium businesses. It is up to the discretion of the local authorities to approve or veto the union's registration appealable to the central government.
--Occupational Unions must provide a minimum roster of 100 members at their founding, with a qualified majority agreeing on a charter to be reposited to the central government.
--Organizational Unions must have the workers in the organization deemed numerous enough to vote on whether to form a union or not with a negotiated agreement with the organization on how the relationship between the union and the organization would work.
-Rights of Unions as Organizations that must be written in their charters, in general, are the following:
--Right to have a say in the development of their local area, profession, or organization.
--Right to political participation
--Right to collect dues from members for the union's development.
--Right to be its own legal person in a legal dispute.
-Protections for Unions are the following:
--Protection from being harassed by malevolent groups.
--Protection from arbitrary arrest from Republic and Local Authorities.
--Protection from being extorted by malevolent groups.
-Duties of Unions are the following:
Regarding collecting union dues, there must be a vote on the entire membership regarding a budget for the union. There must be a qualified majority to approve the budget of the union.
--Unions are required to keep a database on all their members when required to cooperate with the authorities regarding crimes allegedly committed by said members.
--Unions are to be inherently non-discriminatory with exceptions towards abhumans and may voluntarily accept beastmen members if their charter provides or have no provisions against beastmen.
--Unions must coordinate with the Church and State to implement welfare programs for their members and dependents.
--Unions must coordinate with the military to form militias in defense of the Republic.
--Unions must self-police and investigate signs of traitorous and corruptive influences on their members and leadership. As such, an internal affairs division must be set up to investigate claims of such dangerous individuals to be monitored by the Mea hoʻokō and the Ecclesiarchy regarding these claims.

Strategic Economic Activities Act (Law)
In His Imperial Majesty's Republic of Momi ʻōmaʻomaʻo, the state must protect and reinforce economic activities deemed strategic and critical concerning the prosperity of His citizens in Momi ʻōmaʻomaʻo as well as concerning the collective defense of His Imperium in the name of His Regents until He can walk with us once more.

-What Constitutes a Strategic Economic Activity:
A strategic economic activity is action organizations partake that can only be done by one or a select few players in the economy deemed necessary enough by the government. Such economic actors engaging in these activities will be noted as strategic and critical for the survival of the Republic's economic system. If such activity is deemed obsolescent to the economic and social systems of the Republic, it can be quietly removed.

-How to Identify a Strategic Economic Activity:
The identification of strategic economic activities lies in the hands of the government of the day but has to be approved by Parliament for it to take effect.

-When can the List of Strategic Economic Activities be effective:
The list of identified strategic activities and their attendant organizations would only be in effect until after the first sitting of the next term of the House of Representatives, seeing the need to periodically update and renew the understanding of strategic economic activities in the modern-day.

-The Conditions in Providing Aid to Organizations Operating Strategic Economic Activities:
--It is at the discretion of the Governor and the Government to provide regular short-term material aid and non-material aid to businesses operating strategic economic activities to ensure and grow the prosperity of the citizenry. Non-material assistance includes but is not limited to the use of government personnel to assist in non-essential business functions for no more than a year in a parliamentary term, providing security to facilities, personnel, and officials if deemed necessary enough written in an Order in Council from the Governor-in-Council which can be scrutinized by Parliament and assisting in the acquisition of contracts outside the jurisdiction of the Republic.
--It is through a decision by the Governor to provide substantial emergency short-term aid to businesses operating strategic economic activities through a declaration of a State of Economic Emergency for a period of two months extended by Parliament to six months so that a supplemental budget can be passed concerning providing aid to organizations. Such short-term assistance will be drawn from emergency funds earmarked in the budget for organizations operating strategic economic activities. If such emergency funds prove insufficient for short-term aid, it would be retroactively approved by Parliament through the supplemental budget and the funds to provide for the emergency.
--In a State of Economic Emergency, Parliament would craft a supplemental budget for providing long-term aid to organizations operating economic activities, with those operating strategic economic activities the priority for assistance in the budget.
--In a State of War, the Executive, without an enabling act for the duration of high-intensity conflict within the Republic, will be able to redirect resources to provide aid to organizations providing strategic economic activities for a maximum period of six months until emergency powers are given, or a war budget passed that includes financial assistance.
--In a State of War, Parliament would have to craft and approve a war budget for the duration of the conflict, including economic aid to organizations providing strategic economic activities.

-Provisions in Providing Aid to Organizations Operating Strategic Economic Activities:
--In providing short-term regular material aid, it is through the earmarked budgetary items for strategic economic activities aid are the funds provided in this endeavor.
--In providing non-material aid, the Executive must report to Parliament on their dealings with these organizations through regular written reports in the necessary committees for transparency in government.
--For disputes in providing regular aid, it would be adjudicated in the courts regarding a disagreement between the Executive and Parliament for cases of irregularities committed by organizations operating strategic economic activities.
--In a State of Economic Emergency, providing non-material aid is loosened but still needs to be reported to the Parliamentary Committees promptly.
--A State of Economic Emergency extension can be passed until at most after a month of the next parliamentary term for each decision for an extension which can be revoked by Parliament either by itself or at the request of the Executive.
--In a State of War, providing non-material aid is loosened, and the reporting of such activities will be provided after the engagement of high-intensity conflict throughout the Republic.

-Conditions for Organizations Operating Strategic Economic Activities in Receiving Aid:
--Organizations Operating Strategic Economic Activities must regularly provide reports of their business activities and the professional activities of their high-ranking officials to relevant government offices. The data must be protected from those not eligible to review them.
--Organizations Operating Strategic Economic Activities must regularly have a liquid reserve for at least 2 months of pay for all employees to be eligible for aid. It can be exempted by the government for a period of 2 years and requires parliamentary approval beyond that term.
--Organizations Operating Strategic Economic Activities must have a database of their employees, officials, contractors, and the dependents of all three available for review by Court Order from the authorities.
--Organizations Operating Strategic Economic Activities must have an internal affairs division to remove material and spiritual corruption under the supervision of the Oihana Hooia, Mea hoʻokō, and the Ecclesiarchy in regular and emergency economic affairs. In addition, the military will be added as part of the organizations to supervise internal affairs departments if the economic activities are related to the military or wartime conditions.
--Organizations Operating Strategic Economic Activities and their officials must always be available for parliamentary hearings concerning them and other such invitations.
--Organizations Operating Strategic Economic Activities must have a regular audit of their activities, whether provided by the state or the private sector, which must be verified by the Oihana Hooia before starting a parliamentary term.
--Organizations Operating Strategic Economic Activities must provide a budget concerning social activities aimed at the health and well-being of their employees, officials, and dependents. This budget would be given to both the Executive and Parliament.

-The Rights of Organizations Operating Strategic Economic Activities:
--Organizations Operating Strategic Economic Activities have the right to set their own salaries and bonuses as long as the pay scale is not deemed egregious by their internal affairs department.
--Organizations Operating Strategic Economic Activities have the right to set different standards in hiring and firing personnel as long as it is not deemed egregious by their internal affairs department.
--Organizations Operating Strategic Economic Activities have the right to arbitrate and adjudicate internally as long as it is overseen by the Judiciary and has a resident liaison from the Judiciary.
--Organizations Operating Strategic Economic Activities have the right to independently conduct their businesses outside the Republic's borders and enter into agreements with outside governments of loyalists and the greater governments of His Majesty's Imperium without interference with the requirement that such activities be reported regularly.
--Organizations Operating Strategic Economic Activities have the right to set up or hire security forces outside the borders of the Republic in cases the host government has insufficient means to protect their economic activities. Though it must still be reported regularly on their activities and operations.
--In organizations Operating Strategic Economic Activities, core personnel is exempt from conscription to keep the economic engine of war running.
--Organizations Operating Strategic Economic Activities have the right to determine their internal rules and regulations subject to review by the courts.
--Organizations Operating Strategic Economic Activities have the right to conduct political activities as an organization as long as it is supervised by the Electoral Branch.

-Penalty System for Organizations Operating Strategic Economic Activities:
--The system of penalties reserved is a points system with three categories: Code Blue, Code Yellow, and Code Red.
---Code Blue is the set of penalties reserved for warnings and minor infractions that would require minimal fees paid out to the government.
---Code Yellow is the set of penalties reserved for punishments relating to irregularities and criminality conducted by personnel and officials of Organizations Operating Strategic Economic Activities but explicitly removes the organization itself from responsibility. Actions such as these are reserved for the adjudication of courts in the Republic.
---Code Red is the set of penalties reserved for harshly punishing the organization itself, which includes but is not limited to nationalization, stripping of significant assets, and forced sale of the organization. The punishment requires an Order in Council to proceed and a case filed before the courts before proceeding. Such an act is only if the organization has been deemed too unworthy of saving in its current form.
--The points system is to be decided by the Executive and approved by Parliament.
--Matters of leniency such as reduction of points will be decided by the Executive on a case-by-case basis.


(The word of the Emperor is law, without any debate about what it means.)
-Bastion Literalists - 7.43%
(His Word is Law, and we must defend it to the last.)

Doom Clocks:
0/100 Mundane Corruption - (No effect yet)
0/100 Chaos Corruption - (No effect yet)
15/100 Sylvaneth Anger - (-10 to all Rolls)

Clutching their weaponry while praying to the God-Emperor and the Golden Angles.
Demands: Shrines And Churches Stage 3
Demographics: 7.69% Total Population
-Right To Own Land
-Right To Fair Trial By Their Peers
-Right To Inheritance
-Punishment Of Intentional Discrimination
-Right To Open A Bank Account

Money: 231 (+536 Per Turn)
Metal: 96/150 (+109 Per Turn)
Alloys: 39/120 (+9 Per Turn)
Advanced Machinery: 98/25 (+/-0 Per Turn)(+24 to all Rolls)(-16 Per Turn - Neglect)
Promethium: 52/550 (-38 Per Turn)
Food: 318/400 (+56 Per Turn)
Power: 747 (-2 per Turn)
People: 43 (+3 Per Turn)(Accepted Beastmen Citizens, +12 to all rolls)
Morale: 8/11 (+15 to all rolls)
Dice Bonus: +21 (51(Bonuses)-20(Economic Exhaustion)-10(Doom Clocks))
Last edited:
[] Trade:
-[] Sell 67 Advanced
-[] Sell 100 Food
-[] Buy 200 Promethium

[] Plan: 'Ere we go , 'ere we go...
-[] Archipelago Townships (Stage 1) - 3 Dice
-[] Gardens And Parks (Stage 1) - 4 Dice
-[] Medical Clinics (Stage 3) - 2 Dice + 1 Free Dice
-[] Shrines And Churches (Stage 3) - 5 Morale
-[] Promethium Cracking Plants (Stage 2) - 3 Dice
-[] Promethium Fuel-Silos (Stage 2) - 1 Dice

-[] Civilian Appliances Complexes (Stage 3) - 3 Dice
-[] Off-Shore Promethium Extraction And Refinement Complex - (Location)
--[] A-1 - 4 Dice
-[] Shrine To The Omnissiah (Stage 3) - 1 Morale + 3 Dice + 8 Free DIce
-[] Enhance Fortifications (Stage 3) - 3 Dice
-[] Small Arms Factory (Stage 2) - 1 Free Dice
-[] Ammunition Complex (Stage 2) - 2 Dice
-[ ] Biosphere Research Initiative (Stage 4) - 1 Dice
-[] Undersea Aquatic Foodstock Investigation (Stage 3) - 1 Dice
-[] Sharkhound Domestication (Stage 3) - 4 Dice
-[] Labor Corps (Stage 3) - 1 Free Dice
-[] Electronic Entertainment Subsidies (Stage 1) - 2 Dice + 2 Free Dice
-[] Adventure Packages (Stage 2) - 2 DIce

No laws this turns, conserving Morale for now.
Last edited:
@HeroCooky Is the loss of 16 Advanced Machinery at the end of the turn in addition to any Advanced Machinery we spend on starting new projects? Ort if we spend more than 16 Advanced Machinery in starting up new projects this turn will we still lose 16 Advanced Machinery in addition to what we spend?
@HeroCooky Is the loss of 16 Advanced Machinery at the end of the turn in addition to any Advanced Machinery we spend on starting new projects? Ort if we spend more than 16 Advanced Machinery in starting up new projects this turn will we still lose 16 Advanced Machinery in addition to what we spend?
The loss of any materials/money will occur after you spend your materials/money and still have more than you can maintain.
I'm thinking that we allocate at least 1 of the Dice to the Tomb of the Fallen Martyrs. There might be unrest if we aren't seen at least working on it.
I'm thinking that we allocate at least 1 of the Dice to the Tomb of the Fallen Martyrs. There might be unrest if we aren't seen at least working on it.

We can't pay for it, unless we ignore everything else.

[x] Trade:
-[x] Sell 67 Advanced
-[x] Sell 100 Food
-[x] Buy 200 Promethium

[x] Plan: 'Ere we go , 'ere we go...
-[x] Archipelago Townships (Stage 1) - 3 Dice
-[x] Gardens And Parks (Stage 1) - 4 Dice
-[x] Medical Clinics (Stage 3) - 2 Dice + 1 Free Dice
-[x] Shrines And Churches (Stage 3) - 5 Morale
-[x] Promethium Cracking Plants (Stage 2) - 3 Dice
-[x] Promethium Fuel-Silos (Stage 2) - 1 Dice

-[x] Civilian Appliances Complexes (Stage 3) - 3 Dice
-[x] Off-Shore Promethium Extraction And Refinement Complex - (Location)
--[x] A-1 - 4 Dice
-[x] Shrine To The Omnissiah (Stage 3) - 1 Morale + 3 Dice + 8 Free DIce
-[x] Enhance Fortifications (Stage 3) - 3 Dice
-[x] Small Arms Factory (Stage 2) - 1 Free Dice
-[x] Ammunition Complex (Stage 2) - 2 Dice
-[x] Biosphere Research Initiative (Stage 4) - 1 Dice
-[x] Undersea Aquatic Foodstock Investigation (Stage 3) - 1 Dice
-[x] Sharkhound Domestication (Stage 3) - 4 Dice
-[x] Labor Corps (Stage 3) - 1 Free Dice
-[x] Electronic Entertainment Subsidies (Stage 1) - 2 Dice + 2 Free Dice
-[x] Adventure Packages (Stage 2) - 2 DIce
I'm thinking that we allocate at least 1 of the Dice to the Tomb of the Fallen Martyrs. There might be unrest if we aren't seen at least working on it.
The problem with that is to start a project we have to pay the entire investment cost up front, so that will put us into negatives for Money, Metal, Alloys, Promethium and Food, all of which will really knock our economy back on its heels and give us massive negative modifiers - and that's even without taking into account all the other projects we want to start. We need to build up our reserves so that starting Tomb of the Martyrs doesn't start a recession on its own.