Star Wars: The Chosen One (An Anakin Skywalker Quest)

So I did some adding up. For future reference, on level up we get:
+3 Strength (2 from Guardian, 1 from Engineer)
+3 Constitution (2 from Guardian, 1 from Engineer)
+2 Dexterity (2 from guardian)
+2 Wisdom (2 from Consular)
+10 Charisma (2 from Consular, 2 from Noble,6 from Dooku)
+12 Intelligence (2 from Consular, 2 from Engineer, 2 from Noble, 6 from Dooku)
Passive per normal level.
I will not Ferrus only gets 2 of each physical totalling 6, which make me giggle. We get 32 points per level. Dear god.

In the future, when we pick up stats at level up, we should be looking at Dex and Wis. We gain the least on level up, and though Wis comes from Force things, we aren't likely to pick up Dex too often from other stuff. Our Int though. It brings me joy.
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So I did some adding up. For future reference, on level up we get:
+3 Strength (2 from Guardian, 1 from Engineer)
+3 Constitution (2 from Guardian, 1 from Engineer)
+2 Dexterity (2 from guardian)
+2 Wisdom (2 from Consular)
+10 Charisma (2 from Consular, 2 from Noble,6 from Dooku)
+12 Intelligence (2 from Consular, 2 from Engineer, 2 from Noble, 6 from Dooku)
Passive per normal level.
I will not Ferrus only gets 2 of each physical totalling 6, which make me giggle. We get 32 points per level. Dear god.

In the future, when we pick up stats at level up, we should be looking at Dex and Wis. We gain the least on level up, and though Wis comes from Force things, we aren't likely to pick up Dex too often from other stuff. Our Int though. It brings me joy.

Well, if Ferus gets a master, then he'll start picking up some more stats - in fact, that's one possible source for him to have gotten that far ahead on the physicals to begin with.

And yeah, while skill trees and lightsaber forms can pick up some Dexterity and Wisdom as well, those are Anakin's least-advancing stats... if just from classes and bonds. It's very lopsided - although admittedly a huge amount is Dooku's contribution.

Incidentally, speaking of Dooku... I wonder if it's worth focusing almost entirely on Jar'Kai at present for substyles, given the discount at level 5 bond for Dun Moch. It's 9 ticks of bond away, granted; no guarantee of hitting that any time soon (this past turn gave no advancement), in spite of the long-term Ambition on it.
Well, if Ferus gets a master, then he'll start picking up some more stats - in fact, that's one possible source for him to have gotten that far ahead on the physicals to begin with.

And yeah, while skill trees and lightsaber forms can pick up some Dexterity and Wisdom as well, those are Anakin's least-advancing stats... if just from classes and bonds. It's very lopsided - although admittedly a huge amount is Dooku's contribution.

Incidentally, speaking of Dooku... I wonder if it's worth focusing almost entirely on Jar'Kai at present for substyles, given the discount at level 5 bond for Dun Moch. It's 9 ticks of bond away, granted; no guarantee of hitting that any time soon (this past turn gave no advancement), in spite of the long-term Ambition on it.
His Master is Siri.

It's a little awkward since Dun Moch's level 3 bonus is just 1/10 of CHA, whereas the level 5 doubles it to 1/5...

Still, I think we could hit the third level in it (since our CHA is still really high and our HP pool pretty low so that even a few saved points per attack is useful) and then swap some time to Jar'Kai.
His Master is Siri.

It's a little awkward since Dun Moch's level 3 bonus is just 1/10 of CHA, whereas the level 5 doubles it to 1/5...

Still, I think we could hit the third level in it (since our CHA is still really high and our HP pool pretty low so that even a few saved points per attack is useful) and then swap some time to Jar'Kai.

Actually... lessee... this coming turn puts it at rank 2, and Jar'Kai is at rank 3. If he does Dun Moch x2 the turn after, then if he manages to get a level 'naturally' by then* that would make Dun Moch and Jar'Kai both at 3.

At that point, the +24 Charisma (2x level, 2x Dun Moch) means he's got 10 damage reduction. That's... pretty appealing, you're right - and, to be honest, doubling that number is probably not going to change the outcome of many fights over the next half-decade or so. Areth-level mismatches will still wipe the floor with him, Owen-level mismatches will still clearly lose, and even matches will be tilted fairly well by the rank 3 Dun Moch mitigation; it'd only shift a certain band of opponents that would otherwise narrowly outlast Anakin.

Hmmm... on a related topic (future development), since we're more or less killing time before the update, what advanced class(es) do you think would suit Anakin? Jedi and Civilian both.

*He's currently got 28894/64800, and this turn he made 29k; I think he could do it.
Well, if Ferus gets a master, then he'll start picking up some more stats - in fact, that's one possible source for him to have gotten that far ahead on the physicals to begin with.
And for purposes of this discussion:
Replaced by Siri Tachi
Name: Siri Tachi
Rank: Knight, Guardian
Abilities: Ataru, Jar'Kai, Telekinesis
Perks of Master:Learn Telekinesis/Mechanical techniques in 1 Less turns, Learn Ataru/Jar'Kai techniques in 1 Less turns, Permanent Double Chosen Point Gain, 1.5XP gain
Types of Missions: Combat, Offworld Missions
Alignments Accepted:
Neutral Light
Chaotic Neutral
Chaotic Light
She does not give stats, and though she does have that nice CP doubler, due to us having a much higher experience multiplier, we should be able to out-level him eventually.Also, little dipshit taking Djem-so instead of his master's form.

Hmmm... on a related topic (future development), since we're more or less killing time before the update, what advanced class(es) do you think would suit Anakin? Jedi and Civilian both.
I know Jedi Sage has serious traction, because of that delicious boost to all our mental stats, Force power damage boost to a huge level, and it granting You Are the Force. After that? Peacekeeper would be useful for large scale combat powerups via Battle meditation, Healer for more esoteric powerups, Weapon Master for pure fighting power.

Sage is first though. So good.
Jedi Sage and Weapon Master have primacy in my mind. Jedi Sage for the stats, midi-chlorian manipulation and Wisdom Damage Potential and You're the Force. Weapon Master for learning saber styles in one less turn. After that, I'm pretty much good with anything.
Is Peacekeeper still relevant? I thought Anakin's already unlocked Battle Meditation.

EDIT: Nevermind, I'm blind and missed the top tier bonuses of the class.
I know Jedi Sage has serious traction, because of that delicious boost to all our mental stats, Force power damage boost to a huge level, and it granting You Are the Force. After that? Peacekeeper would be useful for large scale combat powerups via Battle meditation, Healer for more esoteric powerups, Weapon Master for pure fighting power.

Sage is first though. So good.

Sage... definitely has the advantage of Midi-Chlorian Manipulation (which unlocks a questline) and that capstone perk gain. And don't get me wrong - I really want Anakin to get Midi-Chlorian Manipulation. But I'm starting to lean towards Healer as the slightly more preferable 'consular-side' top pick. It waits a couple levels for Midi-Chlorian Manipulation, but has those effect doublers and the discounter. I suppose it would depend on how much Anakin has a use for those trees, I suppose, and how much he relies on damaging force powers.

Weapon Master is another "first advanced class" competitor. While I incline more towards wanting him to work on Force abilities than saber, unlocking the other exotic substyles is awful tempting (reroll misses, opponent can't attack, strategy rerolls). Discount soon after is nice, and the ability to ignore nullification of a style's abilities against an equal or superior combatant is fairly strong.

Shadow unlocks Force Cloak, which has a rather nice sustain capability - effectively tripling HP. Boosting critical hit damage goes well with Shatterpoint's auto-crits, and immunity to Dark Side techniques is helpful. It's not really a "first advanced class" pick though.

Ace and Peacekeeper are lowest on the list for me - Pilot beats the former for flavor fairly easily (and Ace just gives a ship), while Anakin has the unlocks for the latter already. Free Force Valour 5 (9 ticks training worth) and the doubling of effects is a bit attractive though.

So it'd probably come down to what Anakin is doing in 6 levels. Does he have an interest in Heal/Resurrect/Valour? Does he use damaging force powers a lot? Does he focus on lightsaber combat? Is he pursuing a long-term Ambition to create and master his own saber style? Or perhaps one to understand himself and his origins?

On the civilian side... Pilot is probably my preference. About that time Anakin will (hopefully) be exploring the galaxy a bit - either hunting ruins or liaising with factions - so it feels pretty thematic. Especially if he gets a living ship? :p

Professor would be kind of interesting - I mean, Anakin as a teacher would be kind of interesting. And a bit of speechifying wouldn't go amiss. Lord maybe if he doesn't go wandering but instead goes straight to being a general or admiral.
Weapon Master for learning saber styles in one less turn. After that, I'm pretty much good with anything.
The thing is, I think we'll probably do Makashi and Niman as our main style focuses, with Shii-cho to maybe 5. I don't see us taking a bunch of time to learn lots of Saber forms with how we're looking on the grander scale.
Weapon Master is another "first advanced class" competitor. While I incline more towards wanting him to work on Force abilities than saber, unlocking the other exotic substyles is awful tempting (reroll misses, opponent can't attack, strategy rerolls). Discount soon after is nice, and the ability to ignore nullification of a style's abilities against an equal or superior combatant is fairly strong.
See above, and also note that we already have two sub-substyles we're working on, and that Trakata and Triepzest are both kind of inconsistent. Sokan would be useful, and apply to the War, but it's simply nice, not really a necessity. The discount is also going to be pretty late, and thus less useful, because again, I don't see us as being out to train lots of saber stuff with any intensity beyond a strong core combo of Makashi, Niman, Jarkai, Dun Moch.
On the civilian side... Pilot is probably my preference. About that time Anakin will (hopefully) be exploring the galaxy a bit - either hunting ruins or liaising with factions - so it feels pretty thematic. Especially if he gets a living ship? :p
Uh, in 6 levels we'll still be in training on Serenno, that's not that far away. Do keep that in mind. Pilot could work, but I would like to be able to build stuff too.
Professor would be kind of interesting - I mean, Anakin as a teacher would be kind of interesting. And a bit of speechifying wouldn't go amiss. Lord maybe if he doesn't go wandering but instead goes straight to being a general or admiral.
Lord is the definite better choice. We need it eventually, better to start early. It helps when we inherit Serenno, it helps us in the coming war. Professor...we probably won't want to spend time teaching in an academic setting, and socially we're going to be a hell of a powerhouse anyway. Both would be nice eventually, but Lord is going to yield more immediately useful returns.
Hmmm... so thinking about the long term, Anakin's kind of being pulled in different directions (or different "quest-level ambitions" the voting base has for him).

There's his "destiny", of course.

Others are aiming him towards leading the Separatists and splitting or overthrowing the Republic.

There's the thought of him making a new 'Order' or make a similarly grand mark in Force-wielder history (things like creating his own lightsaber style, etc).

There's the "get him settled down with X" crowd.

There's probably still some desire for Sidious' head floating around.

What other things are people wanting Anakin to get up to?

Myself, I'm most interesting in pursuing the Balance the Force and Origins quests, as well as Bendu et al. Separatists... eh, to be honest, not all that interesting in empire-building. Definitely not interested in Star Wars Waifu Wars. I see a conflict with Sidious as probably inevitable eventually, but it's not really a goal. Lightsaber style would be interesting if he pursues combat as a major hobby, and I'm amused at the thought of him teaching, but not so much in fashioning a new order of Force-wielders.
Hmmm... so thinking about the long term, Anakin's kind of being pulled in different directions (or different "quest-level ambitions" the voting base has for him).

There's his "destiny", of course.

Others are aiming him towards leading the Separatists and splitting or overthrowing the Republic.

There's the thought of him making a new 'Order' or make a similarly grand mark in Force-wielder history (things like creating his own lightsaber style, etc).

There's the "get him settled down with X" crowd.

There's probably still some desire for Sidious' head floating around.

What other things are people wanting Anakin to get up to?

Myself, I'm most interesting in pursuing the Balance the Force and Origins quests, as well as Bendu et al. Separatists... eh, to be honest, not all that interesting in empire-building. Definitely not interested in Star Wars Waifu Wars. I see a conflict with Sidious as probably inevitable eventually, but it's not really a goal. Lightsaber style would be interesting if he pursues combat as a major hobby, and I'm amused at the thought of him teaching, but not so much in fashioning a new order of Force-wielders.

Not that into the empire building myself.

My preference is to do the balance quest line, other adventures and to get slavery abolished.
Not that into the empire building myself.

My preference is to do the balance quest line, other adventures and to get slavery abolished.

The Empire building will have s couple votes involved.

Do you leave once Dooku starts the Separatists?

If you stay, what role do you take? Are you a commander on the ground? Head of foreign affairs? General? Admiral?

You won't realky have much control over the faction until much later.
Personaly I like empire building, and apparently we will have time before have to make it, so we will have time to make other things before it.
The Empire building will have s couple votes involved.

Do you leave once Dooku starts the Separatists?

If you stay, what role do you take? Are you a commander on the ground? Head of foreign affairs? General? Admiral?

You won't realky have much control over the faction until much later.
Leave Dooku to join the Jedi. Make our inconsistency our only consistency! :V
And just after leave the jedis for Palpatine and leave Palpatine for the gungans !
You've gone too far.

What other things are people wanting Anakin to get up to?
At some point I assume we shall arrange to have King Jar Jar violently removed for the good of the galaxy and the Separatist cause. Remember who gave Sidious emergency powers, Jar Jar is too dangerous to leave alive. It is our moral obligation to destroy him and possibly the gungans as a whole.
You've gone too far.

At some point I assume we shall arrange to have King Jar Jar violently removed for the good of the galaxy and the Separatist cause. Remember who gave Sidious emergency powers, Jar Jar is too dangerous to leave alive. It is our moral obligation to destroy him and possibly the gungans as a whole.

are we going to make the imperium of mankind at this rate?