I would like to point out something when it comes to bringing up Guinevere and snubbing her. With our actions in Indonesia combined with our mutual support to Schneizel/Cornelia faction going to her would have required snubbing her advances in person.I wish that were true. At times it looks like it could happen. But no, actions where we meet with Schniezel and Guinevere, two people we more or less will need to talk to because one is the prime minister and the other is both one of the front runners to the throne and someone who might decide to make our life... difficult should we snub her after becoming the Emperor Consort have only been available in the realm of Personal Actions. As their own, individual, actions.
She was trying to lure both us and Milly (there were advances directly to Milly for some projects) to lure us into her camp. That was what the unofficial invitation to crash her party was about. Not taking it allowed us to not try and play both sides (as I doubt the voters would agree to cut ties with Schneizel) or officially refuse her. She just decided we aren't worth the effort to recruit. And we have bad luck in messing with her PR.
I think it was even stated that she was hoping to recruit Euphy through us after we recruited her (which was the main catalyst for her inviting us to crash her party).
Like with everything Personal Actions are about choices. We will never make everyone happy. After us messing up her big pregnancy reveal with the stunts at both conferences we wouldn't have been her favorite person. At least not without jumping fully to her faction.
This quest is really good because it forces us to make choices. And rarely do we get to keep our cake and eat it at the same time. Just look at the amounts of discussions around some votes or how close some votes are. While the dice gods tend to laugh with mad abandon at our plans (or even the QMs plans) we choose a path forward every turn.
And even Euphy mentioned that there often will be choices between the private life and the requirements of our station. She just doesn't want us to abandon the family life for power completely. While Charles' choice made a rather toxic family life he also most likely had to make hard choices to stabilize the Empire in the wake of a civil war and lost wars with the EU (Russia). Not to mention the work he is doing to prepare for the threats from space (the project to rebuild the thought elevators).
Our only hope is to manage to strike a balance with what we can take and our ambitions. Which is troublesome while playing Lelouch. If we wanted a mostly quiet quest focused on building up then we would have gone with Hannes.