What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

  • Total voters
[X] Plan: Prepare for the Ork invasion
-[X] [General] Construct Something
--[X] Void Industry III
--[X] Military Industry II
-[X] [Military] Raise A Specialised [Light/Medium] Infantry Unit - [Choose: Sabotage/Assault/Engineering/Demolition/Ogryn]
--[X] Medium Ogryn

[X] Plan: Raize Their Hell
-[X] [General] Construct Something
--[X] Void Industry III
-[X] [Chapter] Keep The New Blood Coming (0/4)
-[X] [Military] Raise A Specialised [Light/Medium] Infantry Unit - [Choose: Sabotage/Assault/Engineering/Demolition/Ogryn]
--[X] Medium Ogryn
Adhoc vote count started by Doccer on Feb 18, 2024 at 11:51 PM, finished with 52 posts and 35 votes.
Unit Development - Pharos-Pattern Assault Crawler - [Canon TBD]
I spent, honestly, to much time in what amounts to a shity custom unit that may never see the light if the QM says so, but still here you go and a little bit of lore to go with it.
The war machine known as the "Pharos-Pattern Assault Crawler" was comission to the Admech of the Candle Keppers by Chapter Master Chyron in preparation for the Ork attack on the horizon, originaly designed as a modified "Leman Russ Battle Tank" a blessing of from the Star Child saw that one of the expantion to the sattelite station that served as their home stumbled into the remains of a xeno war machine in a humanoid shape, while damaged beyond any repair, the xeno machine still delivered valuable information and the wisdom of the mechanicus along side the effort of the workers saw the first of the Pharos, named such for its roles as a linch pin in a battle line, was created.

Moving in four armored legs with feets composed of high-mobility rotation-spheres and equipped with a "Cleansing Flame-Array" in order to purify the area around itself, the Pharos was already a good weapons platform, but good its not enought for His Angels.

The adition of a small plasma generator, allowed it to be equipped with more armor and aditional weapons in the form of an "Anti-Air Las Battery" and a "Heavy Bolter Turret" but the most crucial weapon in this holy creation is the "Heavy Las Cannon" located on top of the HAvey Bolter sharing the turret.

Homever the Pharos is a desing born of the child-like industry of the station and vulnerabilities such as the exposed plasma generator and the powerfull but rudimentary "Command Vox-Sistem" it carries are flaws that hold back the design.
(Pictured below, the Pharos painted in traditional Lamenters colors)

Edit: should be working now

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[X] Plan: Not forgetting old acquaintances.

Kind of tired about not helping our xeno friends even if they'll probably get some attention when we can actually make the ships they requested. Like I get the Orks are an issue but Idk I just don't feel threatened by them
We just chose Kil'drabi perk for void ships. Let's make sure they won't pack it up and leave when shit hits the fan.
[X] Plan: Not forgetting old acquaintances.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Feb 18, 2024 at 8:54 AM, finished with 57 posts and 37 votes.
108.M42 - Woe, Ork Be Upon Ye
With nearly a century having passed after the Dark Priests were successfully destroyed by the then still nascent cult of the Star Child, led by Teeln, Prophet of the Star Child, the attention of the Council is finally turned from matters of existence and keeping their people alive, to the issues of living and giving their people comfort and luxuries that previous generations labored to attain for their successors.

One of the first issues tackled by the Council, and soon after that tackled by millions of laborers working in unceasing shifts for years in turn, are the matters of housing and logistics. Ramshackle and makeshift shelters are efficiently replaced block by block with hab-blocks created to a degree of comfort and sanitation that previously had taken great care for many labor units.

Now, millions live within cubes of 3x3x3 meters; a single person lives within one such cube, which is joined by nine others of its like into a flat rectangle. The middle three are turned over into a communal space for cooking, eating, and relaxing. At the same time, one of the cubes, typically next to the entrance, has its interior replaced with sanitation stations. Three of such levels are then placed atop each other and connected via a staircase, with the communal spaces in the middle of such a resulting hab-cube then usually individually organized as the labor units inhabiting them wish to, with shrines, relaxation spaces, communal caretaking services, and a place to sell food and drink to the streets the most common variants. These hab-cubes are then placed where sensible and needed and further assemble into massive constructions where tens of thousands live and assemble for work on the newly created public transport lines.

These transport lines zip and zoom throughout the station, transporting people, raw materials, finished products, and complicated machinery from every place that could need any combination of those four. These lines, created with a century of hindsight and hopefully millennia of foresight, have already led to a massive increase in the available free time of millions, with many people having to be held back from working those extra hours they gained with a much-reduced commute. As Teel, Prophet of the Star Child, says: "There is a time for work, and there is a time for rest. A weary body and a tired mind do not labor and praise the Star Child to their best."

Still, though thousands are left fumbling for things to do for several days whenever a line connects their homes to their place of work, thousands more are pretty happy that they can now move throughout the station within only a few hours instead of days.

The Military is quite happy too, as the expansion of the shipyards and the docks proceed at a fast pace, the labor units and their labor captains constructing and assembling both those and the new military manufactories seemingly working in a competition against each other, trying to see who will finish the quickest. A competition joined by the shipyard units, with the monitor defense fleet of the Candle Keepers quickly growing to ten light scouts and two heavy frigates, with the last of the trio and the skeleton of a light cruiser monitor already lain down.

Things are looking to proceed well and without difficulties!

There are difficulties.

Specifically, a distress call was sent out by the Kil'drabi at the tail-end of the decade when their sensors discovered the signatures of warp-emergence events happening near the system from the direction of the Ubraka system.

Typically, they would have looked at the ships emerging once the light hit them and promptly ignored it, only sending information that new vessels had entered the system, but those that had emerged were different.

According to the information we gave to them and the data they have, the ships that warped into the Droma system are the equivalent of two Light Cruisers, though even calling the amalgamations of scrap, metal, guns, engines, and ...fires that burn in space(?) that, would be an overstatement.

Still, even if these two ships are heavily damaged, they probably outweigh the entirety of any one SDF in the system, the Kil'drabi's singular, half-finished, generation ship included in this metaphor.

Now the question is, what should be done about them? The Kil'drabi request, though with some shame within their ambassador's voice, that they can attempt to aid any fight against the Orks with some fighters and local hastily re-assembled ship weaponry, but that would almost ensure that they are discovered by Droma III. The result would inevitably be the locals trying to "finish the job," as the conversion of the planet has not proceeded to the phase where a violent take-over would succeed in time. It would also tip off the local Imperial presence to our existence. Nevertheless, they would like to hide themselves, their industries, and ship components that are top-side and not hidden beneath the surface of the Frozen Moon. Attempting to choose a mix of both, fighting and hiding, would offer the advantages of neither due to the time and space constraints, as well as the local SDF slowly taking notice of the Orks.

As for the SDF, they have sent a request for aid to us, seeking to form a bulwark against the Orks around Droma IV as Droma VII is on the other side of the system and Droma III behind IV, meaning the Orks will have to slingshot past the planet to strike at their home. They bring to bear all their ships, five light defense monitors equipped with two torpedo tubes each, armed with six shots each, and two medium defense monitors fitted with a light macro-cannon broadside of two cannons on each side.

The obvious downside to this plan is that the Orks' path could see them barrel through the stars and stumble right over our home, and thus wreak havoc should they manage to land and start infecting the station with their spores. However, the station is armed heavily enough to destroy the ships on its own, but that leaves the possibility of boarding craft or shots infecting it nonetheless.

Our own SDF consists of ten light scout monitors equipped with a light lance turret and two heavy frigates armed with two light missile turrets, two torpedo tubes with one shot each, and a light lance battery of two lances on each side.

(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] What Do? (Write-In Battle Plan)
Of course, we're being attacked by two fucking capital ships 40 years ahead of schedule.

Scuffed and beat up capital ships, but capital ships nonetheless.

Still, not much choice in the matter, we have to engage. At least we have the void industry to put up a fight instead of just get dunked on.

Well, there's always something.

So, what's the choice about, broadly?
While this is obviously not knowledge we have in-universe, while Ork spores are a problem, they're honestly overstated in the, "Oh, if a few Orks wind up on a planet it's infested forever" is blatantly untrue to the extent you can hire Ork Freebooters/etc as a Rogue Trader, and while the Imperium is stupid as shit I'm pretty sure they'd do something if every time a Rogue Trader dropped onto a planet they doomed it, if only because that'd mess with the Tithe.

So I honestly do think that while it'd suck to do a cleansing operation to make sure of it, we shouldn't view, "Ork spores drop on the planet" as a Game Over.

So we need to think with that in mind, since if it's just a turn or two of clean-up, that's... fine if we save other resources/allies/etc?
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Welp quite happy we got millitarty and void indrusty done this turn with the orks arriving 40 years earlier and wow we have majorly improved the QoL within out station heck with all the extra time we have been able to get them/improve qol I am somewhat optmistc we might get another free action unlikely though.

For the battle plan..think we have our alien friends hide since we don't have enough depth into droma 3 society yet and go with there plan
While technically true, practically not. Ork Light Cruisers range from ~1km to ~4km, and you got the first instead of the latter.
And stuff happening that throws a wrench in your plans is something that tends to happen to the best of us. What was that saying again? The best laid plans and all that.
Alectai said:
So, what's the choice about, broadly?
Naval Combat Tutorial.

Figure out where you wish to deploy your ships, and what strategy you wish them to pursue, as well as if you wish to activate the nascent Kil'drabi military with the resultant downsides.
Yeah, it's best to trade space for time. Tactically, Ork ships deal poorly with things that can get into their aft, so pulling them into some kind of pincer would be effective. If their ships are actually as beat up as they look rather than just Ork Tech being made of pixie magic and dreams, I don't think they'd stand up long if they got cornered like that.

A minor Ork infestation isn't the end of the world, and we've upgraded our military infrastructure as well, so our gear should have improved--right?
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So, Kil'drabi just hide. Not worth blowing their cover.

So I honestly do think that while it'd suck to do a cleansing operation to make sure of it, we shouldn't view, "Ork spores drop on the planet" as a Game Over.
Also sounds like something that would benefit from a "protect, community, fire" Psykana song.
Protecting the community by burning the spores.
Yeah, it's best to trade space for time. Tactically, Ork ships deal poorly with things that can get into their aft, so pulling them into some kind of pincer would be effective. If their ships are actually as beat up as they look rather than just Ork Tech being made of pixie magic and dreams, I don't think they'd stand up long if they got cornered like that.

A minor Ork infestation isn't the end of the world, and we've upgraded our military infrastructure as well, so our gear should have improved--right?
yah that sounds good and yah with our improved millitarty gear I think our millitarty will be able to handle it any on the station won't even require a action either. If it ont one of the world of droma it just a chance for improved reltionship/getting the creed of the starchild further into there society
Use the Choir to teleport some nukes into the ships?
Are these pure Ork ships or are they captured Imperial ships, if they are captured ships, maybe tele-boarding and try to retake them?
Use the Choir to teleport some nukes into the ships?
Are these pure Ork ships or are they captured Imperial ships, if they are captured ships, maybe tele-boarding and try to retake them?

Based on the descriptions, they're pure Ork hulls, which means "They're nigh invincible in the forward arc and can delete ships well above their weight class if you let them get close in that arc, but are fragile and helpless in their aft and turn like fat whales."
Use the Choir to teleport some nukes into the ships?
Are these pure Ork ships or are they captured Imperial ships, if they are captured ships, maybe tele-boarding and try to retake them?
The Celestial Choir has, like, Baby' First Pyrotechnics and Protection Spell as their unlocked Psykana. How do you expect them to teleport bombs across intra-stellar distances?

Additionally, to head of the question, you do not have any teleportation arrays on your ships, you require light cruisers for those at the least.

And these ships are pure Ork.
just saw this and its canon so we have that too . . . but the main issue is the space battle, i got no ideas
[Canon TBD]