Star Dynasties/ Eon Wars

If I'm not too late, this is my idea of the best system in regards to this issue:

-Every trained unit has summoning sickness. Another way to say it is that when units are built they are automatically sent to the Reserve, and that forces in the Reserve can only be given Send Forces commands if they started the turn in Reserve. Another way to put it is that if you did not have the unit at turn start, you cannot use it.

-Buildings do not work unless one started the turn with them.

-One has to control a territory at turn start to be able to build there.

This solves a number of issues.
1. It is simple and clear. It becomes very easy to see what units and buildings and territories you and everyone else has available. This way there is no need to consider banked (r) or unit costs when planning combat assignments.

2. It avoids chains. I mean messes like:
"Player A: Send Forces to X"
"Player A: Build Y in X"
"Player A: Build Unit 1 using Y"
"Player A: Send Unit 1 to Z"

"Player B: Send Forces to X"

"Player C: Send Forces to Z"

With many players and units and territories, these can become very long and convoluted, and very laborous to resolve, tangle out and report who managed to build and recruit what, who managed to get units where, and how many (r) were refunded to whom.

By saying that a player can use only territories, buildings and units that were in their control at the beginning of the round, all of the above can be avoided.

Important Edit: Also, all building should be resolved before any combat. That way everyone is guaranteed to succeed in all Build-commands they declare, again eliminating any ambiguity and if-statements.
Last edited:
Insta build is fine and easier I think. The problem seesm toward more of instant recruit and use. So maybe we can employ something like 'summonning sickness' rule in Magic the Gathering? No using your unit for attacking in the same turn in spawns.

That's still pose a problem with atttacking a defending player with lots of R. Maybe apply the same rule to defending?

Alternatively, says that unit recruitment only resolves after Combat resolves.
If I'm not too late, this is my idea of the best system in regards to this issue:

-Every trained unit has summoning sickness. Another way to say it is that when units are built they are automatically sent to the Reserve, and that forces in the Reserve can only be given Send Forces commands if they started the turn in Reserve. Another way to put it is that if you did not have the unit at turn start, you cannot use it.

-Buildings do not work unless one started the turn with them.

-One has to control a territory at turn start to be able to build there.

This solves a number of issues.
1. It is simple and clear. It becomes very easy to see what units and buildings and territories you and everyone else has available. This way there is no need to consider banked (r) or unit costs when planning combat assignments.

2. It avoids chains. I mean messes like:
"Player A: Send Forces to X"
"Player A: Build Y in X"
"Player A: Build Unit 1 using Y"
"Player A: Send Unit 1 to Z"

"Player B: Send Forces to X"

"Player C: Send Forces to Z"

With many players and units and territories, these can become very long and convoluted, and very laborous to resolve, tangle out and report who managed to build and recruit what, who managed to get units where, and how many (r) were refunded to whom.

By saying that a player can use only territories, buildings and units that were in their control at the beginning of the round, all of the above can be avoided.

Important Edit: Also, all building should be resolved before any combat. That way everyone is guaranteed to succeed in all Build-commands they declare, again eliminating any ambiguity and if-statements.

This is logical and straightfoward, so, just to clarify going foward we're going with these rules:

-The Reserve Rule (Or, units take one turn to produce after you order them)
-Zoning Laws Rule (Or, buildings only produce (r) or soldiers if you start the turn with them
-Territory Rules (you gotta start with it in your possession before you can build it)

Sorry for the confusion
Just waiting on one player, but no rush. We're working with a lot of different schedules here
I just deleted the entire update because I was stupid and posted that

Edit: goddamn that's actually really frustrating, I do not want to redo everything
no, did not post orders. skip me for this turn, if you want. unlikely to have time to do orders in the next 12 hours. busy day today in RL, and yesterday. issues related to me moving to a new place. but thats over and once I sleep I'll get orders in. ether for this turn or next.
Tentative list of House Terra Assets:
Training facility Forces
3 infantry
1 Special forces
1 damaged Special forces (1R repair)

Hero: Quick butcher and quake
Raid profits 4r
control of the Agriculture Guilds (System 2)(1r)
Trade deal with House Terang-Bulan(1r)

[x] Attend Tetang-Bulan Garden party
-[x] with Quick butcher and wake as my bodyguards.

-[x]Repair special forces
-[x]Build 1 special forces
-[x]Build 1 infantry

[x]Build Industry
-[x] System 3

[x] sign trade pact with house Zion.

[x]Send forces...
-sent in PM.

this might be an interesting turn.
TerrisH threw 3 20-faced dice. Reason: First Total: 16
12 12 1 1 3 3
TerrisH threw 3 20-faced dice. Reason: second Total: 29
17 17 2 2 10 10
dude really? we all know who you're out to screw with that attack unless you've decided to drag others into your infantry fencing.
Yhea, going for broke this turn. and it's not at a target you would expect. only reason I'm keeping it secret is that I'm not sure the GM will allow it, as it's outside the framework of the rules. And it's an all or nothing gambit and will likely end up with my house destroyed if the rolls go badly... On the flip side, the alternative plan if the GM disallows it is a simple defend system 2 and raid system 4.

Yhea, main plan called off due to time limitation on the update. ah well, next time.
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Turn 5
House O'Rourik

Sol Tariff Houses (+1R)
Sol Financial Guilds (+1R)
Sol Local Shipping (+1R)
Defenses in Sol
System 2 Shipping Routes (+1R)
System 2 Finance Guilds (+1R)

House Zion 5th to Sol (+1R)
House Dorn 5th to Sol (+1R)

Mawd-Way Mercenary Warrior Humbu'Fray

Guthen Raiders (Mercenary Infantry)
Guthen Dragoons (Mercenary Elite Infantry)

Start: 7

[X] Build System 2
-[X] Industry Source Navigator Guild
-[X] Training Facility

[X] Hire Mercenary Force System 2
-[X] Infantry Corps

[X] Hero Action Mawd-Way Mercenary Warrior Humbu'Fray, House O'Rourik
-Lead Mercenaries System 2
House Dorn

Current R: 6

- [X]Defense Grid (4R)

[X] Diplomacy
- [X] Attend House Terang-Bulan garden party.

[X] Send Forces
- [X] send one unit of Troopers and one unit of Commandos to system 4 to establish control over area ( @Lop will I need to roll for doing this?)

Banked R: 3
House Zion actions
Budget (18 R's )
-[X] Industry Source (system 6)
-[X] Industry Source (system 6)
-[X] Industry Source (system 6)
-[X] Industry Source (system 6)
[X] Create
-[X] Warbots
-[X] Warbots
[X] Hire Mercenary Force
-[X] Mercenary Corps
-[X] Mercenary Corps
[X] Diplomacy Action
-[X] Attend House Terang-Bulan garden party
-[X] Make a trade deal between your house and houses Delapierre and Terra respectfully.
[X] Send Forces
-[X] Station your forces on one of the unclaimed world's in system 7 with goal of claiming one of the planets there as foothold ( 1 Battle Drone unit )
-[X] Station your forces on one of the unclaimed world's in system 8 with goal of claiming one of the planets there as foothold ( 1 Battle Drone unit )
Left : 0
House Eire'Heart
Budget 8 (R's)?
[X] Build (Massive Industrial Source Complex (8 R's) ((I basically want to put all my resources into a Industry sources).
[X] Diplomatic Action
- [X] Attend House Terang-Bulan Garden Party

BIO: Eire'Heart is a clan of Norse/Celtic Techno Druids and Magi. There goals are to spread a new wave of enlightenment by showing the world the power of there industry and harmony with bio-mechanical nature of there world of Alfhiem.

[X] Diplomacy
- [X] Attend House Terang-Bulan garden party.

Bank: 1

[X] Build Training facility
[X] Recruit Vanguard

House Tetzel female Vanguard
House Darkridge
Shipping routes (1R)
Dockyards (1R)
Food production (1R)
Robotics facility
Trade deal- House Anino (1R)
Trade deal- House Zion (1R)
Defense Grid

[x] Build
-Industry source (2R) (generates 1 R a turn), mining
-Combat Drones- 2(r)
"its time to continue with the expansion of our industry and to finally build our forces to defend our home"

[X[ Diplomacy
- [X] Attend House Terang-Bulan garden party.

Bank R: 1
House Volantia

Imperial Standard Bank - Gilese Branch (Finance 1(r))
Hulcron Navigator's Guild (Navigator's Guild 1(r))
Gallian Masterwork Crafts (Foundries 1(r))
Tellagard Royal Mining Corporation (Mines 1(r))
Galvexia Military Academy (Training Facility)

1st Gileseian Vaunted Fusilier's (Infantry)

The Noble's Run (Trade Route with House Zion 1(r))

[x] Build
-Industry source (2R) (generates 1 R a turn)

[x] Build
-Order Head-Quarters (3R)



Galvexia: The closest planet to Gilese, Galvexia is a blasted, desiccated wasteland of burning hot rocks and endless deserts. Adding to the planets woes is that the mining corporations that used to control the Gilese sector utterly mined the planet dry of any but the smallest mineral deposits. Following the Rock Wars between House Volantia and the Corporations, Galvexia was put under Volantian control and re-purposed. While a large chunk of the planet's economy is still based on mining and exploration of sulfur deposits, the vast majority is dedicated to the training and upkeep of Volantia's military forces. The famed Galvexian Military Academy is here, instructing and creating the highest quality officer core in the system. Almost all children of the nobility, and some commoners too, go to the GMA to learn the art of war and command. Around the academy is miles upon miles of training camps, obstacle courses and armories, from where the common foot soldier is created and molded.

New Gallia: The capital of the Gilese system and the second closest planet to its sun, New Gallia has been the seat of House Volantia for several centuries. A pristine world of rolling hills, deep forests and beautiful meadows, Volantia was the perfect place for the Terran Standard Democracy, a Earth extremist splinter group, to make their headquarters. The existing settlers on the world were cowed into obedience and the mining corporations of the sector bought out from by the TSD's backers. Two decades after this, however, a mass revolt, called the Glorious Revolution, led by the powerful colonist family of Volantia ended with destruction of the TSD and the establishment of a noble dictatorship. House Volantia style themselves after the great aristocratic families of France and Germany, building elaborate palaces and ruling over vast estates. New Gallia is only so beautiful because of draconian property rights enforcement, most of the world is the personal property of House Volantia and any commoner who hunts or logs in the forests and hills without permission quickly ends up with their head removed from their bodies.

Danarth: The economic, and cultural back in the Corporate days, heart of the sector, Danarth was the old capital and held the main banks and corporate headquarters of all the mining cartels besides Exndex Co. After the
Glorious Revolution much of the prosperity fled to the carefully planned cities of New Gallia, most of system's population lives on Danarth. While not quite a massive Ecumenopolis, Danarth is still by far the most urbanized of the planets within the system. The landscape is mostly made up of massive cities, over polluted seas and ravaged farmland and plains. The great banks of the system stayed on Danarth, along with most financial institutions and many Volantian nobles have second homes on Danarth to facilitate control over their domains.


Hulcron: Hulcron was always a strange and twilight planet. Its orbit naturally put it on the opposite side of Gilese to the rest of the system's planets, and its dense asteroid field blocked out most light, creating a permanent twilight effect on the ground. The planet itself is a morass of thick, misty swamps; ranges of twisted basalt spires and deep, dark evergreen forests. For as long as there has been human habitation in the system, there have been stories of wytches, mutants and worse in the bogs of Hulcron. There is some truth to these stories, the planets population has a naturally high rate of psychic potential and there have been numerous studies done on the vast amount of biodiversity in the swamps. However there is also a sense that something more lurks in the deepest, darkest glades and spires of the place. Not to mention that cyclopean ruins have been found stuck under the mud, atop the tallest spires or in the darkest reaches of the forest, all clearly built by inhuman hands.

Tellagrad: A planet of icy cold winters and dreary, rain summers; Tellagard was originally settled by a cohort of peoples from Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Underneath the thick ice sheets and clawlike mountains there lies a vast wealth of minerals and concealed caves holding vast fields of edible moss and other strange cave plants. Tellagard was the headquarters of the Mining Corporation Exndex Co., the most powerful of the mining cartels and the defacto ruler of the sector for most of its pre-Volantian history. The many mountains of the world are still scarred from the vast amount of fire power the Volantian fleet and the mining ships and stations set against each other. The ruins of the great processing stations were, when they were still functional, rebuilt and, where they damage was too much, rebuilt as mighty bastions and fortresses. As of late many of those bastions have been repurposed by groups of young, gene-modified nobility who play at knight-hood.
House Louhi:

-System: Gliese 674 (Completely controlled)
--Planet: Gliese 674c (Only planet in system)

-Courier Network x4 (4r/turn) (Gliese 674c)
-Witch Spires (Gliese 674c)

-Stationed in Gliese 674c:
--Cabalists ×1
--Cabalists ×1
--Hero unit: Amil the Witch-Prince

Banked: 0r
Powerful Supporters Buff: 9r
Available for this turn: (0r+4r+9r) = 13r

[X] Build:
-[X] Industry Source (2r) (Unknown / Courier Network Enhancement #4, Gliese 674c)
-[X] Industry Source (2r) (Unknown / Courier Network Enhancement #5, Gliese 674c)
-[X] Industry Source (2r) (Unknown / Courier Network Enhancement #6, Gliese 674c)
-[X] Industry Source (2r) (Unknown / Courier Network Enhancement #7, Gliese 674c)
-[X] Defense Grid (4r) (Gliese 674)

[X] Train:
-[X] Cabalists (1r)

[X] Send Forces:
-Station in Gliese 674c:
--Cabalists ×1, from Reserve
--Hero unit Amil the Witch-Prince, from Reserve

Current Bank: Or

Conversation excerpt from Lord Louhi's office in Gliese 674c:
Unknown Head Administrator: "…and to the last item on the list. After this current round of military and administrative efforts is complete, we estimate that we will have reached Gliese 674's maximum output. All possible resources will at that point be in use for the benefit of the 'Courier Network'. Our control of the planet will be absolute, but there is only so much room in one planet to grow resources in."
Lord Louhi: "I see. Continue to oversee the process and maintain maximum production levels. This task should be easier than coordinating the initial setup, so no mistakes will be tolerated, is that understood?"
Unknown Head Administrator: "Yes my lord. Naturally my lord."
Lord Louhi: "Good. You are dismissed."

Conversation excerpt from Bureau of Internal Harmony in Gliese 674c:
Amil the Witch-Prince: "I have heard reports of grumbling from the troops. I am not pleased. Explain yourselves."
Internal Harmony Officer 1: "M-my lord, it is hard enough to control the populace, the troops are impos... *screams of pain* No, no, please my lord, I can explain! I have too little resources... *long stretch of screams, then silence*"
Amil the Witch-Prince: "I trust that from this point on the troops will be kept to the same standards of devotion and respect than the rest of the populace."
Internal Harmony Officer 2: "*Gulp* Y-yes my lord. Of course my lord. Anything you say my lord."
House Terang-Bulan
Turns taken so far: 4

Location basis: System no. 9 (LHS 288) AKA Pasiphaë (see Lore below)
Body Luyten 143-23 A - EDDB
LHS 288 - Wikipedia

Current R: 7

- Agriculture Guilds in LHS 288/Pasiphae (+1R/turn)
- Shipping Routes control around LHS 288/Pasiphae ((+1R/turn)
- Navigation Guilds in LHS 288/Pasiphae (+1R/turn)
- Culinary Guild in LHS 288/Pasiphae (+1R/turn)

Trade Deals;
-with House Zion (+1R/turn)
-with House Terra (+1R/turn)

-Training Facility

Military Units:
1 Infantry
LHS 288, rebaptised as Pasiphae during its colonization, as a red dwarf star would normally give low prospect for colonization. However the system was graced by gas giant, Kujata, who not only having moons with decent prospect for colonization, but also for its largest satelitte, Sembrani, to beat the statistics in possessing a native ecosystem. Thus Pasiphae has became a important colonization site from early in the history of starfaring, and for years later has been known for its natural produce, whether they be native cultivars, specieses migrated from earth for terraformed farms, or new ones developed over long history of agriculture research.

But for its fame of natural produce, Pasiphae has never been a center of politics and powers. Even its economy potential (and therefore economic influence) didn't managed to grow as much it neighboring sytems did.

But nothing is static is this world. As the wheel of ages turn, new fortunes and dynasties rise. In recent year, two groups have been steadily gaining power in pasiphae. One is a family of shipping merchants, and the other is a ancient line of farmer and landholder going back to millenia ago. Aspiring for power, these two groups has been steadily growing closer to each other, based on mutual benefit and alleged ties of their almost-mythical ancestors. Finally, the bond has culminate in a natural conclusion: a union between the two main heirs of respective group, along with the unification of the families into a new House, House Terang-Bulan; and with it the consolidation of agricultural industry in the system.

[x] Build
-[x] Industry Source
-[x] Industry Source
-[x] Industry Source
(Finance Guild)

[x] Recruit
- [x] 1 Infantry

"How's the news about that Trade Pact idea by House Zion, Kirika?" Lord Ascalon, current head of Terang-Bulan, said while lounged in his solar to he maid slash secretary slash jack of all trades behind him.
"Their invitation have reached the various houses, but it does seem like it has receiving any good reception yet" replied Kirika Alda. "I'm not surprised" She continued, "the offer is not even yet a moon's turn past, the various houses likely will need more time to consider."
"Or everyone is getting distracted by the recent budding war" Interjected Ascalon
"That could also be a reason." Agreed the maid "There's also the fact that not all houses are keen on trading expansion like us, preferring a more martial pursuit"
"Ah, martial pursuit. Its an important matter, especially with the how the things progressing ... and how the plans meant them to be. But, for us, that's why we have my lady wife. She'll handle the matter much better than I do"
"Lady Asa seems doing well with the training of our new security forces, they are ready to see some action it seems"
"Yes, there's already a plan even ... but I digresss. Back to trade pact, I suppose the house could need reminder that there's more to power struggle than just guns and explosions. Hmm, we have just had a ball several grandcycle past, let's have something of similiar. It's also chance to show off our new tourism facilities.​
[x] Diplomacy
- [x] Organize a extravagant & exotic garden party, inviting all the noble houses in the teritory, as a pretext and means to facilitate further diplomacy and trade talks @Star @butchock @Paroni @TerrisH @Valkur @mcclay @bioticgrunt @Silversun17 @Uhtread @SteelWriter77 @Chopak
(did I miss anyone?)
(reminder to everyone that effor for a Trade Pact union for is ongoing for anyone who want to join)

Industry Action:
-[x] Sign on House Zion's Trade Pact

(Remaining R: 0)
House Delapierre

Ross614 (20):
Server Farms +1 (r)
Finance Guilds +1 (r)
Foundries +1 (r)
Node Matrix +1 (r)​
Trade Deals:
Trade Deal with House Darkridge +1 (r)

Mercenary Corps *Laser Musketeers* (at Ross614 (20))

10(r) stored

[X] Build
- [X] Industry source (2R) (generates 1 R a turn)
- [X] Industry source (2R) (generates 1 R a turn)
- [X] Industry source (2R) (generates 1 R a turn)
- [X] Industry source (2R) (generates 1 R a turn)

[X] Industry Action
-[X] Trade Pact- (everyone who enters is automatically signed into deals with the other members if they dont already have one)

[X] Diplomacy
- [X] Attend House Terang-Bulan garden party.
- [X] Form Trade deal with House Terang-Bulan @Salbazier
- [X] Form Trade deal with House Zion (agreed on later in the thread)
[X] Hire Mercenary Force
- [X] Mercenary Corps (2R)

[X] Military
- [X] Send 1 Mercenary Corps to raid remaining non-House Owned properties in System 20.
- [X] Send 1 Mercenary Corps (newly hired) to establish foothold in Luyten (System 19) (please disregard if unable to use at the same turn as build)

leftover funds: 0R

"My Lord, we are finishing mopping up Ross614. According to our estimates all remnants of Unspoken Houses shall be fully integrated by the end of current cycle. We have dispathed mercenaries to deal with few remaining opposition centers."
"Excelent news. You are dismissed, Chancelor"
Lord Paramount of House Delapierre relaxed in his chair. Finally, after centuries of struggle, the Eternal Name Doctrine War was coming to an end. He smiled knowing that he made his ancestors proud. However his work was not yet completed. Quite the contrary, it has just started. With the entirety of Ross614 finally in his grasp, he took his eyes to the stars beyond. Whole Orion's Arm was now his objective.
He couldn't do it alone though. He needed allies. Or at least friendlies. Luckilly Lords of House Terang-Bulan were organising a ball for the Houses of the Sector. Perhaps it was a plan to set themselves as diplomatic and cultural center of the emerging sector relations network. "Perhaps", bah. With certainty! But Lord Paramount of House Delapierre will send his envoys anyway. It was a chance to present his House on the sector stage.

((don't know if i need to roll for "establishing a foothold" but will just in case. And i meant system 19, not 18))
no, did not post orders. skip me for this turn, if you want. unlikely to have time to do orders in the next 12 hours. busy day today in RL, and yesterday. issues related to me moving to a new place. but thats over and once I sleep I'll get orders in. ether for this turn or next.

You sit in a chair, a comfortable chair. It's a new type of living fur, with a life-cycle of exactly two solar-rotations. Exactly the amount of time your trip took. The chair will die as you as you leave the ship, to be replaced by another, younger version.

Luxury is in the details.

And you are luxurious, if nothing else. You wear a fine suit, sparkling with jewels. A cravat hangs from your neck, short, and adorned with a single black stone. On either side of you are massive viewports, showing a thick, gray clouds. You feel yourself descending, further and further, until you break free of the clouds.

Below, a mega-city stretches out before your ship. You lean forward, taking in the scene from the large viewport. You are on the planet Sembrani, and the capital, simply known by the same name, goes on for leagues in every direction.

You can see the faint glimmer of something else beyond. You from the promotional material in the ship that beyond the Capital are expanses of rich, fertile land for almost the entirety of the main continent. Only a distant, thin wall of mountains separates this land of plenty from dangerous oceans.

The ship banks slightly, curving through the air. Two escort craft silently join you, flanking your ship on either side. They bear the emblem of House Terang-Bulan. They do not hail you, as you are already expected.

Your destination lies ahead. The Capital is mostly full of Agri-towers, massive complexes that rise up into the clouds. But in the center of the city, a large ringed wall hides something grander: The Palaces of House Terang-Bulan.

That is where your destination is. A grand ball, attended by all the lesser houses. The ship dips down, heading over the wall. The escort craft follow. Other ships join you. Some are large, some are small. Some look sleek, others, powerful. All are the grandest of their kind. Each material hand-crafted by lab-grown artisans, or indentured alien crafters. Your ship is no different.

Surrounding the main palace are eight smaller ones, spaced evenly and facing the center. The main palace is a gargantuan of its kind, with towers and archways that defied physics. It was not so different from the palaces of the other lesser houses, but not any less impressive for it.

Green lawns stretch out beyond the palaces. Your ship touches down in a lit stone circle. Servants wait, their hair and uniforms jerking around them as your ship vents exhaust. You stand, throwing a cloak around your shoulders, then whistle. In response, a bird flaps down from the roof of the ship and perches on your shoulder.

You leave the ship via the exit ramp, walking down onto the stone circle. The servants rush to you as a hover palanquin approaches from the opposite direction. They offer you all manner of chemical treats and exotic refreshments. You wave them away, though the bird on your shoulder eyes the ecta-pills. The hover palanquin reaches you, and you draw back the curtain to get inside.

As you climb in and get comfortable, you notice an evera-being sitting across from you. They met your gaze, then show their wrists. The bird on your shoulders ruffles its feathers as it peers at them. Luminescent markings adorn the wrists. You already know what they say. Do what you may the markings would say, I have no past nor future. Safe to partake, safe to kill, safe to eat if you wish. You shudder at the knowledge that this is a standard welcome-gift. You are not like the genetically perfect nobles, nor do you share their eccentric and sometimes cruel tastes. You ignore the evrea-being, instead drawing the curtain back to watch the approach.

The palaces rise up before you. Other hover palanquins zip beside, behind and ahead of you, all ferrying important men and women to the main palace. The palace in question rises up, an imposing and shining structure. Lights adorn every surface, and pale, luminescent humanoids stand atop the outer archways, singing haunting harmonies. You let the curtain fall back into place and lean back against your seat. You gaze catches the evera-being.

"Do you speak?"

They shake their head, then point to their throat. It is clear they were grown without vocal cords. You sign instead. <Can you understand?>

The evera-being puts a hand to their mouth, surprised that you know the language of the pleasure caste. They slowly drop it, then raise their hands cautiously and sign back. <yes>

<Do you know much about what's going on in the main palace?>

They seem hesitant, as if afraid. Finally their hands begin signing again. <no, I do not>

<You do not know how many of the lesser houses have arrived?>

They shake their head. <I was only born yesterday, as a gift from the Finance Guilds, and have not left my pod until now. I only know what they taught me in the dream-sleep>

You sigh, indicating with a wave you were done asking questions. Back home, such a thing as the evera-being would bring about horror. But you were far from home, and there was little to be done about it. In this part of the galaxy, where everything could be created and nothing was rare, the only true display of wealth was a command over life itself. Its creation, its continuance, and ultimately, its end. That was the true currency of the Orion Arm.

You had to stop thinking like this. You were growing angry, and you had a mission ahead of you. You feel the palanquin begin to slow, and know you're nearing the palace. You wait for it to stop, then the small sound of harps to play. That meant it was safe to disembark. The curtains are drawn back by waiting servants. You step out, straightening up and taking a deep breath of the night air.

Others are disembarking from their palanquins. Movement catches your eye. The covered carriage next to you shudders, then the broken corpse of an evera-being is thrown through the curtains. It knocks over a servant. The other servants rush to draw back the curtains, and a young man steps out. His face is pale, and his hair almost shock white. This contrasts sharply with the blood around his mouth and on his hands. A man in a officers uniform steps out and hands him a cloth, which the pale man uses to clean his face. He glances down at the corpse. "She did not accept Mother's Love,"

You swallow, looking away, and instead walk towards the palace. You join streams of other nobles as they cross the manicured lawns. You sense someone side up to you and take your arm. "Hellooooo!" A voice says. You glance over, hiding your alarm behind a calm smile. You find a woman, disarmingly attractive for sapien standards, and wearing the full ball gowns of the elite. "You look," The woman begins. "May I just say it, divine. You look divine. Tell me, I know every noble and important person in Orion's Arm," She laughs, putting a delicate hand over her mouth. "I make it my business to, so let me just ask, do I already know you?"

You give her a name. Something made up. You made a few dummy accounts on a netsphere a couple systems over, leaving the faintest trail of existence for your persona. She tilts her head, as if thinking. You know she's in fact waiting as her alter-self A.I's scour the netspheres for who you are. "Ohhh," She says appraising you with a coy smile. "And what is a person with such a...interesting, profession, doing here?"

You tell her you were invited, but don't know anyone. It's almost the truth. The bird on your shoulder coos.

"Well then," The woman says. "Let me be your guide tonight. I'm Lady Coletta Garamount, best friend of and cherished companion of Duchess Marie of the great House Volantia. As I said, I know everyone who's anyone, and there's not a better person you could have for your companion,"

She holds out her arm, and you take it, smiling. There must be a god, because this is just what you required: information. You and Lady Coletta follow the stream of nobles up grand steps. The pale beings atop the arches continue to sing, their haunting notes intermingling with the chatter of the guests.

Finally, you make it through a grand pair of doors guarded by what you can only describe as chimera. Bright lights greet you, and you resist the urge to shield yourself against them.

"ANNOUNCING," An angelic voice says. They say your name, as well as Lady Coletta's. She raises her chin, a mischievous look on her face. There's another staircase leading back down into the ballroom, and it's lined by lesser nobles and societal elites. They talk among themselves in hushed tones as you two descend the staircase.

"Oh yes," Lady Coletta says, her voice barely a murmur. "This will give the netsphere something to talk about,"

You ignore her and the red-carpet treatment, instead scanning the ballroom. It's filled with music, and strange, floating orbs. People as well. A crowd of them, dressed in the most dazzling finery you've ever seen. If it wasn't for your training, you'd be fatally out of your league. You feel a tug on your arm, and look over at Lady Coletta.

"You wanted to meet important people?" She says, raising an eyebrow. "Well let's start with them," You follow her gaze, then nod to show you see them. "Meet the representatives from House O'Rourik," She says, almost proud of herself.

[ ] Lord (Brodie) O'Rourik- Head of House O'Rourik

[ ] Calder O'Rourik- Younger brother of Magnus and son of Lord Brodie

[X] Humbu'Fray- Mawd-Way mercenary warrior and the last of his kind

"Alright," Lady Coletta says, putting a hand to your shoulder. "I know what you're thinking. Who let such wild, boisterous men into this palace? And why did they bring their little dog of war?"

You smile and admit the O'Rourik's do look out of place.

"Well don't be fooled," Lady Coletta says, giving you a playful pat. "They're good with their money, and one of the most powerful Houses in the sector. That's why they're here, and just like everyone else I'm going to introduce you to, guests of honor,"

You ask why they brought Humbu'Fray. Lady Coletta laughs, her hand returning to her mouth.

"Oh, that would probably be because of them,"

[ ] Prince Constantine Terra- Heir to House Terra

[ ] Princess Jessalyne Terra- Heiress to House Terra

[X] Quick-Butcher and Wake- Bane of Soldiers and his friend

"House Terra," Lady Coletta says, knowingly. "They're at war with House O'Rourik at the moment. Lineages and claimants, I'm sure you understand,"

You say you do, then proceed to meet both houses. First, O'Rourik, who were guarded but warm, then Terra, who were composed and inscrutable. The bird on your shoulder draws mild amusement from both parties, unusual as it is, then Lady Coletta rushes you off.

"Come come, we're not done yet!" Lady Coletta says.

The two of you weave through the crowds of elegant people. You ask more about the war between the two houses.

"Oh yes, it was all the talk several cycles ago. But you know how those things go, a couple hours and then it's on to the next thing!"

You ask if that means the war is over.

"Oh of course not," Lady Coletta says, craning her neck to peer at the crowds. "I imagine it will continue for some time, possibly even get worse. Oh! There's our next introduction, come come!"

You're hurried off through the crowds, past servants and laughing elites. You press her for more information of the relationship between the two houses.

"Oh come now, I'm sure you can figure it out," Lady Coletta says, flashing you a sly smile. "Sol, if you believe the legends, is the birthplace of the first-men. Our genetic heritage, so to speak," She's smiling, clearly enjoying herself as she hangs onto your arm. "O'Rourik is a proud, cunning House, and the Terrans are certainly one of the more ancient and ruthless," Lady Coletta slows as she nears a different group and leans up by your ear. "So you can imagine a war between those two would be something to behold,"

You remind her that there is a war, and its happening as you speak. She laughs, then points at the group you near. "House Tetzel,"

[ ] Lord Michael Tetzel- Head of House Tetzel

[ ] Lady Emile Tetzel- Matriarch of House Tetzel

[ ] Master Augustus- Head of the Order of the Western Stars

Lady Coletta guides you towards them. "Normally they'd never be dressed so extravagantly, but trust me when I say tonight is all about baring fangs and showing off wealth. Their union is quite the scandal, but I don't see the prince,"

You ask about the scandal, but Lady Coletta brushes it off with a wave.

"Oh something about Lord Michael being a warlord or something, does it matter? Their genes are now lineages unto themselves,"

You ask about Master Augustus. Before you get an answer, you're in front of heads of House Tetzel.

"Hello hellooo," Lady Coletta says, bowing at the waist. She straightens back up and introduces you. You bow as well.

"Pleased to meet you," Lady Emile says, masking her words with a fan,"

"Hm yes," Lord Michael says, sniffing. "Well met,"

"My friend was just asking about you Master Augustus," Lady Coletta said, tilting her head towards the imposing man. "Is it true your warriors can lift things with their minds alone?"

Master Augustus chuckles, then takes a sip of his glass. "Why yes my fine woman, we can indeed. It is the gift borne of years of training and discipline,"

You talk a bit longer of the oddities of psionic power, then Lady Coletta politely excuses the both of you as more nobles approach the Lord and Lady Teztel. As you walk away, you ask Coletta if House Tetzel is involved in the O'Rourik-Terra war.

"Hmm not to my knowledge," Lady Coletta says, somewhat distracted as she scans the crowds. "Lord Michael is a man of practical tastes as I've heard it, and does not often get involves in disputes of heritage or inheritance. Understandable, considering his own station of birth," She gives you a wink. "Oh! Over there! Come come, time to see House Delapierre,"

[ ] Prince Brennweigh Delapierre- Prophet of augmentation and heir to House Delapierre

[ ] Lady Guinevere Delapierre- Lady of House Delapierre and mother to the Aug-Prophet

[x] Captain Tilferd- 13th Laser Musketeers Captain

"There's an interesting one," She says, pointing out a young boy in fine robes. He was surrounded by people, who seemed to be fawning over him. "Prince Brennweigh Delapierre, a prodigy of sorts, but also controversial. You know what they say," Lady Coletta almost grows uninterested in what she's saying. "biology is the art of the noble, crafting, that of the commoner,"

You try and clarify, asking if Brennweigh is augmented.

"Everyone here's augmented you beautiful, interesting thing," Lady Coletta says, taking two golden flutes from a passing servant. She passed one to you, then sipped at hers. "But the Delapierre prince, he's more machine then some would like. And the things he says, even I've found myself intrigued,"

You can guess Lady Coletta is only interested because the nobles here were easily bored. But the boy did have an air about him then hinted at something more. His glowing eyes briefly meet yours, then Lady Coletta pulls you onward.

"And of course his mother, Lady Guinevere, but we won't talk about her. Not sure were Lord Delapierre is this evening,"

You ask about the bald man.

"Oh," Lady Coletta says, rolling her eyes. "I guess I didn't get the letter that we were all bringing mercenary companions, or else I would have found one in the streets and dressed him up a bit,"

You pause then look at her, asking if that's why she's bringing you around. A sudden smile grows on her face, as if she's seeing you for the first time.

"Oh what a wonderful idea! I must admit I made the right choice when I chose you to accompany me. Oh, but look over there, more families to meet, I think you'll like House Darkridge,"

[ ] Lord Alexander Darkridge- Head of House Darkridge

[ ] Hugo Darkridge- Commerce Viceroy and brother to Lord Darkridge

[x] Prince Helios Darkridge- Greatest swordsman in the galaxy

"The one with the large robot arm?" Lady Coletta says, pointing with movements of her eyes. "A man of the people, as some would say. So is the lady of the house, and the one standing next to them, Hugo Darkridge, does most of the ambassador work. Ah, but the children of House Darkridge. The first generation of refined, ascended genes. The ones you see there is Prince Helios. He's a legendary warrior, but his brother and sister are rumored to be even more powerful,"

"Hello," Lord Darkridge says, upon Lady Coletta doing introductions. He has a warm, deep voice. He takes your hand with his non-augmented one, and gives it a polite shake. Hugo Darkridge also takes your hand. Prince Helios simply nods, his expression unreadable.

"Well we won't take up much of your time," Coletta says, moving onward.

You try and catalog who've you met so far. The name's are coming hard and fast, and you've had to sip on the flute for the sake of appearances. Your augmented liver quickly processes it, but the contents of the glass are powerful.

"Oh!" Lady Coletta says, growing excited. "It is my friend, Duchess Marie Volantia! Oh and her husband, Duke Charles Volantia II, come, you must meet them!"
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Turn 5 (2nd half image limit)

[ ] Duchess Marie Volantia- Enchanting socialite and brilliant heiress to House Volantia

[ ] Duke Charles Volantia II- Heir to House Volantia

[ ] Master Galahad - Head of the Teu'Tonic Order

"Oh Lady Coletta thank God," Duchess Marie says. She approaches her friend and they embrace. "Nobody has commented on the fact that my outfit is an original Earth heritage artifact, almost the cost of a small moon!"

"Oh darling that's awful," Lady Coletta says.

It appears that the Duchess and Duke are keeping their distance from each other. You make polite conversation with Duke Charles as the two women talk.

"That's an interesting profession," Duke Charles says, raising an eyebrow. "I imagine you are quite wealthy doing that,"

You admit that you are.

"And that bird, few species are there that my aug-eyes can not easily identify,"

You smile, confirming that the bird is quite rare. Your eyes can't help but fall on the warrior in full exo-plate standing behind them.

"Ah," Duke Charles says, briefly glancing at the figure. "Yes there's a bit of tension here tonight. A lot of resources to be had, but the war is on everyone's mind," His eyes find Coletta, barely containing his contempt. "Well, on anyone's mind with any sense,"

You notice that the Duchess and Coletta will not be done anytime soon, and ask after the hosts of the ball.

"Oh," Duke Charles says. "Yes, House Terang-Bulan. Made their money as agriculturalists, as I understand it. Of course, money is nothing without lineage. Anyone can make money. But only those with superior gene-lines may rule,"

Such a comment would normally incite you. Not tonight. Tonight you are on a mission.

You feel someone take you arm. "Come my friend," Lady Coletta says, appearing beside you.

"Quite the interesting companion," Duke Charles says, nodding at you.

"Yes I'm so glad I found them," Lady Coletta says, smiling. "But there are many to meet tonight, so come! Let us go,"

You allow yourself to be guided away. Several couples dance in the air above your head. They laugh as they step around each other with poise. You feel Lady Coletta shift, and look back down.

"There's our hosts, Lord and Lady Ascalon,"

You inquire about House Volantia, and Lady Coletta's relationship with Duchess Marie.

"Oh well obviously I'm biased," She says. "But House Volantia honors the traditions of the ancient frankish and jute kings, have you heard of them?"

You tell her you're unfamiliar with sapien history.

"Well in my opinion, House Volantia is the center of culture in Orion's Arm. It's certainly not House O'rourik, or House Zion, much as they would like. But look, we must pay our respects to our hosts now,"

[ ] Lord Ascalon Terang'Bulan- Head of House Terang'Bulan

[ ] Lady Asa Terang'Bulan- Matriarch of House Terang'Bulan

[ ] Prince Ohma- Powerful psionic master, and heir to House Terang'Bulan

"Mhmm yes," Lady Coletta says. You gather with several other nobles, who are waiting their turn to great the Lord and Lady. "This house accrued its wealth through the land, though tonight they've shed their farm-lord ways and put on quite an extravagant ball, wouldn't you say?"

You agree, then ask about the man in the white armor.

"Oh that's Prince Ohma. Lord and Lady Ascalon have their pure gene-code, but when it was implemented in Ohma, he became something different," She lowered her voice. "It's all the rage to speculate on what he looks like, or why he has to wear the helmet,"

You find it's your turn, and Lady Coletta makes the introductions. The Lord and Lady prove to be quite hospitable and warm, though Prince Ohma says nothing as he stands behind them. Finally you find its other nobles' turn, and Lady Coletta guides you away.

You ask why House Terang'Bulan is hosting the ball.

"Money, my dear, beautiful companion," Lady Coletta says, waving at someone she sees. "You will find no-one richer in all of the quadrant save the Great Houses. Everyone meets this evening to see what deals can be made, and who can become wealthier,"

You ask Lady Coletta if she's involved.

"I told you didn't I?" She says, giving you a coy look. "I'm here because I know everyone who's anyone. I make it my business to. So come, since you are still new, let us meet the others,"

After much mingling, you find that Lady Coletta has guided you near a major fountain. Its water curls through the air, doing impossible spirals before it lands neatly in the pool. There's another group of nobles present, all gathered near the edge of the pond.

"House Eire'Heart," Lady Coletta says. "A House that follows the old, old ways,"

[ ] Lord Sabbat Eire'Heart- Head of House Eire'Heart

[ ] Lady Seelie Eire'Heart- Matriarch of House Eire'Heart

[ ] Princess Celine Eire'Heart- Princess of House Eire'Heart and powerful warrior

"Lord and Lady Sabbat are mysterious and reclusive," Lady Coletta teases. "We won't approach, as the nobles they speak with believe in old gods, but Princess Celine is one to keep your eye on,"

You take note of this as you continue on, watching Princess Celine as she nods graciously at someone speaking to her.

"Of course," Lady Coletta continues. "That's not to say House Eire'Heart isn't among the best with technology, as I just heard tale from Sir Rogers about a technology deal they hammered out with House Delapierre. Oh! Here's a House I don't even know much about, House Louhi,"

[x] Witch Prince Amil- Heir to House Louhi

[ ] Lieutenant Cadmin- Righthand man of Lord Louhi

[ ] Xan- Drakhan Warlock and priest of the Mother's Faith

You recognize the one of them, it was the man who discarded the evra-being when you first arrived. You resist the urge to shudder, and suggest you and Lady Coletta move on.

"Of course of course," Lady Coletta says, taking another flute from a servant and passing one to you. "Come, there are more houses to see. Ah! There's one now, House Dorn!"

[ ] Lord Albern Dorn-
Head of House Dorn

[ ] Lady Elise Dorn- Matriarch of House Dorn

[ ] Major Sadem- Friend of Lord Albern, new adviser in House Dorn

"Everyone wants the secret of eternal life," Lady Coletta says. "But House Dorn might be the first to obtain it. They are masters of genetics, and it was they who were entrusted with the Cartian gene-seed after the fall of House Atractus,"

The words mean little to you as you study the Lord and Lady Albern. They are in deep conversation with several other nobles, and Lady Coletta continues to pull you onward. She leans in close to you.

"Of course, there are rumors of far stranger things growing in their labs, but we'll leave that talk for the netsphere,"

There is a large crowd ahead, and you ask Lady Coletta what it is about.

"Ah," She says, raising an eyebrow. "House Zion, the head of the House Trade Confederacy, and very, very wealthy,"

[ ] Lord Zion- Head of House Zion

[ ] Lady Zion- Matriarch of House Zion

[ x] Analicia Zion- The Reaper

Lady Coletta speaks with a noblewoman next to her as you gather around the representatives of House Zion. While she talks, you gaze at the nobles in question. Lord and Lady Zion wear the latest fashion, while the woman who stands slightly behind them seems content to stare at a wristpad. Your companion turns back to you.

"Lord and Lady Zion are certainly interesting in their own right, as are their heirs," Lady Coletta looks around, frowning. "Though I don't see any. There's quite a lot of them," Her frown disappears, replaced by a smile. "Though that makes the presence of Analicia all the more interesting. She's the family's dirty little secret. They call her the Reaper, and as the commoners say," Lady Coletta covered her mouth. "Don't fuck with her," She laughed. "Oh I can't believe I said that, but it's true,"

You comment that it sound ominous.

"Ominous indeed," Lady Coletta says, winking. "Now come, let us meet them,"

The meet is brief. You say your introductions, exchange short pleasantries, then make way for the next nobles. Afterwards, Lady Coleta leads you away and twirls around with slow grace, a hand outstretched towards the ballroom.

"That's everyone!" She says. "All the representatives of Lesser Houses of Orion's Arm! Now come, let us find the fountain of ambrosia and partake,"

Lord Ascalon Terang'Bulan's voice rings out, aided by floating colored orbs that dot the room.

"Noble guests, we promised you a garden party, and now a garden party you shall have,"

All around you, plants and flowers begin to bloom. Trees sprout up, twisting upward to form columns. The flowers slides along them, decorating the trunks in brilliant colors. Several large plants bloom, releasing pollen into the air that is both pleasing to the body and mind. The floors and ceiling seem to dissolve, the upper palace held aloft by the new giant trees.

The moon shines down, and the nobles clap.

You excuse yourself, promising Lady Coletta you'll return. Though she looks disappointed, she makes you promise again you'll return, then waves as you weave through the crowds. You makes sure you get far into the underbrush, past the place where the walls used to be, and outside the palace. You walk even further, stopping only when you're sure your visa-shroud won't draw attention. You throw it over your shoulders, turning yourself invisible to all but the most finely-attuned instruments. You hold up you hand, and colors dance on your palm. A moment later, holographic rays shoot up, displaying Ragar Fist's face.

"Well, did you manage to infiltrate the party?"

You tell him you did.

"Good, I don't expect you to have learned anything, but just being seen there will go a long way to you being eventually accepted,"

You tell him you already have an in. Ragar Fist seems surprised.

"Well well well, not bad rookie. Just don't get too cocky. The Deep Minds are really starting to go crazy. Something big's coming, and I don't want it coming anywhere near our borders. Got it?"

You tell him you understand, then end the call. You shed your visa-shroud, then turn back to the party. Walking across the lawn, you prepare to slip back into your role. You pause when you catch sight of several evra-beings waiting by palanquins. None of them meet your gaze, save one, who steps forward.

<good luck> they sign.

<thanks> you sign back. You turn, heading inside the newly grown forest.

All conflicts except Raiding ceased during the Terang'Bulan Party. They will resume next turn.

All Houses that raided earned 4 (R) for every raid
All House have earned 1(R) from every industry they have, as well as 1(r) from every trade deal

[] Build
-Industry source (2R) (generates 1 R a turn)

-Training Facility (2R)
-Infantry- 1(r)
-Special Forces- 2(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Birth Chambers (2R)
-Commandos- 2(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Bio Facility (2R) (allows you to grow xeno warriors)
-Hunter-killers- 1(r)
-Elite Specimens- 2(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Robotics Facility (3R)
-Combat Drones- 2(r)
-Warbots- 3(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Order Head-Quarters (3R)
-Vangaurd- 2(r)
-Psnionic Knight- 3(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Witch Spires (3R)
-Cabalists- 1(r)
-Sorcerer- 3(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Factory (4R)
-Mobile Armor- 5(r)
-Zero-G Warframe- 7(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Bio Complex (4R)
-Armored Specimen- 5(r)
-Zero-G Specimen- 7(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Void Gate (4R)
-Dark Matter Phantasm- 5(r)
-Shining Being- 7(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Defense Grid (4R)

-Labratory Network (6R)

-Shipyard (8R)
-Escourt Crafts- 12 (r)
-Warships- 20(r)
-Special (requires research)

[] Hire Mercenary Force
-Mercenary Corps (2R)
-Elite Mercenary Unit (3R)
-Mercenary Armored Corps (7R)

[] Send Forces
(Specify numbered system and quantity of forces)

[] Raid
(Specify numbered system, or trade-deal route, and quantity of forces)

[] Hero Action
(Depending on hero-type, add 1d20 to roll)

[] Industry Action (requires 3 industries)
-Trade Pact- (everyone who enters is automatically signed into deals with the other members if they dont already have one)
-Economic Power (If you have an industry that is shared in a system with an enemy player, activate this and wait for QM dice instruction)

[] Diplomacy Action
-Trade Deal- (Only one trade deal can exist between two Houses)
-Noble Union-
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Let me know if I missed any questions you had last turn that went unanswered, or questions this turn about your next post. As always, assume everything that you built, to have been built. There's no need to worry about conquering uncontested systems unless there's a secret something there. But again, do let me know if I missed anything
Did my orders go though and all that entails (trade deal, building units, system 4 raid)? Or did I fail to get them in on time @Lop and just get the trade and industry income?
Did my orders go though and all that entails (trade deal, building units, system 4 raid)? Or did I fail to get them in on time @Lop and just get the trade and industry income?

You got 4 (r) from the raids, as well as the build actions and trade deals, I just forgot to reply to your most recent post
so whats with the character vote options in the update?
House Tetzel
income 3I + 1T = 4r
military assets
1 Vanguard
defense gird (throne world)

[X] Build
-[X] Industry- Electronics
[X] 2 units of infantry

should be enough to make me a stone cold bitch to attack till i have the assets to establish armorted support or even fighter squadrons

[X] Diplomacy: approach house darkridge about a trade agreement
You are on the planet Pasiphae, and the capital, simply known by the same name, goes on for leagues in every direction.
Pasiphae is the star, just saying. :V The Planet is Kujata, but it is a Gas Giant, so people live on the Moons. Terang-Bulan seat is on the moon Sembrani.

Otherwise, that's some delicious lore stuff. :D
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House Terang-Bulan
Turns taken so far: 5

Location basis: System no. 9 (LHS 288) AKA Pasiphaë (see Lore below)
Body Luyten 143-23 A - EDDB
LHS 288 - Wikipedia

Current R: 10

- Agriculture Guilds in LHS 288/Pasiphae (+1R/turn)
- Shipping Routes control around LHS 288/Pasiphae ((+1R/turn)
- Navigation Guilds in LHS 288/Pasiphae (+1R/turn)
- Culinary Guild in LHS 288/Pasiphae (+1R/turn)
- Finace Guild in LHS 288/Pasiphae (+1R/turn)
- Foundries in LHS 288/Pasiphae (+1R/turn)
- Dockyard in LHS 288/Pasiphae (+1R/turn)

Trade Deals;
-with House Zion (+1R/turn)
-with House Terra (+1R/turn)
-with House Delapierre (+1R/turn)
-Trade Pact

-Training Facility

Military Units:
2 Infantry
-1st Legion "Dragonsbane"
Motto: Let the dragon awakens!
-2nd Legion "Morningblaze"
Motto: To dawn, To light.
LHS 288, rebaptised as Pasiphae during its colonization, as a red dwarf star would normally give low prospect for colonization. However the system was graced by gas giant, Kujata, who not only having moons with decent prospect for colonization, but also for its largest satelitte, Sembrani, to beat the statistics in possessing a native ecosystem. Thus Pasiphae has became a important colonization site from early in the history of starfaring, and for years later has been known for its natural produce, whether they be native cultivars, specieses migrated from earth for terraformed farms, or new ones developed over long history of agriculture research.

But for its fame of natural produce, Pasiphae has never been a center of politics and powers. Even its economy potential (and therefore economic influence) didn't managed to grow as much it neighboring sytems did.

But nothing is static is this world. As the wheel of ages turn, new fortunes and dynasties rise. In recent year, two groups have been steadily gaining power in pasiphae. One is a family of shipping merchants, and the other is a ancient line of farmer and landholder going back to millenia ago. Aspiring for power, these two groups has been steadily growing closer to each other, based on mutual benefit and alleged ties of their almost-mythical ancestors. Finally, the bond has culminate in a natural conclusion: a union between the two main heirs of respective group, along with the unification of the families into a new House, House Terang-Bulan; and with it the consolidation of agricultural industry in the system.

[ ] Lord Ascalon Terang'Bulan- Head of House Terang'Bulan
[ ] Lady Asa Terang'Bulan- Matriarch of House Terang'Bulan
[ ] Prince Ohma- Powerful psionic master, and heir to House Terang'Bulan

Kirika Alda - Aide to Lord Ascalon
(no image yet)

[x] Build
- [x] Defense Grid (4R)

[x] Recruit
- [x] Special Forces (2R)
1st Ranger Squadron "Braveflowers"
Motto: Bloom, Azalea of Bravery.
[x] Diplomacy
- [x] Request the Noble Houses to clearly announce to one another which systems they are making claims of, to reduce potential confusion.
- [x] Accepting Trade deal offer from House Dorn

[x] Send Forces
With our grip on our home is secured it is time to look outward. Gliese 440, a white dwarf interest with little interest to others, is a decent place to start.
-[x] 1 Infantry (1st Legion Dragonsbane) to System 10

(Remaining R: 4)
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House Zion actions

Budget (24 R's)

[X] Build
-[X] Industry Source (system 7)
-[X] Industry Source (system 7)
-[X] Industry Source (system 7)
-[X] Industry Source (system 7)
-[X] Industry Source (system 7)
-[X] Industry Source (system 7)
-[X] Industry Source (system 7)
-[X] Industry Source (system 7)
-[X] Industry Source (system 8)
-[X] Industry Source (system 8)
-[X] Factory

[X] Send Forces
-[X] Send your forces in following systems with goal of gaining foothold there :
-[X] System 11 (1 Battle Drone unit )
-[X] Systems 12 (1 Battle Drone unit )
-[X] System 24 (1 Mercenary Corps )
-[X] System 25 (1 Mercenary Corps )
-[X] System 26 (1 Warbot unit )
-[X] System 30 ( 1 Warbot unit )

[X] Diplomacy Action
-[X] Make a trade deal with house House Eire'Heart

Left : 0
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Hmm, can I ask for everyone to clearly mark the systems they have presence on? To avoid possible embarassing mishap where one of us sends a forces to somewhere else we think empty but turn has contained another house unit since several turns ago.

Actually maybe I can make that an IC request as well as a Diplomacy action
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Hmm, can I ask for everyone to clearly mark the systems they have presence on? To avoid possible embarassing mishap where one of us sends a forces to somewhere else we think empty but turn has contained another house unit since several turns ago.

Actually maybe I can make that an IC request as well as a Diplomacy action
Okay, I have my marked in my house stats, i will wait for you to make ic request before publishing it.
House Dorn

Assets: The Gilded Guilds (Finance Guilds), Server Farm and a unknown industry Source
Trade Deals: House Dorn/House Zion, House Dorn/ House O'Rourik, House Dorn/House Darkridge
[ ] Lord Albern Dorn- Head of House Dorn

[ ] Lady Elise Dorn- Matriarch of House Dorn

[ ] Major Sadem- Friend of Lord Albern, new adviser in House Dorn
Current Systems with Presence of House Dorn: System Five and System Four
Current R: 9
Build: [X] Industry source in System Four
[X] Bio Complex (4R)

Unit Growth: Bio Facility: Three units of Hunter-killers (1 R each)

[X] Diplomacy Action
-[X] Approach House Terang-Bulan with a trade deal(@Salbazier)
-[X] Accept the trade deal from House Delapierre
Bank: 0

With growing concern over the War between House Terra and House O'Rourik, Lord Albern has decreed that in order to defend House Dorn, that we take genetics into their own hands and create a new soldier, one that would fight with the savagery and loyalty of an animal, but with the mind of the military elite.
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House Zion stats

Industries and systems in possession
System 5 (8 R's )
System 6 (8 R's )
System 7 (0 R's )
System 8 (0 R's )

Currently claiming :
System 11
System 12
System 24
System 25
System 26
System 30

House O'Rurik/Zion trade deal (1 R's )
House Terang-Bulan/Zion trade deal (1 R's )
House Dorn/Zion trade deal (1R's )
House Tetzel/ Zion trade deal (1 R's )
House Volantia/Zion trade deal (1 R's )
House Darkridge/Zion trade deal (1 R's )
House Delapierre/Zion trade deal (1 R's )
House Terra/Zion trade deal (1 R's )

[ ] Lord Zion- Head of House Zion

[ ] Lady Zion- Matriarch of House Zion

[ x] Analicia Zion- The Reaper

Defense Grid
Robotic Facility
Void Gate

Active military units :
2 units of Combat Drones
2 units of Mercenary Corps
2 units of Warbots
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