Hmm. Have the cyborg lady do a thing to Kessler's nanites to make a chunk of them go Hunter-Killer on the source of the sound, so the transmission systems get gray-goo-ed?

Not sure what spheres this would be, don't really know much outside of this quest, but it sounds like it might work.
Hmm. Have the cyborg lady do a thing to Kessler's nanites to make a chunk of them go Hunter-Killer on the source of the sound, so the transmission systems get gray-goo-ed?
Normally this could be a decent idea, but considering our current tech-screwing location this seems liable to just make us end up having to contain an outbreak of unshackled grey goo.
[X] Prioritize your actual target.

[X] Turn up the Radio. He can't be doing thatmuch cocaine right? Get Elsa to extract Jiminez and Kessler can do what he does best. Shirtless knife fighting.

Brayko may be gud at knife fitan but Kessler is MADE OF KNIVES.

will make decision on DAEMON FIGHT later.
Normally this could be a decent idea, but considering our current tech-screwing location this seems liable to just make us end up having to contain an outbreak of unshackled grey goo.
Ah, I forgot about the "Lol, fuck ur tech" effect.

Hmm, have Kessler vibrate his body at a certain frequency to cancel out the sound using martial arts training? That would be fitting into the local thing.

Again, not sure what spheres this would be.
[X] Attempt to disable it mechanically (requires Procedure use).

The map of the target location exists within Henriette's mind, a three dimensional topological scale of the location. ADEIs are wonderful things.

"Fall back to grid ES 923 945," Henriette orders the daemon. "Lure it across the frozen-over dry lakebed. The ground there is frozen solid right now, but I'll bombard it and it'll turn to three metre deep slush, there's so much water in the soil."

"Watching an enemy drown on dry land. Wonderful," the daemon says with a disturbing note of glee in its voice.

Henriette looks up at Mari in her HUD. "Right. Get me the best locations for shot placement for this. I'm counting on you," she says as she begins to load the mole shells she'll need for this.

"You know, there are better solutions if you want to liquefy the ground," Mari observes. "You could just use a Thumper shell. Or nanodispersants. Or..."

"Thumpers sometimes damage railgun launch mechanisms, nanodispersants aren't stable on Earth and have undesired side effects," Henriette says quickly. "High explosive mole rounds with a timer set up for subterranean detonation will do just fine on the frozen soil. Especially when that tank is already glowing red hot from the plasma."

"Why don't you just hit them with a burning ball of napaltha thrown from a trebuchet?" Mari grouches. "It's so crude!"

"There are doctrines for the use of trebuchets against area where the fabric of spacetime has undergone an extreme breakdown due to the use of Deviant powers," Henriette says archly. "They've been in use since the early Order of Reason. Modern field trebuchet designs might be made from carbon composite, but they're basically the same. I got to make one once as a project when I was thirteen. It was great."

Mari frowns. "I... I remember that," she says, brown wrinkling. "None of the context, but... urgh! Stop doing the things I did! Or... bah!" Grumbling, she obeys, tongue sticking out slightly as she tries to find the perfect spots for the shells.

"Sorry you had to see that. With the VX," Henreitte says softly.

"What? Oh! It was only neurotoxin," Mari says casually. "Not even any of the funnier kinds. I wanted to use AJD nanoaggravants, but you all said no. Even if the way they twitch as they're converted back into primal energy is so aesthetically pleasing. The released nanospores look like fireflies!"

"It's not stable," Henriette says, in place of all of the many, many things she could say.

"Urgh. Earth tech. So stupid and primitive."

[Henriette, Mari - Matter 2 - Melt and Reform rote. Once the target's on the dry lakebed, the bombardment will make the thick mud under the snow turn to liquid until it resettles, and the tank will sink into metres of mud and be completely submersed. The liquid mud will also get in its radiators and its gears and its air filters and its barrel and generally prove to be a total nightmare when it reforms because machinery hates mud, and that's even if it can somehow get out of the fact that it's now underground. Enhanced by Int + Heavy Weapons]

(Hopefully it'll just be trapped there, clogged up with mud and inoperable, because that will make it salvageable.)
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Err, because countersound to whack the music the baddie is making? Is that not a thing? I mean, it would cancel the buffs if the soundwaves are screwed up, right? Or am I misreading the write-ins that have been in the quest so far?

You're assuming it's the sound having the effect, rather than the fact that music is being played.

Reality Deviants don't have to obey the Technodigm. It's... sort of in the name.
Hmm, have Kessler vibrate his body at a certain frequency to cancel out the sound using martial arts training? That would be fitting into the local thing.
Why do you think this will help?

Either through noise cancelling (ie, causing the sound not to be heard) or by blowing up the speakers that are making it (something like this). Either sounds like a Forces 2 effect, with the problematic downside that because it's Reality Deviancy there's no guarantee that the sound is being produced by anything like 'speakers' that might be vulnerable to being overloaded, or even that the 'sounds' are 'pressure waves in the air' and vulnerable to being cancelled.
@EarthScorpion wouldn't that just result in the etherite (who almost certainly has Matter) doing any or all of the following?:
  • "My tank is amphibious and floats"
  • "My tank is so heavy we just sink to the bottom and keep going, good thing we're air tight and the treads are just decorative for the nuclear ramjet"
  • "deploy the ice ray"
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[X] Prioritize your actual target.
[X] Turn up the Radio. He can't be doing that much cocaine right? Get Elsa to extract Jiminez and Kessler can do what he does best. Shirtless knife fighting.

Not sure about the tank though.
You're assuming it's the sound having the effect, rather than the fact that music is being played.

Reality Deviants don't have to obey the Technodigm. It's... sort of in the name.
The solution is to bring out our own theme song and rock off?
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@EarthScorpion wouldn't that just result in the etherite (who almost certainly has Matter) doing any or all of the following?:
  • "My tank is amphibious and floats"
  • "My tank is so heavy we just sink to the bottom and keep going, good thing we're air tight and the treads are just decorative for the nuclear ramjet"
  • "deploy the ice ray"

  1. He reveals his location with that effect and can be back-tracked.
  2. "My tank floats" is either Matter 5 "Alter Properties" or some kind of Forces 4 anti-grav effect. If it's Alter Properties, then he's going to have to get a lot of successes on the fly to save the tank and he's just made his tank less dense than water, so Henriette can use Forces focused through an explosion to flip it. If it's Forces 4 anti-grav, that's probably vulgar with Mari witnessing ("Anti-grav doesn't work that way!") and it's using up one of his spell slots. Oh, and those are rather higher difficulty and he'll need more successes than them, because he has to affect an entire tank and tanks are big and heavy. Matter 2 is really simple magic. It's just an Adept and a Master Matter mage are working together to throw a lot of dice at it.
  3. If he sinks to the bottom, because the Matter 2 effect is "Melt and Reform" that means it stops being soft and squishy once the duration of the effect ends. Which means the tank is now trapped surrounded tightly by frozen earth. And if he uses a nuclear ramjet, he's just informed Henriette that "nuclear" is paradigm-okay. Which means she can break out Forces 4 artillery against the North Koreans.
  4. Ice rays won't help. If he uses an ice ray, then given he's already sunk into the mud, welp - he's just solidified the mud around himself. Which is what Henriette wanted to do anyway. Plus, if he's using it to counter their effect, Mari and Henriette are working together and that means they have 18 dice put towards a Matter 2 effect. With an ice ray, he's putting at most 10 dice towards a Forces 3 effect. The advantage is heavily in their favour.
Err, because countersound to whack the music the baddie is making? Is that not a thing? I mean, it would cancel the buffs if the soundwaves are screwed up, right? Or am I misreading the write-ins that have been in the quest so far?

The assumption you're making is that the enemy's magic runs on the rules of physics when they're denying, rather explicitly, that Technocratic physics mean anything.
The solution is to bring out our own theme song and rock off?
Let's call this plan "For Those About to Mock". Kessler makes fun of the RD's music choices, then starts playing music over the speakers that alternates between music insulting the RD and his Nork buddies and music that's an utterly ridiculous backdrop to an armed assault. Kessler himself, meanwhile, starts whistling something appropriate as he makes his way towards DJ Asshole to kill him.

Mechanics-wise, it's a Mind 2/Forces 2 procedure to counter or at least weaken the effect of the enemy music. Add Prime 1/2 if it's possible to use that to make Kessler's magic piggyback off the enemy's magic, forcing him to shut the whole effect down if he wants to keep us from hijacking it. Kessler's whistling is meant to resonate with his Legend trait, invoking it for our benefit.

Yes, this means that a killer cyborg is whistling the Terminator theme as he remorselessly hunts down his target.

For the tank, you have no idea how badly I want to come up with a plan that involves dumping ammonia into its NBC filters. :V

EDIT: Also, how safe are Elsa's GTFO Patches to use at the moment? They seem like a good way to extract those prisoners that are too injured to get out under their own power. Or all of the prisoners, if we have enough for that.
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How could we not?

EDIT: But yeah, there's a huge list of reasons why the technocratic aligned answer is a good choice. Disengage, withdraw, feed an endless swarm of robot zombies into the RC- and those are all good solid answers for people who aren't JOHN KESSLER.

John getting into a rock battle to cover a fighting retreat is pretty perfect- and for bonus points the war daemon can extract him by phasing through the area and dropping John off inside the crew compartment after our other forces are safely out of the...

Danger Zone.
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Okay, so. The music.

One of the Rogue Council members has decided to start playing music. Powerful music. Music that makes his soldiers faster and deadlier and capable of seeing into the future. Music that is glitching your combat robots. The solution to this is:

Countermagic is one possibility. Sadly, neither Kessler nor Elsa have the Prime for it. Kessler is, however, one of the deadliest sonsofbitches on the planet. And Elsa does have the Time/Corr to do a probabilistic forecast for where the optimal broadcast point for the music is. So Elsa can extract Jimenez with one of those handy GTFO patches, and then they can go murder the guy in the face.

[X] Turn up the Radio. He can't be doing that much cocaine right? Get Elsa to extract Jiminez and Kessler can do what he does best. Shirtless knife fighting.
Hmm. Does Kessler have the spheres to do a counter-magic rote to counter the debuff portion of the singing? Using the focus of, "Being an 80s action hero kungfu master means I can give people simple kungfu lessons on the fly" to help them keep their minds clear? May or may not be accentuated with slaps and admonitions to "keep it together, man."

Music that is glitching your combat robots.
Oh, right. Miss-remembered. Neeeever mind. Might work on Elsa though.

Look if she didn't want to experience being nerve gassed she shouldn't have joined the Rogue Council.
To be fair, there's a lot of nasty fates that one could avoid by not joining the Rogue Council.
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Hmm. Does Kessler have the spheres to do a counter-magic rote to counter the debuff portion of the singing?
Countermagic is Prime 3. Kessler has Prime 2. Elsa has Prime 3, but as a lab sphere she can only use to make gadgets, and I don't think she has any Countermagic Devices on her. Hence the murdering.
Countermagic is Prime 3. Kessler has Prime 2. Elsa has Prime 3, but as a lab sphere she can only use to make gadgets, and I don't think she has any Countermagic Devices on her. Hence the murdering.
I was hoping to get rid of the debuff so that we could more effectively get on with the murdering. But sadly Kessler's kungfu mastery, while wise and mystical and shit, is apparently not wise and mystical enough to be transmittable through a couple simple commands on the battlefield.
So lemme make sure I'm understanding this correctly.
We have an RC combatant who is buffing his allies with music based reality deviance. One of the affects of this buff is light precognition.
Meanwhile, we have a poster who somehow managed to see the update before it was actually posted.
So, I'd say a question that hasn't been asked yet that should be asked is thus: how do we plan to neutralize the forum going Rogue Council infiltrator @ArchAIngel ?
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So lemme make sure I'm understanding this correctly.
We have an RC combatant who is buffing his allies with music based reality deviance. One of the affects of this buff is light precognition.
Meanwhile, we have a poster who somehow managed to see the update before it was actually posted.
So, I'd say a question that hasn't been asked yet that should be asked is thus: how do we plan to neutralize the forum going Rouge Council infiltrator @ArchAIngel ?
I don't think a Rouge Council even exists. Hell, I don't even wear makeup!
Countermagic is Prime 3. Kessler has Prime 2. Elsa has Prime 3, but as a lab sphere she can only use to make gadgets, and I don't think she has any Countermagic Devices on her. Hence the murdering.

Eh, sort of but not really.

Mages of all stripes can do countermagic if they possess any spheres that overlap those used by the effect/procedure in question.

Prime 3 is a specific effect/procedure called antimagic, which globally raises the difficulties for all effects in the area, or at prime 4, unweaving, which uses prime to pull apart an extant effect.

For actual countermagic all you need is 1 dot in the sphere.
Eh, sort of but not really.

Mages of all stripes can do countermagic if they possess any spheres that overlap those used by the effect/procedure in question.

Prime 3 is a specific effect/procedure called antimagic, which globally raises the difficulties for all effects in the area, or at prime 4, unweaving, which uses prime to pull apart an extant effect.

For actual countermagic all you need is 1 dot in the sphere.
Does that mean veekie and The Sandman's ideas of a mix of Mind 2 (and possibly Forces 2?) + some Prime would work?
The solution is to bring out our own theme song and rock off?
Let's call this plan "For Those About to Mock". Kessler makes fun of the RD's music choices, then starts playing music over the speakers that alternates between music insulting the RD and his Nork buddies and music that's an utterly ridiculous backdrop to an armed assault. Kessler himself, meanwhile, starts whistling something appropriate as he makes his way towards DJ Asshole to kill him.

Mechanics-wise, it's a Mind 2/Forces 2 procedure to counter or at least weaken the effect of the enemy music. Add Prime 1/2 if it's possible to use that to make Kessler's magic piggyback off the enemy's magic, forcing him to shut the whole effect down if he wants to keep us from hijacking it. Kessler's whistling is meant to resonate with his Legend trait, invoking it for our benefit.

Yes, this means that a killer cyborg is whistling the Terminator theme as he remorselessly hunts down his target.
Especially since it would be Kessler the one doing it with Mind 2, and he probably has some ideas about the paradigmatic trickiness, so maybe he wouldn't be tripped up by things like "it doesn't matter if the sound or airwaves get blocked; all that matters is the music!"

There is another flash, and the Etherite supertank vanishes behind an angry red mushroom cloud for a moment, before charging through it, treads shedding molten glass. The heavy tank fires back, firing some sort of phase disruptor rounds, and for a few brief seconds the enemy can see its executioner-a demon. The two machines-one ultra-modern behemoth wrought of Soviet steel and Russian technology, the other an alien war machine simultaneously old and young, duel.
Right now, your initial assault has met a very inconvenient problem. A Russian supertank that seems to be survivable against plasma weapons. To deal with this issue, you will:
"Watching an enemy drown on dry land. Wonderful," the daemon says with a disturbing note of glee in its voice.