In light of which: please DO NOT vote for the mystery box AI unless you really enjoy getting bitten in the ass.
To be honest I can't wait to return to normal turns, (after cleaning up fallout of this mess and fixing economic troubles we had) to relaxing building of overpriced tourist trap for rich.
[X] Plan: Skypower
[X] Plan: Martyred for Humanity

Just caught up and man, did not expect things to turn out this way.
Wait I'm kinda confused so the tech priests are coming to set up a forge world but they're exiled I just jumped to the newest one
Wait I'm kinda confused so the tech priests are coming to set up a forge world but they're exiled I just jumped to the newest one
No, the Tech-Priest of Cohort DOS got exiled to a frontier colony-world where they couldn't get into/do trouble.

The Legio Cybernetica (Robots) are forbidden from producing anything except robots, and as such are reliant on donations/support from Shrines/Forge-Worlds.
No, the Tech-Priest of Cohort DOS got exiled to a frontier colony-world where they couldn't get into/do trouble.

The Legio Cybernetica (Robots) are forbidden from producing anything except robots, and as such are reliant on donations/support from Shrines/Forge-Worlds.
they're in our star system man I need to start learning to read the context better
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Apr 16, 2022 at 6:24 PM, finished with 57 posts and 19 votes.
  • 20

    [X] Plan: Humanity must Learn
    -[X] Sin of Innovation
    -[X] Archmagos 01001001 01110011 01101101 01100001 01111000 00100000 01001101 01101001 01110100 01110010 01100001 01110110 01101001 01100011 01110100 00001010 or Ismax Mitravict
    -[X] Male in from, at lest how they chose to appear. While they have a log of augmentations, they are mainly bio augmentations. He holds a dislike of stagnation that has befallen humanity, but the STCS are still holy. The past must be learned from. He also is very robotic in the way he talks, and usually prefers the company of other tech priest.
    -[X] Rho-Tau 17 Surveillance Robot
    -[X] Her double shift would strain even her enthusiasm.
    -[X] The eye of an Automata followed her.
    [X] Plan: Martyred for Humanity
    -[X] Order of Our Martyred Lady
    -[X] Sabrella Rose
    -[X] Canoness Rose is know to have a more stable relationship with the Omnissiah then most Sisters of Battle. She tends to be pragmatic when it comes to call, while also still being faithful to the god-emperor as able. She is know to be kind to citizens, while like most Sister of Battle very much willing to purge with fire.
    -[X] Martyred Faith
    -[X] Long Removed From The Tree
    -[X] The Enduring Cleansing Flame
    -[X] Dauntless-Class Light Cruiser: His Untrammeled Dignity
    -[X] Defiant-Class Light Cruiser: His Unyielding Righteousness
    -[X] Defiant-Class Light Cruiser: His Incalculable Prosperity
    [X] Plan: Skypower
    -[x] Sin of Perversion
    -[X] Vultarax
    -[X] She would need some time to clean her batch.
    -[X] Actually, nothing happened.
    -[x] Archmagos (Iota)
    -[x] (A near full cyber conversion, little is known if their background before assignment to the forge world. A rare outsider, who worked their way to the top ranks through internal promotion, it was later determined that the others had not yet trusted Iota with the full secrets of their heretical experiments. Whether they would have condemned the work was in enough doubt, however, that exile was deemed efficient. An interest in biospheres as semi-deterministic systems, sparked by an early encounter with an STC terraforming fragment is notable in their public information.)
    -[X] Sin of Innovation
    -[X] Archmagos (Name unknown. Keeps giving a different answer every time its asked.)
    -[X] Vultarax
    -[X] She would need some time to clean her batch.
    -[X] Actually, nothing happened.
    [x] Plan: Our god is an awesome god
    -[x] Order of the Argent Shroud
    -[x] Anne
    -[x] Order of Sacred Aquila
    -[x] With Faith, Bolter, And Flame
    -[x] Shrines of War and Sword
    -[x] Dauntless-Class Light Cruiser: Blessed Talons of War
    -[x] Defiant-Class Light Cruiser: Hammer of the Emperor
    -[x] Defiant-Class Light Cruiser: Light of the Faithful
    [X] Plan: Order OOORRRRDDDAAAA!
    -[X] Order of the Sacred Rose
    -[X] Larissa Liveir
    -[X] Order of the Luminous Quill
    -[X] We Stand Divided
    -[x] Shrines of War and Sword
    -[X] Dauntless-Class Light Cruiser: His Untrammeled Dignity
    -[X] Defiant-Class Light Cruiser: His Unyielding Righteousness
    -[X] Defiant-Class Light Cruiser: His Incalculable Prosperity
    [X] Plan Librarians are Serious Business
    -[X] Order of the Ebon Chalice
    -[X] (Maureen Claros)
    -[X] (Maureen Claros was an unassuming sister up until the campaign at Euryale VII. Fighting against Heretics that had taken over the system's broadcasting beacon and the astropathic Choir there, did she display her mettle. When the fighting at Euryale VII turned against the heretics they slaughtered several astropathic novitiates in order to summon warp abominations to turn the tide back into their favor. Maureen quickly found her squad mates slaughtered at the tides of war, rather than retreating she charged into the ritual. While the knowledge of what happened there is known only to herself and the Inquisition who redacted any and all findings, as well as executed several thousands individuals after their investigations. Following the incident Claros was requisitioned by the Inquisition for several years, her missions being , obviously redacted by Inquisitorial decree. It was ten short years ago she was returned to her Original Ordo, and she has performed every role admirably. Even still, many are put off by her quietude, some even putting it up to lack of fervor. Such words seldom lasted long under her lascannon focused gaze and utterly and unrepentantly brutal fitness and combat practice regime. )
    -[X] (Order of the Iron Writ)
    -[x] With Faith, Bolter, And Flame
    -[x] Shrines of War and Sword
    -[X] Dauntless-Class Light Cruiser: (His Glorious Light)
    -[X] Defiant-Class Light Cruiser: (His Miraculous Grace)
    -[X] Defiant-Class Light Cruiser: (His Blessed Word)
    [X] Plan: Build the Robots
    -[X] Sin of Deviation
    -[X] Archmagos (Name unknown. Keeps giving a different answer every time its asked.)
    -[X] "How many robots? Not enough robots! NEVER ENOUGH ROBOTS!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
    -[X] Rho-Tau 17 Surveillance Robot
    -[X] Her double shift would strain even her enthusiasm.
    -[X] Actually, nothing happened.
    [x] Plan: Taghmata Omnissiah Rebuild
    -[X] Sin of Deviation
    -[x] Archmagos Kos-78546
    -[x] Thanatar
    -[X] Her double shift would strain even her enthusiasm.
    -[X] The eye of an Automata followed her.
Since tomorrow is my birthday, I'll be calling the vote now.

Edit: The grammar mistake situation will be canon, btw. :V
Edit2Boogaloo: Did a derp due to english, but its still too funy to not make it into a grammar mistake in-universe.
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The Settling Ashes
[X] Plan: Humanity must Learn
-[X] Sin of Innovation
-[X] Archmagos 01001001 01110011 01101101 01100001 01111000 00100000 01001101 01101001 01110100 01110010 01100001 01110110 01101001 01100011 01110100 00001010 or Ismax Mitravict
-[X] Male in form, at least how they chose to appear. While they have a log of augmentations, they are mainly bio augmentations. He dislikes the stagnation that has befallen humanity, but the STCS are still holy. The past must be learned from. He also is very robotic in the way he talks and usually prefers the company of other tech-priests.
-[X] Rho-Tau 17 Surveillance Robot
-[X] Her double shift would strain even her enthusiasm.
-[X] The eye of an Automata followed her.

[X] Plan: Martyred for Humanity
-[X] Order of Our Martyred Lady
-[X] Sabrella Rose
-[X] Canoness Rose is known to have a more stable relationship with the Omnissiah than most Sisters of Battle. She tends to be pragmatic when it comes to calling while still faithful to the god-emperor. In addition, she is known to be kind to citizens while, like most Sister of Battle, very much willing to purge with fire.
-[X] Martyred Faith
-[X] Long Removed From The Tree
-[X] The Enduring Cleansing Flame
-[X] Dauntless-Class Light Cruiser: His Untrammeled Dignity
-[X] Defiant-Class Light Cruiser: His Unyielding Righteousness
-[X] Defiant-Class Light Cruiser: His Incalculable Prosperity
After long weeks of violence and fighting, the ash slowly began to settle over Momi.

Terrified people began to emerge from cellars and hideouts, churches and barricades around shrines, the deep jungles, and forests where they had sought shelter or the tunnels underneath their feet where they found safety in the endless warrens and twisting bends. Not all that sought refuge in nature emerged, taken by animals, plants, simply lost, or, for those in the know, perhaps sinister things yet.

Soldiers and Militia began to unclutch their rifles and weaponry, nervously looking and searching for any sign that the worst had yet to come, or the silence was merely another feint by the never sufficiently damned Daemon. Heavy machinery and vehicles slowly rumbled or walked through settlements, terrified people emerging from their homes to watch the brave men and women that had defended them continue their duties, praying to and thanking them for what they were doing. More than one village saw people break down in tears and weep into the mud and earth amidst the broken corpses of their once-living families, friends, and communities, at the sight of the Imperial Aquilla proudly hoisted and emblazoned across Imperial Machines. It was a triumph of human endurance and tenacity to survive such mad times, a proud example by which future generations would look back and draw strength from those who had fought and stood and charged the horrors of the Warp, banishing them from their, humanities, world. Whatever else may come, those who would survive would remember this as a day when man stood over the dead corpses of Daemon and abomination, faith in soul, duty in mind, and purity of body.

The Aquilla flew over Momi ʻōmaʻomaʻo, now, and as long as her defenders stood, for eternity.

[][Positive] (Write-In Positive Lore)

(You have triumphed over a Chaos Invasion within the middle of your capital, without breaking, retreating, or falling to Chaos. Despite the horrendous casualties taken during and after, the God-Emperor has taken your measure and didn't find you wanting. Even in your darkest time, the Light of the God-Emperor shined brighter than the maddening shadow of the Warp, banished by bolter, chainsword, lasgun, faith, and loyalty. How did this change your people for the better?)

Preachers stood by their flocks, whether as a corpse as they too had fallen prey to the depredations of the daemons, or in life with sermon, prayer, chant, and ward on their lips, righteous fervor in their souls, wrath in their mind, and unimaginable loss in their hearts at the despoilment of a once-pristine world of the Most Holy Imperium. These men and women were the little bits of cohesion around which the survivors rallied around, seeking redemption for sins and horrors they had either committed in survival or had witnessed. More than one person saw their end by the hand of a priest offering the Final Mercy to those too far gone.

Withing the few hospitals and clinics across the planet, exhausted and spent nurses, doctors, and helpers barely managed to continue saving lives; only caff, drugs, and sheer adamantium-clad determination to continue saving anyone they could allowed them to save one more child, one more veteran, one. More. Imperial Soul!

...but for some, it would not be enough. In the worst of it, some were there, the hours and days where the dead were burned before the building because there was no more space in the crematoriums. The day when the need for such measures was revealed as the dead rose, horrifically diseased and rotten, hungering for the flesh of the living. How some of the soldiers and arriving patients rotted beneath their frantic tries to save them before soldiers came and shot all infected patients, giving out orders to shoot all who were contaminated and let the Emperor sort out the faithful and corrupted. How malformed abominations tore their way through the bellies of pregnant women sheltered within, feasting on the entrails of the same as they sought to birth more warp-spawn and horrors.

The day when the child crematoriums overflowed with tiny, broken, malnourished bodies, devoid of any life and spark, their mothers' tears not yet even dry upon their corpses.

More than one medical practitioner took their life, unable to withstand the horrors they were standing witness to, broken beyond what humans should endure. Though no soul remained within their bodies, others worked on, unable to muster any emotion. Their brains refused to engage with reality, shutting themselves down to protect what little innocence existed.

Families were torn apart by Daemons killing parents, siblings, children, aunts, uncles, and more, and for some, they took the eternal soul of the traitorous weaklings and had them do their bidding. Fathers wore the faces of their skinned children, brothers fought with unhinged rage wielding the bones of their siblings, cackling mutated blobs of feathers and shifting colors called forth fell sorceries before being smitten by Faith, Bolter, and Alaxa Inuras. Rotting corpses festered in unending spawning pools for nurglings, and more fell creatures.

As the devastation ended and the dead were laid to rest, a bell was rung for every soul lost. The bells rang for days.

[][Negative] (Write-In Negative Lore)

(A Chaos Invasion has hit your planet, bringing wide-spread devastation, destruction, and horror in its wake. Though boldened by their survival and the might of their defenders, the survivors are still confronted with the stark realization that they saw the Arch-Enemy of Mankind. And some of them fell. What does that do, to know that even those they once thought incorruptible become nothing more than lackeys for the fell powers of Chaos, to see the holy form of man cast down into such horrific abysses, and to see the God-Emperor be denied?)

And yet, for all the horrors, death, fighting, hoping, triumph, and victory, one truth rang above them all:

Order must remain.

And for that, within secured bunkers underneath the seat of governance, guarded by the small elite of the planet, behind doors and security measures designed by the local Mechanicum, the leaders of the Republic sat, secured against the terrors outside, but not those inside.

A single traitor was all it took to ensure that dozens were killed, and the Planetary Governor was forced to burn off his arm with his laspistol before any corruption from the daemon-inflicted wound could harm him further. Though placed under observation, Fortunatus Albertus would, eventually, be determined clean of any taint. In his absence, Prime Minister Maata Tanielu rose to the task, helping coordinate the civilian side of the conflict with the military under Commander Hancock, stabilizing what would have been a disastrous breakdown of order and stability on the planet. Yet, for all the unspoken deeds which ensured that humanity would not fall to Chaos on this planet, a spoken act was enacted, one made in fear of what would happen if such an event would not be done, and with the heavy heart of those knowing they were doing right, by doing wrong.

Chaos has visited Momi ʻōmaʻomaʻo, and it has left hooks within the population. Therefore, they must be excised at all costs.

[][Purge] (Write-In how you will ensure that Chaos is Purged from Momi.)
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thing with purges is that you need to secure things with a clean and deep cut first,make sure you get rid of any suspect,even if is brutal
then go for soft power and use propaganda to make a substantial reduction of newcoming recruits

cut the tumor with the purge,cauterize with the propaganda so it doesnt grow back
For positive, maybe the people become protective of children? It would play with the tragedy and our education system. Like to our people leaving a child in the streets would become anathema and stuff like that.

For negative, one word: Paranoia. They are out to get us and we got caught with our pants down. Never again will our people say.
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Positive: our people have learned to trust their world like never before. The leviathans and cenotes and [redacted]? Allies, not things to be scared of! This world is Blessed By Him on Terra and it WILL be taken care of

Negative: Hatred of non-local folk. The outsiders brought corruption to the fair planet. They can keep coming to enjoy our tourism, but they will be watched very, very closely.

Purges: Trained Sharkhounds will sniff out the touch of Chaos
Negative: Hatred of non-local folk. The outsiders brought corruption to the fair planet. They can keep coming to enjoy our tourism, but they will be watched very, very closely.
I seriously think this is a pretty terrible idea that goes against us supposed to being a pleasure world. Hating outsiders is pretty counter productive and likely to hurt us massively in the long run.
Well, it is the negative consequences, after all
Yeah but it shouldn't be that negative. There are levels of negatives and this just seems to be on par with not just shooting ourselves in the foot but blowing the whole foot off in the process. It's like playing a world that is supposed to raise the people of the world to be faithful towards their religion while also being pretty atheist. It would seriously fuck with our plans in the long term.
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Well, it is the negative consequences, after all
They are also kind of generic. Every planet with a non-standard geology relies on their terrain to protect themselves and almost all planets have some degree of distrust for outsiders.

It just doesn't feel like it reflects the actual events that happened beyond 'chaos invasion'
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Positive: The arrival of the Adeptus Custodes to help save their planet seems to have ignited the fire of faith in the people. This combined with the trauma of the chaos invasion has resulted in especially devout people comparable to Shrine Worlds. The Emperor Protects and the people have seen this firsthand. How can one not see the glory of Him On Terra when his personal guard came to save them?

Negative: Paranoia rules. The people have seen the effects of chaos and are eager to root it out. Far too eager. Neighbor turns on neighbor for even the slightest suspicion of chaotic corruption or even just a lack of proper devotion to the Emperor.

Purges: Very thorough. It is better for a thousand innocent to die than for one heretic to escape justice. See if the arriving Sisters of Battle can assist in the purge as well.
I have some Ideas for both positive and negative traits (got the ideas from Roboutian Heresy and I will lovingly ripoff introduce some more ideas in the future)I'm starting with negative traits though

1.The Perfect and the Broken-The invasion showed us the truth-There is no perfection without scars,no vicory without pain.Pain and suffering are necessary in order to achieve greatness.After the invasion some of our populace have begun t whip and hurt themselves in order to purge doubt from their hearts,while some within our military have formed a group called the Order of the Silent Scream and have ritually scarred and maimed themselves in order to make u fro failures both Real and Imagined.(Our populace will start getting flagellants and our military will start creating suicide squads of people who have large amounts of both hate and knowledge about/towards chaos)

2.Keepers of Cages and Freedom-The invasion showed us the truth we had spent to much time ignoring. War is a nightmare and no amount of honor or glory can cover that up.There will be no quarter given against Chaos,no strategy ignored no matter ow ruthless it may be,no sacrifice not taken.War is not art or a test of honor, it is a theorem of inflicting maximum fatalities to the enemy while minimizing your own.(Our military will treat combat as more of an obstacle to be overcome or a puzzle to be solved rather than enjoying it to any degree.They will be willing to do anything to stop Chaos whether it be gunning down a champion in the middle of a duel or destroying sacred monuments to make fortifications and to prevent Chaos from using it as ritual ingredients.)

3.Justice and Punishment for all: Offworlders quite simply don't understand what justice is.All are equal in the eyes of the Law and Emperor.When a rebellion happens the fault is not only with the rebels themselves but also the nobles who created the problem in the first place.What difference does it make between a suspected noble cultist or mutant cultist,both will receive the same treatment and if necessary punishment for betrayal.(everyone is equal under the eyes of the law and will be punished even if they are powerful and well connected)

4.No chains,No kings-Despite the horror and desolation that was caused it only reinforces and proved a truth that is both simple and monumental. The rule of the noble and kingly and the use of tyranny is not needed to survive.Despite what others thought our democracy and freedoms didn't break and shatter like so many other kings and despots.It allowed us to survive and thrive.Tyranny is not strength, it is a crutch used by the fearful to justify their mistakes when those of the "lower classes" could've done better.(Our populace and military will be less likely to obey commands given by nobles or despots who haven't proven themselves and have a disdain for nondemocratic forms of government in addition they lack the usual sense of awe and reverence around space marines and will be willing to doubt,question or even disobey a space marine's orders if they would lead to defeat. Custodes get a past due to them saving the planet and being the personal guards of the emperor)

5.Glory is a lie
[X] [Worldlore] Positive: our people have learned to trust their world like never before. The leviathans and cenotes and [redacted]? Allies, not things to be scared of! This world is Blessed By Him on Terra and it WILL be taken care of

[X] [Xenophobia] Negative : Hatred of non-local folk. The outsiders brought corruption to the fair planet. They can keep coming to enjoy our tourism, but they will be watched very, very closely.

[X] [Sharkhounds] Purges: Trained Sharkhounds will sniff out the touch of Chaos
[X] [Positive]: Our people have realised that children are the precious future of humanity, and each time one dies before reaching adulthood is a tragedy. Our people will protect and nurture these future seeds, regardless of blood relations, so that they may reach their full potential and in so make humanity's future brighter.

[X] [Negative]: This attack taught the people a very expensive lesson: that the enemy is out there, and it will come to us sooner or later. We had grown complacent in our little slice of paradise, and that complacency cost us the lives of many innocent souls as they had nowhere to run, nowhere to reach safety. Never again, the people will say. When the enemy comes again they shall not find us wanting.

[X] [Purges]: Trained Sharkhounds will sniff out the touch of Chaos
[X] [Worldlore] Positive: our people have learned to trust their world like never before. The leviathans and cenotes and [redacted]? Allies, not things to be scared of! This world is Blessed By Him on Terra and it WILL be taken care of

[X] [Xenophobia] Negative : Hatred of non-local folk. The outsiders brought corruption to the fair planet. They can keep coming to enjoy our tourism, but they will be watched very, very closely.

[X] [Purges]: Trained Sharkhounds will sniff out the touch of Chaos
[X] [Negative]: This attack taught the people a very expensive lesson: that the enemy is out there, and it will come to us sooner or later. We had grown complacent in our little slice of paradise, and that complacency cost us the lives of many innocent souls as they had nowhere to run, nowhere to reach safety. Never again, the people will say. When the enemy comes again they shall not find us wanting.
[X] [Positive]: Our people have realised that children are the precious future of humanity, and each time one dies before reaching adulthood is a tragedy. Our people will protect and nurture these future seeds, regardless of blood relations, so that they may reach their full potential and in so make humanity's future brighter.

[X] [Negative]: This attack taught the people a very expensive lesson: that the enemy is out there, and it will come to us sooner or later. We had grown complacent in our little slice of paradise, and that complacency cost us the lives of many innocent souls as they had nowhere to run, nowhere to reach safety. Never again, the people will say. When the enemy comes again they shall not find us wanting.

[X] [Purges]: Trained Sharkhounds will sniff out the touch of Chaos

I strongly implore people to pick any negative that isn't xenophobia due to how crippling it would be for us due to our world being meant to be a pleasure world. Most of our money is going to go towards tourists and we actually do need to work with other people. Xenophobia is pretty much the most crippling option for our type of world. On top of us wanting to push tolerance due to you know, having people that would normally get shit on due to xenophobia.

Just because we have to pick a negative it does not make any sense to pick the most crippling negative possible for us when we have numerous other options.
[X] [Positive]: Our people have realised that children are the precious future of humanity, and each time one dies before reaching adulthood is a tragedy. Our people will protect and nurture these future seeds, regardless of blood relations, so that they may reach their full potential and in so make humanity's future brighter.

[X] [Negative]: This attack taught the people a very expensive lesson: that the enemy is out there, and it will come to us sooner or later. We had grown complacent in our little slice of paradise, and that complacency cost us the lives of many innocent souls as they had nowhere to run, nowhere to reach safety. Never again, the people will say. When the enemy comes again they shall not find us wanting.

[X] [Purges]: Trained Sharkhounds will sniff out the touch of Chaos
[X] [Positive]: Our people have realised that children are the precious future of humanity, and each time one dies before reaching adulthood is a tragedy. Our people will protect and nurture these future seeds, regardless of blood relations, so that they may reach their full potential and in so make humanity's future brighter.

[X] [Negative]: This attack taught the people a very expensive lesson: that the enemy is out there, and it will come to us sooner or later. We had grown complacent in our little slice of paradise, and that complacency cost us the lives of many innocent souls as they had nowhere to run, nowhere to reach safety. Never again, the people will say. When the enemy comes again they shall not find us wanting.

[X][Purge] Bring in the Sisters. Although an inauspicious beginning to their tenure on the planet, the responsibility of seeking out and purging cultists and heretics is one that fits well within the mission of the Sisters of Battle. After all, purifying the population is a very important way to defend the holy relic of the emperor.
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