The Young Eagle - A Napoleon Quest

Not much use for a musket, swordsmanship is useful mostly because cav charge is still relatively effective not to mension melle happened alot in this period
[X] Plan: The True Napoleon Bonaparte
-[X] Change your name: You're tired of hearing people mispronounce your name. It's time to replace the foreign sounding Napoleone di Buonaparte for the more French sounding Napoleon Bonaparte.
-[X] Try to rescue some of the victims: Imprisoned in Paris are about 200 of the former king's elite Swiss Guard, survivors of the assault on the Tuileries in August. Symbols of the monarchy, they're almost certain to be butchered. As a soldier, your heart bleeds at the thought of such fine troops dying in captivity. More importantly, you can't help but think that 200 elite soldiers would be a fine addition to your growing force. Besides the Swiss, you could potentially save influential people who one day will regain some degree of influence. The massacres have been inspired by Convention members - notably Danton, but they weren't ordered by them - making them technically illegal. As an officer of the National Guard, you're well within your rights to try and bring order to the situation - no one wants to dirty their hands with this, so none of your superiors will tell you no.

DC: 70
Reward: 200 extremely loyal elite Swiss soldiers, potential to rescue influential prisoners, potential significant reputation hit with Danton
-[X] Visit Le Comedie Francaise: You've always admired how the skilled actors of Paris' most renowned theatre can toy with the emotions of their audience, making them laugh, cry or shout out in rage. Perhaps if you sit through a few plays you could learn a thing or two?
DC: 40
Reward: Increase to Charisma Stat, Reputation with Comedie Francaise Actors, Progress towards a trait
-[X] Visit Military Headquarters: With a war newly declared, the Hotel de Brienne - headquarters of the French Armies - is abuzz with activity. There, you could make important connections with the higher ups, or with fellow junior officers on their own roads to power.
DC: ???
Reward: Reputation with the Army, Potential to meet talented soldiers, Potential to meet notable military characters
QM Note: By 'important military characters', I mean real life French officers like Murat, Lannes, Dumas, etc. By 'talented soldiers', I mean fictional characters you can recruit who'll increase the stats of your unit.
-[X] Investigate the Missing Guns: The armories of Paris are almost completely bare of modern muskets, and you can't find any record for most of them
Cost: Depends on roll
DC: 70
Reward: Better Supply for your Corsican Battalion, General Reputation Increase, Reputation Increase with the Army, Significant Reputation Hit with whoever's responsible for the disappearance of the muskets.
-[X] Train the 6th Company of Artillery: The 6th is already a well trained unit, but you want perfection. You intend to drill the men until they're equal to any artillerymen in Euorpe.
DC: 60
Reward: Increases the training level of the 6th Company
-[X] Create a motion to make yourself President of the Societe: Currently, the Société des Amis des Artisans operates as an informal club, with a board, but no chairman. You feel that the company needs more direct leadership to succeed, so you'll convince the other investors to make you president. Given that the whole endeavor was your brainchild in the first place, you doubt they'd put up much of a fight.
DC: 30
Reward: Become Chairman of the company, Paris Reputation Increase

Change the name? Sure, why not?

I say we should try and save some of those Swiss. We can we get a few elite troops and instructors for our men. It is also about time we should get the Charisma trait up and running if we want to command properly. Going about the military HQ can get us a few more acquaintances, as well as help with the rest of the moves we will try. Such as finding the missing guns and training our men. Becoming President of our company is a sound move too.
>Possible to get 200 Swiss guys in our retinue forever
>Looks at the current revolutionary fervor
>Our currently unknown/neutral political leaning in the city
>High DC with a lot that can go wrong
[x] Plan: Napoleon Bonaparte

Edit: we are a aristocratic boy triying so hard to be french, we must stay low profile for the terror
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I believe the September Massacre is something we need to stay the hell away from.

OTL, Napoleon was nearly a victim of the Terror (he was imprisonned and awaiting judgement when Robespierre fell). If he gets a reputation as against the revolution, he gets sent to the Guillotine if he doesn't flee beforehand. If he gets a reputation as a septembriseur, he gets cashiered, or guillotined, when Robespierre fall.
Plus these Swiss guys aren't armed either, and we'd have no way to house or really provide/help any prisoners we get out so they'd be SoL for a while unless they go to one of their sympathizers places which opens up a can or worms there
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Scheduled vote count started by Tjf on Dec 20, 2023 at 1:24 AM, finished with 33 posts and 20 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Napoleon Bonaparte
    -[X] Change your name: You're tired of hearing people mispronounce your name. It's time to replace the foreign sounding Napoleone di Buonaparte for the more French sounding Napoleon Bonaparte.
    -[X] Find a fencing teacher: You've heard of an eccentric fencing master named Le Chevalier D'Eon. Frankly, your skills with a blade could use a bit of work, so maybe she'd be willing to teach you a thing or two?
    -[X] Train the 6th Company of Artillery: The 6th is already a well trained unit, but you want perfection. You intend to drill the men until they're equal to any artillerymen in Euorpe.
    -[X] Investigate the Missing Guns: The armories of Paris are almost completely bare of modern muskets, and you can't find any record for most of them
    -[X] Create a motion to make yourself President of the Societe: Currently, the Société des Amis des Artisans operates as an informal club, with a board, but no chairman. You feel that the company needs more direct leadership to succeed, so you'll convince the other investors to make you president. Given that the whole endeavor was your brainchild in the first place, you doubt they'd put up much of a fight.
    -[X] Write In: There were plenty of important people and factions in Paris during this era that Napoleon could have crossed paths with. Choose a person or group for Napoleon to pay a visit.
    --[X] Davout
    --[X] Murat
    [X] Plan: The True Napoleon Bonaparte
    -[X] Change your name: You're tired of hearing people mispronounce your name. It's time to replace the foreign sounding Napoleone di Buonaparte for the more French sounding Napoleon Bonaparte.
    -[X] Try to rescue some of the victims: Imprisoned in Paris are about 200 of the former king's elite Swiss Guard, survivors of the assault on the Tuileries in August. Symbols of the monarchy, they're almost certain to be butchered. As a soldier, your heart bleeds at the thought of such fine troops dying in captivity. More importantly, you can't help but think that 200 elite soldiers would be a fine addition to your growing force. Besides the Swiss, you could potentially save influential people who one day will regain some degree of influence. The massacres have been inspired by Convention members - notably Danton, but they weren't ordered by them - making them technically illegal. As an officer of the National Guard, you're well within your rights to try and bring order to the situation - no one wants to dirty their hands with this, so none of your superiors will tell you no.
    -[X] Visit Le Comedie Francaise: You've always admired how the skilled actors of Paris' most renowned theatre can toy with the emotions of their audience, making them laugh, cry or shout out in rage. Perhaps if you sit through a few plays you could learn a thing or two?
    -[X] Visit Military Headquarters: With a war newly declared, the Hotel de Brienne - headquarters of the French Armies - is abuzz with activity. There, you could make important connections with the higher ups, or with fellow junior officers on their own roads to power.
    -[X] Investigate the Missing Guns: The armories of Paris are almost completely bare of modern muskets, and you can't find any record for most of them
    -[X] Train the 6th Company of Artillery: The 6th is already a well trained unit, but you want perfection. You intend to drill the men until they're equal to any artillerymen in Euorpe.
    -[X] Create a motion to make yourself President of the Societe: Currently, the Société des Amis des Artisans operates as an informal club, with a board, but no chairman. You feel that the company needs more direct leadership to succeed, so you'll convince the other investors to make you president. Given that the whole endeavor was your brainchild in the first place, you doubt they'd put up much of a fight.
Le Monde - Late 1792/Early 1793 (Rumor Mill 1)
Kings are as much monsters in the moral order as in the physical order. The Courts are a workshop for crime, the foyer for corruption and the den of tyrants. The history of kings is the martyrology of nations!
- Abbé Grégoire


France News:

September Massacres - 200 Swiss royal guards slaughtered, Hundreds of non-juring priests tortured and killed, Princess de Lamballe killed. Vive la Republique!

Effect: Potential to gain Swiss guards permanently lost, all potential contacts killed in the massacres permanently lost

Generals Dumoriez and Kellerman defeat the Prussians at the Battle of Valmy! The Prussian army retreats - the Republic is safe for now.

Effect: Paris Political Climate lowers from Dangerous to Excited

French Troops occupy Brussels, invade Switzerland, seize Frankfurt am Main! France adopts the doctrine of "Exporting the Revolution"

Effect: French government likely to accept any proposal to invade an ancien regime country

Iron Armoire discovered in the Tuilleries, filled with correspondence between Louis Capet and foreign monarchs! Citizen Robespierre demands that Citizen Capet be put on trial! Feuillant Club discredited!

Effect: Louis XVI to be tried - guilty verdict and subsequent death penalty likely. Maximillien Robespierre becomes a leading figure of the National Convention, and thus French politics - any attempt to discredit him has raised DC. Feuillant Club becomes a nonentity in France - socialise option removed

Split in the Jacobin Club! National Convention now dominated between two factions - the radical Montagnards (leaders: Robespierre and Danton) and the semi-moderate Girondins (leaders: Brissot, Roland, Thomas Paine). Between them is the Plain, not really a faction, but a collection of deputies not aligned to either group.

Effect: Power Struggle between Montagnards and Girondins begins - successfully executing enemies of the revolution increases the strength of the Montagnards, while winning victories in war increases the strength of the Girondins (Girondins proposed the declaration of war).


International Situation:

Great Britain: Relations with France deteriorating rapidly - War likely
Napoleon's reputation in Britain: 0 (Who?)

Austria: Committed to win the war against the Godless French - Peace unlikely
Napoleon's reputation in Austria: -1 (We hate all revolutionaries. Don't know this one, though)

Prussia: Displeased at the defeat at Valmy, but Brunswick is motivated to continue the war - Medium peace chance

Napoleon's reputation in Prussia: 0 (Who?)

Sardinia-Piedmont: In a war for its own survival against France
Napoleon's reputation in Sardinia-Piedmont: -1 (We hate all revolutionaries. Don't know this one, though)
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Turn 2 Results - September-December 1792
-[X] Change your name: You're tired of hearing people mispronounce your name. It's time to replace the foreign sounding Napoleone di Buonaparte for the more French sounding Napoleon Bonaparte.

Result: "Na-pole-lay-on". The bored sounding clerk at the Hotel de Ville sounds out your new name. "Very well, Citizen Bonaparte, all is in order." Napoleon, you think as you exit the building. Now that's a name that could go down in history.

Reward: Name changed to Napoleon Bonaparte


-[X] Find a fencing teacher: You've heard of an eccentric fencing master named Le Chevalier D'Eon. Frankly, your skills with a blade could use a bit of work, so maybe she'd be willing to teach you a thing or two?
DC: 40
Reward: Increase to Valor Stat, Reputation with the Chevalier D'Eon and duelists, Progress towards a trait

Rolled: Natural 1 Crit Fail

Result: "Low, low, now high. Good, and parry." The Chevalier calls out, as you go through sword drills. "Alright." She takes her stance, pointing her sword upwards at you. "Shall we increase the speed?" She asks, and you chuckle arrogantly. "As fast as you like, madame." You raise your own blade.

She thrusts forward, and you batter her sword aside with a contemptuous motion before aiming your own strike at her chest. She backpedals and you follow, slashing at her feet and watching her skirts sway as she gracefully dodges, before you lunge at her face. Instantly, you know something's wrong - muscles tired, you moved slow, slower than she's gotten used to, and her reaction is too fast. Instead of her blade blocking yours and forcing you to back up, you feel a piercing pain, as her blade enters your neck, the thin epee stabbing right through your jugular. In shock you pull her sword out, and blood begins to spray all over your uniform, your teacher's dress, and the polished floor of her studio. "W-Well struck..." You mumble, and then everything goes black.

When you awaken, you're light headed and covered in sweat, staring up at an unfamiliar ceiling. "W-Wha..." You start to say, but you're cut off by an unknown male voice. "Don't try to talk yet." You try to turn your head to face the speaker, but a burning pain in your neck dissuades you. "And don't move your head - you'll tear the stitches." D'Eon's face appears above you, biting her lip and looking uncharacteristically sheepish. "You're in a doctor's office. I managed to save your life after, well... You know..." She blushes. "Doctor Guillotin, I'll give him some water. You'll find payment for the operation in my coat. And a bonus for your silence." Turning back to you, she explains. "I think it's best for both of us if we agree that you were attacked by bandits, no? As encouragement keep you quiet, I've taken the doctor's fee upon myself. And as consolation for your pain and suffering, you get free lessons!"

Reward: Gain Temporary Trait: Heavily Injured (-10 to any physical activity rolls ie: fighting, riding etc,)

QM Note: Injury will last until the end of next turn and be factored into its results, unless you take an action next turn to rest and recover

-[X] Train the 6th Company of Artillery: The 6th is already a well trained unit, but you want perfection. You intend to drill the men until they're equal to any artillerymen in Euorpe.
DC: 60
Reward: Increases the training level of the 6th Company

Rolled: 71+10+10=91 Success

You resist the urge to scratch your scarfed neck as you gaze down at your pocket watch, counting down the seconds as the final gun crew loads their piece. "Sponge! Primer! Powder! Wadding! Shot!" You call out orders as your men sponge out the barrel to extinguish any remaining embers and reload. "Tirez!" You shout as they finish. The nervous sous-lieutenant in command applies the botefeux to the touch hole, blanching as nothing happens, before gulping, mastering himself, and holding it more firmly. There's a spark and then a boom, and then the cannon flies back, sending an iron ball flying out across the Isle de France countryside. "1:59." You call out, smirking at Captain Seydoux, the unit's commander. "2 shots a minute. You've all earned yourself an extra ration of liquor."

The company shouts out in triumph as they past your test, hugging the crew of the last gun as they just manage to fire 2 shots a minute. "Don't get cocky. You can shoot fast but you can't aim for shit - tomorrow we're working on your aim."

Reward: 6th Company's training goes from "Well Trained" to "Extremely Well Trained", Progress towards trait: Drillmaster (+10 to Training units)


-[X] Investigate the Missing Guns: The armories of Paris are almost completely bare of modern muskets, and you can't find any record for most of them
Cost: Depends on roll
DC: 70
Reward: Better Supply for your Corsican Battalion, General Reputation Increase, Reputation Increase with the Army, Significant Reputation Hit with whoever's responsible for the disappearance of the muskets.

Roll: 84+10= 94 Success

Result&Reward: Continued in interlude "Mystery of the Guns"


-[X] Create a motion to make yourself President of the Societe: Currently, the Société des Amis des Artisans operates as an informal club, with a board, but no chairman. You feel that the company needs more direct leadership to succeed, so you'll convince the other investors to make you president. Given that the whole endeavor was your brainchild in the first place, you doubt they'd put up much of a fight.
DC: 30
Reward: Become Chairman of the company, Paris Reputation Increase

Rolled: 51+10 Success


"Gentlemen, please raise a glass to our new president, Captain Bonaparte!" The old Scot Jervis raises a glass of brandy into the air. "Hear hear!" The other investors follow suit. You stand from your chair, moving to the large, plush chair at the head of the board room table and take a seat. It's good to be the king.

Reward: Presidency of the Societe, +2 Paris Reputation


-[X] Write In: There were plenty of important people and factions in Paris during this era that Napoleon could have crossed paths with. Choose a person or group for Napoleon to pay a visit.
--[X] Davout

DC: ???, Rolled: 84


How the hell is this man so good at chess? You detect an uncommon hint of a smirk on Davout's face as he moves his queen into checkmate. Again. "Perhaps you'd like to try another game?" He offers, and you resist the urge to get enraged.

Looking around the lieutenant-colonel's office, you're amazed at how Spartan and bare it is - just a desk, bookshelf and a few seats. You're surprised Davout accepted your proposal to socialise, but seeing the man's face after his return from the battlefield in North Eastern France, you suppose it makes sense - even a workaholic needs an outlet some time, and Desaix (who you're pretty sure is the man's only friend, is off on campaign). Honestly, under the icy shell he seems a little lonely, though he'd never admit it.

"One final rematch. I have you this time." You promise, and Davout obligingly puts his pieces back in position, expecting another easy win. He starts with a Sicilian Defence, and you Castle in response. Turn after turn goes by as you begin to stretch your knowledge of tactics. Davout gives you that smirk again, knowing he's won. Then, you surprise him - unable to remember your next counter, you begin to play by ear, sacrificing your pieces as you maneuver towards his king. You take note of how surprised he is - your boldness clashing against his methodical style of play and throwing him off. He chuckles as he takes your queen - and then his eyes go wide as he realises you just put him in check. "Not bad, Bonaparte." He smiles.

Reward: +5 Reputation with Davout, Progress towards trait: Observant (Able to read opponents' personalities and predict their tactics)


-[X] Write In: There were plenty of important people and factions in Paris during this era that Napoleon could have crossed paths with. Choose a person or group for Napoleon to pay a visit.
--[X] Murat

DC: ??? Rolled: 42

"Well, that uniform's well and truly buggered." Murat chuckles as he looks at your blood-stained garb. "Bandits, you say? They're getting bold if they're willing to stab a captain of the Republic in the neck." He shakes his head. "Come on, follow me - time to get you a new uniform."

Murat leads you deep into the Faubourg Saint-Antoine, where you find a small shop. Inside, you find an array of immaculate uniforms and dresses, along with a handsome looking woman working with needle and threat. "This is my tailor, Carlotta." Murat leans in, planting a less than professional kiss on his tailor's lips before he turns to you, beaming with excitement. "Time to dress you like a proper soldier."

Afterwards, the man can't help but reveal his ire at your choice in outer garment. "God, you Corsicans... No style, no elan..." He sighs. "Do you have to wear that ugly gray coat over everything? Ugh, I give up."

Reward: +1 Reputation with Murat, Gained Fancy Uniform (+10 Charm)


(Up next is an interlude on the whole gun situation, with at least one choice to make. After that, it's time for the first campaign of the quest!)
Ouch that injury gotta hurt. Damn Napoleon got balls of steel for complimenting the duelist even though she nearly killed him. The neck scar will be cool though
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Rolled: Natural 1 Crit Fail

Are these those Magoose dice I keep hearing about?

"Sponge! Primer! Powder! Wadding! Shot!" You call out orders as your men sponge out the barrel to extinguish any remaining embers and reload. "Tirez!" You shout as they finish. The nervous sous-lieutenant in command applies the botefeux to the touch hole, blanching as nothing happens, before gulping, mastering himself, and holding it more firmly. There's a spark and then a boom, and then the cannon flies back, sending an iron ball flying out across the Isle de France countryside. "1:59." You call out, smirking at Captain Seydoux, the unit's commander. "2 shots a minute. You've all earned yourself an extra ration of liquor."
Anyone who knows which book/TV series I blatantly ripped off here gets half a pint of rum.