Turn 10 (Phase III) Results:
Shadow Administration: 82+23= 105 // Crit: 16+05= 21
"We found capable administrators in the refugees?" You ask with no small surprise.
Sayoko nods. "Not many, of course, but these people are far from stupid, your highness. Many are multilingual, desperate, and extremely good at keeping secrets. While there will be a nominal period of vetting over the course of the next several months, we very much do need individuals willing and able to handle the less classified material. This will enable us to concentrate staff on the information coming in from more... sensitive sources."
You nod slowly. "I see. Well, I've not made a habit of overruling hiring choices for my subordinates yet, and I don't intend to now. I'll take a more detailed look at their files later, but I have sufficient faith in your abilities to greenlight their contracts, Sayoko."
Your head of intelligence smiles slightly, and nods, then pulls out a thicker document folder. "I am glad, sire, given this approach has already borne fruit."
You take the document and, after skimming through the first paragraph, return to the top and read it more slowly.
"They're sure it's the same fleet?" You ask quietly.
Sayoko nods. "It fits with what we know of the High Eunuch's war effort detailed in the latter pages. Their political paranoia seems to be handicapping them severely."
You drum your fingers along the table. "Kaguya should have seen this already, but inform her that I'll be wanting her to put a presentation together during the lead up to the operation itself."
Sayoko nods. "Of course, sire."
Results: Third Intrigue Action Unlocked Next Turn, Action Completes Quickly, Enabling a More Detailed Briefing on Chinese Federation Civil War.
Living in the Shadows: 76+23= 99+10 (Covert Ops) = 109 // Crit: 25+09= 34
"I want it on the record that, even if this is theoretically possible, I believe it to be madness," Kaguya states firmly, pacing the room.
Before her is a wall plastered with various images, graphs, maps, data points, and a stack of dossiers. It is, as Madison Hashima has noted of many of Kenshin's works, a 'wall of crazy.' She'd apparently tried to get the man to start creating them digitally instead of physically, but he'd reported a dissatisfaction in the lack of tactile feedback one received from a computer screen instead of pinning a new report to a growing web of lunacy.
You are vaguely disturbed to find you agree with the man.
"Your objection is noted and overruled." You state absently, still engrossed in the newest reports. "All I care about is whether or not the proposed undertaking is possible or not."
Kaguya pauses and breathes deeply.
"Very well, then." She considers the wall for a moment. "The principal decision we must make before anything else is whether we wish to send teams to India or to the Chinese mainland. Many of the actual nations under the Federation banner have recused themselves from the conflict proper and are waiting to see how things fall before declaring for either side. As such, our main concern is the five Indian Military Districts and the major cities of Southern Mainland China. That is where you will have the most impact."
You frown and pull up a map. "What of the Bengal and North Burman Military Districts?"
Kaguya shakes her head. "Firstly, we don't have enough men to cover them, but more importantly Burma shares a border with a Eunuch-controlled province and they have close economic and cultural ties with mainland China. They won't rebel." Kaguya thinks for a moment. "Bengal is more of an edge-case. There's significant pro-independence sentiment in the region if what your people are sending back is true. However, if none of their neighbors take up arms, the Bengalese, even if they
did rebel, would be demoralized by a lack of rebellions to the west and could very well be handled by Nepalese, Sikkim, Bhutanese, and Mandalayan troops marching to put down any violence. Outside of other factors, I believe we can leave Bengal to the other local political and military powers."
You frown and nod, then close the document.
"So, in summation, whether we deploy to China or to India, our primary goals are the same." You state. "We wish to limit violence, at least keep the area neutral if not declare for the Empress, and limit the Eunuchs ability to mobilize support."
"The same in theory, if not in principle," Kaguya amends carefully. "The Indian Hijras will likely only make token support for the High Eunuchs, providing only the bare minimum supplies and troops when pushed for war materiel. That is one of the reasons we are even able to think about an operation like this. If we can control the few dozen Chinese Eunuch administrators in India itself..."
The young woman brings a finger to her mouth and bites down upon it, fire in her eyes as she contemplates the gamble you're making. For all her vocal complaints regarding your sanity, you might very well make a Britannian out of her yet.
"Then the Hijra lower administrators would be perfectly happy to stay neutral." You finish for her. "Alternatively, we could instead deploy troops to limit the activity of independence cells within the region." It's your turn to think for a moment. "Or, possibly, simply watch and wait. We don't necessarily
have to act if things don't come to a head. The independence cells are rebuilding so far. We don't know if they'll be ready to act even next year, let alone this one."
Kaguya nods slowly. "It's certainly a consideration, your highness. If we send teams to China, though, we'll be sending men to an active warzone, in effect. I believe, in that event, you should select a single city to target in preparation for an invasion or to cripple the defenses if Lihua's forces are nearby so that she can capitalize on it."
You sigh and massage your forehead. "I agree. There's much less room for a 'watch and wait' stance in the heart of the Federation and little to no point in it anyway."
There is silence between you two for a moment.
Then you make the decision.
[ ][ICI] Indian Militarized Zones
[ ][ICI] Chinese Federation Mainland
Results: Plans Drawn Up For Special Operations Interference in Chinese Federation Civil War. Operation Receives Additional (+10).
Animal Testing: 92+25= 117+15 (SL & Previous Project) = 132 // Crit: 88+32= 120 // Crit2: 54+20= 74
"I'm not letting you go to Japan, Kenshin." You state, not even looking up from the other reports on your desk.
"But, Your Highness! It is INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT to the research we are doing!" Jaeger argues, a complete lack of care for his volume, as always.
"You've been blacklisted from the country," you remind him pointedly, wishing that this was literally anyone else you could fob off on a subordinate to refuse him. Instead, when the head of your research department decides he wants something, you have to be the one to say 'no' and make it stick.
"I will wear...
a disguise! Look, Muya Prinsu!" The raging madman cries and, finally, you glance up from your paperwork to...
pause. Kenshin has dyed his hair blonde. All of his hair, which includes a newly-grown goatee.
You sigh and lean back. "Is it absolutely, unquestionably vital to the research you are undertaking this year to take an impromptu trip to a country which you have been barred from by the highest levels of their government?"
He strikes a pose. "Absolutely, unquestionably, vital! Yesu, Muya Prinsu! I must acquire samples! Do field research! All of the animals I have attempted experimentation on have EXPLODED! It is pitiful that they cannot contain the might of my psionic research!"
...you suppose that
does explain the complaints Milly has been fielding from the janitorial staff. You'll have to scrape up some funds for a bonus as compensation.
You sigh again. "I'll have Sayoko greenlight papers. I assume you can-"
A thick sheaf of documents lands on your desk and, hesitantly, you begin to leaf through them.
Jaeger has just handed you a professionally-written thesis, research proposal, and grant paperwork all drawn up from a San Francisco university, complete with personnel files for the expedition to Japan to examine unique flora and fauna of the region. Included are a set of Britannian travel documents which you struggle to find fault with. You are reminded, in that moment, that this is a man who escaped the clutches of a half-dozen secure mental health facilities and national police.
The only thing which makes you pause, however, are the final set of documents.
"Absolutely not."
Jaeger's triumphant grin falters and he sinks to his knees, clasping his hands together desperately. "Oh Prease, Muya Prinsu! His talents are stuPENDOUS! He will be of great benefit to our research!"
You take a deep breath to calm your nerves. This is because you dragged your feet assigning a minder for the boy, you know it.
[ ][GPJ] No, Jaeger cannot take Xiǎobāo to Japan, it is too great a security risk.
[ ][GPJ] Yes, perhaps seeing the world will shake the boy's faith and leave him more open to new ideas.
Results: TBC... in Interlude: Bark Worse Than Their Bite?
Ramjet Theory: N/A - Action Completes
You meet with Madison Hashima shortly before she and Jaeger set out for Japan to see the final wind tunnel test of her prototype. While she and Jaeger go on their impromptu expedition to their homeland, a team will be cleaning up the design's final form, finishing up paperwork and documentation, and writing up a few academic papers to publish. However, before that...
"I've received two interesting offers to license your design," you state without fanfare, handing over the two thin folders. You'd already shredded the third given how insultingly low it was.
Madison's sharp inhalation tells you she's seen the bid numbers, and you smirk slightly as she looks up in disbelief.
"It's real. You'll receive a third of it, as stated in your contract. The other two thirds will be funneled back into organization costs to cover the setup for the wind tunnel and other expenses."
Madison nods, then lowers herself slowly into a chair. "T-thank you, Prince Lelouch. Wh-when do you need an answer?"
"By the end of the year." You assure her. "But, that is only if you're interested in licensing the technology at this point. If you'd rather, we can hold off on the bids and allow you to further refine aspects of your jet technology."
Having read some of the reports she's filed, you know that there is very much room for improvement in many areas, but you're willing to compromise with the creator of the product for the sake of both monetary gains and her good favor.
[ ][RJS] Steiner Konzern Bid (+500 Income)
[ ][RJS] Imperial Spanish Research Institute Bid (+700 Income)
[ ][RJS] Turn Down Current Bids – Sell Later
Results: TBC...
Lessons of Faith: 58+22= 80
"You got them drunk?" You ask Crowley bluntly.
"As well as other drugs, sire," Aleister nods with a smile. "Their society outlaws nearly all vices with strict moral codes. I can only imagine telepathic communication allowing such things to be very easily traceable. After slipping in a few bottles of brandy in their daily rations, we got them to the point they'll talk about nearly anything once we get them drunk enough."
You frown. "I do hope you won't allow them to drink themselves into a health crisis. It's extremely unlikely we'll be able to secure a font of information such as this again."
Crowley shook his head quickly. "We've kept careful watch on how much alcohol they're allotted per day and ensure that their opium and marijuana supplies won't interact badly with the types they're given."
You still scowl, but acknowledge that these men have participated in a long campaign of slavery and an oppressive society built thereon. You won't lose any sleep over addicting them to harmful substances if it means they'll provide you the tools to dismantle their own regime.
"Very well then." You nod and sign off on the procurement papers to order more alcohol, opium, and marijuana.
Results: Psionic Troops Curriculum Increases from (+10) to (+20) Total Modifiers Available Next Year.
Weapons of Faith: 20+22= 42+10 (Omake) = 52
"We just didn't have the time." You sum up the research presented to you with a frown.
With everything going on, you shouldn't be surprised, but it did sting a bit to have to hand back the OSI's loan weapons without getting a good look at them. Thunstone and Sayoko, too, had been too busy to sit down with researchers to really go over the abilities of their blades. As well as the fact that some of the weapons tested from the battle in Indonesia had involved destroying them... neither were willing to risk family relics like their weapons.
Instead, you'd simply made the best of what you could.
Results: Psionic Equipment Bonuses Increase from (+0) to (+10) Total Modifiers Available Next Year.
One Hour Moratorium! Do Not Vote for One Hour!