The Young Eagle - A Napoleon Quest

[X] Go to Paris. Paris is the beating heart of France, and it's from there that decisions are made that shape the fate of all Europe. Being in Paris will allow you to have a front row seat for the momentous events to come, and even get involved. Only in Paris can you meet and make connections with the most important people in the country. On the other hand, in Paris, you'll be just one junior officer among many. (Unlocks Paris influence mechanics)
Also QM, can you put the rolls in bold or a more noticeable spot? scrolled past the quote and didn't see the result, so when I saw it saw it say "destiny will not allow you to die" I thought we already used the destiny point re roll
No problem. Yeah, sorry, that was Napoleon's inner monologue, but I can see how it came off like that.
Yeah its good, Napoleon is the man who will rule the universe and all that. Although, with our 3 valor we are a bit off from doing that and with our current stats we'd be better off making drafts of the Code and make people disappear in the night. Any word on what OTL Napoleon would look like at this or any point?
Yeah its good, Napoleon is the man who will rule the universe and all that. Although, with our 3 valor we are a bit off from doing that and with our current stats we'd be better off making drafts of the Code and make people disappear in the night. Any word on what OTL Napoleon would look like at this or any point?
True, though there's time to upgrade his stats, and his Mathematical Genius trait gives him a bonus to all military rolls.

If we're talking stats, I'd say OTL Napoleon at this point would have less Intelligence, and more valor. Very little charisma and charm - he seems to have been quite an awkward youth for a while before having a late bloom in his mid twenties that turned him into the charismatic leader we all know.

OTL Napoleon would probably have low charm for the entire quest - there are at least as many people who knew him personally who hated his guts as those who liked him. Subterfuge would probably be fairly low as well - 18 Brumaire wasn't a particularly subtle or well planned coup, and mostly worked because the Directory was incompetent, rather than Napoleon being some brilliant plotter.
I'd say it'd increased during his Consul and Emperor Years, managing to hide his entire Grande Armeé and strategical motives isn't a small feat..and the fact he kept doing it says a lot of his later subterfuge before the 100 days campaign.
Fair point. Overall, it's a little difficult to gameify Napoleon's talents. As a human being, he was a little OP.
[X] Go to Paris. Paris is the beating heart of France, and it's from there that decisions are made that shape the fate of all Europe. Being in Paris will allow you to have a front row seat for the momentous events to come, and even get involved. Only in Paris can you meet and make connections with the most important people in the country. On the other hand, in Paris, you'll be just one junior officer among many. (Unlocks Paris influence mechanics)
[X] Stay in Ajaccio. If your national guardsmen are to be used in this upcoming expedition to Sardinia, staying here a few extra months will give you precious time to train them. Besides, your family's position on Corsica is still very shaky, and getting involved with local politics could be the difference between having a Corsican power base, and having your family evicted from the island - Paoli's nephew in particular seems quite hopeful that you'll leave, which hardly bodes well. (Unlocks Corsica influence mechanics)
You know I think the guys who are voting for staying in corsica didnt read this bit

Supply - Severely Underequipped (Pikes, axes, pistols, even a few ancient matchlocks. Modern muskets are few and far between.)

Like sure if we chose to vote for saying we were Corsican over French or even considered the option back for the school vote to stay in touch with our family I would get it, but suddenly staying here and trying to consolidate our families position doesn't make much sense or seem like it'll pay off. The difference of trying to get specialty equipment in a hamlet vs in a large city ya know?

What does seem like it will pay off is using our three best stats to mingle and get connections with the who who of Paris and the revolution and see if we can get some more recent guns in our hands.

The ominous last line of the vote would be a lot more threatening if we had some reason for caring about Corsica and our families home besides the fact that its our families home
[X] Go to Paris. Paris is the beating heart of France, and it's from there that decisions are made that shape the fate of all Europe. Being in Paris will allow you to have a front row seat for the momentous events to come, and even get involved. Only in Paris can you meet and make connections with the most important people in the country. On the other hand, in Paris, you'll be just one junior officer among many. (Unlocks Paris influence mechanics)
[X] Go to Paris. Paris is the beating heart of France, and it's from there that decisions are made that shape the fate of all Europe. Being in Paris will allow you to have a front row seat for the momentous events to come, and even get involved. Only in Paris can you meet and make connections with the most important people in the country. On the other hand, in Paris, you'll be just one junior officer among many. (Unlocks Paris influence mechanics)

He went to Paris, looking for answers to questions that bothered him so
[X] Go to Paris. Paris is the beating heart of France, and it's from there that decisions are made that shape the fate of all Europe. Being in Paris will allow you to have a front row seat for the momentous events to come, and even get involved. Only in Paris can you meet and make connections with the most important people in the country. On the other hand, in Paris, you'll be just one junior officer among many. (Unlocks Paris influence mechanics)

As much as I'm all for this, I am somewhat disappointed that we're basically retreading OTL so far. I'm someone who's in quests like these for the butterflies that we can cause by going ahistorical and off OTL rails. It's just a minor complaint, though, and I'll still enjoy this quest. :)
[X] Go to Paris. Paris is the beating heart of France, and it's from there that decisions are made that shape the fate of all Europe. Being in Paris will allow you to have a front row seat for the momentous events to come, and even get involved. Only in Paris can you meet and make connections with the most important people in the country. On the other hand, in Paris, you'll be just one junior officer among many. (Unlocks Paris influence mechanics)
To be fair, not doing the historical options (so far at least) would mean we either sign our death warrant in the future or just be irrelevant for a while.
Eh... This is a quest, so I'm not quite sure on that part since anything can happen, but I can see your point.

Also, @Tjf, you forgot to add the +5 Charisma to Napoleon. We really got lucky with that 91, didn't we?
[X] Go to Paris. Paris is the beating heart of France, and it's from there that decisions are made that shape the fate of all Europe. Being in Paris will allow you to have a front row seat for the momentous events to come, and even get involved. Only in Paris can you meet and make connections with the most important people in the country. On the other hand, in Paris, you'll be just one junior officer among many. (Unlocks Paris influence mechanics)
As much as I'm all for this, I am somewhat disappointed that we're basically retreading OTL so far. I'm someone who's in quests like these for the butterflies that we can cause by going ahistorical and off OTL rails. It's just a minor complaint, though, and I'll still enjoy this quest. :)
I assure you, the potential to go completely off the rails historically is there - the alt history aspect is what motivated me to start the quest in the first place. Going to Paris or staying in Corsica will both grant y'all options to deviate from history, and the changes will only snowball from there. The past few posts were all prologue - the quest is only really starting now.

Eh... This is a quest, so I'm not quite sure on that part since anything can happen, but I can see your point.

Also, @Tjf, you forgot to add the +5 Charisma to Napoleon. We really got lucky with that 91, didn't we?
Noted. I'm going to bed, but I'll edit it in the morning. The DC wasn't too high for that roll (like the very professional and experienced QM I am, I forgot to post what the DC actually was :D ) , but it was definitely a good roll, not quite a crit, though.
[X] Stay in Ajaccio. If your national guardsmen are to be used in this upcoming expedition to Sardinia, staying here a few extra months will give you precious time to train them. Besides, your family's position on Corsica is still very shaky, and getting involved with local politics could be the difference between having a Corsican power base, and having your family evicted from the island - Paoli's nephew in particular seems quite hopeful that you'll leave, which hardly bodes well. (Unlocks Corsica influence mechanics)
rails historically is there

1. Not going for Josephine out of spite of the new movie is there.
2. Somehow, Napoleon creates the Dreysle-Needle Gun and other Innovations (There was that one SI Prussia story that used Balloons looking over the battlefield and going back-and-forth with the Prussian Commanders with Morse Code and lamps, Railroads, etc. Preferable for Napoleon to not innovate everythng and allow his subjects and soldiers to innovate along with him).
3. La Grande Armee uses Prussian Squad Tactics to swiftly collapse the enemy forces.
4. Napoleon can create Kriegspiel.
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1. Not going for Josephine out of spite of the new movie is there.
There's also the fact that Napoleon is aromantic(I think?) in this quest, so he won't go simping for a politically-unimportant widower who embarrasses him by being a cheater and is a good amount of years older than him. We'll have plenty of women with better pedigrees to court, anyways.

Also, Vanessa Kirby was a bad choice to play Josephine. Not because Kirby is untalented, of course, but because she looks and is younger than Joaquin Phoenix. Jodie Foster would have unironically been a better casting choice.
Can we not talk about that disappointment of a movie i went to the theater to watch it expecting a movie about his glory, his majesty, his tactical brilliance,his arogance against foreign powers not his oversimping of Josephine. The movie should have been called "Josephine in the eyes of Napoleon" or something
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I dunno what you guys are talking about, I saw the Napolean movie recently and thought it was great, even saw it for free too. Don't know why people are saying it's bad


Dang it, it's been copyright striked for me. :V

But yeah, Waterloo is an absolute treat of a movie, and it treats Napoleon with the respect he deserves. Helps that Rod Steiger and Christopher Plummer smash their respective performances of Napoleon and Wellington out of the park. :D
Favorite part, rather parts, of the movie is when he gets defeated. Like this man was the master of Europa, he doesn't lose, he can't right? When he does in the beginning he just stops and visibly thinks and goes through everything he's done and thinks "What could I have done". He's done, defeated, and gives his great speech to the old guard before he leaves.

Fast forward to his defeat at waterloo (spoilers!) he just goes full downfall mode and rejects reality and has to be dragged away by his men and staff to get away before the British arrive. Like, it didn't show him after that, but you know he was just dead inside. There is nothing after that, no coming back, no grand reappearance, just what ifs.
[] Find your gaze drifting away from men and women alike. You're happy to see your comrades are enjoying themselves, but such attractions mean nothing to you. (No romance will occur in the quest - though political marriages will still be available)

Scheduled vote count started by Tjf on Dec 6, 2023 at 12:27 AM, finished with 76 posts and 39 votes.

  • [X] Plan serious Napoleon
    -[X] As a Frenchman - Corsica has its charms, but only by seeing the vastness and refinement of France have you realised how small your home island is, how backwards it is. The future, your future, is clearly in France, and that's how you'll identify yourself.
    -[X] Political Science - Overblown stories of history bore you. What interests you is the real world, the way power really works, and the kinds of things that go on behind the closed doors of Versailles. Your copies of Machiavelli's The Prince and Plato's Republic are worn from frequent cover to cover reads, and you constantly have to refrain from annoying your friends with cynical remarks. (+5 Subterfuge, +3 Intelligence, Gain Trait - Cynic)
    -[X] Business - Your family is, to put it bluntly, dirt poor. Business isn't exactly an honorable profession for a noble, but even on Corsica you've seen the bourgeois grow fabulously wealthy through sound investments and global trade. If this whole military thing doesn't work out, maybe coin could be a better way of achieving your destiny than lead? (+5 Subterfuge, +3 Charm, Gain Trait - Businessman)
    -[X] Studied your ass off - Other students may have laughed at you for keeping your nose stuck in books all the time, but you remembered that you'd been sent here for a purpose. To achieve your destiny, you needed to learn as much as humanly possible. (+5 Intelligence, can take a second school subject, gaining another trait, but not the stat points.)
    -[X] La Fere Regiment D'Artillerie - An artillery regiment, hmm? Yes, with your mathematics scores, that makes sense. (Gain Trait - Gunner)
    -[X] Find your gaze drifting away from men and women alike. You're happy to see your comrades are enjoying themselves, but such attractions mean nothing to you. (No romance will occur in the quest - though political marriages will still be available)
    [x] Plan Revolutionary general
    [X] Plan: Ocean Bounty
    -[X] As a Frenchman - Corsica has its charms, but only by seeing the vastness and refinement of France have you realised how small your home island is, how backwards it is. The future, your future, is clearly in France, and that's how you'll identify yourself.
    -[X] Languages - As a soldier, and a nobleman, there's no telling where the winds of war and marriage might take you. You've poured your energy and time into perfecting the French you learned at Autun, and speak it with perfect grammar and no accent. With French down, you've also learned another language. (+5 Intelligence, +3 Charm, Gain Trait - Linguist, Choose one extra language besides French and Italian to be fluent in)
    --[X] Additional Language: Turkish
    -[X] Became the target of bullies - Determined not to let them victimise you, you learned how to brawl, and how to fight off your enemies even when they gang up on you. Hell, you kind of prefer when they come in a group, now - the more the merrier, you say as you crack your knuckles. (+5 Valor, Gain Trait - We happy few!)
    -[X] His Majesty's Ship of the Line Magnanime - Wait, what? Merde! Someone screwed up the paperwork again. You're not a sous-lieutenant in the army at all, you're a midshipman in the navy! Sorry to lose you, Buonaparte. (Gain Trait - Seaman)
    -[X] Would absolutely be among them if you weren't so tired. You're a sucker for a pretty girl. (Napoleon will have the option to initiate romances with female characters)
    [X] Plan: Emperor of the...Corsicans?
    -[X]As a Corsican, through and through - Try as they might to beat the 'backwards, almost pagan' Corsican manners out of you, the monks have failed to subdue the love you hold for your homeland. You'll learn French, and you'll live in France, if that's what fate has in store, but deep in your heart you think of yourself as Corsican, with an accent to match.
    -[X] Classics - Brienne has an extensive library, and you made use of it. You practically devoured the works of Homer and Virgil, as well as the biographies of Alexander and Caesar. Stories of ancient kings and leaders have taught you a little about how to lead, and made you a touch more refined. (+5 Charisma, +3 Intelligence, Gain trait - Classicist)
    -[X] Political Science - Overblown stories of history bore you. What interests you is the real world, the way power really works, and the kinds of things that go on behind the closed doors of Versailles. Your copies of Machiavelli's The Prince and Plato's Republic are worn from frequent cover to cover reads, and you constantly have to refrain from annoying your friends with cynical remarks. (+5 Subterfuge, +3 Intelligence, Gain Trait - Cynic)
    -[X] Studied your ass off - Other students may have laughed at you for keeping your nose stuck in books all the time, but you remembered that you'd been sent here for a purpose. To achieve your destiny, you needed to learn as much as humanly possible. (+5 Intelligence, can take a second school subject, gaining another trait, but not the stat points.)
    -[X] His Majesty's Ship of the Line Magnanime - Wait, what? Merde! Someone screwed up the paperwork again. You're not a sous-lieutenant in the army at all, you're a midshipman in the navy! Sorry to lose you, Buonaparte. (Gain Trait - Seaman)
    -[X] Would absolutely be among them if you weren't so tired. You're a sucker for a pretty girl. (Napoleon will have the option to initiate romances with female characters)
    [x] As a Frenchman - Corsica has its charms, but only by seeing the vastness and refinement of France have you realised how small your home island is, how backwards it is. The future, your future, is clearly in France, and that's how you'll identify yourself.
    [x] Political Science - Overblown stories of history bore you. What interests you is the real world, the way power really works, and the kinds of things that go on behind the closed doors of Versailles. Your copies of Machiavelli's The Prince and Plato's Republic are worn from frequent cover to cover reads, and you constantly have to refrain from annoying your friends with cynical remarks. (+5 Subterfuge, +3 Intelligence, Gain Trait - Cynic)
    [x] Befriended some poor boys - Sure, the snobs might look down upon you, but that in itself can be valuable. You've gotten to know Brienne's lowest social strata, the boys without fancy names or bank accounts, whose parents were only barely able to send them here in the first place. They treat you as one of their own, now. That's not too helpful in an absolute monarchy, but if some sort of Revolution were to break out... (+5 Charisma, Gain Trait - One of us!)
    [x] La Fere Regiment D'Artillerie - An artillery regiment, hmm? Yes, with your mathematics scores, that makes sense. (Gain Trait - Gunner)
    [x] Eye up the beauties of both genders. (Napoleon will have the option to initiate romances with characters of either gender.)
    [X] Plan: Man Against All the Odds
    -[X]As a Corsican, through and through - Try as they might to beat the 'backwards, almost pagan' Corsican manners out of you, the monks have failed to subdue the love you hold for your homeland. You'll learn French, and you'll live in France, if that's what fate has in store, but deep in your heart you think of yourself as Corsican, with an accent to match.
    -[X] Languages - As a soldier, and a nobleman, there's no telling where the winds of war and marriage might take you. You've poured your energy and time into perfecting the French you learned at Autun, and speak it with perfect grammar and no accent. With French down, you've also learned another language. (+5 Intelligence, +3 Charm, Gain Trait - Linguist, Choose one extra language besides French and Italian to be fluent in)
    --[X] Extra Fluent Language - German
    -[X] Became the target of bullies - Determined not to let them victimise you, you learned how to brawl, and how to fight off your enemies even when they gang up on you. Hell, you kind of prefer when they come in a group, now - the more the merrier, you say as you crack your knuckles. (+5 Valor, Gain Trait - We happy few!)
    -[X] Le Regiment De Saxe Hussars - A Hussar regiment, eh? Good luck commanding those Germans, they're a rowdy bunch. (Gain Trait - Cavalier)
    -[X] Find your gaze drifting more towards the men. (Napoleon will have the option to initiate romances with male characters - though political marriages with women are still available)
    [X] Plan: Finishing Theodore's Mission
    -[X]As a Corsican, through and through - Try as they might to beat the 'backwards, almost pagan' Corsican manners out of you, the monks have failed to subdue the love you hold for your homeland. You'll learn French, and you'll live in France, if that's what fate has in store, but deep in your heart you think of yourself as Corsican, with an accent to match.
    -[X] Classics - Brienne has an extensive library, and you made use of it. You practically devoured the works of Homer and Virgil, as well as the biographies of Alexander and Caesar. Stories of ancient kings and leaders have taught you a little about how to lead, and made you a touch more refined. (+5 Charisma, +3 Intelligence, Gain trait - Classicist)
    -[X] Business - Your family is, to put it bluntly, dirt poor. Business isn't exactly an honorable profession for a noble, but even on Corsica you've seen the bourgeois grow fabulously wealthy through sound investments and global trade. If this whole military thing doesn't work out, maybe coin could be a better way of achieving your destiny than lead? (+5 Subterfuge, +3 Charm, Gain Trait - Businessman)
    -[X] Studied your ass off - Other students may have laughed at you for keeping your nose stuck in books all the time, but you remembered that you'd been sent here for a purpose. To achieve your destiny, you needed to learn as much as humanly possible. (+5 Intelligence, can take a second school subject, gaining another trait, but not the stat points.)
    -[X] La Fere Regiment D'Artillerie - An artillery regiment, hmm? Yes, with your mathematics scores, that makes sense. (Gain Trait - Gunner)
    -[X] Eye up the beauties of both genders. (Napoleon will have the option to initiate romances with characters of either gender.)
    [X] Plan: Emperor of the...Corsicans?
    -[X]As a Corsican, through and through - Try as they might to beat the 'backwards, almost pagan' Corsican manners out of you, the monks have failed to subdue the love you hold for your homeland. You'll learn French, and you'll live in France, if that's what fate has in store, but deep in your heart you think of yourself as Corsican, with an accent to match.
    -[X] Classics - Brienne has an extensive library, and you made use of it. You practically devoured the works of Homer and Virgil, as well as the biographies of Alexander and Caesar. Stories of ancient kings and leaders have taught you a little about how to lead, and made you a touch more refined. (+5 Charisma, +3 Intelligence, Gain trait - Classicist)
    -[X] Became the target of bullies - Determined not to let them victimise you, you learned how to brawl, and how to fight off your enemies even when they gang up on you. Hell, you kind of prefer when they come in a group, now - the more the merrier, you say as you crack your knuckles. (+5 Valor, Gain Trait - We happy few!)
    -[X] La Fere Regiment D'Artillerie - An artillery regiment, hmm? Yes, with your mathematics scores, that makes sense. (Gain Trait - Gunner)
    -[X] Eye up the beauties of both genders. (Napoleon will have the option to initiate romances with characters of either gender.)

There's also the fact that Napoleon is aromantic(I think?) in this quest, so he won't go simping for a politically-unimportant widower who embarrasses him by being a cheater and is a good amount of years older than him. We'll have plenty of women with better pedigrees to court, anyways.

Also, Vanessa Kirby was a bad choice to play Josephine. Not because Kirby is untalented, of course, but because she looks and is younger than Joaquin Phoenix. Jodie Foster would have unironically been a better casting choice.
I mean that cause we voted for that