Star Wars: The Chosen One (An Anakin Skywalker Quest)

Could we settle with banishing Maul to Dathomir. We break the force bond between him and us, and between him and Palpatine. In return, he can never leave.

Maybe earlier, may be if we stayed with the Jedi, may be if everything hasn't gotten horrible so fast, but in character, given the rolls and the fact that Anakin saw him horrifically murder his parents... no. Maul is a dead man walking, no ifs and or buts, the only thing that could possibly stay our hand is into on Sidious and the possible threat of retaliation by the force witches. So long as we dont be gratiutious about it and torture him when we could just lop his head off or whatever.

At this point I think I am resigned to plunging into the darkness, and then evsntually craeling our way back to the light with the aid of what remains of our family. Anakin is in very dark place, and the votes have effectively failed to give him the time or space to grieve, to heal, to manage his anger in a healthy and non self destructive way, to have any family or friends or Jedi code or support network to keep him from collapsing. We are writing a tragedy, and I find it very compelling.
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Some people want to see the good in everyone where there is none.

Hey, I just want an in-character reason to start the separatist movement early. I mean it might mean years of negotiations and politicking to bring systems into the fold, getting Dooku ready for his new position as well as the political opponent of Sidious, Anakin working on the droid army A.I. Maybe that's just me.

[] [Help] The Broken R2D2 Astromech Droid. You could rebuild him. (Gain R2D2)

[] [Level Up] Plan Bonding and Calling
-[] Talk with Dooku about what has happened.
-[] Admit to Master Dooku that you have 2 Holocrons, one of the Sith and one of the Jedi
-[] Use the comm on Dooku's ship to call Beru's family.

[] [Ambition] To Find out what happened to Owen. (1500, 1CP)

I'm unsure about about perks and either combat/force prodigy, shatterpoint because while I want them all, I'm also thinking right now, Anakin needs to spend some time with his Master and finding out what happened to Owen and that when we level up next turn we pick shatterpoint, combat/force prodigy and training. Hopefully we don't start and close voting fast since I won't be able to check things until I get back from work.
What about something like this?
-[] Shatter Point (5 points) You gain access to the force ability Shatterpoint
-[] CombatProdigy (2 Points): Upon unlocked a Saber style, you immediate gain level one.
-[] Force Prodigy (2 Points):Upon unlocking a Force ability, you immediately gain level one.
-[] Talk with Dooku about what has happened.
I hope you'll name it plan munchkin

I see little value and reason to shatterpoint. Force prodigy doesn't look necessary either because it is not that likely that we'll unlock new trees before next level up. Combat prodigy is necessary because I believe that chances of getting lightsaber style unlocked are quite high.

Not calling Beru's family is something I would never done if I played that character in a single player roleplaying game, so chances that I'll support any plan without that are close to zero
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Maybe earlier, may be if we stayed with the Jedi, may be if everything hasn't gotten horrible so fast, but in character, given the rolls and the fact that Anakin saw him horrifically murder his parents... no. Maul is a dead man walking, no ifs and or buts, the only thing that could possibly stay our hand is into on Sidious and the possible threat of retaliation by the force witches. So long as we dont be gratiutious about it and torture him when we could just lop his head off or whatever.

At this point I think I am resigned to plunging into the darkness, and then evsntually craeling our way back to the light with the aid of what remains of our family. Anakin is in very dark place, and the votes have effectively failed to give him the time or space to grieve, to heal, to manage his anger in a healthy and non self destructive way, to have any family or Jedi code or support network to keep him from collapsing. We are writing a tragedy, and I find it very compelling.

Sadly it is abundantly clear that no one cares about the phrase 'in character' only the game mechanics and how to optimize the avatar that should be Anakin Skywalker towards their desired playstyle.
Don't be too kind, people. I'm sure all the bile you're spewing will go to great use somewhere. :rolleyes:

Seriously, cut it out.
So I thought long and hard about the plan I would want and what would actually get votes. The first big issue is the ship or R2-D2. While the ship would be nice to have, we won't have a use for it for a long time. Also people want an awesome droid. I can't blame them and I would want an awesome droid, especially R2-D2 regardless of how awesome the Sith Ship is. Also R2-D2 would be great for dealing with security systems, getting data off of computers. We can take him where ever we go.

The next big issue is if we should call home to find out about Owen. We are going to Tatootine after Dathomir, so there is no need. People talk about calling home for 'mental issues'. These are the same individuals who voted to spare Maul for similar 'mental concerns'. So....yeah. Calling might not even work, if it does the conversation will be depressing and awkward. Not a happy reunion. So no calling since it might push Anakin over the edge with his failure to kill Maul, who killed his parents and the 2 Jedi he liked. Better to have that kind of conversation in person.

The last major issue is Shatterpoint. It is a highly useful skill, but we would have to invest quite a bit into it. Even then I don't think it would be as useful as people think it would be. The dice can really change outcomes. Like this last chapter showed us. No way Shatterpoint would show the dice working out just like that. We would get some broad strokes, but that is it. It is useful, but not enough to justify it at the expense of other options.

The goal of my plan is to prepare. The Prodigy Perks need to be taken as soon as possible before studying any Force/Saber skills. Charisma since we started on that and want to continue. It has out of combat applications which are useful. Also leveling up Charisma will force us to level up all our stats as we level which is important. Focusing on Charisma will raise up our other skills as well.

Talking with Dooku to improve the Force Bond we have. I feel that should be an ongoing focus to max it out to get more EXP from him and to improve our relationship. Possibly convincing him of actions much later on with greater ease. This is in line with my thinking of finishing things we decided to start. We focused Charisma and Dooku, we should finish them. Like ambitions we took.

Shatterpoint was tough to include, but it has uses. I don't think we should focus on it to the detriment of other things, but we should work towards it. This also leaves us 2 CP in reserve for emergencies. Next level up we can take the Shatterpoint perk. Also we need to take Force Prodigy before Shatterpoint so it works out quite nicely. We can't level up Shatterpoint to be useful immediately, it is a long term goal/skill.

[] [Help] The Broken R2D2 Astromech Droid. You could rebuild him. (Gain R2D2)

Level Up Vote by plan
[] [Level UP] Plan Prepared
-[] Skilled Speaker: +6 Charisma
-[] Combat Prodigy (2 Points): Upon unlocked a Saber style, you immediate gain level one.
-[] Force Prodigy (2 Points):Upon unlocking a Force ability, you immediately gain level one.
-[] Talk with Dooku about what has happened.
-[] Layaway: Shatterpoint, 2 CP

[] [Ambition] To Sever the Force Bond with Maul. (+3500, 1CP)
Welcome to the Salt Club. I also find it hilarious that people want to call Owen. What are we going to talk about?

-I love you, glad you are alive
-How did you know to call
-I got a Force vision
-Why didn't you help earlier
-Jedi didn't let me
-Why can you call now then
-I left the Jedi to find the being that killed the two Jedi I went with
-What happened
-Ummmm, we found him and he was the same being that killed our parents but I couldn't kill him, we then Force Bonded

Unless you want to lie to Owen or make things up? That doesn't seem like a brotherly thing to do. Better to kill Maul and just say we killed Maul and avenged our parents when we do talk. Better to have a secure place to actually help him if he needs help. We can't do anything at the moment. Waiting a week or two until we get to Serreno is not a huge deal.

It is the Sith. If there aren't ten traps before breakfast then you clearly missed one. Also with a side of plotting.
Do you even understand the concept of roleplay? Hell, do you even understand how basic human interactions such as family and love work? This is a 10 year old who just saw his mother and stepfather be eviscerated before his very eyes. The only person that he has any connection to that is still alive is Owen. It doesn't matter if there is no greater purpose like boosting Anakin's stats or that it costs points that could be used to, you guessed it, boost Anakin's stats. People need to play Anakin as a person, not as a spreadsheet to just watch the numbers grow bigger.
Do you even understand the concept of roleplay? Hell, do you even understand how basic human interactions such as family and love work? This is a 10 year old who just saw his mother and stepfather be eviscerated before his very eyes. The only person that he has any connection to that is still alive is Owen. It doesn't matter if there is no greater purpose like boosting Anakin's stats or that it costs points that could be used to, you guessed it, boost Anakin's stats. People need to play Anakin as a person, not as a spreadsheet to just watch the numbers grow bigger.

And who knows...maybe playing Anakin consistently and as a person will result in even better stats...
Do you even understand the concept of roleplay? Hell, do you even understand how basic human interactions such as family and love work? This is a 10 year old who just saw his mother and stepfather be eviscerated before his very eyes. The only person that he has any connection to that is still alive is Owen. It doesn't matter if there is no greater purpose like boosting Anakin's stats or that it costs points that could be used to, you guessed it, boost Anakin's stats. People need to play Anakin as a person, not as a spreadsheet to just watch the numbers grow bigger.

Do you understand the concept of interpersonal dynamics? How Anakin might not feel so good about letting his parent's murderer go free? I mean all those people voting to spare Maul had not concept of Roleplay <sarcasm and rolling eyes>. Do you think he is ready to tell his brother he let his parent's killer walk free and tried to save his life?

Get real.
A Master's Lament: Dooku Side- Story
A Master's Lament: Dooku Side Story
His eyes observed the boy as the child slept. In another room, the former Jedi sensed the Sith breath in tune with the child. Though force restraints bound the creature, Dooku could not help the feeling of trepidation having that thing upon his ship. Sith. The very name caused a slight chill to run along his spine. To think that they have survived as they had all these years. It was mind boggling.

Nonetheless, Dooku could not deny the truth. The Sith had returned and the controlled the Republic. The Jedi needed to be told.

And yet...that was not what consumed his thoughts. The innocent in his desire to do something about what was wrong in the galaxy now carried the stench of the Dark Side about him. Anger, Hatred, fear...these all clung to Skywalker like a bad aroma. Had Dooku still been a Jedi, he would have called for the child's exile from the order.

And yet...he was no longer a Jedi and neither was Anakin. Instead, he was just an old man with too much experience and Anakin was just a young boy being forced to grow up far too quickly. The vision rang quickly through Dooku's mind. Anakin, master of both Dark and Light, saving the galaxy. Master Yoda, in all his wisdom, claimed that no one could return from the Dark side of the Force. Dooku refused to believe that.

He had seen Anakin's purity and his darkness. Both could coexist together in a harmonious whole. He just was not sure how he, steeped in Jedi teachings, could provide the proper insight. Advice was needed, but the Jedi would not offer it. They would take one look at Anakin and proclaim him an anathema to all they held dear.

Fools the lot of them. The could not see what he could. The power that shone from Anakin's heart. For good or for evil, Anakin Skywalker would shape the galaxy. Dooku whispered,

"I am determined...Anakin Skywalker...that you shall be my greatest legacy."

The man shook his head and turned from the sleeping child. Anakin Skywalker would be great. He swore it. The aged Master turned his attention from the boy to other things. The Jedi needed to be warned about the SIth. The Republic must be safeguarded against.

And if they failed to listen?

The thought broke through like a thief in the night. Dooku's lips pursed in thought.

If they failed to listen...alternative methods would have to taken to protect the innocent in the Galaxy.​
Do you understand the concept of interpersonal dynamics? How Anakin might not feel so good about letting his parent's murderer go free? I mean all those people voting to spare Maul had not concept of Roleplay <sarcasm and rolling eyes>. Do you think he is ready to tell his brother he let his parent's killer walk free and tried to save his life?

Get real.
All you care about are the stats man at least be honest.
[] [Help] The Broken R2D2 Astromech Droid. You could rebuild him. (Gain R2D2)

We can get a different ship later, and with Anakin's mechanical skills I'd bet we could design a better one. We should take R2 because this story needs something lighthearted.

[] [Ambition] To Find out what happened to Owen. (1500, 1CP)

Anakin's last remaining family member is his brother. He would want to find out what happened to him as soon as possible.

I don't know if we should sever the bond and kill Maul or keep Maul around and psychologically torture him for years. Either way, I want to let Maul live until we find Owen and possibly let Owen kill him. I'm still rather angry Maul's alive at all.

I don't think there's a plan similar to this one, but let me know.

[] [Level Up] Plan Prodigy
-[] Adept Philosopher: +5 Wisdom
-[] Talk with Dooku about what has happened.
-[] Use the comm on Dooku's ship to call Beru's family.
-[] Combat Prodigy (2 Points): Upon unlocked a Saber style, you immediate gain level one.
-[] Force Prodigy (2 Points):Upon unlocking a Force ability, you immediately gain level one.

1 CP stat + 2 CP story + 2 CP story + 2 CP perk + 2 CP perk = 9 CP cost, 2 CP saved

1) I want to level Wisdom since we're going for a CHA/WIS/INT build, and we receive Dooku's bonuses to CHA/INT every level up. I don't want to ignore our Wisdom stat.

2) Anakin's angry and upset, and we need someone to help calm him down. We might get another level in his Force bond too.

3) Anakin would want to know what happened to Owen. I think ignoring the situation with him would make Anakin even more stressed.

4) Combat & Force Prodigy are now extremely beneficial to pick up early.

I'm not studying the Sith holocron this round because I consider the other choices more pressing. We also might fulfill this ambition another way in the course of this story arc. I would take it next level up assuming there's nothing immediately important overshadowing it.
Do you understand the concept of interpersonal dynamics? How Anakin might not feel so good about letting his parent's murderer go free? I mean all those people voting to spare Maul had not concept of Roleplay <sarcasm and rolling eyes>. Do you think he is ready to tell his brother he let his parent's killer walk free and tried to save his life?

Get real.
Oh I certainly understand. If you looked back in the thread, you'd notice that I voted to kill Maul. Because that is what is any person that isn't Jesus would do. And honestly, if some random guy in the middle of the Bible went up and killed the Virgin Mary, Joseph, and Paul in front of 10 year old Jesus, I wouldn't put it past the man to smite that motherfucker down if he got the chance.
Alright, I think I changed my mind and will go for Combat and Force Prodigy, and then the story options, before prioritizing physical stats or shatterpoint. I'm fine with doing those next update, and I think it is likely we will learn a new sabre style soon.

edit: though I'm not sure if force prodigy is actually that useful compared to upgrading dex and str or dex and con. I'm not sure it is likely we will learn a new force technique soon.
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Hard to be consistent when you are actually 80 people.

More like 120 with how people show up and take a leave of absence.

Ok, Ok. How about this then

[] [Help] The Broken R2D2 Astromech Droid. You could rebuild him. (Gain R2D2)

[] [Level UP] Plan lnsight and Reflection
-[]Adept Athlete: +5 Dexterity
-[] Adept Warrior: +5 Constitution
-[] Adept Philosopher: +5 Wisdom
-[] Talk with Dooku about what has happened.
-[] Admit to Master Dooku that you have 2 Holocrons, one of the Sith and one of the Jedi
-[] Use the comm on Dooku's ship to call Beru's family.

[] [Ambition] To Sever the Force Bond with Maul. (+3500, 1CP)

9 points spent, 2 points save for emergencys,
  • 2 points spent on surivability (DEX, CON)
  • 1 points spent on improving our self control (WIS)
  • 4 points spent on working/speaking about our current issues
  • 2 points towards figuring out what the situation is with our (possible) remaining family
I do however want to sever our bond with Mail first before we do any other ambition, cause giving the Dark Lord a front row set is a Bad Idea.

So we agree on a number of things, why share the holocrons? I mean Dooku might be cool about it with the great post above, but it takes the ability to study them out of our hands and places them into another.

All you care about are the stats man at least be honest.
Let's get real, you don't make an effort to analyze what is going on and flip flop all over the place. Hmmm? Is all you care about proving a point? Or perhaps taking a morale high ground that doesn't exist? /whatever

When you want to actually have a discussion instead of throwing insults, I would be happy to have one.