Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

I don't think Rejecting the Controlling the Narrative result we got this turn actually helps us any. We already have plenty of good Diplomatic options we could be taking which are nearly as good, and we may get War relevant options next turn (which would be better due to the raw importance of the conflict). Like, the main reward which we missed from Controlling the Narrative (except for the ??? reward) was the Protection contracts. which our fleet won't have time for because the Cival War we just got involved in is definitely something that demands all hands on deck.

Winning Vote:

[X][CCW] You will declare for the Empress.
[X][TOA] China
[X][CtN] Reject Completed Action as Insufficient.
[X][ARA] Psionic Medical Corps. (Crowley Develops Field Medics/Doctors with Psionic Bonuses)

Over the next few days I'll be updating the front page with social links, financial info, and other stuff.

I'll have the options for the next phase up on Patreon by Wednesday for those who want to peek and we'll see about starting the next phase publicly by the weekend.

Adhoc vote count started by Slayer Anderson on Jun 14, 2022 at 1:19 AM, finished with 154 posts and 65 votes.
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Winning Vote:

[X][CCW] You will declare for the Empress.
[X][TOA] China
[X][CtN] Reject Completed Action as Insufficient.
[X][ARA] Psionic Medical Corps. (Crowley Develops Field Medics/Doctors with Psionic Bonuses)

Over the next few days I'll be updating the front page with social links, financial info, and other stuff.

I'll have the options for the next phase up on Patreon by Wednesday for those who want to peek and we'll see about starting the next phase publicly by the weekend.

Adhoc vote count started by Slayer Anderson on Jun 14, 2022 at 1:19 AM, finished with 154 posts and 65 votes.
So we'll be doing turn 10 Phase 3 before we decide battlefield details and Roll for invasion and double down?
So we'll be doing turn 10 Phase 3 before we decide battlefield details and Roll for invasion and double down?
I've actually already rolled for the invasion action, but I'll need to apply modifiers depending on what you choose to do and where you choose to attack.

But otherwise correct, yes.

Edit: Lelouch & Sayoko's child is a girl. There will be a vote to name her at the end of turn.
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Lelouch: Well Sayako is it a boy or a girl?

Sayako: Umm… about that… we don't know….

Lelouch: How?

Group of Ninjas: We have been unable to locate the child. We are continuing to search the medical wing

Lelouch: Were they taken?

Sayako: <sigh> no… No… Your highness… my genes and your genes… Our child gave the doctors the slip. Was there any doubt that our child could sneak around without detection?

<meanwhile in the ducts of the medical wing a newborn crawls along>
I've actually already rolled for the invasion action, but I'll need to apply modifiers depending on what you choose to do and where you choose to attack.
*internal screaming*

Well, the die has been cast. Literally. Or maybe dice have been cast? Anyway, thanks to Thomasfoolery and gale, we have at least a good idea where to get the best bonuses for that roll. But considering that fact... Slayer, will you resolve any potential rerolls only after you get the confirmation of what kind of bonuses we will have? Because that seems like it could affect things.
*internal screaming*

Well, the die has been cast. Literally. Or maybe dice have been cast? Anyway, thanks to Thomasfoolery and gale, we have at least a good idea where to get the best bonuses for that roll. But considering that fact... Slayer, will you resolve any potential rerolls only after you get the confirmation of what kind of bonuses we will have? Because that seems like it could affect things.
Yes, as stated before the modifiers will affect the DC by varying amounts, so if I need to resolve a reroll, I'll do so after you pick attack vectors and dimensions.
Counting this as one question as well, since they're very, very close to each other. Answer to come:

There is a single fleet guarding the south east of China outside Guangzhou. It's the same fleet Xingke highjacked to rescue Indonesia. All the rest of the fleets are blockading the north. The only reason that fleet hasn't joined them is because they worry that it would defect to Lihua's side of the conflict given recent events. hint-hint

Almost everything the Eunuchs have is being thrown, desperately, at Lihua right now. There's still an army group defending each of the main cities of Shanghai, Wuhan, and Guangzhou, but they're under-strength and under-equipped, having been stripped nearly to the bone to keep the peace as the battles in the north rage on.

You will be able to land virtually unopposed anywhere except Guangzhou, where you will have to deal with that fleet in some way.
This is interesting. Assuming we play this right, we could use our ninja infiltrators to set false bait. the Eunoch's discover false evidence of Xingke leaving lelouch's territory with plans to smuggle himself to Guangzhou. They would send a fleet to intercept and capture him. The catch is the smuggler ship is a trap and the fleet the Eunoch's send is instead caught between the fleet at Guangzhou, already under Xingke's command, and Lelouch's own fleet & flotilla. We would pull pressure off Lihua, remove an enemy fleet while recruiting another, and still have our land forces intact for an invasion of the Southern Eunoch's now undefended ports cities.
This is interesting. Assuming we play this right, we could use our ninja infiltrators to set false bait. the Eunoch's discover false evidence of Xingke leaving lelouch's territory with plans to smuggle himself to Guangzhou. They would send a fleet to intercept and capture him. The catch is the smuggler ship is a trap and the fleet the Eunoch's send is instead caught between the fleet at Guangzhou, already under Xingke's command, and Lelouch's own fleet & flotilla. We would pull pressure off Lihua, remove an enemy fleet while recruiting another, and still have our land forces intact for an invasion of the Southern Eunoch's now undefended ports cities.
It sounds clever enough to pin a tail on it and call it Lulu
How well garrisoned is India right now because if both sides of the Chinese civil war aren't careful; India might slip away from Chinese control and align itself with EU.
How well garrisoned is India right now because if both sides of the Chinese civil war aren't careful; India might slip away from Chinese control and align itself with EU.
Aligning itself with the EU is unlikely. Mostly because to the best of our knowledge the EU isn't yet interfering in the civil war. The only faction interfering is the pro independence Children of Ching Shih.
The Children had a plan to weaken the Eunuch hold on India by causing New Heaven to destabilize the Indonesian Confederation. That plan failed and they most likely wasted assets. The problem with revolutions that the Children were trying to set off is that even without an official coordinated go order some parts might go off on their own. And fail. Warning the local Eunuchs to increase security as something is brewing.
If for some reason India broke away and didn't go for independence then Britannia is the most likely way they would jump. Mostly because they are closer. It might have been the MEF some time ago but with Cornellia and Ethiopia performing a curb stomp on them they became a less attractive target.
Anyway dislodging the Eunuch control from India would require either an outside military operation (it was a potential target for us) or a really big distraction. If the Children knew the civil war was coming (which would require some impressive precognition as no one predicted it) then they might have waited and not waste assets banking on New Heaven temporary success in Indonesia.
But unless some outside force messes with the situation (like Lelouch) the Eunuch hold on India is most likely rather firm. And it was said that at least for the first year all other powers are adopting a wait and see approach.
How well garrisoned is India right now because if both sides of the Chinese civil war aren't careful; India might slip away from Chinese control and align itself with EU.
why would india do that, 1 the eu is on the other side of the planet. 2 why would they give up their independence for the eu of all counties you know them being the old masters to china's new
why would india do that, 1 the eu is on the other side of the planet. 2 why would they give up their independence for the eu of all counties you know them being the old masters to china's new
Actually Britannia would be the old masters. They sold India to China when they couldn't support keeping it after Napoleon beat them in Europe.
If India went independent they just be conquered by someone close to them. They don't have a global distraction that NH would have created.
So I just thought of something. I know that our main choices were India or China but... anyone else curious what's going on in Southeast Asia (Thailand, Vietnam) that it wasn't an option? Are the Eunuchs there just already declaring independence and getting out of the CF or what?
Actually Britannia would be the old masters. They sold India to China when they couldn't support keeping it after Napoleon beat them in Europe.
I am basing this of uk (or this tl version of england,) and france (they did own a large part of india though I do wonder if they sold it and what happened to the french owned parts of india after the napaleon wars. also portagul owned some parts as well.
How well garrisoned is India right now because if both sides of the Chinese civil war aren't careful; India might slip away from Chinese control and align itself with EU.
EU is definitely out. They can't be bothered to support there nominal buffer kingdom between them and euro-brittania. They aren't going to accept a client state at this point entirely beyond enemy lines by over a thousand miles.

Brittania doesn't want India any more than it wanted Indonesia.

If the Civil war had continued without interference by lelouch and Indea timing it's revolution well, maybe they'd have had a chance as the civil war dragged on. As it is, between Charles augmenting his fleet with his conference gift, the mercenaries lelouch gained from lord stadfield, his extensive infiltration of china, Xingke to act as bait to lure the Eunochs into a trap, in all likelyhood the war will conclude to quickly for them to stabilize the country afterward and develop an army china can't crush them quickly enough to make Lihua reclaiming india inadvisable. All she needs is for lelouch to "discover" evidence of there ties to new heaven and the attack on the conference, and a casus belli to reclaim india without trading any of the populist support is hers. They'll fold like wet tissue.
So I just thought of something. I know that our main choices were India or China but... anyone else curious what's going on in Southeast Asia (Thailand, Vietnam) that it wasn't an option? Are the Eunuchs there just already declaring independence and getting out of the CF or what?
I assume that they are genuinely considered either an extension of indonesia, or lack wealth and significance to affect the course of the war, at least not enough that they would be justifiable targets for an opening move.
India's reaction relies on a series of politics and situations we really don't have understanding of. We know that if things get chaotic enough that many political leaders believe they'd take the opportunity to revolt, but we don't know who the leaders of this revolt would be or their motives. As one example.

All things considered, since we're helping a popular uprising against a much hated class while supporting the nominal dejure leader (The Tianzi) of China these are rather critical questions to how India will react. They could very easily side with her to get rid of the Eunuch's or take this opportunity to start a civil war because the local Eunuchs want independence from China. Without knowledge about their would be rebel factions and the overall desires of a great swath of varying levels of the populace, we really just don't know.
India's reaction relies on a series of politics and situations we really don't have understanding of. We know that if things get chaotic enough that many political leaders believe they'd take the opportunity to revolt, but we don't know who the leaders of this revolt would be or their motives. As one example.

All things considered, since we're helping a popular uprising against a much hated class while supporting the nominal dejure leader (The Tianzi) of China these are rather critical questions to how India will react. They could very easily side with her to get rid of the Eunuch's or take this opportunity to start a civil war because the local Eunuchs want independence from China. Without knowledge about their would be rebel factions and the overall desires of a great swath of varying levels of the populace, we really just don't know.
We know that there primary terrorist/independence movement was functionally okay with tricking New heaven into detonating Indonesia's conference for a chance to escape from china themselves. They certainly have the resolve and desire to free themselves from china. The only question was would it be a lasting freedom. Lelouch's intervention answers that question for the most part, and the answer is no. Even if he doesn't step in to secure india himself, the war will conclude soon enough to reclaim the territory.
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