What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Ship Automation is cool, but honestly if we get a period of (comparative) peace, we should do the Academic thing first, because it makes it so that every Research Action procs faster towards the bonus-action/etc.
Hmmm point if we plan for some peace turns to build up before expanding again we should do the academic options first then when we get near to war again go Ship Automation in preparation.
It Was Chaos - [Canon]
It was chaos in the council chambers of the Glimmering Federation, and Primary Clerk Argent was mired in despair.

Simply put, there was too much to do.

Currently the council was arguing over the shape of the new organization. Nobody was calling it the Inquisition, because everybody present wanted very badly to ensure it was as distant from that awful body of oppression as possible. But it would fulfill the same role, and the arguments for how to achieve that purpose raged. They were probably going to be called the "Eyes of the Federation." Which was good enough for Argent, they just needed to move on.

The next item on the agenda was the military budget, and Argent had helped F-891 rehearse their argument for the last month. The Federation required more Andromeda-class choirships, but that fact had gotten lost in committee. Even now, the leading proposal for resolving the many planetary combat quagmires called for building five more Taurus-class troopships, because some councilmember had gotten confused and thought there had been a typo.

After all, surely the Armies of the Federation required more hulls to transport bodies, platforms to launch fighters from, and orbital bombardment capable ships? It made sense to a layman that these were the things that won wars.

Argent sighed, tuning out the agitated babble and leaning back against his bench. He could hear F-891's voice in the back of his head, reciting the numbers that conveyed that the Federation's difficulty was not hulls, or guns, but warp transits. They needed the flexibility of the Andromeda, to increase the flexibility of the fleet and allow rapid supply shipments delivered by civilian shipping.

The worst part was that Argent knew the argument over the topic would still take the rest of the day. He only hoped it didn't take the rest of the week. Regardless, afterwards they would rotate back around to establishing the "Eyes of the Federation."

His datapad buzzed, and Argent pulled it out to read the message, nearly ready to start pulling his hair out. His request to address the council had been bumped down the list again, after a proposal on subsidizing and standardizing the construction of Cathedrals to the Star Child. With long practice he suppressed his desire to scream and got up from his bench to leave the council chamber. There was no chance he would be able to present his case today, or likely anytime in the next month.

As he crept out of the chamber, staying low to avoid causing a disruption, he calmed himself. This was no malevolent actor. The Glimmering Federation was growing, and every one of these issues was vital to its future. But the council reorganization had not even finished a decade past, and inefficiencies still plagued the new system, borne from additional councilmembers being added and subsequent demands on the bureaucrats and clerks that supported the council. Information packets got lost, or were badly organized and contained the wrong data.

And that was what he wanted to address the councilmembers about. They'd already voted to leave the Magi of Qulach's Forge be, and the matter was done and settled to most of them, with no need to revisit it. But they had made the vote a biased report - some mix-up had led the briefing on the matter to indicate that the Order of the Rising Sun had made a pact with the Tech-priests to depart the planet once the fighting was done. A seprate part of the report had estimated that the majority of the planet's Mechanicus leadership was becoming more friendly with the Star-Mechanicum, and might decide the join peacefully.

Those forces were also badly needed across the Federation, especially on Sagat VII, where waves of Nurglite corruption battled with what few forces could be spared. It was not a bad decision, but it was one made with incomplete information.

Argent had already had words with Cannoness Hiersha, whose Scribe-priests had drafted the report. It had contained too much wishful thinking, and the only accurate part had been the estimates of the casualties incurred if the Glimmering federation should try to capture the planet by force. If the report was entirely to be trusted, then the only sensible course of action was to let Qulach's Forge join the Federation peacefully, some twenty to fifty years hence, and use those forces to properly suppress Sagat VII.

The report had seemed off to Argent, and he had sought clarification, and the only agreement made with Qulach's Forge was a temporary ceasefire until Chaos was cleansed from the planet. The Federation would not be betraying their word, or that of their knights, by conquering the planet as they had done so many others. And while some tech-priests had converted to the Star-Mechanicum peaceably, they were only a thin layer of shining light over an ocean of horribe orthodoxy. Qulach's Forge would never join the Federation peaceably, and their every moment was a wellspring of suffering and death for all who lived underneath their cyborg overlords.

The parallels to the birth of the Candlekeepers made Argent want to vomit. They could act, right now, and the Galaxy would be a better place for it. But a mixup in the paperwork meant that the Federation was going to miss the chance to right this wrong, and would have to content itself with every other good deed they had done.

With a sigh, Argent left the room, reviewing the schedule once more. He'd already sent a request to the Choirs for intervention, but they were busy singing new melodies. The Lamenters were occupied with cultists, and every contact he had was scattered to the corners of the Federation, overseeing integration of new planets and the restoration of the civilian infrastructure. Every arm of the Star Child was occupied, and now its hands would release a prize unneeded.

Edit: I try not to take a stance on voting with Omakes, but in this one there seemed to be a very strong agreement that the vote was influenced by a misunderstanding of the conditions, and I wanted to try to communicate what that may have looked like on a governmental scale. Big governments make a lot of mistakes too, folks.
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[X] Plan: Putting Out Fires and Starting Autos v2.5

I'd love to do more, but we just need to stabilize. And Andromedas are a big part of that.
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For getting the Andromedas we apparently need!
TBF, with how I've arranged the Andromedas we should be able to cover a lot more and with destructive research we'll be getting rid of some ships in favor of possibly more DP, equipment and weapons. And as was said, those Andromedas are only *needed* if we do another major offensive like we were doing when we started the war against Neon, and I don't see us doing that for at least a few turns.
And as was said, those Andromedas are only *needed* if we do another major offensive like we were doing when we started the war against Neon, and I don't see us doing that for at least a few turns.

I get the feeling that even if we don't want to do a major offensive in the next 3-5 turns, we might still end up getting into a situation which requires a major offensive/defensive campaign in 3-5 turns. We didn't plan for Neon. We were happy to be piddling around in our home sub-sector. And then we got hit with two different fleets and suddenly we have to stabilize an entire sub-sector.

I'm almost certain that within the next 3-5 turns somethings going to happen to those Aliens with the spherical ships and we're going to get pulled in to help them not get curbstomped by chaos.
I get the feeling that even if we don't want to do a major offensive in the next 3-5 turns, we might still end up getting into a situation which requires a major offensive/defensive campaign in 3-5 turns. We didn't plan for Neon. We were happy to be piddling around in our home sub-sector. And then we got hit with two different fleets and suddenly we have to stabilize an entire sub-sector.

I'm almost certain that within the next 3-5 turns somethings going to happen to those Aliens with the spherical ships and we're going to get pulled in to help them not get curbstomped by chaos.
I know, but I don't think we need those Andromedas right now. Next turn I'll be all for having them, but at the moment we look to be in a good position with the biggest rival we can see being those Mashan who still need to get through the Nurgle/Slaaneshi battleground to reach us and seem like they might be friendly and the Slaaneshi's in Yivv who likely can't bring significant force to bear and still need to get through the Khornates to reach us. And while in Macabre there are some fleets that look to be equal to our navy, it's worth noting that none of the ones that are equal to our greater than our navy is united due to the place being Balkanized to hell and back. We can consolidate our gains for a while. And again, destructive research has the possibility to destroy a lot of the ships we have to lower the amount of Andromedas needed.
It is just you. I am not touching the Space Balkan Map until you start painting it.
holddddd up there. I think the take away from this isn't the consolidating from the Northern part of it but how four of the bottom worlds in that sector just made fleets equal to ours. and I think one in the middle/North. As I recall before only Gigachad surpassed us but I am sure all other fleets were below ours.
holddddd up there. I think the take away from this isn't the consolidating from the Northern part of it but how four of the bottom worlds in that sector just made fleets equal to ours. and I think one in the middle/North. As I recall before only Gigachad surpassed us but I am sure all other fleets were below ours.
And folks why is nobody talking about infiltration on the forge world to switch them with almost no bloodshed to us if we get magi in the inside we would could litaral dismantle it from the inside.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on May 8, 2024 at 12:20 PM, finished with 36 posts and 25 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Putting Out Fires and Starting Autos v2.5
    -[X] [General] Begin Archive/Arsenal Inventories - [0/10]
    -[X] [Military] [Construct/Refit] A Warp Ship - 3x Andromeda
    -[X] Operation: Carrot and Stick--Combine diplomacy with force, sending out Task Force Alpha to hoover up all of the now-loose planets in the area under our rule and to our standards, including Gheistheim's small fleet being intimidated into joining our side if need be. Use plentiful carrots and sticks. Also transfer around some of the numbers right now because they don't quite make sense. We're looking for taking all of Amratur that's not abandoned (so all of it except that one south-eastern system) sans the Forge.
    --[X] Our forces are to concentrate when going up against the Macabre forces in Gheistheim or wherever they wind up, and this is also to be a test-run battle for the Leo-Primus. Our message to them to try to get them to retreat before the battle is basically, "Stay out of the fucking Sub-Sector Amratur. Not yours." If they refuse, we kick their asses with the power of a giant fleet, a Heavy Cruiser, and Space Marines. But if we do so, we send the message again. Stay the fuck away, assholes.
    --[X] Forces Assigned
    ---[X] Task Fleet Alpha (20/20 Ship Capacity)
    ---[X] Task Fleet Beta (10/10)
    ---[X] Lamenters Chapter Fleet (12/10 capacity, slightly over capacity)
    ----[X] Trust them to work with us, and leave behind the two ships they need least, the purpose of the Lamenters is basically to try to reconcile the Imperium-minded among them that this is all good stuff.
    ---[X] Task Fleet Gamma (20/36 capacity, over capacity)
    ---[X] Have them take the very best ships and turn it into a "sub task force" and include at least some of the Troopships.
    ---[X] 1st and 3rd Droman, maybe? For the SAGs?
    ---[X] Also standing order on this, while we're not starting a war to conquer Forge, new standing order: we cut off Node 17c and/or liberate it (or at least cut it off, let the situation be decided on the ground), Raid/destroy their Void Industry, and destroy all their stupid Suicide Ships once we're done with the rest of this. These are decade long turns and we have Andromedas (and are making more), there will be time to pencil it in. This is not yet a drive for conquest or liberation so much as keeping them from being annoying. Also obviously don't try to do everything at once for this or the above, duh.
    ---[X] Obviously if something goes comically and suddenly badly, allow re-evaluation of this plan or future military actions as part of it
    [X] Imperial Knowledge
    [X] Imperial Knowledge
    -[X] [General] Begin Archive/Arsenal Inventories - [0/10]
    -[X] [General] Research:
    —[X] Destructive Reverse-Engineering of Imperial Ships
    -[X] Operation: Carrot and Stick--Combine diplomacy with force, sending out Task Force Alpha to hoover up all of the now-loose planets in the area under our rule and to our standards, including Gheistheim's small fleet being intimidated into joining our side if need be. Use plentiful carrots and sticks. We're looking for taking all of Amratur that's not abandoned sans the Forge.
    --[X] Our forces are to concentrate when going up against the Macabre in Amratur. Our message to them is: "would you like to hear about our lord and savior the Star-Child over a cup of hot chocolate? If not, piss off! This sub-sector is our turf!"
    --[X] Forces Assigned
    ---[X] Task Fleet Alpha (20/20 Ship Capacity)
    ---[X] Task Fleet Beta (10/10)
    ---[X] Lamenters Chapter Fleet (20/20 capacity)
    ----[X] Trust them to work with us. The purpose of the Lamenters is basically to try to reconcile the Imperium-minded among them that this is all good stuff.
    ---[X] Task Fleet Gamma (10/26 capacity, over capacity)
    ——[X] Gamma will pick 10 ships they think suited for the operation and isn't getting picked apart by our cogheads. The rest will be kept in reserve, and if deemed feasible slow-boat towards a system where defense is suggested.
    ——[X] SAGs: Droman 2nd, Neumidia 1st, Urabaka 1st, Kriegar 1st
    ---[X] Also standing order on this, while we're not starting a war to conquer Forge, new standing order: we cut off Node 17c and/or liberate it (or at least cut it off, let the situation be decided on the ground), Raid/destroy their Void Industry, and destroy all their stupid Suicide Ships once we're done with the rest of this. These are decade long turns and we have Andromedas (and are making more), there will be time to pencil it in. This is not yet a drive for conquest or liberation so much as keeping them from being annoying. Also obviously don't try to do everything at once for this or the above, duh.
    ---[X] Obviously if something goes comically and suddenly badly, allow re-evaluation of this plan or future military actions as part of it
Edit: Holy shit did the Qulach Mechanicum just shit the bed. o-o
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Well, as we hoped, Amratur is all yellow except for the Forge and most of the unsettled spots, which is now listed as Abandoned I guess?

And we got Valhidem out of the deal too, bonus!

Also, the dudes who have been trying to sneak up on us are apparently a Mafia clan, so...


Edit: Holy shit did the Qualch Mechanicum just shit the bed. o-o

Do we have to Kill Chaos Again?
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