What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Really? Not related to the Eldar at all? Where does the Warp knowledge come from, is it like Fenris with the Space Wolves' Rune Priests?
Yes, and it comes from being old as balls and having some pull in the Warp from being so old. There's far more wacky stuff in 40k than a planet being self-aware without the knife-ears mucking about. Like the planet that's just a really obese guy.
[X] Piscariii's Graveyard
Yes, and it comes from being old as balls and having some pull in the Warp from being so old. There's far more wacky stuff in 40k than a planet being self-aware without the knife-ears mucking about. Like the planet that's just a really obese guy.

Wait, what?
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Yes, and it comes from being old as balls and having some pull in the Warp from being so old. There's far more wacky stuff in 40k than a planet being self-aware without the knife-ears mucking about. Like the planet that's just a really obese guy.
That's a demon world literally inside the Eye of Terror. It absolutely does not count.
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And when that first Ork Rokk smashed itself against the ground, dreams spread to those in Broken Promise capable of connecting to the Warp and the manifold dangers and promises it held. Dreams of craft and chant, rune and weave, rite and name. Dreams of a planet that loathed them for the crimes of their ancestors but knew they were willing to learn, listen, and make amends, slow as they are like all other forms of life.

We welcome you, earthdeirdre and earthwheat and earthtree as

honored guests, for you add great power to our ancient song--

planetfungus and planetworm and planetmind sing and play

here, and you are welcome among us."

You are the children of a dead planet, earthdeirdre, and this death we do not comprehend. We shall take you in, but may we ask this question--will we too catch the planetdeath disease?
Okay, I'm glad now the skip vote didn't win, this chapter was really interesting.

Thanks for writing and keep it up! :D

[X] Piscariii's Graveyard
Vote closed
943.M42 - Hatred Yet Burns
The Piscarians are God-Emperor-loving and faithful, hard-working, tithe-paying, honest souls working around the clock to ensure that, though they are Abhumans whose ancestors have strayed from the human form in some madness-induced insanity or other horrific reasoning too terrible to contemplate, the souls of their people are slowly, over generations, cleansed and purified so that their souls may be judged by the God-Emperor one after the other by their faith and work, rather than the sins they are born with in body and flesh.

Any insinuation that they are Xenos is heretical, treasonous, and to be reported to the nearest Arbite or Ecclesiarchical official for immediate correction and judgment of no less than ten years of harsh labor in a penal colony or one year of service in a penal battalion.

Although the bodies of the Homo Sapiens Scutum may be frightful to look upon, scaled as they are, and their legs and body morphology may not be as aligned to that of the blessed human form, they are nonetheless members of the human species, and faithful laborers under the graces and mercy of the God-Emperor and His Servants. By pick and shovel, with hoe and scythe, these men and women dutifully labor every day in their lives to deliver unto the God-Emperor his tithe and willingly donate enough to the local Shrine World of Katzan to raise the same from Decuma Tertius to Exactis Particular, a noble endeavor proving, beyond doubt, their commitment to the God-Emperor and their deliverance from the sins of their ancestors by His grace.

Though there are some of His subjects who do not see their labors and quiet faith that gives them the strength to deliver them as a condemnation to their own lack of fervor as pure humans, choosing, instead, to wallow in indulgences and the pleasures of the self over the labors of the many. Indeed, though settlements of pure humans exist on Piscariii's Fortress, those settlements are filled with rabble-rousers, Iconoclasts, liberals, criminals, apostates, deserters, and worse, and have always been the first port of call whenever a local Ecclesiarchical representative visited to deliver unto them the Judgement of the God-Emperor with the faithful natives of the world ready to aid His Servants without complaint nor lacking zeal.

It was hardly surprising then that those same settlements sought to deliver "righteous justice and vengeance" upon the Piscarians despite them being nothing more than tools wielded to burn out their corruption, depravity, and vices. A "righteous justice and vengeance" that, in all honesty, was more akin to them sitting in their towns and villages, armed with lasguns and an odd mortar, waving them threateningly at a juvenile Piscarian chucking the good book at them when bored or challenged to by their peers as proof of faith or daring.

Until 888.M42, when a trader from Gigachad took offense at the Abhumans living on the planet after mistaking them for Xenos, which they aren't, and provided the inhabitants with weapons, industries, and schematics to ferry out their justice in full.

War followed in all its terrible awesome glory, from the dead judging the living with glassy eyes to the children with missing limbs staring lifelessly as their guts were set upon by flies and scavengers.

Revenge followed, turning that wheel so well oiled by the blood of innocents, and the other riders were no more than a few steps behind, reaping what hatred had sown endlessly, again and again, without care or stay of hand.

It would have continued that way, perhaps until one side exterminated the other, perhaps until one side dominated the other, perhaps until a new side overthrew both, perhaps until there was nothing more to fight over. Still, it ended all the same: with the roar and crash of Ork Rokks falling upon their shared world, unleashing tidal waves of horrifying destruction upon the people, before the Orks came in their multitudes to holler and laugh in glee with Shootas, Boomsticks, and Deffguns aligned with the humans of this world like so many others before them.

Hatred is a funny thing. It burns. It burns beyond fire, beyond plasma, beyond anything that can put it out...but it does not burn endlessly unless fed.

Hatred yet burns on Fortress; it burns deep in the souls of the people and the soldiers in that forgotten world. Yet, hatred does not burn to kill each other's humanity, but to protect it.

There are many faults to charge man with, but let it never be said that they are unwilling to stay their hand when a greater monster than their fellow man needs to be slain.

Story Time:

(Skip to the Battle for Paradise.)
[] Klybessan's Speciality: Fried Shrooms
(Focus: Squid'n'kans, Runtherds, Killa Kans, Gun Krews, and oh, so many more...)
Nimus Sius, a planet in the Lathysius system, was, by the reckoning of its people, a planet abandoned by the gods, by the Emperor, by their race, and by all things good and proper in the universe.
That.... is quite the claim the make given the contenders in 40k and other planets do have that that condition, so lets see how this goes.

Settled in 031.M31, formed from the literal last dredges of a Great Crusade Colonisation Fleet, Nimus Sius was the last destination by people who had nothing else to do other than seek shelter from the madness of the Horus Heresy that had reached their ears, hoping to sit out whatever the outcome may be on the planet.

And, initially, it wasn't the worst plan these dredges could have devised. The planet was lush, easily capable of feeding the people with nutritious plants and animals and supporting a growing colony of a few hundred thousand colonists settling down. It was, therefore, not without some high hopes that the first City on the planet was named New Hope. The people there expanded into the mountains, valleys, plains, and rivers; boats traveled lakes and over oceans to explore and catch fish, while tractors tilled the lands, and construction machinery cut apart stone and forests to make way for streets, housing, and industry.
Of course there are Colonization fleets to colonize every rock they can find but then again this was before the Horus Hersey came about and the last dredges of the fleet trying to make due with what they had. Seemed like a Garden world and perfect candidate for colonization that would die over time considering how the Imperium does shit with the way they work and tax their worlds.

Today, nearly ten millennia later, the only traces of that hope which remain are the ruins outside Broken Promise, the renamed capital city after everything went to shit when the planet itself rose against the colonists. Nobody knows how, or why, but one day sickness started to spread. Rapidly. And if one was healed, cured, and a vaccine was developed, another plague popped up. But when it wasn't a sickness, then labor teams went missing. Hunters found themselves the hunted. Animals, once docile, became unruly and deadly, food poisonous, and water dangerous, and the less said about the stories spread about what happened to the fishing and exploration fleets, the better.

Nimus Sius may have tolerated them for a short while, but their people had crossed a line somewhere, somehow, and that knowledge that they were being punished for a sin graver than grave by the planet itself could not be stamped out by even the Ecclesiarchy with fire, brimstone, and hate.

The planet hated them, and the people who could not afford to leave had to endure its hate, year after year, decade after decade, from generation to generation.

Still, they learned. How much could be taken from the forests before hunters vanished? How many fish can be eaten before they attack and destroy the boats? What sacrifices must be made to keep more horrific illnesses away from their people?

To be a Sian is to know sacrifice and how to appease things beyond one's comprehension.
.... Okay, yet another big curveball thrown that would have been very strange and throw us for a loop if we focused on doing this sector instead of Voxx Primus.

So we got a living planet that fought back against the human colonists that overreached and took more then what it needed with all of this. It really was the planet fighting back against them.... this almost feels like classical Fae from mythos with how the planet turned against the colonists.

Still it ALSO fits the Imperium how they just viewed this as okay and might have taken people from the world for the Tithe because deathworld troops or the like. Humans do learn and adapt though, as shown by they learned the limits and stayed to them.

On the other hand, the Orks knew not of the planet's wrath. They knew not of the horrors slumbering at its command nor the dangers lurking in the air, the water, and the very soil from which the food grew. They only saw another planet with humies to krump and happily made landfall.

And when that first Ork Rokk smashed itself against the ground, dreams spread to those in Broken Promise capable of connecting to the Warp and the manifold dangers and promises it held. Dreams of craft and chant, rune and weave, rite and name. Dreams of a planet that loathed them for the crimes of their ancestors but knew they were willing to learn, listen, and make amends, slow as they are like all other forms of life.

Dreams of a planet that gave them tools to annihilate the void-born invaders because it knew that to fight one parasite...you sometimes had to infect them with another.
Yupppp, if the Planet thought there humans were annoying or disrespectful, it is going to HATE the Orks considering how they are. Along with Pyskers on there directing the planet's wrath and the planet unleashing the shit on Orks in full. It also explains why the planets aren't folding from the freebootas and free ranging elements of the WAAAAGH.

Okay so looking at the map of Macabre again. We Know of the Witch Cults on Hexee and how one of our priests went there and started another branch and interpretation of the Creed with him being able to rally the planet to action and stamping out any Chaos influence there, Gigachad was four major factions that were each completely independent logistically and manufacturing wise with Larger armies than any other in the Sub-Sector and able to give a good enough fight to draw in the Warboss of the WAAAAAAGH. Creteri had invenstive Anti-Orbital defenses scattered around that would give any invading fleet a surprise and down a lot of them and crash them onto the planet. Lathysuis was a living planet that would have fought back against anyone trying to plant down there and wasn't going to obey the rules and fought back against any development, I think Sophian Paradise was just fighting due to the orbitals and not too much there from what I could tell.

Barring Klybessan and Piscariii, we see alot of the gimmicks and hidden stuff in this Sub-sector that gives it the strange nature and land fitting to be 'Space Balkans' due to this. Imagine how it would have been if we expanded over here and had to deal with this ourselves, this wouldn't be a matter of SBG's and the number of ships and military strength, I think this would been more of a 'you need to spend this many Actions on it' sort of thing with trying to find a balance or deal with the problem there.

I wonder how the QM feels about this that the orks are the ones triggering it and not watching us stumble into these and having to deal with it?

OOC Info: Not a Maiden World, just a sapient planet.
Wait, its not a Maiden? huh, that was my first guess. At least we wouldn't have needed to worry about the Eldar coming out for this.
[X] Klybessan's Speciality: Fried Shrooms

Damn shame about not playing with Space Balkans. We really hopped onto the Hive too soon. Hopefully at least some of them will live. They sound fun!
[X] Klybessan's Speciality: Fried Shrooms

At this point let's just finish them out.

I think the real cost to Voxx was just that there's a sort of thread exhaustion from having a single issue dominate for so long.