@Slayer Anderson This is mostly a proposal for next turn.
I don't think I am the only one that was confused why See a Girl About a Robot was still around (even if it cost half as much and had a DC lowered by 15 points) when Milly moved her residence to our island. That action was in addition to helping with Gawain's DC a potential path to recruiting Milly since we wanted her for her expertise (which included setting up facilities for our future KMF and space development projects). It was reasonable as she still needed to get her staff so any such projects wouldn't be under Stewardship yet as her specialty was disabled.
But she recruited her staff this turn. And Milly in addition to her duties in setting up infrastructure and her projects will be responsible for coordinating supplies for all other departments like the military and sciences (there might be some interesting line items for the psionic department that cause raised eyebrows).
So when Madison puts forward a proposal for constructing a very expensive and high DC facility for prototyping aircraft when we have Milly around it is rather strange. The high DC might be both because the Steiner Konzern would be opposing it with some regulatory roadblocks and Madison nor really having experience with setting up such large facilities.
Stewardship was often used for constructing facilities in other departments (the base, expanded port facilities, watchtowers for Martial and Lelouch's Temple/Workshop for Piety).
So with Milly being fully read in on what is going on and what is available on the island (including the Gawain and our plans to reverse engineer it). I wouldn't be surprised if Milly took over the construction project of the aircraft prototyping bay if we decide to sell our first engine design. It could have a lower DC but maybe a higher cost because for example Milly ties it into airfield expansion (since we will most likely want longer airstrips and more hangars and airstrips for our airforce expansion).
As for the KMF she might have a request from Jeanne for KMF training grounds and decides to help with Gawain while playing to our need to keep things secret offering to create a KMF design workshop combined with test/training area and hiding the development team as maintenance technicians in the paperwork. It could be a multiple DC project. With lowest we get a KMF bay and testing/training area that allows for designing our own KMF and offers bonuses to reverse engineering KMF but we failed to hide the purpose so other corporations know we are doing something with KMF design on our island. Middle DC manages to hide the design purpose. Highest being a bonus to KMF training due to Milly inviting Marianne to help design the testing/training area and might even give a SL increase to Milly due to social interactions with Lelouch's mother who dragged Lelouch and Nunnally to help.
Basically I think constructing the larger labs should be under Stewardship while design projects should be under Learning. Of course if we pay for the construction and maintenance of those facilities we would get the rewards for the Gawain reverse engineering project on the same level as if we done it without the Ashford help. In short a larger investment giving a larger return.
And this isn't just because we have so many interesting Diplomacy/Learning options to squeeze into 2 choices while we have 3 choices in Stewardship for some time.