Turn 10 (Phase III)
"Any further information on our uninvited guests?" You ask as you look over reports and requisition forms.
Sayoko, ever so slightly pregnant, shakes her head. "No, unfortunately. All we've done is confirmed that there was no actual intrusion on the island itself. At least, to the greatest extent we can be certain. Our current theory is that someone sent the first group in as a way to probe our response and gather data for a more focused and targeted attempt at a later date."
You hum thoughtfully and drum your fingers. "Do we have any idea who in particular?"
"We can rule
out a few suspects, in particular the Children of Ching Shih and the Black Cats," Sayoko stated bluntly. "This type of use of deniable asset doesn't fit with Britannian Intelligence's MO from what we know of it, New Heaven wouldn't have access to the kinds of polymers the observation raft was made out of, and Your Highness is too important to jeopardize a relationship with for both Indonesia and the local Area governors." She pauses for a moment. "The Federation is, of course, likely too occupied to pursue this kind of stunt."
You lean back, nodding slowly. Sayoko's summary was a broad over-simplification, of course, but it fit with what you knew of things as they stood. "Since you bring it up, what
do our men in the Black Cats and the Children report is happening?"
Sayoko flipped a few pages back in her sheaf of papers. "The Children are still focusing on rebuilding their networks of operatives. Even given the Indonesian Confederation did not suffer a collapse from New Heaven last year, several of their cells in India attempted a revolt anyway and were promptly crushed when a massed uprising and naval support failed to materialize."
You nod, having little sympathy for individuals who attempt populist uprisings without at least a fig leaf of legitimacy. "And the Cats?"
"Running business as usual for the most part." Sayoko replies. "There
is some gossip regarding our repulsion of the New Heaven attack, though apparently our source reports division on how to respond. The leading positions right now are attempting to seize and hold you hostage, pay off one of the other groups to attack and kill you, and sue for peace."
You blink, sitting up a bit straighter. "They do understand that would effectively mean placing themselves under my authority permanently, correct?"
Sayoko shrugged minutely. "They
are primarily an economic and politically-motivated faction, sire. Should we become threatening enough, they may simply roll over and 'play dead,' so to speak, in favor of simply offering us a cut of their profits and leaving them to do business as usual."
You rub tiredly at your eyes. That was a problem for tomorrow to handle. "It's equally-likely that we'll have to actually conquer at least
one group before that becomes relevant, though it is good to keep in mind. Perhaps we should return to the original topic of discussion."
Sayoko nods. "Very well, sire. In summation, I think the most likely culprits to be either the Europeans directly or using the SIC as proxies, though I cannot rule out the possibility of an unknown party moving in the shadows or our intelligence on one of the groups we've discussed being somehow flawed or incomplete."
"It will have to do for now," you sigh, closing the reports. "As with the previous attempts, it's difficult to react to a group which has so thoroughly disguised their identity. Hopefully once we've ferreted out who these people are, if they're even a singular group and not multiple, we can begin to act against them."
Sayoko nods. "In other regards, Millicent Ashford has sent out feelers to a select few military and civilian aviation companies within the Homeland and the Areas. Some of those have expressed interest in Madison Hashima's Ramjet design given that it outperforms modern jet fighters, in theory and on the testbed, at least. Apparently the bids are only as low as they are because of the fact it has been untested in actual flight or properly mounted on an aircraft. Madison has written up a proposal to change that, but it is..."
You glance at the proposal in question and wince at the price tag. You could mobilize a fleet for that amount! Taking a deep breath, though, you acknowledge that building a next-generation prototyping bay for fighter craft from scratch likely isn't cheap. You wonder if you should indulge the expense now, or put it off until later...
"I see Kenshin's put together an expedition plan," you note with interest, very much wishing you could accompany them on such a trip, but... not this year. Perhaps
next year, if you're able to come to some kind of settlement in China, but even that's unlikely. You'll have to decide if you trust Thunstone, Crowley, or Jaeger more for Expedition lead. As well as how many of them actually get to go whenever you give the green light.
"I've put together a proposal on that note as well," Sayoko states, handing over a clipboard with a short list of inventory items and personnel. "It's simply an idea to keep any investment in such a site safe by disguising it as some form of more commercial enterprise, such as mineral sampling."
You nod. "Though we're a bit tight on active teams at the moment. It will either be this
or sending the teams to India." A dangerous and fairly insane plan, honestly. If you weren't already drawing up ideas for actions on China, you'd have dismissed the idea out of hand. Still... it's
theoretically possible to decapitate the Eunuch's government in India. Very difficult, but possible. If you deploy virtually all your assets and get extremely lucky seizing the hundred-some-odd key officials of the Chinese Raj.
Of course, you'd also have to hope that you
got away with holding a sub-continent's government hostage at gunpoint.
Decisions, decisions...
Current Banked Income: 20,860 BRN
Current Annual Income: 7850 Britannian Royal Notes
Current Annual Upkeep: 4800 BRN
Intrigue: CHOOSE TWO
[ ] Bodyguard Plus: It has occurred to you, more than once in the past years, that you have a great number of VIPs which you must organize security around. This is not necessarily a strain on your resources, nor is it to be expected to become one for some years given the security of your island base, but you do need to be mindful for the future. Cost: 300; Upkeep: 150; DC: 40; Rewards: More thorough coverage of Hero Units when off-base.
[ ] Side Quest: With agents spread out across south-east Asia, Australia, and Indonesia, you have an immense head-start at building a new secret service to rival the OSI itself. Still, there are things going on in the world which require your attention
now, not
later. You'll just have to pick a suitable target. Cost: 300; Upkeep: 0; DC: Varies; Rewards: Select an espionage target to gain information and open further options, DC varies by target.
[ ] Shadow Administration: Now that you're hiring a bunch of people to camouflage the fact that you're hiring a bunch of ninja-spies, you should actually get around to hiring those ninja-spies. Or, at least,
officially hiring the ones who are going to be telling the
unofficial ones what to do and process their reports. Cost: 400; Upkeep: 200; DC: 40; Rewards: 'Staff' hired to manage covert affairs.
[ ] Living in the Shadows: (CANNOT BE TAKEN WITH EXPEDITION ESCORTS) Technically speaking, it's
frowned upon by most nations to deploy assassination teams to hold regional leaders of foreign countries hostage at gunpoint. The trick to doing it is not getting caught, or so you've been led to believe. Now all you have to do is properly capitalize on the Chinese Federation's internal crisis. Cost: 1000; Upkeep: 300 (For Duration of Operation); DC: 75/100; Rewards: Extremely Variable.
[ ] Teaching the Trade: Now that you've gotten your organization nearly in order, you need to be able to replenish operatives who become inactive, for whatever reason that might be. To do so, you'll be constructing an academy of sorts to induct and train individuals who show promise from your general forces to the ways of covert operations. Cost: 700; Upkeep: 400; Time: 3 Years; DC: 50/75/100; Rewards: Auto-Complete Recruitment Actions to Replenish Spy Corps, Choices to Refine Organization of Special Operations Branch.
[ ] Expedition Escorts: (CANNOT BE TAKING WITH LIVING IN THE SHADOWS) With your military otherwise occupied and the expedition as a whole something of a secret anyway, it would be better to simply send a covert force with your expedition team in order to keep their objectives and discoveries a secret. Cost: 500; Upkeep: 250 (For Duration of Operation); DC: 40/80; Rewards: Lower Expedition DC, Increase Expedition Options.
Learning: CHOOSE ONE
[ ] Animal Testing: A purely psionic man-machine interface is an impressive and potentially ground-breaking technological advance. It's also dangerous. You've decided to move forward with animal testing to ensure nothing goes horribly wrong. Cost: 200; Upkeep: 100; DC: 60; Rewards: Ensure psionic computation prototypes won't automatically kill whoever you attach them to, human testing becomes easier.
[ ] Human Testing: Alternatively, you have faith in Jaeger's work and he proved himself to have at least
reasonably sound judgment last year. You'll give the okay to move forward with human testing, you only hope this isn't a tragic mistake. Cost: 500; Upkeep: 200; DC: 90; Rewards: Psionic computation prototypes move to production stage, actions become available to incorporate them into other technologies.
[ ] The Green Knight: You've recently come into possession of a sixth-generation KMF. The fifth generation, the Gloucester, was decidedly unimpressive. The Gawain, though, promises to be a different beast entirely. Letting Jaeger analyze it will likely yield interesting results. Cost: 500; Upkeep: 0; Time: 2 Years; DC: 50/70/90; Rewards: Unlock advanced technologies and the ability to design a unique KMF.
[X] Ramjet Theory: Quite honestly, you can't use this technology. However, you
can sell it if you develop it properly. It might even net you a significant sum depending on the buyer. Hashima is certain of her ability to produce results, at least, and it's significantly less
strange than some of Jaegar's technology. Cost: 800; Upkeep: 200; DC: 60; Time: 2 Years; Rewards: Development of a potentially valuable technology.
[ ] Build a Better Fighter: You'll be stepping directly on Steiner Konzern's toes here, but you have enough clout that they won't be able to easily get revenge beyond petty bureaucratic tricks. If you do succeed, though, you could even sell the completed design to them for far more money than they were willing to pay for your new engine alone. Cost: 1200; Upkeep: 500; DC 80; Time: 2 Years; Rewards: Prototyping Construction Bay for Aircraft, Large Income Gains for Selling Designs.
[ ] The Expedition: You've pinpointed the general location to search for what is likely the orb's original place of creation. The region is nominally under Britannian control, however it rests on the border of an active war zone with what is left of the Middle Eastern Federation. It's a risky affair, but as long as you keep things quiet, you should be able to get in and set up an excavation without too much fuss. The problem is that Jaeger wants to go. Cost: 1000; Upkeep: 500 (Until Option Completes); DC: 75; Rewards: Relic Site, Learning & Piety Options Increase, ???
[ ] Enhanced Recruitment: All told, you have fewer than fifty people studying the 'magic of the mind.' In large part, this is because of your own wealth of expertise and inherited knowledge. However, if you ever want to actually put much of this theory into practice, you'll need to enlarge your operations substantially. Luckily, you've finished the basic training curricula. Cost: 800; Upkeep: 300; Time: 2 Years; DC: 50/70; Rewards: Build a pool of potentially powerful psionics and healers to be used in other operations, Piety options increase.
[ ] Psionic Engineering: The simple fact is that a great many of the conveniences of the ancient society you remember have been outmoded by modern industrialization and digital devices which can be more easily mass produced. That doesn't mean the lessons of the past can't offer you anything, though. Cost: 200; Upkeep: 50; DC: 70; Rewards: Hybrid Psionic-Industrial/Digital Tech Tree, ???
[ ] Alchemical Practitioners: Even as your training of the first modern generation of alchemists reaches fruition, you can set them to practicing their new trade. While, in theory, they should be aiming to produce Sakuradite, that's the 'gold standard' of ancient psionic technology, so to speak. There are other, less difficult materials they could be crafting. Cost: 300; Upkeep: 100; DC: 60/80/100 Rewards: Potential for producing a variety of alchemical materials.
[ ] Lessons of Faith: Interrogation is such an ugly word, but very often a necessary one. Thankfully, the days of torture and brutality are long gone. Instead, you have far more sinister means at your disposal. Alcohol, for instance. Processed sugar and delicacies these men have never tasted. Even women if you can source a few whores from nearby ports and they give you actionable intelligence. Cost: 200; Upkeep: 100; Time: 2 Years; DC: 75; Rewards: Decrypt New Heaven Psionic Abilities, Gain New Curriculum.
[ ] Weapons of Faith: Alternative to the prisoners you have taken, you instead have a large cache of weapons and armor which you can examine to determine the techniques used to create and operate them. This will be a much simpler affair than interrogating prisoners, even if not necessarily a shorter one. If you have the time and personnel, you might even be able to look at Thunstone's weapon and the blades on loan from the OSI, even if you're supposed to be returning them this year. Cost: 300; Upkeep: 50; Time: 2 Years; DC: 50/75/100; Rewards: Decrypt New Heaven Psionic Arms & Armor, Gain Producible Equipment/Modifiers.