[x] Plan: Our god is an awesome god
-[x] Order of the Argent Shroud
-[x] Anne
-[x] Order of Sacred Aquila
-[x] With Faith, Bolter, And Flame
-[x] Shrines of War and Sword

-[x] Dauntless-Class Light Cruiser: Blessed Talons of War
-[x] Defiant-Class Light Cruiser: Hammer of the Emperor
-[x] Defiant-Class Light Cruiser: Light of the Faithful
I am almost caught up, but surprisingly, this feels normal for a paradise world.
I remember watching lore videoes and reading the wiki, that many pleasure worlds do have that secret, inevitalbe return of the previous xenos thing going for them, so it really is not that weird we are seeing it happen finally here with dryads.

Can we get an Abhuman Cannoness :V

Where are our catgirls Cooky
In order:
1. Not in a million years.
2. On the world of Carlos McConnell
Chaos. Necrons fought agains it in the War of Heaven.

Namely, when the Old Ones created the (predecessors to the) Chaos Gods to throw at them.
Grammar. It's *Holy*, not Hold.
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[X] Plan: Martyred for Humanity
-[X] Order of Our Martyred Lady
-[X] Sabrella Rose
-[X] Canoness Rose is know to have a more stable relationship with the Omnissiah then most Sisters of Battle. She tends to be pragmatic when it comes to call, while also still being faithful to the god-emperor as able. She is know to be kind to citizens, while like most Sister of Battle very much willing to purge with fire.
-[X] Martyred Faith
-[X] Long Removed From The Tree
-[X] The Enduring Cleansing Flame
-[X] Dauntless-Class Light Cruiser: His Untrammeled Dignity
-[X] Defiant-Class Light Cruiser: His Unyielding Righteousness
-[X] Defiant-Class Light Cruiser: His Incalculable Prosperity
-[X] Order of the Sacred Rose
-[X] Larissa Liveir
-[X] Order of the Luminous Quill
-[X] We Stand Divided
-[X] Shrines of War and Sword
-[X] Dauntless-Class Light Cruiser: His Untrammeled Dignity
-[X] Defiant-Class Light Cruiser: His Unyielding Righteousness
-[X] Defiant-Class Light Cruiser: His Incalculable Prosperity
[X] Plan Librarians are Serious Business
-[X] Order of the Ebon Chalice
-[X] (Maureen Claros)
-[X] (Maureen Claros was an unassuming sister up until the campaign at Euryale VII. Fighting against Heretics that had taken over the system's broadcasting beacon and the astropathic Choir there, did she display her mettle. When the fighting at Euryale VII turned against the heretics they slaughtered several astropathic novitiates in order to summon warp abominations to turn the tide back into their favor. Maureen quickly found her squad mates slaughtered at the tides of war, rather than retreating she charged into the ritual. While the knowledge of what happened there is known only to herself and the Inquisition who redacted any and all findings, as well as executed several thousands individuals after their investigations. Following the incident Claros was requisitioned by the Inquisition for several years, her missions being , obviously redacted by Inquisitorial decree. It was ten short years ago she was returned to her Original Ordo, and she has performed every role admirably. Even still, many are put off by her quietude, some even putting it up to lack of fervor. Such words seldom lasted long under her lascannon focused gaze and utterly and unrepentantly brutal fitness and combat practice regime. )
-[X] (Order of the Iron Writ)
-[X] With Faith, Bolter, And Flame
-[X] Shrines of War and Sword
-[X] Dauntless-Class Light Cruiser: (His Glorious Light)
-[X] Defiant-Class Light Cruiser: (His Miraculous Grace)
-[X] Defiant-Class Light Cruiser: (His Blessed Word)
Sidelude - 01000010 01100101 01100101 01110000 00100000 01000010 01101111 01101111 01110000 00101100 00100000 01000110 01110101 01100011 01101011 00100000 01011001 01101111 01110101
"Spirits of the Machine-God," Rho incanted, frantically trying to rush the Litany of Unjamming without angering or damaging the Machine Spirit or bolter in equal measure. "Aid your servant and free their weapon," she continued, moving parts and freeing the blockade with somewhat unpracticed movements. "So they may use it to break your foes!" She finished, laying down the bolter in the same motion as she laid her hands flat on the table. A blaring beep sounded over her head as a servitor skull scribbled her time onto the parchment it held, while to her left and right, two more beeps followed, one and seven seconds later, respectively. She deliberately avoided taking a deep breath and continued to breathe evenly, even as she internally worried at how long it had taken Rho-Delta to finish his Litany.

Tap came the staff of Magos VY-512, Tap did it sound nearer, Tap it struck for the final time, as the towering bulk of the Dominus stopped behind the three apprentices, all trying to stay as still as possible with their still flesh bodies.

Identification: Apprentice Rho-Delta. Observation: Worsening of time for completion of sacred Litany of Unjamming. Warning: Occurrence of worsening after declaring the betterment of time from Apprentice Rho-Delta. Thought: Lie? The Magos spoke in their blessed mechanical voice, though the words made Rho shrink internally in dread. Or Failure? Conjecture: Failure to perform to set standards due to lacking fervor in performing assigned duties. Observation: Underutilization of Recreational Period for rest of biological components. Conclusion: Lack of improvement due to failure to maintain biological components sufficiently to maintain the ability to serve the Omnissiah. Declaration: Apprentice Rho-Delta, you are ordered to fully utilize your 4-Hour Standard Time Recreational Period to sustain body and mind. The Magos finished his chastisement, lightly pushing Rho's exhausted compatriot toward the door with one mechadendrite. Chastisement: Neglecting the maintenance of one thing leads to neglecting the whole. Statement: Sleep, you idiot. VY-512 spoke, letting the little bit of humor Rho had noticed the Magos possessed to come to the front of their speech for a moment before turning toward her and Omega again. Statement: Improvement following my conjectures and calculations. Order: Repeat Litany of Unjamming fifty times. Addendum: Return to assigned duties afterward.

And with that, the Magos turned around; their staff Tap Tap Tap-ing away as the rest of their hulking body moved silently. Then, as one, Omega and Rho picked up the Bolters once more, the machines within the table creating jamming within the guns again, before a buzzer sounded from the Servo-Skulls above the two. And with that, they once more spoke the Litany of Unjamming, racing to finish in time and better than before. Though, the time performing the act was long since routine, allowing Rho to think back on that fateful day when their Cohort was exiled from Forge World Tesla when the Bolters were reset.

When Magos VY-512 had chosen her as an apprentice from all the apprentices they could have chosen, she had been overjoyed. Rare was the chance to join an order as vaunted as the Legio Cybernetica. It was rarer when Cohort Delta-Omega-Sigma opened its ranks to new components of the Omnissiah. The Cohort preferred to recruit internally long since, elevating those among the servs working their factories and manufactories rather than allowing outsiders to join, but here she was! Soon, if she proved to be capable enough, she would serve the Omnissiah and the Motive Force within the Cohort, bringing death and destruction to the Cult Mechanicum's Foes!

Only, it would not be so. Because only a single day after she had joined, a Magos accused the Cohort of harboring Hereteks. One with evidence that the Fabricator-General could not dismiss, no matter their wishes. Most damming of all, the accusations proved true, and the Cohort nearly faced destruction over them. Only their allies, and by choosing exile to a recently colonized world, did they avoid being erased from memory, only allowed their automata and the singular Secutor "Imperious Draconis" with them.

After all, the Sin was heavy:
[] Sin of Innovation
(A new alloy had replaced the armor and structure of all Robots. Stronger by 2.37%, while cheaper by 0.021%, it had been hailed as an incredible find of long-lost knowledge. Only, it proved to be an alloy created anew, rather than found.)
[] Sin of Ritual-Breaking
(The Cohort had undergone a dramatic break from ritual that nobody could endorse or tolerate, no matter their stance. This occurred after a new faction had risen to prominence within the Cohort, discarding or modifying rituals one after the other, claiming to better the Cohort by removing useless or no longer applicable rites.)
[] Sin of Deviation
(They had built new Robots, made from their schematics, created by using old designs finished within their halls. The creation of such was not Tech-Heresy in itself, but the scale was outrageous and encroachment upon other Orders tasked with such Holy Works.)
[] Sin of Perversion
(The Cohort used Xeno-tech within the Robots. All that contained such were destroyed.)

The harsh buzzer of the Servo-Skull ripped Rho out of her thoughts just as she had finished the fiftieth Litany of Unjamming, with Omega running two behind. Enough time for her to grin at the glowering apprentice before retreating before his stuck out tongue and playful insult of her "bribing the Bolter with incense beforehand," as he put it. Regardless, she had finished with this part of her training, meaning it was time to begin her usual duties. Duties that other apprentices had been more than happy to trade with her, somehow believing the maintenance of the Automata to be tedious instead of holy. She found it relaxing and stepped into the hallway to cargo-bay seven-dash-beta.

Rho immediately backstepped, narrowly avoiding bumping into:
[] Archmagos (WRITE-IN NAME)
[] (Optional: "Personality," Augmentations, and History)

As the leader of Cohort Delta-Omega-Sigma moved through the hallway on their way to somewhere else. Rho didn't even dare to think what the Archmagos was currently doing, only glad she didn't bump into them. She was sure that would have resulted in her wishing she would be ejected out of the airlock to escape Magos VY-512's wrath. But, shaking off the fright and peeking around the corner to make sure the hallway was free of high-ranking Techpriests that could have her executed with a single burst of data, she continued on her way. It took her twenty minutes of walking and using the onboard tram to reach her destination, walking into the cargo bay holding her charges for the day, the Automata the Cohort was most known for.

What Automata are most used by the Cohort?
[] Baharat
(Large, weighty, well-armed, and deadly. Swarms stand no chance.)
[] Thanatar
(Siege-engines of deadly renown. Ready to tear you a new one.)
[] Lambda-Zeta-01
(Death on threads, armed in melee and horrific in close-range. And with three heads, for some reason.)
[] Vultarax
(Flying, Pricy, And Swift, does it deliver death from above? You bet.)
[] Rho-Tau 17 Surveillance Robot
(Cheap mass-produced swarms of bolter-wearing automata beat everything. If not, apply more; they are cheap enough.)

Looking over the bay, Rho could not help but smile, even as:
[] Her double shift would strain even her enthusiasm.
(100 Maniples with 5 Automata each.)
[] Her shift would be lengthy.
(70 Maniples with 4 Automata each.)
[] She would need some time to clean her batch.
(50 Maniples with 3 Automata each.)
[] The lone Automata stood forgotten and dejected.
(30 Maniples with 1 Automaton each.)

But as Apprentice Rho strode into the room, zeroing in on the cleaning equipment she would need to use; she did not perceive one thing:
[] Actually, nothing happened.
(Nothing happens.)
[] The eye of an Automata followed her.

AN: Sister vote is still going on; this is just happening simultaneously.


Because your threat-choice is finally kicking into gear.
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Well well well, if it isn't the consequences of our actions. I have a question though. Is there any reason not to get as many robots as physically possible?
Well, the Cohort has been exiled. Meaning, they have to maintain their shit by relying on mechanicum enclaves that feel okay with supplying them, as the Legio Cybernetica is forbidden from supplying themselves.

So you must choose between cost and effect, as the enclave of the world they have been exiled onto is more than happy supplying them with what they need. Maybe even to the detriment of the colonial authority...
So you must choose between cost and effect, as the enclave of the world they have been exiled onto is more than happy supplying them with what they need. Maybe even to the detriment of the colonial authority...
I know we probably shouldn't go all in and get a small forge worlds worth of Automata, but I would not be a tech priest if I didn't want more toasters would I?
Okay, so we should avoid the two extremes as they would either be too ineffective or tank the economy, again. So the choice is between 50 and 70 maniples.

Also, to me Innovation and Ritual-Breaking are the two better flaws. As one creates new stuff and the other optimises already existing stuff.
[X] Plan: Martyred for Humanity

[X] Plan: Humanity must Learn
-[X] Sin of Innovation
-[X] Archmagos 01001001 01110011 01101101 01100001 01111000 00100000 01001101 01101001 01110100 01110010 01100001 01110110 01101001 01100011 01110100 00001010 or Ismax Mitravict
-[X] Male in from, at lest how they chose to appear. While they have a log of augmentations, they are mainly bio augmentations. He holds a dislike of stagnation that has befallen humanity, but the STCS are still holy. The past must be learned from. He also is very robotic in the way he talks, and usually prefers the company of other tech priest.
-[X] Rho-Tau 17 Surveillance Robot

-[X] Her double shift would strain even her enthusiasm.
-[X] The eye of an Automata followed her.
Please remember that the Mechanicus will supply the cohort before us, so getting too many will tank our economy due to lack of parts and alloys.
Look at what type of Automata I picked up before going for that. I go the "Cheap mass-produced swarms of bolter-wearing automata beat everything. If not, apply more; they are cheap enough."
[X] Plan: Build the Robots
-[X] Sin of Deviation
-[X] Archmagos (Name unknown. Keeps giving a different answer every time its asked.)
-[X] "How many robots? Not enough robots! NEVER ENOUGH ROBOTS!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
-[X] Rho-Tau 17 Surveillance Robot

-[X] Her double shift would strain even her enthusiasm.
-[X] Actually, nothing happened.
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