Gunpowder Gods: a Quest of Young Gods and New Lands

[X] An offer of friendship. You'll call upon him as an old friend might, showing you do not suspect him of any wrongdoing. Needless to say that you are not friends, but it is the clearest way to show that you do not approach with hostile intentions.
My guess is, he knew, but by his nature, could not reveal what he knew.
[x] Diplomatic approach. You'll take the Dreamer in and request a meeting with all the politeness and forms of proper society. There is no need to be unpleasant about this.
[x] Show of force. You'll block off the bay with your fleet and demand that Mirk come at once to speak with you. It is best to take advantage of your greater force here.
[X] Diplomatic approach. You'll take the Dreamer in and request a meeting with all the politeness and forms of proper society. There is no need to be unpleasant about this.
[x] Diplomatic approach. You'll take the Dreamer in and request a meeting with all the politeness and forms of proper society. There is no need to be unpleasant about this.
[x] Diplomatic approach. You'll take the Dreamer in and request a meeting with all the politeness and forms of proper society. There is no need to be unpleasant about this.
well I can't blame Mirk they are Secrets telling things they know is like having her not to go in an adventure it goes against they're nature
and if you think about they did give a hint by turning a different direction and not hiding it
[X] An offer of friendship. You'll call upon him as an old friend might, showing you do not suspect him of any wrongdoing. Needless to say that you are not friends, but it is the clearest way to show that you do not approach with hostile intentions.
Voyager: V
[X] Diplomatic approach. You'll take the Dreamer in and request a meeting with all the politeness and forms of proper society. There is no need to be unpleasant about this.

You give the order. The trailing ships come to a halt before they round the end of the hill to remain out of sight from the shore. They will be close if needed, but you do not want to unsettle Mirk and his people by bringing in such a force at once. The dragons and Iktoka remain behind just as well, the wyrms perching on the slopes of the hill to watch events unfold. The Dreamer advances alone but without fear. She is more than a match for Mirk's Obscura.

Neassa is on the deck with you, eyeing the lush shore. The fear in her seems to fade with every new sight and every hour past. A smile plays on her lips as she studies fat-bodied birds with long thin legs stalking the shoreline. As she points out, their feet appear to be taloned, with each precise kick into the water impaling a fish for consumption. She makes a delighted noise every time she witnesses such a kill. Colorful smaller birds circle the larger animals, perhaps hoping to steal their kills when they are not looking. They are brave to try it in reach of those lethal-looking talons. Scattered feathers and small broken bodies speak of those too slow or dull to succeed in such theft.

'I think I shall name them the stalker-bird, and this Stalker Bay. Though I suppose it is more of a sound...' she says at one point, scribbling notes in a leather-bound book.

'Oh, you shall name it?' Annetta asks with a coy smile. 'I was not aware you'd been given that honor.'

'I am the most qualified,' Neassa says, standing up straighter. 'We would not want it to end up Bankers' Bay, or Ducat Sound, or anything of the sort.'

Annetta laughs. 'I thought something more like 'Vestra Sound', or 'Bay of Sails'. Our mistress should have the glory, don't you think?'

Mistress - when in private she spoke of being partners. It has the effect on Neassa that Annetta seems to be after, in any case. The scholar stiffens and glances at you with widened eyes. She collects herself quickly.

'Yes, of course. Our lady's suggestions will take preference. I merely thought to offer some of my own...'

They keep at it. You don't intervene. It's an insignificant matter, and all your attention is fixed on the Obscura and the shore ahead.

The other ship does not react to your approach. Evidently they are not surprised. Men with wary eyes and weapons at arm's length watch you from the deck of the smaller vessel. They are a motley lot, few of them with the look of warriors. Some of them are sailors, but with the closed-off, nervous look of born smugglers. The God of Secrets must draw a curious mix of followers to him. You will not underestimate any of them.

The Dreamer draws up alongside, the signals up in her mast proclaiming her peaceful intent. The Obscura no longer flies the armada's colors, you note, only Mirk's own banner. You try not to think the worst of that. None of you were obligated to do so after reaching this land, though you hadn't even thought about taking them down yet.

'I would speak with cousin Mirk, God of Secrets. I am Vestra Skyborn, Goddess of Sail. May we meet under a flag of peace and discuss matters of mutual importance?'

You try to be polite, but there is no taking all of the tension in from your voice. The crew doesn't react either way. A pale, scrawny man scowls at you and gestures for the beach.

'Mirk's waiting on the shore. He said to tell you so. You're to go in alone,' the man says in a nasal whine. As almost an afterthought, he adds a strained: 'Goddess.'

You nod your assent, ignoring the insult. On shore or here, it makes little difference. If it comes to battle, it will be you against Mirk and your followers against his. Having a handful of mortals with you would not affect such a contest either way. Mirk must know the same. He wants this to be private - or has some kind of hidden scheme in mind.

You step off the deck of the Dreamer and plunge towards the water. There are gasps and shouts from some of those behind you, turning into embarassed silence when your descent slows until your feet stop right on the surface of the waters. You enjoy the touch of warm waves brushing against your soles and begin to walk for the shore. Most of the mortals should not be particularly shocked - as acts of divine power go, this is among the very least. Recent events must have put them on edge.

It takes power to perform even a miracle such as this, but an insignificant amount. You barely notice using it - a goddess of ships and travel is home in the water, and that affinity makes this easy. You walk the waters until your feet touch muddy earth instead. A shiver passes through you. This is the New World, and you are among the first to walk upon its shores.

The beach is slick vine-choked rock and wet muck, the growth and dwindling of the river over the years marked clear into the earth. Humid air presses down on you. Stinging flies mob at the new arrival, breaking themselves against your divine flesh. A cacophony of animal calls carries forth from the wild growth of green inland. Mirk waits further up in the shade of a towering broad-leaved tree. He is as he was when you saw him last - a withered, crooked creature in robes, his skin drawn over his bones. He could not be further from you in form and appearance. Impassive eyes weigh you as you come near. Is that a smile which plays on his bloodless lips? He unnerves you, somehow, though you are every bit his equal.

You sneak a glance at the compass. It points somewhere beyond Mirk, into the jungle. Curious.

'Vestra Skyborn.'

'Cousin Mirk. Thank you for receiving me. I do not come with ill intent, only to speak-'

Mirk stares hard. 'There are no answers here you will understand. Return to your ship and sail away from here.'

'I would ask you for those answers, nevertheless. I do not wish to think you an enemy, but your actions... You turned from the fleet moments before disaster struck. Did you know they were coming? What do you know of what we face? Why not offer warning?'



'I will give you one answer. Hear this: it will be true, and as complete as I can give it. With that I pay for safe passage, and non-interference in my affairs. You have meddled enough.'

His affairs... who was he meeting here? Your dragons scared others into the jungle when they passed over. Is that the meddling he refers to? You are too blind here. That he sees the need to pay for safe passage suggests he feels vulnerable and weaker than you - unless that is just what he wants you to think.

You consider what he actually knows. Even the God of Secrets cannot have all the secrets in the world. If you ask him a question he does not know the answer to, he may simply say as much and call that his true answer. You will need to choose wisely... that is, if you intend to play his game at all.

[] One question. Very well. One true answer for the small price of leaving him be on this shore.
[] Demand more. You will not be satisfied with simply one scrap of the truth. You will not leave it at that.
-[] Two answers! He is asking for two things - safe passage and leaving him be here. Would two answers not be fairer for that?
-[] Three! Three true answers is more like it. You won't settle for less.
-[] Four! Or more! You'll want his answers to at least four of your questions.
[] Refuse his terms.
This is ridiculous. You did not come here for one answer, certainly not for that price. He will tell you everything, one way or another.
-[] Or you'll attack him. Battle would not be in his favor, surely. You'll threaten him with battle if he does not tell you everything.
-[] Or you'll tell the other gods. Mirk wishes to be left alone, but the other gods will seek him out once they learn of his suspicious escape. You'll threaten to tell them where he is unless he tells you everything.
-[] Or something else. Write-in.

Which question(s) do you wish to ask?

[] How did you know about the attack?
[] What are these titans?
[] Why did you not warn the fleet?
[] What are you doing here?
[] Who were you meeting here?
[] Where is the rest of your fleet?
[] What are your plans in the New World?
[] How did you know to come here?
[] How can the titans be defeated?
[] How can the titans be avoided?
[] Write-in.
just wondering can we change it to one true answer for giving them safe passage rather than leaving them alone?

edit: cause they know she might be the only one who could find them

edit2: the write in could be phrase like this

[X] I will give you safe passage but I will not leave you be cause for a single true answer will be traded for a single fair favor and I only have one question " Cousin Mirk are you ok "
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It's difficult not being the God of Secrets and having to deal with one, because it feels impossible to know what his motives are at any one given time. You never know how far in advance he'll be planning.

If we're sticking to those terms then I think we should push for two answers. Non-interference in his affairs is an awkward one though, depends on how long we'd be expected to stick to it and there's no guarantee that whatever it is he's doing won't interfere with us.
just wondering can we change it to one true answer for giving them safe passage rather than leaving them alone?

edit: cause they know she might be the only one who could find them

edit2: the write in could be phrase like this
[] I will give you safe passage but I will not leave you be cause for a single true answer will be traded for a single fair favor and I only have one question " Cousin Mirk are you ok "

That's fine, sure.

[] What are all of your plans?

@Photomajig Is this acceptable?

It's technically acceptable but he really won't like it, since it's really open-ended and broad. He might give you an equally vague and open-ended answer in return.
Safe passage we can accept, as I think that was our plan anyways unless he turned out to be causing serious trouble. Non-interference is just too broad an oath, however. We do not know how what he is doing will impact us, nor the scope of his plots. Granting this blank check blindly would be foolish.

As for the question, we should ask whatever we think will be most valuable for fighting/surviving those bloated gods. It's what we came for, and it really is vital Intel.

Even so, I'm not sure what the best question will be.

[X] One question in exchange for safe passage, but I cannot guaranty non-interference. I do not know the scope of your affairs, and so cannot promise to avoid that which I cannot see.
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[x] One question in exchange for safe passage, but I cannot guaranty non-interference. I do not know the scope of your affairs, and so cannot promise to avoid that which I cannot see.

We are settling down the same river after all. Being neighbours with a secretive god, I doubt non-interference is on the table. We'd have to keep tabs on him just to make sure he isn't messing with something that could backfire at us.

[x] What do you know of what we face?

Preferably things that our own scouts can't tell us. He has contacts with the locals, and the knowledge of the titans; he clearly did some research into this land.
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[x] One question in exchange for safe passage, but I cannot guaranty non-interference. I do not know the scope of your affairs, and so cannot promise to avoid that which I cannot see.

[X] Why did you not warn the fleet?

We need this question to see if he is a foe or ally, or neutral!
[X] One question in exchange for safe passage, but I cannot guaranty non-interference. I do not know the scope of your affairs, and so cannot promise to avoid that which I cannot see.

[X] What do you know of what we face?
[X] One question in exchange for safe passage, but I cannot guaranty non-interference. I do not know the scope of your affairs, and so cannot promise to avoid that which I cannot see.

[X] What do you know of what we face?
[X] One question in exchange for safe passage, but I cannot guaranty non-interference. I do not know the scope of your affairs, and so cannot promise to avoid that which I cannot see.

[X] What do you know of what we face?
[X] How did you know about the attack?
[X] One question in exchange for safe passage, but I cannot guaranty non-interference. I do not know the scope of your affairs, and so cannot promise to avoid that which I cannot see.

[X] What do you know of what we face?
[X] One question in exchange for safe passage, but I cannot guaranty non-interference. I do not know the scope of your affairs, and so cannot promise to avoid that which I cannot see.

[X] What do you know of what we face?
[] What do you know of what we face?

I think this is too broad a question. If we ask him this, we might get too simple/vague of an answer.

For example:

Vestra: What do you know of what we face?

Mirk: ...They have tentacles for legs.

Vestra: What? Tha-

Mirk: Nope, one question. Now get lost.