What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Mar 25, 2024 at 1:12 PM, finished with 44 posts and 15 votes.

  • [X] PLAN: "Worthness" of Outsiders & other groups
    -[X] Human technology to Xenos: Common causes and allies can be found with Xenos. The Kil'drabi is a key argument against the hateful, all-consuming fear of the Imperium against the Xenos. Those that the Glimmering Federation can understand, entreaty with, and coexist with can eventually prove worthy of being entrusted with some measure of the human understanding of the Omnissiah's wisdom. Yet there are xenos races that are so fundamentally wrong or hostile to humanity that such cannot happen. A policy of "Trust, but verify" should be followed. For human technology to be dispensed, the Xenos must meet the minimum of the following three criteria.
    --[X] First, sharing of the Omnissiah's wisdom must further the common cause between the Glimmering Federation and Xenos races or factions in question. Or at the very least, must not be detrimental to the Glimmering Federation.
    --[X] Second, the Xenos must not be fundamentally hostile to humanity. This requires the Federation to be able to understand the Xenos.
    --[X] Third, the Xenos faction--for is it not that not all humans are united, so may it be that not all Xenos are united--must not be Chaos-tainted or possess and utilize abominable technologies such as the Halo-device.
    --[X] Additionally, as for the matter of STCs: those things dug up with archeology or reconstructed from enemies must be examined by a Choir for Chaos taint or immoral means, but may be used if found safe.
    --[X] As for technologies not created by the Imperium, is it not said that all voices may be one day lifted in Song? The criteria for evaluating the technologies of others to integrate into our own is simple: moral and practical. An engine that feeds on screaming souls is damnation, but nowhere has it been written that all technological knowledge is currently known by members of the Imperium or Federation. The technologies of Xenos are still ultimately the result of the Omnissiah, as all knowledge and technology are, so long as they are not immoral, tainted by Chaos, or worse.
    --[X] The principles to govern an exchange of knowledge, whether from us to a Xenos or from a Xenos to us, are to be acknowledged carefully.
    ---[X] First, right scholarship: that is to say, we can refuse to share a technology with someone deemed unworthy, we can have 'trade secrets' but if we agree to share knowledge of warp drives but leave out information on a fatal error in the construction that we later fixed, this is dishonoring the Omnissiah and is heresy in its basest form.
    ---[X] Second, that exchanges should be fair to all parties. There is room, of course, for charity and generosity, and these are to be commended, but fundamentally if two people exchange knowledge or information, both should in the end be enriched in order to spread the light of the Omnissiah-and-Emperor. Other contributions may of course apply.
    ---[X] Third, right understanding: knowledge gained through this cannot be restricted, or at least not beyond the amount necessitated by its nature. A catalogue of every single Chaos symbol should not be available in the common libraries of any species, but any knowledge a Xenos trades to us or we trade to a Xenos should be widely available: we do not exist to empower a small clique within a group we are trading with, nor to become a small clique empowered by controlled access to information.
    -[X] As it is that there are Five Manifestations, and Five Guidelines for Personhood, so too are there Five Categories of Outsiders. After fierce debate this phrase was used: "Outsiders" and not Xenos. Which of course led to a debate on which category the Imperium was in, and why it was definitely only barely better than the Ravagers or MUCH better than any but Kin, take your pick. But that's a story for another day.
    --[X] Ravagers are never to be given even a scrap of technology or knowledge, nor is it generally the case that their knowledge is useful. A Daemon of Chaos, one of its slaves, the Orks, and other, stranger beings that the Federation has not yet encountered are key examples.
    --[X] Travelers and Wayfarers are mostly to be engaged on a case by case basis. Thus far we have had good relations with some of them, and ironically better relations with the Kil'drabi even within the first century than we ever did with, for instance the ex-government that requested we build them ships to aid in their escape from responsibility. A Traveler can be trustworthy or unworthy of anything, but even then long-term exchange may well be difficult.
    --[X] Children, those who do not yet have Warp Travel on their own. They will need to be examined, and the dangers of letting them go unready into the Warp considered. There is fierce debate about whether the Xenos found at Theta-Sigma Qualify. We have technically run across plenty of Imperial Children, in a sense.
    --[X] Protectorates, those who have not joined the Candle Keepers and thus do not partake equally, but who share knowledge and thus likely deserve knowledge shared in return. Once, the Kil'drabi were like this. Some secrets are reserved so that they may not access them, but much is considered reasonable.
    --[X] Kin, those for whom there is no difference. We do not hide things from those formerly of Droma III, and similarly the Kil'drabi should have full access to technologies as befitting someone who has long since joined the Glimmering Federation. Let us, to an extent, have no artificial barriers between Kin, and stand with Kin against all the galaxy, even if the very Heavens should collide. They have stood in weighty measure against the darkness of the galaxy: if there is no light but us, let us be a bonfire that warms all who stand around it, and burns none but instead keeps off the darkness. To be declared Kin is no small thing, and cannot be assumed of everyone, but once Kin it would take great failure and betrayal for this to change.
320.M42 - They Shall Be Kin
A new era begins, heralded by the Star Child's vision of the truth behind the past shown to their gathered faithful.
Even if some whisper about the forceful nature of it...and how wrong some parts felt.
This is an era in which the Outsiders shall be categorized as five parts of the whole, each different and requiring a keen hand and mind to find those who belong and those who don't within them, be it by misclassification or past atrocities committed and hostilities extended once more.
But by whom? Why were ours not shown?
One where a new class of ship wrought in holy visions would ply the stars and deliver the mercy of the Star Child to those ailing and those wicked!
Was it the Star Child which spoke to us...or the Emperor-and-Omnissiah?
And one where lowly challenges shall not bow us, for we have the truth behind us and the future before us. Us all, for the Kil'drabi can no longer be called a Protectorate for all that they have done.
There were contradictions. Parts didn't match. Holes in the story told.
They shall be Kin. Evermore. Blood has weight, and they spilled theirs for ours without prompting, willing to fight and die because it was the right thing to do.
Was it the truth? Or the one told to our Divine?
Thus it is written. Thus it shall be.

A ship enters Perfinda. It is an ugly thing, barely large enough to eke out a measly 300 meters, and much of that length is taken up by a badly damaged machine sticking out of the rear of it. The metals it is made of are brittle, its weapons, what little it carries, are laughably weak, and there are no shields to speak of. It is something that stretches the definition of a Warp Ship due to its glaring deficiencies.

And yet, what isn't laughable are the things that had dwelled within, eradicated by a squad of boarders, horrific fusions of bones, flesh, and metals, scrawling messages that were best destroyed utterly along the once-writhing walls and cramped corridors of the vessel they once crewed.

Make no mistake—this ship was intended to reach Perfinda. But there was one error in its construction: it possessed no Gellar Field.

Someone in Theta-Sigma 44c had created primitive Warp Engines, a massive leap in technology according to the last scouting report nine years ago, and they were trying to scout out their neighbourhood.

Without Gellar Fields.

You Have 3 [Three] Actions.
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] [General] Construct Something
-[] Food Production VI
-[] Civilian Infrastructure VI
-[] Heavy Industry II
-[] Void Industry VII
-[] Medical Services II
-[] Military Industry III

(Gain: A boost in production focusing on the chosen option.)

[] [General] Colonize (Itani - Magdab (Volcanic and Frozen)) (1/2 Actions)
It is time to bring another world into the fold. Thanks to the Kil'drabi becoming our Kin, we can now categorize several previously Hostile Worlds as Habitable instead.
(Gain: A colonized World.
Habitable Worlds: Ultima Sigritta - Sira (Mesa and Savannah), Silista - Silista X (Temperate Continent), Itani - Grubbub (Ash and Frozen), Gnatiila - Smug (Volcanic and Ash)
Hostile Worlds (-1 Void Industry): N/A
Deathworlds (-1 to All): N/A)

[] [General] Integrate the Kil'drabi Kin (0/2)
This is much more than a 'mere' sharing of technology to those deemed worthy, but the declaration of another species as complete equals and members of the Glimmering Federation as one more Candle against the Dark. The Kil'drabi have bled for us; they have risked ships that are almost holy to them in defense of Ubraka, and they have done so without prompting or asking but out of their own free will. We have three centuries of peaceful and content co-existence and a battle as proof of their dedication, and a Divine Mandate. This is no blind trust, no matter the work that still needs to be done to take them in as equals. This is proof of the truth in the path we walk and the faith we preach. We declare them Kin. As have they.
(Gain: Kil'drabi Integrated! +1 Void Industry/Civilian Infrastructure/Heavy Industry, -1 Military Industry. Unlock [Emergency Transition Warp Breakers|Snapshot Pinpoint Targeting Solutions]!)

[] [General] Stop The Madness In Theta-Sigma 44c (Write-In Ships/SAGs/Diplomatic Approach)
The uncontacted Xenos within Theta-Sigma 44c have begun to transition from Children to Travelers, and they do so without Gellar Fields! Stopping them from doing so isn't a matter of morality, but faith, as they are directly stepping into the maws of Chaos in their ignorance, potentially dooming their entire species!
(Gain: Information about what is going on. A choice to end what could be the start of a Chaos Polity within the sub-sector.)

[] [Military] Karnivore Sanctification And Manufactorium
With the recovery of the Karnivore STC, we have gained a potent combat walker that will undoubtedly massively improve our troops' combat capability. However, the construction of the many specialized components and weapons demanded within the STC, as well as the Armiger Knight itself, will require dedicated assemblies, factories, and forges, alongside training academies and pilot cadres to pilot these combat walkers. Additionally, further sanctifications would not be amiss, alongside a change in appearance.
(Gain: The ability to construct Karnivore War-Packs (15 per).)

[] [Military] Fill Out The System Army Groups
With the military reorganized, it is time to begin a standardization across all our systems to fill out at least one SAG.
(Gain: All Systems currently fully controlled have their SAGs filled to 100% strength.)

[] [Military] Create A SAG - [System] - [Weight: Light/Medium/Heavy] - [Infantry/Mechanized] - [Classification: Sabotage/Assault/Engineering/Demolition/Ogryn]
Sabotage Units will focus on raiding and disrupting the enemy with lighting raids and plundering logistics; Assault Units will punch through the enemy in weak points and sow confusion with overwhelming firepower; Engineering Units will focus on creating fortifications and using turrets, mines, and barricades; Demolition Units will be comprised out of heavy weaponry squads with plenty of explosives, from mines to rockets; and Ogryn Units will be Ogryns armored in heavy metals and armed with shields and Beatin' Sticks led by men and women with spiffy hats that will not be disobeyed. Infantry Units consist mainly of boots on the ground, while Mechanized Units are equipped with vehicles that increase mobility and durability at the cost of logistics and all-terrain capability. Light Units are better for Low-Logistic scenarios, while Medium Units rely more on regular shipments yet strike a good balance between supply consumption and effectiveness.
(Gain: A SAG. These contain Four Units chosen from the above choices.)

[] [Military] Construct/Refit A Warp Ship - [Choose a Design]
Ships are produced at these rates: Three Scouts, Two Destroyers, or One Frigate per decade. One Light Cruiser per two decades. Refit Rates: 6 Aries to 6 Aries-Secundus per Decade.
(Gain: Chosen Ships.)

[][Military] Design A New Voidship Class - [Available: Destroyer, Frigate, Light Cruiser (0/2)]
From what we can tell, thanks to our history, what information we have available, and what the Kil'drabi and the Governor of Droma III tell us, the difference between a prosperous interstellar polity and one naught but ash is the strength of their navy. At the moment, we have the beginning of a nascent Void Fleet, yet purely defending against our enemies is a great way to get ground down into dust over time; we need to be able to bring the fight to them.
(Gain: A newly designed and built Ship Class.)

[] [Military] Begin Military Operations (Assign SAG/s) (Choose Location/s) (Designate Objective/s)
-[] (3/8) Celestial Choirs

-[] Task Fleet Alpha
(6x Aries-Class Corvettes, 1x Aries-Secundus Class Corvette, 1x Lupus-Class Torpedo Destroyer, 1x Crux-Class Missile Frigate, 1x Libra-class Light Carrier, 2x Taurus-Class Troopship (0/2 SAG Capacity))
-[] Scout Fleet Alpha
(4x Circinus-Class Scout Sloop)
-[] Kil'drabi Auxiliary Fleet
(2x Pact of Our New Path Battlecolony)
-[-] Lamenters Chapter Fleet
(3x Risen Dirge-Class Boarding Ships (Space Marine Troopship))

There is war to be had and battle to be made. Send troops to resolve issues and squash opposition to the Star Child and Humanity and all Their Protectorates. Or send ships to scout neighboring systems to understand what is happening there.
(Gain: Military dispatched to put down opposition violently. Scouts are dispatched to look at other systems.
Scouting Range: 1 System from Claimed Systems. Scouting Efficiency: 40%
Note: For use outside your territory or in support of forces specified within another Action.)

[] [Psykana] Conduct a Melody (Choose one below.) (0.0/1 - Auto Complete)
The Celestial Choir has been given the means; with time, they shall conduct their songs. They will listen to the Warp and filter out the false whispers from the slumbering guidance of the Star Child. In halting prayer and stumbling humming, the truth will be stripped until nothing but it remains in the hands of those who shall make it anew into power to be wielded by the Choirs to come.
(Uncovered: Technology.
Secret: Slumber, Silence, Perception, and Grounding.
Star Child: Hope, Compassion, Humanity II, Song III, Mercy, Creativity II, Health, Unity, Innovation, Machinery, Logic II, Progress, Protection II, Justice, Wisdom, The Sun II, The Home II, Death, Ruthlessness, Brutality, and Fire II.
Kil'drabi: Paths, The Void, Struggle, Community, and Family.
Gain: A Melody newly Conducted.)

[] [Psykana] Sing a Song (Choose at least Three below.)
Mere Melodies are not the end of the journey, nor should they be the start. They are the middle, from which all things shall grow and wither.
(Available: Protection I, Fire I, The Sun I, Humanity I, Creativity I, Song II, The Home I, and Logic I.
Gain: A Song.
Sung: Dirge for the Innocent.)

[] [Faith] Monuments for Martyrs, Graves for the Forgotten
The Candle Keepers have been fighting the good fight for nearly 250 years, a fourth of a millennium. In this time, thousands have perished to give people hope, security, and a better life and pave the way for those who come after to stride further and with growing security and pride into the great unknown and black abyss shrinking before the light of the Star Child. Within those 250 years, we have fought against a constant barrage of Orks, worshippers of Chaos, and those who tried to turn traitors to their fellow people, with the first of many Xeno Protectorates established, and its people turned into faithful worshippers and adherents to the Droman Creed. Yet, though now temples ring with the sounds of bells and the hymns of choirs signing united, and our systems teem with the faithful eager to build a better future against the coming of the dark, many had to give their lives to reach this point...and many more will follow. Do these people, who are now forever lost to the soil of worlds and the greedy grasp of the void, deserve to be forgotten? Does their memory not deserve to be honored and remembered? They do, and though some bodies shall never be recovered, their names deserve to be carved for eternity. The only question then arises...where should they be carved into? And how grand would these monuments be if we made multiple instead of one?
(Gain: The Candle Keepers discuss how to honor the fallen and the forgotten. Variable Action Cost.)

[] [Faith] Brotherhoods, Sisterhoods, Siblinghoods, And Orders of Faith
It is undeniable that many marching within our military are those most dedicated to spreading the light of the Star Child. Yet, questions have arisen from those seeking to contribute to the liberation of the galaxy, who either failed to enter the military by being too dedicated to the mission and failing to see the objectives that need to be taken or by failing some other criteria. Some of those questions are if it would not be beneficial if some manner of Faith Militant organization or organizations could be created, or allowed to be created, with others asking for a formal creation of Faith Orders to bolster the ranks of the soldiery with those utterly dedicated to the mission, lending strength, surety, and a bulwark against the horrors of the galaxy to all within.
(Gain: Nail down the Faith Militant aspects of the Cult of the Star Child.)

[] [Faith] Psykana Of The Outside And Unknown
Though we use the Celestial Choirs to bind and tame the powers of the Warp to minimize the risks and dangers inherent in the use of the Psykana, it is folly to believe that we are the only ones who have uncovered ways to utilize the Warp amongst the galaxy, or that there is nothing to be learned from Outsiders. Likewise, though there has been currently only one example, we must also consider what to do with the Psykers of Outsiders to the Federation and how we should go about ensuring that those individuals within our Protectorates or Kin are given over or sent to us instead of being utilized in horrific, immoral, or dangerous ways if they aren't outright killed as was the fate of all Kil'drabi Psykers before they began to send them to us to be taught control or executed should they fail and become a risk to themselves and others without sending their souls to the Great Enemy.
(Gain: Nail down the Outsider Psyker and Psykana Use-doctrine aspects of the Cult of the Star Child.)

[] [Chapter] A Suit Worthy Of The Name (2.5/5)
With the business on Drixxus and Ixxus done, Chapter Master Chyron is now convinced that, with the possibility of encountering Chaos Marines as high as ever, the main priority of the Lamenters should be the construction of Space Marine Armor. Luckily, Cradle Station has several blueprints, but Chyron is reluctant to use them due to the connotations the Crusade-era designs carry. Instead, he will use the Chapter and Candle Keepers' technical expertise to build a new pattern of Power Armor untainted by history.
(Gain: The Lamenters gain actual Space Marine-rated Power Armor.)

[] [Other] Take Care Of [Future Or Current Problems]
(Write-In the problem being addressed.)

AN: Integration auto-ticks.
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Oh shit got to stop the new guys from fucking everything up rapidly! Also time to do what we spoke of, and nail down psykers soon.
[] [General] Stop The Madness In Theta-Sigma 44c (Write-In Ships/SAGs/Diplomatic Approach)
The uncontacted Xenos within Theta-Sigma 44c have begun to transition from Children to Travelers, and they do so without Gellar Fields! Stopping them from doing so isn't a matter of morality, but faith, as they are directly stepping into the maws of Chaos in their ignorance, potentially dooming their entire species!
(Gain: Information about what is going on. A choice to end what could be the start of a Chaos Polity within the sub-sector.)
Must pick.
Somebody stop them from running into a blizzard that can possess people without no wintergear
Heavy Industry. This is a pressing concern. We need it to be pushed to 5 before the Lamenters finish their power armor project.

And we have basically 4 turns to do it in.

I honestly disagree? Like, Heavy Industry is great, but I'm baffled at the idea that we're required to complete it... they'll have adequate Space Marine Armor either way and we can improve it for a coming generation/etc.
[] [General] Integrate the Kil'drabi Kin (0/2)
[] [General] Stop The Madness In Theta-Sigma 44c (Write-In Ships/SAGs/Diplomatic Approach)
[] [General] Colonize (Itani - Magdab (Volcanic and Frozen)) (1/2 Actions)

This is what I'm thinking, obviously thinking over the specifics but this gets us within 1 of a big boost to infrastructure almost across the board.
Don't forget about doing Heavy Industry guys, that way our boys have only the best Armor and weaponry we can provide them.
This, and also medical services definitely deserves some love.

I'm very curious as to what the higher levels of medical will offer. Rejuvenat production? Genetic treatments? General reduction in corruption?

It's not critical or an emergency, but something to keep in mind when or if we ever have the time.
I honestly disagree? Like, Heavy Industry is great, but I'm baffled at the idea that we're required to complete it... they'll have adequate Space Marine Armor either way and we can improve it for a coming generation/etc.
And action needed for improving the power armor is action not being spent elsewhere and basically redoing something that was already done when we could have gotten it done with one project.

[] [General] Integrate the Kil'drabi Kin (0/2)
[] [General] Stop The Madness In Theta-Sigma 44c (Write-In Ships/SAGs/Diplomatic Approach)
[] [General] Colonize (Itani - Magdab (Volcanic and Frozen)) (1/2 Actions)

This is what I'm thinking, obviously thinking over the specifics but this gets us within 1 of a big boost to infrastructure almost across the board.
Integrate action will tick over on its own. So it's more efficient to ignore it this turn and do it next turn imo.
[] Plan: Oh Fuck, Oh Fuck, Oh Fuck!
-[] [General] Construct Something
--[] Heavy Industry II
-[] [General] Stop The Madness In Theta-Sigma 44c (Write-In Ships/SAGs/Diplomatic Approach)
[] [General] Colonize (Itani - Magdab (Volcanic and Frozen)) (1/2 Actions)

Have yet to figure out what assets to send to Theta-Sigma 44c, but here's my idea.
I honestly disagree? Like, Heavy Industry is great, but I'm baffled at the idea that we're required to complete it... they'll have adequate Space Marine Armor either way and we can improve it for a coming generation/etc.

Adequate armor is good.

But why should we stop at just adequate?

We'll have an even greater pay off if we give them stuff that's above what Space Marines typically get gear wise, maybe dare I say, as good as what Primaris Marines get (hopefully we won't ever have to fight Primaris Marines, those guys are nearly Primarch sized and almost as skilled I think).
Adequate armor is good.

But why should we stop at just adequate?

We'll have an even greater pay off if we give them stuff that's above what Space Marines typically get gear wise, maybe dare I say, as good as what Primaris Marines get (hopefully we won't ever have to fight Primaris Marines, those guys are nearly Primarch sized and almost as skilled I think).
Heavy Industry is more than just power armor, no?

I'd imagine any other industry would be bottlenecked eventually if we don't upgrade it, for lack of construction/resource extraction capabilities.
And action needed for improving the power armor is action not being spent elsewhere and basically redoing something that was already done when we could have gotten it done with one project.

Integrate action will tick over on its own. So it's more efficient to ignore it this turn and do it next turn imo.

Um, where does it say that, exactly?

Also, there's a very good reason not to rush Heavy Industry in four turns... and that's having other things to do, lol.

Adequate armor is good.

But why should we stop at just adequate?

We'll have an even greater pay off if we give them stuff that's above what Space Marines typically get gear wise, maybe dare I say, as good as what Primaris Marines get (hopefully we won't ever have to fight Primaris Marines, those guys are nearly Primarch sized and almost as skilled I think).

At the expense of slowing down literally everything else to rush Heavy Industry. Like, it's neat, sure. But we have another Melody, we have a Navigator Song, we have a Astral Communication Song, we still haven't dealt with the Karnivores...

We honestly kinda have higher priorities.

E: Though to note, the Integrate action that people are trying to ignore literally also will increase Heavy Industry on top of two other infrastructure at the cost of one infrastructure, and with a special added Bonus.
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The Status of Xenos, Technology Exchanges, And Integration Of Each
Human Technology to Xenos
Common causes and allies can be found with Xenos. The Kil'drabi are a crucial argument against the hateful, all-consuming fear of the Imperium against the Xenos. Those that the Glimmering Federation can understand, entreaty with, and coexist with can eventually prove worthy of being entrusted with some measure of the human understanding of the Omnissiah's wisdom. Yet some Xenos races are so fundamentally wrong or hostile to Humanity that such cannot happen. A policy of "Trust, but verify" should be followed. For human technology to be dispensed, the Xenos must meet the minimum of the following three criteria.
-First, sharing of the Omnissiah's wisdom must further the common cause between the Glimmering Federation and Xenos races or factions in question. Or at the very least, must not be detrimental to the Glimmering Federation.
-Second, the Xenos must not be fundamentally hostile to Humanity. This requires the Federation to understand the Xenos.
-Third, the Xenos faction--for is it not that not all humans are united, so may it be that not all Xenos are united--must not be Chaos-tainted or possess and utilize abominable technologies such as the Halo-device.

The matter of STCs
Those things dug up with archeology or reconstructed from enemies must be examined by a Choir for Chaos taint or immoral means but may be used if found safe.

Technologies not created by Humanity
Is it not said that all voices may be lifted in Song one day? The criteria for evaluating the technologies of others to integrate into our own is simple: moral and practical. An engine that feeds on screaming souls is damnation, but nowhere has it been written that members of the Imperium or Federation currently know all technological knowledge. The technologies of Xenos are still ultimately the result of the Omnissiah, as all knowledge and technology are, so long as they are not immoral, tainted by Chaos, or worse.

We must carefully acknowledge the principles governing an exchange of knowledge, whether from us to a Xenos or from a Xenos to us.
First, the right to scholarship: that is to say, we can refuse to share technology with someone deemed unworthy, and we can have 'trade secrets,' but if we agree to share knowledge of warp drives but leave out information on a fatal error in the construction that we later fixed, this is dishonoring the Omnissiah and is heresy in its basest form.
Second, exchanges should be fair to all parties. Of course, there is room for charity and generosity, which are to be commended. Still, if two people exchange knowledge or information, both should ultimately be enriched to spread the light of the Omnissiah-and-Emperor. Other contributions may, of course, apply.
-Third, correct understanding: knowledge gained through this cannot be restricted, or at least not beyond the amount necessitated by its nature. A catalog of every Chaos symbol should not be available in the common libraries of any species. Still, any knowledge a Xenos trades to us or we trade to a Xenos should be widely available: we do not exist to empower a small clique within a group we are trading with, nor to become a small clique empowered by controlled access to information.

As there are Five Manifestations and Five Guidelines for Personhood, so too are there Five Categories of Outsiders. After fierce debate, this phrase was used: "Outsiders" and not Xenos. Of course, this led to a debate on which category the Imperium was in and why it was definitely only barely better than the Ravagers or MUCH better than any but Kin; take your pick. But that's a story for another day.
-Ravagers are to never be given even a scrap of technology or knowledge, and their knowledge is generally useless. Key examples include a Daemon of Chaos, one of its slaves, the Orks, and other stranger beings that the Federation has not yet encountered.
-Wayfarers are mostly to be engaged on a case-by-case basis. Thus far, we have had good relations with some of them and, ironically, better relations with the Kil'drabi within the first century than we ever did with, for instance, the ex-government of Corcrat that requested we build them ships to aid in their escape from responsibility. A Traveler can be trustworthy or unworthy of anything, but, even then, long-term exchange may well be difficult.
-Children are those who do not yet have Warp Travel on their own. They will need to be examined, and the dangers of letting them go unready into the Warp considered. In a sense, we have technically run across plenty of Imperial Children.
-Travelers are those with whom one can treaty reliably, their words and actions in line with one another and the promises and deals made. Yet, they remain outside of the Federation for one reason or another.
-Protectorates are those who have not joined the Candle Keepers and thus do not partake equally but who share knowledge and therefore likely deserve knowledge shared in return. Once, the Kil'drabi were like this. Some secrets are reserved, so they may not access them, but much is considered reasonable.
-Kin, those for whom there is no difference. We do not hide things from those formerly of Droma III. Similarly, the Kil'drabi should have full access to technologies as befitting someone who has long since joined the Glimmering Federation. To an extent, let us have no artificial barriers between Kin and stand with Kin against all the galaxy, even if the very Heavens should collide. They have stood in weighty measure against the darkness of the galaxy: if there is no light but us, let us be a bonfire that warms all who stand around it and burns none but instead keeps off the darkness. To be declared Kin is no small thing, and cannot be assumed of everyone, but once Kin, it would take significant failure and betrayal for this to change.
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Question @HeroCooky , are the Tauruses still required for the Luteus Prism campaign? Or can we spare one without ruining everything? I'm putting together a scratch force in the event that this is where that Chaos flotilla went off to, but the intent is very much "Talk first with the possibility of putting boots on the ground in the event of a full Chaos Uprising being underway"
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Also to clarify, we've never before had an Integrate Action that automatically completed. What was talked about was that there would be automatic progress on updating their ships to code depending on if we allowed them access to our tech. Except we're going FAR beyond that.
Also to clarify, we've never before had an Integrate Action that automatically completed. What was talked about was that there would be automatic progress on updating their ships to code depending on if we allowed them access to our tech. Except we're going FAR beyond that.

Hmm, given the +1s to HI and VI, I'm willing to spend at least one action on it this turn as being functionally identical to stuff we needed to take either, but the other two are pretty much required to be "Unfuck the potential crisis point going on here" and "Lock Down Itani before it's too late"
Hmm, given the +1s to HI and VI, I'm willing to spend at least one action on it this turn as being functionally identical to stuff we needed to take either, but the other two are pretty much required to be "Unfuck the potential crisis point going on here" and "Lock Down Itani before it's too late"

Well yeah, the debate is between doing a HI and doing that... which does significantly more than an HI does, though will take two full turns to do it. Which is... fine? Because it does significantly more than an HI does.