Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

[X][CCW] You will declare for the Empress.
[X][TOA] China
[X][CtN] Accept +200 Income for the Action.
[X][ARA] Psionic Medical Corps. (Crowley Develops Field Medics/Doctors with Psionic Bonuses)
[X][CCW] You will declare for the Empress.
[X][TOA] China
[X][ARA] Psionic Medical Corps. (Crowley Develops Field Medics/Doctors with Psionic Bonuses)
If we have an intrigue action avaible aside from anything that could help us with the civil war, we should probably try to look into the Children of Ching Shih. We do know that they target primarly the chinese federation and that they managed to infiltrate the Raj government. So they could be an usefull ally in this, the problem is that we don't really know what their long term goals are, which is something that we should find out if we have the spare time for it.
[X][CCW] You will declare for the Empress.
[X][TOA] China
[X][CtN] Reject Completed Action as Insufficient.
[X][ARA] Psionic Medical Corps. (Crowley Develops Field Medics/Doctors with Psionic Bonuses)
If we have an intrigue action avaible aside from anything that could help us with the civil war, we should probably try to look into the Children of Ching Shih. We do know that they target primarly the chinese federation and that they managed to infiltrate the Raj government. So they could be an usefull ally in this, the problem is that we don't really know what their long term goals are, which is something that we should find out if we have the spare time for it.
I don't know about other potential plan makers but putting off activating our 3rd Intrigue action is something I'm not willing to do. Unless it will be "the world is about to catch on fire if we don't do this" action then not having Shadow Administration in it pretty much disqualifies a plan for me.
Same for not taking the Piety action to take a look at the swords we need to give back. Only in piety I am torn between expanding our psionic workforce from the 50 under Crowley using the 2 year long Recruitment action, potentially fo9llow up on the Orb (which might be included in our Ruin Delvers roll during the rumor mill phase) and starting working on our alchemists so Lelouch isn't the only one capable of crafting the things we are researching.
It was my understanding that the other branches would open up later but need more money to accomplish no matter what we pick.

Nah, if the heroes goes to the ninjas or doctors, then they settle into their immediate field and that's that. Only Jaegar's tree can potentially pursue the other options in the future due to them being in a much more removed position focusing on research and teaching.
[X][CCW] You will declare for the Empress.
[X][TOA] China
[X][CtN] Reject Completed Action as Insufficient.
[X][ARA] Psionic Medical Corps. (Crowley Develops Field Medics/Doctors with Psionic Bonuses)



So I just found these two videos and they got me thinking. These headhunters live in the area we are currently operating in and I was wondering if it might be worth looking into them. Their habit of taking heads had to do with them believing the head held the fighting spirit of the warrior and when you killed someone you took their power while their spirit would watch over your your house from the skull in exchange for offerings. The fighting spirit thing kinda reminds me of psionics and how the New Heaven leader was going to consume the kid. Coincidence? Or did New Heaven learn it from the head hunters?
Between Jaegar's +25 learning, +5 SL4, +15 Omake, and +10:

additional (+10) Bonus to Animal & Human Testing Actions.

We're at +55, the DC of human testing is 90 so we'd have to roll below 35 twice to fail it accounting for KoH reroll. About a 12% chance. If the Organic Experimentations bonus was something like +10 then it would be around 6%. Which to me is well within range to go for it and save ourselves another action, getting implementable results out that much quicker.

Lelouch could be piloting a psionically operated Knightmare by next year for example.
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[X][CCW] You will declare for the Empress.
[X][TOA] China
[X][CtN] Reject Completed Action as Insufficient.
[X][ARA] Psionic Medical Corps. (Crowley Develops Field Medics/Doctors with Psionic Bonuses)
Most votes seem to be pretty foregone. For the one that is still close...

[X][ARA] Psionic Medical Corps. (Crowley Develops Field Medics/Doctors with Psionic Bonuses)

I kind of like this more. Sure, Jeager may give more options down the line, but we are kind of tied for actions. Also, the siblings have a background and interest in medicine. It just feels more right to let them go into it further.
Between Jaegar's +25 learning, +5 SL4, +15 Omake, and +10:

We're at +55, the DC of human testing is 90 so we'd have to roll below 35 twice to fail it accounting for KoH reroll. About a 12% chance. If the Organic Experimentations bonus was something like +10 then it would be around 6%. Which to me is well within range to go for it and save ourselves another action, getting implementable results out that much quicker.

Lelouch could be piloting a psionically operated Knightmare by next year for example.
I still want to do the animal testing action if only just for knowledge and added security. Basically we can use animals to test failure states that could be the result of battle damage. That makes both human testing safer (as we don't need to perform similar tests on humans) and prepares the system for potential battle damage. Cutting corners on equipment connecting to your brain doesn't seem the smartest option.
Cutting corners on equipment connecting to your brain doesn't seem the smartest option.

I don't particularly see this as being the likely outcome of sucess. The issues you point out seem to me to be baked in to the higher DC, not as something that is going to continue even after success. That's why we have the option of animal testing to lower the DC, or just going for it and doing all the hard work at once.
[x][CCW] You will declare for the Empress.
[x][TOA] China
[X][CtN] Accept +200 Income for the Action.
[x][ARA] Psionic Medical Corps. (Crowley Develops Field Medics/Doctors with Psionic Bonuses)
I don't particularly see this as being the likely outcome of sucess. The issues you point out seem to me to be baked in to the higher DC, not as something that is going to continue even after success. That's why we have the option of animal testing to lower the DC, or just going for it and doing all the hard work at once.
Yes, but with such a high bonus (+40 without omake) there is a good chance of a crit and associated bonus reward. On every stage of the project that we have done a crit either eliminated a future stage (the computers are already small enough to fit inside a KMF without an extra action) or something else. Basically making the equipment better.
So even if we do animal testing then the worst possibility is that a failed human testing won't cause extra corpses while making the action easier. Best case we get something towards a future stage like the practical application tree where we have psionic detectors/shielding/inhibitors/amplifiers.
Yes, but with such a high bonus (+40 without omake) there is a good chance of a crit and associated bonus reward. On every stage of the project that we have done a crit either eliminated a future stage (the computers are already small enough to fit inside a KMF without an extra action) or something else. Basically making the equipment better.
So even if we do animal testing then the worst possibility is that a failed human testing won't cause extra corpses while making the action easier. Best case we get something towards a future stage like the practical application tree where we have psionic detectors/shielding/inhibitors/amplifiers.

If you're factoring crits the best case of human testing is almost certainly going to be better though than the best case of animal testing.
[x][CCW] You will declare for the Empress
[x][TOA] India
[x][CtN] Reject Completed Action as Insufficient.
[x][ARA] Psionic Medical Corps. (Crowley Develops Field Medics/Doctors with Psionic Bonuses)
If you're factoring crits the best case of human testing is almost certainly going to be better though than the best case of animal testing.
It still doesn't change the fact that skipping animal testing will involve trading lives for time. Most likely criminal lives but still lives.
From the action description I'm reading it as animal testing introducing safeties into the human testing so even if the action fails we don't end up with bodies.
You are also factoring in a reroll when calculating chances and most likely the one for any action since we lack specific Learning rerolls. In a turn when we want to save it for more important things dealing with the situation in China.
So I am not comfortable with a 1/3 chance for dead or brain damaged human test subjects just to save a turn.
And even a success might produce some bodies that need disposal as you just can't test certain things without taking risks or breaking a test subject.

EDIT: Basically my argument is that while we could do it with game mechanics, there are narrative factors I think are as important. You basically ignore potential narrative effects and that game mechanic bonuses will overwrite any problems if we just manage to pass the roll.
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[X][CCW] You will declare for the Empress.
[X][TOA] China
[X][CtN] Reject Completed Action as Insufficient.
[X][ARA] Psionic Medical Corps. (Crowley Develops Field Medics/Doctors with Psionic Bonuses)

China, because being half hearted about this just isn't in the cards for me. If we support the Empress, then we may as well make sure she fucking wins.
China is actually the safest option in my opinion. We have no idea what's in india. Due to our OOC question we know we can possibly flip the defense in China and the only real obstical will be one city. Better hope we pass the diplo checj if there is one.
EDIT: Basically my argument is that while we could do it with game mechanics, there are narrative factors I think are as important. You basically ignore potential narrative effects and that game mechanic bonuses will overwrite any problems if we just manage to pass the roll.

Ignoring the mechanical framing for reroll priority you give which I don't agree with but is subjective so not worth getting into. Narratively I don't see why you think there will be a bunch of bodies piled up on a success. The text pretty clearly indicates the presumption of success is possible without a bodycount.

Also even in the case there are casulties, narratively all the way back the first time we recruited Wei it was over the corpse on another inmate to get him out. Trading lives for results is something Lelouch is already well versed in, i'm not ignoring anything.
Ignoring the mechanical framing for reroll priority you give which I don't agree with but is subjective so not worth getting into. Narratively I don't see why you think there will be a bunch of bodies piled up on a success. The text pretty clearly indicates the presumption of success is possible without a bodycount.

Also even in the case there are casulties, narratively all the way back the first time we recruited Wei it was over the corpse on another inmate to get him out. Trading lives for results is something Lelouch is already well versed in, i'm not ignoring anything.
Yeah, but how well do you think that Euphemia will take such callous actions, even if there are no bodies? What about indulging in the worst aspects Jaeger's damaged mind, which might go even more downhill than it already has? Or pushing Lelouch towards becoming even more morally grey than he already is?

Besides, there is a difference between coming to an agreement with a man who is already dying of cancer to give up his life for something for his family, and using people as test subjects in experiments that involves directly messing with their minds. On tests involving psionic powers. Even if there are no bodies, it might still leave people drooling vegetables, or worse.

I mean, do you want to invite the dice to fuck us over by creating a powerful, hostile and resourceful insane psychic criminal who decides to become our arch-nemesis? Because I'm suspicious that it is distinct possibility on the table with crit-fails. Well, maybe not on that scale, but even a brief explosion of psychic potential during the experimentation progress could mean bad things for our research staff, including Jaeger.

Yeah, I'm not skipping animal testing for just one year.
I think for the narrative, we might as well just take what we have now. I can't imagine us having the free slot to redo it next turn with what is coming to be, there is a bunch of other diplomatic actions that would need to be done I'd imagine, from calming down the Brittanian allies, to rallying banner to support Tianzi. We can try to throw out propaganda to spin our narrative, but given how we're jumping into a conflict that's gonna be covered globally, I don't know how effective is the curated coverage we can give people when the rest of world is gonna have their own spin. Frankly this is committing one future action for a decision point that was mediocre to begin with. I get that questers really hate not getting perfect success, but seriously just let this one go so we can actually choose diplomatic option that will fucking matter next turn instead of just giving tabloid coverage to the brittanian.

In regard to what to use for the Psionic, I think the Psionic medic is the best option since it's gonna have immediate impact on our troops fighting ability, which will be relevant if we're actually gonna jump in and invade a port and actually have boot in the ground for our entanglement instead of just limiting it to naval engagement. We're entering a turn that may result in paradigm changing if not outright game ending on bad rolls, so picking options with more short term impact is probably preferable to longer term, even if the long term effect may have the best result.

[x][CCW] You will declare for the Empress.
[x][TOA] China
[X][CtN] Accept +200 Income for the Action.
[x][ARA] Psionic Medical Corps. (Crowley Develops Field Medics/Doctors with Psionic Bonuses)
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