The Young Eagle - A Napoleon Quest

Looks like Italy isn't likely to be the stunning masterpiece that it was under Napoleon, though whether it will end up being a victory or a defeat, or how costly in either case, is still too soon to say.
Result: Action unlocked to visit the Louvre. The National Convention now desires looted artworks for display

New fetch quest unlocked :lol:

Result: War in the Vendée appears to be cooling down.


Result: A war begins on Saint Domingue (Haiti)

Good news, Haiti isn't going to be in revolt, and Toussaint Louverture might work with France. Bad news, the British are coming. Worse news, the slavers might cause a revolt anyway.

Result: France suffers defeat in Northern Italy, and enjoys victory in Tuscany. The Florentine Republic is 'revived'. The Republic of Venice is at the breaking point. General Dumas is supplanted by General Masséna as the most popular general in France. Due to losses taken during the campaigns, the arguments for the levée en masse are strengthened, and President Egalité's anti-conscription position is weakened.

I have a feeling things aren't going to go much better for them. Now they have to fight on two fronts. I would say going to Italy would be a good idea, but honestly, the Army of the North needs to kick the Coalition forces in the teeth before we can request a transfer. Let's hope Dumas and Massena can hold on.

Result: Spain pushed out of French territory - Spanish desire to be in the war drops further.

Great news, Spain is likely to drop out soon.

Result: Prussia ratifies the Treaty of Berlin and peace with France is made official. Attacks on the peace are seen as attacks on the sovereign, meaning that for the next several turns, anyone in Prussia trying to restart the war will suffer significant maluses to their efforts, and potentially risk their career if they fail. An anti-French lobby still exists in Prussia, however, biding their time until a more opportune moment arrives.
Another reason why our efforts up North need to be succesful. If we kick Britain out of the low countries and hound the Coalition forces all the way to the Rhine, Prussia's anti-French faction is likely to not stir trouble

Result: Franco-US relations improve slightly, but slavers are attempting to damage relations. Debates rage in America over whether Washington has the right to keep the US out of the war - and whether the US should begin favouring France more.
Nothing quick and easy we can do to end slavery in the US. We're going to need to show that we can achieve victory for the US to remain our ally.

To paraphrase from an Emperor's speech, "the situation has not developed necessarily to France's advantage".
Good news, that's nothing young Nappy can't fix!

EDIT: In my opinion, the most dangerous threat to France right now is the growing and building tension between the three major factions in Paris, led by Egalite, Danton and Saint Just.
Yeah this is going to be a ticking time bomb. Egalite will probably want to make sure Paris gets it's grain, at the same time he's going to oppose the levee en masse supported by Danton and Saint Just. It's a recipe for legislative deadlock.

Not much we can do to stop the chaos with our current wealth and reputation. At the same time, chaos is a ladder we can use to climb higher.

Edit: I think a good way to increase our influence while we're doing army business is to start building a circle of officers. Get the army to start following Napoleon politically.

It's the one group all the political factions don't have much influence on after the Dumoriez debacle.
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It's understandable as to why washington doesn't want the USA intervening in a international war. The millitary and navy is completely outclassed conventionaly. Their economy is being built up and their American experiment is still in full swing. A war would seriously derail them
Result: Action unlocked to visit the Louvre. The National Convention now desires looted artworks for display
Loot box time:drevil:
Spain: Thinking that this war was a bad idea - High peace chance
Napoleon's reputation in Spain: +3 (He's someone we can deal with.)
A shame if the peace happens without us, but I guess we can go to Italy after our northern campaign.

I hope the hot air balloon would be good. First army to use them ought to get prestige.
Ah yes, the aerostatier corps. Historically a provisional balloon company had some success in 1794 at the battle of Fleurus, according to Elting "largely through its effect on French and Austrian morale." :V The aerostatiers had a short existence until the last company was dissolved in 1802 after being returned from Egypt. Apparantly it was tricky getting the balloons to ascend in time for battle, a battle would often be over before they might float. Also apparantly impossible to move any real distance if there was any wind. Potentially very useful for sieges though.

Vendee stuff: Sounds pretty much like historical events, maybe a bit a head of time. Can only be good. Maybe we'll get a chance to deal with the british expedition next year, sounds like a magnificent opportunity to setup an ambush on land and sea since we seem forewarned unlike historically!

Italy stuff: Have no fear Bonapartist, the timeline is merely beginning to adjust back to where she's meant to be, so Napoleon can dazzle the world. Infact, the worse off things are the better for Napoleon's chances of gaining power, right?...right?

Caribbean front: Pretty interesting stuff, this is an area where there's a potential for a lot of butterflies, historically the French were able to do a lot of damage to the british by supporting the uprising of slaves with relatively small expeditionary forces, something that sent shockwaves of fear from London to Washington. This is obviously before Napoleon's sends his expedition, but there's a lot of years between those points. Usually gets glossed over, pretty interesting period of history, got the same kind of potential to ruin British plans as kicking them out of India, if things go well and if we are abolitionist.

Toussaint Louveture is a complicated figure who from what little I know seems to have recreated his own authoriarian realm where former slaves, nominally free, were used as forced laborers/indentured servants on plantations (aka slaves by a different name), making himself a powerful dictator before ousted by Napoleon.
He should be good in the fight though:

The French-held Saint-Domingue served as a center for the revolutionary tumult in the Caribbean. Jacobin commissioners sent from Paris to Saint-Domingue emancipated all the slaves in the French colonies (a move confirmed by the National Convention in Paris in February 1794) and enlisted the support of free men of color against foreign invaders. One such new ally was Toussaint Louverture, a former slave coachman who had fought in Spanish ranks before joining the French. An effective leader and capable commander, Louverture contributed to a French victory and the withdrawal of Spanish troops in 1795 and then British troops in 1798. Even though the British retained control of Martinique, the third major French colony in the Caribbean, the French successes in Saint-Domingue and Guadeloupe, made possible by the black troops led by Louverture, ensured the survival of a considerable French presence in the region. By 1798 Louverture had emerged as the leading figure on the island and was eager to consolidate his power by removing his former allies. He expelled French commissioners, defeated rival mulatto generals (including André Rigaud in the War of the South in 1799), and extended his control to Spanish Santo Domingo in 1800.
Despite French success in Sardinia, the setbacks in the Netherlands and Italy may now be causing doubt among certain circles in Europe as to whether the Revolution's ideals could survive past 1794.

The United States stubbornly remaining neutral isn't going to help France much either.

Yes, France now has peace with Prussia, but how long would it be before the other European monarchies pressure Freddy Bill (whatever numeral he has) to join their coalition?

And of course we can't count out Russia, whose army in this time period is formidable and dangerous.
If Dumas were to find himself facing off against Suvorov…

Anything could happen in this story. The British may land a force in the Netherlands, and Moreau may end up fighting highly-trained and well-drilled British redcoats.

We also have to consider that Dumouriez was well-liked by the people of Belgium.
Hearts and minds. Do not turn the civilian population against you.

Also, Massena looting art, because it's Massena.

Would actions in Belgium lead to a revival of this?
Napoleon would probably have to help with the creation of the new consitution, because he already has experience.
He would be part of the founding fathers of 2 republics then.

A small question:


Will you mention and go about the complex history of the area Belgium for the time or would you just keep that stuff in the background? (Trust me if you research about it my countries history is a rabbit hole with how many times we changed hands, how many conflicts between larger states happened in the country even before the time of the setting and don't even get me started on the level of regionalism that goes so hard that you even shit on people with a different regional dialect (or even a variant of the dialect) to this day.)

A few ideas:
-The old Historical Flanders area being pro British due to the historic cloth trade.
-The Walloons around Herstal being known for their weapon making (Apparently the Swedes imported Walloons to help make cannons at one point)
-The good old language problems. Go wild with this one. (communication and misunderstanding could even happen between the French and Walloons since their own regional dialects/language variants weren't so endangered back then.)
-The regional rivalries between the cities
-A decent amount of militia in the more "urbanised" parts that maybe could be used.

-suggestions other people can drop or expand on the previous points.
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Dude!!! Prussia is becoming a homie!!!
The plot twist of the century!!! France and Prussia being buddies!? halt the presses and check the sky to see if pigs have learned to fly!

I love it 100%!
Peace with Prussia will last about as long as it takes for the elderly and ailing King Frederick William II to croak, and for Prussia to find an advantageous causus belli.
I find it funny that the omake writers here(all 3 of them) are very conservative on using their omake bonus. The only one I remember is using them on the cannons in Cagliari. I think using it on meeting Saint Just and the others could be better than just battles, but hoarding omake bonus to unleash them later is funny too. :p
I find it funny that the omake writers here(all 3 of them) are very conservative on using their omake bonus. The only one I remember is using them on the cannons in Cagliari. I think using it on meeting Saint Just and the others could be better than just battles, but hoarding omake bonus to unleash them later is funny too. :p
I don't write to accrue bonuses, I write when I feel inspired or want to explore something that might be happening Napoleon-adjacent. So sometimes I forget I have bonuses. Also, I'm a co-qm in La Chanson, so my writing there doesn't earn bonuses, just canonicity.
Something that concerns me:

Unlike in Sardinia, Napoleon will be subordinated to Moreau in the Armee Du Nord.

Expect rolls to try to convince Moreau to listen to and agree with Napoleon's advice and suggestions.
Especially with Princess/Future Queen Louise being Hardline Anti-France and clearly being the one wearing the pants in her relationship with her husband.
Napoleon: "Ahhh but you see! I am not french! I'M corsican! Totally different and totally trustworthy."
Princess Louise raises a delicate brow while hiding a sneer: "I doubt it."
Napoleon rolls a charisma check: "Bam! Nat 100 baby!"
Princess Louise: "SHIMATTA!!!!"
*Due to NAt100 Prussia and France are now besties forever leaving the anti-french camp to cope, seethe and mald impotently
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Turn 4 - Paris, October 1793
"Bonna Parte is the only officer of artillery who knows anything of his duty, and he has too much work."

- Antonio Saliceti and Thomas de Gasparin, reporting on Napoleon at Toulon to the National Convention

"They were wrong about the second part: For Napoleon there was no such thing as too much work."

- Andrew Roberts, English Biographer

You look back at Amiens Cathedral as you prepare to embark upon your carriage back to Paris. Amiens - where Moreau has his temporary headquarters - is a disturbing sight. Poverty, famine, backwardness - all things that you see every day in Paris, but not to this extent. The Army, camped outside the city, isn't in a much better state. Thin, haggard men with tattered uniforms and rebellious expressions. This is going to take a lot of work...

Personal Funds: 7+1 (Army Salary)+3 (Dividends from the Societe des Amis des Artisans)
Paris Reputation: 12
Reputation Heat:
Cold - Mild - Warm - <Hot> - Burning
Paris Political Climate: Boring - Tranquil - Calm - Lively - <Excited> - Dangerous - Terror
Perceived Political Leaning:
- True revolutionary
- Patriot
- Abolitionist
- Against Anti-Semitism
- Robespierriste

Paris Power Structure: The convention is united in a show of revolutionary fervor. Three main factions have arisen in Paris, but
Actions: 5+1 (Tireless Trait)-1 (Workload)= 5

Troops in Paris: Marseilles National Guard
Housing: None
Morale: Low

Being a chief of staff represents an incredible amount of work even before a campaign begins, and it cuts into your free time. Various items and ancillaries can help you regain actions.

Personal Growth Actions:

[] Take more lessons with Chevalier D'Eon:
You're still a neophyte fencer. Le Chevalier has offered you free lessons after she...stabbed you. The scar on your neck still burns sometimes, but you're sure nothing could go wrong twice, right?
Cost: 0
DC: 40
Reward: Increase to Valor Stat, Reputation with the Chevalier D'Eon and duelists, Progress towards a trait

[] Work on Napoleon's Theorem: You've had an inkling for a while about a revision of Pythagorean geometry, focusing on the nature of equilateral triangles. Now that you have some time, working on your theory might expand your already deep understanding of mathematics, and make a name for yourself among Parisian Academics.
Cost: 1
DC: 40
Reward: Increase to Intelligence Stat, Reputation with Parisian Academics, Progress towards a trait upgrade

[] Visit Le Comedie Francaise: You've always admired how the skilled actors of Paris' most renowned theatre can toy with the emotions of their audience, making them laugh, cry or shout out in rage. Perhaps if you sit through a few plays you could learn a thing or two?
Cost: 1
DC: 40
Reward: Increase to Charisma Stat, Reputation with Comedie Francaise Actors, Progress towards a trait

[] Take an Etiquette Class: Your rough militaristic manners don't fit in well with Parisian society. If you want to make connections in Paris, you'll need to learn how to do as the Parisians do.
Cost: 1
DC: 40
Reward: Increase to Charm Stat, Reputation with Parisian Socialites, Progress towards a trait

[] Go People Watching: A lot can be learned in a Parisian cafe, if you have the tact and patience to sit quietly. Enjoy some tea or coffee, and observe.
Cost: 0
DC: 40
Reward: Increase to Subterfuge Stat, Reputation with ???, Progress towards a trait, Chance to learn rumors and secrets

[] Learn a Language:
Given that France is at war, you might well be in a foreign country soon. You're fluent in French and Italian - but you should add to that list.
Likely Languages encountered on your next campaign: Flemish, Dutch, Low German and English
Cost: 1
DC: 50
Reward: Begin to learn a foreign tongue - bonuses to several types of rolls when interacting with people with a language you know
[] Write in which language:

Social Actions:

[] Visit Military Headquarters: With a war newly declared, the Hotel de Brienne - headquarters of the French Armies - is abuzz with activity. There, you could make important connections with the higher ups, or with fellow junior officers on their own roads to power.
DC: ???
Reward: Reputation with the Army, Potential to meet talented soldiers, Potential to meet notable military characters
QM Note: By 'important military characters', I mean real life French officers like Murat, Lannes, Dumas, etc. By 'talented soldiers', I mean fictional characters you can recruit who'll increase the stats of your unit.

[] Visit a Salon: The salons of Paris have been important social hubs for the last century at least, and are travelled not just by socialites, but by politicians, aristocrats, revolutionaries, military men, business magnates and all other types of notables. You never know who you'll meet there - but they're probably important.
DC: ???
Reward: Reputation with Socialites, Potential to meet random notable Parisians, General Reputation Boost

[] Visit the Committee of Republican Virtue: The 'Committee of Republican Virtue' is the name for the clique of highly influential convention deputies (and the president), who now stand in control of France. Made up mainly of former Jacobins and Girondins, the Committee stands together in a show of Republican unity. When not meeting at the Tuilleries, they hold unofficial sessions in the old Jacobin Club building, meeting and discussing current events with constituents.
DC: ???
Reward: Reputation with Revolutionaries, Potential to meet notable Revolutionaries, Information on the factions within the Jacobin Club

[] Visit the Society of The Rights of Man and the Constitution: The 'Cordeliers' Club is made up primarily of Dantonistes, and Danton himself is the president of the club. Headquartered in an old convent, the public is free to visit the club - and even to talk to Danton himself.
DC: ???
Reward: Reputation with Danton, Potential to meet notable Dantonistes, Information on the unofficial Danton faction

[] Visit L'Ami du Peuple: "Friend of the People", the newspaper once controlled by Marat before his execution during the White Terror, has now been taken over by Louis Antoine de Saint-Just. If you seek to meet with St Just, you're sure to find him there, along with his supporters.
DC: ???
Reward: Reputation with Saint Juste, Potential to meet notable St Just supporters, Information on the unofficial St Just faction

[] Visit the Salon of Madame Roland: Madame Roland, wife of convention deputy Roland, runs one of the most popular salons in Paris. It also used to be the unofficial headquarters of the Girondin faction. Now that most of the Girondins have taken up with Philippe Egalite, it has become a hub for the supporters of the president.
DC: ???
Reward: Reputation with the Egalitistes, Potential to meet notable Egalitistes, Information on factions within the Egalitistes

[] Go To Mass: The Civil Constitution of the Clergy means that only priests who've sworn oaths of loyalty to the Revolution can practice their faith, but several high profile clergymen have managed to skirt the line between the National Assembly and the Holy Roman Church, and their services have become havens for royalists and counterrevolutionaries, as well as constitutional monarchists who think the revolution has gone too far. Whether you believe or not, you're still technically Catholic, so no one will object.
DC: ???
Reward: Reputation with Royalists, Potential to meet notable Royalists, Information on the factions within the Royalists

[] Visit Moreau: It might be worth visiting your new CiC to work on your relationship further
DC: ???
Reward: Reputation with General Moreau, Increased efficiency while on campaign as his Chief of Staff

[] Visit Jacques Louis David: The most famous painter in France has requested that you stop by his studio so that he might immortalise you on canvas. Perhaps it's not a bad idea? You just hope you don't go numb from having to stand in one spot for too long
DC: ???
Reward: Reputation with Jacques Louis David - Potential reputation increase

[] Visit Germaine de Staël and her friends: You met a curious trio of women at the salon of Grace Elliot. You could potentially get some good social experience if you saw them again.
DC: ???
Reward: Reputation with Germaine, Theroigne and Olympe, Potential charm/charisma increase

[] Visit your poet and philosopher acquaintences: You met several prominent poets at Grace Elliot's salon. Who knows what you could learn if you saw them again?
Reward: Reputation with poets, potential trait acquisition

[] Visit the Lavoisiers: You made a good impression on the brilliant scientist Antoine Lavoisier and his equally brilliant wife. Maybe you could call on them and see what they're working on?
DC: ???
Reward: Reputation with the Lavoisiers, potential to contribute to an invention or discovery

[] Visit a Friend: You've made a number of friends in your time in France. Perhaps it's time to deepen one of those connections?
(See Connections under Informational)

[] Write Letters: The postal service is still running despite all the chaos in France, which means you can communicate with people without having to make time to see them in person.
[] Write in: Who you send letters to, and what they're about (Letters have a lesser reputation gain, but you can send them to multiple people in a single action)

[] Write In: There were plenty of important people and factions in Paris during this era that Napoleon could have crossed paths with. Choose a person or group for Napoleon to pay a visit.
QM Note: Must be someone who was in Paris at this point, who Napoleon would have heard of at this point, and who isn't too high status to get an audience with (Some random captain isn't going to be allowed to see the king, for instance).

Work Actions:

[] Go for a further promotion: You've proven yourself as a commander who can be trusted to lead men independently, even when cut off from France. You've earned the right to ascend even higher, even if you've already jumped several ranks.
DC: 80
[] Write in: Which, if any, victories you use to make your case for why you should be promoted

[] Request a Transfer: You think a change is in order. Petition your superiors to be transferred to a different front.
Cost: 0
DC: 70
Reward: Transfer to a front that will get you into the fighting sooner, ends stay in Paris and starts a military campaign, removes control of your National Guard Battalion and replaces it with an artillery company based in the chosen front
[] Write in which front: (Current available fronts are: Italy, The Rhine, Spain, The Vendee, Haiti)

[] Find Accommodations for the Marseilles National Guard: Your veterans from Sardinia are loyal to you, but if you don't find somewhere to house them their morale is going to plummet.
Choose one:
- [] Quarter them in the city: Puts the troops in people's homes. Free, but will slightly damage your reputation.
- [] Pay for accommodations: Funds from your own purse will go to putting up the national guardsmen. Will make them more loyal and increase their morale, but is expensive
Cost: 0 (Quarter), 3 per turn (Pay for accommodations)
DC: 60

[] Train the Marseilles National Guard: Your Marseillais are experienced, but not that well drilled. Keep them sharp with a round of training.
Cost: 1
DC: 50
Reward: The National Guard's training increases

[] Start another business: Some might say it's a little early to start a second business, with the first still in the cradle, but you think it's a great idea to diversify.
Cost: 3
DC: 80
Reward: The creation of a second business of your choice. The income from both will stack, but both will require work to run properly, and you only have so much time.

[] Write a political tract: Paris has an abundance of printing presses, which makes publishing something very cheap, and very easy. In such a politically charged city as Paris, writing a political tract is like dropping a letter in a bottle into the sea, but if you write well enough and get a little lucky with distribution, you could really make a name for yourself this way - a lot of the foremost Revolutionaries got their start by doing this.
Cost: 1 Personal Funds
DC: 50
Reward: Moderate to Large Reputation Boost, Ability to take control of public perception of your political leanings
[] Write in positions for the tract (ie: Status of women, Abolition of Slavery, Trade and Tarriffs, War and Diplomacy, Status of the Monarchy, etc)

QM Note: Votes for tract topics will stack, so long as the positions aren't contradictory - so if two plans both choose this option, and one chooses to write about abolishing slavery, and the other chooses to write about abolishing the monarchy, Napoleon will write about both of these things, regardless of which plan won the overall vote.

New QM Note: Bonus to anything TheRealOtto has already written

[] Invent Something: Your area of knowledge tends to be more theoretical than practical, but you're still an incredibly bright person. This is an age of radical new inventions, where even the sky isn't a barrier to human progress anymore. You seek to create something new and useful that will cement your name in history.
DC: 70/80/90 (Depends on what you're trying to invent)
Reward: A previously unthought of invention enters the concept stage
[] Write in: What are you inventing?

QM Note: I won't be super anal about this, but please try to keep the inventions somewhat plausible. Remember that Napoleon, smart as he is, only has access to the technologies and general knowledge of his era. He shouldn't be building the Wright Brothers' plane, for instance, because the internal combustion engine doesn't exist yet.

[] Publish Propaganda: Sometimes the people need a nudge in the right direction to make sure they think the correct things about you. Get publishing some good old fashion propaganda.
Cost: 2/3/4 (Amount spent increases effect)
DC: 60
[] Write in: Which victories to promote to the public
[] Write in: Any particular political slant to the propaganda

Société des Amis des Artisans Actions:

Company Size: Tiny
Company Profitability: Barely profitable

Current Income (Dividends): 3
Current Role: Chairman of the Board
Important Employees: Jervis MacDougall (Jacobite Investor) - Amicable Relations

[] Wine and Dine investors: Keeping your investors happy makes running the company a lot less stressful. Jervis MacDougall, the most important current investor, thinks highly of you. You want to turn that into genuine loyalty.
DC: 50
Reward: Increased relations with investors

[] Attract New Investors: The amount of business you can do is tied directly to how many investors you have. Convince Paris' bourgeois to join you.
DC: 50
Reward: Increased Company Size

[] Attract Artisans: An investment firm doesn't work without businesses to invest in. Convince Parisian artisans that the Societe is a reliable source of capital to fund their dream stores and workshops.
DC: 50
Reward: Increased profitability for the Societe

[] Research Industry: For the creator of an industrial investment firm, you don't really know that much about industry. You should hit the books and tour some workshops to get a better sense of which businesses are likely to succeed or fail
DC: 50
Reward: Increased profitability for the Societe

Armée du Nord Actions:

Dice: 3+1 (Tireless)+1 (Businessman)= 5
Army Wealth: 10+10 (Quarterly Funding)= 20
This is done in the style of a plan quest. In the place of action points, you have a number of dice which can be spent on various actions for the good of the army. These will have a set progress value attached which represent how close the action is to completion ie: (150/300) represents that the action is halfway to completion. You can spend as many dice (d100s) on the same action as you want - the more dice on one action, the more potential process you can make in one turn.

Rolls are boosted by various relevant stats and traits.

The number of dice you get per turn is limited, but you can use Napoleon's action points to gain more. Likewise, the cost of an action is per dice, but you can funnel Napoleon's personal funds into the army funds to spend more.

Number of Line Infantry: 37 Regiments - 39,950 Men - 1079 Men per regiment
Number of Chasseurs a pied Regiments: 12 Regiments - 6,572 Men - 540 Men per Regiment
Number of Guards: 1 Regiment - 777 Men - 777 Men per Regiment
Number of Federes (Militia): 16 Regiments - 12,492 Men - 780 Men per Regiment

Total Infantry (All types): 59,691 Men

Number of Heavy Cavalry: 15 Regiments - 10,200 Men - 680 Men per Regiment
Number of Hussars: 7 Regiments - 4930 Men - 704 Men per Regiment
Number of Dragoons: 8 Regiments - 5440 Men - 680 Men per Regiment
Number of Chasseurs a Cheval: 8 Regiments - 8,330 Men - 1041 Men per Regiment

Total Cavalry (All Types): 30,260 Men

1st Regiment of Artillery: 100 Guns (Army Artillery Batteries)

1st Corps of the Army of the North - Nicholas Davout.

- Cavalryman
- Genius
- Masterful Commander
- Churlish

l/2nd Infantry Regiment
2/5th Infantry Regiment
l/6th Infantry Regiment
l/,2/l2th Infantry Regiment
l/l3th Infantry Regiment
l/l4th Infantry Regiment
l/l5th Infantry Regiment
l/l6th Infantry Regiment
l/l7th Infantry Regiment
(9717 Line Infantry)

5th (Rhein) Grenadier Battalion
(777 Grenadiers)

lst Chasseur à Pied Bataillon
2nd Chasseur à Pied Bataillon
3rd Chasseur à Pied Bataillon
(1643 Light Infantry)

lst Cavalry Regiment
3rd Cavalry Regiment
(1360 Heavy Cavalry)

3rd Hussar Regiment
(704 Hussars)

2nd Dragoon Regiment
(680 Dragoons)

3rd Chasseur à Cheval Regiment
(1041 Chasseurs)

1st Regiment Artillery 25 guns

Total Infantry: 12,147 Men
Total Cavalry: 3,785
Total Guns: 25 Guns

2nd Corps of the Army of the North - Etienne MacDonald

- Logistician
- Very High Command Skill
- Disgraced (Close ties to Dumoriez mean he's out of favor with the government)
- Close to Moreau

l/l8th Infantry Regiment
l/l9th Infantry Regiment
l/, 2/22nd Infantry Regiment
2/24th Infantry Regiment
l/,2/25th Infantry Regiment
l/,2/36th Infantry Regiment
l/,2/38th Infantry Regiment
l/43rd Infantry Regiment
l/,2/45th Infantry Regiment

5th Chasseur à Pied Bataillon
9th Chasseur à Pied Bataillon
l0th Chasseur à Pied Bataillon

7th Cavalry Regiment
8th Cavalry Regiment

4th Hussar Regiment

3rd Dragoon Regiment

5th Chasseur à Cheval Regiment

1st Regiment Artillery 25 guns

Total Infantry: 11,370 Men
Total Cavalry: 3,785
Total Guns: 25 Gun

3rd Corp of the Army of the North - Jean Baptiste Bernadotte

- Infantry Commander
- Brave
- Churlish (High chance of feuding)
- Slow (Movement speed, not intelligence)
- High Command Skill

l/47th Infantry Regiment
l/,2/49th Infantry Regiment
l/54th Infantry Regiment
l/,2/56th Infantry Regiment
l/58th Infantry Regiment
l/62nd Infantry Regiment
l/67th Infantry Regiment
l/68th Infantry Regiment
l/7lst Infantry Regiment

l4th Chasseur à Pied Bataillon
2lst Chasseur à Pied Bataillon
23rd Chasseur à Pied Bataillon

l6th Cavalry Regiment
l7th Cavalry Regiment

5th Hussar Regiment

6th Dragoon Regiment

6th Chasseur à Cheval Regiment

1st Regiment Artillery 25 guns

Total Infantry: 11,370 Men
Total Cavalry: 3,785
Total Guns: 25 Guns

4th Corp of the Army of the North - Jean Baptiste Jourdan

- Good Command Skill
- Veteran
- Well liked by the men

l/78th Infantry Regiment
2/8lst Infantry Regiment
l/,2/83rd Infantry Regiment
l/,2/89th Infantry Regiment
l/,2/90th Infantry Regiment
l/94th Infantry Regiment
l/,2/98th Infantry Regiment
l/l02nd Infantry Regiment
l/,2/l04th Infantry Regiment

24th Chasseur à Pied Bataillon
28th Chasseur à Pied Bataillon
32nd Chasseur à Pied Bataillon

20th Cavalry Regiment
2lst Cavalry Regiment

6th Hussar Regiment

7th Dragoon Regiment

l3th Chasseur à Cheval Regiment

1st Regiment Artillery 25 guns

Total Infantry: 11,370 Men
Total Cavalry: 3,785
Total Guns: 25 Guns

1st Fédéré Corp of the Army of the North - Jean Marie Antoine Defrance

- Mediocre Command Skill
- Cavalryman
- Good at defending/rearguard

2nd Fédéré National Battalion
3rd Fédéré National Battalion
4th Fédéré National Battalion
5th Fédéré National Battalion
6th Fédéré National Battalion
7th Fédéré National Battalion
8th Fédéré National Battalion
9th Fédéré National Battalion
6,250 Men

25th Cavalry Regiment
680 Men

8th Hussar Regiment
704 Men
l2th Dragoon Regiment
680 Men
l6th Chasseur à Cheval Regiment
1041 Men
1st Regiment Artillery 10 guns

Total Infantry: 6,250 Men
Total Cavalry: 3105 Men
Total Guns: 10

2nd Fédéré Corp of the Army of the North - Guillaume Marie Anne Brune

- Mediocre Command Skill
- Politically Connected
- Looter

l0th Fédéré National Battalion
llth Fédéré National Battalion
l2th Fédéré National Battalion
l3th Fédéré National Battalion
l4th Fédéré National Battalion
l5th Fédéré National Battalion
l6th Fédéré National Battalion
l7th Fédéré National Battalion

27th Cavalry Regiment

9th Hussar Regiment

l3th Dragoon Regiment

l7th Chasseur à Cheval Regiment

1st Regiment Artillery 10 guns

Total Infantry: 6,250 Men
Total Cavalry: 3105 Men
Total Guns: 10

1st Cavalry Corps of the Army of the North - Louis-Andre Bon

- Cavalryman
- Brave
- Medium Command Skill

28th Cavalry Regiment
6th Cavalry Regiment
l3th Cavalry Regiment
l9th Cavalry Regiment
522nd Cavalry Regiment
3,400 Men

l0th Hussar Regiment
704 Men

20th Dragoon Regiment
Dragons de la Manche
1,360 Men

2lst Chasseur à Cheval Regiment
23rd Chasseur à Cheval Regiment
2,082 Men

lst Carabinier Regiment
2nd Carabinier Regiment
1,360 Men

Total Cavalry: 8906 Men

Armée du Nord Stats:

Army Morale: 20%
Army Food: 30%
Army Ammunition: 40%

Area of Operations - Strategic Situation:


Mud season - Snow hasn't begun to fall yet, but will soon. Temperatures are low, and the ground is a muddy slush. (Minor attrition from weather if marching - movement speed of armies is slowed.

Known Enemy Forces:

British Expeditionary Force - 8,000-40,000 Men (Low Intelligence)
Hanoverian/Allied German/Condé (French Emigré) Force - 5,000-25,000 Men (Low Intelligence)
Austrian Force: 30,000-85,000 Men (Low Intelligence)

Known Enemy Fortresses/Fortified positions:

N/A (Low Intelligence)

Known Enemy Supply Situation:

N/A (Low Intelligence)

Enemy Commanders:

Second son of King George III of Britain. A fairly experienced field commander, albeit one without a particularly glorious record. This is his first command as a full general.

Unknown (Low Intelligence)

Unknown (Low Intelligence)

A prince of the Holy Roman Empire, with experience fighting in the Seven Years War, and against the Turks in the Russo-Ottoman War.


N/A (Low Intelligence)


N/A (Low Intelligence)

??? (Due to lack of intel, you're not sure who's commanding this force)


N/A (Low Intelligence)



[] Spend more time on the army: Convert your action points into dice
[] Write in: How many points you convert
Cost: Free
DC: 0 (Instant)

[] Put your own funds into the army: The army isn't well enough funded for a campaign. Until you can acquire more funding, you might want to sacrifice some of your own wealth for the good of the troops.
[] Write in: How much money you transfer into Army Wealth
Cost: Free
DC: 0 (Instant)
[] Embezzle funds: You need money too. Use your privileged position over the army's finances to take some for yourself.
[] Write in: How much money you 'appropriate'
Cost: Free
DC: 50 (Subterfuge/Intelligence Roll)

[] Petition for more funding (0/300): The army simply needs more cash if you're going to fix its problems. Petition the National Convention for aid.
[] Write in: Do you call upon your connections to help? (Available political connections: Grace Elliot, St Just)
Cost: 0
Reward: More army funds

[] Petition to invade now (0/50): Moreau intends to launch his invasion next year, at the beginning of campaign season (March). You think that the invasion should begin earlier, before the Coalition has time to prepare. If you sacrifice your own prep time, and the troops have to march through the winter, so be it.
Cost: 0
Reward: The offensive begins at the conclusion of this turn.

[] Petition to delay the offensive (0/50) The army isn't in a fit state for a campaign, and you're not sure it will be in time. Talk to Moreau and see if you can get him to agree to delay the offensive.
Cost: 0
Reward: The offensive begins in June, rather than March

[] Assemble a general staff (0/150): You're doing the work of assembling nearly 100,000 men on your own. No matter how hard you work, it's just not feasible. Hire and transfer gifted subordinates to help you.
Cost: 5
Reward: Napoleon gains a general staff office to help him with administrative duties. (Bonus to several rolls)

[] Assemble a courier system (0/150): As it stands, each corps, regiment and company leader is appointing his own couriers and dispatching them at their own leisure. This system isn't just inefficient, but makes the army vulnerable to miscommunication. Redesign the army's communications so that the couriers work directly for you, with a paper trail of which messages were sent, when and by whom.
Cost: 5
Reward: The army gains a cohesive courier system, and the risk of orders being delivered late or not delivered at all is severely lessened.

[] Get to know your fellow officers (0/30): Generals are as human as anyone else, with individual quirks, skills and especially egos. Getting to know the officers can help you identify problems before they happen.
Cost: 0
Reward: Napoleon gets a small reputation boost with the officers in the army. Napoleon becomes aware of any feuds or disagreements within the army that might hamper coordination. Actions become unlocked next turn to deal with officer feuds (if any exist)

[] Develop a battle plan for the campaign (0/100): Moreau is in the process of formulating his strategy for the campaign, but grand strategy is also a role for the Chief of Staff. You might want to formulate a plan to show to the commander in chief.
Cost: 0
Reward: Moreau adopts your plan for the invasion. Bonus to combat rolls when units are carrying out orders according to the plan.
[] Write in: The plan

QM Note: I will be giving bonuses based on how detailed your plan is. Note that you have 4 Corps, 2 Reserve Corps and a Cavalry Corps, and your OOB lets you move them all individually. It's not mandatory, but if you use a map and have graphics representing your units, I'll give you another bonus to reward the effort. There are also bonuses for high reputation with Moreau

[] Coordinate with the Army of the Ardennes (0/75): The Army of the Ardennes, positioned to the right of your army, is also poised to invade the Austrian Netherlands through the East. If you can convince Francisco de Miranda - commander of that army - to move in coordination with Moreau, you might both be able to more effectively strike your enemy's weak points.
Cost: 1
Reward: The Army of the Ardennes will act in coordination with your army, and the two forces will be able to perform hammer and anvil attacks, oblique order attacks, etc.

[] Send troops scouting (0/75): Your intel is...lacking. Send out reconnaissance in force to scout out the terrain, enemy locations and strength.
Cost: 3
Reward: You gain more intelligence on the enemy's numbers, locations and positions. Potential bonuses to combat rolls.

[] Hire spies (0/100): Where scouting can get you certain types of intelligence, hiring agents to infiltrate your enemy's force can provide types of intel that no scout can acquire
Cost: 5
Reward: You gain intelligence on the enemy's plans, dispositions, leader traits and other variable info . Potential bonuses to combat rolls.

[] Investigate the revolutionary movements (0/100): The United Provinces had their own uprising, modelled on the French Revolution, but were suppressed and exiled. Liaise with the revolutionaries both in France and in hiding in the United Provinces to determine whether they might be useful to your cause.
Cost: 2
Reward: You gain intelligence on the state of the Batavian Revolution. Actions Unlocked focusing on using them.

[] Purchase detailed maps of the area (0/25): Your men know the terrain quite well already due to having served there, but detailed maps showing geographical features and small settlements will still provide you an operational edge.
Cost: 3
Reward: You gain intelligence on the geography. Bonus to combat rolls in the area of operations.

[] Buy herds of cattle (0/30): The army requires a large variety of foods to function. Buy some cows to ensure a steady supply of beef.
Cost: 5
Reward: Increase to Army food supplies

[] Secure Legumes (0/25): The army requires a large variety of foods to function. Ensure the men have a steady supply of vegetables.
Cost: 3
Reward: Modest increase to army food supplies

[] Buy herds of sheep (0/30): The army requires a large variety of foods to function. Ensure the men have a steady supply of mutton - sheep will also provide wool to help repair uniforms and keep the men warm in the winter months.
Cost: 5
Reward: Modest increase to army food supplies, small increase to army morale

[] Buy Rice (0/25): The army requires a large variety of foods to function. Ensure the men are provided with rice.
Cost: 3
Reward: Modest increase to army food supplies

[] Buy Brandy, Wine and Hard Spirits (0/25): Soldiers like to drink - a lot. Make sure they have plenty of liquor.
Cost: 3
Reward: Tiny increase to army food supplies, increase to army morale

[] Purchase Leather Boots (0/50): Many of the infantry have come to the battlefield wearing wooden clogs, thin city shoes, or even barefoot - This will be disastrous when marching hundreds of miles. Requisition proper boots for the infantry that will hold up longer.
Cost: 5
Reward: Increase to Army Morale, Bonus to the effectiveness of infantry

[] Buy Timber (0/25): Artillery is nothing without the gun carriages to carry them. Buy some timber which your artilerymen can fashion into replacement carriages.
Cost: 3
Reward: Bonus to the effectiveness of artillery

[] Purchase replacement mounts (0/30): Your cavalry arm is probably the least under-equipped force, with each cavalryman having at least one horse. A single horse isn't sufficient, however, for a campaign. Replacement mounts will be able to keep your cavalry in the fight when their horses tire or are shot out from under them.
Cost: 3
Reward: Bonus to the effectiveness of cavalry

[] Commission more lead shot (0/50): Your infantry don't have the balls for sustained combat - lead balls, that is. Hundreds of thousands of new rounds will need to be forged.
Cost: 5
Reward: Increase to Army Ammunition, Bonus to Infantry effectiveness

[] Commission more round and canister shot (0/50): With your taste for artillery, you won't be surprised if the army fires several hundred rounds in the first battle. You need to make sure there's enough rounds for the cannon.
Cost: 5
Reward: Increase to Army Ammunition, Bonus to Artillery Effectiveness

[] Purchase Shrapnel Shells (0/50): It's been less than a decade since Henry Shrapnel invented the exploding shrapnel shell, but the new technology has already proven its worth on the battlefield.
Cost: 3
Reward: Bonus to artillery effectiveness

[] Purchase Rifles (0/50): The rifled musket is often disparaged by French military command due to its high cost and low reload speed, but the tradeoff is that they can be fired more accurately than any smoothbore. There aren't enough rifles in France to outfit and entire army - and the cost would be too prohibitive even if there were, but you could get your hands on a few hundred and outfit a few chasseur companies as riflemen, who could rain down deadly shots at officers and men from too far away to be in danger of return fire.
Cost: 5
Reward: Bonus to infantry effectiveness

[] Establish standards of military justice: Each commander and individual army has their own limits for what behaviour will be tolerated from the men. Make it well known among the rank and file what amount of looting and mayhem is allowed.
[] Write in: How much looking is tolerated:
Cost: 0
Reward: Increase/Decrease to army morale, increase/decrease to public order in occupied territory

QM Note: If the army isn't well fed, they will loot regardless

[] Designate provosts (0/50): Military justice is pointless if no one is there to enforce it. Transfer some cavalrymen to provost battalions to enforce the law punish those who break it.
Cost: 2
Reward: Desertion less likely, Unauthorised looting less likely

[] Establish a camp follower system (50/200): On Sardinia, you created a formalised camp follower system, where discipline and morale were both preserved by hiring the camp followers and instituting a pass system for troops to go to the merchants or the brothel. The success of your system has encouraged you to repeat the idea on a larger scale.
Cost: 7
Reward: Large increase to morale, Several points of army funds refunded every turn

[] Hire musicians (0/50): Musicians playing and singing revolutionary songs will enflame the patriotism of the troops, increasing their morale.
Cost: 2
Reward: Increase to morale

[] Show yourself among the troops (0/100): The chief of staff isn't generally seen that much by the rank and file. To prevent your star from fading, you plan to show yourself amongst the men, asking about their welfare and helping them with little issues. Though on the surface a generous act, this will ensure the men associate you, rather than Moreau, with the army's success.
Cost: 1
Reward: Chance to increase army reputation with each armee du nord action, small chance to increase general reputation with each armee du nord action, the army begins to become more personally loyal to you...

[] Train the men (0/100): Training is the responsibility of individual unit commanders, not you, but you can take a hands-off approach to training by providing the resources necessary for large scale drills of the entire army.
Cost: 5
Reward: Training of the army increases, bonus to combat rolls, decrease to army ammunition and food

You still have a battalion of national guardsmen at your personal disposal. You should choose what to do with them:

Choose One (Free):

[] Send them into one of the corps: Your Sardinian veterans are good soldiers. They'll serve well on the front lines

[] Have them defend army headquarters: Three and a half thousand muskets would blunt any attempted strike by the foe against the head of the army.

[] Have them act as your personal bodyguard: Much the same as the second option - with the difference being that if you leave camp, the national guardsmen will follow

[] Keep them in the rear: You'll have your guardsmen patrol the supply lines of the army as it marches. The unit isn't large enough to stop a major attack in the rear, but it's more than large enough to hamper bandits and raiders trying to disrupt the supply chain.

[] Keep them near Paris: Having some loyal men close to the capital could prove...Useful.

Political Actions:

- High Reputation
- Marseilles National Guard

Sections controlled:

- N/A

Political Allies (Who've agreed to join you in a conspiracy):

- N/A

Chance of succeeding in a coup:


[] Debate the Levee en Masse Policy: The conscription debate is one of the most important topics in the Republic. Your voice carries enough weight now that you could sway public opinion with a public speech.
DC: 60
[] Write in: Your position (Should mass conscription be imposed, or would the economic damage be too much?)
Reward: Sway in public opinion to your view, Political influence increases

[] Debate the Constitution: The role of the president is one of the most important topics in the Republic. Your voice carries enough weight now that you could sway public opinion with a public speech.
DC: 60
[] Write in: Your position (How much power should the French president hold?)
Reward: Sway in public opinion to your view, Political influence increases

[] Debate the Law of Suspects: The rights of accused traitors are a controversial topic in the Republic. Your voice carries enough weight now that you could sway public opinion with a public speech.
DC: 60
[] Write in: Your position (Should accused traitors get fair trials, or should the path to the guillotine be expedited?)
Reward: Sway in public opinion to your view, Political influence increases

[] Make a speech in one of the sections: Paris is divided into 48 separate 'Sections'. Officially, the Sections are just administrative regions, but each has its own small government and sans-culotte militia force, all of which owe loyalty to different revolutionary factions. If you want power in Paris, getting the sections on-side is one of the ways to do it.
DC: 60
Reward: You gain control over one of the sections of Paris, for use as a base of operations and source of power. You gain access to a sans-culotte militia unit, Political influence increases, actions unlocked

[] Approach a connection: You have several friends, but few actual allies. Visit someone you know and subtly float the idea of them joining you in some kind of mischief, to see how they react.
[] Write in: Who you approach
DC: Depends on the personality of the person, and your reputation with them
Reward: Gain guaranteed allies who will help you in any attempt to overthrow or defend the government

[] Resign from the army and run for a seat in the Convention:
DC: 0
Reward: Military actions become locked, Unlocks election actions

[] Announce your eligibility: Romance and the pleasures of the flesh mean little to you, but a strategic marriage or relationship could be helpful in advancing your career
DC: ???
Reward: Discover available matches, unlocks courting actions

Espionage Actions:

[] Establish a spy network in Paris:
Children, soldiers, servants, the sans-culottes. All of them have eyes and ears, and can be very attentive if you pay them.
Cost: 5
DC: 80 (Lower if you've completed the Armee du Nord spy action)
Reward: Unlocks Spying Actions

Omake Rewards (You can add the bonus onto whichever roll you wish - either write that you're adding the bonus into a plan you write, or post that you're adding it to a roll in someone else's plan. If the plan you're adding the bonus to doesn't win the vote, don't worry - you can transfer your bonus to a roll in the winning vote, or withdraw the bonus and reuse it in a later turn):

Bonapartist: 1x +10
AvidFicReader: 2x +10

QM Note; Add in some planquest stuff, he said. It'll only add a thousand words or so to the wordcount, he said...

QM Note: Like everything else in the quest, the way I've done the mechanics for the Army of the North is experimental, so let me know if you have questions, concerns, or just don't vibe with it. Feel free to suggest more actions (Just in case there weren't enough already, lol).

QM Note: Not all the connections are written up on the Connection page yet. Nonetheless, consider anyone who Napoleon has met who's gotten a picture as a connection - and a valid target for any action which requires you to write in a person.
Last edited:
I think we really need to spend significant additional personal actions on the Army, this is our first really big command and it's going to need a huge amount of work.
[] Research Industry: For the creator of an industrial investment firm, you don't really know that much about industry. You should hit the books and tour some workshops to get a better sense of which businesses are likely to succeed or fail
[] Establish a spy network in Paris: Children, soldiers, servants, the sans-culottes. All of them have eyes and ears, and can be very attentive if you pay them.
I'd like to do these very much.
Would actions in Belgium lead to a revival of this?
Napoleon would probably have to help with the creation of the new consitution, because he already has experience.
He would be part of the founding fathers of 2 republics then.

A small question:


Will you mention and go about the complex history of the area Belgium for the time or would you just keep that stuff in the background? (Trust me if you research about it my countries history is a rabbit hole with how many times we changed hands, how many conflicts between larger states happened in the country even before the time of the setting and don't even get me started on the level of regionalism that goes so hard that you even shit on people with a different regional dialect (or even a variant of the dialect) to this day.)

A few ideas:
-The old Historical Flanders area being pro British due to the historic cloth trade.
-The Walloons around Herstal being known for their weapon making (Apparently the Swedes imported Walloons to help make cannons at one point)
-The good old language problems. Go wild with this one. (communication and misunderstanding could even happen between the French and Walloons since their own regional dialects/language variants weren't so endangered back then.)
-The regional rivalries between the cities
-A decent amount of militia in the more "urbanised" parts that maybe could be used.

-suggestions other people can drop or expand on the previous points.
The fate of Belgium, assuming the campaign is successful, will absolutely be influenced by you guys.

I'm no expert on the many countries involved in this period, so I'm very happy to take advice and suggestions. I'm definitely always happy to add historical details as flavour. Thanks so much for those tips :)
A question, @Tjf.

About our National Guard. If we send them to the army (like guard the HQ), do we still have to provide them with accommodations or will they be added to the army's payroll and resources in the field?