Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
good lord that's an ugly transformation. her new one is so much more stylish.
Like I said, it's a weird, mutant thing, where, for example, she has the makings of a giant bird outline but then just has a tiny little human head where the giant bird head should be.

I think it's clear Kishimoto was playing up the potential strangeness of Arrancar Resureccions with many of the early transformations, like Cirucci, Szayel Apollo, and Zommari.
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I'm pretty sure she actually stood on her arms and hands, not her legs and feet in her old Resurrecion. They just sort of dangled there uselessly as her arms became these massive bird talons that were roughly ten times longer than her human legs. So she stood on big bird legs, then she hit people with her wings and tail which is what she does now. She's still only got five functioning limbs, either way. Her original transformation is a weird, mutant thing, part bird, part lizard, part person and part blade, all slapped together in an ungainly fashion and I think that was deliberate.

EDIT: You can kind of see what I'm talking about here, though it's cropped so you can't see her hands on the ground:
Having watched the relevant episodes, I can definitively say that you are completely wrong in this regard. Those arms do not hold her up off the ground. She always hovers in the air, even when using her wings in melee or when firing her feathers.

EDIT: Never mind! Turns out you were right. In that screenshot of yours she actually is hovering, she's not standing on the arms, but in the episode after that, she does stand on them after Uryu does his Seele Schneider thing.

EDIT2: After finding out her arms really are only used to stand, the new Resurreccion makes complete sense to me. @Omicron, ignore everything I said in all prior posts regarding this subject.
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@Omicron, I am a bit confused. In Cirucci's original Resurreccion, she had both wings and arms. Now that her Resurreccion evolved it seems like she lost something. Did she lose her arms, her wings, or did they fuse together so she has to choose between flapping her wings and doing melee attacks with her arms?
EDIT2: After finding out her arms really are only used to stand, the new Resurreccion makes complete sense to me. @Omicron, ignore everything I said in all prior posts regarding this subject.
The things that happen while I'm asleep!

But yeah, Cirucci's old arms had weak attack power and were there mostly for utility, which is why her new release just fuses them into her wings and creates talons on her leg instead, focusing on raw attack power.
So, if I'm reading the story right, we're not TOO far past the point in canon where Orihime would have been kidnapped, so someone getting taken to Hueco Mundo is still a possibility on the table - although it's equally possible that Aizen's gonna try something else to split up his enemies rather than luring them with a kidnapping. Still, for the sake of "why not?", I've decided to make a list of some theoretically possible targets, arranged in no particular order, with the pros and cons (both IC and OOC) of taking each one - I'm assuming that either we or Ulquiorra will be assigned to the taking.

  • Pro: IC, we believe she's basically powerless, and Ichigo was willing to throw down with a random stranger when he thought she was in danger. OOC, we just omake'd her getting cool new powers, so we gotta give her a chance to show those off.
  • Cons: IC, Aizen knows she's not one of Ichigo's battle buddies, since she wasn't in soul society, so they can't be that close. OOC, Any attempt at kidnapping her will run into the new fact that she has "oh yeah, stop playing with terrifying illusions and fite me IRL" as a superpower we don't know about. And sadly, TERRORMOTH is not optimized for honourable single combat.
  • Pro: Him and Ichigo are bros 4 lyfe, and Aizen's probably aware of that. From what Aizen could have seen in the Soul Society arc, he probably has Chad pegged somewhere under the power of a Gillian Arrancar. Also, if Aizen knows Chad is a fullbringer, he might want to kidnap the poor bastard for plotrock!experimentation - he didn't in canon, but I'm not sure Fullbringers were actually something Kubo had decided were a whole thing at that point.
  • Cons: OOC, while Chad's the guy who gets dunked on to show off the new threat, he probably needs to beat someone (i.e. us) before getting punked to build some cred first. While him and Ichigo are bros, Ichigo seems to have that weird sexist chivalry where I think he'd be more enthusiastic about doing a dumb invasion to save a girl than a dude. Also, while he's not a bad choice IC, there's nothing spectacular that would make Aizen go "that. that's the dude I wanna steal" about him.
  • Pros: IC, Aizen already knows Ichigo will storm heaven and hell to get her back if something bad would otherwise happen. And she's not even a seated officer, how strong can she be?
  • Cons: Is a soul reaper, which makes us hollows sadface. She's actually around lieutenant level at this point and Aizen probably knows that IC? OOC, she already had her kidnapping arc, stealing her again would just be like "seriously, Aizen?."
  • Pros: Is definitely one of Ichigo's bros, even an arrancar could see through any surface level denial of that. Is the last practicing Quincy (at least, excluding stuff that's dubiously canonical to this quest), so if Aizen wants to study Quincy stuff (say, if the documents we stole happen to mention some qstuff he decides to verify) he's the only choice. As far as Aizen knows, Uryu lost his powers, so should be both weak and potentially vulnerable to bribery with the plotrock of power.
  • Cons: IC, Is a Quincy, which makes us hollows extra sadface - Soul Reapers may kill, purify us and send us to the dead place, but Quincy kill us double-dead. Also, same issue as chad with regards to Ichigo's chivalry/heroism. OOC, he may have gotten his powers back, depending on the timeline - I forget if he's gone through Doctor Daddy's Abusive Arrow Training yet.
  • Pros: Comes with Ichigo's body - and if you think we can't find something useful to do with it, you don't know Aizen and the Octava. Plus, he would be interesting to us, given our stolen research on Mod Souls. OOC, getting kidnapped would make him the closest he's ever been to an actually relevant character.
  • Cons: Kon getting stolen probably wouldn't be considered enough of an emergency for Ichigo to go full idiot and rush into Hueco Mundo, since the heroes don't know about the Octava - at least, not until we start dropping forced hollowfication on Ichigo from range or something like that. OOC, Kon having narrative relevancy might well be a violation of some fundamental, universal law of Bleach fanfic.
Yuzu or Karin:
  • Pros: Aizen should know they exist, and are barely more than base-human level. They are also quite probably the only people who Ichigo would go even more nuts trying to rescue than Orihime. OOC, it would be nice to see people remember they exist.
  • Cons: My god, it's a father-son, double Getsuga Tenshou Tag Team! Ladies and gentlemen, Isshin is out of retirement, and he is NOT happy! Grimmjow's going all out in resurrección, but he can't even land a hit! Never in all my years of commentating have I seen anything like this, and I do believe - dear lord! Grimmjow is caught between Engetsu and Zangetsu! That's an arm and a leg, folks, and it's not letting up! The old man has just dropped Bakudo 79 without so much as an incantation, and Ichigo has his mask on with a Cero charging! Folks, this might very well be game over for pugilistic panther!
I'm not sure Fullbringers were actually something Kubo had decided were a whole thing at that point.
They were. Kubo said he planned for Fullbringers since the beginning. The hollow-like nature of Chad's power was also made explicit in his fight with Gantenbainne.

Is definitely one of Ichigo's bros, even an arrancar could see through any surface level denial of that.
Cirucci wondered why a quincy would help a soul reaper. That's all an arrancar would ultimately think of Uryu in relevance to Ichigo.

IC, Is a Quincy, which makes us hollows extra sadface - Soul Reapers may kill, purify us and send us to the dead place, but Quincy kill us double-dead.
The only thing Cirucci knew about quincies was that they were a tribe of humans wiped out by the soul reapers. It's unlikely that other arrancars know more than that.

Pros: Aizen should know they exist, and are barely more than base-human level. They are also quite probably the only people who Ichigo would go even more nuts trying to rescue than Orihime. OOC, it would be nice to see people remember they exist.
Would being around so many high level spiritual pressures awaken their quincy/soul reaper/human-or-fullbringer powers? If so, I'd consider that a Pro too.
So, if I'm reading the story right, we're not TOO far past the point in canon where Orihime would have been kidnapped, so someone getting taken to Hueco Mundo is still a possibility on the table - although it's equally possible that Aizen's gonna try something else to split up his enemies rather than luring them with a kidnapping. Still, for the sake of "why not?", I've decided to make a list of some theoretically possible targets, arranged in no particular order, with the pros and cons (both IC and OOC) of taking each one - I'm assuming that either we or Ulquiorra will be assigned to the taking.
You forgot one.

  • Pros: Ensures with 100% certainty that Ichigo will be distracted, and given the attention the Soul Society gives him might also distract them more. We know he's weak enough to not be a threat to Cirucci, so we can grab him with no trouble. Also, OOC this gives the side characters their time to shine in his wake plus gives us ample opportunity to turn the second-greatest ship in this thread canon!
  • Cons: Literally none, and anyone who says differently are lying!
Coshiua inspired me to do a thing of my own. With the addition of "Fuck the Police" Nemo:

A wild Nemo appears -> TLC Nemo -> "Fuck The Police" Nemo -> The Flower of Propriety.
Alternate version with tFoP version with cloak
I think the shift I actually like best here is the one from Wild Nemo to TLC Nemo. It's the least dramatic, and the outfit is superficially the same... but TLC Nemo is neater, less ragged, better-taken-care-of and more open in her body language. She comes across as more confident, less scared and more a person in civilisation than a creature of the wilderness. All from basically some neatening up and a turn of the head and a haircut.

(Though the shift to the FoP standing there and radiating Alfredness is also great, and FtP Nemo is by far the most badass. Basically I'm saying all of the Nemos are cute; all of them.)
I think the shift I actually like best here is the one from Wild Nemo to TLC Nemo. It's the least dramatic, and the outfit is superficially the same... but TLC Nemo is neater, less ragged, better-taken-care-of and more open in her body language. She comes across as more confident, less scared and more a person in civilisation than a creature of the wilderness. All from basically some neatening up and a turn of the head and a haircut.

(Though the shift to the FoP standing there and radiating Alfredness is also great, and FtP Nemo is by far the most badass. Basically I'm saying all of the Nemos are cute; all of them.)
Every Nemo in every reality is the cutest thing
Coshiua inspired me to do a thing of my own. With the addition of "Fuck the Police" Nemo:

A wild Nemo appears -> TLC Nemo -> "Fuck The Police" Nemo -> The Flower of Propriety.
Alternate version with tFoP version with cloak

hmm, I think we may want a lighter cloak when if get a new one. Maybe a fancy white one to match the uniform? It's Nemo's signature accessory, but a dark one for hiding doesn't really fit Nemo's new confidence and resolve. Or we could get a different accessory, oh god. I'm playing fashion designer, what has this quest done to me!?
hmm, I think we may want a lighter cloak when if get a new one. Maybe a fancy white one to match the uniform? It's Nemo's signature accessory, but a dark one for hiding doesn't really fit Nemo's new confidence and resolve. Or we could get a different accessory, oh god. I'm playing fashion designer, what has this quest done to me!?
Perhaps something like Ylamona's Helmet!Nemo cloak design?

It has made you awesome.