I bet the Union has to have something like the NATO rank equivalence tables, so people actually know whether an Operative with a Barrier surname outranks a Constable, and how an Executive compares to a Doctor. The people who use military ranks probably get rather annoyed at how the Operatives seem to use an obscure mix of surnames to make it difficult for everyone, and how despite acting as part of the military the Operatives refuse to just use a sensible system of ranks.

Is there any list of the NWO names somewhere? I saw a comment saying that there is one, but i have no idea where.
You seem to be under the misapprehension that this is a good thing?

Honestly, I can see the use of the character page. It could be useful for keeping track of characters and reminding people of their general personalities and the like when (yet again) a character who last appeared three arcs ago crops up and suddenly gains narrative importance.

I'm sure @Arkeus to pull out a mostly slightly sort of random name out would be thankful for a source of aide memoires. :p
Agreed. Though I wonder who handles promotions in his case. Jamelia could probably recommend it, as she's the head of his Amalgam, but is it up to ItX command or maybe his nominal superior in the Shock Corps (if he's even still in that Methodology)?

Technically ranks are supposed to be equivalent across organizations. Even the NWO technically has different ranks for Operatives (so Operative-I, Operative-II, Operative-III, Senior Operative-I, etc.) that have rank-equivalencies. In practice they are not cross-compatible across different parts of the same Convention most of the time. There's an unofficial pecking order where a Shock Corps Lieutenant who's running around in direct combat can order around a pilot of the same rank because the latter only commands one robot while the former has more experience and is significantly more valuable. Similarly Operatives of the same rank with different surnames know instinctively which one of them is senior and has to be listened to/is complained about in a bar because the true enemy isn't the Reality Deviants but that asshole directly in charge of you who has all those dumb ideas.

And of course, you have people who have formal Union ranks and cover ranks that are entirely different-this is often a NWO thing, where you might have a relatively junior Operative who's acting as a Captain or Colonel in a military as an 'aide,' but the Shock Corps also have NCOs who integrate into militaries as commissioned special forces officers. Technically those people are to be accorded respect to their cover rank at all times-in practice nobody does this.

Then you have the Progenitors and Syndicate, which don't actually have formal ranks for their important Metholodogies-the research pecking order in the Syndicate is powerful, elaborate, and completely opaque to outsiders, and because Syndicate executives generally run their own independent operations it's all about their connections and the prestige of their seat.

At which point most people just throw their hands up into the air and take orders from the guy or gal who looks the most like they're in charge and brings the fewest objections to said being in charge.
Then you have the Progenitors and Syndicate, which don't actually have formal ranks for their important Metholodogies-the research pecking order in the Syndicate is powerful, elaborate, and completely opaque to outsiders, and because Syndicate executives generally run their own independent operations it's all about their connections and the prestige of their seat.
Actually now that I think about it, this is probably the first mention I've seen of a research-related wing in the Syndicate.

You normally don't envision a bunch of economists as having a group that researches; not like you'd imagine a doctor or technician or even a NWO professor or psychiatrist or or or whatever...

What are Syndicate researchers like? What's the culture and the type of people there? What's their theme? ("Throw money at somebody to do it"?)
At which point most people just throw their hands up into the air and take orders from the guy or gal who looks the most like they're in charge and brings the fewest objections to said being in charge.

The amalgam system is an excellent way of taking drama from people inside an amalgam arguing over their relative position, and transferring it to Directors and Supervisors arguing over their relative position and also about how the fuck that bastard over there managed to get their hands on five brand new HITMark V when they're only using them for base security and seriously, if you're using them for security like that, that's what IIIs are for.
What are Syndicate researchers like? What's the culture and the type of people there? What's their theme? ("Throw money at somebody to do it"?)

Hypereconomics research is depressing because the theme is "we know exactly how to solve all of the biggest problems, have known for years, have been telling you for years, and it doesn't matter because the people in charge totally ignore us and do the exact fucking opposite thing". See, for example, the relationship the regular economics profession has with Europe.
Syndicate: "Germany no"

Germany: "GERMANY YES"

Syndicate: "Germany why"

NWO: "Good job losers. You fucked it up. B|"

Edit: And then go cheer themselves up by doing rails of Progenitor!Cocaine off copies of Atlas Shrugged and sobbing into their Adam Smith bodypillows. I dunno. ~Syndicate~.
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Nah, we can't whitewash the Technocracy here. There's totally a lot of Austrians among them.

For example, as a classic example of Supply Side economics, by supplying your kill team with a lot of bullets, the RDs will generate a demand of people to be shot by these bullets.

(this is an Entropy + Corr rote to aid in the tracking down of RD forces so you can shoot them).

The school of Technocracy Economics is somewhat handicapped by the way the Syndicate has a strong urge to take positions specifically to annoy the NWO. And the NWO sometimes takes positions to annoy the Syndicate into taking positions which are secretly what the NWO wanted all along, because ~nwo~.
The NWO cannot confirm or deny with any reasonable degree of certainty at this time as to whether or not it's fingers are in the general vicinity of space that may at one time have been occupied by the Syndicate's personage. The Syndicate insists that they obviously are as it is plain to see if one examines the proper figures. The NWO politely suggests that these claims are specious and the Syndicate is simply trying to make trouble.

Panopticon threatens to turn this entire goddamn Time Table around if they won't play nice and nobody wants to see that (and just wait until Control gets home and hears about this).
Actually now that I think about it, this is probably the first mention I've seen of a research-related wing in the Syndicate.

You normally don't envision a bunch of economists as having a group that researches; not like you'd imagine a doctor or technician or even a NWO professor or psychiatrist or or or whatever...

What are Syndicate researchers like? What's the culture and the type of people there? What's their theme? ("Throw money at somebody to do it"?)

They're spread across all the methodologies of the Syndicate, although efforts have been made to put them all in one group. Applied Hypertechnology is probably the closest to that group, the replacement for the SPD which does what the SPD originally did (take hypertech and turn it into marketable form) but their remit is narrow enough that they've basically refused to take social science transfers.

But yes, there are a lot of civilian Syndicate researchers whose title is merely "Professor" or "Economist" or "Ph.D" and are split between all the methodologies and work together. It's not uncommon for a paper, say, on the effects of investment in conflict zones, to have Enforcers, Financiers, and Media Control researchers all working on it-and it's also not uncommon that they end up applying their research by having to order people around in line with what they're doing. Which leads to said confusion level.
The NWO cannot confirm or deny with any reasonable degree of certainty at this time as to whether or not it's fingers are in the general vicinity of space that may at one time have been occupied by the Syndicate's personage. The Syndicate insists that they obviously are as it is plain to see if one examines the proper figures. The NWO politely suggests that these claims are specious and the Syndicate is simply trying to make trouble.

Panopticon threatens to turn this entire goddamn Time Table around if they won't play nice and nobody wants to see that (and just wait until Control gets home and hears about this).
Hyperpsych and hyperstat ramming into each other gets ugly for everyone.
Kessler takes some time out to visit some of the churches and graveyards of Moscow. Not St Basil's cathedral - the place is still sealed off and under reconstruction from... uh, that bit where Henriette threw one of the Theological Domination Systems through it. No, he's visiting the quieter ones, where war dead are interred.

He brought flowers. People who see him here probably think he's paying his respects to a family member. Not to his comrades. But his comrades are buried here. He fought with them on the Gauntlet-side of the Moscow battle. Their ghosts are gone - sacrificed to the awakening DSS 03, but maybe Russia itself remembers them. And if Russia doesn't, John Kessler does. So he's paying his respects.

It's a freezing January morning, and although it's clear overhead people's breath is frosting over. He's breathing too, letting autonomous systems handle it for him. A few scattered dark-clad figures are huddled around one grave or another, but the place is mostly abandoned. In the distance, he can see scaffolding-covered high rises under construction.

He lays the flowers by one of the more neglected graves, so worn that the name has come off the tombstone. That makes them an unknown soldier, and that means he's paying his respects to all these unknown soldiers who died for a second time in Moscow.

"You did good," he says softly. "We're still here. Most of my guys don't even know what you did here, but I do and I'll remember you unknown soldiers even if no one else did." He smiles quietly. "I left a pack of cigarettes in the flowers. Those things'll kill you, but you guys don't have anything to worry about there."

He stands at attention for two minute's silence, and then throws off a perfect salute.

John Kessler pays his debts to the spirit world.

Because he is John Kessler, dragonslayer, and so badass that if his badassitude was split off from him and became a separate being, it would be such a badass that it would becoming the Demon Donkey, Lord of Hell, Prince of the Abyss, and the Baddest Ass ever.

And then he goes back to base and spends the rest of the day in a kung-fu training montage. He's been meaning to do that for a while, because he needs to adapt all his old techniques to his new body - and adapt his new body to optimise his practice of the techniques. He has a gut feeling that the Rogue Council will have more Akashics on side, and he'll be going into their turf. If he gets dogpiled by ninjas he'll need to be ready.

[Kessler - Spirit 4 (Command), Mind 2 - John Kessler has a rep, you dig? He killed The Dragon. He destroyed its heart. And look at you, little spirit. You think you have a chance. Do you have any idea who the fuck you're dealing with? The spiritual resonance of Kessler's deeds is worn around him like a cloak, and as Dreamspeaker shamans have known for a very long time, the spirit world remembers one's deeds for good and for ill. And what that means is that any spirit who looks at Kessler with ill intent will realise that this is not a man with which to fuck and be overcome with all-consuming fear and have to try very hard not to run away. Effectively, any spirit who wants to act against Kessler is treated as having the Survivor vice and considers acting against Kessler or making him angry to be harming their chances of surviving. Enhanced by Appearance + Style. ]

[Kessler - Matter - As befits an 80s action hero, Kessler is in fact a master of multiple martial arts from all over the world and knows kung fu, including Metal Dragon Style. With the capacity to reconfigure his body, he can set himself up to be ready should ninjas attack - and on Rogue Council turf, being a god-like practioner of kung fu is probably going to keep working even if his guns fail. Anyway, by being in peak shape for martial arts, it'll be more generally useful too. Extended martial arts training montage as a ritual, stacking so many successes for boosting all the fightain stats. He can't keep himself in this level of peak fitness and mental readiness for long without dulling his edge, but right now with the replacement-for-adrenaline surging, he can get himself this good for the upcoming fight. Enhanced by Strength + Martial Arts.]
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Henriette catches Elsa in the corridor as she heads out into the night, a spade over one shoulder.

"Um," Henriette says. "Why?"

"I'm grabbing some stuff," Elsa says. "Equipment for the mission."

"With a spade?"

"Yeah." She grins. "Pirate treasure, you know."

Henriette scowls. "Well, if you're not going to be serious about things..." she mutters and she stalks off.


It really wasn't very fair, Elsa thinks as she clears away the snow in a Moscow park and then starts digging into the frozen earth. It is totally pirate treasure she's digging for. Admittedly, software pirate treasure, but still. And it's hers, anyway.

"Ahoy, matey," she mutters to herself as she hits the bag. "Yarr. And a body of rum." She pauses. "I'd settle for any spirits, though."

After filling the hole back in again and covering it up with snow, she retreats to a hiding place in a nearby alleyway to check everything is here.

AK-47. Check. Some people may swear by more advanced weapons, but she knows for a fact that AK-47s keep working no matter what. In Russia, even Traditionalist altered spaces and sanctums and whatever have AKs working - and everyone knows that if it jams, it's easy to clear. She might need to upgrade it a bit, but she won't compromise how reliable it is.

Slap-on GTFO Patches. Check. They're for patching your location so you're not where you used to be. She'll configure two for her and Kessler so they can GTFO to a safe location, and the rest will all be set up to take them to containment. Speaking as an experienced Virtual Adept, she made them for the dual purpose of exfiltrating hostages and prisoners, and stealing loot. It's way easier to steal a HITMark if you can just slap a GTFO Patch on it after you take it down and have the bits teleported back to your junk shop. And right now, a GTFO Patch sounds like the best way to get Mr Jiminez out, rather than having to retreat under fire with a torture victim. They're Virtual Adept tech, but as long as she doesn't tell anyone that, they'll hopefully assume that they're just Void Engineer teleporters. Given she made some for the Engineers anyway, it's not like anyone will know the difference.

Hard drive full of various combat optimisation programmes she'd made or commissioned. She'll need to check it's still working, but it's here. She wrote the interfaces for all these things so they were compatible with the Daedalean ex-Union interfaces of her old body, but some of the code in these things are black boxes even she doesn't understand. There's Thigian code in here written in Enzerochian. Now, as a good Unionist, she shouldn't use it nowadays, but as she doesn't understand how it works, she can't be sure it's Reality Deviancy, right? And since it had to be compatible with the interfaces she wrote, that means it's all acceptable in end results, even if the means used to get there are slightly dubious. As long as she doesn't let Henriette decompile the blackboxes, she'll be fine anyway.

... bar of gold? Where did she get this? Ah! Yes! That was from that raid on that bloodsucking bastard. He'd had gold bars because he hadn't trusted banks. So after they'd shot him repeatedly with flamethrowers, they'd stolen his gold. Sweet. She'd forgotten this had been in one of her caches. Well, she's keeping this. It's a memento.

Elsa grins.


"Ahoy there, Langley! Ye be wanting to see my booty now?"

Henriette works her mouth. "I... you... look, I don't like you hitting on me like that and..."

"What be wrong with my booty? It's bullion! I dug it up from my secret pirate treasure haul! The one I be telling you about!"

"... I hate you. And your pirate accent is terrible. You sound like a mix between Long John Silver and a Russian movie villain. And... and what do you mean you were really digging up pirate treasure and... no. No. I'm not even going anywhere near the... the insanity of your brain. No! No! I refuse!" Henriette storms out, then pokes her head through the door. "I refuse!" she adds.

Elsa tosses up the gold bar and catches it. Totally worth it.

[Elsa - CAD CAM rote - With some machining and a little bit of workshop time, she can basically integrated a more advanced modern Technocratic rifle with her old AK. This hybridises the infamous reliability and capacity to work no matter what the fuck happens to it even if it's spent a year buried in a Moscow park of the AK with the normal traits of the Techno-gun - and it still looks like an AK.]

[Elsa - Corr 4, Prime 2 - She "finds" GTFO Patches she "made earlier". The GTFO patch is a badge sized device which often is made to look like Star Trek badges by Virtual Adepts. You pin it to something, slap it, and it teleports you out to a pre-determined escape location. This means that as a Void Engineer, she can totally get away with using them because it's totally the thing the Star Trek transporter badge was based on, right? GTFO Patches are a one-shot Corr 4 gadget that 'patch' your location so you GTFO. She configures two to getting to a safe place for her and Kessler, and the rest are set to be taken to a containment location.

GTFO Patches when used hit the target they're used on with an automatic 4 point Paradox backlash. Paradox manifestations usually involve 'de-rezzing' or 'pixelisation' from imperfect re-integration. When used on humans they crash and fall unconscious for the scene until they reboot.]

[Elsa - Time 3 - A plug in module for her body with interfaces which are compatible which lets it act faster. How it's acting faster... well, there's Enzerochian House Thig Hermetic code in there. Now, the code itself passes module tests and unit tests she wrote for it, so that means it does exactly what she wants to even if she doesn't know exactly how the black box works. She had it written for her for that raid on the Tremere chantry a year and a half ago, and it worked fine there even when her normal Adept acceleration software would have had problems, so by pulling it out again, hopefully it'll work better in the RC place. Multi-action effect. Enhanced by Int + Computers]

[Elsa - DSci 2 - ... and then there's the nice, stable, and not at all dubious standard Void Engineer anti-EDE shielding module she's running to protect her from EDEs and hide her from their senses so they find it harder to target her. Which is standard issue. Enhanced by Int + Hypertech]
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I'm so glad we recruited Elsa. If nothing else, Henriette needs someone to tsun at.

Oh, and votes:

Wufan/Elsa's Suspicion:
Are the Void Engineers going to confront Jamelia? If so, this might be a chance to get things out into the air.
[X] (1.2x) Yes

The Raid:
[X] (?) Kicking down the front door, guns blazing.

Insurgent-Brutalizing Materiel:
[X] Assault: Autochthonian War Daemon*

Infantry, Bioenhanced, Multirole:
[X] Assault: Expendable Combat Synthetics + ECS Printer + HITMark V-FD Facility Defense Variant
Currently working on a Spirit procedure from Kessler to prevent Dreamspeakers from turning the Daemon (which is a cyborg EDE after all). I assume it has some primium but its also the obvious target for every Spirit Traditionalist present.

Speaking of whom, they may be able to bypass the invisibility by detecting it via Spirit

edit: currently failing
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I'm so glad we recruited Elsa. If nothing else, Henriette needs someone to tsun at.

In our team of enlightened scientific girls, in between the caring ditz who's smarter than she looks and is a princess, the hardworking tsundere with a fiery personality, the dark-haired moe girl who's younger than the others with a habit of being possessed, the mystic time-powered mentor who appears and does cryptic things, and the blonde fond of bad jokes (oh, and the cat sidekick named after a Solar System body), I'd say we're doing surprisingly well at covering the necessary niche. If we pick Corporal Hughes back up, we'll manage to round things off with the very tall and strong girl who still likes doing feminine things.

(soon the character who as a twist is the daughter of another character who doesn't look old enough to be her mother may show up)
In our team of enlightened scientific girls, in between the caring ditz who's smarter than she looks and is a princess, the hardworking tsundere with a fiery personality, the dark-haired moe girl who's younger than the others with a habit of being possessed, the mystic time-powered mentor who appears and does cryptic things, and the blonde fond of bad jokes (oh, and the cat sidekick named after a Solar System body), I'd say we're doing surprisingly well at covering the necessary niche. If we pick Corporal Hughes back up, we'll manage to round things off with the very tall and strong girl who still likes doing feminine things.

(soon the character who as a twist is the daughter of another character who doesn't look old enough to be her mother may show up)
Don't forget the workaholic who's smart and enjoys studying and helps her allies by analysing their opponents for weak spots and who actually likes doing paperwork homework!
The Daemon is a fully sapient, autonomous killing machine that does not appreciate your attempts to tell it what to do thank you very much.
I'm not happy about my characterization but ...
"Yes that's blatently obvious but the standard GLASS formulation won't work for this, it would interfere with the micro-"

Kessler took a quiet sip from his drink and absently wondered if he should have brought popcorn.

"- if someone hadn't insisted on fractal microstress patterning instead of OPTICAL distribution that wouldn't be a problem "

Elsa certainly wasn't making any bones about watching the debacle with perverse fascination.

"-why the electron interaction inhibitor was even set up as a bubble projector? The idea is to make the daemon intangible, not it and everything within several meters of it"

He had noticed that the sisters had forgotten to eat, and decided that if he was going to bring them something he might as well pull in Elsa too for the lunch break. The plan had been to do a little informal mission planning but mostly just relax and shoot the shit.

"-yes I see your point but -"

That had been the plan, until he and Elsa were treated to this demonstration of just why Mari and Henriette had been too distracted to eat.

"-primium nanomesh far better than -"

And now instead ... this. Taking in Elsa leering at the bickering sisters, Kessler also noted the slowly growing irritation of the partially-dissassembled daemon spirit. Time to reel this back in. "Mari, Henriette, your food is going to get cold if you keep this up. Besides, instead of bickering about it, you could just, you know, ask the daemon its preference. It's the one that's going to be using all of this in the end."

He paused. "For that matter, I just realized I've been rude." Mama Kessler had raised her boy better than that. His nanite swarm flared to life building fusing together the components of a drink that he promptly tossed to the machine spirit. After a tendril had caught the can, he gestured an invitation to the food, "What do you like to be called?" And then the five* of them started going over the plan.


Kessler - Spirit 4 (Command), Mind 2 - effect similar to EarthScorpion's quoted below but by subtely asserting his leadership of this particular mission here, marking the entire group as his soldiers and under his protection.
  • An additional sub-portion focussed on the the daemon includes Matter 4(Enhancement),Prime 2 to break bread with the daemon and feed it Kessler's equivilant of blood, strengthening the bonds of loyalties and camaraderie while also giving Kessler possible foci for later.
[Kessler - Spirit 4 (Command), Mind 2 - John Kessler has a rep, you dig? He killed The Dragon. He destroyed its heart. And look at you, little spirit. You think you have a chance. Do you have any idea who the fuck you're dealing with? The spiritual resonance of Kessler's deeds is worn around him like a cloak, and as Dreamspeaker shamans have known for a very long time, the spirit world remembers one's deeds for good and for ill. And what that means is that any spirit who looks at Kessler with ill intent will realise that this is not a man with which to fuck and be overcome with all-consuming fear and have to try very hard not to run away. Effectively, any spirit who wants to act against Kessler is treated as having the Survivor vice and considers acting against Kessler or making him angry to be harming their chances of surviving. Enhanced by Appearance + Style. ]

*if it couldn't already speak, then a Spirit+Forces effect should allow him to "turn on its speaker system".
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On the Jiminez front, would we be remiss in posting the video we found to RCpedia and TradWiki, seeing who recognizes him, then checking whether any of those people might be useful? False-flag it as a member of the RC putting up an example of what happens to "traitors to the cause", to cover our tracks (the RC is a disorganized mess united only by their hatred of the Technocracy, so it's perfectly logical that one of the people they intentionally distributed it to might have leaked it) and to weaken support for the RC among fence-sitting Traditions mages (by showing that they go after known loyalists for spurious reasons).
On the Jiminez front, would we be remiss in posting the video we found to RCpedia and TradWiki, seeing who recognizes him, then checking whether any of those people might be useful? False-flag it as a member of the RC putting up an example of what happens to "traitors to the cause", to cover our tracks (the RC is a disorganized mess united only by their hatred of the Technocracy, so it's perfectly logical that one of the people they intentionally distributed it to might have leaked it) and to weaken support for the RC among fence-sitting Traditions mages (by showing that they go after known loyalists for spurious reasons).

You know one of the things which compromises a surprise frontal assault?

Letting people know that someone knows they have him so they'll be watchful for people coming to rescue him.
You know one of the things which compromises a surprise frontal assault?

Letting people know that someone knows they have him so they'll be watchful for people coming to rescue him.
Good point.

Come to think of it, though, who on his side of things might be looking for him, how likely are they to find him, and what might the RC base have already done to prepare for that? Aside from Correspondence wards to stop unwanted guests from scrying on the base or teleporting in and out of it, which seems like an obvious precaution.
If they have corr wards what will that do to the GTFO paches? should she make more than 2 go to a safe place incase the first few fail? (or get solen, or shot, or somthing)