[X] The Quixotic Quest

Hello everybody. Nice to see another Telamon history quest. The last one I was in was fun.
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So here's the mass tagging. I'm interpreting the likes on the post from earlier as approval to changing the plan, so as of now, it's 5 people being fine with the change, counting myself. I think I've got everyone else.

@PyrrosWarrior @Thule @Drake3520 @butchock @Aramis @globalwarmth @Spazerr @No-one of Importance @Camiadus @Kingofbooks @Teen Spirit @Redium @Uhtread @ctulhuslp @Dark Abstraction @Shadowend @Sir_Jazz @Ashmaker @Ridiculously Average Guy @FriedIce @Tonaris @CGTM2002 @KnightofTempest @Wing101 @Gumiho @DkArthas @Notcreative @Bullmoose

So, everyone I just tagged, @Publicola brought up the pretty good point that swapping out 'Revels in the Forum' to 'The Bacchanals' in the 'The Quixotic Quest' plan would do more for us in the long run, and having friends in the optimates may be very useful if things progress how they did historically. Would everyone be fine with that change?
So here's the mass tagging. I'm interpreting the likes on the post from earlier as approval to changing the plan, so as of now, it's 5 people being fine with the change, counting myself. I think I've got everyone else.

@PyrrosWarrior @Thule @Drake3520 @butchock @Aramis @globalwarmth @Spazerr @No-one of Importance @Camiadus @Kingofbooks @Teen Spirit @Redium @Uhtread @ctulhuslp @Dark Abstraction @Shadowend @Sir_Jazz @Ashmaker @Ridiculously Average Guy @FriedIce @Tonaris @CGTM2002 @KnightofTempest @Wing101 @Gumiho @DkArthas @Notcreative @Bullmoose

So, everyone I just tagged, @Publicola brought up the pretty good point that swapping out 'Revels in the Forum' to 'The Bacchanals' in the 'The Quixotic Quest' plan would do more for us in the long run, and having friends in the optimates may be very useful if things progress how they did historically. Would everyone be fine with that change?
I'm all for it.
So, everyone I just tagged, @Publicola brought up the pretty good point that swapping out 'Revels in the Forum' to 'The Bacchanals' in the 'The Quixotic Quest' plan would do more for us in the long run, and having friends in the optimates may be very useful if things progress how they did historically. Would everyone be fine with that change?
I have no problem with this change
Vote will be ending in the next couple hours. Plan Stay the Course is in the lead by two votes over Plan Quixotic Quest. As always in my quests, well-reasoned arguments and insightful discussion may tip the scales in close votes. Argue! Argue for me! ARGUE!

Usually I'd let voting run through the weekend, but my Rome muse is itching, so it's either this or another improptu history lesson. :V
Speaking of Sertorius pushing for it, @Telamon will Sertorius push for getting the Sixth assigned to him regardless of whether or not we accept his offer? If he does and we don't accept his offer, will that be a roll to determine if he is successful or will he automatically fail due to the players voting not to accept his offer. If he does push for it and he is successful in getting and we had refused his offer, would we still end up going to Hispania with him as part of the Sixth regardless of what decisions Atellus makes?

@Telamon Can you answer these questions? It will be relevant to what I put in my argument post so I would like these answers rather than using guesswork and assumptions.
@Telamon Can you answer these questions? It will be relevant to what I put in my argument post so I would like these answers rather than using guesswork and assumptions.

Sertorius will push for the Sixth in-story regardless of your decision, but I'll only actually roll for it if you say yes. If not, he's automatically shot down and given a different set of legions to take Spain.

It's one of those weird votes where the players themselves have more power than Atellus does in order to allow the conceit of choice. Those will get rarer as time goes on, but I figured I shouldn't send you all off to Spain without a choice in the matter.

Can I take the impromptu history lesson and let the voting run through the weekend?

No, because I already wrote all the important bits in the update except the parts you all pick. :V
Sertorius will push for the Sixth in-story regardless of your decision, but I'll only actually roll for it if you say yes. If not, he's automatically shot down and given a different set of legions to take Spain.

It's one of those weird votes where the players themselves have more power than Atellus does in order to allow the conceit of choice. Those will get rarer as time goes on, but I figured I shouldn't send you all off to Spain without a choice in the matter.

No, because I already wrote all the important bits in the update except the parts you all pick. :V

Fine, I'll make a long-winded argument post. :mad: :V
Argue! Argue for me! ARGUE!

Alright, let's give this a go. Regardless of what Telamon has intended, this vote is revolving around Sertorius' offer and the other votes are just secondary. Everyone is voting for the plan that lets us go with Sertorius and the one that doesn't.

I could try to make my arguement based on what let's us live the longest, what lets us be the most successful and how things went in real life, but I'm not as I am not that knowledge about this point in history and I'm not voting for those reasons. I am personally voting for going with Sertorius because I like him better than Scaevola and I find what he has to offer us, the players, more interesting. I joined the quest about the same time as we joined the legions as that is went I found this thread so I'll admit I have some bias. I didn't vote to get Scaevola as our mentor and I haven't partaken in the votes and surrounding discussion regarding him and the affair which got us on the bad side of Pompey. Admittedly, I also didn't get to vote for being part of the Sixth under Sertorius, but my active participation has been when Atellus has been serving in the Sixth with Sertorius as his mentor. I have emotional attachment to Sertorius which I don't have to Sacevola.

I also personally find the idea of serving under Sertorius as his protegee and potentially his right hand man and political heir to be more interesting than just trying to be another ambitious young man in Rome. Some of us want to make Atellus into someone famous who will be remembered by history for their actions. Well, I said this is the chance for that. Maybe we might have better chances in the future, but we may also have less changes. Yes, by picking Sertorius we commit to a side and make a choice, but it is a choice that we get to make. If we refuse his offer, we risk not getting to choose our fate as it may be chosen for us. Perhaps we might get a better chance to make our mark if we don't commit to this chance now, but we may not. It is a toss of the dice.

When it comes to Sertorius' offer, it is a matter of choosing our fates vs leaving it up to the dice. If we don't go with him, we might stay in Italia, perhaps around Rome. But we also may be sent to Gaul or to reinforcement Marius or to Africa or to Sicily or some other part of the Roman Republic. Some of these choices might let us continue to tread the line while others may force us into one side or the other or making that commitment under disfavourable circumstances. I say that we choose our fate rather than let it be chosen for us. I am not going to gamble that we might get a better opportunity in the future when we also risk gambling losing our future opportunities at the same time.

As I know I said I wouldn't touch upon these, I just want to say that we can't judge the outcomes of real life as being something absolute for us to use to guide our decisions. Marius lives. Atellus exists. We don't know how the Civil War will go, especially given what Telamon has hinted at. Sertorius might not rebel, he might not get betrayed. He didn't have us and, if we accept his offer, us supporting him as someone loyal and competent. Even ignoring all of the other butterflies that Telamon rolls for us, the butterflies that we create via Atellus could result in a very different ending for Sertorius.

Ultimately, I want to take this chance to shine as Sertorius' protegee. Good or ill, it is a chance for glory, both in warfare and diplomacy, something which I find attracted to get involved in in this quest. I want to take the chance to be unique and forge a place in history for ourselves. I don't want to continue being a nobody in Rome, just another ambitious youth. I don't want to continue straddling the line between being a optimate who is secretly a populare. I want to take this chance to commit and do some interesting things. Interesting things which will change the course of history and let us make our place in it for future generations to learn about.

Please vote to accept Sertorius' offer and for [] Plan Quixotic Quest
I'm really torn on Stay the course and Quixotic quest, I've seen the arguments but I'll ultimately go with [X] Stay the Course

Can I convince you to vote for Quixotic Quest?
Ahh, I see. Still, I'm still waffling on whether to go with Sertorius or not, as I don't think Scaevola is long for this world in any scenario, and that is the main reason I changed my vote earlier, loyalty to him as a Patron.

Can I convince to stop waffling and commit to going with Sertorius?
I am basically torn 50-50 between staying with Scaevola and going with Sertorius.

Since the requested change has been made or going to be made (@Meep what is the status on the change being made?), would you consider voting for