Star Wars: The Chosen One (An Anakin Skywalker Quest)

Edit 2: At least we get to pet the bunny now...finally after over a month of ignoring it. Hope it found something to eat on Dooku's ship. :whistle:
Yes, pet the bunny, mhmmmm... :\
..maybe it died. I can but hope.

Kind of irksome that those were the long-term ambitions that won (also Makashi for mid-term*); I feel like that might put the quest a bit too much going into "Protagonist is training" territory until they're fulfilled. Which I like better as a quest trend than, say, "we can't be hated by a character we've grown attached to, so we must cater to them" that shows up sometimes, but it feels a bit duller than the other choices.

Ah, well.

Oh, incidentally - interesting bit I didn't really catch before in the last update. Bendu's dislike for Anakin's lightsabers. Was it towards those in particular, or does it not like lightsabers in general?

Hmm... come to think of it, the predecessor to the lightsaber, the darksaber, was considered responsible for 'splitting' the Je'dai Order...

* This one is very much low-hanging fruit as well; Anakin is passively training in it anyway, so it doesn't really feel like a real ambition - he will, unless Dooku vanishes, acquire it in under 3 years without any further effort on his part. Niman or another style would've been better as an actual 'training'-type ambition, since he'd need to work at it.

Bendu I think has a very uh, decided opinion about the idiots(*cough*Sith/Jedi*cough*) thinking they know the Force's will and starting the same battle over and over again, calling each renewed war important in comparison to every other that came before. Or at least that's what I got from his character. He thinks both sides stupid and doesn't much care for them or people who aren't open-minded. He did help Kanan in Rebels because his distress interrupted his sleep, came to appreciate the Knight for his honesty and willingness to learn what he had to teach teach, but when Kanan called him a coward he did not take that laying down.

As for lightsabers, he's more or less the Yoda of the originals. True power is with the Force, not the tools/weapons Jedi and Sith call 'their life'.
Yes, pet the bunny, mhmmmm... :\
..maybe it died. I can but hope.

Bendu I think has a very uh, decided opinion about the idiots(*cough*Sith/Jedi*cough*) thinking they know the Force's will and starting the same battle over and over again, calling each renewed war important in comparison to every other that came before. Or at least that's what I got from his character. He thinks both sides stupid and doesn't much care for them or people who aren't open-minded. He did help Kanan in Rebels because his distress interrupted his sleep, came to appreciate the Knight for his honesty and willingness to learn what he had to teach teach, but when Kanan called him a coward he did not take that laying down.

As for lightsabers, he's more or less the Yoda of the originals. True power is with the Force, not the tools/weapons Jedi and Sith call 'their life'.

I'm rather bummed the "meet Bendu again" ambition didn't make it; sounds like an entity Anakin could use some more of in his life come the emo years...
* This one is very much low-hanging fruit as well; Anakin is passively training in it anyway, so it doesn't really feel like a real ambition - he will, unless Dooku vanishes, acquire it in under 3 years without any further effort on his part. Niman or another style would've been better as an actual 'training'-type ambition, since he'd need to work at it.

@Arthellion said that we needed to practice Makashi 1 time in order to have it become mastered on its own through through time progression. We have done that now, so now we can focus on Teras Kasi, Shii-Cho, and Niman with Jar'kai being trained passively as we train regardless of saber style.
It didn't? Am I reading the tally wrong? Forcebond got 37 votes, Bendu 16, slaves 15 and advanced class 12

... wait, you're right, I think. The tally does some odd things with a mixed vote, I guess.

Goody then ^___^

@Arthellion said that we needed to practice Makashi 1 time in order to have it become mastered on its own through through time progression. We have done that now, so now we can focus on Teras Kasi, Shii-Cho, and Niman with Jar'kai being trained passively as we train regardless of saber style.

That's the point though - an ambition that requires no particular effort to succeed at doesn't really feel like an "ambition".
I am a bit disappointed that Vaapad path mostly locked for us, but i am still hopeful Sora and Flow walking will help us to master it.
State of the Galaxy
Noble Engineer 24 Votes
24x 5=120XP

[Longterm] To Achieve level 10 in your relationship with Dooku
Longterm To Meet the Bendu


[Midterm] To Master Makashi to Level 5
[Midterm] To Master Teras Kasi to Level 5
[Midterm] To be Reunited with Owen

565 XP

[Shorterm] Meet a new friend your own age
[Shorterm] Read a book
[Shorterm] Learn how to swim
[Shorterm] Play with T'da

600 XP

[Level Up] Plan Iandude0 1.0
Skilled Speaker: +6 Charisma

Adept Philosopher: +5 Wisdom
Adept Student: + 5 Intelligence
Train with Master Dooku
Admit to Master Dooku that you have 2 Holocrons, one of the Sith and one of the Jedi
Call Owen
Practice Teras Kasi
Combat Prodigy (2 Points): Upon unlocked a Saber style, you immediate gain level one.


+1 CP from omake

STATE OF THE GALAXY: 31BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin*)

The Republic
Bail Organa's election to the position of Chancellor has not been without its challenges. Three primary political blocks exist within the current government. The Reformers, The Militarists, and the Loyalists. The Reformers seek to further decentralize the Republic's decision making powers and hand such power to the Sector Capitals. The Reformers are currently led by Senator Garm Bel Iblis of Corellia (M11) and Senator Jules Carnits* of Alsakan (K10). The Reformers are staunch opponents to the Militarist faction. The Militarists are on the other side of the spectrum and see the Republic as too weak. They are for the strengthening of the Republic Judicial Forces and mostly ally with the Loyalist faction. The Current leader of the Militarist faction is Governor- General Ranulf Tarkin of Eriadu (M18).

In the Center is the Loyalist Faction, Lead by Chancellor Bail Organa of Alderaan (M10) and Vice Chancellor Sheev Palpatine of Naboo (017). The Loyalist faction opposes a militarize Republic, but neither does it support giving up any further power to the Sector Capitals. The Loyalist faction is the largest block within the Republic and most Megacorps align themselves with the Loyalist faction.

Surprisingly, Bail Organa's policies have not been well received by his own party. The Chancellor has pushed for investigations of corruption and to further fund the Judicial branch of the Republic. The Judicial Security forces are currently in a very weak state and are unable to enforce Republic law in the Outer Rim. Speaking of a young boy who asked him to end the Slave Trade, the Chancellor has appealed to the Senate to increase funding to the Judicial Forces. Though well supported by the Militarist faction, the Loyalist and Reformist factions stonewalled the vote for several months. It was not until a private meeting with Vice Chancellor Palpatine, that some members of the Loyalist faction threw their weight behind the increased budget of the Judicial Forces. Ships and training is currently underway, but Vice Chancellor Palpatine has made the production his primary focus. The Chancellor has handed the improvement of the Judicial Forces off to the his Vice-Chancellor.

The reemergence of the Sith and the testimony of Anakin Skywalker regarding the ancient sect caused a stir within the Senate. Though the populace of Coruscant were moved by the story of the young boy, many questioned the importance of a cultist assassinating a Jedi. It was a religious matter and so long as their was not a new Sith Empire, most did not care.

However, Senator Orn Free Taa of Ryloth (R17) proposed a startling new change to the Republic's laws. Bill 5742, known as the Freedom of Religion bill, became a hotly contested topic. Since the Pius Dea Era, the Republic had outlawed numerous religions that were considered detrimental to the wellbeing of the Republic. Most notably, the Sith Religion topped the list. Senator Taa argued that so long as a member of said religion did not commit any other crimes against the Republic, there was no reason not to allow Freedom of Religion.
Though hotly contested at first, many senators came around to the idea. The Bill was passed with a majority in the Senate, but vetoed by Bail Organa. The man's popularity dropped immensely and the Senate voted to overrule his Veto.

The Jedi Order
The Reemergence of the Sith, and Anakin Skywalker's testimony, shook the Jedi to the Core. They were amazed that they had not foreseen the coming darkness. They would be prepared. Under the Leadership of Yoda, the training of the Jedi became more stringent. Missions beyond the Deep Core became rare as the Jedi Order began to isolate itself from certain missions claiming that they must be prepared for the return of the Sith. Such precautions were viewed as paranoid by many in the Senate, but at the behest of Vice Chancellor Palpatine, increased funding for the Jedi Order to further fulfill their roles as guardians of the Republic.

Surprisingly, the number of Jedi began to decline despite the funding. More stringent requirements of initiates saw more and more young ones with potential sent to the Service Corps as they were deemed "Unsuited" for fighting the darkness. Furthermore, though rare, there was a slight uptick in the number of Jedi Killed during missions. They claimed it was the reemergence of the Sith.

Siri Tachi requested to be placed back on missions. Her request was granted and she took Ferus Olin as her apprentice. Darra Tel Thanis was apprenticed to Garen Muln and Aayla Secura was apprenticed to Quinlan Vos. Tru Veld and XIaan were sent to the Agri-Corps.

Aayla and Quinlan were both slain during a mission to Ryloth. The cause of their deaths were unknown, but its believed to have been due to the Slave Revolt.

The Outer Rim
Rumblings began in the deep of the Outer Rim. Though initially the funding of the Judical Forces was met with joy by many of the oppressed peoples of the Outer Rim, they soon realized that these Judicial Enforcers were usually bought off by the Hutts and Megacorp. It had not made things better...only worse. The Judicial Force became thugs to do the biddings of their oppressors. On Ryloth, a slave revolt occurred and numerous Twi'leks, both free and enslaved, were massacred as the Judicial Forces sided with the Rylothian Government.

In Hutt Space, little changed. The Hutts continued their gambling and hegomony over the dark underworld.

Furthermore, there were rumors....rumors that Mandalore had returned and was reuniting the Clans to retake the Mandalorian Capital.

Finally, on Serenno, Yan Dooku of House Dooku had returned to his estate. Long forgotten after the death of his brother, many thought that the House of Dooku would forever be gone. However, the elderly Dooku had returned to Serenno and quickly regained his fortune and status within the nobility of the the planet. At his side was his apprentice and adopted heir.

Anakin Skywalker of House Dooku was an anomaly. Born on Tatooine and now heir to one of the most powerful men on Serenno? What would the future hold for him?

*1. Using BBY because thats the Star Wars date system. Yavin is unlikely to happen.
*2. OC because I could not find a senator for Alsakan.​

Name: Anakin Skywalker
Sex: Male
Species: Human
Age: 11
Class: Jedi Guardian/Consular 1
Civilian Class: Noble/Engineer 1
Occupation: Dooku's Apprentice
Level: 14
Hit Points: (Level+Con) x2.5= 68
Armor Class: (Dex+Con+Str)/3 = 19
Mental AC= (Wisdom+Intelligence+Charisma/3= 23
Initiative: +(+20)
Weapons: Teras Kasi Fists, 2D8, Curved Purple Lightsaberr: 1d13
Unarmed to Hit= (+13)
Saber to Hit= (+13, +22 if other swordsman.
Blaster to Hit=(+14)
Force to Hit= +20
Experience: 9393
Experience Needed:43,200

Alignment: Lawful Dark

Chosen Points: 1CP
Strength: 35 (+13)
Constitution: 35 (+13)
Dexterity: 38 (+14)
Wisdom: 49 (+20)
Charisma: 56 (+23)
Intelligence: 60 (+25)

Handle Animal (CHR):+26, Unlocked
Computer Use (Int): +28, Unlocked
Security (IDex): +(+17), Unlocked
Mechanics(Int): 36, Unlocked
Persuasion (Chr): +26, Unlocked
Awareness (Wis):+27, Unlocked
Piloting (Dex): +29, Unlocked

History Skill(Int): +28, Unlocked
Math Skill(Int):28, Locked, 1/2 works
Medicine Skill(Int) +28 Locked, 1/2 works
Research Skill(Int): +28 Locked, 1/2 works
Science Skill(Int): ++28Locked, 1/2 works
Legal Skill(Int):+28 Locked, 1/2 works
Political Skill(Wis):+23, Locked 1/2 works
Music Skill(Chr): +26, Locked, 1/2 works
Acting Skill(Chr): +26, Locked, 1/2 works
Athletics Skill(Str): +(+20), Locked, 1/2 works
Cooking Skill(Int): +28 Locked, 1/2 works
Economics Skill(Int): +28, Locked, 1/2 works
Strategy Skill(Int): +28Unlocked
Artistic Skill(Char):+26, Locked, 1/2 works

High Galactic
Long Term Ambitions:
1. To Achieve level 10 in your relationship with Dooku
2. To Meet the Bendu
Mid Term Ambitions
1. To Master Makashi to Level 5
2.To Master Teras Kasi to Level 5
3.To be Reunited with Owen
Short Term AMbitions
1. Meet a New Friend your Age
2. Read a book
3. Play with T'da
4. Learn how to swim.
Jedi Guardian
Level 1: +2 To All Physical Stats. All Light Saber Styles Unlocked Aside from Juyo and Vaapad, Does include Jar'kai). Normal Weapons Unlocked (Lightsaber, Shoto, Dual Sabers)
Level 2: +2To All Physical Stats. Exotic Weapons Unlocked (Light -Whip, Tonfa Saber, Light-Flail, Light Shield and Saber, Double-Bladed Saber)
Level 3: +2 To All Physical Stats.
Level 4: +2 to All Physical Stats.
Level 5:+2 to All Physical Stats. Learn All Saber styles in one Less turn.
Level 6: +2 to All Physical Stats.
Level 7: +2 to All Physical Stats. Saber Throw Skill Tree Unlocked.
Level 8:+2 to All Physical Stats.
Level 9: +2 to All Physical Stats.
Level 10: +2 to All Physical Stats. Advanced Classes Unlocked!

Jedi Consular
Level 1: +2 To All Mental Stats. Niman, Makashi, Soresu Unlocked Simple weapons Unlocked (Single Saber).
Level 2: +2 To All Mental Stats.
Level 3: +2 To All Mental Stats.
Level 4: +2 To All Mental Stats.
Level 5:+2 To All Mental Stats. Learn All Force Abilities in one Less turn.
Level 6: +2 To All Mental Stats.
Level 7: +2 To All Mental Stats. Force Whirlwind Tree Unlocked.
Level 8:+2 To All Mental Stats.
Level 9: +2 To All Mental Stats.
Level 10: +2 To All Mental Stats. Advanced Classes Unlocked!

Level 1: +2 To Intelligence, +1 to Endurance, +1 to Strength, Computers skill tree unlocked!
Level 2: +2 To Intelligence, +1 to Endurance, +1 to Strength,
Level 3: +2 To Intelligence, +1 to Endurance, +1 to Strength, Ships skill tree unlocked!
Level 4: +2 To Intelligence, +1 to Endurance, +1 to Strength,
Level 5: +2 To Intelligence, +1 to Endurance, +1 to Strength, Robotics skill tree unlocked!
Level 6: +2 To Intelligence, +1 to Endurance, +1 to Strength,
Level 7: +2 To Intelligence, +1 to Endurance, +1 to Strength, Computer skills take one less turn to upgrade!
Level 8: +2 To Intelligence, +1 to Endurance, +1 to Strength,
Level 9: +2 To Intelligence, +1 to Endurance, +1 to Strength, Ship skills take one less turn to upgrade!
Level 10: +2 To Intelligence, +1 to Endurance, +1 to Strength, Robotics skills take one less turn to upgrade, Pilot and Mechanic Classes Unlocked!

Level 1: +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma, Scholar Skill tree Unlocked
Level 2: +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma,
Level 3: +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma, Diplomacy Skill tree Unlocked
Level 4: +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma,
Level 5 : +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma, Aristocracy Skill tree unlocked
Level 6: +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma,
Level 7: +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma,Diplomacy skill tree takes one less turn to upgrade
Level 8: +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma,
Level 9: +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma, Scholar SKill tree takes one less turn to upgrade
Level 10: +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma, Aristocracy skill tree takes one less turn to upgrade. Professor and Lord Classes Unlocked!
Money: 35 Gold Peggats
The Jedi Path
Training Saber
Lightsaber 1
Light Saber 2
Maul's Ship
Varya Holocron
Sidreona Holocron
Seeking Excellence Trait:
When failing a training roll, may retry once.

Gain 100XP for each new planet you visit
Fast Learner:
Gain Double Chosen Points upon Level up
Young Philospher Trait (From Voter Discussion):
+1 Wisdom.
Force Precognition:
+1 Wisdom
+4 Awareness
Mechanic Background:
Results in Mechanic vote options unlocked.
Unlocked Repair Skill
Unlocked Piloting Skill
+2 to Strength.
+2 to Intelligence.
+2 to Dexterity.
+2 to Constitution.
+5 to Mechanics Skill.

Droid Background:
Droid Vote Options Unlocked
Unlock Security SKill
+4 to Intelligence
+2 to Dexterity
+ 3 to Repair Skill
One Additional Language

Fairy Tale Background:

Gained Cliegg/Owen Relationship
+2 Charisma
+4 Wisdom

+2 Charisma
+3 Charisma
+4 Charisma
+5 Charisma
+6 Charisma
+2 Strength
+3 Strength
+4 Strength
+2 Constitution
+3 Constitution
+4 Consitution
+ 2 Dexterity
+4 Dexterity
+2 Wisdom
+3 Wisdom
+5 Wisdom
+2 Intelligence
+3 Intelligence
+4 Intelligence
+5 Intelligence
Apprentice Pilot :
+5 Piloting
+4 Piloting
Teacher's Pet:
+1 to Strength
+1 to Constitution
+1 to Dexterity
+1 to Wisdom
+1 to Intelligence
+1 to Charisma
+3 to All Currently Unlocked Skills
Control: Wisdom Modifier +perks

Tutaminis (Neutral Power):
Level 1: +2Constitution
Level 2: +2 Constitution
Level 3: 0 of 3 Trained

Force Speed
Level 1: 2 Dexterity, +2 to Initiative Rolls
Level 2: 2 Dexterity, +4 to Initiative Rolls

Level 3: 0 of 3 Trained

Sense:Wisdom Modifier +perks
Life Detection:
Level 1: Can sense life within 1/4 Mile.
Level 2: Can Sense Life within 1/2 Yards.
Level 3: 0 of 3 Trained

Sense Force:
Level 1: Can sense status of the force within 1/4 Mile. Force Empathy tree Unlocked
Level 2: Can Sense status of the force within 1/2 Yards.
Level 3: 0 of 3 Trained

Force Empathy:
Level 1: Gain Ability to Sense Others Emotions. Dialogue.
Level 2: +1 Wisdom,

Level 3: 0 of 3 Trained

Level 1: +1 Wisdom, Comprehend Speech. Dialogue Options.
Level 2: +1 Wisdom,

Level 3: 0 of 3 Trained

Battle Precognition:
Level 1: +2 Dexterity, +1 AC.
Level 2: 0 of 2 Trained

Alter: Wisdom Modifier +perks
Force Jump:
LeveL 1: +2 Strength, May Jump One Story Buildings
Level 2: + 2 Strength, May Jump Three Story Buildings

Level 3: 0 of 3 Trained

Level 1: +2 Wisdom, can lift R2D2 level objects Unlock Force Push/Force Choke
Level 2: +2 Wisdom, Can lift small speeder objects

Level 3: 0 of 3 Trained

Force Push
Level 1: +2 Wisdom, May do 1D1/4Wisdom Damage to opponent upon first round.
Level 2: +2 Wisdom,

Level 3: 0 of 3 Trained

Animal Friendship:
Level 1: +2 Handle Animal; Sense Animal thoughts/instincts/urges.
Level 2: +4 Handle Animal; Calm creature

Level 3: 0 of 3 Trained

Force Lightning:
Level 1: + 2 Wisdom, 1 opponent may takes 1d1/2 Wisdom Damage at beginning of the fight
Level 2: 0 of 2 Training. Locked.

Level 1: +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, Begin to see shatter points in the physical world around you. Decisions Unlocked.
Level 2: 0 of 2 Trained
Battle Meditation
Battle Meditation:
Level 1: +2 Intelligence,+ 4 Strategy; Army/Navy health is multiplied by 1.5

Level 2: 0 of 2 Trained.
Shii Cho
Level 1: -6 to hit Penalty to Lightsaber Combat
Level 2: -4 to hit Penalty to Lightsaber Combat
Level 3: 0 to hit Penalty to Lightsaber Combat, Start first when fighting multiple opponents
Level 4: 0 of 4 Trained

Level 1: +3 to Hit Against other swordsman
Level 2: +6 to Hit against other swordsman
Level 3: 0 of 3 Trained

Level 1: +2 to AC
Level 2: 0 of 2 Trained

Level 1: +2 to athletics
Level 2: 0 of 2 Trained

Level 1: +2 to AC
Level 2: 0 of 2 trained.

Level 1: +1 to all stats
Level 2: 0 of 2 trained
Teras Kasi
Level 1: +2 to all Physical Attributes
Level 2: +2 to all Physical attributes, weapons count as a 2D8 weapon
Level 3: Increase Health Modifier to 2.5
Level 4: 0 of 4 Trained

Level 1: +1 to all Physical Attributes
Level 2: 0 of 2 Trained

Computers Skill
Level 1: 0 of 1 trained

Scholar Skill Tree
Level 1: 0 of 1 trained
Count Yan Dooku: Count of Serenno, Your Master
Padme: Queen of Naboo, Close Friend.
R2D2: Acquaintance
Jar-Jar: King of Naboo, Acquaintance
Colonel "Greybeard" , Palace Guard, Acquaintance
Lt. "Scarface", Palace Guard, Acquaintance
Lt. Frela, Security Forces, Acquaintance
Private Derpa, Security Forces , Acquaintance
Siri Tachi: Jedi Knight,Bear Clan Master
Yoda: Master of the Order
Mace Windu: Master of the Order
Qui-Gon Jinn: Deceased
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Deceased, Friend
Sheev Palpatine: Vice Chancellor, Acquaintance
Bail Organa: Chancellor, Acquaintance
Mon Mothma, Senator, Acquaintance
Master Arden Zan: Teras Kasi Master, Teacher
Owen Lars: Your Step-brother, Brothers for Life, Status Unknown
C-3P0: Your Droid, You are His Maker, Status Unknown
Shmi Lars: Your Mother, Deceased
Cliegg Lars: Your Father, Deceased
Mother Talzin, Nightmother, Acquaintance
Asajj Ventress, Rival
Feral Oppress, Acquaintance
Savage Oppress, Acquaintance

Name: Yan Dooku
Rank: Master, Consular
Abilities: Makashi, Force Jump
Perks of Master: Permanent +6 Intelligence and Charisma every Level up, Learn Makashi passively along with training schedule, Learn Force Jump in 2 Less turns, Learn Telekinesis in 2 Less Turns
Types of Missions: Diplomacy/Aristocracy

Master/Apprentice Force Bond Tree
Current Level:2. Unlocked.

Level 1: Receive a +1 Modifier to All Social Rolls with Count Dooku
Level 2: Receive a +2 Modifier to All Social Rolls with Count Dooku;
Level 3: Receive a +3 Modifier to All Social Rolls with Count Dooku, Unlock Dun Moch Saber Style., 0 of 3 unlocked
Level 4: Receive a +4 Modifier to All Social Rolls with Count Dooku, Increase Stat gain to Charisma and Intelligence to +7 per level up.
Level 5: Receive a +5 Modifier to All Social Rolls with Count Dooku, Dun Moch Saber Style Learned in 2 Less Turns, XP Gain increased to 3.0.
Level 6: Receive a +6 Modifier to All Social Rolls with Count Dooku, Increase Stat gain to Charisma and Intelligence to +8 per level up
Level 7: Receive a +7 Modifier to All Social Rolls with Count Dooku, Multiply effects of Dun Moch by 1.5, XP Gain Increased to 3.5
Level 8: Receive a +8 Modifier to All Social Rolls with Count Dooku, Increase Stat gain to Charisma and Intelligence to +9 per level up
Level 9: Receive a +9 Modifier to All Social Rolls with Count Dooku, Multiply effects of Dunmoch by 2. XP Gain Increased to 4.0

Actual Update will be a bit late getting out this week.

Probably going to to slow down to 1-2 updates a week due to classes, but I'm still working on this. :)

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@Arthellion said that we needed to practice Makashi 1 time in order to have it become mastered on its own through through time progression. We have done that now, so now we can focus on Teras Kasi, Shii-Cho, and Niman with Jar'kai being trained passively as we train regardless of saber style.

Wut? You get one passive training as long as dooku is your master, but if you just rely on that you won't master it for a while. It'd take a long time.

Your best route is probably double upon on makashi.

So you get three trainings per update.

1 training for level 3
2 trainings for level 4
3 for 5
4 for 6
5 for 7
6 for 8
7 for 9.
8 for ten
That's 36 trainings.

You would have 6 trainings per year if you triple up. (1 from Dooku, two from schedule per update). So 6 goes into 36 six times. You can master Makashi by 16. To level 10.
@Arthellion Is it possible to use Flow-walking to view a sword style or force skill and learn it after viewing it? i mean can we use it to view sith and Jedi application of juyo(past) or even Windu's use of Vaapad and learn from such experience and insight?
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So to conclude, the Jedi continue to bury their heads to father world. Alaya and Qualen Voss are dead on Ryloth, Bail tries to be a good chancellor, but is stonewalled by his own party, and to cap it all of Ferus Olin is still alive and is apprenticed to Siri Tachi. When will we learn about Alayas death?

To my own surprise the "kill all life in the galaxy" plan sounds more and more appealing.
So to conclude, the Jedi continue to bury their heads to father world. Alaya and Qualen Voss are dead on Ryloth, Bail tries to be a good chancellor, but is stonewalled by his own party, and to cap it all of Ferus Olin is still alive and is apprenticed to Siri Tachi. When will we learn about Alayas death?

To my own surprise the "kill all life in the galaxy" plan sounds more and more appealing.
You are forgetting the one thing, Vos dead and now his master ripe for the picking, Sora will be very useful to unlock Juyo and Vaapad. We should use every bit of loss to benefit our agenda.