Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Fanwork Collection 25/02
EDIT: Aaaaand of course my complete post got denied because it had more than 20 images. Fine, let's split this up.

And thus it is time for another fanwork collection!

However, before we get to this, I would like to have a word with you. This past month hasn't been great for my update speed due to a number of Real Life reasons, and it may be a few days before I update Number None again. I'm sorry for that, but it can't be helped.

That said, if you've been following this Quest so far and enjoying my writing, you might enjoy the writing that I enjoy! Therefore, I will be using this threadmarked post to unleash the Legendary Multi-Shill Technique and link you to several Quests you should read and follow while I work on the next update over the following days.

@TheOneMoiderah's Raging Sea of Flames is a space-faring Quest featuring strange new worlds, epic mecha battles, and conflicted characters full of personal issues and conflicts. It's a wild, entrancing world whose brutal battles result in shattered landscapes and broken armies, with a distinctly sci-fi take on the post-industrial aesthetic, full of junkyard planets and abandoned worlds standing in contrast to the frightening power of giant robots who can crush small armies to dust, but need ever more precious money to repair and enhance themselves.

@Cetashwayo's Sworn to the State is the loose sequel to Sworn to the Scythe, one of my favorite Quests ever. Pulagu Shulgi "Queen" Vashti is a Vicar, a member of an elite-yet-feared-and-ostracized class of religious officials who learn to master schools of spiritual powers to defeat armies and put rogue spirits to rest. You have found shelter in a monastery as war engulfs the lands around you, and it is time to decide how to save your people from the violence that pervades a fallen world, even as golems, ghosts, rogue spirits and stranger things besides gather around your new home.

Given the inherent overlap between Bleach fanfic followers, I assume most of you have heard of @Maugan Ra's Of Noble Purpose. If you have not, consider that this story shares some similar themes to Number None - a young Shinigami, straight out of the Academy, joins a four-people squad and must learn to do her job balancing her ties to a powerful noble family and her duties as a Soul Reaper who must preserve te balance of souls. Interpersonal conflicts and relationships are at the core of this Quest, which is why I like it so much.

(And, if after that barrage of multi-Quest shilling, you still have room for more, consider my slow-updating but still active Quests: Snowflake, a urban fantasy story of a young wizardess seeking the mysteries of highest magic, and Bunraku, a fantasy medieval Japan story following the pilot of a wood-and-silk medvieval mecha in her war against bandits and rogue divinities.)

Cirucci's Saga

The battle was joined. First, the foster-sons and foster-daughters of Gantenbainne Orange-hair picked up their weapons and attacked Luppi Beardless. He fended them alone. He wielded a sword in one hand and his other hand was free. They thought it was very insulting that he did not wield a shield against him. Their blows were numerous and vicious, but he deflected all of them. It seemed that he is outnumbered, but he did not fight as if he was.

"It is rare for six warriors to be outnumbered against one" said Luppi.

Elyssa Gantenbainnedottir struck him with her sword. She aimed at the chest, but he moved out of the blow and was only lightly stricken in the side. Then Yang Lightning-spear threw her spear at him. It was a savage throw and it would pierce any lesser man. But Luppi grabbed the spear and took it into his free hand and fought with him and his blows were so many that it looked like he had eight arms.

"Eight warriors outnumber six" said Luppi.

He did many great strikes. He grievously pierced Menis the Unlucky and none of the Gantenbainne's foster-sons and foster-daughters escaped without an injury. From that point on they were always referred to as the Luppi-cut.

Then Aisslinger Many-hand's farmhands fought Jackleton's men. First they were shot at with bows and many of them died, but then they closed fight and did battle with Jackleton's men. They defended themselves boldly, but a detachment of farmhands moved to the side and assaulted them from another direction. Everyone who saw that it was certain that Jackleton's men would all be killed, for they were very brave and would not run. They did not know that a cunning stratagem had been devised before the battle. Some of Jackleton's men hid and when the battle looked bad, they sprang an ambush around Aisslinger Many-hand's and shot arrows at him until he became afraid of death and declared surrender. They left him only with clothes, and he moved back to his farm. He lost much honour in that battle and was never spoken well of anyone.

Next Sung-Sun, Appaci and Mila Rosa fought against Szayelaporro Pink-hair's slaves. The fight was not very even. They struck down some with arms, and then they each cut across their palms and drew forth some blood. With that blood they drew runes on a spear-pole and erected it tall. Finally Mila-Rosa affixed the head of a slave to the tip of the pole. They said a curse so that the slaves would find no fortune in fighting. The slaves became terrified and the curse affected them thusly: they turned against each another and in insanity, they all struck against their companion as if an enemy.

"Man's worth is in his friends but not in his slaves" said Mila-Rosa.

"Though you have killed many of them" replied Szayelaporro Pink-hair "I can buy more easily. I do not hold it against you."

The battle ended and it was clear that Cirucci Thunder-witch had won. Then King Aizen spoke:

"This is a bad thing that there is discord among my men and the blame for that is on you, Cirucci Thunder-witch. I now declare you an outlaw and put a price on your head. You will not be fed, nor helped on your way, nor given any assistance."

"I will fight her" said Nnoitra Slayer. He was a very bad man, always up to fighting.

"King Aizen" said Cirucci "you may hold me an outlaw, but if I fight Nnoitra Slayer and kill him, I will free you of a very bad man and will do you a great service. You will accept me as your banner-man then."

"That remains to be seen" said King Aizen.
Cirucci's Saga
(the one where it starts going off the rails)

74. Cirucci Thunder-witch approached Slayer Nnoitra first. She raised her sword and struck him with a serious strike, but the edge did not bite into the skin, even though he wore no armor. That was because his father was a berserk, and he was a berserk too. He then struck at her. Cirucci raised her shield to defend herself and Nnoitra's axe hit it straight in the middle of it, becoming stuck. He tried to pull it free. When he did, the shield broke, and Cirucci was undefended. He swung at her with his axe again, and cut her at the side, so that much blood came out of her. Many who saw that thought that she was dead for sure.

"It is fitting that you die to a love tap," said Nnoitra "since you are a woman."

Then Cirucci said: "Your language is sharper than your blows."

They exchanged more blows. They were very evenly matched in all things, with one exception: there was no weapon that could break through Nnoitra's skin that Cirucci had, other than the javelin which was named Thunder-strike. But she did not use it. However every weapon that Nnoitra had could wound her, and he dealt her several cuts, each of them serious.

"They have said that you are the best of warriors" said Grimmjow the Panther, so that she would hear. "But now it appears to me the stories were false."

Everyone agreed with him.

Nnoitra made another attack, which everyone thought would be the deathblow, but Cirucci moved with such speed that she seemed to blur and she grabbed the shaft of his axe just behind the blade. With her other hand, she thrust her sword high and Nnoitra was surprised. That blow took out his only eye, but it did not kill him. He gave out a great howl. No one who heard could ever forget it, and many woman's wombs were made infertile by it. He started gnawing at his shield and went berserk, attacking Cirucci with great savagery. Then she grabbed the javelin Thunder-strike and threw it at him, and it went right through his chest and exited between his shoulders and still had such strength that when it hit a wall that was behind him, it broke it in half. Then Nnoitra was slain. That was because the javelin had such a quality to it that it could only be thrown once each fight, and would only deal mortal wounds to those who were in a berserk.

"That was manfully done" said Grimmjow the Panther. No one thought otherwise.

Then Cirucci approached King Aizen and said to him that she had defeated Nnoitra and he had to take her as his bannerman. He had no love for Slayer Nnoitra, but he did not think highly of that idea. He asked Tousen Just for advice.

He considered for a time.

"I think that there is much honour to be gained if you accept her," he said "on the condition that she accepts arbitration over the slayings at the Assembly and also swear to be your friend in all future endavours you might take."

King Aizen agreed and announced the terms to Cirucci. She thought them very severe, but agreed to them. The compensation was declared to be two hundred ounces for all who had been slain other than Aisslinger Many-Hands' farmhands, who were all men of such low quality that no compensation was awarded for them. Upon hearing about that Aisslinger wept, and was from then on always known as Aisslinger Easy-Tears. He was never thought highly of again.

Cirucci made all the immediately and peace was restored. Then she approached King Aizen again.

"There is one more matter," she said "and that is that my wife is returned to me, since she is still unlawfully held by Tousen Just."

That was also arranged, but Tousen was very unhappy about it.
I love this far too much for my own good. As before, 50xp for each, so 100xp + 50 bonus xp to Cirucci.

All of the omakes and art up to when you last gave xp again. Please threadmark this.

Canon Omakes:
Las Noches Boulevardiers, by Gargulec
The Heart of the Matter, by EarthScorpion
River Gleam, by deadcrystal
The Dragonfly and the Spider, by Gargulec
Suicide Squad, by Cetashwayo
Mantis Warrior, by Revlid

Non-Canon Omakes:
Payload, by Phigment
scrapped omake, by Andres110
Rise of God-Empress Cirucci Sanderwicci, by SoothingCoffee
Luppi Quest, Chapter ##, by NSMS
Noir, by Phigment
Marana Experiments: Zommari, by InterstellarHobo
DI-ROY DI-STROYED, by Cetashwayo
Rumors 2, by Phigment
A Hollow Talk Show 2: The Di Roy Episode, by Zilla
Now You Feel Like Number 48 Chapter 2: VIII, The Pillar Witch Queen of Dust and Shadows, by Phigment
Now You Feel Like Number 48 Chapter XL: Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay, by Phigment
An Entirely Pleasant Conversation, by deadcrystal
the evil dance, by PurposefulZephyr
Sash, by Phigment
Cirucci's Saga 68, by Gargulec
Cirucci's Saga 69, by Gargulec
Cirucci's Saga 70, by Gargulec
Cirucci's Saga 71, by Gargulec
Cirucci's Saga 72, by Gargulec
Names, by MonkeyTypewriter
Now You Feel Like Number 48 XVII: That Which Protects, by Phigment
"From the Looking Glass", by EarthScorpion

NYFLNN [BAQ] Chapter Zero: Page 9, by Coshiua
Human!Nemo's First Onigiri, by Coshiua
Super Deformed Cirucci and Nemo, by Coshiua
NYFLNN [BAQ] Chapter Zero: Page 10, by Coshiua
Tsun Tsun Espada, by Coshiua
Arrancar Mantis, by Coshiua
Nemo a cute, by Krekian, posted by Manic Dogma
Ulquiorra Interrupt, by Krekian
Cup Noodle with Di Roy, by Krekian
Little Short For An Exequias, by Krekian
You Died, by Krekian
sin, by PurposefulZephyr
Stand Back, by Krekian
Gain(of XP), by PurposefulZephyr
Nemo's Resurreccion, by CausalityCircle
Nemo's Resurreccion, by Arcus
Pokémon!Nemo and Cirucci, by Coshiua
Pokémon!Cirucci and Luppi, by Coshiua
Pokémon Esapda and Fraccion Pt. 1, by Coshiua
Princess Zommari, by Coshiua
Team Flare!Cirucci and Nemo, by Coshiua
Privaron Espada Nemo Elcorbuzier, by Coshiua
Mariachi!Cirucci and Nemo, by Coshiua
Detective!Gantenbainne, by Coshiua
Nemo's Resurreccion, by CausalityCircle
Nemo Res attempt, by Mizuki00
Nemo's Arrancarization, by Krekian
findor-pony, by Krekian
privaron nemo au thingy, by Krekian
Nemo's bizzare Adventure, by Krekian
an innocent piggyback ride, by Krekian
Fashion Advice, by Krekian
Nemos Grande, by Krekian
stabbings, by Krekian
Radiant Nemo, by Krekian
Nemos, by lifeofgesture
Queen of Strangers, by PurposefulZephyr
original artwork by Revlid, by Revlid
Dordonni's Moustache, by Krekian
Elyssa, by Krekian
unrelated buggo, by Krekian
Arrancar number 35's Arrancarization, by Krekian
Merry Christmas, Krekian
sexy santa outfit, by Krekian
more sexy santa, by Krekian
proper santa outfit, by Krekian
Fairly Odd Parents!Cirucci and Nemo, by Coshiua
Chibi!Cirucci and Nemo, by Coshiua
Sexy Santa Cirucci, by Coshiua
Rescue, by Coshiua
Holding Hands, by Coshiua
Kissing, by Coshiua
Finished Pictures, by Coshiua
Coshiua's Latest Masterpiece, by Coshiua
Cirucci, by Coshiua
Nemo Rescue Squad, Assemble!!!!, by Coshiua
Esme sneaking up on Nemo in her home, by Krekian
nemo during this arc, by Krekian
Nemo, by Kupukeki, edited by NonSequtur
Cero Lessons, by Krekian
Nemo Leekspin, by Krekian, posted by Andres110
nemo gets aizen's attention, by Krekian
Haircut, by Krekian
Thaaank you. I promised, what was it, 50xp for that? Have them.

uh, i made a thing. it aint all that good tho. it's just from a lil scene in C0 - Distraction where Nemo's perched on top of a tree looking at some tall hollows? i dont really bleach so i just used google liberally. hope yall eyes dont burn lol. also, im just doing this stuff as practice to do art again :) if i get some exp with this, then it's just a bonus i think

edit: ill spoiler it if anyone asks :D

You know, drawn like that, Nemo looks kinda like a human in a monster suit. Like something you'd see in a sentai show. 25xp.
Memoirs of a Nameless Arrancar

I have seen many places in my time. I have seen the oceans which wait at one edge of the great desert we call home, and the impassable mountains which guard the other edge of our world. I have walked amongst human and hollow, and seen the tragedy of loss in senseless slaughter and in the spiteful destruction of history. Once, I carved notes in stone walls, in calcified trees, and with my own blood, when I most needed it, because if I have learned anything in this endless wandering, it is that what is not preserved will be lost.

The supply of paper and ink I have now, though, will last me some time, and I think it only fitting that I tell how I got the treasures I needed to hold a true book to contain my memories, for all the stories in this tome to not be lost to time... Deep, deep in Hueco Mundo, far east of the oceans and far north of the great spines beyond which there be only dragons, there is a place called the Storm Wastes. I first heard of them many years ago, and was shocked when I learned there was a place in which rain fell regularly in the deserts. It should not, perhaps, have surprised me to learn that this was the fault of a Hollow of great strength and ire. Many are the tricks, the strengths, the small magics that we, the hungry dead, come to wield against each other, and those fortunate ones who survive and feed grow these gifts to terrible heights, indeed. To be able to call rain here in the depths of emptiness is not so much stranger than other things I have seen. That it holds the gift of life as well as death, in the form of precious water, is the truer power, in my heart's eye.

The Thunder Witch, they called her, Princess of the Storm Wastes. I had heard her described as a steel-shod eagle, with razored feathers and talons mightier than any zanpakuto, her gaze being lightning and her cry being thunder. As with all legends, I took these tales with a grain of skepticism, even as I walked in the directions that those coming from these wastes directed. It was the travel of months, made moreso for the misfortune of wandering between a group of warring Hollows, and needing to reroute out of the way of battlefields. I was guided and sheltered by a group of fleeing, neutral hollows, who knew the locale better than I, and how to avoid the oaisies being fought over. I record their names for posterity, a gesture of thanks, and I record my own well-wishes for them. I know they sought something, and told me not what it was, but it is my hope that they found it, in the end.

Ilien Ravenshorn, who stole a thorn midflight before it could reach me.

Anri Twicedead, who showed me the scar where a zanpakuto pierced her heart, who swore thereafter to live with joy in her heart, for she had survived death once more.

Hawkeye Tongueless, a gentle giant who was so good as to listen to the ramblings of this old man with a smile on his face.

I appreciate your tolerance of this digression, dear reader. We hollows live long, and it saddens me to think of all the faces I have forgotten in my old age. It is said that one is never truly dead until the last ripple their passing caused has ceased…

*A dried tearmark stains the page, and the penmenship above differs from what came before and what followed, as though the one who wrote it briefly lost their steadiness of hand. What follows is precise and mechanically penned.*

But I digress again. Though I walked for what seemed like ages under our empty sky, my arrival was unmistakable. The sand beneath my feet grew harder, tighter, and soon, I realized, damp. It was a shocking sensation, and I confess, I removed my sandles to feel the novelty of cold, wet sand beneath my feet for the first time since I first found the great ocean, and there I needed to quickly flee the things beneath the sand...but no such horrors waited here. Soon after my arrival, I noticed clouds gathering in the skies, and heard thunder rumbling to a distant melody. I walked towards the distant epicenter, for I could see that the stormclouds revolved around something. As I walked, I noticed a surprising number of autotrophs living in the area. Small lizards chasing smaller bugs which darted above the sand. Even, I saw, tufts of rugged, spiny grass here and there. Few and far between, yes, but there was life growing here. Vicious life, small, fearful, covered in thorns for its protection, but when all you have seen for endless year after year is dirt and blood and rock, to see true grass in the desert sands is enough to warm an old, bitter heart.

It took some time to find my way to the center. The clouds were not always in the sky, and often they moved to other directions, shifting off center, and disorienting my sense of direction. When I last I found my destination, I was still far away. In a moment, though, the skies became grey, a terrible wind blew and a great flash illuminated my path, and in that moment I saw, so far away, the hint of a great tower rising from the wastes. Naturally, I hurried my pace, rushing, stumbling through wet sands and howling winds. The closer I got, the greater the storm, the more constant it was. I ran for hours, and I was nearly amidst a hurricane when I could finally see the great structure, something which must once have been a great outcropping, carved down by talon and by lightning, by some great, ancient and terrible power.

And then, very suddenly, as I was finally near enough to hear, and to see the figure atop the great stone tower, the storm ended. Behind me, it still raged, I could hear the wind and the rain still beating the sands, but no longer did they beat me. The storm clouds still moved above, but they moved to the most beautiful sound I have ever heard. A fierce, piercing melody which stirs the spirit and calls the strength of youth from the very depths of the soul. I fell to my knees, I confess, faced with the majesty of what I saw.

Shining silver feathers, puffed majestically. A great, triangled beak, sharp as any sword, preened idly at her feathers, though she was already picture-perfect. Sharp black eyes stared down at me. Reiatsu like the storm, a terrible, wild wind which roars, the crackle of thunder in the back of my mind accompanies the light laugh as she saw me, and I am not offended, I am not much to the eyes, and far, far less to a creature such as this. She spread black, bladed wings, and leaned over, hands like talons tapping on the edge of her tower. An eye opened in her reiatsu, removing the pressure from my lungs, and allowing me to speak.

"A little morsel!" the great bird laughs, "Come to feed your Princess, hmm? You must have, for I see no offering, here!"

Her voice was playful, her laugh like music, even as terror ran down my spine. Slowly, with great effort, I reached to my back, and presented the offering I had brought (and indeed, if you learn nothing else from this book, it would still serve you well to know to always bring gifts when you step uninvited into the presence of your betters). A clay jar of seasoned alcohol, the specialty of a tribe of antlike hollows I met once long ago. I had been saving it for an occasion just such as this.

"Great Thunderwitch," I began, and my mouth was dry, even as my body was still drenched from the storm, "I bring a delicacy from a far-off land, a seasoned liquor-"

A sharp, angry click of her beak let me know that I had chosen wrongly.

"Do I seem a drunk to you, morsel?" comes her sharp voice, still playful, but I could hear the offense within that would spell my doom, "Do I seem as though I wait each day, in search of my next intoxication? Is this truly the gift you would offer royalty?"

I bowed my head, my heart pounding. I was sure I had found my final moments, my own foolishness for not investigating the character of the one I sought.

"I apologize, Lady Thunderwitch," I swallowed nervously, "My gift was ill-considered, and I beg your pardon."

"Oh, well, all is forgiven, then!" her laughter was mocking, and pierced me to my core, "I always give my pardon to beggars," and here her voice dripped with contempt. Her wings spread, and I knew she would be upon me in a moment.

And then, a flash of inspiration which saved my life.

"A song!" I cried, looking up, staring with wide eyed through my mask, "I have been all across Hueco Mundo, and to the human world besides! I have a sharp memory, and a love of music as an expression of life and culture," I was babbling here, I confess, desperate to convince her of my worth, that I deserved her interest, "I could share with you a song, in honor of your beauty and grace!"

She paused, and I have seldom felt such relief as I did in that moment.

"That," she spoke, eyes narrowing, before breaking into a grand grin, "Is more like it! Really, do they share nothing of my tastes?" she straightened an errant feather which had come out of place as she spread her wings, and then fixed me with a glare.

"Well?!" she demanded, "Sing, morsel, lest I grow impatient!"

I rose quickly then, of course, cleared my throat, and began to sing. A song I heard not long before, on a trip to the mortal world, a song sung for love and beauty. I have included the full text of the song on a different page, and the appropriate notes to sing to.

My performance was slow, measured, I dared not rush, nor be anything less than perfect. Still, I suspect I missed a note or two, particularly towards the end, and when I finished I shook, certain I had failed, for her expression had not changed once, nor had her eyes grown less fearsome. She was silent for long moments, before finally speaking.

"I have not heard this song before," she muses thoughtfully, "It is quite beautiful, though I could not understand the words," her gaze sharpens, "Though I shall assume you spoke truly, and it praises my beauty!" and then the sharpness leaves, she leans over her tower again, "A lovely melody, passably sung," my heart soared at this! "Yes, I think you have earned my favor, morsel!" the great bird smiled, and I sagged in relief.

"Thank you, Princess," I said, finally allowing myself to breath, "I am glad I could bring you some measure of joy."

"Joy might be praising yourself overmuch," the bird snips, "But yes, I am pleased! You may go within my tower, and take for yourself one," her gaze becomes lightning hear, her reiatsu nearly struck me to the ground with its sudden intensity, and the air was forced from my lungs, I could only stand staring, transfixed, as she continued.

"One," she repeated, and I was allowed to nod along, "Of my treasures. Do not think that you can steal from me and live, morsel. I know my treasures, and I know morsels like you. You cannot hide from my gaze!"

I had not stopped nodding, and finally, mercifully, her attention turned from me, and I could breath again.

"Go then!" she chirps, "Pick something nice! I suggest perhaps a new robe, you look quite shabby as you are!"

Bowing, shaking, I made my way around her tower until I found the entrance to her chambers. An underground room, the floor entirely glass, presumably from sand made molten by lightning, filled with various treasures, knick-knacks, clothes and goods. There were blades of lovely quality, books in languages I had never even known, many, many articles of clothing from various eras and in various fashions. I could have stayed for years, cataloguing it all and piecing together the history the Thunderwitch had gathered there, but I knew she would not tolerate me tarrying long.

At last, though, I discovered what I wanted: a great tome, bound in leather and smelling of fresh parchment, blank as I touched it. Within, a single quill, not from the being above, but from some other ancient specimen of bird. The quill dripped ink as I lifted it, though no inkwell was nearby. I could scarcely believe my luck. A book of thousands of pages, and a quill producing its own ink. I carefully put the quill within, not wishing her to think me taking two treasures, and I left, showing her what I chose for my gift.

"Hmmph," I could hear her disappointment clear, "I see you chose to ignore my advice," and here she exhaled, a great, put-upon sigh, "I suppose there is no accounting for taste, is there? Run along, then, morsel. I am done with you, and I do suggest you be nowhere nearby should I get hungry."

She laughed, but by the gleam in her eye I knew the warning to be genuine. I hid my book within my pack, bowed, and departed as quickly as I could manage. I did not stop running until I passed the wall of clouds, and the night sky was clear once more.

Thus is the tale of my encounter with the great and terrible Cirruci Thunderwitch, Princess of the Storm Wastes, who gifted me the very book you read this from.


The song which I sung to the Thunderwitch:


@Omicron I offer you an omake in exchange for not eating me!
Not bad. I'll give you 50xp for it, although I am not making this canon as there are some details which don't match with my view of Hollow!Cirucci - most importantly, at that time she did not have the power to bring rain, her thunderstorms were "dry," so to speak, without any life-bringing aspect.

I did a Thingy :V I planned to release this along with other Omakes but I am a little excited and want to get feedback on this so I can get the other two-five made and of higher quality.

Szayel's Inner Monologue

It all started two weeks ago. A normal week of testing, inventing, and suffering. Not your own suffering of course, but rather the suffering of the uneducated masses. At least that is what you thought. But that changed. Not only had your clones been defeated, but that Upstart had been promoted above you, after defeating the Fifth Espada. Now having two new subjects to ponder and experiment with, I couldn't be happier, even if I couldn't use my normal methods, no matter how light I would get off. One doesn't stay alive if not for the kindness, or weakness, of those stronger than you, this is a lesson I learned in life, and still applies here in death.

Or at least that is what you thought. The Fifth Espada and her Fraccion came in to pose as subjects in my tests and experiments. I had learned of the so called ability of "La Marana" a great deal of time ago, however the issue I came across was not lack of ability, nor lack of experience, but rather a reliable teacher, and a reason. However now that I had time, resources, and user of La Marana, I decided while I would not learn it, I would however use it for however long I had it in my possession. Lord Aizen wouldn't keep such characters around for long, in fact I think he was giving them to me until he could dispose of them properly. I do hope the Thunderwitch got my thanks for giving me the best subject I have had in a while, Yes Yammy was a fun thing to pass the time with for sure.

I should thank the Fifth Spot when I have time in the future now that I think of it. Not only has she given me time and resources, but a fun little side project to work on and improve in my spare time. I have learned quite a deal from the former Tenth Espada. Even though I continue to learn more, I should thank Her again for disposing of the unwanted trash that I had littering my lab. Those clones while interesting to create, were flawed. Now that I have seen their faults I can remove these stains from my hand and apply new methods, new techniques, and new abilities to create more wonderful art. Ah but I am getting off task. This note is not for recording the wonderful news and ideas that sprouted from them, but rather to help me keep track of a line of thought for my newest creations.

These Creations of mine were a... collaboration with the Fraccion. A Spur of the moment deal. Like the time I had created the Elixir that was served directly to one of the so called nobles who lorded their might above you. How little did they know what I really was giving them was Poison, plain and simple. Gave it the look and sold it as a life prolonging potion. I did not give it to him myself of course, but the effect was the same. He died painfully, which served him right and showed that once again, Might falls before cunning and intelligence. Ah but I really got off point again.

The Collaboration was simply me providing the Materials and the... models for the fraccion to use to improve. At first they were confused on what I would be doing with the Marana, of course after explaining everything I had planned on doing and proving or disproving, while reluctant, did not disagree with my plan. It had started fine at first. I started creating the clones and had the Fraccion create Marana with specialized effects, at least with a general outline of what I wanted. I then implanted these objects into the subjects. At first it seems to work well together. The Marana and the Subjects synchronized quite well. But one does not get as far as I am without being cautious. After extensive testing the subjects began to show signs of rejection from the Marana, while they could use it, their bodies did not take kindly. A reasonable metaphor for why could be summed up as pushing a boulder up a hill only for it to crush you. While the bolder is intact, you would be crushed by the weight of the boulder.

An interesting application if I do say so myself. With more experimentation I had found that this was only held true to unestablished hollows, or hollows that had not gained enough power to become a gillian. Newly turned hollows while being able to use the effects of the Marana, could not use it often or very long before they started to degrade. But the true breakthrough was when one of the newer hollows actually evolved soon after having the Marana implanted into them. Not only did the Marana merge with them creating a unique feature, but they did not degrade with time.

However, being the cautious Arrancar I am, I decided to test the general idea on more Hollows. I was not disappointed, I had found a great source of soldiers, more time was needed, and resources, before I could feasibly use the theory behind what I had found out to create stronger Arrancar, but I would need to see how they would turn out after changing again. I decided to test another theory while I was at it. I had trapped exactly Forty-Two Gillians I had created and modified into one area leaving only them and the Hunger. This was my greatest mistake in the experimentation with the Fraccion.

The Idea behind the Experiment was to see if the surviving gillians not only grew in power along with their ability granted by the Marana, but if it would also be affected by the gillians they consumed, days later when I had gone to check to see how they were going. I had noticed a strange sound. It was Slow but steady, and as I grew closer to where I had sealed the Gillians the sound grew louder. I couldn't make out what the sound was, but investigated. What I had seen was surprising. The Original Gillian who started this all, was making noises. The closest I have to an example of what it sounded like would have to be Grunting and Moaning. There was another Gillian in the background making the loud steady noise, to which the First Gillian was grunting to.

Soon however they both stopped making any noise. The First one after a long moan ceased all noise. The surviving gillians, Ten out of the original Forty-Two remained, began to stomp constantly. As if applauding the Gillian making the noise. Soon to my dismay it started back up.

Ah... How the world enjoys the suffering of the Brilliant! Eventually it died down again once I added additional Gillians to be devoured. But the damned creatures kept up with their noises, and I would not end it because that would be against the point of the experiment. However the longer I listened the more I tolerated it, it was quite annoying at times, not the best atmosphere for instilling fear into the Numeros that you had running errands throughout the desert gathering what little subjects you needed to experiment upon.

Things have changed however and you summon the most... reliable of them all. A Numeros that calls themselves Shurnyo Tirantco. They have fetched you the more exotic materials you needed from the Human world, while not many Numeros had the gall to break Lord Aizen's commands, too many however went into the Human world for getting things to gift their betters. In Fact that little ring of the Human Black Market is how you get some of the ideas you wish to test out. Yes these training manuals and legends he brought you give excellent training ideas to test the effectivity of on unsuspecting Hollows. Shurnyo is one of the few you considered to make your Fraccion, at least a thought before you got back to your much needed work.

The task you gave him was to evaluate the noises and bring back the closest equivalent of what it was so that you could finally give a name to those damned noises. He came back with a type of music which surprised me at first. The music he brought were called the "Blues" a musical Subculture based off Jazz at first. That is what he told me at first. What I heard put everything together. The CD he gave me played some of the most Soul Crushing sounds I had ever heard, they spread pain and suffering throughout my work space. At least until the Player I had for the CD exploded, like the others I had made, Those damn contraptions do not like staying together when fueled by the Spiritual makeup of Las Noches.

I believe this was the Twenty fifth attempt, It took a week for this one to explode. I asked Shurnyo if he would bring back a great deal of these Blues for you to listen to. I did enjoy the depressing atmosphere it gave off. Ah! Here he comes with my Delivery now. Another good thing about Shurnyo is that he is always serious, and he understands my work greatly! Ah to have a peer who can match you, if not in power at least but rather intelligence is quite refreshing.

Note to Self. Eradicate this note with extreme prejudice in an hour or so. Perhaps Cero will do?

I, Shurnyo, have done it! I have played yet another joke on Szayel of the Espada. This time instead of bringing him the damned poetry those Gillians he had locked in a closet of some sort were saying, I brought him the music of a different type. I had brought him the Blues! Now I can add this to the slowly growing list of things I have done to mess with him. Should he ever discover what I've been doing I will surely die horrifically. But if that is the cost of entertainment then so be it!

I can be sure to bring him the Next volume of Unlimited Hive Storm along with more Blues. Personally I still cannot believe he bought that. For all his intelligence, he is an idiot, or at least socially incompetent. He could trick a so called emperor into killing himself with poison, but he cannot tell that I have been pranked him unceasingly since the first time he called for you. Okay, maybe the second time, HOWEVER!

I am glad no one else understands the Damned Gillians other than me, otherwise this would have quickly ended in failure. Another thing to tightrope around. I almost cannot stop myself from laughing everytime I see him. Though maybe I should tone them down quite a bit. I mean, I am learning quite a great deal from his explanations, though... If I did stop then what would I do to entertain myself? You don't have much to lose should your lies be exposed. You have nothing to lose, I myself do not even wish to exist here in the first place, so what is death to a good joke? Nothing. That is a lesson you taught yourself once you became an Arrancar, a servant of a traitor to his own kind, who oppresses me. Though what a joke would it turn out to be should Lord Aizen betray his own creations.

At least Szayel has the decency to admit upfront to you and your kind, and those he tortures constantly, that he is going to cause you suffering, and won't go back on his word. You would know, he may be irritated with certain subjects, but he doesn't seem to lie unless he is attempting to kill you or further his goal. That is why you play these Pranks on him though. So that not only do I get my kicks, but too... Help him enjoy his time, and if I benefit from his misunderstandings well, all I can say is so be it.

Edit1: Spoilered it

Edit2: Unspoilered it :V

I'm... not sure about this. It seems to switch between second- and first-person and unless I've missed something it looks like a mistake rather than a stylistic choice? And Szayel trying to grasp La Marana isn't something that's happening, and there's a Blues joke but it gets bogged down in the narrative and this... Doesn't quite work, sorry. There's an interesting idea at its core but it doesn't pan out. I might give XP for a more refined version.
I just got the Kenpachi Omake made and edited. Please review and critique please. It is shorter than the Szayel one because I am not the best at writing fights in my opinion.

( :V )

The Defeat of Kenpachi

Everything had gone to Hell. The Espada had taken out several captains and their lieutenants, but it came at a price. The Espada suffered the loss of the new Tenth, your newest creation, a creature of defense, to take hits from captains without a scratch. It died screaming as Captain Yamamoto roasted it alive before Wonderweiss could affect him. The Seventh raced against his death, a clash of speed and steel, a single hit would decide their fate, and he lost, but not before fatally injuring Suì-Fēng, or rather injuring her enough another Espada could finish her off. You couldn't see which one it was. You finally lost the Second Espada. While he had been training, and you would know, it wasn't enough in the end.

Against the might of your arrancars the shinigami lost many more. They had lost a massive amount of their recruits, as well as several Captains. Even should they win, they will not recover from this. Not with the amount of hollows you released from Hueco Mundo. The hollow bait you used gave you an edge after Wonderweiss entered the fray. Under a massive amount of Hollows, arrancars, and Gillians from Hooleer, they would inevitably escape and spread chaos amongst the Human World. The worse thing for them however, was after I had Hooleer leave. He had opened up a way into Soul Societies realm, where he unleashed an unending amount of hollows to devour the souls there. If you would not win, Then you would guarantee that they would not win either.

You caused a great deal of trouble this time. You wish you had prepared more, and stopped messing about with the arrancar like you did. While it did amuse you, and you did not think that it would affect them too much… It did, they were not enough, You wish you created more weapons for this moment, as well as enhanced the ones you already had. Perhaps a Hollow that turned their target's spirit against them. The stronger they are, the worse it would get for them. Perhaps even a group of hollows whose specialty revolve around Ceros, that would wipe a great deal of the lesser shinigami out. However this is not the time for Lamentation or rumination upon the past, but the present. Looking upon the Battlefield once again you see quite a sight.

The collected dead for each force is countless of their main forces, and with another pause you can clearly see that everyone is at their limit. You cannot keep going on like this. It seems like this is the time to destroy these thoughts of victory. As you prepare to unleash your Bankai, that is when he comes charging into the battle. The one who seems to be enjoying slaughter the most and it seems to have not been phased in the slightest, his Endurance is quite impressive, if only you got him with the Hollowification than those low leveled goons you originally used.

Kenpachi, the monster of the Eleventh Division. At this time it seems that the battle lines have been closed and they are charging once more, the Kido Corps are attempting to use a great deal of Kido against your Espada, you end that thought quickly and watch with twisted satisfaction as they impale each other on their weapons, and the weapons of the ones they called comrades. Kenpachi just simply charges once again His presence destroys a large group of hollows by himself. He heads straight for the Fifth Espada, her Fraccion stand in his way. Luppi is thrown into a force of Beastial Hollows and Shinigami crushing them, there are a few Shinigami getting up, but Hollows seem to be used to such things and recover quicker. You are sure that they did not survive.

Her other fraccion, Nemo, blocks the way. She takes the hit from Kenpachi, the damage she has taken already worsens. Her arm is ripped off, Blood flows freely from her wounds, in fact you do not think that she can use one of her arms. But she still stands, if just barely. You hear Kenpachi's laugh before he raises his sword to strike her down once and for all. The Espada screams her fraccion's name. She jumps forward and pulls her back just in time, while not taking the physical blow, she still takes its damage nonetheless.

You see the Fifth espada throws her remaining Fraccion to another Espada's Fraccion, she then releases and charges Kenpachi. He takes several hits one of which injures him greatly, in retaliation however simply grabs her body and slams it into the ground repeatedly. He continues until she stops moving. That is when her Fraccion releases herself.

Kenpachi takes a few hits from her before he does the same thing he did to her Espada. After Kenpachi finishes with her he turns to find his next target. He spots Starrk and smiles before he starts to charge him. He stops though, you don't see why at first, but when you do you blink. After all that abuse Nemo stands up again. She begins to limp, still released, towards Kenpachi. He turns to face her and smiles. She starts to do something. She plans to Gran Rey Cero him. You doubt that would injure him even if he was injured more, but at this point you decide to lend your own help.

You distract Kenpachi if only for a moment by diverting a lieutenant leveled Shinigami to attack him. He cuts them in half looking away if only briefly. At this point Nemo is but a few steps away. That is when Nemo forces you to blink again. She crushes something that only she can see her hand turns black and wisps of shadow glide from it, suddenly she then lunges towards Kenpachi. She punches him in what some would consider the weakness of any man and then the world turns white.

When sight returns Kenpachi is on the ground. He will not be getting up again. That is without doubt. You move quickly and finish him off permanently. Kenpachi's head rolls across the ground and the Eleventh Division joins the other few divisions that have lost their captains in mourning. Nemo now collapses and begins to crawl towards the Fifth Espada, you think you see tears flowing from her mask. You scan the battlefield for any targets that you should take care of.

There is not that can be done, but fight. And that is what you do. With these final words it has been decided. With this you unleash one of the few trump cards you have left. With a single breath. You speak. "Ban-kai" Everything fades to Black.


You wake up with a start. What a disturbing dream. And during one of your few breaks after all the chaos the last few days brought. This moment of sleep that you had, while it did provide you a few ideas, was mostly useless. Nothing you saw could realistically work. You sigh as you realize that you have nothing to do today, and since you cannot get to sleep again, you might as well try putting this time to good use. You decide, long ranged support would help against the Kido Corps, as well as maybe, a defense oriented Hollow wouldn't be the worst idea you have had. To be fair though, as far as anyone will ever know, it was all according to plan, because you did not take one hundred years of damned acting lessons to not use them.

You Assume your natural state of being. A Smug Know-It-All, with a permanent Smirk in place. Another long day is in front of you. You exit your room and approach your throne. Once you Sit in it all the trouble in Los Noches rushes you. They will not win against you today.
Again, some interesting ideas, but the prose doesn't quite let them work. That said, it has a stronger ending, and the idea of Aizen foreseeing the final battle and dismissing it because the characters involved don't seem to plausibly have these skills is amusing. 25xp.

I would advise getting someone to proofread your work - you still slip from second- to first-person at one point, and it might help your writing feel more fluid.
I want you guys to remember, you ASKED for this:

@Omicron how many negative xps do I get for this? :V
Why do you people keep throwing maids at me

That said this is a pretty solid sketch. Have 25xp.

Infamy, Infamy

"This script, ah, this script, it's familiar... but where do I know it from? Sometimes we make up our own languages, you know. Don't know why we do it. Language is a way of communicating and we're not good at it. Maybe that's why the languages are so poorly done. Ill-formed words for ill-formed beasts, yes, yes... oh, where do I know it from?" Ren's arthritic fingers sort through black stones, each one with a character carved into it. "Maybe it's a scrying aid, or a casting aid - spell by spelling, ah ha... but no, I'm not sure it's quite like that, mmm, mmm..."

"Hello, old man," a voice purrs from right behind his ear.

Ren twists; flinches; collapses to the ground in a clatter of pebbles. Pitifully he looks up at Luppi, whose face is a mask of innocence. "That wasn't very nice, not very nice at all," he says as he slowly pulls himself to his knees, paying more attention to the dropped stones.

"Jumpy, aren't you?"

"You'd be j-jumpy too when someone like you is around who can move in without me noticing you; why do you do that, what do you get from it..." Ren mutters, still shuddering.

"Oh, I'm just bored," Luppi says, licking his lips. "And looking for entertainment."

Ren swallows. "Well, uh..."

"I'm sure you can entertain me with a story." Nothing Luppi says is a threat, but the image appears in the old man's mind of what kind of entertainment Luppi might find if the story isn't to his satisfaction.

"Well, I need to pick all these things up and set them down and that'll give me a chance to rack my tired old mind, yes, very tired," Ren wheezes, playing for time. "Is there anything in particular you're looking for?"

That seems to surprise Luppi and the boy is quiet for long enough for Ren to settle the stones back down on the work table before him. He clears his throat, and begins to think about what might amuse this boy-thing. He's not like Cirucci - whose head is full of levers like pride and vanity that he's very familiar with - and he's not like Nemo, who amuses herself by pretending she's his peer when they both know it's not true.

Luppi stretches, over-long sleeves flapping around, and then he reaches out to play with Ren's pebbles. The old man nearly says something but doesn't. "I'd like a grand tale of betrayal and treachery," Luppi says. "You know, something heartwarming. Something truly epic. Not some sordid little petty thing."

"Hmm. Hmm. Maybe... no, no." Ren squints at him. "You're a hard man."

"Not at all." Luppi smiles. "I'm all soft and friendly, right?"

"Right. R-right. Okay. Our story begins with a man," Ren starts, raising one finger. "Just a man. He's not a medium; he's not a soul reaper; he's not even dead. He's not a very good man, but - by whatever weird ways the world picks out - he's not worthy of punishment in the cursed realm of Hell. But still; he's headstrong, he's violent, and there's a certain ambition in him. He's not the sort to let go of his desires.

"And so when he dies, well, of course he lingers. Maybe he was shot repeatedly with arrows and tossed down a canyon. What matters there, of course, is that no shinigami finds his lurking ghost. And in time, he turns on himself and his own soul chain gnaws out his heart."

"Boring," Luppi observes, with a mock yawn.

"I'm setting the scene, nothing more!" Ren starts to snap, and then remembers who he's talking to and turns it from a 'snap' and into a 'says'. Luppi only smiles. "Well, anyway, where was I? Oh yes. He's dead. And now he's more than dead. His heart has devoured itself; he wears a mask to cover his face from the world. Now, ah, now this man enters history. Maybe the mediums who see him call him 'oni'; a cannibal monster of the mountains who cooks men alive. Of course, he's only after their souls for nourishment, but he's jealous of their bodies. He remembers having a body. He devours souls and learns to wear their empty shells, until they rot on him. That earns him more nicknames, more entries in dark tales told at night to scare children."

"Oh, pwease don't scawe me, Mistah Wen," Luppi lisps.

Ren tries to ignore the distraction. "He eats souls; he eats Hollows; he eats shinigami - and that's what does it for him, because in the end he bloats and bloats until his old form is lost and he's a giant who wanders off into a world of endless sands. Who knows how long he's like that, one soul among legion - but what matters for our story is that in the screaming collective he is the one who comes out on top. His old mask re-emerges. Maybe he's a centipede now, as long as a bridge; maybe he's a hill-sized tiger; maybe he's a wasp who injects his venom into Gillians and drinks them dry. But," he taps his nose, "he's still a predator, oh yes. And not a subtle lurking one.

"So he eats, and eats, and eats. And eats some m-more. It's what we do, of course, but he does it better than we do... well, better than I do and better than you, too, if you can listen to what he becomes. Because one day he's eaten so much and devoured so many that he's the size of a man, collapsing down under the inexorable weight of his soul's hunger. The more he eats, the smaller he gets, and that's where we find pictures of him on the wall carvings in Hollow warrens; demon-masked, his hair in a jagged mane, sitting on a pile of masks. He's not a king, though. Barragan's diversions are not a thing for him. He loves to fight. He loves to kill. And he prides himself on killing shinigami and feasting on their souls. He always has. Their souls are the tastiest, after all, but he prefers the joy of the kill to the meal afterwards.

"That's his downfall.

"A captain - or two or three - of the shinigami come for him. Perhaps one of them f-falls, perhaps even two - but in the end they slay him. And all that trapped power, all that hunger, all that endless gnawing at the spindle of reincarnation comes to nothing. He has lived so long as a monster that there's almost nothing left of him as a man, when a sword p-peels away his empty existence. He wakes up in the realm of the shinigami; nameless, a pieced together man who's forgotten nearly everything he was in life and death alike.

Ren leans in. "And yet something remains, something that the shinigami couldn't peel away. Not all souls are made equal - oh, no, indeed they are not - and this man has proven himself in a way very few souls ever do. He knows how to kill. He knows how to fight. Spiritual power comes easily to him. He's hunted Hollows for such a very, very long time. Perhaps he might do so again."

The old man falls silent, and lowers his finger. The story is over.

Luppi frowns, and then throws back his head and laughs. "Oh, okay, old man. You win this time."

Ren tries for a hesitant smile. "You thought I'd just tell you a story of some would-be emperor killed by his servants? Pah! There are countless tales like that in Hueco Mundo. It happens time and time again. Someone declares himself to be a god, and his smiling vizier is waiting behind him with teeth and claws bared. If you were surprised by such a betrayal, you might as well be surprised by getting sand in your boots when you go for a walk!"

"That was an excellent betrayal," Luppi agrees, still laughing. "To make someone betray their nature and turn them to your own cause... wonderful! It makes me feel much more at ease. A world that worked that way would be a good world. It doesn't even matter if it's true. I won't ruin things by asking."

Luppi rises. "And by the way, old man," he says, flipping some of Ren's pebbles between his fingers, "these stones are gambling tokens." One pops up. "Look; this one's a stylised version of a quarter of a Gillian's mask. This one, five plus souls. That one, a single plus soul. Do you gamble?"

Wincing, Ren tries to snatch them back before Luppi can take any more. "I think just talking with you is a gamble," he mumbles.

Still smiling, Luppi tosses the other stones back down. "I like to wager. It's so much more... fun than an honest trade. You should try it some time. It'll calm your nerves."
I like this.

Now, I get the implication you've tried to sneak in there, and I am not making it canon that Kenpachi is the soul of a purified Vasto Lorde :V

That said, hey, it's just a story. It could be false or interpreted in various ways. And I like Luppi and Ren chatting together. The omake is canon, and hhave 100xp for it.


In the World of the Living, a teenager with orange hair stops at the threshold of the house where he lives with his father and sisters.

A plain white envelope leans against the door. For no obvious reason, it makes him nervous. It only becomes clearer when he reaches down and picks it up. The paper is heavy, and strangely coarse. The sun is still bright in the sky, but he can see that the envelope casts no shadow upon the ground. It's a matter of spirits, then.

On the face of the letter, embossed in red, is a stylized disc, linked to a handle by a thin, coiled wire. Beneath it, the simple inscription: Ichigo Kurosaki


There are three things you'll need to make this gala work, you inform Luppi.

You must prepare the Red Chamber for guests, of course; it is still far too barren to make a good impression, much less to host the elite of Las Noches all together. You'll need furniture, of course; tables to set drinks upon and gather about, seats for guests to huddle together or recline and gossip. And less permanent fixtures; candles, wall hangings, napkins, tablecloths…the list is long but obvious.

And then, there is the matter of refreshments. While you appreciate a good tea and some biscuits, you can hardly make that the sole basis for a grand social gathering. Especially one that includes some less sophisticated palates. You'll need refreshments, and those refreshments will need to impress. And to suit the varied tastes of a particularly eclectic group; something for everyone. Yes, the hospitality portion will be complicated.


The black cat examines the embossed envelope carefully. She had sensed a brief pulse of foreign spiritual energy atop a tall building, and come to investigate. Instead of an intruding hollow, or some rarer spiritual oddity, she found only the solitary envelope.

A quick slash of unsheathed claws revealed a stiff card.

"Cirucci Sanderwicci," spelled out the red letters within, "wholeheartedly invites Yoruichi Shihoin and guest to the masquerade ball she is hosting to celebrate her elevation to the rank of Quinta Espada. Please join her and the elites of the spiritual world for a glorious night of celebration, dancing, mystery, and espionage. Costumes and masks will be available for guests on-site, if needed. Safe passage to and from the event for guests is guaranteed…"


"Aren't you getting a bit ahead of yourself?" inquired Luppi. "You can't know how to properly set up for an event like this until you know what everyone will be doing. So what IS the plan for this party? What could you possibly think will be enough to bring all the Espada out at once, and keep them talking? What could entice both Grimmjow and Szayel both? Hmmm? You're planning out how you'll eat your catch before you've even picked out your bait."

It's in progress. Colorful metaphors aside, he's not wrong, but you know you'll need entertainment. That's the third factor. Something to draw them in, something the make them stay, and talk, and keep talking long after the gala is over. You thought perhaps to bring in some musicians, perhaps. Or even find a sculptor or a painter that could work in front of the guests. That would be…

"That would be frightfully unappealing to Grimmjow," Luppi interrupted. "Do you really think he'll want to listen to music and dance? He and his fraccion will eat all the food and leave in ten minutes. If that. Oh, you are so fortunate I'm here to help. Trust me, this party will be sensational."


The tall man strokes his mustache and examines the card in front of him, reading it again. It came from that thief. He's sure of it. He caught a glimpse of her from the corner of his eye, and gave chase. She was gone before he got so much as a clear look at her, but when he returned to his shop, there was a strange envelope in the mail slot.

"Safe passage guaranteed to guests?" he mused out loud. "As if we could trust an arrancar."

"I dunno," Kisuke shrugged from across the counter. "Cirucci Sanderwicci was the one who challenged Kurosaki outside his house. And she passed up a chance to kick him while he was down. And Ururu insists the thief didn't want to hurt her, just to get away, for what it's worth. And if they're working for Aizen…you know how twisted his brain is. The safe passage might actually be real. There's something going on, but it's got to be more complicated than just gathering us up in one place and attacking. They know where we live; they could attack any time they wanted, without sending invitations."

"So instead of a simple trap, it might be a really complicated trap," Tessai rumbled.

"Probably. But nobody has ever seen the inside of Las Noches. The chance to get a peek behind the wall, maybe gather some data on the Espada…it's tempting. It's very, very tempting. Even if none of us go, I'm worried that Kurosaki might be rash enough to try. And if anyone goes, it would be dumb not to give them every ally and advantage we can send."


"There's one thing that interests everyone," Luppi explained with a gleam in his eyes. "And that would be enemies. Here, on the very brink of war with the Shinigami, that is what will capture the attention of every arrancar in Las Noches. We just need to spread the word that a few soul reapers will be attending in disguise, and that delightful prospect will have your guests fighting to get in the door. Trying to get a glimpse of the enemy, size up the opposition."

That is…incredibly stupid, really. Who goes someplace just because it's dangerous? If you knew a deadly enemy was going to be somewhere, you'd be certain to go anywhere but there. This whole idea is nonsensical…

"Really," Luppi asked. "So, remind me again, what were you doing on that day that Ruddborne died, Miss I-stay-away-from-dangerous-enemies?"

That's….crap. Well, it doesn't matter, because everyone will know that the Soul Reaper thing is a lie. They'd stick out like thumbs in Las Noches. No masks. So everyone would know instantly that nothing interesting was happening; it would backfire.

"Masquerade ball. We'll make everyone show up in disguise. Masks and costumes all around. Arrange it so that even you and I and Cirucci don't know who everyone at the party is, exactly. For that matter, we'll pack it out with random numeros and some of those sneaky calaveras, just to add confusion. Make playing nice a condition of attending. Everyone will be so intent on being paranoid about just who might be a secret shinigami spy versus who is Halibel in a wig, they'll have no time or energy to be bored."

But they'll guess that we didn't actually invite any shinigami. Everyone will know it's a lie; that's obvious.

"Not," Luppi smirked, "if it isn't a lie. We're really inviting some shinigami. All the ones from your little adventure in Karakura town the other day. Hell, maybe even all of them we can find. Grimmjow and his fraccion fought some, the other day, that you didn't see. And Ichimaru Gin, and Tousen. Gin will show up, I'm certain, so we'll have at least one hidden shinigami. And with a tiny amount of luck, several. They will want to get a look at us just as much as we want a look at them."

You edge further away from Luppi, gracefully. You had thought he was just slimy and a little quirky. You never realized he was actually dangerously insane. He doesn't seem to be picking up on your body language, maybe…

"Come, fearless leader!" Luppi declares, eyes bright with enthusiasm. "We have invitations to make. This party will be…delicious!"


In a small apartment, a blond shinigami woman held a white envelope embossed with red…
I don't know how you keep doing these but I love them. Have 50xp.
Now You Feel Like Number 48
XVIII: That Which Consumes


"Ow! I hate this whole undertaking. I hate these cultists. On our way out the door, I'm destroying their village. What's so interesting about those pictures?"

"This is what we came for. The accumulated history, legends, and myths of the group are carved here on the wall, so that they won't be forgotten. This looks like a pretty conventional metaphysical legend, telling why there is no sun in the skies of Hueco Mundo. There are lots of these legends, although many of them are broadly similar. They provide a mythic, metaphorical explanation for natural phenomena, in this case the eternal night."

"Metaphorical? So it's not even true?"

"It's not a matter of true or false, it's common cultural touchstone for otherwise disparate beings! It's a fascinating and enlightening practice, giving us glimpses into the culture of long-dead hollows!"

"Why are the pictures so crappy?"

"They're trap cultists, not art cultists."

"So this big hollow flew around the skies, shooting energy beams at all those littler hollows."

"Metaphor, remember. The big one with the halo isn't a hollow, it's the personification of the sun. This is a story about the prehistory of Hueco Mundo, when it had a sun that shone down upon the land, scorching and tormenting the hollows, who had to hide from its harsh light underground. That's also why all those shuriken-flinging mechanisms were set up to fire upon you when you approached the mural. They represent the painful rays of the sun."

"Was there really a time when Hueco Mundo had a sun? A real sun, not a fake thing in Las Noches?"

"It's a metaphor."

"I still think it looks like a big hollow shooting ceros at other hollows."

"Ahhhhh! Put me out, put me out, put me out!"

"Stop, drop, and roll! Stop, drop and roll! No, roll the other way! Roll the other way!"


"So, here, we see the Mantis, who is an archetypal hero to trap cultists, often treated as the first or greatest trapsmith. He grew tired of hiding from the sun during the day, and decided to do something about it. Here he is, at his anvil, wielding his mighty hammer and tongs."

"So the flamethrowers represent the heat of his forge."


"Yeah, I think I'm starting to get this. So he went to his anvil, and forged himself a shield, and a maraschino cherry."

"I think that's a magical lasso that can seal the power of the sun away. See how there's energy inside the loop, but not outside? It's representative art."

"It looks like a cherry. How would you forge a lasso, anyhow? They're made of rope. You can't forge rope."

"Maybe it's made of wire."

"Maybe you're making this all up as you go."

"Son of an Shinigami, that was close. All arms and legs accounted for?"

"Fine. I told you, the traps get more dangerous as you go."

"Yeah, you said that. Ishi, if, somehow, one of these traps gets me, I want you to promise me something. Do NOT let these cultist jackasses eat me. I hate them. Eat my body yourself, if necessary. Don't reward their bad behavior."


"Only if something else gets me, though. No killing me yourself because you're hungry. I mean it."

"So, in this mural, the Mantis is journeying to the highest mountain in Hueco Mundo, which the sun passes close by at noon. It is a long journey, and he faced many trials along the way; sneaking through the glade of the Great Spinner, matching riddles with ancient Worm Sage, crossing the pits of Green Fire."

"It wouldn't have been as long a trip if he'd just gone in a straight line. Look how that path snakes back and forth. I bet he got lost, and didn't want to ask directions."

"It's metaphorical! The hero has to undergo many arduous trials to gain the skills he needs and prove his worth!"

"If he had just gone north at the start, he could have totally skipped the spiderweb thingy!"

"You cannot skip steps in a mythical heroic legend! It doesn't work that way!"

"Maybe it should! You can bet if I find myself on an epic legendary quest, I'm going to go straight to the end! No screwing around!"

"OK, that was far too easy, which concerns me. No way, after the previous nightmare, was this part only going to have some crummy swinging guillotine blades. This is some kind of like, meta-trap, where they used a simple trap to try and lure us into a false sense of security so that we wouldn't expect the real trap, which hasn't been sprung yet. And I'm not falling for it."

"Maybe they just didn't plan on you being that fast. Most hollows can't use Sonido. And there were a whole lot of blades..."

"Nope. Not buying it. Still on guard. So, here, Mantis guy confronts the big flying hollow, who is suddenly the same approximate size as him."

"It's the sun. It's metaphorical! And yes. He polished his death-deflecting shield to be mirror bright, and planted it at the highest peak of the mountain. When the sun drew close, it encountered something it had never seen before, because the sun can see anything but itself, and was entranced. And then Mantis attacked."

"With his maraschino cherry."

"With the magical lasso enchanted to seal the sun's power. He approached the sun from behind while it stared at its own reflection, roped it, and sealed up its light."

"There's no way that would work. The sun is like, waaaaaaay up there in the sky. Nobody could throw a rope that far, no matter how tall the mountain was. And the rope would break."


"Look out!"

"I TOLD you there was going to be more trap. The swinging blades were way too easy."

"Shut up."

"You're welcome."

"Thank you. Now shut up about the trap. Last mural. Here's the final moral of the legend. Mantis snared the sun in his lasso, and sealed its light, so forever after only the moon is visible in the sky of Hueco Mundo. And all the hollows in the desert rejoiced to be free of its burning gaze."

"And everyone lived happily ever after."

"No. The Sun's light was sealed, but it was still able to fly through the sky. Mantis knew that if it escaped, it would free itself from the rope, and the sun would not be so easily snared a second time, so he held tight to his lasso, and was carried away through the air. They hurtled across the sky towards the west, and were never seen again, but legend tells us the Mantis never let go of the rope tying him to the sun. We know, because the night in Hueco Mundo is still unbroken. The only thing left behind to show his victory was his great mirror shield, scorched by the rays of the sun."

"Wouldn't he eventually get tired and lose his grip?"


"Or starve to death? He still needed to eat, right?"

"It's a metaphor!"

"If it's a metaphor, who made that big shield hanging over there on the wall?"

"I'm sure it's a replica the trap cultists made. Just like all the carvings on the wall. Anybody can make a giant shield."

"You know, it's kind of nice looking. And the Privaron doesn't have a good full-length mirror. It would look good in her fort."

{ } Grab the mirror and take it home with you. (Gain the Mantis Shield.)
{ } Ha, ha! You know how this works. Like there's any chance the big, obvious treasure at the end of the route isn't a trap! (Gain skill: Trapsmithing)

Goddammit, I love this Minirucci adventure. You actually have me waiting for the next update, even though this is my thread and my Quest, you monster.

I'm giving you 50xp for it. And as usual I offer a completion bonus if you wrap up that series of omakes but given its nature it seems unlikely. So there, that's my revenge :V

Now You Feel Like Number None now has a TvTropes Page! If you, or other people, want to take a peak and/or add some more Tropes to the TvTropes Page, feel free. I'll try to link a character page there sometime in the next week.
It is with great sadness, but even greater resolve, that I grant you 50xp for putting effort into something I never asked for but which I can't deny is a really interesting insight into the Quest as a whole from a player's point of view.

DONE! After several days of work, I have finally finished going through A to Z of Bleach's tropes and added as many as I could of them to Number None's TV Tropes page. Over a hundred separate entries were added all up. Glad to finally finish.

One interesting thing that I found out while doing all that was how many entries included or were primarily/entirely about Cirucci. Honestly, if the point of view switched to her more often than for a single chapter, she would easily have qualified for the title of Deuteragonist.
You are an absolute madman.

Actually it's really interesting to read these - and to have read some entires that are now gone during your writing process - as it gives me a different perspective on the Quest; for instance, you seem to have felt Chapter 10 to be much sadder than I thought it to be when writing it.

Anyway, have 50xp for your work, and this is the last time I am giving XP for anything TVTropes related. There, done.

pnemo cuddling minirucci under her cloak

p!nemo taking minirucci clothes shopping in the living world and being harassed by some nerd

minirucci vs biggirucci

this sure is something

nemo imitating cirucci's hairstyle and resulting disapproval

jackalton and a babby new calaveras

ive been informed that, no, they do not actually wear suits ;__;

Ashido dies - An Of Noble Purpose Crossover

I was gonna clean up the lineart before I posted it but it was lazy

p!nemo taking out nnoitra with a small but stronk concentrated cero of doom

he commited fashion crime with those shoes
EDIT: Fiiiiiine, moved one of the images out of the spoiler box so if can be found through quick-scrollthroughs/skimmings

in lieu of cirucci not being able to fly for more than 30 seconds anymore here is cirucci taking nemo out on a romantic flying date (+preparations)

This is quality.

I really love how in the plane theft picture Nemo isn't riding in the plane but instead Cirucci holds her hand while she glides alongside it so she can feel like she's flying. That's adorable. Everything about P!Nemo and Minirucci is adorable, except that Nnoitra pic, which instead is really cool for its level of detail and its feeling of action in motion. Jackelton and the Pugalera look classy as hell.

But I still wish you had a non-joke version of that Ashido page because it's great :V

Have 200xp for the lot.
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Now You Feel Like Number None Fan Art
Stretta, Galavant, and Lizard

Now You Feel Like Number None Fan Art
Nemo In Nine Different Styles


Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends, The Powerpuff Girls, Pucca, Sonic The Hedgehog, Naruto, My Life As A Teenage Robot, Teen Titans, My Little Pony, and Danny Phantom.

Now You Feel Like Number None Fan Art
Nemo In Nine Ten Different Styles



Now You Feel Like Number None Fan Art
Golondrina Ascendente


Now You Feel Like Number None Fan Art

Luppi: What?

Nemo: *moth noises*

Luppi: I stole it from the World of the Living.

Now You Feel Like Number None Fan Art
Nero!Nemo Welcomes You!


Now You Feel Like Number None Fan Art
Ready To Serve & The Moth Maid


I know it's a couple of days early, but....

Now You Feel Like Number None Fan Art
Happy Valentine's Day!


I couldn't find a reference image for "one antenna twists elegantly", so I made the antenna into a decorative almost rose-like portion of the caterpillar-woman's mask. I also made that portion of the mask come out from underneath her hair, and had her hair cover the topmost part of her mask, in an attempt to give her somewhat of a more unique look. And, well, you said "vest"....
Now You Feel Like Number None Fan Art
Caterpillar Numero


Now You Feel Like Number None Fan Art Two
Caterpillar Numero [2.0]


Now You Feel Like Number None
Dordoni's Hidalguia


The Numeros that Dordoni Alessandro Del Socaccio had intended to use in the Exequias Contest -- and later ended up fighting Luppi instead -- were Elyssa, Yin, Yang, Menis and Alegedor and Rabbit. In Intermission - After the Rain, Flowers Blooming, it was revealed that Luppi had killed two of these Numeros -- Menis and Alegdor -- leaving Elyssa, Yin, Yang and Rabbit to become his Hidualgia.

Now You Feel Like Number None Fan Art
Alberto, Marlena and Phylius


Now You Feel Like Number None Fan Art
Nemo Elcorbuzier's (Past to Present)

This should be better, I think.

Nemo is wearing the Memory Glove -- light brown due to the materials it was made out of -- the Beastly Bracelet above it, the Luppi Glove -- white due to the material it was made out of -- the necklace underneath her coat -- and a scarf. Plus light blue lipstick.

Take a Nemo Elcorbuzier, now with Hooded Cloak Action!

I like all of these to an extent, but some stand out more than the others. The Cirucci Ascendete picture is really strong, it has a sense of posing that is sometimes missing from your art - the way I see it Cirucci's skin doesn't turn blue in her Resurreccion, it's just her feathers and lightning spear, but it makes for a very strong picture. You drew Stretta and Galavant! I didn't expect this and I like it. The Hidalguia and the Chibi!Hidalguia are fun, and I like both versions of the Caterpillar Arrancar - although the Alberto/Marlena/Phylius picture lacks in, hm, distinctiveness between the three, likely because I haven't given them much description.

I'm giving you 150xp for the lot.
And I would like to take this moment to say that if you all want Nemo to be happy marana is the way to go so she can eventually attain flight.
And I would like to take this moment to say that if you all want Nemo to be happy marana is the way to go so she can eventually attain flight.
Didn't we vote for a thing that let her fly recently? Like, last update?
Edit: not last update, but very recently. LXXVI playing games, to be specific.
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Didn't we vote for a thing that let her fly recently? Like, last update?
Edit: not last update, but very recently. LXXVI playing games, to be specific.
Its not flight its gliding we want nemo to have true flight and not be bound by such a poor substitute.
[ ] To Chase the Dream of Flight - In one moment of glory, Cirucci took to the sky. How you dream of following her into the heavens, leaving the earth behind. This gift is still denied to you, so you borrow her own glory, for a moment. You made a necklace of beads, each one made of the glass forged by her lightning bolts. When your emotions align with those of Cirucci in her moment of ascension - when you feel exalted, joyful, free, or glorious, your feet lift off the ground and you glide through the air with ease and grace. Beware the fall; should your spirits be brought low, so will your body.
It is with great sadness, but even greater resolve, that I grant you 50xp for putting effort into something I never asked for but which I can't deny is a really interesting insight into the Quest as a whole from a player's point of view.

I like all of these to an extent, but some stand out more than the others. The Cirucci Ascendete picture is really strong, it has a sense of posing that is sometimes missing from your art - the way I see it Cirucci's skin doesn't turn blue in her Resurreccion, it's just her feathers and lightning spear, but it makes for a very strong picture. You drew Stretta and Galavant! I didn't expect this and I like it. The Hidalguia and the Chibi!Hidalguia are fun, and I like both versions of the Caterpillar Arrancar - although the Alberto/Marlena/Phylius picture lacks in, hm, distinctiveness between the three, likely because I haven't given them much description.

I'm giving you 150xp for the lot.
That's understandable.

Hm. I'll look around to see if I have colored pencils that match Cirucci's skinetone: if I do then I'll make a copy of the Cirucci Ascendete picture, if not I'll probably do a picture of Cirucci with Galavant's broken sword. I mean, I'm already planning to do something like that, but I still have to go back through the Quest to see how she holsters it.

I could do more Stretta and Galavant: their Reserecutions (if you had an idea in mind for them), standing on either side of Cirucci, standing in the desert somewhere, ghosts or whatever.

I wanted to do a picture of all the Opera Numeros, but there have been four to six described out of ten. So, that one will have to wait until sometime in the future. By the way... what is the Caterpillar Numeros' name?

I think that I'll put 100 XP into La Marana and 100 XP into Cirucci. ll
Not bad. I'll give you 50xp for it, although I am not making this canon as there are some details which don't match with my view of Hollow!Cirucci - most importantly, at that time she did not have the power to bring rain, her thunderstorms were "dry," so to speak, without any life-bringing aspect.
All to Cirruci, please!
I don't know how you keep doing these but I love them. Have 50xp.

The key is to have one specific joke to tell, and then be willing to abandon any hint of logic or common sense which would prevent you from telling that joke.

Luppi, as a character, is helpful for this, because he's a troll, and I can therefore justify almost any amount of terribly stupid scheming from him on the grounds that he wouldn't care if everything collapsed in fire and ruin, as long as he personally survived.

Whereas Nemo is kind of doomed to be the straight man for various comedians now.


Goddammit, I love this Minirucci adventure. You actually have me waiting for the next update, even though this is my thread and my Quest, you monster.

I'm giving you 50xp for it. And as usual I offer a completion bonus if you wrap up that series of omakes but given its nature it seems unlikely. So there, that's my revenge :V

Given that you're like, seventy-five updates ahead of me at this point, I think it's very likely your revenge will be successful.

Also, I have no idea where it's going now. But that's solvable with brute force and vodka.

Drop the 100 XP in Descorrererererer, please. Time to start working on fancy magic portals.
I've been kicking around the idea in my head for a while that all of the really powerful Shinigami are former Vasto Lorde. Kenpachi, Yamamoto, the strongest of Zero Squad. Lesser Captain Class shinigami were probably Adjuchas at one point. Rank and file Shinigami were just human psychics. It would explain that huge power gulf between them and everyone else. Presumably the first few to make the conversion were killed by the Soul King.

This was might be countered by something in the last arc of Bleach, but I refuse to read that, so I wouldn't know.
I've been kicking around the idea in my head for a while that all of the really powerful Shinigami are former Vasto Lorde. Kenpachi, Yamamoto, the strongest of Zero Squad. Lesser Captain Class shinigami were probably Adjuchas at one point. Rank and file Shinigami were just human psychics. It would explain that huge power gulf between them and everyone else. Presumably the first few to make the conversion were killed by the Soul King.

This was might be countered by something in the last arc of Bleach, but I refuse to read that, so I wouldn't know.

I like the idea of the first Shinigami being Arrancar long ago, being the natural expression of that role in the soul cycle nuturing and ultimately being replaced by the more reliably produced and flexible Plus Shinigami.

After all, it wasn't until relatively recently that it was known how to perform Arrancarisation and maintain power, let alone increase it.

Oh! There's a thought! Arrancarisation doesn't always result in a Zanpakuto now does it? What if the first Asauchi and Zanpakuto were an attempt at a 'prosthetic' for failed Arrancar warriors who, while weakened, would still be far more powerful than the average Plus Soul in Seiretei and thus still of use against Hollows.
Pluses are then bonded to Zanpakuto to support the limited numbers of Arrancar Shinigami (perhaps as Kido wielders and healers? Perhaps they posses a finer control over their spiritual energies) and things develop from there, your idea could work in too with purified Base Hollows, Menos and greater being taken down by these improvements in early Seiretei combat abilities resulting in 'Great' Plus Shinigami out-competing the primitive Arrancar Shinigami who ultimately go extinct, either just through losses in combat and no real need to recruit more or being purified themselves willingly or not.
The Soul King was a thing created to keep the balance between the worlds and regulate the flow of souls. It could not kill things or in fact do anything besides exist and do the thing it was made to do. It was an "I have no mouth and I must scream" situation.
Hm... See, I'd have to have read the end of the series to know that.

Ah well, then Vasto Lorde Yamamoto was killed by an alliance of Arrancar or something.
If you think about it, shinigami don´t really make sense, because they are made up from one, or, if you differentiate them, two souls. And they can be hella powerful. But every powerful hollow has to devour literal nations of souls to become vasto lorde. And if you purify hollow like that, all the souls and their power is dispersed, no? At least i assume so.
It's just how the two different methods of progression work. You can either grab your sword buddy and start working together to increase your base numbers with training, or you can go over and steal other people's numbers to make your numbers larger with hunting.

So a hollow has to eat a bazillion people because they're all 1s and 2s, whereas a shinigami is, like, a 54 or something.

And then there's the invisible skill multiplier, which makes what you have more deadly; Stark is an excellent example, because he was theoretically the strongest Espada amongst a group where him and three other people could casually curbstomp Ichigo (Ulquiorra breaks out Segunda Etapa, which might have made him stronger than Stark, but he didn't need to; he was kicking Ichigo around before that), but he lost to a single captain's shikai because he didn't use it well enough.
And then there's the invisible skill multiplier, which makes what you have more deadly; Stark is an excellent example, because he was theoretically the strongest Espada amongst a group where him and three other people could casually curbstomp Ichigo (Ulquiorra breaks out Segunda Etapa, which might have made him stronger than Stark, but he didn't need to; he was kicking Ichigo around before that), but he lost to a single captain's shikai because he didn't use it well enough.
IIRC, segunda etapa gets lot of spotlight and undeserved cred for something that only allowed few more tricks, like contained cero, and spiritual pressure density shift. His power gets more overbearing, closer to despair, but doesn´t actually increase. But yes i get it. Its just that no matter how hard you train as hollow, you simply won ´t get to be a captain level combatant. Ever. Which is interesting.
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And then there's the invisible skill multiplier, which makes what you have more deadly; Stark is an excellent example, because he was theoretically the strongest Espada amongst a group where him and three other people could casually curbstomp Ichigo (Ulquiorra breaks out Segunda Etapa, which might have made him stronger than Stark, but he didn't need to; he was kicking Ichigo around before that), but he lost to a single captain's shikai because he didn't use it well enough.

In defense of Starrk...

He lost to a sneak attack from an unusually strong captain using a shikai designed for sudden one-shot kills, who got the opening to strike by playing dead after Starrk beat him down in the first round of the fight.

Seriously, Shunsui's strategy in the fight was to pretend he got killed and wait for a chance to strike after realizing he just flatly couldn't take Starrk in a slugging match. Starrk beat him and Ukitake working together, then beat two Visored ex-captains working together, then got punked by a guy he thought was already down for the count.

Saying he lost to a single captain's shikai is roughly as accurate as saying Barragan lost to a single ex-lieutenant's kido spells. It's technically true, but it doesn't mean Momo is the favorite in a cage match between the two.
So on a side note I am once again trying to figure out who Nemo and Luppi will fight once the rescue arc begins. Because as far as I can tell they are both either rather unorthodox fighters (Nemo) or abnormally strong for their rank (Luppi) which when combined with Cirucci's rival status makes the match ups rather interesting.

Out of the canon rescue team I can see Nemo fighting against Ishida or Rukia (maybe both) and Luppi being a relatively interesting match up against Renji and Chad, at least in terms of rough power levels. Of course the Nemo fight I would be extremely interested in is a Nemo Vs Tatsuki&Orihime.
Nemo and Chad are the obvious matchup. He enters a room and finds Nemo sitting with a table and tea set out in front of her, and she offers Chad some tea in an obvious callback to his encounter in the soul society arc with Shunsui. When they fight, it's a redux of his lack of speed making his powerful attacks unable to land, but like his canon fight with Gantenbainne he'll have a sudden powerup via power epihany and land a crushing blow on Nemo.

However, unlike Gantenbainne, Nemo wont have released (because she hates releasing), and makes a verbal declaration about how she's fighting to protect Cirruci (again, as a mirror of Chad's motivations), and releases...
Nemo and Chad are the obvious matchup. He enters a room and finds Nemo sitting with a table and tea set out in front of her, and she offers Chad some tea in an obvious callback to his encounter in the soul society arc with Shunsui. When they fight, it's a redux of his lack of speed making his powerful attacks unable to land, but like his canon fight with Gantenbainne he'll have a sudden powerup via power epihany and land a crushing blow on Nemo.

However, unlike Gantenbainne, Nemo wont have released (because she hates releasing), and makes a verbal declaration about how she's fighting to protect Cirruci (again, as a mirror of Chad's motivations), and releases...
I think such a fight should include at least one beam struggle where Nemo matches Chad's energy blasts with her own Cero.