Star Wars: The Chosen One (An Anakin Skywalker Quest)

I don't believe that was ever stated to be the reason in canon. The Jedi did kill their ancestors but that was so long ago it makes no sense to them tohate the Jedi bc of that...

Especially when that basically meant the pirates who ruled the women were gone.

My person Theory is Sidious shenanigans but it's never really stated why they hate Jedi in canon...
They don't exist in canon, you mean Legends. :V

The defeat of the Lorell Raiders did create anti-Jedi sentiment among the Hapans, and with that being basically their only interaction with the Jedi that we know of.... Not all the pirates were killed anyway, so I think it's more likely that the survivors made their way back and spun some outlandish tales about the Jedi that created the hate in the first place. After that, the Hapans just kept it alive somehow. 4,000 years is alot, but it's certainly possible in Star Wars.

And if Sheev was capable of manipulating them to that extent, he likely could have also manipulated them into surrendering to the Empire though.
Has Anakin had any interaction with the other Noble Houses so far or has Dooku done a good job of keeping him sheltered? Has he learned anything about the other Houses?
They don't exist in canon, you mean Legends. :V

The defeat of the Lorell Raiders did create anti-Jedi sentiment among the Hapans, and with that being basically their only interaction with the Jedi that we know of.... Not all the pirates were killed anyway, so I think it's more likely that the survivors made their way back and spun some outlandish tales about the Jedi that created the hate in the first place. After that, the Hapans just kept it alive somehow. 4,000 years is alot, but it's certainly possible in Star Wars.

And if Sheev was capable of manipulating them to that extent, he likely could have also manipulated them into surrendering to the Empire though.

Ni'Korish (Ta'a Chume´s mother) was stated to have all Jedi that made their way into their territory hunted down. Out of such a statement we can conclude that at least her mother must have had contact with jedi.
Ni'Korish (Ta'a Chume´s mother) was stated to have all Jedi that made their way into their territory hunted down. Out of such a statement we can conclude that at least her mother must have had contact with jedi.
Not really though. Her hate can just stem from being told that the Jedi are evil her entire life, not from a personal encounter. And if any Jedi did get into the Hapan Cluster, they would've been hunted down and killed by the military, no need for them to be brought before the Queen.
Not really though. Her hate can just stem from being told that the Jedi are evil her entire life, not from a personal encounter. And if any Jedi did get into the Hapan Cluster, they would've been hunted down and killed by the military, no need for them to be brought before the Queen.

You misunderstand me. I didn´t not mention personal contact just contact and I think that there is a major difference between open violence and resentment.
Their resentment lingered for thousands of year till it broke out into open violence. For me it is logical that something like that needed a catalyst or a spark to ignite that powder keg. What better reason than some "self-righteous" Jedi ,who infringes on their sovereign rights ?
[X] [Language] Hapan


[X] [Squirrel] Do Nothing

[X] [Story] Go with the Girl

Lightsaber: Choose two
[X] [Combat] Makashi: Jar'kai
[X] [Combat] Makashi: Jar'kai x2

Force Skill Choose Three
[X] [Force] Shatterpoint
[X] [Force] Shatterpoint X2
[X] [Force] Alter Neutral

Non Jedi Skills Choose Two
[X] [Civilian] Scholar
[X] [Civilian] Teras Kasi

[X] [Social] Play with T'da and Carly
[X] [Social] Call Padme
You misunderstand me. I didn´t not mention personal contact just contact and I think that there is a major difference between open violence and resentment.
Their resentment lingered for thousands of year till it broke out into open violence. For me it is logical that something like that needed a catalyst or a spark to ignite that powder keg. What better reason than some "self-righteous" Jedi ,who infringes on their sovereign rights ?
Or it could just as well have been the logical culmination of 4,000 years of being told that the Jedi are the boogeyman. That seems entirely possible to me and doesn't require us to invent events that may or may not have taken place.
Has Anakin had any interaction with the other Noble Houses so far or has Dooku done a good job of keeping him sheltered? Has he learned anything about the other Houses?
H e knows they exist

But no interaction yet. That'll happen soon

I have plans

Or it could just as well have been the logical culmination of 4,000 years of being told that the Jedi are the boogeyman. That seems entirely possible to me and doesn't require us to invent events that may or may not have taken place.

The Hapans were isolationists...but that didn't mean they ignored The galaxy around them.

It's unlikely they some out of touch view of the Jedi

Resentment yes...but hate and open violence is another matter.

It makes sense to me that Sidious would want to prevent the Jedi from having a safe haven in an isolationist state

Either way, Legends does not state one way or the other. So I'm free to work my GM Magic.

Maybe it's resentment erupting. Maybe it's Sidious. Maybe it's Maybelline...

The Hapans aren't villains. View them like the Chiss. Potential allies, neutrals, or if you screw up enemies.
Resentment yes...but hate and open violence is another matter.
It may seem stupid to us, but I assume none (at the very least few) of us live in a nation where everyone resents another group for some event thousands of years ago.

Like, antisemitism was pretty widespread in ye ol' Europe. But not every ruler was openly hostile to jews. Sure, some would be like Ni'Korish and persecute them, but some would... well, accept would probably not be the right word, but they would be less hostile to them. That didn't stop antisemitism from being a widespread phenomenon nor the people from sometimes "taking matters into their own hands" and start a pogrom without orders from their ruler.

It's not really a good comparison, since there are no Jedi among the Hapans to be oppressed. But what I'm trying to say is, it's pretty easy for just resentment to quickly turn into open violence and then back again to resentment, sometimes even in a single generation. So it's perfectly possible for there to sometimes be a Hapan Queen (like Ni'korish) who orders her army to kill every Jedi they come across and for the next one to simply reverse this order only for the same thing to happen again a few generations later.
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It may seem stupid to us, but I assume none (at the very least few) of us live in a nation where everyone resents another group for some event thousands of years ago.

Like, antisemitism was pretty widespread in ye ol' Europe. But not every ruler was openly hostile to jews. Sure, some would be like Ni'Korish and persecute them, but some would... well, accept would probably not be the right word, but they would be less hostile to them. That didn't stop antisemitism from being a widespread phenomenon nor the people from sometimes "taking matters into their own hands" and start a pogrom without orders from their ruler.

It's not really a good comparison, since there are no Jedi among the Hapans to be oppressed. But what I'm trying to say is, it's pretty easy for just resentment to quickly turn into open violence and then back again to resentment, sometimes even in a single generation. So it's perfectly possible for there to sometimes be a Hapan Queen (like Ni'korish) who orders her army to kill every Jedi they come across and for the next one to simply reverse this order only for the same thing to happen again a few generations later.

I don´t want to derail this thread and to really answer I would need to, therefore let´s agree to disagree.
[X] [Language] Hapan

[X] [Squirrel] Do Nothing

[X] [Story] Go with the Girl

[X] [Combat] Makashi: Jar'kai
[X] [Combat] Shii-Cho: Jar'kai

Force Skills
[X] [Force] Shatterpoint
[X] [Force] Shatterpoint X2
[X] [Force] Alter Neutral

Non Jedi Skills
[X] [Civilian] Go Flying
[X] [Civilian] Teras Kasi

[X] [Social] Play with T'da and Carly
[X] [Social] Call Padme

@Arthellion Did we get the missing Teras Kasi training and missing 1875 XP from Heir of Serenno I?
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[X] [Language] Hapan

[X] [Squirrel] Do Nothing

[X] [Story] Go with the Girl

[X] [Combat] Makashi: Jar'kai
[X] [Combat] Shii-Cho: Jar'kai

Force Skills
[X] [Force] Shatterpoint
[X] [Force] Shatterpoint X2
[X] [Force] Alter Neutral

Non Jedi Skills
[X] [Civilian] Go Flying
[X] [Civilian] Teras Kasi

[X] [Social] Play with T'da and Carly
[X] [Social] Call Padme

@Arthellion Did we get the missing Teras Kasi training and missing 1875 XP from Heir of Serenno I?
You dud
[X] [Language] Hapan

[X] [Squirrel] Do Nothing

[X] [Story] Go with the Girl

[X] [Combat] Makashi: Jar'kai
[X] [Combat] Shii-Cho: Jar'kai

Force Skills
[X] [Force] Shatterpoint
[X] [Force] Shatterpoint X2
[X] [Force] Alter Neutral

Non Jedi Skills
[X] [Civilian] Go Flying
[X] [Civilian] Teras Kasi

[X] [Social] Play with T'da and Carly
[X] [Social] Call Padme

I'm not too eager to get more DS points tbqh
We need to accumulate those DS points in order to master the Darkside. Every DS decision possible, we need to take. The sooner we master the DS, the sooner we can master the LS.
Voting seems to have died down. Gonna go ahead and Close it so I can Start writing.

Voting Closed
Adhoc vote count started by Arthellion on Mar 1, 2018 at 5:31 PM, finished with 208 posts and 43 votes.
The Heir of Serenno Chapter III
Language: Hapan 29 Votes

Hovered the acorn to a location where the Squirrel would die. 22 Votes

Go with the Girl 19 Votes

Makashi: Jar'kai 37 Votes/Makashi: Jar'kai x2 29 Votes
330 XP

Force: Shatterpoint 38 Votes/Shatterpoint X 2 35Votes/Alter Neutral 27 Votes
500 XP

Civilian: Teras Kasi 36 Votes/Scholar 25 Votes

Social: Play with T'da and Carly 28 Votes/Call Padme 24 Votes
260 XP

+1CP from Discussion

The Heir of Serenno Chapter III
"Want to see something cool?"

You sensed that she meant you no harm. The girl was lonely for interaction with someone her age despite her tough exterior. You could sense that loneliness and felt it mimic your own. It would be nice to spend time with someone your age. That meant probably ticking off Areth and disobeying Dooku. You remembered the time you had run off on your own on tatooine and how scared Cliegg had been. You decided to,
DC: 32
Roll: D20+23=31
+5 Lawful
stay. You shook your head at Carly,
Roll: D20+24=27
"Sorry, Carly, Areth gets pissed off when I cause him more work."

"Lameee" the girl frowned. You could tell that it had really hurt her that you had said no. You were kind of disappointed too, but you knew that obeying the authority over you would have a better result than simply running off. That said, maybe you could ask her to vist the forest? You said,
DC: 34
ROll D20+24=33
"You could come visit the Dooku forest? I have a bunny you could play with?'

"Ewww, I hate animals! What are you? Eight? Only little kids have bunnies."

You felt anger as the girl stuck her tongue out at you and started to run away. You,
DC: 32
felt tempted to use the force to cause her to trip, but restrained yourself.There would be no benefit from such an action. You were frustrated but looked over at Areth who had walked over with a smirk,

"Well aren't you the lady killer, Master Skywalker."

"And you are?" You asked in frustration. Areth simply smirked,

"You could say that. Ask me in a few years and I might just give you some tips."

You scowled and stomped off. You could sense Areth's amusement, but paid it no heed.

+5 Lawful
+Carly Relationship Changed: Carly, Engineer, Thinks you're lame

You sat straight up in your hair as Hess lectured. You had never known that when your decision to learn the Hapan language that Hess would make the whole society and government part of your education. The man had a surprising amount of information about a polity that was isolationist. When you had asked how Hess had such information, his eyes had simply grown distant and begun muttering something about a ring and a dark lord. It had taken him a few minutes to break free from that episode. You decided not to question the source of the man's information again. You shifted in your seat and paid attention to the lecture,
"The Hapes Consortium was born from the remnants of the Lorell raiders. The Lorell Raiders, or Hapan Pirates as they came to be called, were a group of pirates who colonized the a little over 4000 years ago and were the ancestors of the current Hapan Humans. They learned of safe routes through the hazardous Transitory Mist barrier that surrounded the Cluster and took refuge there along with a number of abductees. Many of the raiders were killed when they ventured out and were defeated by he Republic forces led by the Jedi Arca Reth. Although the era of the Raiders was at an end, they did have survivors who became known as Hapans.

The Lorell raiders had capture the most beautiful women during their raids and took them as their wives. When the raiders were slain, the women vowed never to be ruled by a man again and developed an absolute monarchy under the rule of the Queen Mother. The Queen Mother holds her royal court with members from each of the 63 Systems who make up the Hapes Consortium. The Consortium planets possess vast wealth and due to the eugenics program produce highly beautiful men and women..."

Hess's voice trailed off here and his eyes grew wistful...

"Such beautiful women..."

You frowned and scrunched up your face in disgust. Though you had gradually become aware of the beauty of women, you still found the concept of everything to be...weird.

"ANYWAYS! The Hapan Consortium possess a very strong Military, both the navy and ground forces are highly skilled beyond anything the Republic currently has. Thankfully, the Hapan Consortium is isolationist. Should they desire to harm the Republic, it would be easy for them to restart the raids the Lorell raiders performed so long ago. Now, tell me what should be Jedi Lord's stance on isolationism?"

Isolationism? Rest of section will be played out at start of next update. Recognizing the IRL Politics regarding this vote, I'm simply going to request that discussion on this vote be limited to Anakin's personality and what his feelings might be. Please no references to IRL politics and respect the views of your fellow voters. You're only allowed to argue a stance based upon Anakin's personality and history so far.
[] [Isolationism] Isolationism is a viable stance to take in the galaxy to protect your people.
[] [Isolationism] Isolationism prevents a polity from growing economically and militarily.
[] [Isolationism] Isolationism ignores the the will of the Force to bind everyone together.
[] [Isolationism] Isolationism is born of fear, and does not come from a place of strength.
[] [Isolationism] Write-in?

+1 Scholar training


Bruises covered your torso, but you refused to get up. Areth had taken over your Teras Kasi training since that fateful spar. You were determined to impress the man despite his usually caustic demeanor. On the sparring mat, Areth seemed to come alive. His movements were so precise and you knew that if the man wished to kill you, he would. You felt like you had developed more of a rapport with the man since the two of you had begun your training and you could honestly say you had begrudging respect for him. The same could not be said for towards you.

You hit the map once again and tasted blood. Spars with Dooku always left you feeling bruised mentally, but only exhausted physically. Spars with Areth were brutal and the man rarely held back his punches despite your age. Still, you could not desire the results. Your body, despite only be eleven years old, was beginning to become lean with muscle. Constant exercise would do that you supposed.

You pulled yourself off the mat and focused upon the man. You decided to ask the question that had been burning in your mind since you had fought Areth the first time,

"Where did you learn to fight?"
DC: 32
Roll: D20+24=32
You barely dodged the kick to your head, but the man began to speak even as you continued your spar.

"My father taught me. It is an ancient tradition among the Butler's of Serenno. We are not just butlers, but bodyguards. We protect our Masters from all threats."

You frowned. So Areth was your bodyguard. Could you trust him?

You looked at Areth with Shatterpoint and saw
DC: 34
Roll: D20+23=37

a blur. It was like there was a blanket over the man preventing you from seeing his motivations. You frowned. You needed to know if you could trust him. Even as you dodged the man's attacks, you pulled more force energy towards your eyes and you...saw. Areth...was a bitter and cynical man. Something to do with his family. There was a goddess whom he served and she...was unknown. But...he was sworn to serve you...devoted to you really even if he begrudged your lack of noble blood. He wanted you to be worthy of respect, he just was not sure if you were yet. Nonetheless, you saw the truth, the man would never betray you and would give his life for you and yours.

That kind of devotion was...frightening. You decided to ask, even though you already knew,

"Why do you resent me?"

Areth paused in his attack and tilted his head for a moment before saying,

"I trained my whole life to serve a mighty Noble. You're a slave kid from tatooine. You have shown me nothing to prove yourself worthy of my respect."

You frowned even as the words stinged. You asked,

"How would I earn your respect?"

Areth suddenly lashed out with a kick and you,
DC: 26
Roll: D20+16=31

easily dodged the strike. Areth simply nodded,

"Just keep acting like what you're supposed to be....and avoid being an idiot."

Conversation ceased after that and Areth continued teaching you in Teras Kasi. You performed,
DC: 32
Roll: D20+20=22

alright and felt like you had advanced somewhat in Teras Kasi.

+1 Teras Kasi training
+1 Shatterpoint Training
Areth Relationship Changed: Areth, Butler, Annoyed

You stared at the combat droids floating about you. The Twilight had possessed a few of Maul's assassin's droids. Dooku had repurposed them as training droids, but they still possessed advanced targeting systems and were quite dangerous. Dooku was gone currently and you still felt the slight fear regarding these objects. They had been your first true life and dead opponent. You refused to be afraid of them. You must do better.

It had been a simple task to make the droids lethal again. Dooku would not have approved, but he didn't have to know. You needed to challenge yourself. And so you had added an additional four droids to the original six. You smirked as you felt your blades ready. They were more dangerous, but so were you.​

Name: Anakin Skywalker
Level: 14
Hit Points: (Level+Con) x2.5=68
Armor Class: (Dex+Con+Intel)/3 = 25
Mental AC= (Wisdom+Intelligence+Charisma/3= 26
Initiative: 22
Weapons: Teras Kasi Fists, 2D8, Curved Purple Lightsaberr, Straight Red Saber: 2D30
Unarmed to Hit= (+30)
Saber to Hit= +28, +37 if other swordsman.
Blaster to Hit=(+16)
Force to Hit= +23

Strength: 39 (+15)
Constitution: 36 (+13)
Dexterity: 41 (+16)
Wisdom: 56 (+23)
Charisma: 57 (+24)
Intelligence: 70 (+30)

Relevant SKills:

-Start First when Fighting Multiple Opponents

-Gain an extra strike for every Successful hit against You

-On Third Round attack with 6D4 Debris

Force Push
-First Round do 1d6 Damage
-Third Round do 2D6 Damage

Force Lightning
-First Round do 1d12 Damage
Level: 24
Hit Points: (Level+Con) x2= 64
Armor Class: (Dex+Con+Str)/3 =15
Weapons: Blaster, 10D4
Blaster to Hit= +22
Iniative: +22

Strength:10 (+0)
Constitution: 54 (+22)
Dexterity: 54 (+22)
Wisdom: 10 (+0)
Charisma: 10 (+0)
Intelligence: 54 (+22)

Anakin HP: 68
Anakin AC: 25

Droids HP:64
Droids AC:15

Anakin Goes first against Multiple

Round 1:
Anakin Force Push: D20+23=35. Hit! 1d6 Damage=4
Anakin Telekinesis: D20+23=26. Hit! 6D4 Damage=18
Anakin Force Lighting: D20+23=41. Hit! 1d12 Damage=10
Anakin Saber Attack: D20+28=40. Hit! 2D30 Damage=55.

Droids Dead


You quickly fell into the Makashi basic stance. Fighting droids was different than fighting humans. The droids possessed no life or intentions towards you, you had to rely upon the Force itself to make yourself aware of the droid movement. You could sense them floating around you. Your could see their shatterpoints through the Force. You instinctively knew how to destroy each of them...and you moved.

The Force enhanced your speed and you thrust out your main hand at three of the droids. They flew backwards against the electric wall which prevented one from falling off the rooftop and were quickly destroyed. You gripped the damaged remains with the force and flung them at three of their compatriots. The Droids had barely begun to move before the debris smashed into them, breaking them as well. Four remaining. You glanced at the two to the right and lifted your index and middle finger off of your red blade. You could feel your hatred of these mechanical forms and their dead creator flow through you. Lightning emitted from your fingertips and slammed into the droids. Two remaining.

These two had begun to fire, but you saw it in slow motion. It was as if the droids were moving in thick sludge and you were flying free through the air. To the untrained eye it would have appeared as if you had teleported behind the two droids and a blur of purple and red slashed through them.


You stopped and looked around you at the broken droids in amazement. You weren't even breathing hard. It had been simple to destroy them. You dis-ignited your sabers and hooked them to your belt. Your hand slowly moved to the two scars on your upper torso. These droids which had nearly killed you not over a year ago were now as nothing to you. You felt the power at your finger tips and you began to laugh. You were becoming strong.

+1 SHatterpoint Training
+3 Makashi Trainings
+2 Jar'kai Trainings
+ 1 Force Jump Training
+1 Force Push Training
+1 Telekinesis Training
Completed Makashi Level 5 Ambition. +10,000XP

It had been a little over a month since you had last called Padme. She had weighted heavily on your mind. You were determined to apologize. You knew you had made a mistake. You needed to say what was on your heart. You needed to let her know that you were sorry for not telling her the truth.

You had set the timing of it up perfectly. You knew she would be just now finishing dinner (if she at dinner like she had when you were last on Naboo) and that she would be relaxed after a long day. You quickly input the keys into the holocomm before you lost your nerve.

A few seconds passed and you began to wonder if the woman would respond. Suddenly, Padme's form shimmered to life. Her eyes were narrowed when she saw you, but you could sense her gladness at the fact that you had called. She appeared stressed though and you worried if now was a good time.

"Hi Padme, erm...if now's not a good time to talk?'

"No, we can talk," her tone was cold, but you could sense it was born from hurt, not any real hatred of you. You felt your stomach sink. You had really hurt her by lying to her about the the Jedi investigation. You really should have told her the truth. You said,
DC: 30
Roll: D20+24=41
"Padme, I'm sorry for lying to you about leaving the Jedi. It was wrong of me and hurtful to you. I take responsibility for my actions and all I can say is I'm sorry. I was in the wrong."

Her eyes softened ever so slightly and you could tell she was wrestling internally but finally she sighed and offered you a smile,

"How can I say no to such an apology. You're forgiven, Anakin. I really appreciate you calling me."

You felt joy flood you. She had forgiven you. You smiled widely, more than you had since you had left the Jedi Temple. You nodded and asked,

"How are you, Padme?"

"I'm..." she paused, "I'm tired. So much has gone into rebuilding the planet. I feel...exhausted both mentally and physically. I'll be glad when my term is up here in a few months."

"You're not planning on running for reelection?" You asked curiously. Padme shook her head,

"No, I think I'm going to take some time off from politics and take some time to rest. Take a long vacation and see the rest of the Galaxy before returning to Public Service."

You tilted your head. If Padme was taking a vacation...

[] [Padme] Invite her to Serenno.
[] [Padme] Wish her well on her vacation.


You were now 12 years old. You decided to spend your time over the next six months:

Lightsaber: Choose two
[] [Combat] Shii-Cho: Jar'kai
[] [Combat] Makashi: Jar'kai
[] [Combat] Soresu: Jar'kai
[] [Combat] Ataru: Jar'kai
[] [Combat] Djem'so/Shien: Jar'kai
[] [Combat] Niman: Jar'kai
[] [Combat] Shii-Cho: Dun Moch
[] [Combat] Makashi: Dun Moch
[] [Combat] Soresu: Dun Moch
[] [Combat] Ataru: Dun Moch
[] [Combat] Djem'so/Shien: Dun Moch
[] [Combat] Niman: Dun Moch

Force Skill Choose three
[] [Force] Shatterpoint
[] [Force] Battle Meditation
[] [Force] Control Neutral
[] [Force] Control Light
[] [Force] Control Dark
[] [Force] Sense Neutral
[] [Force] Sense Light
[] [Force] Sense Dark
[] [Force] Alter Light
[] [Force] Alter Neutral
[] [Force] Alter Dark

Non Jedi Skills Choose Two
[] [Civilian] Teras Kasi
[] [Civilian] Close Quarters Combat
[] [Civilian] Computers
[] [Civilian] Scholar
[] [Civilian] Go Flying
[] [Civilian] Diplomacy
[] [Civilian] Ships

Social Pick Two
[] [Social] Call Padme
[] [Social] Call Bail
[] [Social] Call Owen
[] [Social] Call Siri
[] [Social] Call Ferus
[] [Social] Call Aayla
[] [Social] Call Darra
[] [Social] Call Tru
[] [Social] Call Xiaan
[] [Social] Play with T'Da
[] [Social] Hangout with Gordon
[] [Social] Hangout with Carly
[] [Social] Hangout with Hess
[] [Social] Hangout with Areth
[] [Social] Hangout with Dooku
[] [Social] Visit the Beach
[] [Social] Visit the Forest​

End Chapter III


+5 Dark Side Points
+1 CP
+1 SHatterpoint Training
+3 Makashi Trainings
+2 Jar'kai Trainings
+ 1 Force Jump Training
+1 Force Push Training
+1 Telekinesis Training

+1 Teras Kasi training
+1 Shatterpoint Training
+1 Scholar Training
+Areth Relationship Changed: Areth, Butler, Annoyed
+Carly Relationship Changed: Carly, Engineer, Thinks you're lame

Level up X 2!

Name: Anakin Skywalker
Sex: Male
Species: Human
Age: 12
Class: Jedi Guardian/Consular 3
Civilian Class: Noble/Engineer 3
Occupation: Dooku's Apprentice
Level: 16
Hit Points: (Level+Con) x2.5=80
Armor Class: (Intel+Con+Intel)/3 = 40
Mental AC= (Wisdom+Intelligence+Charisma/3= 36
Initiative: +45
Weapons: Teras Kasi Fists, 2D8, Curved Purple Lightsaberr, Straight Red Saber: 2D45
Unarmed to Hit= (+45)
Saber to Hit= +43, +52 if other swordsman.
Blaster to Hit=(+16)
Force to Hit= +27
Experience: 28.894
Experience Needed:64800
Lawful Dark

Chosen Points:31CP
Strength: 45 (+18)
Constitution: 41 (+16)
Dexterity: 46 (+18)
Wisdom: 63 (+27)
Charisma: 77 (+34)
Intelligence: 100 (+45)

Handle Animal (CHR): 27, Unlocked
Computer Use (Int): +33 Unlocked
Security (IDex): 19 Unlocked
Mechanics(Int): 41, Unlocked
Persuasion (Chr): 27, Unlocked
Awareness (Wis): 30, Unlocked
Piloting (Dex): 28, Unlocked

History Skill(Int): 34, Unlocked
Math Skill(Int): 34 Locked, 1/2 works
Medicine Skill(Int) 34 Locked, 1/2 works
Research Skill(Int): 33Locked, 1/2 works
Science Skill(Int):34 Locked, 1/2 works
Legal Skill(Int):33Locked, 1/2 works
Political Skill(Wis):26, Locked 1/2 works
Music Skill(Chr): 27, Locked, 1/2 works
Acting Skill(Chr): 27, Locked, 1/2 works
Athletics Skill(Str): 20, Locked, 1/2 works
Cooking Skill(Int): 33 Locked, 1/2 works
Economics Skill(Int): 33, Locked, 1/2 works
Strategy Skill(Int): 37 Unlocked
Artistic Skill(Char):+27, Locked, 1/2 works

High Galactic
Long Term Ambitions:
1. To Achieve level 10 in your relationship with Dooku
2. To Meet the Bendu
Mid Term Ambitions
2.To Master Teras Kasi to Level 5
Short Term AMbitions
1. Meet a New Friend your Age
2. Read a book
3. Play with T'da
4. Learn how to swim.
Jedi Guardian
Level 1: +2 To All Physical Stats. All Light Saber Styles Unlocked Aside from Juyo and Vaapad, Does include Jar'kai). Normal Weapons Unlocked (Lightsaber, Shoto, Dual Sabers)
Level 2: +2To All Physical Stats. Exotic Weapons Unlocked (Light -Whip, Tonfa Saber, Light-Flail, Light Shield and Saber, Double-Bladed Saber)
Level 3: +2 To All Physical Stats.
Level 4: +2 to All Physical Stats.
Level 5:+2 to All Physical Stats. Learn All Saber styles in one Less turn.
Level 6: +2 to All Physical Stats.
Level 7: +2 to All Physical Stats. Saber Throw Skill Tree Unlocked.
Level 8:+2 to All Physical Stats.
Level 9: +2 to All Physical Stats.
Level 10: +2 to All Physical Stats. Advanced Classes Unlocked!

Jedi Consular
Level 1: +2 To All Mental Stats. Niman, Makashi, Soresu Unlocked Simple weapons Unlocked (Single Saber).
Level 2: +2 To All Mental Stats.
Level 3: +2 To All Mental Stats.
Level 4: +2 To All Mental Stats.
Level 5:+2 To All Mental Stats. Learn All Force Abilities in one Less turn.
Level 6: +2 To All Mental Stats.
Level 7: +2 To All Mental Stats. Force Whirlwind Tree Unlocked.
Level 8:+2 To All Mental Stats.
Level 9: +2 To All Mental Stats.
Level 10: +2 To All Mental Stats. Advanced Classes Unlocked!

Level 1: +2 To Intelligence, +1 to Endurance, +1 to Strength, Computers skill tree unlocked!
Level 2: +2 To Intelligence, +1 to Endurance, +1 to Strength,
Level 3: +2 To Intelligence, +1 to Endurance, +1 to Strength, Ships skill tree unlocked!
Level 4: +2 To Intelligence, +1 to Endurance, +1 to Strength,
Level 5: +2 To Intelligence, +1 to Endurance, +1 to Strength, Robotics skill tree unlocked!
Level 6: +2 To Intelligence, +1 to Endurance, +1 to Strength,
Level 7: +2 To Intelligence, +1 to Endurance, +1 to Strength, Computer skills take one less turn to upgrade!
Level 8: +2 To Intelligence, +1 to Endurance, +1 to Strength,
Level 9: +2 To Intelligence, +1 to Endurance, +1 to Strength, Ship skills take one less turn to upgrade!
Level 10: +2 To Intelligence, +1 to Endurance, +1 to Strength, Robotics skills take one less turn to upgrade, Pilot and Mechanic Classes Unlocked!

Level 1: +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma, Scholar Skill tree Unlocked
Level 2: +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma,
Level 3: +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma, Diplomacy Skill tree Unlocked
Level 4: +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma,
Level 5 : +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma, Aristocracy Skill tree unlocked
Level 6: +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma,
Level 7: +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma,Diplomacy skill tree takes one less turn to upgrade
Level 8: +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma,
Level 9: +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma, Scholar SKill tree takes one less turn to upgrade
Level 10: +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma, Aristocracy skill tree takes one less turn to upgrade. Professor and Lord Classes Unlocked!
Money: 35 Gold Peggats
The Jedi Path
Training Saber
Lightsaber 1
Light Saber 2
The Twilight
Varya Holocron
Sidreona Holocron
+6 Intelligence, +6 Charisma
+6 Intelligence, +6 Charisma
+6 Intelligence, +6 Charisma
+6 Intelligence, +6 Charisma
+6 Intelligence, +6 Charisma
Seeking Excellence Trait:
When failing a training roll, may retry once.

Gain 100XP for each new planet you visit
Fast Learner:
Gain Double Chosen Points upon Level up
Young Philospher Trait (From Voter Discussion):
+1 Wisdom.
Force Precognition:
+1 Wisdom
+4 Awareness
Mechanic Background:
Results in Mechanic vote options unlocked.
Unlocked Repair Skill
Unlocked Piloting Skill
+2 to Strength.
+2 to Intelligence.
+2 to Dexterity.
+2 to Constitution.
+5 to Mechanics Skill.

Droid Background:
Droid Vote Options Unlocked
Unlock Security SKill
+4 to Intelligence
+2 to Dexterity
+ 3 to Repair Skill
One Additional Language

Fairy Tale Background:

Gained Cliegg/Owen Relationship
+2 Charisma
+4 Wisdom

+2 Charisma
+3 Charisma
+4 Charisma
+5 Charisma
+6 Charisma
+2 Strength
+3 Strength
+4 Strength
+2 Constitution
+3 Constitution
+4 Consitution
+ 2 Dexterity
+4 Dexterity
+2 Wisdom
+3 Wisdom
+5 Wisdom
+2 Intelligence
+3 Intelligence
+4 Intelligence
+5 Intelligence
Apprentice Pilot :
+5 Piloting
+4 Piloting
Teacher's Pet:
+1 to Strength
+1 to Constitution
+1 to Dexterity
+1 to Wisdom
+1 to Intelligence
+1 to Charisma
+3 to All Currently Unlocked Skills
Control: Wisdom Modifier +perks

Tutaminis (Neutral Power):
Level 1: +2Constitution
Level 2: +2 Constitution
Level 3: 0 of 3 Trained

Force Speed
Level 1: 2 Dexterity, +2 to Initiative Rolls
Level 2: 2 Dexterity, +4 to Initiative Rolls

Level 3: 0 of 3 Trained

Sense:Wisdom Modifier +perks
Life Detection:
Level 1: Can sense life within 1/4 Mile.
Level 2: Can Sense Life within 1/2 Yards.
Level 3: 0 of 3 Trained

Sense Force:
Level 1: Can sense status of the force within 1/4 Mile. Force Empathy tree Unlocked
Level 2: Can Sense status of the force within 1/2 Yards.
Level 3: 0 of 3 Trained

Force Empathy:
Level 1: Gain Ability to Sense Others Emotions. Dialogue.
Level 2: +1 Wisdom,

Level 3: 0 of 3 Trained

Level 1: +1 Wisdom, Comprehend Speech. Dialogue Options.
Level 2: +1 Wisdom,

Level 3: 0 of 3 Trained

Battle Precognition:
Level 1: +2 Dexterity, +1 AC.
Level 2: 0 of 2 Trained

Alter: Wisdom Modifier +perks
Force Jump:
LeveL 1: +2 Strength, May Jump One Story Buildings
Level 2: + 2 Strength, May Jump Three Story Buildings
Level 3: + 2 Strength , May Jump Five Story Buildings
Level 4: 1/2 Trained

Level 1: +2 Wisdom, can lift R2D2 level objects Unlock Force Push/Force Choke
Level 2: +2 Wisdom, Can lift small speeder objects
Level 3: +2 Wisdom, Can lift large Speeders; Upon third round, May attack Opponent with 6D4 debris.
Level 4: 1/2 Trained

Force Push
Level 1: +2 Wisdom, May do 1D1/4Wisdom Damage to opponent upon first round.
Level 2: +2 Wisdom,
Level 3: +2 Wisdom, May do 2D1/4Wisdom damage upon third round
Level 4: 1/4

Animal Friendship:
Level 1: +2 Handle Animal; Sense Animal thoughts/instincts/urges.
Level 2: +4 Handle Animal; Calm creature

Level 3: 0 of 3 Trained

Force Lightning:
Level 1: + 2 Wisdom, 1 opponent may takes 1d1/2 Wisdom Damage at beginning of the fight
Level 2: 0 of 2 Training. Locked.
Force Choke:
Level 1: + 2 Wisdom, 1 Opponent may be stunned at beginning of the fight and loses 1D1/4Wisdom Damage
Level 2: 0/2

Level 1: +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, Begin to see shatter points in the physical world around you. Decisions Unlocked.
Level 2: +4 Intelligence, +4 WIsdom, Begin to see shatterpoints in people's personalities.Decisions Unlocked.
Level 3: +4 Intelligence, +4 WIsdom, Instinctively see Shatterpoints in combat. Insta-crit on all damage given.
Level 4: 0/4

Battle Meditation
Battle Meditation:
Level 1: +2 Intelligence,+ 4 Strategy; Army/Navy health is multiplied by 1.5

Level 2: 0 of 2 Trained.
Shii Cho
Level 1: -6 to hit Penalty to Lightsaber Combat
Level 2: -4 to hit Penalty to Lightsaber Combat
Level 3: 0 to hit Penalty to Lightsaber Combat, Start first when fighting multiple opponents
Level 4: 0 of 4 Trained

Level 1: +3 to Hit Against other swordsman
Level 2: +6 to Hit against other swordsman
Level 3: +2 intelligence, Use Intelligence in the place of Strength if Higher;Gain an extra saber attack for every successful hit against you
Level 4: +4 Intelligence
Level 5: + 6 Intelligence, Use intelligence in place of Dexterity if Higher. if fighting multiple opponents, make a strategy check against highest level opponent at beginning of the fight. If Successful, only lowest leveled opponent may perform an action for five rounds.
Level 6: 0 of 4 Trained

Level 1: +2 to AC
Level 2: 0 of 2 Trained

Level 1: +2 to athletics
Level 2: 0 of 2 Trained

Level 1: +2 to AC
Level 2: 0 of 2 trained.

Level 1: +1 to all stats
Level 2: 0 of 2 trained

(Base penalty is -6)
Level 1: -4 to Hit Penalty for Dual Wielding
Level 2: -2 to hit Penalty for Dual Wielding
Level 3:+2 Dexterity, 0 to hit Penalty to dual Lightsaber Combat, 1/4 Damage to One other Opponent when hitting an opponent
Level 4: 0/4

Dun Moch (Must be Neutral or Dark to Use)
Level 1: +2 to Charisma
Level: 0/2
Teras Kasi
Level 1: +1 to All Physical Attributes. No Combat Penalty to fighting Unarmed
Level 2: +2 to All Physical Attributes. +4 to Hit when Fighting Unarmed, Hands Count as a 2D8 Weapon
Level 3: +3 to all PHysical attributes, Increase Health Modifier to x2.5, Not Unlocked GM: Default Health is (Level +Con Mod) x 2. This would increase it to (Level+Con Mod) x 2.5.
Level 4: 3/4 Trained

Level 1: +1 to all Physical Attributes
Level 2: 0 of 2 Trained

Computers Skill
Level 1: 0 of 1 trained

Scholar Skill Tree
Level 1: +1 to History, Science, Medicine, and Math. Learn 1 New Language.
Level 2: 1/2

Diplomacy Skill Tree
Level 1: 0/1 Trained

Ship Skill Tree
Level 1: 0/1 Trained​

Count Yan Dooku: Count of Serenno, Your Master
Areth Klarr, Butler, Annoyed
Gordon the Hutt, Engineer, Acquaintance
Carly, Engineer, Thinks you're Lame
Hess Korrin, Tutor
Padme: Queen of Naboo, Close Friend.
R2D2: Acquaintance
Jar-Jar: King of Naboo, Acquaintance
Colonel "Greybeard" , Palace Guard, Acquaintance
Lt. "Scarface", Palace Guard, Acquaintance
Lt. Frela, Security Forces, Acquaintance
Private Derpa, Security Forces , Acquaintance
Siri Tachi: Jedi Knight,Bear Clan Master
Yoda: Master of the Order
Mace Windu: Master of the Order
Qui-Gon Jinn: Deceased
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Deceased, Friend
Sheev Palpatine: Vice Chancellor, Acquaintance
Bail Organa: Chancellor, Acquaintance
Mon Mothma, Senator, Acquaintance
Master Arden Zan: Teras Kasi Master, Teacher
Owen Lars: Your Step-brother, Brothers for Life, Status Unknown
C-3P0: Your Droid, You are His Maker, Status Unknown
Shmi Lars: Your Mother, Deceased
Cliegg Lars: Your Father, Deceased
Mother Talzin, Nightmother, Acquaintance
Asajj Ventress, Rival
Feral Oppress, Acquaintance
Savage Oppress, Acquaintance

Name: Yan Dooku
Rank: Master, Consular
Abilities: Makashi, Force Jump
Perks of Master: Permanent +6 Intelligence and Charisma every Level up, Learn Makashi passively along with training schedule, Learn Force Jump in 2 Less turns, Learn Telekinesis in 2 Less Turns
Types of Missions: Diplomacy/Aristocracy

Master/Apprentice Force Bond Tree
Current Level: 3. Unlocked.

Level 1: Receive a +1 Modifier to All Social Rolls with Count Dooku
Level 2: Receive a +2 Modifier to All Social Rolls with Count Dooku;
Level 3: Receive a +3 Modifier to All Social Rolls with Count Dooku, Unlock Dun Moch Saber Style.,
Level 4: Receive a +4 Modifier to All Social Rolls with Count Dooku, Increase Stat gain to Charisma and Intelligence to +7 per level up.
Level 5: Receive a +5 Modifier to All Social Rolls with Count Dooku, Dun Moch Saber Style Learned in 2 Less Turns, XP Gain increased to 3.0.
Level 6: Receive a +6 Modifier to All Social Rolls with Count Dooku, Increase Stat gain to Charisma and Intelligence to +8 per level up
Level 7: Receive a +7 Modifier to All Social Rolls with Count Dooku, Multiply effects of Dun Moch by 1.5, XP Gain Increased to 3.5
Level 8: Receive a +8 Modifier to All Social Rolls with Count Dooku, Increase Stat gain to Charisma and Intelligence to +9 per level up
Level 9: Receive a +9 Modifier to All Social Rolls with Count Dooku, Multiply effects of Dunmoch by 2. XP Gain Increased to 4.0


Vote is by Plan

[] Save Perk Points
[] Layaway: Chosen Perk, Points.

Stat Perks (5 Chosen Point Cost):
[] Speaker: +6 Charisma
[] Athlete: +6 Dexterity
[] Brute: +6 Strength
[] Philosopher: +6 Wisdom
[] Student: + 6Intelligence
[] Warrior: +6Constitution

Story Perks (2 Chosen Point Cost):
[] Call Padme
[] Call Bail
[] Call Owen
[] Call Siri
[] Call Ferus
[] Call Aayla
[] Call Darra
[] Call Tru
[] Call Xiaan
[] Play with T'Da
[] Hangout with Gordon
[] Hangout with Carly
[] Hangout with Hess
[] Hangout with Areth
[] Hangout with Dooku
[] Visit the Beach
[] Visit the Forest
[] Be Presented to the Aristocracy
[] Be Enrolled into a Military Academy
[] Gain Underworld Contacts
[] Write-In: Must be approved before vote

Training Perks (4 Chosen Points)
[] Practice Teras Kasi
[] Practice CQC
[] Practice Diplomacy
[] Practice Neutral Control
[] Practice Neutral Alter.
[] Practice Neutral Sense
[] Practice Light Control
[] Practice Light Alter
[] Practice Dark Alter
[] Practice Shatterpoint
[] Practice Dark Control
[] Study the Jedi Path.
[] Study the Jedi Holocron.
[] Study the Sith Holocron
[] Practice Shii-Choo: Jar'kai
[] Practice Makashi: Jar'kai
[] Practice Soresu Jar'kai
[] Practice Ataru: Jar'kai
[] Practice Djem-So: Jar'kai
[] Practice Niman: Jar'kai
[] Practice Scholar
[] Practice Ships
[] Practice Computer
[] Practice Shii-Cho: Dun Moch
[] Practice Makashi: Dun Moch
[] Practice Soresu Dun Moch
[] Practice Ataru: Dun Moch
[] Practice Djem-So: Dun Moch
[] Practice Niman: Dun Moch

Class Perks (5 CP)

[] Purchase a Level in Jedi Guardian
[] Purchase a Level in Jedi Consular
[] Purchase a Level in Engineer
[] Purchase a Level in Noble

Class Purchase (20 CP)
[] Purchase Soldier
[] Purchase Scoundrel
[] Jedi Sentinel

Lightsaber 5 CP
[] Change Style (Separate Vote will occur for full revamp of lightsaber)
[] Upgrade Hilt 1: +6 Intelligence
[] Upgrade Crystal 1: +6 Charisma
[] Upgrade Hilt 2: +2 Wisdom
[] Upgrade Crystal 2: +6 Charisma

Chosen Perks (More will appear in time):
[] A visit from a Ghost (6 Points): The Balance Questline Part 3.
[] Flow Walk (6 points) You gain access to the ability to travel and observe the past.
[] You are One (10 Points: Prereq Mastery of Light or Dark Side.): May train Lightside, Neutral Darkside Powers alongside each other. Example: Vote changes from Alter Neutral to simply Alter.
[] You are the Force (10 Points/Prerequisite: You are One, Mastery of both Light and Dark Side): May Train All force Powers as One training vote. Example: Vote Changes from Alter to Simple Train Force.

[] A visit from a Goddess (6 Points)
[] A Visit from a God (6 Points)
[] A Dream of a man in dark armor (6 Points)
[] A visit from a Deathstick smoking scoundrel with blonde hair (6 Points)
[] Double or nothing (2 points): You roll the dice. 50/50 chance. You win and your current Chosen Points are double. Lose...and you lose all your Chosen Points.

AMBITION VOTE! You have two Free Midterm Ambition

Midterm (Choose 2)
[] [Midterm] To Master Shii-Cho to Level 5
[] [Midterm] To Master Soresu to Level 5
[] [Midterm] To Master Ataru to Level 5
[] [Midterm] To Master Djem-so to Level 5
[] [Midterm] To Master Niman to Level 5
[] [Midterm] To Master Jar'kai to Level 5
[] [Midterm] To Achieve Level 5 in the Balance Quest
[] [Midterm] To Master a Force ability to Level ten
[] [Midterm] To become a omnigot: Learn as many languages as you can! (Learn 15 from this list)
[] [Midterm] To build a Class 5 Ship.
[] [Midterm] To Build a Class 5 Droid
[] [Midterm] To Tell Padme You like her.
[] [Midterm] To Gain Areth's Respect
[] [Midterm] To Have Carly Like you.
[] [Midterm] Write-in: ???



[] [Isolationism] Choose one

[] [Padme] Choose One

[] [Midterm] Pick One

Lightsaber: Choose two
[] [Combat] Example
[] [Combat] Example

Force Skill Choose Three
[] [Force] Example
[] [Force] Example
[] [Force] Example

Non Jedi Skills Choose Two

[] [Civilian] Example
[] [Civilian] Example

Social Pick Two
[] [Social] Example
[] [Social] Example

Level Up. By Plan
[] [Level Up] Plan Name
-[] Choose one
-[] Choose one

16 Hour Moratorium on Votes

Discuss away!
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So for being lawful, we got more lawful? Isn't that circular reasoning? You follow a code, so you are lawful. Why are you lawful? Because you follow a code. It's a bit confusing to me, but alright.

Anyway, since Aayla is in the past, we might as well try to get Carly to like us. A little tsundere action never hurt.
EDIT: Actually, I guess it technically did hurt everyone who tried it, but the pay-off is huge, right? It's worth it? Or is it just me? Come on guys?!
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So for being lawful, we got more lawful? Isn't that circular reasoning? You follow a code, so you are lawful. Why are you lawful? Because you follow a code. It's a bit confusing to me, but alright.

Anyway, since Aayla is in the past, we might as well try to get Carly to like us. A little tsundere action never hurt.
EDIT: Actually, I guess it technically did hurt everyone who tried it, but the pay-off is huge, right? It's worth it? Or is it just me? Come on guys?!

I like the way you think Birdsie
Okay, I want to spend CP on the next Balance things. Also more Shatterpoint, because all my yes on that ability.
So for being lawful, we got more lawful? Isn't that circular reasoning? You follow a code, so you are lawful. Why are you lawful? Because you follow a code. It's a bit confusing to me, but alright.

Anyway, since Aayla is in the past, we might as well try to get Carly to like us. A little tsundere action never hurt.
EDIT: Actually, I guess it technically did hurt everyone who tried it, but the pay-off is huge, right? It's worth it? Or is it just me? Come on guys?!

I have nothing agaist grow our relation with Carly but I realy want that we call Aylaa, Like I sai dpreviously it make sense for Anakin to contacrtt his other friend who gave us her pet. And It could give us interesting stories.
What I don't understand and find annoying is that despite putting points into Charisma and wisdom the DCs seem to continue being around the same. And so with our bad rolls we seem to fail majority of them.