Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

[] Expedition and holy
-[] Shadow Administration: Now that you're hiring a bunch of people to camouflage the fact that you're hiring a bunch of ninja-spies, you should actually get around to hiring those ninja-spies. Or, at least, officially hiring the ones who are going to be telling the unofficial ones what to do and process their reports. Cost: 400; Upkeep: 200; DC: 40; Rewards: 'Staff' hired to manage covert affairs.
-[] Expedition Escorts: (CANNOT BE TAKING WITH LIVING IN THE SHADOWS) With your military otherwise occupied and the expedition as a whole something of a secret anyway, it would be better to simply send a covert force with your expedition team in order to keep their objectives and discoveries a secret. Cost: 500; Upkeep: 250 (For Duration of Operation); DC: 40/80; Rewards: Lower Expedition DC, Increase Expedition Options.
-[] Ramjet Theory: Quite honestly, you can't use this technology. However, you can sell it if you develop it properly. It might even net you a significant sum depending on the buyer. Hashima is certain of her ability to produce results, at least, and it's significantly less strange than some of Jaegar's technology. Cost: 800; Upkeep: 200; DC: 60; Time: 2 Years; Rewards: Development of a potentially valuable technology.
-[] Animal Testing: A purely psionic man-machine interface is an impressive and potentially ground-breaking technological advance. It's also dangerous. You've decided to move forward with animal testing to ensure nothing goes horribly wrong. Cost: 200; Upkeep: 100; DC: 60; Rewards: Ensure psionic computation prototypes won't automatically kill whoever you attach them to, human testing becomes easier.
-[] Lessons of Faith: Interrogation is such an ugly word, but very often a necessary one. Thankfully, the days of torture and brutality are long gone. Instead, you have far more sinister means at your disposal. Alcohol, for instance. Processed sugar and delicacies these men have never tasted. Even women if you can source a few whores from nearby ports and they give you actionable intelligence. Cost: 200; Upkeep: 100; Time: 2 Years; DC: 75; Rewards: Decrypt New Heaven Psionic Abilities, Gain New Curriculum.
-[] Weapons of Faith: Alternative to the prisoners you have taken, you instead have a large cache of weapons and armor which you can examine to determine the techniques used to create and operate them. This will be a much simpler affair than interrogating prisoners, even if not necessarily a shorter one. If you have the time and personnel, you might even be able to look at Thunstone's weapon and the blades on loan from the OSI, even if you're supposed to be returning them this year. Cost: 300; Upkeep: 50; Time: 2 Years; DC: 50/75/100; Rewards: Decrypt New Heaven Psionic Arms & Armor, Gain Producible Equipment/Modifiers.

So we all agree shadow administration is a must but i think sending our spies along with the expedition is more useful. We are locked into the ramble jet and I agree with animal testing. As for piety I just copied above plans.
Because the moratorium is almost up and I don't have time to check to see if this has been addressed before it is, weren't we supposed to have an option to have a spy on the Eunuchs and share the information with the Tianzi? Would that option fall under Side Quest?
-[ ] Side Quest: With agents spread out across south-east Asia, Australia, and Indonesia, you have an immense head-start at building a new secret service to rival the OSI itself. Still, there are things going on in the world which require your attention now, not later. You'll just have to pick a suitable target. Cost: 300; Upkeep: 0; DC: Varies; Rewards: Select an espionage target to gain information and open further options, DC varies by target.

-[ ] Shadow Administration: Now that you're hiring a bunch of people to camouflage the fact that you're hiring a bunch of ninja-spies, you should actually get around to hiring those ninja-spies. Or, at least, officially hiring the ones who are going to be telling the unofficial ones what to do and process their reports. Cost: 400; Upkeep: 200; DC: 40; Rewards: 'Staff' hired to manage covert affairs.

-[ ] Animal Testing: A purely psionic man-machine interface is an impressive and potentially ground-breaking technological advance. It's also dangerous. You've decided to move forward with animal testing to ensure nothing goes horribly wrong. Cost: 200; Upkeep: 100; DC: 60; Rewards: Ensure psionic computation prototypes won't automatically kill whoever you attach them to, human testing becomes easier.

-[ ] Ramjet Theory: Quite honestly, you can't use this technology. However, you can sell it if you develop it properly. It might even net you a significant sum depending on the buyer. Hashima is certain of her ability to produce results, at least, and it's significantly less strange than some of Jaegar's technology. Cost: 800; Upkeep: 200; DC: 60; Time: 2 Years; Rewards: Development of a potentially valuable technology.

-[ ] Enhanced Recruitment: All told, you have fewer than fifty people studying the 'magic of the mind.' In large part, this is because of your own wealth of expertise and inherited knowledge. However, if you ever want to actually put much of this theory into practice, you'll need to enlarge your operations substantially. Luckily, you've finished the basic training curricula. Cost: 800; Upkeep: 300; Time: 2 Years; DC: 50/70; Rewards: Build a pool of potentially powerful psionics and healers to be used in other operations, Piety options increase.

-[] Weapons of Faith: Alternative to the prisoners you have taken, you instead have a large cache of weapons and armor which you can examine to determine the techniques used to create and operate them. This will be a much simpler affair than interrogating prisoners, even if not necessarily a shorter one. If you have the time and personnel, you might even be able to look at Thunstone's weapon and the blades on loan from the OSI, even if you're supposed to be returning them this year. Cost: 300; Upkeep: 50; Time: 2 Years; DC: 50/75/100; Rewards: Decrypt New Heaven Psionic Arms & Armor, Gain Producible Equipment/Modifiers.

Intrique: Side Quest for a focus on actionable intelligence and intrique benefits for our invasion of china. I don't approve of the India just incase mentality. I'd rather stack the odds in favor of our big gamble than divide attention and efforts in the name of having a backup, especially with such high DCs. Better to walk quietly and leverage intelligence gained strategically than make a desperate grasp at a backup option.
Shadow Administration for the many reasons others are in favor of it.

Learning: Animal testing is the obvious choice.

Piety: Enhanced Recruitment for the Psionic Healers it provides. I acknowledge I was wrong about more actions earlier. I was awake 10 minutes at the time. Changed my mind about weapons.
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So we all agree shadow administration is a must but i think sending our spies along with the expedition is more useful. We are locked into the ramble jet and I agree with animal testing. As for piety I just copied above plans.
I don't think we can take the expedition Intrigue action without taking the learning one. Either way it will be an extra turn of upkeep and lock the Intrigue action until we finish the expedition.
Because the moratorium is almost up and I don't have time to check to see if this has been addressed before it is, weren't we supposed to have an option to have a spy on the Eunuchs and share the information with the Tianzi? Would that option fall under Side Quest?
I think we will be able to task our spies for other targets like Slayer mentioned during the invasion mini turn. Because he said we will be able to target China itself instead of India.
I would have preferred an intel sharing operation myself.
For Piety, Lessons of Faith is mandatory, considering we've had infiltration attempts. The more we put it off, the more likely it is someone will have a successful infiltration and deprieve us of the New Heaven prisoners we have, which is something we can't risk. We need to get our hands on their knowledge to pave the way for managing to trigger the Secret Victory Condition of New Heaven.
The anti psionic swords will need to be returned after this turn (or more like in the middle of this turn). We might be able to figure them out if we roll well enough and we don't want to miss that opportunity.
From what I understand the tiers would be:
Tier 1: New Heaven equipment
Tier 2: Thunstone's super sword (and maybe Sayoko's family blade)
Tier 3: Borrowed OSI weapons
Tier 2 and 3 might be swapped. It depends. Someone might show up early to take the OSI weapons. We also shouldn't be doing destructive analysis on the OSI weapons but we could get away with destroying/damaging one or two items and writing it off as combat damage. On the other hand we can't afford to be careless with unique artifacts like Thunstone's or Sayoko's swords.
And as I mentioned before flipping the prisoners will only get harder as we keep them imprisoned since they are used to austere living conditions.

@Slayer Anderson My read on a 3rd Piety action is that we need to find a good enough Piety advisor (since Crowley isn't good enough after we got the Orb upgrade) and increase our cult/psionic research group to at least a size similar to the shinobi clans. Am I correct that enhanced recruitment won't give us a 3rd action?
According to Slayer's last answer, we need a religious organization/cult on the scale of New Heaven to gain the 3rd action, and I don't think the first option for recruiting will suddenly net us that many people. We'd need a multi-chain crit like how Lulu got the shinobi clans for that to happen. The Piety advisor is a bust because Lelouch himself would be more knowledgeable than any potential candidate that we can currently recruit IIRC.

So we all agree shadow administration is a must but i think sending our spies along with the expedition is more useful. We are locked into the ramble jet and I agree with animal testing. As for piety I just copied above plans.
There's no point in sending the spies with the expedition if you don't take the Expedition (Learning) action. You might want to fix that in your plan.
According to Slayer's last answer, we need a religious organization/cult on the scale of New Heaven to gain the 3rd action, and I don't think the first option for recruiting will suddenly net us that many people. We'd need a multi-chain crit like how Lulu got the shinobi clans for that to happen. The Piety advisor is a bust because Lelouch himself would be more knowledgeable than any potential candidate that we can currently recruit IIRC.
I'm still holding out for luring CC into the harem. We just need some good results from Jaeger research and a pizza shop on our island and we are set. The Geass Directorate due to being a secret organization in the middle of nowhere has trouble getting pizza deliveries.:)

EDIT: since a hour has passed I edited my plan to add the X marks.
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I don't think we can take the expedition Intrigue action without taking the learning one. Either way it will be an extra turn of upkeep and lock the Intrigue action until we finish the expedition.

There's no point in sending the spies with the expedition if you don't take the Expedition (Learning) action. You might want to fix that in your plan.

For some reason I was thinking the military expedition we are sending to china was the expedition that option was referring to.
Intrique: Side Quest for a focus on actionable intelligence and intrique benefits for our invasion of china.
I don't think Side Quest is the action to use for gaining actionable intel in China, as it's something that has been available since Turn 7, so it's not something new that is meant to handle a high-stakes operation like the Chinese civil war. That should fall under the "Living in Shadows" action which is directly involved with the evolving crisis.

Piety: Enhanced Recruitment for the Psionic Healers it provides.
I think ignoring the New Heaven prisoners for another 2 years is too wasteful, since both Piety actions lock us in for at least that long. That would degrade much of their intelligence value and become a logistical burden for us in housing/feeding them on a fief that still relies on imports and is constantly in danger of infiltration from unknown parties, while most of our military is being sent away from the island too.
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I think ignoring the New Heaven prisoners for another 2 years is too wasteful, since both Piety actions lock us in for at least that long. That would degrade much of their intelligence value and become a logistical burden for us in housing/feeding them on a fief that still relies on imports and is constantly in danger of infiltration from unknown parties.
We didn't capture enough of them for them to be a burden. I am more worried that OSI will politely ask for them if we aren't doing anything with them or that they will harden their resolve due to Lelouch being painted as a demon in their propaganda.
We might even in addition to the inhuman methods of wine, sweets and women need to unleash the nuclear option after they spend 2 years hardening their resolve. Euphy's puppy dog eyes.
And that doesn't take into account potential escape attempts before we have access to psionic inhibitors.
@Slayer Anderson My read on a 3rd Piety action is that we need to find a good enough Piety advisor (since Crowley isn't good enough after we got the Orb upgrade) and increase our cult/psionic research group to at least a size similar to the shinobi clans. Am I correct that enhanced recruitment won't give us a 3rd action?
Main limiting factor is size at this point. You need to either grow or co-opt a larger organization to get the third piety action.
Because the moratorium is almost up and I don't have time to check to see if this has been addressed before it is, weren't we supposed to have an option to have a spy on the Eunuchs and share the information with the Tianzi? Would that option fall under Side Quest?
Living in the Shadows will, much like the Chinese Invasion action, feature more limited options instead of going all out and seizing the reigns of government.

Potential options for an intrigue 'invasion' will be Watch & Wait (Only interfering is something bad happens), Active Spying (Feed all information either to you or a friendly force), Hostage Taking (Alert the individuals you either have their loved ones or are now capable of killing them if they don't comply), or one or two other potential choices that I'm still refining.

Moratorium is Over! You may vote!
For Piety, Lessons of Faith is mandatory, considering we've had infiltration attempts. The more we put it off, the more likely it is someone will have a successful infiltration and deprieve us of the New Heaven prisoners we have, which is something we can't risk. We need to get our hands on their knowledge to pave the way for managing to trigger the Secret Victory Condition of New Heaven.
I thought the key to that was befriending the psionic child wei and his team saved from being sacrificed?
I'm still holding out for luring CC into the harem.
If we were to somehow roll the 5 tier crit required, I would hope we'd be rolling on something more rewarding than old woman in a young body harem addition.
I don't think Side Quest is the action to use for gaining actionable intel in China, as it's an action that has been available since Turn 7, so it's not something new that is meant to handle a high-stakes operation like the Chinese civil war. That should fall under the "Living in Shadows" action which is directly involved with the evolving situation.

I think ignoring the New Heaven prisoners for another 2 years is too wasteful, since both Piety actions lock us in for at least that long. That would degrade much of their intelligence value and become a logistical burden for us in housing/feeding them on a fief that still relies on imports and is constantly in danger of infiltration from unknown parties.
@Slayer Anderson can side quest be used to benefit our invasion of china?

I have to weigh my priorities. We decided to interfere in the chinese war knowing it could very well cost Lelouch most of his support base and all of his imperial ties. Between psionic prisoners intelligence and healers/cultists to leverage for invasion bonuses I have to go with healers and cultists.

I feel a lot of voters are playing the larger picture game during the most crucial focus turn in the quest so far. Again we are gambling everything on this, can we focus on the battle before us rather than longterm psionic asperations?
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You lean back, nodding slowly. Sayoko's summary was a broad over-simplification, of course, but it fit with what he knew of things as they stood.

Shadow Administration feels a bit greedy. Now that we have a massive operation going, it might be better to put our resources to use rather than work on expanding the network so we have more actions at a later date.

Want to take Expedition Escorts & Side Quest, personally.
I don't agree that trying to go for an assassination for India is a good plan. I certainly disagree with the idea that it is actually going all in on our invasion in China.

It is more or less an attempt to 'win harder,' rather than trying to make sure we actually win. If we do well with the invasion in China, it helps a great deal. If we don't, it might offer a way out, but those actions will not have an immense effect on said invasion in China based on OOC knowledge.

But our invasion in China is likely our best path and the most likely exploit we can manage that we know of. Knowing stuff like that there is only one fleet that has questionable loyalty and that Xingke may be able to turn IC would so dramatically change our battle plans IC that it would be worth it's weight in gold. We know the assassination strike isn't needed, better to try and make sure the attack that we are going to try and pull off actually works.
Living in the Shadows will, much like the Chinese Invasion action, feature more limited options instead of going all out and seizing the reigns of government.

Potential options for an intrigue 'invasion' will be Watch & Wait (Only interfering is something bad happens), Active Spying (Feed all information either to you or a friendly force), Hostage Taking (Alert the individuals you either have their loved ones or are now capable of killing them if they don't comply), or one or two other potential choices that I'm still refining.
Thank you. I suppose I do support the action then, even if I have different ideas on what to do with it.

[X] Plan: China Ops
-[X] Shadow Administration:
-[X] Living in the Shadows:
-[X] Animal Testing:
-[X] Enhanced Recruitment:
-[X] Psionic Engineering:

I know a lot of people are talking up the Faith options as 'we're totally going to miss this if we don't take it now,' but you have to consider, we do not have the people to research several paths at once. If we do research that stuff we're going to have to do follow up actions to research it even more. Something else will get dropped, that's how this quest's action economy works.

With that in mind, Psionic Engineering and Alchemical Practitioners have been some of our biggest goals for psionics, to create the basics for an industrial base for psionics. It's in large part what we hope Jaeger to achieve. So researching at least one of them helps push us further down that path. Enhanced Recruitment also slowly starts building up our research ability, giving us to take on more ambitious projects.

If we just chase after the things that are here because we might miss them if we don't, we'll not be able to ever get around to our actual research goals, which we do have.
EDIT: since a hour has passed I edited my plan to add the X marks.
I think it's generally better to wait for Slayer to open the vote since it's usually how he does things for this quest's moratorium. Also if you add the [X] to your previous draft it's kinda sneaky, so it's better to repost it instead.

[X] Plan Matters of Faith and holding India hostage
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@Slayer Anderson can side quest be used to benefit our invasion of china?
If you wanted to pick the Children of Ching Shih and do a deep dive into them to alert you of any potential problems they might cause, you could choose Side Quest for that. Note that this is not me saying you'll get anything out of it if you do intensely spy on the Children this turn, it's just the only justification Lelouch would have to pick that option and expect to receive anything that could benefit the current crisis.

Otherwise, the main benefit is going to be Living in the Shadows if you want stuff with India/China.
I thought the key to that was befriending the psionic child wei and his team saved from being sacrificed?

The child is part of that, yes. However, considering that the victory condition resumes to us dueling the leader of New Heaven in psionic combat and winning, getting more knowledge about what psychic powers New Heaven forces employ is an important part of that process.
If it wasn't for the infiltration attempts we've had this turn, I would not be pushing so hard for Lessons of Faith, but I'm worried that our base isn't secure enough to guarantee that we won't lose the prisoners if we wait too much on the matter.
I thought the key to that was befriending the psionic child wei and his team saved from being sacrificed?
There is never a single path to a goal. Every action can open a new fork in the road.
And less philosophically. Who would be more likely to know about the possibility for a trial by combat leadership challenge. The child who was groomed as a sacrifice? Or the psionic combatants that were higher tier citizens?
If we were to somehow roll the 5 tier crit required, I would hope we'd be rolling on something more rewarding than old woman in a young body harem addition.
I was partially joking. But showing that our psionic tech is good enough might convince the leader of Geass Directorate (CC) to join forces with us and give us leadership of the Directorate with Charles blessing. Then she would act in the same manner as Sayoko does in Intrigue.
I have to weigh my priorities. We decided to interfere in the chinese war knowing it could very well cost Lelouch most of his support base and all of his imperial ties. Between psionic prisoners intelligence and healers/cultists to leverage for invasion bonuses I have to go with healers and cultists.

I feel a lot of voters are playing the larger pictur during the most crucial focus turn in the quest so far. Again we are gambling everything on this, can we focus on the battle before us rather than longterm psionic asperations?
The recruitment is a 2 year action. We won't be seeing psionic combat medics in our regular forces any time soon. At most we will get the siblings. It will take time to train any psionic forces and they won't impact the result. Unleashing shinobi with New Heaven equipment supporting our forces on the other hand might have a large impact if the civil war drags on for 2 years.
The recruitment is a 2 year action. We won't be seeing psionic combat medics in our regular forces any time soon. At most we will get the siblings. It will take time to train any psionic forces and they won't impact the result. Unleashing shinobi with New Heaven equipment supporting our forces on the other hand might have a large impact if the civil war drags on for 2 years.
A crit could expedite the process and the civil war will last more than one year. Having healers for a climatic final battle could be helpful.
I think ignoring the New Heaven prisoners for another 2 years is too wasteful, since both Piety actions lock us in for at least that long. That would degrade much of their intelligence value and become a logistical burden for us in housing/feeding them on a fief that still relies on imports and is constantly in danger of infiltration from unknown parties.
I feel the same way about new heaven prisoners. It's arrogant and wasteful not to expand our psionic forces in favor of hastily increasing our piety curriculum options while we lack the numbers to use our cultists to do anything meaningful.
I thought the key to that was befriending the psionic child wei and his team saved from being sacrificed?
The key is learning more about New Heaven's internal culture and finding out their ritual customs of dueling so Lelouch can use that as a way to co-opt the organization. The prisoners can divulge that information just like Xiaobao.

I have to weigh my priorities. We decided to interfere in the chinese war knowing it could very well cost Lelouch most of his support base and all of his imperial ties. Between psionic prisoners intelligence and healers/cultists to leverage for invasion bonuses I have to go with healers and cultists.

I feel a lot of voters are playing the larger picture game during the most crucial focus turn in the quest so far. Again we are gambling everything on this, can we focus on the battle before us rather than longterm psionic asperations?
Psionic healers won't help our odds of success in the war, it only mitigates the casualties we take so that doesn't affect our odds directly. Also, it won't have any effect on the war since it won't finish for 2 turns. Slayer said any actions that are completed this year would apply to bonuses for the war mini-turn.

As I've said repeatedly, interrogating the prisoners is a time-sensitive action that requires our attention right now, how is that a long-term aspiration?

Shadow Administration feels a bit greedy. Now that we have a massive operation going, it might be better to put our resources to use rather than work on expanding the network so we have more actions at a later date.

Want to take Expedition Escorts & Side Quest, personally.
I don't see any other high priority actions that should replace Shadow Administration, doing the expedition this year is stretching our forces thin and prevents us from using an intrigue action for the civil war. Side Quest is a general intel gathering action that doesn't apply for China, that should fall under "Living in Shadows."
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I think it's generally better to wait for Slayer to open the vote since it's usually how he does things for this quest's moratorium. Also if you add the [X] to your previous draft it's kinda sneaky, so it's better to repost it instead.
The problem is that with the SV tally system behaves strangely. I prefer editing my draft into a vote. For example last phase one voter hijacked the winning plan by accident due to copying a draft missing a vote and the one that was counted in the tally. The plan of the original plan maker with all the options and the same name had only 1 vote.
As to waiting for Slayer. It is often that someone notices a hour has passed, posts their vote and then Slayer only confirms. If the moratorium was longer or Slayer said to wait due to fixing something in the update then I would.
Some QMs that impose a moratorium started using the inbuilt SV vote timer that seems to have the option to set when the vote will start and how long it will be open. I'm not sure how it works from the QM side.
[X] Plan Matters of Faith and holding India hostage

I think we should really try to get any Bonus we can for our Invasion of China so Living in the Shadows is a must in my opinion. Shadow Administration for a third intrigue Action next year should also help.
For learning I think we should wait unter Ramjet Theory is complete before we build a Prototyp with it, especially due to its cost. Same with the gawainnonly that I think Milly should take a look at it before Jeager takes it apart.
The difficult choice is piety, all of them could be helpfull but I think that we should at least try to learn something about the OSI weapons before we give them back, so Weapons of Faith.
The only unsure Option is Lessons of Faith in my opinion, but dealing with the captive psyonics as fast as possible shouldn't hurt
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I know a lot of people are talking up the Faith options as 'we're totally going to miss this if we don't take it now,' but you have to consider, we do not have the people to research several paths at once. If we do research that stuff we're going to have to do follow up actions to research it even more. Something else will get dropped, that's how this quest's action economy works.

With that in mind, Psionic Engineering and Alchemical Practitioners have been some of our biggest goals for psionics, to create the basics for an industrial base for psionics. It's in large part what we hope Jaeger to achieve. So researching at least one of them helps push us further down that path. Enhanced Recruitment also slowly starts building up our research ability, giving us to take on more ambitious projects.

If we just chase after the things that are here because we might miss them if we don't, we'll not be able to ever get around to our actual research goals, which we do have.
I think this is a disingenuous argument: the Psionic Engineering action is precisely the type of action that requires multi-year projects to unlock as it is about developing an entirely new tech tree. Alchemical Practitioners might not produce anything ground-breaking as modern chemistry might already be able to produce it; keep in mind that producing sakuradite is supposed to be the "gold standard" and probably requires a crit or multiple actions. With that in mind, our focus should be on handling immediate concerns like the prisoners instead of occupying our time with longer-term projects.

@Slayer Anderson Can we get confirmation whether Enhanced Recruiting will produce psionic healers that would be applicable for the Chinese conflict even though it's a 2-year long project?

[X] Plan Matters of Faith and holding India hostage
@Dark0 You just need to vote for the plan names, adding the sub-options requires a dash before the [X] or it counts as separate in the vote tally. Like this: -[X] Shadow Administration
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[X] Plan Chinese Campaign prep.
-[X] Living in the Shadows:
-[X] Shadow Administration:
-[X] Animal Testing:
-[X] Enhanced Recruitment:
-[X] Weapons of Faith:

Intrique: Living in the Shadows but with a focus on mainland china for impacting the outcome and options available in our martial action.
Shadow Administration for the many reasons others are in favor of it.

Learning: Animal testing is the obvious choice.

Piety: Enhanced Recruitment for the Psionic Healers it provides. The war is not likely to finish in a single year, so this could very well impact the outcome. Changed my mind about weapons.
Moratorium is Over! You may vote!
Voting is open.