The Young Eagle - A Napoleon Quest

Before the campaign of the Armee du Nord begins, Napoleon must acquire Berthier, even if it takes every action point/turn he has.
Something I wanted to point out before, but didn't because I didn't want to risk influencing the vote:

It's gamey, but I'm going to rule that going to find Berthier and make contact with him is okay. If you want to recruit him for this campaign, though, you'd better start working on your pitch.

He's older than you, higher ranked than you, is currently already chief of staff on a front (The Vendee) where he's found success, and only knows you by reputation. You'll have to provide some justification for why, exactly, this successful career soldier should accept a subordinate position to you.

Even if he's okay with it, your superiors won't necessarily be. It's one thing to offer a popular general his pick of assignments. it's another to let him poach talented officers from other fronts. And this *will* make an enemy of Kellerman, who commands in the Vendee.
Something I wanted to point out before, but didn't because I didn't want to risk influencing the vote:

It's gamey, but I'm going to rule that going to find Berthier and make contact with him is okay. If you want to recruit him for this campaign, though, you'd better start working on your pitch.

He's older than you, higher ranked than you, is currently already chief of staff on a front (The Vendee) where he's found success, and only knows you by reputation. You'll have to provide some justification for why, exactly, this successful career soldier should accept a subordinate position to you.

Even if he's okay with it, your superiors won't necessarily be. It's one thing to offer a popular general his pick of assignments. it's another to let him poach talented officers from other fronts. And this *will* make an enemy of Kellerman, who commands in the Vendee.
Whatever it takes.

No one can replace or substitute for Berthier. No one.
Soult was an excellent military commander and tactician, and he couldn't replace Berthier.

Kellerman becoming Napoleon's enemy?
So be it.
But Napoleon must stop at nothing to get Berthier to be at his side.
Guys , don't bite of more than we can chew. Lets score some incredible victories and increase our profile some more before we go assembling the dream team. Its better to show the others why they should follow us through action.
Lets score some incredible victories
Berthier was critical to the victories in northern Italy in 1796.
He assisted Napoleon enormously in getting the Army of Italy to even be able to function at the start of the campaign.
Napoleon at the time was little-known to the French generals in Italy, many of whom saw him as a political appointment.

If it means Napoleon can't acquire anyone else in his staff/retinue, then so be it.
But I'm smashing the Berthier-button.
Get this man in your staff, no matter what.

When setting up camp while on campaign, how should the camp be set up? How many men per tents? How many men for each cooking pot? How much ammunition should each soldier be allowed/mandated to carry? How many men should be abreast while marching? What type of wagons and animals should be used to haul supplies for this particular campaign with its roads and country? What type of food should be used to feed the army, and how should it be packed and stored? How long should a guard shift be? How many soldiers should be assigned for each shift? What should the maps for this campaign be like? How many couriers should be placed on standby to receive and deliver messages?

All these things would not be immortalised in song nor dramatized on stage or in film compared to fearless cavalry charges or courageous forward marching while under fire.
But in my opinion, it is absolutely vital that you have someone who is capable of carrying out all these tedious, boring and inglorious tasks.

This is why Berthier is my favorite Marshal, and the one whom I see as the most important; he was after all the very first person to be promoted to the rank of Marshal by Napoleon.
If it means Napoleon can't acquire anyone else in his staff/retinue, then so be it.
But I'm smashing the Berthier-button.
Get this man in your staff, no matter what.
Then how about a compromise? Next turn is for Napoleon preparing for his campaign as CoS. And during this period, we can visit Vendee, and instead of recruiting Berthier, we choose to learn from him about how to become a competent CoS, how to implement the Berthier System, etc.
Then how about a compromise? Next turn is for Napoleon preparing for his campaign as CoS. And during this period, we can visit Vendee, and instead of recruiting Berthier, we choose to learn from him about how to become a competent CoS, how to implement the Berthier System, etc.
"We can visit Vendee"
"We can visit Vendee"
"We can visit Vendee"

Well. It has to be done. Napoleon doesn't have a choice.
Maybe it would help his position if he takes the risk of going into the Vendee himself to appeal to Brigadier-General Berthier.

Liu Bei trying to hire Zhuge Liang.
Maybe it would help his position if he takes the risk of going into the Vendee himself to appeal to Brigadier-General Berthier.

Liu Bei trying to hire Zhuge Liang.
Hiring Berthier should be done in a organic way.

First, we need an independent command.

Second, we have to fill the ranks with talented commanders.

Only then should we look for/poach whatever men we need (and it would have been a good idea to have heard about them, since well... Berthier, while good, is in Kellerman's shadow, just like we will be in Moreau's).

As Chief of Staff we might be getting various recommendations going through us, as well as suggesting replacements or promotions, but the final decision will always be in the hands of Moreau.
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Maybe it would help his position if he takes the risk of going into the Vendee himself to appeal to Brigadier-General Berthier.
I wrote learning from Berthier. Not recruiting him. Like what Sertorius wrote, If we want to recruit him, we need independent command, vast experience, and stellar reputation. Remember, Berthier is older and has more experience than us. So for now our objective is to meet him and learn from him. So far, our Napoleon had only participated in one campaign. Most of that time, the news of our success is not spread as far and wide as we like to because he is eclipsed by Dumas and Massena. And his other reputation is he's a good friend of Robespierre. And this particular reputation is like a double-edged sword.

Meanwhile, Napoleon of OTL had build a stellar reputation and vast experience, by participated in multiple campaigns and battles. Not only in Sardinia expedition, but also in Toulon, and 13 Vendémiaire, which resulted in the Directory own him a favor and promoted Napoleon to commander of the Army of the Interior, and later commander in chief of Army of Italy. Which is why Berthier accepted the offer to become his CoS of Army of Orient.

We can recruit him as our CoS for military liason in Mysore (if we still want to go to Mysore) after our campaign in Army du Nord. Actually, on that note I have a question. When Napoleon recruited Berthier for his Egyptian expedition, did Berthier try to refuse because this is equivalent to an exile? Because I doubt Berthier want to go to India. But then again, he was sent to America so perhaps he has the spirit of adventurer?
Turn 3 - Paris, August 1793
[X] To join the Armee Du Nord (Subordinate Position): Chief of staff for an army isn't a role that carries much opportunity for glory in combat, but it's a position that inherently carries with it the weight of respect and responsibility - plus, the emphasis on organisation, logistics and people management suits your personal skill set.

Goal Set

[X] A smallsword with a gold hilt, etched with a battle scene

+1 Epee d'Honneur


[X] The 6th of July Toulon Address
-[X] Mount the scaffold and make a speech - best to strike the propaganda iron while it's hot
--[X] Write in: "Citoyens of Toulon! Firstly I would like to thank you for your most welcoming of receptions, I too am also especially happy to see you all after what I heard what you all had done. It was not an army that stopped the royalists and English from putting their boots on your neck but you. Those two infernal enemies who once laughed at you and attacked you with full confidence, then flew before you in consternation. Let the bodies of royalist traitors and the sunken ships of those British pig-dogs show any would be tyrant the inherent heroism of the French people! But today also show your love for my brave soldiers; in little more than five month with the guidance of myself and their unmatched bravery, an island which stretches from Toulon to Grenoble was liberated from the stain of Monarchism and reactionism! Our Latin sisters in Sardinia wept in joy for the liberty these brave soldiers have given them! But know this, even though Sardinia was freed I shall never stop until my last dying breath to bring this blessed liberty which sets ablaze every child of Frances heart to the ends of europe! Vive la liberté! Vive l'égalité! vive la fraternité! et pour toujours vive la France!"

+1 Reputation (Roll)
+1 Reputation (Write in reward)
Political leanings publicised

The chief danger about Paris is that it's such a strong stimulant.
- T.S Elliot

August 1st, 1793 - Champ de Mars, Paris:
In the distance, you can see the looming rooftops of the Ecole Militaire, where just a few years ago you were a student. How strange to think you've come this far. Turning your head, you see the crowd of thousands across the Champ de Mars, surrounding the tree of liberty, where President Egalite, the former Duke Louis Phillipe, makes his speech.

"Citizen Robespierre provided an example for all of us to follow - that of duty, incorruptibility and self-sacrifice." The Bourbon calls out, providing a funeral oration for the man who masterminded his cousin's death. As he speaks, you scan the crowd, seeing the portly frame of Danton standing next to Saint Just in a display of unity - even though the two look a thousand miles apart in the way they avoid each other's gazes.

"Quite something, is it not?" You hear a feminine voice speak delicately English-accented French beside you, turning to see a woman who was at the president's side before he began his great speech. She now stands beside you.
She's quite a bit older than you, but quite attractive, and she carries herself with an appealing grace. "These men would tear out each other's throats, and yet they stand side by side, for France." She says, watching the speech. "A piece of free advice: I'd not try anything foolish, were I you - eventually someone will make the first move, but whoever it is will find themselves cast in the role of antagonist in this little drama." She smiles. "Grace Elliot."

"Napoleon Bonaparte." You say tersely, guarded.

"Indeed. Our hero." She chuckles, though teasingly, rather than to cause offence. "I had to meet the man, myth and legend himself."

"And what do you think of him?" You ask curiously.

"Impressive - though it's hard to believe a conqueror could be so young. I feel like a teacher about to give a schoolboy a lesson." She smirks at you flirtatiously. "In fact, if you ever salon is always open."

"No, thank you." You respond too fast, and a hurt look flashes across her face before she can hide it. "I merely mean that I don't require any of that kind of teaching." You say, trying to let her know you're not specifically rejecting her, but you're simply not interested in that kind of thing.

"A shame. Philippe and I would have enjoyed educating you. Well, in any case, I'd still suggest you visit at some point. There are more practical things to be learned there, as well. In Paris the ground is made of quicksand. I can teach you where it's safe to step." Elliot smiles at you, before moving forward to greet the president as he steps down from the Tree of Liberty, kissing his lips. Idly, you watch as the president and his mistress move through the crowd, greeting people, before you move on to approach the grave of Robespierre.

You've learned about the "Espirit de Robespierre" - a status effect currently affecting Paris. Because of the spirit of unity that followed Robespierre's death, any hostile act against political figures will have increased DC.

You're caught up in thought, wondering about Robespierre and his legacy, how a man you hardly knew is now tied to you, before a man's voice stirs you. "Citizen Bonaparte?" You turn, looking at the boyish features of Saint Just himself.

"Robespierre spoke of you often. And yet he didn't mention meeting you more than a handful of times." Saint Just says accusingly. "But here I am, hearing over and over about the two of you being the best of friends." He stares.

"Yes, word of my connection with Citizen Robespierre has gotten out of hand." You say. "I wasn't in the country to counter it, and now it seems the whole country has drawn false conclusions. Sadly, Robespierre passed before I could really get to know him." You admit freely - trying to bullshit Robespierre's best friend would be foolish.

"Indeed. The journals often publish without evidence." Saint Just admits. He studies your face, trying to determine if you're telling the truth, or if you're a clout-hungry fame chaser trying to cash in on his friend's death. "I think I will see you soon, Monsieur. If you'll excuse me." He turns and leaves.

You let out a breath you didn't realise you were holding.

Where the reputation stat informs you how well known you are, reputation 'heat' details much of a hot topic you are in the press. High heat means that you're currently in the news and your name is on everyone's lips. High heat will give bonuses to various actions like persuasion, propaganda etc. Fame heat will diminish over time, and keeping it cold for multiple turns will reduce your reputation (though never beneath zero). It is increased by getting your name in the press. Fame in Paris operates on a 'what have you done for me lately' basis. so it's important to stay in the news if you want to stay famous. Like Napoleon himself said - "Fame is temporary, but obscurity lasts forever."

Personal Funds: 1+1 (Army Salary)+ 6 (Missed Proceeds from the Societe des Amis while on campaign)= 8
Paris Reputation: 12
Reputation Heat:
Cold - Mild - Warm - Hot - <Burning>
Paris Political Climate: Boring - Tranquil - Calm - <Lively> - Excited - Dangerous - Terror
Perceived Political Leaning:
- True revolutionary
- Patriot
- Abolitionist
- Against Anti-Semitism
- Robespierriste

Paris Power Structure: The convention is united in a show of revolutionary fervor. The cracks are beginning to form, with some kind of split between Danton and St Just. You don't know the specifics of who is on whose side, or who has more power, or how close the 'Spirit of Robespierre' is to breaking down.
Actions: 5+1 (Tireless Trait)=6

Temporarily Available Actions:

[] Visit the Salon of Grace Elliot:
As the favourite mistress of the president, Grace Elliot is probably one of the most influential and well connected women in all of Paris. It might be worth visiting her salon to see what information she can give you on the political situation in Paris
Reward: Provides some clarity on the factions in Paris, Provides the opportunity to meet various people, Potential increase to Charm stat, progress towards a trait

[] Reorganise the Armee du Nord: The Armee du Nord currently exists only on paper - its regiments are scattered across the frontier and will take time to assemble and start the mobilisation process. Your assignment to your duties as Army of the North Chief of Staff only starts once that happens (next turn), but you can get started on some of your work now. Currently the 'army' is a mess of individual regiments with no structure. It's time to create an order of battle.
[] Write in: The OOB of the Armee du Nord, with the regiments split into whichever type of organisational units you like.

QM Note: This is totally optional. If you like military organisation, feel free to divide up the army as you like. If you don't, perfectly understandable - there won't be any penalties, though you might miss out on the benefits of having the army split up in just the way you like. Movements and losses of regiments won't be tracked individually - that seems like a nightmare for both of us. They're just building blocks for divisions or whichever type of organisation you prefer. For simplicity's sake, we can consider each regiment/battalion to be equal in numbers to those of the same type.


l/2nd Infantry Regiment
2/5th Infantry Regiment
l/6th Infantry Regiment
l/,2/l2th Infantry Regiment
l/l3th Infantry Regiment
l/l4th Infantry Regiment
l/l5th Infantry Regiment
l/l6th Infantry Regiment
l/l7th Infantry Regiment
l/l8th Infantry Regiment
l/l9th Infantry Regiment
l/, 2/22nd Infantry Regiment
2/24th Infantry Regiment
l/,2/25th Infantry Regiment
l/,2/36th Infantry Regiment
l/,2/38th Infantry Regiment
l/43rd Infantry Regiment
l/,2/45th Infantry Regiment
l/47th Infantry Regiment
l/,2/49th Infantry Regiment
l/54th Infantry Regiment
l/,2/56th Infantry Regiment
l/58th Infantry Regiment
l/62nd Infantry Regiment
l/67th Infantry Regiment
l/68th Infantry Regiment
l/7lst Infantry Regiment
l/78th Infantry Regiment
2/8lst Infantry Regiment
l/,2/83rd Infantry Regiment
l/,2/89th Infantry Regiment
l/,2/90th Infantry Regiment
l/94th Infantry Regiment
l/,2/98th Infantry Regiment
l/l02nd Infantry Regiment
l/,2/l04th Infantry Regiment
(39,950 line infantry)

lst Chasseur à Pied Bataillon
2nd Chasseur à Pied Bataillon
3rd Chasseur à Pied Bataillon
5th Chasseur à Pied Bataillon
9th Chasseur à Pied Bataillon
l0th Chasseur à Pied Bataillon
l4th Chasseur à Pied Bataillon
2lst Chasseur à Pied Bataillon
23rd Chasseur à Pied Bataillon
24th Chasseur à Pied Bataillon
28th Chasseur à Pied Bataillon
32nd Chasseur à Pied Bataillon
(6,572 chasseurs)
5th (Rhein) Grenadier Battalion
(777 Grenadiers)

2nd Fédéré National Battalion
3rd Fédéré National Battalion
4th Fédéré National Battalion
5th Fédéré National Battalion
6th Fédéré National Battalion
7th Fédéré National Battalion
8th Fédéré National Battalion
9th Fédéré National Battalion
l0th Fédéré National Battalion
llth Fédéré National Battalion
l2th Fédéré National Battalion
l3th Fédéré National Battalion
l4th Fédéré National Battalion
l5th Fédéré National Battalion
l6th Fédéré National Battalion
l7th Fédéré National Battalion
(12,462 Militia)


lst Carabinier Regiment
2nd Carabinier Regiment
(l,360 carabiniers)

lst Cavalry Regiment
3rd Cavalry Regiment
6th Cavalry Regiment
7th Cavalry Regiment
8th Cavalry Regiment
l3th Cavalry Regiment
l6th Cavalry Regiment
l7th Cavalry Regiment
l9th Cavalry Regiment
20th Cavalry Regiment
2lst Cavalry Regiment
522nd Cavalry Regiment
25th Cavalry Regiment
27th Cavalry Regiment
28th Cavalry Regiment
(l0,200 heavy cavalry)

3rd Hussar Regiment
4th Hussar Regiment
5th Hussar Regiment
6th Hussar Regiment
8th Hussar Regiment
9th Hussar Regiment
l0th Hussar Regiment
(4,930 hussars)

2nd Dragoon Regiment
3rd Dragoon Regiment
6th Dragoon Regiment
7th Dragoon Regiment
l2th Dragoon Regiment
l3th Dragoon Regiment
20th Dragoon Regiment
Dragons de la Manche
(5,440 dragoons)

3rd Chasseur à Cheval Regiment
5th Chasseur à Cheval Regiment
6th Chasseur à Cheval Regiment
l3th Chasseur à Cheval Regiment
l6th Chasseur à Cheval Regiment
l7th Chasseur à Cheval Regiment
2lst Chasseur à Cheval Regiment
23rd Chasseur à Cheval Regiment
(8,330 Chasseurs)


1st Regiment d'Artillerie
(120 guns)

Jean Victor Marie Moreau - CIC

Louis-Andre Bon
- Cavalryman
- Brave
- Medium Command Skill

Jean Baptiste Bernadotte
- Infantry Commander
- Brave
- Churlish (High chance of feuding)
- Slow (Movement speed, not intelligence)
- High Command Skill

Etienne MacDonald:
- Logistician
- Very High Command Skill
- Disgraced (Close ties to Dumoriez mean he's out of favor with the government)
- Close to Moreau

Guillaume Marie Anne Brune:
- Mediocre Command Skill
- Politically Connected
- Looter

Jean Marie Antoine Defrance
- Mediocre Command Skill
- Cavalryman
- Good at defending/rearguard

Jean Baptiste Jourdan
- Good Command Skill
- Veteran
- Well liked by the men

Louis Nicholas d'Avout
- Cavalryman
- Genius
- Masterful Commander
- Churlish


Personal Growth Actions:

[] Take more lessons with Chevalier D'Eon:
You're still a neophyte fencer. Le Chevalier has offered you free lessons after she...stabbed you. The scar on your neck still burns sometimes, but you're sure nothing could go wrong twice, right?
DC: 40
Reward: Increase to Valor Stat, Reputation with the Chevalier D'Eon and duelists, Progress towards a trait

[] Work on Napoleon's Theorem: You've had an inkling for a while about a revision of Pythagorean geometry, focusing on the nature of equilateral triangles. Now that you have some time, working on your theory might expand your already deep understanding of mathematics, and make a name for yourself among Parisian Academics.
DC: 40
Reward: Increase to Intelligence Stat, Reputation with Parisian Academics, Progress towards a trait upgrade

[] Visit Le Comedie Francaise: You've always admired how the skilled actors of Paris' most renowned theatre can toy with the emotions of their audience, making them laugh, cry or shout out in rage. Perhaps if you sit through a few plays you could learn a thing or two?
DC: 40
Reward: Increase to Charisma Stat, Reputation with Comedie Francaise Actors, Progress towards a trait

[] Take an Etiquette Class: Your rough militaristic manners don't fit in well with Parisian society. If you want to make connections in Paris, you'll need to learn how to do as the Parisians do.
DC: 40
Reward: Increase to Charm Stat, Reputation with Parisian Socialites, Progress towards a trait

[] Go People Watching: A lot can be learned in a Parisian cafe, if you have the tact and patience to sit quietly. Enjoy some tea or coffee, and observe.
DC: 40
Reward: Increase to Subterfuge Stat, Reputation with ???, Progress towards a trait, Chance to learn rumors and secrets

[] Learn a Language:
Given that France is at war, you might well be in a foreign country soon. You're fluent in French and Italian - but you should add to that list.
DC: 50
Reward: Begin to learn a foreign tongue
[] Write in which language:


Social Actions:

[] Visit Military Headquarters: With a war newly declared, the Hotel de Brienne - headquarters of the French Armies - is abuzz with activity. There, you could make important connections with the higher ups, or with fellow junior officers on their own roads to power.
DC: ???
Reward: Reputation with the Army, Potential to meet talented soldiers, Potential to meet notable military characters
QM Note: By 'important military characters', I mean real life French officers like Murat, Lannes, Dumas, etc. By 'talented soldiers', I mean fictional characters you can recruit who'll increase the stats of your unit.

[] Visit a Salon: The salons of Paris have been important social hubs for the last century at least, and are travelled not just by socialites, but by politicians, aristocrats, revolutionaries, military men, business magnates and all other types of notables. You never know who you'll meet there - but they're probably important.
DC: ???
Reward: Reputation with Socialites, Potential to meet random notable Parisians, General Reputation Boost

[] Visit the Committee of Republican Virtue: The 'Committee of Republican Virtue' is the name for the clique of highly influential convention deputies (and the president), who now stand in control of France. Made up mainly of former Jacobins and Girondins, the Committee stands together in a show of Republican unity. When not meeting at the Tuilleries, they hold unofficial sessions in the old Jacobin Club building, meeting and discussing current events with constituents.
DC: ???
Reward: Reputation with Revolutionaries, Potential to meet notable Revolutionaries, Information on the factions within the Jacobin Club

[] Visit the Society of The Rights of Man and the Constitution: The 'Cordeliers' Club is made up primarily of Dantonistes, and Danton himself is the president of the club. Headquartered in an old convent, the public is free to visit the club - and even to talk to Danton himself.
DC: ???
Reward: Reputation with Danton, Potential to meet notable Dantonistes, Information on the unofficial Danton faction

[] Visit L'Ami du Peuple: "Friend of the People", the newspaper once controlled by Marat before his execution during the White Terror, has now been taken over by Louis Antoine de Saint-Just. If you seek to meet with St Just, you're sure to find him there, along with his supporters.
DC: ???
Reward: Reputation with Saint Juste, Potential to meet notable St Just supporters, Information on the unofficial St Just faction

[] Visit the Salon of Madame Roland: Madame Roland, wife of convention deputy Roland, runs one of the most popular salons in Paris. It also used to be the unofficial headquarters of the Girondin faction. Currently, you're not sure what's happened to the Girondins, whether they're still a cohesive faction, and who they support in the quiet struggle between Danton, St Just and President Egalite. The salon is the best place to ask.
DC: ???
Reward: Reputation with the (former?) Girondins, Potential to meet notable (former?) Girondins, Information on whether the Girondins are still a political force

[] Go To Mass: The Civil Constitution of the Clergy means that only priests who've sworn oaths of loyalty to the Revolution can practice their faith, but several high profile clergymen have managed to skirt the line between the National Assembly and the Holy Roman Church, and their services have become havens for royalists and counterrevolutionaries, as well as constitutional monarchists who think the revolution has gone too far. Whether you believe or not, you're still technically Catholic, so no one will object.
DC: ???
Reward: Reputation with Royalists, Potential to meet notable Royalists, Information on the factions within the Royalists

[] Visit Moreau: It might be worth visiting your new CiC to establish a working relationship.
DC: ???
Reward: Reputation with General Moreau, Increased efficiency while on campaign as his Chief of Staff

[] Visit a Friend: You've made a number of friends in your time in France. Perhaps it's time to deepen one of those connections?
- Murat
- Desaix
- Davout
- Treguet
- Write in

[] Write Letters: The postal service is still running despite all the chaos in France, which means you can communicate with people without having to make time to see them in person.
[] Write in: Who you send letters to, and what they're about (Letters have a lesser reputation gain, but you can send them to multiple people in a single action)

[] Write In: There were plenty of important people and factions in Paris during this era that Napoleon could have crossed paths with. Choose a person or group for Napoleon to pay a visit.
QM Note: Must be someone who was in Paris at this point, who Napoleon would have heard of at this point, and who isn't too high status to get an audience with (Some random captain isn't going to be allowed to see the king, for instance).

Work Actions:

[] Confirm your promotion to General de Brigade: You temporarily stepped into the shoes of a Brigadier General during the Sardinian Campaign, but you're technically still a captain. You've conquered an entire country - it would be absurd to remain at such a low rank. Petition Hotel de Brienne for a confirmation of your promotion.
DC: 40
[] Write in: Which, if any, victories you use to make your case for why you should be promoted.

[] Go for a further promotion (Must have taken the above action): You've proven yourself as a commander who can be trusted to lead men independently, even when cut off from France. You've earned the right to ascend even higher, even if you've already jumped several ranks.
DC: 80
[] Write in: Which, if any, victories you use to make your case for why you should be promoted

[] Request a Transfer:
You think a change is in order. Petition your superiors to be transferred to a different front.
Cost: 0
DC: 70
Reward: Transfer to a front that will get you into the fighting sooner, ends stay in Paris and starts a military campaign, removes control of your National Guard Battalion and replaces it with an artillery company based in the chosen front
[] Write in which front: (Current available fronts are: Italy, The Rhine, Spain, The Vendee, Haiti)

[] Find Accommodations for the Marseilles National Guard: Your veterans from Sardinia are loyal to you, but if you don't find somewhere to house them their morale is going to plummet.
Choose one:
- [] Quarter them in the city: Puts the troops in people's homes. Free, but will slightly damage your reputation.
- [] Pay for accommodations: Funds from your own purse will go to putting up the national guardsmen. Will make them more loyal and increase their morale, but is expensive
Cost: 0 (Quarter), 3 per turn (Pay for accommodations)
DC: 60

[] Train the Marseilles National Guard: Your Marseillais are experienced, but not that well drilled. Keep them sharp with a round of training.
Cost: 1
DC: 50
Reward: The National Guard's training increases

[] Start another business: Some might say it's a little early to start a second business, with the first still in the cradle, but you think it's a great idea to diversify.
Cost: 3
DC: 80
Reward: The creation of a second business of your choice. The income from both will stack, but both will require work to run properly, and you only have so much time.

[] Write a political tract: Paris has an abundance of printing presses, which makes publishing something very cheap, and very easy. In such a politically charged city as Paris, writing a political tract is like dropping a letter in a bottle into the sea, but if you write well enough and get a little lucky with distribution, you could really make a name for yourself this way - a lot of the foremost Revolutionaries got their start by doing this.
Cost: 1 Personal Funds
DC: 50
Reward: Moderate to Large Reputation Boost, Ability to take control of public perception of your political leanings
[] Write in positions for the tract (ie: Status of women, Abolition of Slavery, Trade and Tarriffs, War and Diplomacy, Status of the Monarchy, etc)

QM Note: Votes for tract topics will stack, so long as the positions aren't contradictory - so if two plans both choose this option, and one chooses to write about abolishing slavery, and the other chooses to write about abolishing the monarchy, Napoleon will write about both of these things, regardless of which plan won the overall vote.

[] Invent Something: Your area of knowledge tends to be more theoretical than practical, but you're still an incredibly bright person. This is an age of radical new inventions, where even the sky isn't a barrier to human progress anymore. You seek to create something new and useful that will cement your name in history.
DC: 70/80/90 (Depends on what you're trying to invent)
Reward: A previously unthought of invention enters the concept stage
[] Write in: What are you inventing?

QM Note: I won't be super anal about this, but please try to keep the inventions somewhat plausible. Remember that Napoleon, smart as he is, only has access to the technologies and general knowledge of his era. He shouldn't be building the Wright Brothers' plane, for instance, because the internal combustion engine doesn't exist yet.

[] Publish Propaganda: Sometimes the people need a nudge in the right direction to make sure they think the correct things about you. Get publishing some good old fashion propaganda.
Cost: 2/3/4 (Amount spent increases effect)
DC: 60
[] Write in: Which victories to promote to the public
[] Write in: Any particular political slant to the propaganda

Société des Amis des Artisans Actions:

Company Size: Tiny
Company Profitability: Barely profitable

Current Income (Dividends): 3-1 (Damage)
Current Role: Chairman of the Board
Important Employees: Jervis MacDougall (Jacobite Investor) - Amicable Relations

[] Enact Repairs: The Dumoriez Coup and the resulting terror lead to some damage of the Societie's hall. You should repair it if you want to get things running smoothly again.
Cost: 1
DC: 40

[] Wine and Dine investors: Keeping your investors happy makes running the company a lot less stressful. Jervis MacDougall, the most important current investor, thinks highly of you. You want to turn that into genuine loyalty.
DC: 50
Reward: Increased relations with investors

[] Attract New Investors: The amount of business you can do is tied directly to how many investors you have. Convince Paris' bourgeois to join you.
DC: 50
Reward: Increased Company Size

[] Attract Artisans: An investment firm doesn't work without businesses to invest in. Convince Parisian artisans that the Societe is a reliable source of capital to fund their dream stores and workshops.
DC: 50
Reward: Increased profitability for the Societe

[] Research Industry: For the creator of an industrial investment firm, you don't really know that much about industry. You should hit the books and tour some workshops to get a better sense of which businesses are likely to succeed or fail
DC: 50
Reward: Increased profitability for the Societe



[] Go Shopping
DC: 0
Reward: Opens shopping interlude where Napoleon can buy items to increase his stats


QM Note: So, I'm trying out some ideas and mechanics here, not sure how they'll go, but I suppose that's how it works. Once again, I'm writing late and am tired, so let me know if there's any options that seem incomplete - I probably started and forgot about them - or if anything is wrong or doesn't make sense.

QM Note: Moratorium of at least a few hours for discussion.
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[] Start another business: Some might say it's a little early to start a second business, with the first still in the cradle, but you think it's a great idea to diversify.
Cost: 3
DC: 80
Reward: The creation of a second business of your choice. The income from both will stack, but both will require work to run properly, and you only have so much time.

Something that we don't have to do right now, but was something that was invented during this time period is the canned food method by Nicolas François Appert which went into production around 1810.

Appert's method transitioned to filling thick, large-mouthed glass bottles with produce of every description, ranging from beef, fowl, eggs, milk, and prepared dishes. Appert avoided using tinplate in his early manufacture because the quality of French tinplate was poor (British Inventor Peter Durand in 1810 would use tin cans and give us the modern canning method). He left air space at the top of the bottle, and the cork would then be sealed firmly in the jar by using a vise. The bottle was then wrapped in canvas to protect it, dunked into boiling water, and boiled for as much time as Appert deemed appropriate for cooking the contents thoroughly.

Despite his technical successes, Appert had financial troubles due to the high cost of his equipment and the fact that he was not a very good businessman. He declared bankrupcy in 1806, but was able to continue his business.

Given we're in the logistics business, getting preserved food at least 17 years early could really help. Just food for thought.
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This is the Food Canning Industry..

Meaning the company we have can invest in it to create those manufacturing plants after researching industry and creating canned goods.

Yep, the company's that flexible.

Unlocks options to expand the business

I saw this but I don't see an option to expand the business to include canning. Otherwise I'd like to push for that.

Never mind I'm just blind.
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[] Reorganise the Armee du Nord: The Armee du Nord currently exists only on paper - its regiments are scattered across the frontier and will take time to assemble and start the mobilisation process. Your assignment to your duties as Army of the North Chief of Staff only starts once that happens (next turn), but you can get started on some of your work now. Currently the 'army' is a mess of individual regiments with no structure. It's time to create an order of battle.
[] Write in: The OOB of the Armee du Nord, with the regiments split into whichever type of organisational units you like.
Soo good amount of cav decent infantry bit low on artillery. 4-5 Infantry divisions and 2 or 3 flying ones?
@Tjf does temporary mean we will only have the chance for this, this turn? Or do we have some more time?
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Four things I think we absolutely need to do:

[] Confirm your promotion to General de Brigade: You temporarily stepped into the shoes of a Brigadier General during the Sardinian Campaign, but you're technically still a captain. You've conquered an entire country - it would be absurd to remain at such a low rank. Petition Hotel de Brienne for a confirmation of your promotion.
DC: 40
[] Write in: Which, if any, victories you use to make your case for why you should be promoted.

[] Visit Moreau: It might be worth visiting your new CiC to establish a working relationship.
DC: ???
Reward: Reputation with General Moreau, Increased efficiency while on campaign as his Chief of Staff

[] Find Accommodations for the Marseilles National Guard: Your veterans from Sardinia are loyal to you, but if you don't find somewhere to house them their morale is going to plummet.
Choose one:
- [] Quarter them in the city: Puts the troops in people's homes. Free, but will slightly damage your reputation.
- [] Pay for accommodations: Funds from your own purse will go to putting up the national guardsmen. Will make them more loyal and increase their morale, but is expensive
Cost: 0 (Quarter), 3 per turn (Pay for accommodations)
DC: 60

[] Train the Marseilles National Guard: Your Marseillais are experienced, but not that well drilled. Keep them sharp with a round of training.
Cost: 1
DC: 50
Reward: The National Guard's training increases

Then these as optional.

Write Letters: The postal service is still running despite all the chaos in France, which means you can communicate with people without having to make time to see them in person.
-Ask Berthier for tips on keeping a campaign supplied.

[] Attract Artisans: An investment firm doesn't work without businesses to invest in. Convince Parisian artisans that the Societe is a reliable source of capital to fund their dream stores and workshops.
DC: 50
Reward: Increased profitability for the Societe
-Nicolas François Appert, Food preservation.
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[] Go for a further promotion (Must have taken the above action): You've proven yourself as a commander who can be trusted to lead men independently, even when cut off from France. You've earned the right to ascend even higher, even if you've already jumped several ranks.
DC: 80
[] Write in: Which, if any, victories you use to make your case for why you should be promoted

Would be a good choice as well. We do need that promotion if we want to capitalize on Sardinia and get more good men later, especially since we have passed on the opportunity from Dumas, which would have given us General de Division. Being Chief of Staff won't be all that glorious, unless Moreau bites it.
[] Go for a further promotion (Must have taken the above action): You've proven yourself as a commander who can be trusted to lead men independently, even when cut off from France. You've earned the right to ascend even higher, even if you've already jumped several ranks.
DC: 80
[] Write in: Which, if any, victories you use to make your case for why you should be promoted

Would be a good choice as well. We do need that promotion if we want to capitalize on Sardinia and get more good men later, especially since we have passed on the opportunity from Dumas, which would have given us General de Division. Being Chief of Staff won't be all that glorious, unless Moreau bites it.

If you think we have a good chance at getting that then I'm all for it.
[] Visit the Salon of Madame Roland: Madame Roland, wife of convention deputy Roland, runs one of the most popular salons in Paris. It also used to be the unofficial headquarters of the Girondin faction. Currently, you're not sure what's happened to the Girondins, whether they're still a cohesive faction, and who they support in the quiet struggle between Danton, St Just and President Egalite. The salon is the best place to ask.
DC: ???
Reward: Reputation with the (former?) Girondins, Potential to meet notable (former?) Girondins, Information on whether the Girondins are still a political force

[] Visit the Committee of Republican Virtue: The 'Committee of Republican Virtue' is the name for the clique of highly influential convention deputies (and the president), who now stand in control of France. Made up mainly of former Jacobins and Girondins, the Committee stands together in a show of Republican unity. When not meeting at the Tuilleries, they hold unofficial sessions in the old Jacobin Club building, meeting and discussing current events with constituents.

I'm very tempted by either of these two social actions. Getting the lay of the ground is always good and while "unity" is in the air I don't think we have time to visit both Danton and St Just and I don't want it to look like we're taking sides just yet by just hitting up one

[] Go for a further promotion (Must have taken the above action): You've proven yourself as a commander who can be trusted to lead men independently, even when cut off from France. You've earned the right to ascend even higher, even if you've already jumped several ranks.
DC: 80
[] Write in: Which, if any, victories you use to make your case for why you should be promoted

Would be a good choice as well. We do need that promotion if we want to capitalize on Sardinia and get more good men later, especially since we have passed on the opportunity from Dumas, which would have given us General de Division. Being Chief of Staff won't be all that glorious, unless Moreau bites it.

Hrm man wish we had some idea of how likely since I think Sardinia alone would be enough for our 'field promotion,' would Napeleons currently hot rep be enough? I guess we could take sides in the future political fight and hope someone's willing to prop us up for a future ally.