The Young Eagle - A Napoleon Quest

>Industrial investment company

What does that even mean? What industry are we investing into? At this point we'd be better off owning something that could give us more material benefits that later on we could just sell to France when we have proper supplies

I'd say it's a better idea to fund or start up some new gunsmiths, canonsmiths or just tailors. Long live the military industrial complex, for France will need her in the coming days. However you still have the best, and only, plan so I'm still voting for it
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What a close vote! :D

In other news, does anyone know if there's a way to post pictures into the thread without a URL? I've been trying to copy+paste screen shots of the dice roller I've been using, but the site doesn't seem to want to post any image that isn't hosted on a website.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Tjf on Dec 12, 2023 at 11:55 PM, finished with 24 posts and 19 votes.

  • [X] Plan: There is Something We Can Do
    -[X] Find a fencing teacher: You've heard of an eccentric fencing master named Le Chevalier D'Eon. Frankly, your skills with a blade could use a bit of work, so maybe she'd be willing to teach you a thing or two?
    -[X] Start a business: You're clearly not going to be getting rich any time soon on your military salary. Paris is in an economic slump, but that doesn't mean there isn't plenty of opportunity for someone with your talent to make your fortune.
    --[X] Write in business type: Industrial Investment Company
    -[X] Try to acquire some better weapons for the Sardinia Expedition: You might be away from your men in the national guard, but that doesn't mean you can't get work done while you're here. By hook or by crook, you're going to get a few hundred modern muskets, uniforms and accoutrements, as well as some stockpiles of food, water and alcohol.
    -[X] Visit Military Headquarters: With a war newly declared, the Hotel de Brienne - headquarters of the French Armies - is abuzz with activity. There, you could make important connections with the higher ups, or with fellow junior officers on their own roads to power.
    -[X] Try to acquire some maps of Sardinia: Jean Baptiste Bourguignon was a chief cartographer of the Kingdom of France, and a renowned mapmaker. On a trip to the market, you overheard that some of his maps of Italy are going to be on sale at a local booksellers. If you could find one of Sardinia, such a remarkably detailed map could really help you plan your operation.
    -[X] Try to get another unit for the Sardinia Campaign: If you could secure command over an additional unit, preferably from the army rather than the national guard, you'd feel much better about your chances in the upcoming campaign.
    [x] [X] Plan: There is Something We Can Do
Turn 1 Results - April-June 1792
June 20, 1792 - Palais de Tuileries
"Drink! Drink!" In the shade of a well manicured tree, you listen as the clamor from the revolutionary crowd grows louder and try to visualise the sound waves bouncing against the walls of the palace, as you stand outside the Tuileries. Your king - though you don't know how long he'll wear that distinction - wears a look of shame on his face as the crowd humiliates him, a phyrgian cap atop his wig, and a bottle of champagne in hand. "Vive..." His voice struggles to be heard above the crowd. "Vive la nation!"

Turn 1 Results:

[X] Find a fencing teacher: You've heard of an eccentric fencing master named Le Chevalier D'Eon. Frankly, your skills with a blade could use a bit of work, so maybe she'd be willing to teach you a thing or two

DC: 40, Rolled 72 - Success


"Again." Le Chevalier D'Eon looks at you without sympathy as you wipe sweat from your brow, chest heaving.
"Come on, Buonaparte. You wanted me to teach you - this is me teaching you." She smirks as she watches you pick yourself up in exhaustion from the floor of her studio, the smallsword in your hand feeling a zweihander as you clutch it in your hand and raise your tired and sore sword arm. The strange woman's training has been all but torturous - you'd assumed it would involve a little light sparring every day, but in reality the regimen you've been put through has been a comprehensive nightmare, involving rigorous exercise, the study of fencing manuals, and constant thrashings, that have left you collapsing to your bed each night in dreamless sleep. "What's wrong, Corsican? Too much for you? We can take a break if you need it." The fencer smirks, and you grit your teeth - she knows exactly what buttons to push to keep you from giving up, namely ego. You pick up the sword, and try to impale your master with it.

+3 Valor, +5 Reputation with Chevalier D'Eon (Impressed), Gained Trait: Novice Fencer (+5 to swordsmanship rolls)


[X] Start a business: You're clearly not going to be getting rich any time soon on your military salary. Paris is in an economic slump, but that doesn't mean there isn't plenty of opportunity for someone with your talent to make your fortune.

DC: 50, Rolled 52+15 (Intelligence)+10 (Businessman) = 77


"Well done, Buonaparte." Jervis, an old Jacobite emigre, smiles at you as you and a small group of impoverished look up at the sign above the door of your new building. In bold, the letters proudly read:

Société des Amis des Artisans

Initially, the hysteria on the outbreak of war with Austria had prompted you to seek out a way to construct a cannon foundry, but no matter how much you considered the matter, you couldn't find a way to get the capital you'd need for such a venture - no investor would be willing to finance it on the word of a near penniless captain. Then you thought to yourself - why not be the financier? Touring some coffee houses, your skill with numbers managed to impress a few businessmen like Jervis, who agreed to put money into your company. Now, you're the President of the Société des Amis des Artisans (Society for the friends of craftsmen). On first look, it's one of France's many trade-based social clubs but in reality, what you've created is an investment firm with a focus on manufacturing.
"We've footed the bill for a local garment factory to buy some Spinning Jennies from England - much as it pains me to do business with Protestants. Expect your first dividends in a few months." Jervis' excitement overweighs his prejudice against the English occupying his homeland, and the old Scot beams.
Reward: Creation of the Société des Amis des Artisans firm, Unlocks options to expand the business, +3 Income per turn (Starting turn 3), +1 Paris Reputation
[X] Try to acquire some better weapons for the Sardinia Expedition: You might be away from your men in the national guard, but that doesn't mean you can't get work done while you're here. By hook or by crook, you're going to get a few hundred modern muskets, uniforms and accoutrements, as well as some stockpiles of food, water and alcohol.
DC: 50 Roll: 29+10 (Charisma)=39
"Salted beef, you fool!" You curse the idiotic quartermaster gaping at you. "What the hell am I do with three barrels of unsalted beef? You're aware it goes off, right? And don't even get me started on the powder!" You frown as you mention it, thinking back to the sight of an entirely empty storeroom. You know that much of the arsenal was stolen by the mobs during the early days of the revolution, but Lafayette's militia has been confiscating powder and shot for the war against Austria - there should be at least something here.
Reward: Not a single gun, and worthless supplies, unlocks action Investigate the Missing Guns next turn.
[X] Visit Military Headquarters: With a war newly declared, the Hotel de Brienne - headquarters of the French Armies - is abuzz with activity. There, you could make important connections with the higher ups, or with fellow junior officers on their own roads to power.

Roll: 93

Who does Napoleon Befriend? - D30 Roll: 16, 27, 3


"Buonaparte!" You stride through the Hotel de Brienne at the sound of Lafayette's voice, approaching the famous general. "Those artillery tactics you mentioned the other day - I want a report on my desk by tommorow, compris?" You salute the general, smiling. It would seem your insubordinate advice on combined arms tactics has paid off - Lafayette and others in the general staff know your name - even if they don't have many thoughts on you beyond that.

"Mon capitaine, I have completed your orders." An almost impossibly deep voice calls out as you leave Lafayette, and your eyes drift upwards to make contact with those of a giant of a man - Sergeant Gauloise, his brow heavy and his moustache braided in a manner that would have made him at home with his ancestor namesakes. Beside him, a much smaller man in glasses gestures to a piece of paper. "I was able to requisition some more firelocks, captain, but not many." Private Lamberge, your bookworm of an attendant announces. The two soldiers, impressed with their commander, have been nearly inseparable from you these last few days.

"Oh, and Capitaine Murat requests the pleasure of your company this evening." Lamberge says - with a hint of distaste for your libertine new friend. "Desaix sends his regards, too. Oh, and Oudinot and his wife have sent you a dinner invitation, as well." Smirking, you recall your meetings with your new friends.

Furious at your failure to equip your battalion, you strode through the streets away from the armory, snarling at an immaculately dressed officer with flowing, curly hair and a handsome face, with two feminine beauties on his arms, giggling at him. "Not all of us are having supply problems, eh lieutenant?" You mutter at the man, gesturing to his expensive pelisse, and storm off.

Around the corner, you sigh and calm down. Acting like that to a perfect stranger is foolish - no sense in burning bridges. You turn and head back the way you came, intending to apologise. The street you came from, however, is deserted. You're about to shrug and give up the search, when you hear a moan coming from an alley - and not the kind of moan the elegant lieutenant was probably thinking he'd be making. You pull the pistol from your belt and prime it.

In the alley, the lieutenant's elegant uniform is stained by mud as he lies on his back. Above him, one of the beauties he was entertaining points a cocked and loaded pistol at his face, while her companion drives a steel-toed boot into his ribs. "Enough of that! Grab his purse, and his shoes!" the pistol wielding woman grunts.

You can't help but find the scene a little amusing, but the girl with the boots isn't holding back - you should stop this before the captain gets properly hurt. "Mesdemoiselles, as entertaining as I'm sure this has been, I'm going to have to ask you to stop." You point your pistol at the armed woman, standing at the mouth of the alley. "Put away the weapon, take the money, and leave the shoes, please." The two of them look at each other, evidently realising you're not offering a bad deal, and depart through the other end of the alley.

"Are you alright, friend?" You approach the writhing captain. "I think something might be wrong with my kidneys. The important bits are all still safe, though. Thank God she didn't kick between my legs. You're a chevalier, mon ami." He groans, and you lean forward, gripping his hand to help him to his feet. You grin. "And what would my damsel be called?" He bristles with irritation, but isn't ungrateful enough to complain. "Joachim Murat, of the cavalry."

Gained Contact - Joachim Murat

On the way to the Hotel de Brienne, you spot a cannon buried deep in a patch of mud, a squad of soldiers trying and failing to push it out - even the officers getting involved to try and liberate the piece. You approach the captain, a kindly looking man with long straight hair like your own. "Would you care for some help, friend? I'm no stranger to these situations." You gesture to the artillery markings on your uniform. The man smiles gratefully, making some room, as you start to fashion a pulley. "That's very kind of you, mon ami. You're quite an ingenious fellow!" He says as he looks at your work. "Buonaparte, right? I've seen you around headquarters."

Next to the captain, a man whose uniform is so covered in muck you took him for a private, stands up. He wipes away some of the mud, and you see a stern looking man wearing the bars of a lieutenant colonel, his head already showing signs of balding despite only being in his twenties. "Buonaparte, hmm? You'd be the one who deserted his duty to go and riot in Corsica? Did no one mention that you can't just come and go from your unit whenever you fancy?" He stares at you coldly, until the captain defuses the situation. "Come now, Colonel, let's not insult the man who went out of his way to help us. I'm Desaix - this grouch is Lieutenant-Colonel Davout."

Liberating the gun is slow work, and there's little to do but talk as you get down to the drudgery. Desaix is pleasant company, friendly and warm in his demeanor. Davout is...not. The man icily criticises every perceived infraction or inefficiency on your part, and you wonder how these two could possibly be friends. You grudgingly admit that he's clearly very bright, even if he is a bore. As you describe Sardinia, the terrain, the fortifications and what you know of the Savoyard Army, something in Davout seems to click, and he begins to strategise and plan for a campaign he's not even a part of as if he had the maps right in front of him. What's worse is that his conclusions all match your own - he's even considered things you didn't even think of.

Finally, wheels dripping with mud, the cannon rolls out of the ditch, and Desaix shakes your hand. "Thanks again for your help, mon ami. Please, allow me to buy you lunch some time at Cafe Procope to reward your generosity." Davout's response is simpler - he nods his head and tersely says "Buonaparte." You think he might like you a little better than he did earlier?

Gained Connections - Louis Desaix and Louis-Nicholas Davout
"Will you be joining us for mass on Sunday?" Lieutenant-Colonel Nicholas Oudinot ask you, and you give a non-committal answer. "Oh, you must!" Oudinot's wife Charlotte exclaims. "Maybe you can meet a girl there?" You smile awkwardly, and dig into your chicken. Dinner with Lieutenant-Colonel Oudinot is a reliable source of free food, but the constant attempts by the couple to play matchmaker can be grating.

"I fear for France, mon ami, truly, I do." Oudinot sighs. "This war against Austria isn't going to remain a war just against Austria. France will need good officers. I hope you wouldn't mind serving under me one day?" You nod - Oudinot is a competent man, if not a brilliant one. "As long as you don't mind serving under me one day." You add.

Gained Connection - Nicholas Oudinot

Reward: Gained Reputation with high command, gained service of Sergeant Gauloise (Morale Bonus to whichever unit he's in) and Private Legrange (Logistics Bonus to whatever unit he's in), friendly relations with Joachim Murat, Louis Desaix and Nicholas Oudinot. Ambivalent relations with Lieutenant-Colonel Louis-Nicholas Davout.


-[X] Try to acquire some maps of Sardinia: Jean Baptiste Bourguignon was a chief cartographer of the Kingdom of France, and a renowned mapmaker. On a trip to the market, you overheard that some of his maps of Italy are going to be on sale at a local booksellers. If you could find one of Sardinia, such a remarkably detailed map could really help you plan your operation.

DC: 30 Rolled: 41

Result: You have competition from a geography professor, but luckily your meagre salary proves higher than the academic's nonexistent pay now that the Sorbonne University has been closed by the government. Examining the maps in your office, you find yourself very pleased with what you see. Bourguignon was exceedingly thorough. The map includes the size and type of various roads, detailed elevation lines, and includes small villages and hamlets that would go unremarked on a regular map.

Reward: You obtain Detailed Maps of Sardinia (+10 to all military rolls on Sardinia)


[X] Try to get another unit for the Sardinia Campaign: If you could secure command over an additional unit, preferably from the army rather than the national guard, you'd feel much better about your chances in the upcoming campaign.

DC: 70, Rolled 82

Result: "You're a bold one, Buonaparte." Colonel Toussaint, of the former La Fere Artillery Regiment, now renamed the 1st Artillery Regiment, frowns as you make your case for why you should be granted more men. "Most commanding officers would be rather mad that you'd left your unit. But... I suppose your argumentation is solid. I'll assign you the 6th Company under Seydoux. Just don't screw up."

Result: Gained command of the 6th company of the 1st Artillery Regiment (74 men, 6 6 Pounder Guns, 2 Howitzers)


(Mostly good rolls there - though not for what was probably the most important item. Hope you enjoyed the update. I'm knackered, but I should have Turn 2 and a geopolitics update up tomorrow or in the next few days.)
A shame about Davout hating, or rather heavily disliking, Napoleon, but I can see why. He did just desert from the French Army to galivant back home, it doesn't really give a good impression of Napoleon's character.
A summary of Buonaparte's friends, enemies and acquaintances:

Reputation: 5 (He's family - even if he never writes)
Bio: Letizia Buonaparte and her brood. Most are Corsican nobodies, but Joseph and Lucien have promising careers in French politics.
Traits: Loyal, Generally Competent, Not Ambitious

Reputation: 10 (This kid saved my ass)
Bio: An aristocratic naval officer, Captain Truguet is a decent commander - though not an exceptional one. Most interesting about him is his strong egalitarian, abolitionist streak
Traits: Rising Officer (Bonus to military rolls), Sea Wolf (Bonus to naval merchant/supply hunting), Ideological Zealot (Bonus when commanding units with strong ideological leaanings)

Reputation: -5 (A bright boy, but the son of a traitorous bootlicker of the French - following in his father's footsteps.)
Bio: A legendary Corsican Freedom fighter and revolutionary
Traits: Inspiring, Anti-French

Reputation: 11 (Napoleon's a sarcastic little bastard, but he saved my life. I wish he knew how to dress, though.)
Bio: A young, flamboyant and brave cavalry officer, at home on the battlefield or ballroom in equal measure
Traits: Beau Sabreur (Huge charm bonus - applies to Napoleon's rolls when they're together), Cavalier (Bonus when commanding cavalry), Arrogant (May disobey orders in pursuit of his own glory)

Reputation: 7 (Napoleon and I have fought together, and he's given me no reason to complain)
Bio: A close friend of Lieutenant-Colonel Davout, and a new friend to Captain Buonaparte, Desaix is an incredibly well liked commander with a record for competence. An aristocrat by birth, Desaix was nearly executed not long ago, but is once again in favor with the government.
Traits: Inspiring (Morale Bonus to units under his command), Peacemaker (Can end disputes between feuding officers, increasing efficiency), Highly competent (Bonus to military rolls)

Reputation: 7 (Napoleon can beat me at chess - and that's not something I can say about many people. He might be a blackguard, but he's a blackguard not to be taken lightly.)
Bio: A cold, analytical and highly talented officer, Davout is let down by his almost complete lack of social skills. If he didn't have Desaix to smooth things over with people, his 'tell it how it is' style of speech would probably have led to at least one duel by now. Still, even his most vocal critics are forced to admit: the man is a military genius.
Traits: Genius (Huge bonus to military rolls), Analytical (Can help refine Napoleone's plans), Not a people person (feuds with other officers)

Reputation: 5 (Napoleone might make a fine protege. A little serious, though - he should have a wife to bring a little cheer into his life. Did wonders for me.)
Bio: A well liked officer and family man, Oudinot is a competent, if not spectacular officer, with a jovial personality - though he has a temper that can flare up violently from time to time.
Traits: Competent Officer (Small Bonus to military rolls), Matchmaker (Happy to help Bonaparte find a nice, well connected lady to settle down with), Basically Unkillable (Shoot him, cut him up, inflict blunt impact trauma on him - Oudinot is incredibly unlikely to die on you.)

Reputation: 5 (Napoleone barely knows one end of a sword from the other, but he's a hard worker, which I respect.)
Bio: One of the first legally recognised recipients of a gender transition in European history, D'Eon is a spy and a deadly fencing master, renowned on both sides of the English Channel
Traits: Sword Master (Huge bonus to swordsmanship rolls), Talented spy (Able to blend in to different societies and gather information)

Reputation: 5 (Napoleon kept his word and didn't have me guillotined. I guess that means I owe him one.)
Bio: A teenage thief and deserter from the army, Vidocq has a surprisingly sharp and inquisitive mind, as well as a sense of right and wrong - if a not particularly heavily used one.
Traits: Expert Thief (Bonus to stealth rolls), Natural Detective (Bonus to investigation rolls)

Reputation: -15 (Because of Bonaparte my reputation is in tatters and my cousin faces the guillotine. I'll kill him, if it's the last thing I do)
Bio: A well connected politician more than a soldier, Henriot leads the National Guard, the military body responsible for maintaining law and order in France herself.
Traits: Political Animal, Poor Soldier

Reputation: 10 (Bonaparte is a young man of integrity - a too rare thing in this age. I hope he can hold onto it.)
Bio: A devoted Jacobin revolutionary, Robespierre has been called L'Incorruptible for his integrity - though some whisper that his fanaticism is starting to go too far.
Traits: Incorruptible, Magnetic Personality

Reputation: 5 (Napoleon's a bright man with good ideas. As long as he's working for me, there's no chance of him overshadowing me, either)
Bio: Part of the 'new breed' of generals who have found success in the wake of the revolution. A polite, friendly man who exudes confidence and zeal for la Republique.
Traits: Republican, Good officer (Bonus to military rolls), Personable (Bonus to persuasion rolls and keeping the peace among officers), Cautious (Tends to avoid highly aggressive strategies)

Reputation: 5 (This Napoleon is rather...dashing.)
Bio: A courtesan, socialite and sometimes lover of Phillipe Egalite. An intelligent woman of intrigue and letters with her finger on the pulse of Paris' intrigues.
Traits: Graceful (Bonus to social rolls), Charming (Bonus to social rolls), Spymaster (Large bonus to espionage rolls)

Reputation: 10 (I don't know him, but he saved my brother's life. Andre Massena may be many things, but stingy ain't one of them. I'll pay the debt back somehow.)
He owes you a debt
Bio: One of the Republic's greatest generals, and one of its richest men as well. Massena is a popular and highly skilled general, with a penchant for looting.
Traits: Genius (Huge bonus to military rolls), Looter Extraordinaire (Highly skilled at looting), Aggressive Commander (Skilled when used offensively), Briber (Bonus to political rolls due to paying people off)

QM Note: A name with a strike through it indicates that the character has died.
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A summary of Buonaparte's friends, enemies and acquaintances:

Reputation: 5 (He's family - even if he never writes)
Bio: Letizia Buonaparte and her brood. Most are Corsican nobodies, but Joseph and Lucien have promising careers in French politics.
Traits: Loyal, Generally Competent, Not Ambitious

Reputation: 5 (I'm hoping Buonaparte's a good leader - I could really use one right about now)
Bio: An aristocratic naval officer, Captain Truguet is a decent commander - though not an exceptional one. Most interesting about him is his strong egalitarian, abolitionist streak
Traits: Competent officer (Small bonus to military roles), Ideological Zealot (Bonus when commanding units with strong ideological leaanings)

Reputation: -5 (A bright boy, but the son of a traitorous bootlicker of the French - following in his father's footsteps.)
Bio: A legendary Corsican Freedom fighter and revolutionary
Traits: Inspiring, Anti-French

Reputation: 10 (Napoleon's a sarcastic little bastard, but he saved my life)
Bio: A young, flamboyant and brave cavalry officer, at home on the battlefield or ballroom in equal measure
Traits: Beau Sabreur (Huge charm bonus - applies to Napoleon's rolls when they're together), Cavalier (Bonus when commanding cavalry), Arrogant (May disobey orders in pursuit of his own glory)

Reputation: 5 (Napoleone is pleasant company)
Bio: A close friend of Lieutenant-Colonel Davout, and a new friend to Captain Buonaparte, Desaix is an incredibly well liked commander with a record for competence. An aristocrat by birth, Desaix was nearly executed not long ago, but is once again in favor with the government.
Traits: Inspiring (Morale Bonus to units under his command), Peacemaker (Can end disputes between feuding officers, increasing efficiency), Highly competent (Bonus to military rolls)

Reputation: 1 (Napoleone is a blackguard, almost a deserter, but Desaix seems to like him, so I should make an effort. The man is certainly intelligent, at least.)
Bio: A cold, analytical and highly talented officer, Davout is let down by his almost complete lack of social skills. If he didn't have Desaix to smooth things over with people, his 'tell it how it is' style of speech would probably have led to at least one duel by now. Still, even his most vocal critics are forced to admit: the man is a military genius.
Traits: Genius (Huge bonus to military rolls), Analytical (Can help refine Napoleone's plans), Not a people person (feuds with other officers)

Reputation: 5 (Napoleone might make a fine protege. A little serious, though - he should have a wife to bring a little cheer into his life. Did wonders for me.)
Bio: A well liked officer and family man, Oudinot is a competent, if not spectacular officer, with a jovial personality - though he has a temper that can flare up violently from time to time.
Traits: Competent Officer (Small Bonus to military rolls), Matchmaker (Happy to help Bonaparte find a nice, well connected lady to settle down with), Basically Unkillable (Shoot him, cut him up, inflict blunt impact trauma on him - Oudinot is incredibly unlikely to die on you.)

Two things, 1 are you going to list their ideological loyalties later on when we get their Reputation higher or when we start getting more and more into politics and 2, what's the highest and lowest the Reputation can go?
Two things, 1 are you going to list their ideological loyalties later on when we get their Reputation higher or when we start getting more and more into politics and 2, what's the highest and lowest the Reputation can go?
1: I wasn't, but now that you mention it that's a great idea
2: +20 and -20. Get someone to +20 and they basically either love you absolutely or worship you. Get someone to -20 and you're the single most hated person in their life.
Since this is a question I probably should've thought of back when we were voting for the school and it explicity said this, is there any bonus we get when we have maxed out relations with someone other then them following our orders to the letter?
Since this is a question I probably should've thought of back when we were voting for the school and it explicity said this, is there any bonus we get when we have maxed out relations with someone other then them following our orders to the letter?
Yes, someone with very high or maxed out relations will go above and beyond their normal capabilities for you - as well as some hard to forsee effects as well. Someone who completely despises you will be on their A Game when trying to beat you, too - though single minded hate could lead to them making mistakes.
When we got the 6 pounders and howitzers, we did uhh, obtain the means to use and transport them right? If it's anything like the rest of our supplies we have them as set pieces and not much else