What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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With the infrastructure boost we got from the plant people of 621 and the last Jolly action, we can grab Civilian Infrastructure X in one turn. We should do it ASAP, before something inevitably knock us back down to Civ Infra V and we miss our chance.
That means next turn's plan must switch the ISC to Federation Post so we get the discount on Civilian Infrastructure upgrades.

EDIT: @HeroCooky I was wondering - what's the effect of high Civilian Infrastructure, beyond the traits? Does it mean our citizens have more amenities and thus are happier? Or does it raise the population cap of out planets because we have more houses, or something?
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@HeroCooky I was wondering - what's the effect of high Civilian Infrastructure, beyond the traits? Does it mean our citizens have more amenities and thus are happier? Or does it raise the population cap of out planets because we have more houses, or something?
Yes, to all of what you said. Higher Civ Ind means higher Quality of Life for your people, higher base resistance against Chaos due to more happiness, less chance for something to go wrong and wreck a world, more people living on a world without Nurgle getting a hook due to disease and overcrowding, and generally all the good shit.

Fun Fact: Civ Ind X makes it so that your QoL is basically equal to an Imperial Garden Pleasure World. The only place a 40k Fan would be okay with waking up in.
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Due to my grammar checker being down, I won't be able to write an update today, and I don't want to torment you with my atrocious spelling and grammar mistakes. But since I have already posted three updates in two days, I am counting that as part of my Daily Updates. :p Oh, and don't worry, the Not!False Hydras were the last pre-planned disaster/war in my chamber (besides the Necrons), so rejoice in the knowledge that everything after today is fully your fault! Hurray! :grin:

Yet, my atrocious grammar won't save you from another torment: a Question Round!

Have you a question, both about the Quests Mechanics as well as the fluff and lore? Do you want to check on some Action taken way back when to see what it has done? Are you curious what's up with the planet Dog in the Dog System? Are you burning for the confirmation if Thules are still seducing innocent Yeeni or not? Do you want some comparisons or crack Vs's answered by yours truly? Or is there a What-If Scenario burning in your mind that you need the answer to?

Then ask today, in this limited-time offer!
Fun Fact: Civ Ind X makes it so that your QoL is basically equal to an Imperial Garden World. The only place a 40k Fan would be okay with waking up in.
Didn't our Civ Ind V trait already put us above average Garden World levels?

The post where it was offered (underline by me):
[] Prospering Like Never Before
With the advent of a government system that requires only dedication to the cause rather than stringent tithes that empty their hands, the people of the Star Child's Federation started to see the fruits of their labors prosper and grow with every decade. Subsequently, their living standards ascend to levels rarely seen among standard Imperial Garden Worlds.
(Decreases the cost of Integrating and Colonizing Systems by 1 Civilian Infrastructure and 1 Heavy Industry. Additionally, the Quality of Life of Federation Citizens increases noticeably. Can be Upgraded/Chosen Again.)

The list of our Traits includes Prospering Like Never Before.
Civilian Infrastructure V - Prospering Like Never Before - Decreases the cost of Integrating and Colonizing Systems by 1 Civilian Infrastructure and 1 Heavy Industry. Additionally, the Quality of Life of Federation Citizens increases noticeably. Can be Upgraded/Chosen Again.
Have you a question, both about the Quests Mechanics as well as the fluff and lore?
What i'm most curious is how the Yeeni see themselfs in the Federation, as it's been some time from when we discovered them and well how that changed their culture, and if it was possible that we would never discover them in the first place, them what would happen to their species, because if i remeber they were the nuts that was using the warp without any protections.
Did the Emperor try to game the action economy when making the imperium? As in, he saw the Slumbering Titan trait and just ignored medicine(or civilian) development and tried to get everything else to X or even XV first, but Horus did the funny, and everything went in the negatives?
Does A Hand to Hold the Candle, A Hand to Guide the Sword... affect things other than just Chaotic Corruption immunity? I assume it's kind of the average level of fanaticism of our people, and upgrading it means our people are more hardcore believers?
What's your opinion on our use of the Songs and Melodies? Are we shooting ourselves in the foot by not abusing it for all it's worth?

Are we theoretically capable of becoming as technologically advanced as or close to the old Federation in this quest? Or just more advanced than the Imperium?

Not asking if we will or have any realistic chance of doing so, just if it's possible within the confines of the quest.
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more people living on a world without Nurgle getting a hook due to disease and overcrowding, and generally all the good shit.
That means raising Civilian Infrastructure will be critical to manage Hive Worlds like Voxx Primus.

Now, question: What will it take for the Federation to accept the Yeeni as Kin?
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Didn't our Civ Ind V trait already put us above average Garden World levels?
Whoops! Meant Pleasure World!
If/when we hit All-10, will there be another upgrade slow down requiring 3 actions per point to grow upwards?
Yes. And before you try to game the system, the cost will increase if you hit more than 30 Dev in any 2 Dev Categories combined.
What i'm most curious is how the Yeeni see themselfs in the Federation, as it's been some time from when we discovered them and well how that changed their culture, and if it was possible that we would never discover them in the first place, them what would happen to their species, because if i remeber they were the nuts that was using the warp without any protections.
They see themselves as kind of the "Younger Sibling" of the Federation, without any ill-will or negative feelings for that.

The most prominent part that changed in their cultures is that, due to the increases in technology, they have become something of DIY Space-Racers with a side of Asteroid Homesteading mixed in. Most other parts evolved from a Siege Mindset (Either for or against me, no in-between) to a Prepper Mindset (Be prepared for all things).

The scenario of "If we had never found them" is only possible if you didn't exist. In that case, the Yeeni would have figured out that you need something to protect yourself from the Warp during Warp Travel and would have desgined a Primitive Gellar Field...which would have brought them to the attention of the Small Ork Waagh you fought at the beginning of the quest. They would become extinct within forty years, the Green Tide burying them and any trace of their existence.
Did the Emperor try to game the action economy when making the imperium? As in, he saw the Slumbering Titan trait and just ignored medicine(or civilian) development and tried to get everything else to X or even XV first, but Horus did the funny, and everything went in the negatives?
Nope, he was a 4/5 Dogmatic, so he told every planet to deal with that shit on their own, he wants tribute now. He planned to "Get Back To That," but...well. Horus did The Funni.
Does A Hand to Hold the Candle, A Hand to Guide the Sword... affect things other than just Chaotic Corruption immunity? I assume it's kind of the average level of fanaticism of our people, and upgrading it means our people are more hardcore believers?
That is basically a Temporal Soul Link for every Star Child worshipper, allowing them to reap the benefits of praying to an entity that technically doesn't exist yet.

And it applies to all Hostile Warp Influences. No, it doesn't mean you get immunity to Psyker Power, those still work.
What's your opinion on our use of the Songs and Melodies? Are we shooting ourselves in the foot by not abusing it for all it's worth?

Are we theoretically capable of becoming as technologically advanced as or close to the old Federation in this quest? Or just more advanced than the Imperium?

Not asking if we will or have any realistic chance of doing so, just if it's possible within the confines of the quest.
Absolutely, 100%. And for what? A stable society, functioning military, and non-self-destroying faith? Disgusting.

Even if I allowed it within this Quest, at the pace you are researching? Nope. :V
Now, question: What will it take for the Federation to accept the Yeeni as Kin?
Fuck if I know. You made the qualifications, you decide.
To clarify, here are our standards:

-Protectorates are those who have not joined the Candle Keepers and thus do not partake equally but who share knowledge and therefore likely deserve knowledge shared in return. Once, the Kil'drabi were like this. Some secrets are reserved, so they may not access them, but much is considered reasonable.
-Kin, those for whom there is no difference. We do not hide things from those formerly of Droma III. Similarly, the Kil'drabi should have full access to technologies as befitting someone who has long since joined the Glimmering Federation. To an extent, let us have no artificial barriers between Kin and stand with Kin against all the galaxy, even if the very Heavens should collide. They have stood in weighty measure against the darkness of the galaxy: if there is no light but us, let us be a bonfire that warms all who stand around it and burns none but instead keeps off the darkness. To be declared Kin is no small thing, and cannot be assumed of everyone, but once Kin, it would take significant failure and betrayal for this to change.

They are vague! I knew they were vague when they were written, to be clear! That's on purpose, and so it's a matter of "We'll know it when we see it."
Reports of The Decade (640s) - [Canon]
Reports of The Decade (640s)

Colonization Focus Peters Out: The colonization mania that has filled the last few decades has died off, in the wake of a series of minor economic shocks, but also a change of focus in the light of the tragedy in the Irridanus sub-sector that slightly cooled the fervor of the colonist in the wake of potential dangers. Nonetheless, all systems colonized have begun to spin themselves up, building their own SDF, infrastructure, and more.

Raring To Go: The news about the Feudal Knight Worlds has some old-time jingoists who had been disappointed by the lacking victory at the diplomacy table in 621 screaming at the top of their lungs that here is another land to liberate, as the operations on Voxx Primus, while not remotely entirely secret, are at least not talked about as much and have engendered in these... rather bold people a concern with being "swamped" by people who don't understand their values. Yes, they're that sorts of people.

Second Kin?: The question of whether to turn the Yeeni into Kin has been increasingly raised in the last decade. With the colonization of a new system, the Yeeni are now technically two-system Protectorates, the first time this has happened in the history of the Federation. Debate is fierce, with no side able to agree to the meaning of the vague instructions for what it takes to be Kin. Do they have to save our lives in battle? If so then shouldn't they be allowed to field more combat ships and fight? Is it more about length of service? Then is there a time-limit? All these and more have caused fierce political debates!

Play Ball!: A new sport has swept the youths of the Federation, a strange marble-ball game involving trying to knock the other marble out of the ring while playing "special cards" at the same time to reduce your opponent down to 0 HP and therefore be able to effect Hazard Course Effects on the Marble Arena. This baffling new sport has had kids across the Federation telling their bemused parents, "You just don't get it!"

Life, The Universe, and Everything: The "right to longevity" movement has been on the upswing, arguing that the inequities present in limiting Juvenat treatments only to a small minority is against the spirit of the the Faith of the Star Child, and that research and spin-up of more Juvenat should be prioritized at the top level. Thus far they have engaged in a series of sit-ins, marches, and in one case throwing eggs meant to... symbolize children who will be born and die 'young' at a Juvenat-treated member of the Council, and have been getting both increased support and increased pushback from those viewing them as troublemakers and sour-grapers who could just try harder to earn Juvenat if they want it so bad.

A particular Debate: Fists, not words, qualified the riot on Ubraka's only world, as members of the Particularist and Anti-Particularist heresies clashed angrily over their common differences, often hating each other as much as they did disagree with the church as a whole... there is no common kinship in heresy when your positions are exactly opposite of each other. The riot led to thirty deaths and hundreds of injuries, and has the Law and Justice crowd crowing for some end to this outrageous violence, of the level and intensity no doubt experienced in worlds of the Imperium. Juvenat-treated former Neonites were seen blinking in confusion at this assertion.
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My current biggest question is the singular Hive World holding multiple times our population.
I mean specifically:
1) Will eventually our hive "colony" become more or less self-sufficient after enough investment? That is, so established that us neglecting them for 3 and more turns will not hurt them? Assuming they don't draw the local authorities ire, of course.
2) In very rough estimate, doing an action every other turn, how long will we need to invest into this to see an open rebellion as viable? I assume at least a century, but a rough number of centuries would be useful.
3) Do our "colonists" have chocolate as part of their diplomatic/subversive package?
Then ask today, in this limited-time offer!
How would the Chaos Lord have trashtalked our Teeln(+Bnuy) funeral had my plan won? (Cremate, light torches on the pyre and treat the flames as sacred artifact, spread the sacred flames to all the worlds and all the places of worship (and all the choirs) that want it (so presumably everything permanent, including ship shrines), from places of worship also spread them to the faithful that want it (lanterns lit with the sacred flames being like wall crucifixes), use the ashes from the pyre to fertilize a big public garden)

Whoops! Meant Pleasure World!
So, without the specific trait Civ Ind 10 would be Garden World, with it its Pleasure World?
Any lorehead got a clarification on the difference?
Search results like Pleasure World treat the terms as synonymous.

Or is it just a degree thing?
Huh, does high Dogmatic let you subdivide your Empire then and have every individual unit there get their own actions?
No, Dogma 3 allows you to chuck Development out the window in favor of specializing a planet once at no cost...at the cost of chucking Development out the window. Sure, you don't have to give a shit about what a planet does as long as it pays what you set it to pay, but it will never be able to contribute more than that without you noticing and demanding far more in turn.
Are female custodes canon in here? Will femal space marines be canon?
They are canon in lore, so I see no reason to not have them exist Over There alongside the male Custodes.
And no female Space Marines. There is a Soul/Warp Component in their creation in my opinion, so any woman that survives just gets turned into a man in body, mind, and soul.
My current biggest question is the singular Hive World holding multiple times our population.
I mean specifically:
1) Will eventually our hive "colony" become more or less self-sufficient after enough investment? That is, so established that us neglecting them for 3 and more turns will not hurt them? Assuming they don't draw the local authorities ire, of course.
2) In very rough estimate, doing an action every other turn, how long will we need to invest into this to see an open rebellion as viable? I assume at least a century, but a rough number of centuries would be useful.
3) Do our "colonists" have chocolate as part of their diplomatic/subversive package?
1. As your goal is to have them overthrown the whole damn planet...no. If you don't feed them every three Turn, they'll starve and die.
2. One...maybe two. Or three, depending on the weather and Actions taken...
3. Yes, why wouldn't they? You think this shit is ad-hoc? That was item #1 on the list! :V
How would the Chaos Lord have trashtalked our Teeln(+Bnuy) funeral had my plan won? (Cremate, light torches on the pyre and treat the flames as sacred artifact, spread the sacred flames to all the worlds and all the places of worship (and all the choirs) that want it (so presumably everything permanent, including ship shrines), from places of worship also spread them to the faithful that want it (lanterns lit with the sacred flames being like wall crucifixes), use the ashes from the pyre to fertilize a big public garden)

So, without the specific trait Civ Ind 10 would be Garden World, with it its Pleasure World?
Any lorehead got a clarification on the difference?
Search results like Pleasure World treat the terms as synonymous.

Or is it just a degree thing?
"Fools, the lot of them. Grasped the very basics of utilizing souls for their betterment, yet refuse to burn them as the sacrifices they are. Gradens? Fires? Braindead, one and all."

And it is a degree thing for me. A Garden World is just nice. A Pleasure World is a great place to party and enjoy life.
So what is the Lion up to right now? Have he and Guiliman reunited yet, if so how did that go?
Like this.
No, Dogma 3 allows you to chuck Development out the window in favor of specializing a planet once at no cost...at the cost of chucking Development out the window. Sure, you don't have to give a shit about what a planet does as long as it pays what you set it to pay, but it will never be able to contribute more than that without you noticing and demanding far more in turn.


Oh Dogmatic, how self-defeating you are for all it gives you lots of power Today.