Star Dynasties/ Eon Wars

House Delapierre

House Delapierre has been locked in centuries old Name Doctrine War with Houses de Lapierre, deLaPierre, d'Lapierre, de la Pierre and De-La-Pierre. Their conflict has been subtly fomed by House Actractus actions to ensure none of the Ross614 Houses would rise in prominence and endanger their rule over the Sector. After the fall of House Actractus, House Delapierre has been approached by agents of House [REDACTED]. They have been offered a support in Name Doctrine War in exchange for vassalage. With this support, House Delapierre quickly gained an upper hand in the War and subdued their enemies.
Currently House Delapierre is recovering from just finished War and preparing to take Orion Arm in the name of House [REDACTED].

House Delapierre is known for their use of cybernetics and the robots. Many of House members enhance themselves with cybernetic implants and their estates often employ a wide array of robotic servants. Some argue that their control over Ross614 computer network was a deciding factor in the Name Doctrine War.

Server Farms +1 (r)
Finance Guilds +1 (r)
Foundries +1 (r)

4(r) stored

[X] Build
- [X] Industry source (2R) (generates 1 R a turn)

[X] Hire Mercenary Force
- [X] Mercenary Corps (2R)

[X] Diplomacy
- [X] Establish Trade Deal with House Darkridge (@bioticgrunt )
- [X] Propose Trade Deal with House Daybreaker (@evtd )

leftover funds: 0R
Turn 3
house Darkridge

[x] Build
- Industry, food production

I'm still unsure what kind of lore I want to do for my lesser house. I want to incorporate that my family are more down to earth than other nobles but can't think of a way to write that.

Hugo Darkridge was not the head of House Darkridge. He wasn't the Master of Arms, nor was he the Viceroy. He was simply an Economic Adviser.

This did not stop Hugo from being important however. His was the brother of Lord-Baron Darkridge, and though Hugo did not often speak, people listened when he did.

He was currently not speaking now. A grand table spread out before him, and on either side sat men in fine uniforms. They laughed and drank, all under the watchful eye of Lord-Baron Darkridge on the far end. Hugo met his brother's eyes, and gave him a nod.

The dinner continued, until one by one the generals and administrators excused themselves and left. Soon it was just Hugo and Lord Darkridge, sitting on opposite ends of the table. Lord Darkridge cleared his throat and stood, putting his napkin on the table. "Come brother, have you seen the night?"

"I have not," Hugo said. He stood, accepting a pipe a servant offered him. He stuck it in his mouth and waved away the servant's candle, lighting it himself with a brass lighters. He took a few puffs, then crossed over to where his brother waited.

The two brothers crossed the room, heading for a large pair of double doors. Two servants opened them, and the men stepped out onto a balcony. Lord Darkridge headed to the balcony, and Hugo followed.

"Our industry is growing," Lord Darkridge said, leaning on the railing with both hands. He gazed out over the massive city that spread out before him. Twinkling lights kept back the night, and large towers rose up into the heavens. Ships weaved through the towers in orderly lines.

"Indeed," Hugo replied, taking another puff of his pipe.

"My commanders and leaders are starting to grow eager. I can feel the energy of youth coursing through them."

Hugo smiled, coming up to the railing. He watched the city as well, taking in the scale of it all. "Yes, they will no doubt wish to flex the growing might of your house,"

Lord Darkridge glanced at Hugo, raising an eyebrow. "Our house brother,"

"Yes," Hugo said, nodding in deference. "Our house,"

"I can't do this without you Hugo," Lord Darkridge said, straightening up from the railing. "This thing that is asked of me, I need my brother at my side, guiding my actions,"

"I have pledged my life," Hugo said, resting his pipe. "You will help you accomplish the things you have set out to do,"

Lord Darkridge waited a beat, then nodded, smiling. "Good. Then let us begin the ascent of this great House,"

Hugo agreed, raising his pipe. "Aye brother, let us begin,"

House O'Rourik

Sol Tariff Houses (+1R)
Sol Financial Guilds (+1R)
Sol Local Shipping (+1R)
Defenses in Sol

House Zion 5th to Sol (+1R)
House Dorn 5th to Sol (+1R)

1x Mercenary Corps

Start: 6

[X] Build
-[X] Industry source (2R) In System 2
-[X] Industry source (2R) In System 2
[X] Send Forces
-[X] Mercenary Corps System 2

Bank: 0

"Sir!" The tech yelled, running through the corridors of the fortress. "Sir!"

Ragar Fist, Luxar and lieutenant in the Free Coalition Security Council, glanced up from the datapad he held. "Slow down there young-quid, what is this?"

The tech came to a stop before Ragar Fist, catching his breath as he held out his own datapad. "Orion's Arm monitor report, House O'Rourik just sent mercenary soldiers to System 2,"

Ragar Fist held up his wrist comm. "All Orion's Arm Conflict Monitors, Group 2, my office, now!"

Ragar Fist and the tech jogged down the hall. They entered into a wide, circular room filled with other techs and coalition officers. In the center was a massive screen terminal. "What do we have!" Ragar Fist said, pointing at the screen.

"House O'Rourik has sent close to ten-thousand Mawd'way warriors into System 2!" A tech called, looking up from a station.

"How are they getting there!" Ragar Fist said, turning on the screens.

"They've got transports sir!" Another tech called.

"Where are they headed!"

A tech pokes her head out from behind a screen. "Planet Neptinus sir! They make planetfall in under twenty minutes!"

Ragar Fist turned away from the screen, looking at all the techs running around. "What about defending forces!"

"House Terra sir!" Another Tech called. "Infantry!"

"By the long-gone gods," Ragar Fist said, putting a palm to his face. "This Houses are crazy," He lowered his hand. "So no ships? No armor? No mechs? Just infantry?"

"It appears that way sir!"

Ragar Fist sighed, turning to the screens. "These houses are fucking crazy. They'll really just drop infantry in unsupported and have a go at it..."

[] Hero Identified: Mawd-Way Mercenary Warrior Humbu'Fray, House O'Rourik

House Terra
Assets: control of the Agriculture Guilds (System 2)(1r)
4 infantry
Training facility
Raid profits: 2r

[x]Build forces:
-[x] Special forces (2r)
-[x] Infantry
[x] Send forces:
-[x] 2 infantry, system 2, Intercept/defend against House O'Rourik's Mercenary force
[x] Raid
-[x] 2 Infantry, system 2, targeting house O'Rourik's efforts

[] Build forces
-[] Infantry
[]Build industry
-[] System 3 (preferably agricultural Guilds)
[] Send forces
-[] 4 infantry, system 3. Seize House Valasar. Personally Lead forces, giving reason for being out system when House O'Rourik strikes.

Since I'm doing a send force action and a Raid action, should I roll 2 sets of 3d20? I'll roll one now ether way.

The city of Janess coiled around itself like a chaotic plant. Urban sprawl ran up and down the many red-rock formations that littered the Gomeza plateau. Some of the city was nestled down in cayons between the red rocks. Other parts ran up to the peaks of the formations, covering the rock in structures and lane-ways.

Almost 20,000 infantry were spread out around the city in different defensible positions. There weren't many people outside, just the autonomous trucks and service robots that kept the city running.

Private Wake Mattlay, 3rd Assualt Infantry, sat atop one of the red rock slopes. The city ran down away from him, spilling out onto the red Gomeza plateau. One deep, dark sun set in the distance. A little to the left, a smaller sun rose up over the horizen. Private Wake liked watching the changing of the suns. There were so many different shades of red and orange, and sometimes purple.

"Mattlay!" A voice yelled. Wake looked up, spotting Quick-Butcher.

Quick-Butcher was a sergeant. Or maybe he wasn't. No-one really knew his rank. What people did know was that he was very, very good at killing. He got his name in the raids a couple cycles ago. And for some reason, he'd taken a shine to Wake. "Hey Quick," Wake said, getting to his feet. "What's up?"

"Those bastards in the Sol System sent shiploads of mercenaries, and one of the comm boys stationed down the street told me they're about to land,"

"Shit!" Wake said, getting out his battle stims. He counted out two pills, then quickly washed them down with his canteen. He then checked over his rifle. Quick-Butcher watched Wake with a smile, hefting a large, square blade onto his shoulder. Wake looked up at it and furrowed his brow. "You really gonna use that?"

"If I get a chance, you bet your ass," Quick-Butcher said, running two fingers along the blade.

They were interrupted by the sound of objects blowing through the atmosphere. Wake and Quick-Butcher looked up. Streakes fell down from the sky.

"They're here," Wake said, his eyes growing wide.

"Fuck yes," Quick-Butcher said, gripping his sword.

The minutes seemed to drag by. Wake watched as the drop-craft landed throughout the city. One landed a couple streets over. "C'mon!" Quick-Butcher yelled, grabbing Wake. "Let's go kill us some mercs!"

The shooting started up as they crossed the street. Loud bangs and pops, as well as hisses. Each sound made Wake jump, but the battle sims began to take hold. Wake felt his blood pumping, then he found the fighting.

The mercenaries were spread out, using mobile barricades to lob explosives. Wake threw himself against some cover, then opened up his belt and let out some tiny missile drones. He heard a sound. Wake slowly lifted a viewing lense to peer from behind cover.

Quick-Butcher was charging with his sword. He used his exo-boots to launch off an overturned wall, landing behind the merceneraries' barricade. The sounds of fighting drfited out.

With the drugs coursing through him, Wake stood up. "C'mon soldiers, follow the Butcher!" The other soldiers cheered and ran foward. Many of them were cut down by a Heavy-Thudder gun. Wake was grazed in the shoulder, but continued charging.

The Battle for Janess had begun.

[] Hero Identified: Quick-Butcher and Wake, House Terra

House O'Rourik and House Terra have both lost two units.

House Dorn

Assets: The Gilded Guilds (Finance Guilds) And Server Farms

Current R: 5 (One from previous spending's and Four new ones from trade and industry)

Birth Chamber unit acquisition: Three units of Troopers (1 R each) and one unit of Commandos

[X] Diplomacy Action
-send a representative to negotiate a trade agreement with House Volantia (feel free to accept or deny @mcclay )

Bank: 0

Dorn prepares to defend their holdings from the recent rumours of raids and hopes to strengthen ties to other Houses

Bubbles rose up in the greenish tanks that lined the facility. Men and women in sterile suits walked the rows, inspecting the contents of the tank. The contents were bodies. One to each tank, floating among the green liquid.

Major Sadem walked into to room, escorted by two other officers. He surveyed the scene, then made a beeline for a trio of scientists. One turned to him, old and hunched, but with a devilish gleam in his eyes. The scientist bowed. "Major,"

"Lord Dorn would like a progress report," Major Sadem said, regarding the hunched man.

"Of course," the scientist said, opening his arm to present the tanks. "This is just one batch of thousands. They are almost mature, and the learning programs have instructed them without a hitch,"

"Troopers ready to serve Horse Dorn," Major Sadem said, nodding approvingly. "Very good doctor, carry on,"

The scientist bowed, a smile on his face. "Yes Major,"

House Volantia

Imperial Standard Bank - Gilese Branch (Finance 1(r))
Hulcron Navigator's Guild (Navigator's Guild 1(r))
Galvexia Military Academy (Training Facility)

[x] Build
-Industry source (2R) (generates 1 R a turn)

-Infantry- 1(r)
House Zion stats

Mining Guilds (1 R's )
Navigators Guilds (1 R's )
Local Foundries (1 R's )
Finance Guilds (1 R's )
Dockyards (1 R's )
Shipping Lanes (1 R's )

Trade deals:
House O'Rurik/Zion trade deal (1 R's )
House Terang-Bulan/Zion trade deal (1 R's )
House Dorn/Zion trade deal (1R's )
House Tetzel/ Zion trade deal (1 R's )
House Volantia/Zion trade deal (1 R's )

Military Assets
Robotic Facility :
1 Mechanized Infantry unit

Hose Actions
Budget (9 R's )
[X] Build
-[X] Industry Source
-[X] Industry Source
[X] Defense Grid
[X] Diplomacy Action :
-[X]Arrange a trade deal between house Tetzel, Volantia and your own house Zion
Left : (1 R's )
House Tetzel

[X] Build
-[X] Industry source, food production
in an effort to gain self sufficiency in regards to base necessities the house turns it resources to agricultural pursuits of both traditional and more technological verities.

[X] Diplomacy
-[X] issue a open "First come" trade offer for surplus production from our industries
[X] House Eire'Hart
[X] Build
-[X] Industy Source
House Louhi:

House Louhi:

Gliese 674 is known as a poor self-sufficient system, its only exports being small amounts of agricultural and chemical products. Previously administrated by a small side branch of the recently fallen Great House, Gliese 674's only claim to fame were the shady rumours about alleged galaxy-wide criminal activities of said administrators.

Fortunately, after the fall and a following period of unrest, it seems that everything is well again in Gliese 674. The system reports that its people have overthrown their oppressors, and joined together as worshippers of a new systemwide religion called Mother's Love. House Louhi is the representation of the religion for the rest of the galaxy.

House Louhi informs that the religion demands abstaining from all foreign influences, and thus all communication and travel to and from the system is forbidden without special permit.

To questions about diplomacy or theology, House Louhi answers that they only wish to be left alone to their simple lives in Gliese 674, and that the religion doesn't take new converts.

Only a handful of merchants and diplomats are allowed to enter the Gliese 674 system, and they are all carefully kept separate from ordinary citizens. Other Houses' volume of trade with Gliese 674 is negligible at best, which seems to be at odds with the amount of ships entering and leaving the system.

Courier Network (1r/turn)
Courier Network Enhancement (1r/turn)
Witch Spires

-Banked: 1r
-Available for this turn: (1r+2r) = 3r

[X] Build:
-[X] Industry Source (2r) (Unknown / Courier Network Enhancement #2)

[X] Train:
-[X] Cabalists (1r)

Current Bank: 0r
House Anino (System 12: aka Cerulean Cayes)

Assets: Communication Node Towers (1R)
Bank: 5R

[X] Build
-[X] Laboratory Network (6R)

[X] Diplomacy Action :
-[X]Arrange a trade deal between house Darkridge @bioticgrunt and your own house

Remaining R after turn: 0
House Terang-Bulan
Turns taken so far: 3

Location basis: System no. 9 (LHS 288) AKA Pasiphaë (see Lore below)
Body Luyten 143-23 A - EDDB
LHS 288 - Wikipedia

Current R: 9

- Agriculture Guilds in LHS 288/Pasiphae (+1R/turn)
- Shipping Routes control around LHS 288/Pasiphae ((+1R/turn)
- Navigation Guilds in LHS 288/Pasiphae (+1R/turn)

Trade Deals;
-with House Zion (+1R/turn)

-Training Facility
LHS 288, rebaptised as Pasiphae during its colonization, as a red dwarf star would normally give low prospect for colonization. However the system was graced by gas giant, Kujata, who not only having moons with decent prospect for colonization, but also for its largest satelitte, Sembrani, to beat the statistics in possessing a native ecosystem. Thus Pasiphae has became a important colonization site from early in the history of starfaring, and for years later has been known for its natural produce, whether they be native cultivars, specieses migrated from earth for terraformed farms, or new ones developed over long history of agriculture research.

But for its fame of natural produce, Pasiphae has never been a center of politics and powers. Even its economy potential (and therefore economic influence) didn't managed to grow as much it neighboring sytems did.

But nothing is static is this world. As the wheel of ages turn, new fortunes and dynasties rise. In recent year, two groups have been steadily gaining power in pasiphae. One is a family of shipping merchants, and the other is a ancient line of farmer and landholder going back to millenia ago. Aspiring for power, these two groups has been steadily growing closer to each other, based on mutual benefit and alleged ties of their almost-mythical ancestors. Finally, the bond has culminate in a natural conclusion: a union between the two main heirs of respective group, along with the unification of the families into a new House, House Terang-Bulan; and with it the consolidation of agricultural industry in the system.

[x] Build
-[x] Industry Source
"My lord, the reports on the avant-garde culinary experiments has been coming in."
"Hmm, let see ... seems prospective, but this going to need a lot of capital"
"Yes, and more if we want to also expand the tourism sector - which we will need to to take the best advantage of"
"Just selling packaged food won't be enough? One of these proposed plan is rations food that can actually taste something - that should be pretty sellable to militaries"
"Assuming their superiors care -"
"Have you heard the rebellion at Glixa d-IV? Or Pantomile viscounty across this galactic Arm? They were over shortages of certain beverages - beer and tea analogue."
"Which need us to establish a market and habituated them to such products first. Also portable hydroponics farm is a thing these days. Gourmet tourism is not just means of tourism by itself, but as means of promotions."
"Well, as the old professors' dwarf said it: the ring need gold to make gold. Very well, I'll sign all those capital request"

[x] Recruit
-[x] 1 Infantry

[x] Diplomacy
-[x] Entreat House Eire'Hart for a trade deal @Valkur
My Congratulation to rise of a new house. Welcome to the Great Game. It has just been starting but sparks of heat has starting to be felt. There was an old adage of sticks and bundles and cooperation. Perhaps we can be of help to each other.

-[x] Entreat House Terra for a trade deal @TerrisH
My condolences for the ravages of war that has come upon your holdings, and my congratulations well fought. Now, your house been getting quite active militarily. As I'm sure you know, an army travel on its stomach. Perhaps I can interest you to investment in our recent gastronomic endeavours? I know you have your own pride farming products, but an extra variety can always improve a menu, and better food & beverages can help with morale in a fight. Not to mention we have this new product that works well with preservation as ration...

(Remaining R: 1)

Ehm @Lop, how many actions we can took in a turn by the way?

"My lord, the reports on the avant-garde culinary experiments has been coming in."

"Hmm, let see ... seems prospective, but this going to need a lot of capital"

"Yes, and more if we want to also expand the tourism sector - which we will need to to take the best advantage of"

"Just selling packaged food won't be enough? One of these proposed plan is rations food that can actually taste something - that should be pretty sellable to militaries"

"Assuming their superiors care -"

"Have you heard the rebellion at Glixa d-IV? Or Pantomile viscounty across this galactic Arm? They were over shortages of certain beverages - beer and tea analogue."

"Which need us to establish a market and habituated them to such products first. Also portable hydroponics farm is a thing these days. Gourmet tourism is not just means of tourism by itself, but as means of promotions."

"Well, as the old professors' dwarf said it: the ring need gold to make gold. Very well, I'll sign all those capital request"

House Delapierre

House Delapierre has been locked in centuries old Name Doctrine War with Houses de Lapierre, deLaPierre, d'Lapierre, de la Pierre and De-La-Pierre. Their conflict has been subtly fomed by House Actractus actions to ensure none of the Ross614 Houses would rise in prominence and endanger their rule over the Sector. After the fall of House Actractus, House Delapierre has been approached by agents of House [REDACTED]. They have been offered a support in Name Doctrine War in exchange for vassalage. With this support, House Delapierre quickly gained an upper hand in the War and subdued their enemies.
Currently House Delapierre is recovering from just finished War and preparing to take Orion Arm in the name of House [REDACTED].

House Delapierre is known for their use of cybernetics and the robots. Many of House members enhance themselves with cybernetic implants and their estates often employ a wide array of robotic servants. Some argue that their control over Ross614 computer network was a deciding factor in the Name Doctrine War.

Server Farms +1 (r)
Finance Guilds +1 (r)
Foundries +1 (r)

4(r) stored

[X] Build
- [X] Industry source (2R) (generates 1 R a turn)

[X] Hire Mercenary Force
- [X] Mercenary Corps (2R)

[X] Diplomacy
- [X] Establish Trade Deal with House Darkridge (@bioticgrunt )
- [X] Propose Trade Deal with House Daybreaker (@evtd )

leftover funds: 0R

All House have earned 1(R) from every industry they have, as well as 1(r) from every trade deal

[] Build
-Industry source (2R) (generates 1 R a turn)

-Training Facility (2R)
-Infantry- 1(r)
-Special Forces- 2(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Birth Chambers (2R)
-Commandos- 2(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Bio Facility (2R) (allows you to grow xeno warriors)
-Hunter-killers- 1(r)
-Elite Specimens- 2(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Robotics Facility (3R)
-Combat Drones- 2(r)
-Warbots- 3(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Order Head-Quarters (3R)
-Vangaurd- 2(r)
-Psnionic Knight- 3(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Witch Spires (3R)
-Cabalists- 1(r)
-Sorcerer- 3(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Factory (4R)
-Mobile Armor- 5(r)
-Zero-G Warframe- 7(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Bio Complex (4R)
-Armored Specimen- 5(r)
-Zero-G Specimen- 7(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Void Gate (4R)
-Dark Matter Phantasm- 5(r)
-Shining Being- 7(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Defense Grid (4R)

-Labratory Network (6R)

-Shipyard (8R)
-Escourt Crafts- 12 (r)
-Warships- 20(r)
-Special (requires research)

[] Hire Mercenary Force
-Mercenary Corps (2R)
-Elite Mercenary Unit (3R)
-Mercenary Armored Corps (7R)

[] Send Forces
(Specify numbered system and quantity of forces)

[] Raid
(Specify numbered system, or trade-deal route, and quantity of forces)

[] Hero Action

[] Industry Action (requires 3 industries)
-Trade Pact- (everyone who enters is automatically signed into deals with the other members if they dont already have one)
-Details coming soon-

[] Diplomacy Action
-Trade Deal- (Only one trade deal can exist between two Houses)
-Noble Union-

Ive ost access to my computer for about 7 hours, and since Im stuck phoneposting, I didnt get to add lore bits to everyone, or flesh out the hero and industry action like I wanted to. But since everyone replied, I also didnt want to hold things up.

So I'm posting what I have, and next turn EVER house will have lore written in, adding to what you put in your own post.

(And since Im phoneposting, let me know if I forgot something or messed something up. It's a small screen)
Hose Zion actions
Budget (14 R's )
-[X] Industry Source
-[X] Industry Source
-[X] Industry Source
-[X] Industry Source
-[X] Void Gate
[X] Create
-[X]Combat Drones
[X] Industry Action
-[X] Form a Trade Pact
[X] Send Forces
- [X] Station your forces on one of the unclaimed planets in system 6 with goal of gaining foothold there and possibly some resurces. (Forces 1 Battle Drone unit)
[X] Diplomacy Action
Offer trade deal to house Darkridge
(@bioticgrunt interested in trade deal? )
Left: 0
Last edited:
House Volantia

Imperial Standard Bank - Gilese Branch (Finance 1(r))
Hulcron Navigator's Guild (Navigator's Guild 1(r))
Gallian Masterwork Crafts (Foundries 1(r))
Galvexia Military Academy (Training Facility)

1st Gileseian Vaunted Fusilier's (Infantry)

The Noble's Run (Trade Route with House Zion 1(r))

[x] Build
-Industry source (2R) (generates 1 R a turn)

-Birth Chambers (2R)

System Gilese:

New Gallia: The capital of the Gilese system and the second closest planet to its sun, New Gallia has been the seat of House Volantia for several centuries. A pristine world of rolling hills, deep forests and beautiful meadows, Volantia was the perfect place for the Terran Standard Democracy, a Earth extremist splinter group, to make their headquarters. The existing settlers on the world were cowed into obedience and the mining corporations of the sector bought out from by the TSD's backers. Two decades after this, however, a mass revolt, called the Glorious Revolution, led by the powerful colonist family of Volantia ended with destruction of the TSD and the establishment of a noble dictatorship. House Volantia style themselves after the great aristocratic families of France and Germany, building elaborate palaces and ruling over vast estates. New Gallia is only so beautiful because of draconian property rights enforcement, most of the world is the personal property of House Volantia and any commoner who hunts or logs in the forests and hills without permission quickly ends up with their head removed from their bodies.

Galvexia: The closest planet to Gilese, Galvexia is a blasted, desiccated wasteland of burning hot rocks and endless deserts. Adding to the planets woes is that the mining corporations that used to control the Gilese sector utterly mined the planet dry of any but the smallest mineral deposits. Following the Rock Wars between House Volantia and the Corporations, Galvexia was put under Volantian control and re-purposed. While a large chunk of the planet's economy is still based on mining and exploration of sulfur deposits, the vast majority is dedicated to the training and upkeep of Volantia's military forces. The famed Galvexian Military Academy is here, instructing and creating the highest quality officer core in the system. Almost all children of the nobility, and some commoners too, go to the GMA to learn the art of war and command. Around the academy is miles upon miles of training camps, obstacle coruses and armories, from where the common foot soldier is created and molded.

Hulcron: Hulcron was always a strange and twilight planet. Its orbit naturally put it on the opposite side of Gilese to the rest of the system's planets, and its dense asteroid field blocked out most light, creating a permanent twilight effect on the ground. The planet itself is a morass of thick, misty swamps; ranges of twisted basalt spires and deep, dark evergreen forests. For as long as there has been human habitation in the system, there have been stories of wytches, mutants and worse in the bogs of Hulcron. There is some truth to these stories, the planets population has a naturally high rate of psychic potential and there have been numerous studies done on the vast amount of biodiversity in the swamps. However there is also a sense that something more lurks in the deepest, darkest glades and spires of the place. Not to mention that cyclopean ruins have been found stuck under the mud, atop the tallest spires or in the darkest reaches of the forest, all clearly built by inhuman hands.
Hugo Darkridge was not the head of House Darkridge. He wasn't the Master of Arms, nor was he the Viceroy. He was simply an Economic Adviser.

This did not stop Hugo from being important however. His was the brother of Lord-Baron Darkridge, and though Hugo did not often speak, people listened when he did.

He was currently not speaking now. A grand table spread out before him, and on either side sat men in fine uniforms. They laughed and drank, all under the watchful eye of Lord-Baron Darkridge on the far end. Hugo met his brother's eyes, and gave him a nod.

The dinner continued, until one by one the generals and administrators excused themselves and left. Soon it was just Hugo and Lord Darkridge, sitting on opposite ends of the table. Lord Darkridge cleared his throat and stood, putting his napkin on the table. "Come brother, have you seen the night?"

"I have not," Hugo said. He stood, accepting a pipe a servant offered him. He stuck it in his mouth and waved away the servant's candle, lighting it himself with a brass lighters. He took a few puffs, then crossed over to where his brother waited.

The two brothers crossed the room, heading for a large pair of double doors. Two servants opened them, and the men stepped out onto a balcony. Lord Darkridge headed to the balcony, and Hugo followed.

"Our industry is growing," Lord Darkridge said, leaning on the railing with both hands. He gazed out over the massive city that spread out before him. Twinkling lights kept back the night, and large towers rose up into the heavens. Ships weaved through the towers in orderly lines.

"Indeed," Hugo replied, taking another puff of his pipe.

"My commanders and leaders are starting to grow eager. I can feel the energy of youth coursing through them."

Hugo smiled, coming up to the railing. He watched the city as well, taking in the scale of it all. "Yes, they will no doubt wish to flex the growing might of your house,"

Lord Darkridge glanced at Hugo, raising an eyebrow. "Our house brother,"

"Yes," Hugo said, nodding in deference. "Our house,"

"I can't do this without you Hugo," Lord Darkridge said, straightening up from the railing. "This thing that is asked of me, I need my brother at my side, guiding my actions,"

"I have pledged my life," Hugo said, resting his pipe. "You will help you accomplish the things you have set out to do,"

Lord Darkridge waited a beat, then nodded, smiling. "Good. Then let us begin the ascent of this great House,"

Hugo agreed, raising his pipe. "Aye brother, let us begin,"

"Sir!" The tech yelled, running through the corridors of the fortress. "Sir!"

Ragar Fist, Luxar and lieutenant in the Free Coalition Security Council, glanced up from the datapad he held. "Slow down there young-quid, what is this?"

The tech came to a stop before Ragar Fist, catching his breath as he held out his own datapad. "Orion's Arm monitor report, House O'Rourik just sent mercenary soldiers to System 2,"

Ragar Fist held up his wrist comm. "All Orion's Arm Conflict Monitors, Group 2, my office, now!"

Ragar Fist and the tech jogged down the hall. They entered into a wide, circular room filled with other techs and coalition officers. In the center was a massive screen terminal. "What do we have!" Ragar Fist said, pointing at the screen.

"House O'Rourik has sent close to ten-thousand Mawd'way warriors into System 2!" A tech called, looking up from a station.

"How are they getting there!" Ragar Fist said, turning on the screens.

"They've got transports sir!" Another tech called.

"Where are they headed!"

A tech pokes her head out from behind a screen. "Planet Neptinus sir! They make planetfall in under twenty minutes!"

Ragar Fist turned away from the screen, looking at all the techs running around. "What about defending forces!"

"House Terra sir!" Another Tech called. "Infantry!"

"By the long-gone gods," Ragar Fist said, putting a palm to his face. "This Houses are crazy," He lowered his hand. "So no ships? No armor? No mechs? Just infantry?"

"It appears that way sir!"

Ragar Fist sighed, turning to the screens. "These houses are fucking crazy. They'll really just drop infantry in unsupported and have a go at it..."

[] Hero Identified: Mawd-Way Mercenary Warrior Humbu'Fray, House O'Rourik

The city of Janess coiled around itself like a chaotic plant. Urban sprawl ran up and down the many red-rock formations that littered the Gomeza plateau. Some of the city was nestled down in cayons between the red rocks. Other parts ran up to the peaks of the formations, covering the rock in structures and lane-ways.

Almost 20,000 infantry were spread out around the city in different defensible positions. There weren't many people outside, just the autonomous trucks and service robots that kept the city running.

Private Wake Mattlay, 3rd Assualt Infantry, sat atop one of the red rock slopes. The city ran down away from him, spilling out onto the red Gomeza plateau. One deep, dark sun set in the distance. A little to the left, a smaller sun rose up over the horizen. Private Wake liked watching the changing of the suns. There were so many different shades of red and orange, and sometimes purple.

"Mattlay!" A voice yelled. Wake looked up, spotting Quick-Butcher.

Quick-Butcher was a sergeant. Or maybe he wasn't. No-one really knew his rank. What people did know was that he was very, very good at killing. He got his name in the raids a couple cycles ago. And for some reason, he'd taken a shine to Wake. "Hey Quick," Wake said, getting to his feet. "What's up?"

"Those bastards in the Sol System sent shiploads of mercenaries, and one of the comm boys stationed down the street told me they're about to land,"

"Shit!" Wake said, getting out his battle stims. He counted out two pills, then quickly washed them down with his canteen. He then checked over his rifle. Quick-Butcher watched Wake with a smile, hefting a large, square blade onto his shoulder. Wake looked up at it and furrowed his brow. "You really gonna use that?"

"If I get a chance, you bet your ass," Quick-Butcher said, running two fingers along the blade.

They were interrupted by the sound of objects blowing through the atmosphere. Wake and Quick-Butcher looked up. Streakes fell down from the sky.

"They're here," Wake said, his eyes growing wide.

"Fuck yes," Quick-Butcher said, gripping his sword.

The minutes seemed to drag by. Wake watched as the drop-craft landed throughout the city. One landed a couple streets over. "C'mon!" Quick-Butcher yelled, grabbing Wake. "Let's go kill us some mercs!"

The shooting started up as they crossed the street. Loud bangs and pops, as well as hisses. Each sound made Wake jump, but the battle sims began to take hold. Wake felt his blood pumping, then he found the fighting.

The mercenaries were spread out, using mobile barricades to lob explosives. Wake threw himself against some cover, then opened up his belt and let out some tiny missile drones. He heard a sound. Wake slowly lifted a viewing lense to peer from behind cover.

Quick-Butcher was charging with his sword. He used his exo-boots to launch off an overturned wall, landing behind the merceneraries' barricade. The sounds of fighting drfited out.

With the drugs coursing through him, Wake stood up. "C'mon soldiers, follow the Butcher!" The other soldiers cheered and ran foward. Many of them were cut down by a Heavy-Thudder gun. Wake was grazed in the shoulder, but continued charging.

The Battle for Janess had begun.

[] Hero Identified: Quick-Butcher and Wake, House Terra

House O'Rourik and House Terra have both lost two units.

Bubbles rose up in the greenish tanks that lined the facility. Men and women in sterile suits walked the rows, inspecting the contents of the tank. The contents were bodies. One to each tank, floating among the green liquid.

Major Sadem walked into to room, escorted by two other officers. He surveyed the scene, then made a beeline for a trio of scientists. One turned to him, old and hunched, but with a devilish gleam in his eyes. The scientist bowed. "Major,"

"Lord Dorn would like a progress report," Major Sadem said, regarding the hunched man.

"Of course," the scientist said, opening his arm to present the tanks. "This is just one batch of thousands. They are almost mature, and the learning programs have instructed them without a hitch,"

"Troopers ready to serve Horse Dorn," Major Sadem said, nodding approvingly. "Very good doctor, carry on,"

The scientist bowed, a smile on his face. "Yes Major,"

"My lord, the reports on the avant-garde culinary experiments has been coming in."

"Hmm, let see ... seems prospective, but this going to need a lot of capital"

"Yes, and more if we want to also expand the tourism sector - which we will need to to take the best advantage of"

"Just selling packaged food won't be enough? One of these proposed plan is rations food that can actually taste something - that should be pretty sellable to militaries"

"Assuming their superiors care -"

"Have you heard the rebellion at Glixa d-IV? Or Pantomile viscounty across this galactic Arm? They were over shortages of certain beverages - beer and tea analogue."

"Which need us to establish a market and habituated them to such products first. Also portable hydroponics farm is a thing these days. Gourmet tourism is not just means of tourism by itself, but as means of promotions."

"Well, as the old professors' dwarf said it: the ring need gold to make gold. Very well, I'll sign all those capital request"

All House have earned 1(R) from every industry they have, as well as 1(r) from every trade deal

[] Build
-Industry source (2R) (generates 1 R a turn)

-Training Facility (2R)
-Infantry- 1(r)
-Special Forces- 2(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Birth Chambers (2R)
-Commandos- 2(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Bio Facility (2R) (allows you to grow xeno warriors)
-Hunter-killers- 1(r)
-Elite Specimens- 2(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Robotics Facility (3R)
-Combat Drones- 2(r)
-Warbots- 3(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Order Head-Quarters (3R)
-Vangaurd- 2(r)
-Psnionic Knight- 3(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Witch Spires (3R)
-Cabalists- 1(r)
-Sorcerer- 3(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Factory (4R)
-Mobile Armor- 5(r)
-Zero-G Warframe- 7(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Bio Complex (4R)
-Armored Specimen- 5(r)
-Zero-G Specimen- 7(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Void Gate (4R)
-Dark Matter Phantasm- 5(r)
-Shining Being- 7(r)
-Special (requires research)

-Defense Grid (4R)

-Labratory Network (6R)

-Shipyard (8R)
-Escourt Crafts- 12 (r)
-Warships- 20(r)
-Special (requires research)

[] Hire Mercenary Force
-Mercenary Corps (2R)
-Elite Mercenary Unit (3R)
-Mercenary Armored Corps (7R)

[] Send Forces
(Specify numbered system and quantity of forces)

[] Raid
(Specify numbered system, or trade-deal route, and quantity of forces)

[] Hero Action

[] Industry Action (requires 3 industries)
-Trade Pact- (everyone who enters is automatically signed into deals with the other members if they dont already have one)
-Details coming soon-

[] Diplomacy Action
-Trade Deal- (Only one trade deal can exist between two Houses)
-Noble Union-

Ive ost access to my computer for about 7 hours, and since Im stuck phoneposting, I didnt get to add lore bits to everyone, or flesh out the hero and industry action like I wanted to. But since everyone replied, I also didnt want to hold things up.

So I'm posting what I have, and next turn EVER house will have lore written in, adding to what you put in your own post.

(And since Im phoneposting, let me know if I forgot something or messed something up. It's a small screen)

since my attack failed should I count the construction as not happening?
I am utterly confused as to what happened to the rest of my orders last turn to. How did the construction in the other system go? what of the troops I sent to raid? raid might have failed to initiate, but should not have been involved in the main battle.

Tenative list of House Terra Assets:
-control of the Agriculture Guilds (System 2)(1r)
-??? (system 3) (1r)

2 infantry
1 Special forces

Training facility
Raid profits ?
Trade deal with
House Terang-Bulan(1r)​
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House Louhi:

-System: Gliese 674
--Planet: Gliese 674c

-Courier Network x3 (3r/turn) (Gliese 674c)
-Witch Spires
-Cabalists ×1

Banked: 0r
Available for this turn: (0r+3r) = 3r

[X] Build:
-[X] Industry Source (2r) (Unknown / Courier Network Enhancement #3, Gliese 674c)

[X] Train:
-[X] Cabalists (1r)

[X] Send Forces:
-[X] Station: Planet Gliese 674f, System Gliese 674
--[X] Cabalists x1

Reminder of mission specifics to Cabalists:
Your mission is to infiltrate the planet leadership, secretly "guide them" to embrace Mother's Love, and make them secretly submit to House Louhi leadership.

Using mind control occult magics: Authorized.

Remember, there is no rush. Stealth is paramount. Slowly work yourself into the minds of the leaders.

If you are caught, commit suicide. House Louhi must remain spotless in the eyes of the galaxy.

Current Bank: 0r
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House Dorn
Budget: 4R
-[X] Industry Source
-[X] Bio Facility

[X] Diplomacy Action
Send a Diplomat of House Dorn to House Darkridge to negotiate a trade deal (@bioticgrunt )

Some Lore: House Dorn is Governed by Lord Albern Dorn, the son of an accomplished geneticist and is a firm believer in biological supremacy, when the Orion Arm sector lost one of it's great Houses, Albern Dorn saw an opportunity to make the name Dorn a part of history.
To help in his endeavor he sent word to xenobiologists and geneticists to work towards creating a new force, but he also needed trusted allies, he went to his old friend Virl Sadem, a man known for his service in the Iron Stars Mercenary Company and offered him a commanding position in the Dorn Military as well as a source of military information for the created army , Virl accepted.

Banked R: 0
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Players have good questions and I just need to get behind an actual computer to answer them all.

If I didnt address you're actions in-post, they happened, with the exception of actions tied to combat. Some people have really good combat questions which I will answer here in a couple hours when I'm not on a shitty phone and can go more in depth
House Darkridge
Shipping routes (1R)
Dockyards (1R)
Food production (1R)
Robotics facility
Trade deal- House Anino (1R)
Trade deal- House Zion (1R)

Family Code:

  1. Family before all else
  2. Protect your people and they shall protect you
  3. Justice never vengeance.
House colors: Black and Gold
House lord: Alexander Darkridge
House symbol: a lion
House history:

The house of Darkridge is one among many of the newly born lesser houses that have branched out into the galaxy. Procylon A, B or the Kreena system is the current home of the Darkridge family. The members of Darkridge are a hardworking, dedicated, and "down to earth" people seek to protect the territory. The Darkridge family provides the best education they can for their children and tell them to make their own path in life. Under the leadership the Kreena system has begun to prosper and this has earned them the admiration of their people. Members of house Darkridge will often walk among the people and just talk with; of course this is indisguise or under guard. Upon colonizing the Kreena system, the immediately began building dockyards and created shipping routes to bring prosperity to the system. With a large labor force consisting of machines work tirelessly in making the system liveable to humans.
Alexander Darkridge:
Alexander Darkridge is a man of dedication and focus, who seeks to increase the prosperity of the Darkridge household. Alexander was given the best education that his family could afford and excelled in his studies. The lord of Darkridge cares deeply for his family and will do anything to protect them from danger.
[x] Build
-Defense Grid (4R)

"Our home is defenseless against possible threats in the cosmos, that must change." - Alexander Darkridge

[X] Diplomacy Action
Send a Diplomat of House Darkridge to House Dorn to negotiate a trade deal
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[X] House Eire'Hart
[X] Build
-[X] Industy Source

[General Announcement] Eire'Hart Industry expands infrastructure to accommodate more jobs. Seeking skilled and unskilled labor. Please apply for fast tracking into an exciting and stable career path.

- Eire'Hart Industry Spokesman

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since my attack failed should I count the construction as not happening?

I'm going to go ahead and say the construction IS happening, just elsewhere from the battle. Now since you dont have any troops there, House Terra could destroy it next turn if they want to, unless you send more to defend it
I am utterly confused as to what happened to the rest of my orders last turn to. How did the construction in the other system go? what of the troops I sent to raid? raid might have failed to initiate, but should not have been involved in the main battle.

Tenative list of House Terra Assets:
-control of the Agriculture Guilds (System 2)(1r)
-??? (system 3) (1r)

2 infantry
1 Special forces

Training facility
Raid profits ?
Trade deal with
House Terang-Bulan(1r)​

I realize now I misinterpreted what you were trying to do with your raiding action, that's my bad. I'll look over over your post as I'm working on the next update and see if I need to change anything retroactively
House O'Rourik

Sol Tariff Houses (+1R)
Sol Financial Guilds (+1R)
Sol Local Shipping (+1R)
Defenses in Sol
System 2 Shipping Routes (+1R)
System 2 Finance Guilds (+1R)

House Zion 5th to Sol (+1R)
House Dorn 5th to Sol (+1R)

Mawd-Way Mercenary Warrior Humbu'Fray


Start: 7

[X] Hire Mercenary Force System 2
-[X] Infantry Corps
-[X] Infantry Corps
-[X] Elite Infantry

[X] Hero Action Mawd-Way Mercenary Warrior Humbu'Fray, House O'Rourik
-Lead Mercenaries System 2

Bank: 0

@Lop Ok! what were the industries in system 2?
Uhtread threw 3 20-faced dice. Reason: Defend System 2 Total: 52
19 19 16 16 17 17
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House O'Rourik

Sol Tariff Houses (+1R)
Sol Financial Guilds (+1R)
Sol Local Shipping (+1R)
Defenses in Sol
System 2 Industry Unnamed (+1R)
System 2 Industry Unnamed (+1R)

House Zion 5th to Sol (+1R)
House Dorn 5th to Sol (+1R)

Mawd-Way Mercenary Warrior Humbu'Fray


Start: 7

[X] Hire Mercenary Force System 2
-[X] Infantry Corps
-[X] Infantry Corps
-[X] Elite Infantry

[X] Hero Action Mawd-Way Mercenary Warrior Humbu'Fray, House O'Rourik
-Lead Mercenaries System 2

Bank: 0

@Lop Ok! what were the industries in system 2?

8 total industries in every system:
Navigation Guild
Shipping Routes
Mining Guilds
Server Farms
Finance Guilds
Node Matrix

(There's some extras and unique ones)

Now if you try and establish an industry in an -already populated system, you can do any of those 8, even if they already exist under the control of the other occupant--youre just making a rival industry.

And THIS is where Industry actions and commerce conflicts comes in. You can theoretically take over someones industry with a rival industry, without ever sending in soldiers. But of course, I havent fleshed out industry actions yet, so this will be the motivation to do that next turn
I realize now I misinterpreted what you were trying to do with your raiding action, that's my bad. I'll look over over your post as I'm working on the next update and see if I need to change anything retroactively

Yhea, was moving the raiding forces out to block his building of industry in system 2. Or steal it. or steal the r invested. meh, no sweat. what ever outcome you decide, even if its nothing happened, works for me. just need to know how much R I have to spend. looks to be 2 right now.
Yhea, was moving the raiding forces out to block his building of industry in system 2. Or steal it. or steal the r invested. meh, no sweat. what ever outcome you decide, even if its nothing happened, works for me. just need to know how much R I have to spend. looks to be 2 right now.

I'm going to give you an extra 1 (r) for the raid action because I messed that up. So it's what you would have gotten had I noticed it and it had been successful. But O'Rourik's industry is still currently present
House Tetzel
Income (3I + 1T): 4 R
News footage of the fighting between Houses Terra and O'Rourik filled the screen on the wall of the meeting room. the only occupant of the Room's face hidden in shadow as the knuckles on his clenched fists turned white.

"we were supposed to have more time." Lord Tetzel muttered to the empty room as the ended their report and moved to their coverage of the hanging of a business man who was caught cutting food with cattle feed and ended up poisoning several hundred Saurite children. Ironically an embarrassing video leak of his attempting to strangle the idiot before his own bodyguards saved the scumbag was the only reason the race of herbivorous lizards didn't start rioting over what had happened.

[X] build Defense grid
Codex: The Defense grid designs favored by house Tetzel are an oddity among the houses. while their space assets follow normal doctrines on the ground they utilize a combination of artificial gaps in their AA coverage and storage depots/warehouses positioned well away from the civil defense shelters to lure attacking forces away from the civilian populations to both minimize casualties among the populace and to give their own forces free reign in dealing with the interlopers.

A couple things while we're waiting for the last couple players to post.

This next turn and the turns after will switch to narrative format. So if you're building stuff, just keep your (r) generation and bank in mind. I'll be keeping track of it too obviously, but now that you guys got a hang of the system, it's not going to be mentioned unless its relevant to the main story of your house. (of course, any questions you might have will be answered, but as far as new industries, you can pick from one of the 8 mentioned)

Also next turn several players will be getting (r) bonuses, specifically the new players and those left out of the impressive trade network you guys are building. Just to keep things balanced, because there are defininitly some economic powerhouses emerging
Tentative list of House Terra Assets:

Training facility Forces
3 infantry
1 Special forces
Raid profits 1r
control of the Agriculture Guilds (System 2)(1r)
Trade deal with House Terang-Bulan(1r)

[x]Build forces
-[x]Infantry 1(r)
-[x]Special forces (2r)

Send forces (covert)
-[x] System 2, 1 infantry, 1 special forces
--[x] Special forces are to proceed to the recently built industry of House O'rouick in system 2, and infiltrate it, possibly through routes scouted in previous turns raid. they are to secure documents, key personally, and defenses. once the defense are down in key area, the infantry will move in to take control various areas under the direction of the special forces. They are mostly there to provide manpower and bodies for grunt work, in order to establish long-term control of the facilities. (18,18,5)

-[x] System 9, 2 infantry
-[x]Hero action: Quick-Butcher and Wake will be leading the raid.
--[x]Orders: "House Terang-Bulan assets are not to be touched in anyway. Inquires will be made of their competitors in system, and those will be prioritized as targets for the raid, feel free to go wild with them. If Terang-Bulan assets are hit, the officers responsible will be executed. Do not disappoint me."(15,11,7)
TerrisH threw 3 20-faced dice. Reason: Send forces Total: 41
18 18 18 18 5 5
TerrisH threw 3 20-faced dice. Reason: Raid Total: 33
15 15 11 11 7 7
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