The Young Eagle - A Napoleon Quest

unless you take an action next turn to rest and recover

Napoleon at the start of next turn: *Kicks doors open as he walks to his shocked soldiers* "While I may be injured, It will not stop me from making sure my soldiers's situations are the best they can be, in training, supplies, condition, and Well-Being."

I wonder if we can have Davout as an Officer of the Campaign, with Murat in charge of the Cavalry.
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Davout is mostly known for his accomplishments as a corps commander, but his original branch of service was the cavalry. IIRC, he was Desaix's cavalry commander in Upper Egypt (upper as in upriver).
Napoleon at the start of next turn: *Kicks doors open as he walks to his shocked soldiers* "While I may be injured, It will not stop me from making sure my soldiers's situations are the best they can be, in training, supplies, condition, and Well-Being."

I wonder if we can have Davout as an Officer of the Campaign, with Murat in charge of the Cavalry.
There'll be an action in the planning phase for trying to get your connections transferred to your campaign. Your relations with the army are decent enough, as well as your relations with the officers, which will add bonuses to those rolls if you decide to take them - though Davout will be harder to get than Murat because he's higher rank than you.
Interlude - Mystery of the Guns 1/2
Hotel de Brienne, Paris

A young looking corporal brushes past you in the hallway, tipping his hat and apologising. You move past him without a response - you've got far better things to do than make an incident out of it.

A moment later, you're standing in wide-eyed disbelief. "The documents have been taken? By whom?" Your voice comes out as a raspy growl - with neck pain flaring up, you've been in a vicious mood all day.

"I-I'm not sure, sir. A young fellow - a corporal, but he had all the proper authorisation.. He just left." The supply lieutenant, cowed by your venomous demeanor, tries his best to answer. As suspected, though, he has very little knowledge of the missing guns. Your investigation brought you here, to the records department of army headquarters in pursuit of an incriminating document that might lead to the purloined weapons, only for your prize to be snatched from under you yet again.

"Show me his authorisation." You command, and the lieutenant fishes a signed piece of paper. You examine it for a moment, before cursing. "A forgery - a good forgery, but a forgery nonetheless. You just welcomed a thief into the middle of headquarters and gave him a document of vital military importance." You scold the lieutenant, feeling a little guilty as the man goes red with shame. "He...told me to hurry up. Said he had an appointment with his boss, if that's any help." The guy tries to remedy the situation, at least a little.

"An appointment with a thief, eh? There's only one place in Paris you go to meet thieves." You turn to your oversized sergeant, Gauloise. "Fetch some civilian clothes. We're going to Cour de Miracles."


Cour de Miracles, Paris:

Wrapped in your greatcoat with a borrowed tricorne on your head, you wander through the streets of Cour de Miracles, the shadows of low hanging medieval buildings looming over you as you navigate through the shanties and the horde of sleeping beggars along the ground, resting off a hard day's work of trying to get coin out of the increasingly poor Paris population.

The "Court of Miracles", so called for the tendency of its beggar population to miraculously walk home at the end of the day despite supposedly being disabled or ill, is a hotbed of crime in Paris. "I have a bad feeling about this place, sir." Gauloise, crammed into a too-small roughspun garment, looks less than convincing as a civilian here, but you're glad to have the man by your side in a place like this.

After a few hours, you've nearly given up, when you spot a familiar shock of tusseled hair moving through the streets and into a nearby inn. Got you. You smirk. Following the thief inside into a raucous drinking establishment, you dodge drunks as you pursue your prey up to the second floor, where the owner evidently hires out some rooms. Getting upstairs just in time to see a door close, you wait about a minute, before nodding at Gauloise.

The door explodes inwards in a spray of wooden splinters as the giant sergeant bashes it down, and you look inside to see two burly looking men standing over the thief, their fists coated in blood, as the thief's lies on the ground with his nose broken. "No one move!" You shout, a pistol in both hands. One of the men goes for the pistol at his waist, and you don't hesitate - he falls to the ground with a hole in his head. The other man glares at you, crossing his arms indignantly. "I'm not saying shit to you." He sneers. You shrug. "In that case, I advise you to say your prayers. Gauloise?" The sergeant needs no more prompting than that - the thug is strong, but Gauloise is stronger, wrapping his hands around the man's waist before phsyically tossing him out the window. Moving to the site of the defenestration, you see the defiant man lying on the street below, a mangled mess of broken limbs.

"Do you also have nothing to say?" You smile at the thief and are unsurprised to find that he has plenty to tell you.


"It would seem, Monsieur Vidocq, that you weren't lying." You lower your spyglass, completing your examination of the old warehouse being used to store the missing guns. It's hard to say from the outside, but you'd wager there's at least a dozen thugs guarding the place, clad in much
the same manner as the men from the inn. That the warehouse contains the guns, as well, you'd be willing to bet - a trained artilleryman like you can tell the signs of improperly stored powder from a mile away.

"So... I can go?" Vidocq, the 17 year old thief you apprehended looks at you hopefully. You have to hand it to him - the brat has some skills. According to his story he'd been blindfolded the last time he was brought here - hired to steal the documents at the Hotel de Brienne - and yet he'd managed to retrace his steps to this location with some deductive skills and a few questions to the locals. You'd almost say he's a better detective than he is a thief. "Go. But reconsider what you do for a living, boy. Next time your employer tries to silence you, I might not be there to save you." Vidocq grins. "I make for a pretty good damsel though, you must admit. If you ever require my services in the future, you know where to find me." Doffing his hat, the young thief leaves you.

Focusing back on the warehouse, you think about your approach. You're confident enough to be sure that success is assured either way - these thugs aren't much in the way of competition, and you've gotten damn tired of not having your guns.

[] Fight your way in: They have a dozen men, maybe two - you have over seventy, as well as cannons. You're sure Davout would love to help you fight corruption, and if Davout's coming, then Desaix'll be with him. As for Murat, your cavalier friend is always happy to get into a scrap. The odds here are ridiculously one-sided. Progress towards a Valor Trait

[] Talk your way in:
You doubt a bunch of street criminals will be willing to die here. Remind them about the absurd odds they face, and they'll fold. Progress towards a Charisma trait

[] Sneak in:
If you get into the warehouse unnoticed, you might be able to overhear some useful information about the identity of the mastermind behind this scheme. Progress towards a subterfuge trait.


(Sorry for the poor writing for this update - I'm pretty sure my dog's on his last legs, so I've been a little out of it. The voting period for this one will be short, since the choice here isn't all that important)
I'm sure fighting our way in, in the middle of the slums with military men and cannons will be great optics for us. At the same time trying to sneak in with 70 guys isn't a good idea, and if it was just us and a couple they could either mob us and that wouldn't be a good way to go out. Only choice then is talking, just surround the building and force them out. What are they going to do, shoot us with the guns they've stolen?
[x] [] Talk your way in: You doubt a bunch of street criminals will be willing to die here. Remind them about the absurd odds they face, and they'll fold. Progress towards a Charisma trait
[X] Talk your way in: You doubt a bunch of street criminals will be willing to die here. Remind them about the absurd odds they face, and they'll fold. Progress towards a Charisma trait
[X] Fight your way in: They have a dozen men, maybe two - you have over seventy, as well as cannons. You're sure Davout would love to help you fight corruption, and if Davout's coming, then Desaix'll be with him. As for Murat, your cavalier friend is always happy to get into a scrap. The odds here are ridiculously one-sided. Progress towards a Valor Trait

Because we can, because our friends would love to have a part of the action and because the natives would like to see a crackdown on the enemies of the Revolution, since they are sabotaging the war effort. Keep in mind, what they did is a death penalty. The thieves will surely know, that in case of capture the guillotine awaits. They might prefer to go out fighting or escape into the night.
I think you missed out on the part that this is the slums, and trying to march 70 guys in here at all is not really a good idea, especially when its to drag out some of their own. Especially if some of the people in said slums are political dissidents and might not take too kindly to us walking in.

We dont know how connected or liked these guys are, getting them out of here in chains could lead to anything from some rocks being thrown at us to a mob. Do it as peacefully and quiet as we can and get out

If the convention hasn't cracked down on it already then they dont want to poke the bear here. If we muck it up then we're next on the chopping block as a scapegoat for the issue of the day
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I wouldn't even be worried, if we were outnumbered by the mob ten to one. The reason is simple: we have trained and disciplined soldiers vs a disorganized mob in such a scenario. Should they try anything, one salvo will disperse them. Add cannons to the mix and we can take on half of Paris.
[X] Talk your way in: You doubt a bunch of street criminals will be willing to die here. Remind them about the absurd odds they face, and they'll fold. Progress towards a Charisma trait
[X] Talk your way in: You doubt a bunch of street criminals will be willing to die here. Remind them about the absurd odds they face, and they'll fold. Progress towards a Charisma trait
[X] Talk your way in: You doubt a bunch of street criminals will be willing to die here. Remind them about the absurd odds they face, and they'll fold. Progress towards a Charisma trait
[X] Talk your way in: You doubt a bunch of street criminals will be willing to die here. Remind them about the absurd odds they face, and they'll fold. Progress towards a Charisma trait

[X] Fight your way in: They have a dozen men, maybe two - you have over seventy, as well as cannons. You're sure Davout would love to help you fight corruption, and if Davout's coming, then Desaix'll be with him. As for Murat, your cavalier friend is always happy to get into a scrap. The odds here are ridiculously one-sided. Progress towards a Valor Trait
[X] Talk your way in: You doubt a bunch of street criminals will be willing to die here. Remind them about the absurd odds they face, and they'll fold. Progress towards a Charisma trait

let see how well taking goes for us?
if for some reasons it goes bad we can always come back with cannons later.
[X] Talk your way in: You doubt a bunch of street criminals will be willing to die here. Remind them about the absurd odds they face, and they'll fold. Progress towards a Charisma trait
[X] Fight your way in: They have a dozen men, maybe two - you have over seventy, as well as cannons. You're sure Davout would love to help you fight corruption, and if Davout's coming, then Desaix'll be with him. As for Murat, your cavalier friend is always happy to get into a scrap. The odds here are ridiculously one-sided. Progress towards a Valor Trait
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[X] Talk your way in: You doubt a bunch of street criminals will be willing to die here. Remind them about the absurd odds they face, and they'll fold. Progress towards a Charisma trait
[X] Fight your way in: They have a dozen men, maybe two - you have over seventy, as well as cannons. You're sure Davout would love to help you fight corruption, and if Davout's coming, then Desaix'll be with him. As for Murat, your cavalier friend is always happy to get into a scrap. The odds here are ridiculously one-sided. Progress towards a Valor Trait