Star Wars: The Chosen One (An Anakin Skywalker Quest)

Dooku, as an old hand with the Jedi and distinguished negotiator, would have a lot of influence with the elite. Even in canon he was widely respected as a political figure, most seeing him as an idealist. His testimony would probably be worth a lot to Bail too and I cant imagine that he would refuse.
Dooku, as an old hand with the Jedi and distinguished negotiator, would have a lot of influence with the elite. Even in canon he was widely respected as a political figure, most seeing him as an idealist. His testimony would probably be worth a lot to Bail too and I cant imagine that he would refuse.
True, but never underestimate the emotional appeal of child testimony.
The Consequences of Loss and Growth Chapter 10
[Class] Dual Class (-10CP): Guardian/Consular
-10 CP

+100XP For wanderlust

The Consequences of Loss and Growth Chapter 10
You felt the ship lurch as it landed upon the outcropping. You could feel the Force hum throughout the planet. This was a place most powerful. Your master had warned you that the planet would be strong in the Force and that you would be prone to see visions or hear the calling of voices. You were ready. You and Dooku both wore heavy thermal suits. You could already feel sweat at the back of your neck from the heat being emitted. Nonetheless, the dangerous cold of Ilum awaited you.

The bridge lowered and you gasped as the chill air assaulted you. You had never visited a planet so cold. Dooku looked at you in concern, but you simply shook your head. You would be fine. The two of you made your way off the bridge and your feet crunched upon the snow. A long and tall cliff greeted you. You glanced at Master Dooku and the man gave you a wry smile,

"Ready for a climb."

You internally groaned but nodded. This was going to take a while.

The trip up the cliff seemed to last for hours. You arms began to shake with the exertion and you,

DC: 18
Roll: D20+13=30
felt yourself begin to slip, but managed to hold on. Your muscles may burn, but your strength from training enabled you to continue up the cliff. Dooku kept his eye on you, but you did not need his help. The two of you paused for a break upon one outcropping and you decided to ask your master a question,

"Master Dooku, we've been together for some time now, but I barely know you...How did you become a Jedi?"

Dooku chuckled and leaned back against the icy wall.

"I was brought to the Jedi not much younger than you. I was six years old though, not nine. My parents were the Counts of Serenno and quite proud of my force sensitivity. It hearkens back to the Dooku heritage as Jedi Lords you see. It was...difficult becoming a Jedi when all I had known my whole life was opulent wealth. My parents were strict for nobles, but I had never known anything less than a soft bed and hearty food. So...I was given to the Order and eventually trained by Master Yoda as his apprentice. I learned much from him...but also became aware of his failures."

"Failures, Master Dooku?"

"Master Yoda is a product of peace and old age. He has never known war. He, and by extension the Jedi Order, are unprepared for the Sith threat. I'm afraid that in the coming conflicts...we will be on opposing sides."

"Master?" you asked in confusion. Opposing sides?

"I've said too much for the moment, but I'll explain more when we reach Serenno."

Curiousity burned within you, but you nodded. The two of you stood and continued up the mountain.​

You stared at the monster in horror. A gorgodon. Beyond it stood the entrance to the cave, but the creature gnashed it's sharp teeth at you. Master Dooku raised his brow at the creature and then looked at you,

"This will be a good combat test for you. I'll step if it starts to get dicey."

You looked at your Master in bewilderment. He expected you to fight that? You shook your head at the man and unhooked your saber from your belt. The creature snarled at you. You reached out your hand and attempted to calm the creature with the Force,
DC: 35
Roll: d20+18=34
but the creature only snarled louder. Apparently it was resistant to the mind manipulation. Natural you supposed considering it lived on Ilum. You ignited your saber. Looked like you would have to do this the hard way.​

Name: Anakin Skywalker
Sex: Male
Species: Human
Age: 10
Occupation: Dooku's Apprentice
Level: 13
Hit Points: (Level+Con) x2.5= 58
Armor Class: (Dex+Con+Str)/3 = 12
Mental AC= (Wisdom+Intelligence+Charisma/3= 16
Initiative: +17
Weapons: Teras Kasi Fists, 2D8, Training Saber: 1d10
Unarmed to Hit= +6
Saber to Hit=+10
Blaster to Hit= +11
Force to Hit= +17

Strength: 30 (+10)
Constitution: 30 (+10)
Dexterity: 34 (+11)
Wisdom: 43 (+17)
Charisma: 39 (+15)
Intelligence: 40 (+15)

Combat Skills

Teras Kasi Combat:
Level 1: +2 to All Physical Attributes, No Combat Penalty to fighting Unarmed
Level 2: +2 to All Physical Attributes, +4 to Hit when Fighting Unarmed, Hands Count as a 2D8 Weapon
Level 3: Increase Health Modifier to x2.5, Not Unlocked GM: Default Health is (Level +Con Mod) x 2. This would increase it to (Level+Con Mod) x 2.5.
Level 4: +4 to All Physical Attributes, +4 to hit when fighting Unarmed, Hands Count as a 2D10 Weapon, Not Unlocked
Level 5: + 4 to All Physical Attributes, Immunity to all Mental Force Abilities, Hands count as a 2D12 Weapon, Not Unlocked

(Base Penalty is -8)
Level 1: -6 to hit Penalty to Lightsaber Combat
Level 2: -4 to hit Penalty to Lightsaber Combat
Level 3: 0 to hit penalty to lightsaber Combat, Start first if fightning multiple opponents

Combat Force SKills
Force Push
Level 1: +2 Wisdom, May do 1D1/4Wisdom Damage to opponent upon first round.
Level 2: +2 Wisdom,

Level 3: 0 of 3 Trained
Force Lightning:
Level 1: + 2 Wisdom, 1 opponent may takes 1d1/2 Wisdom Damage at beginning of the fight
Level 2: 0 of 2 Training. Locked.
Level: 13
Hit Points: (Level+Con) x2= 52
Armor Class: (Dex+Con+Str)/3 = 11
Mental AC= (Wisdom+Intelligence+Charisma/3=0
Initiative: +7
Weapons: Claws. 2d8
Unarmed to Hit= +13

Strength:36 (+13)
Constitution: 36 (+13)
Dexterity: 25 (+7)
Wisdom: 10

Level 1: +1 to physical Attributes
Level 2: +1 to Physical Attributes
Level 3: +1 to Physical Attributes; Resist animal friendship (Higher dc)
Level 4: +1 to physical Attributes
Level 5: +1 to Physical Attributes; resist animal firendship (Higher dc)
Level 6: +1 to Physical Attributes

Anakin HP: 58
Anakin AC: 12

Gorgodon HP:52
AC: 11

Anakin: 30
Gorgodon: 16

Round 1:
Anakin Force Push: D20+17=37. Critical Hit! Max Damage! 5 Damage.
Anakin Force Lightning: D20+17=31. Hit! 1d9=9
Anakin Saber Attack: D20+10=29. Hit! 1d10=4

Gorgodon Attack: D20+13=26. Hit! 2d8 claw damage=12

Anakin HP: 46
Gorgodon HP:34

Round 2:
Anakin Saber Attack: D20+10=19. Hit! d10=2

Gorgodon Attack: D20+13=22. Hit! 2d8=7

Anakin HP: 39
Gorgodon HP:32

Round 3
Anakin Saber Attack: D20+10=13. Hit! d10=6

Gorgodon Attack: D20+13=24. Hit! 2d8=9

Anakin HP: 30
Gorgodon HP:26

Round 4
Anakin Saber Attack: D20+10=14. Hit! d10=5

Gorgodon Attack: D20+13=20. Hit! 2d8=3

Anakin HP: 27
Gorgodon HP:21

Round 5
Anakin Saber Attack: D20+10=16. Hit! d10=6

Gorgodon Attack: D20+13=26. Hit! 2d8=9

Anakin HP: 18
Gorgodon HP:15

Round 6
Anakin Saber Attack: D20+10=13. Hit! d10=8

Gorgodon Attack: D20+13=27. Hit! 2d8=12

Anakin HP: 6
Gorgodon HP:7
Round 7
Anakin Saber Attack: D20+10=12. Hit! d10=9

Gorgodon dead

The Gorgodon rushed to meet you and your thrust out your left hand. There would be no holding back here. The Force, your ally..your friend..responded to your call and the beast was flung backwards into the far wall. Your face set into determined expression. Though Dooku was a safety net, you were determined not to need him. The Force was your ally and you would not fear its parts. Light or Dark, they were simply two halves of the whole that was your friend. You thrust out your hand, calling up your hatred of Darth Maul and a torrent of lightning emitted from your fingertips and struck the creature.

The smell of burnt flesh wafted through the air, but you did not lose your focus. You charged the Gorgodon with your saber held in both hands. It was unprepared as you unleashed a furry of blows. Your training saber would not slice its skin open, but you could force it off the edge of the cliff.

You narrowly dodged the creature's claws and slowly your strikes began to push it backwards. It seemed aware of what you were trying to do, but could not prevent you from your maneuvering. You kept up your strikes and dodged the blows the creature threw your way. Soon, it found itself on the edge. You could feel the panic in the creature's mind, but all you felt was the cusp of victory.

The creature toppled and screamed as it fell off the cliff. You turned towards your master who simply nodded.

"Well done."

The two of you approached the entrance and Dooku looked at you,

"You will see visions in the caves Anakin, but you must remain focused. Their will be temptations. Remain strong."

You nodded and the two of you entered. You had barely taken a few steps before Dooku stopped,

"This is as far as I go, Anakin. You must continue onward."

You frowned. The thought of entering alone disturbed you, but such was your Master's command.

You turned and continued onward.


You walked what seemed like hours. The whispers had started slowly. Nothing more than faint hints of a dream, but as you continue down the cave corridors, specters of the past haunted you. Watto leaving you to watch the shop. Markex cuffing you upside the head. Cliegg's disappointed eyes when you had punched Owen. screaming in agony.

The whispers had become screams and you,
DC: 25
Roll: D20+17=37.
Critical success!
+1 CP
shook your head. The force answered your call and the screams became whispers once more. You would not falter. You continue walking until you reached a large cavern. Crystals adorned the walls. The Force called to you. You must meditate. You took a seat in the center of the room and sunk deep into the Force. Time passed, but you did not move. Suddenly, a voice broke you from your meditation.

"Why did you kill me, Anakin?"

You opened your eyes and the teenage form of Darth Maul stood before you.

"You're not real."

"Oh, I'm very real, Anakin, but why did you kill me? I thought you were my friend?"

"You were never my friend," You snarled, "You killed my family?"

"That wasn't me!" Maul yelled in sadness, "That was the me Sidious created! That was the me he destroyed that caused me to go into a coma!"

What? Your brows scrunched in confusion.

"I was just a teenage child! I trusted you! And you killed me!"

DC: 25
Roll: d20+17=30

shook your head. No, you were adamant that you had made the right decision. Maul's deeds deserved justice regardless of whether he remembered them or not. You glared at the Sith,

"No, I am resolute in my decision. You were a Sith. You killed my family."

The teenage Maul suddenly ceased crying and grinned a feral smile,

"And I enjoyed it! Your mother's screams were-"

You thrust out your hand and the apparition was thrown back against the wall. You held it there with the Force. You would not listen to this drivel. If this was a test you would pass it. Maul's form suddenly dispersed into wisps of smoke and coalesced into a naked woman standing in the center of the room. The woman was flawless and beautiful and you could not look away despite her vlunerability. The woman smiled seductively at you.

"Oh beautiful child...we will dance for some years you and I..I'm so glad to have the chance to see you now."

You were entranced and could not look away much less speak. The woman giggled,

"Such an honor for the chosen one be rendered speechless. I'm glad we have this moment, but I must go back to my prison."


"Yes, beautiful child, I am imprisoned by my wicked family. Won't you help me escape?"

You felt the Force scream in warning at you.This woman was death...yet so beautiful. You,

DC: 30
Roll: D20+17=34

summoned your hatred. You would not be manipulated! You rushed the woman and felt your soul materialize into your possession. You swung and the woman screamed in agony...dispersing into wisps of smoke.

You gasped and looked down at your hands. There rested,


Vote by plan

[] Single: 0CP, 1dDamage
[] Dual: 2 CP, 2dDamage
[] Double: 4 CP, 2dDamage

[] Standard: 0CP, +2 Wisdom
[] Shoto: 1CP, +2 Dexterity
[] Curved: 1CP, +2 Intelligence
[] Cane: 1CP, +2 Charisma
[] Tonfa Saber: 1CP, +2 Constitution
[] Cross-Guard Saber: 1CP, +2 Strength

Focusing Crystal
[] Adegan: No bonus
[] Ruusan: 1CP, +2 Charisma
[] Upari: 1CP, +2 Strength
[] Eralam: 1CP, +2 Constitution
[] Kasha: 1CP, +2 Wisdom
[] Bondar: 1CP, +2 Intelligence
[] Velmorite: 1CP, +2 Dexterity

[] Blue
[] Red
[] Green
[] Yellow
[] Purple
[] Orange

Example for Single
[] [Saber] Plan Single Example
-[] Single: 0CP, 1dDamage
-[] Standard: 0CP, +2 Wisdom
-[] Adegan: No bonus
-[] Blue

Example for Double; double must use standard hilt. notice the double stats
[] [Saber] Plan Double Example
-[] Double: 4CP, 2dDamage
-[] Standard: 0CP, +4 Wisdom
-[] Upari: 1CP, +4 Strength
-[] Blue

Example for dual
[] [Saber] Plan Dual Example
-[] Dual: 2CP, 2dDamage
-[] Standard: 0CP, +2 Wisdom
-[] Adegan: No bonus
-[] Blue
-[] Standard: 0CP, +2 Wisdom
-[] Adegan: No bonus
-[] Blue

First three after style choice are first saber. Second three are the second saber

End Chapter 10

+ 1 of2 Dooku Bond for Level 2
+4 CP from Omakes and Critical

+Level up! (Level up Vote will occur after first Serenno update. Aka, after this one)

Name: Anakin Skywalker
Sex: Male
Species: Human
Age: 10
Class: Jedi Guardian/Consular 1
Occupation: Dooku's Apprentice
Level: 14
Hit Points: (Level+Con) x2.5= 63
Armor Class: (Dex+Con+Str)/3 = 13
Mental AC= (Wisdom+Intelligence+Charisma/3= 16
Initiative: +19
Weapons: Teras Kasi Fists, 2D8, Training Saber: 1d11
Unarmed to Hit= +11
Saber to Hit=+11
Blaster to Hit= +13
Force to Hit= +18
Experience: 16,928
Experience Needed:28800
Lawful Dark

Chosen Points: 27CP
Strength: 32 (+11)
Constitution: 32 (+11)
Dexterity: 36 (+13)
Wisdom: 45 (+18)
Charisma: 45 (+18)
Intelligence: 48 (+19)

Handle Animal (CHR):+21
Computer Use (Int): +22
Security (IDex): +16
Mechanics(Int): +26
Persuasion (Chr): +21
Awareness (Wis):+30
Piloting (Dex): +27

History Skill(Int): +21
Math Skill(Int):+21
Medicine Skill(Int) +21
Research Skill(Int): +21
Science Skill(Int): +21
Legal Skill(Int):+21
Political Skill(Wis):+23
Music Skill(Chr): +21
Acting Skill(Chr): +21
Athletics Skill(Str): +14
Cooking Skill(Int): +21
Economics Skill(Int): +21
Strategy Skill(Int): +21
Artistic Skill(Char):+21

High Galactic
Long Term Ambitions:

Mid Term Ambitions

Short Term Ambitions

Money: 35 Gold Peggats
The Jedi Path
Training Saber
Maul's Ship
Varya Holocron
Sidreona Holocron
Seeking Excellence Trait:
When failing a training roll, may retry once.

Gain 100XP for each new planet you visit
Fast Learner:
Gain Double Chosen Points upon Level up
Young Philospher Trait (From Voter Discussion):
+1 Wisdom.
Force Precognition:
+1 Wisdom
+4 Awareness
Mechanic Background:
Results in Mechanic vote options unlocked.
Unlocked Repair Skill
Unlocked Piloting Skill
+2 to Strength.
+2 to Intelligence.
+2 to Dexterity.
+2 to Constitution.
+5 to Mechanics Skill.

Droid Background:
Droid Vote Options Unlocked
Unlocked Computer Use Skill
Unlocked Security Use Skill
+4 to Intelligence
+2 to Dexterity
+ 3 to Repair Skill
One Additional Language

Fairy Tale Background:

Gained Cliegg/Owen Relationship
+2 Charisma
+4 Wisdom

Adept Speaker:
+2 Charisma
+3 Charisma
+4 Charisma
+5 Charisma
Amateur Brute
+2 Strength
+3 Strength
+4 Strength
Amateur Farmer
+2 Constitution
+3 Constitution
+4 Consitution
Amateur Athlete
+ 2 Dexterity
+4 Dexterity
Amateur Philosopher
+2 Wisdom
+3 Wisdom
Amateur Student
+2 Intelligence
+3 Intelligence
+4 Intelligence
Apprentice Pilot :
+5 Piloting
+4 Piloting
Teacher's Pet:
History Skill Unlocked
Math Skill Unlocked
Medicine Skill Unlocked
Research Skill Unlocked
Science Skill Unlocked
Legal Skill Unlocked
Political Skill Unlocked
Music Skill Unlocked
Acting Skill Unlocked
Athletics Skill Unlocked
Cooking Skill Unlocked
Economics Skill Unlocked
Strategy Skill Unlocked
Artistic Skill Unlocked
+1 to Strength
+1 to Constitution
+1 to Dexterity
+1 to Wisdom
+1 to Intelligence
+1 to Charisma
+3 to All Currently Unlocked Skills
Teras Kasi Combat:
Level 1: +2 to All Physical Attributes, No Combat Penalty to fighting Unarmed
Level 2: +2 to All Physical Attributes, +4 to Hit when Fighting Unarmed, Hands Count as a 2D8 Weapon
Level 3: Increase Health Modifier to x2.5, Not Unlocked GM: Default Health is (Level +Con Mod) x 2. This would increase it to (Level+Con Mod) x 2.5.

Level 4: +4 to All Physical Attributes, +4 to hit when fighting Unarmed, Hands Count as a 2D10 Weapon, Not Unlocked
Level 5: + 4 to All Physical Attributes, Immunity to all Mental Force Abilities, Hands count as a 2D12 Weapon, Not Unlocked

(Base Penalty is -8)
Level 1: -6 to hit Penalty to Lightsaber Combat
Level 2: -4 to hit Penalty to Lightsaber Combat
Level 3: 0 To hit penalty for Lightsaber Combat
Control: Wisdom Modifier +perks

Tutaminis (Neutral Power):
Level 1: +2Constitution
Level 2: +2 Constitution
Level 3: 0 of 3 Trained

Force Speed
Level 1: 2 Dexterity, +2 to Initiative Rolls
Level 2: 2 Dexterity, +4 to Initiative Rolls

Level 3: 0 of 3 Trained

Sense:Wisdom Modifier +perks
Life Detection:
Level 1: Can sense life within 1/4 Mile.
Level 2: Can Sense Life within 1/2 Yards.
Level 3: 0 of 3 Trained

Sense Force:
Level 1: Can sense status of the force within 1/4 Mile. Force Empathy tree Unlocked
Level 2: Can Sense status of the force within 1/2 Yards.
Level 3: 0 of 3 Trained

Force Empathy:
Level 1: Gain Ability to Sense Others Emotions. Dialogue.
Level 2: +1 Wisdom,

Level 3: 0 of 3 Trained

Level 1: +1 Wisdom, Comprehend Speech. Dialogue Options.
Level 2: +1 Wisdom,

Level 3: 0 of 3 Trained

Battle Precognition:
Level 1: +2 Dexterity, +1 AC.

Alter: Wisdom Modifier +perks
Force Jump:
LeveL 1: +2 Strength, May Jump One Story Buildings
Level 2: + 2 Strength, May Jump Three Story Buildings

Level 3: 0 of 3 Trained

Level 1: +2 Wisdom, can lift R2D2 level objects Unlock Force Push/Force Choke
Level 2: +2 Wisdom, Can lift small speeder objects

Level 3: 0 of 3 Trained

Force Push
Level 1: +2 Wisdom, May do 1D1/4Wisdom Damage to opponent upon first round.
Level 2: +2 Wisdom,

Level 3: 0 of 3 Trained

Animal Friendship:
Level 1: +2 Handle Animal; Sense Animal thoughts/instincts/urges.
Level 2: +4 Handle Animal; Calm creature

Level 3: 0 of 3 Trained
Force Lightning:
Level 1: + 2 Wisdom, 1 opponent may takes 1d1/2 Wisdom Damage at beginning of the fight
Level 2: 0 of 2 Training. Locked.

Level 1: +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, Begin to see shatter points in the physical world around you. Decisions Unlocked.
Level 2: 0 of 2 Trained
Count Yan Dooku: Count of Serenno, Your Master
Padme: Queen of Naboo, Close Friend.
R2D2: Acquaintance
Jar-Jar: King of Naboo, Acquaintance
Colonel "Greybeard" , Palace Guard, Acquaintance
Lt. "Scarface", Palace Guard, Acquaintance
Lt. Frela, Security Forces, Acquaintance
Private Derpa, Security Forces , Acquaintance
Siri Tachi: Jedi Knight,Bear Clan Master
Yoda: Master of the Order
Mace Windu: Master of the Order
Qui-Gon Jinn: Deceased
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Deceased, Friend
Sheev Palpatine: Vice Chancellor, Acquaintance
Bail Organa: Chancellor, Acquaintance
Mon Mothma, Senator, Acquaintance
Master Arden Zan: Teras Kasi Master, Teacher
Owen Lars: Your Step-brother, Brothers for Life, Status Unknown
C-3P0: Your Droid, You are His Maker, Status Unknown
Shmi Lars: Your Mother, Deceased
Cliegg Lars: Your Father, Deceased
Mother Talzin, Nightmother, Acquaintance

Name: Yan Dooku
Rank: Master, Consular
Abilities: Makashi, Force Jump
Perks of Master: Permanent +6 Intelligence and Charisma every Level up, Learn Makashi passively along with training schedule, Learn Force Jump in 2 Less turns, Learn Telekinesis in 2 Less Turns
Types of Missions: Diplomacy/Aristocracy

Master/Apprentice Force Bond Tree
Current Level: 1. Unlocked.

Level 1: Receive a +1 Modifier to All Social Rolls with Count Dooku
Level 2: Receive a +2 Modifier to All Social Rolls with Count Dooku; 1 of 2 unlocked
Level 3: Receive a +3 Modifier to All Social Rolls with Count Dooku, Unlock Dun Moch Saber Style.,
Level 4: Receive a +4 Modifier to All Social Rolls with Count Dooku, Increase Stat gain to Charisma and Intelligence to +7 per level up.
Level 5: Receive a +5 Modifier to All Social Rolls with Count Dooku, Dun Moch Saber Style Learned in 2 Less Turns, XP Gain increased to 3.0.
Level 6: Receive a +6 Modifier to All Social Rolls with Count Dooku, Increase Stat gain to Charisma and Intelligence to +8 per level up
Level 7: Receive a +7 Modifier to All Social Rolls with Count Dooku, Multiply effects of Dun Moch by 1.5, XP Gain Increased to 3.5
Level 8: Receive a +8 Modifier to All Social Rolls with Count Dooku, Increase Stat gain to Charisma and Intelligence to +9 per level up
Level 9: Receive a +9 Modifier to All Social Rolls with Count Dooku, Multiply effects of Dunmoch by 2. XP Gain Increased to 4.0

Vote Format! Please Use! Votes not in this format will not be counted. You have 27 CP.

Example for Single
[] [Saber] Plan Single Example
-[] Single: 0CP, 1dDamage
-[] Standard: 0CP, +2 Wisdom
-[] Adegan: No bonus
-[] Blue

Example for Double; double must use standard hilt. notice the double stats
[] [Saber] Plan Double Example
-[] Double: 4CP, 2dDamage
-[] Standard: 0CP, +4 Wisdom
-[] Upari: 1CP, +4 Strength
-[] Blue

Example for dual
[] [Saber] Plan Dual Example
-[] Dual: 2CP, 2dDamage
-[] Standard: 0CP, +2 Wisdom
-[] Adegan: No bonus
-[] Blue
-[] Standard: 0CP, +2 Wisdom
-[] Adegan: No bonus
-[] Blue

First three after style choice are first saber. Second three are the second saber

Seven Hour Moratorium on Votes

Discuss away!

Edit: After saber vote there will be a mini vote where I post pictures of potential hilts that will be voted upon.

Your saber style will also effect a bit of how I write anakin narratively in combat So for example:

Strength: More aggressive
Dexterity: Agile and counter
Constitution: More stand your ground type
Intelligence :Tactical
Charismatic: Talking a lot in battle
Wisdom: More awareness of the force.

This is not a mechanical benefit, only a narrative one.
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[] [Saber] Plan Single Example
-[] Single: 0CP, 1dDamage
-[] Standard: 0CP, +2 Wisdom
-[] Adegan: No bonus
-[] Blue

Honestly, I'm quite taken with the single and standard for our first saber as well as adegan crystal. I know people want a weapon to end all weapons but I don't think we'll be seeing so many fights yet. Not to mention I do want to keep our CP and once we get a crystal we can use that crystal for any upgrades. I might be swayed to a different crystal, but I'll definitely be voting for a single lightsaber and standard hilt. I'm quite unsure about the color. Usually I favor green, but I'm definitely leaning towards purple. Thoughts?
[] [Saber] Plan The Balanced Makashi
-[] Dual: 2CP, 2dDamage
-[] Curved: 1CP, +2 Intelligence
-[] Ruusan: 1CP, +2 Charisma
-[] Blue
-[] Curved: 1CP, +2 Intelligence
-[] Ruusan: 1CP, +2 Charisma
-[] Red.

Curved because it works better than a cane imo. Gets us the intelligence for Makashi. Then Russan for the charisma dun moch build.

Blue and Red and represent our balancing the two sides of the Force.
[] [Saber] Plan Purple Lightsaber
-[] Single: 0CP, 1dDamage
-[] Standard: 0CP, +2 Wisdom
-[] Ruusan: 1CP, +2 Charisma
-[] Purple

@Arthellion I don't suppose we can have a white crystal, like Ahsoka Tano's?

edit: placed the plan in front of purple lightsaber, since I forgot to add it.
Last edited:
[] [Saber] Plan Dual Char/Dex
-[] Dual: 2CP, 2dDamage
-[] Cane: 1CP, +2 Charisma
-[] Ruusan: 1CP, +2 Charisma
-[] Orange
-[] Shoto: 1CP, +2 Dexterity
-[] Velmorite: 1CP, +2 Dexterity
-[] Yellow

Reasoning: Definitely dual. More chances of more damage and more slots for crystals. Let's go with Charisma -- should help us a lot on Serenno -- and Dexterity -- should help a lot with fighting and Jar'Kai. Also yellow and orange are not usual, but not as threatening as red would be and not as common as blue or green. Also, don't see why we should do single or double. It isn't as versatile as dual.
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why not a black and white crystal? one for each lightsaber? with non-suicidal cross-guard, which could be used to help disarm someone!

I'm not sorry.

edited: Nevermind!
I'd probably go for a single saber with a few enhancements to make it decent, but not fully decked out by any means. Not just to save CP, but it'd be cool for Anakin's lightsaber to keep growing with him, if that makes sense.
[] [Saber] Purple Lightsaber
-[] Single: 0CP, 1dDamage
-[] Standard: 0CP, +2 Wisdom
-[] Ruusan: 1CP, +2 Charisma
-[] Purple
[] [Saber] Plan The Balanced Makashi
-[] Dual: 2CP, 2dDamage
-[] Curved: 1CP, +2 Intelligence
-[] Ruusan: 1CP, +2 Charisma
-[] Blue
-[] Curved: 1CP, +2 Intelligence
-[] Ruusan: 1CP, +2 Charisma
-[] Red.

Curved because it works better than a cane imo. Gets us the intelligence for Makashi. Then Russan for the charisma dun moch build.

Blue and Red and represent our balancing the two sides of the Force.

Further support for the above is this:

Level 1: +3 to Hit Against other swordsman
Level 2: +6 to Hit against other swordsman
Level 3: +2 intelligence, Use Intelligence in the place of Strength if Higher;Gain an extra saber attack for every successful hit against you;
Level 4: +4 Intelligence
Level 5: + 6 Intelligence, Use intelligence in place of Dexterity if Higher. if fighting multiple opponents, make a strategy check against highest level opponent at beginning of the fight. If Successful, only lowest leveled opponent may perform an action for five rounds.
Level6: + 8 Intelligence,
Level 7:+ 10Intelligence,Makashi Riposte: Gain an extra saber attack for every missed hit against you; Prevent AC/Damage Immunity Negation by any means if fighting one opponent.
Level 8:+ 12 Intelligence,
Level 9:+ 14 Intelligence,
Level 10:+ 16 Intelligence, If fighting one opponent. Double intelligence modifier.

With Dooku as our Master, we can master Makashi fairly quickly, Increasing our intelligence stat is huge for this. We can basically forgo most strength builds. Then with charisma we have this:

Dun Moch:
Level 1: +2 to Charisma
Level 2: +2 to Charisma
Level 3: +2 to Charisma; Reduce Damage taken by 1/10 of your Charisma Modifier
Level 4: +2 to Charisma
Level 5: +2 to Charisma; Reduce Damage Taken by 1/5 of your Charisma Modifier
Level6: +2 to Charisma
Level 7: +2 to Charisma; Reduce Damage Taken by 1/4 of your Charisma Modifier
Level 8 +2 to Charisma
Level 9: ++2 to Charisma; Reduce Damage Taken by 1/2 of your Charisma Modifier

Another huge boost. Meaning more charisma the less damage we take.

These sabers are perfect for the Makashi/Dun Moch build.

I could be persuaded to a single purple with the curved and ruusan hilt though.
[] [Saber] Plan Elegant Intelligence
-[] Single: 0CP, 1dDamage
-[] Curved: 1CP, +2 Intelligence
-[] Ruusan: 1CP, +2 Charisma
-[] Purple

Basically the Balanced Makashi plan, in one saber.
Anakin HP: 6
Gorgodon HP:7
Round 7
Anakin Saber Attack: D20+10=12. Hit! d10=9

Ugh, we should really increace our condition stat and unlock Force Rage/Sacrifice to boost it further. If we had been alone there'd be a good chance of dying (not considering CP saves).

I'll probably vote for the simple single saber for now. It's better to use CP points on stats and training. We can pimp our saber(s) later