Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
{x} This is very weird. Why would Las Noches's enforcers be down here in such numbers? Follow them without revealing yourself and see what
something about the Espada's manner brooks no argument.
He's a monstrous cannibal who levelled veiled threats against you not too long ago and also he's an Espada. What did Cirucci think was mysterious about his unbrooking manner?

And they grew in strength, and warred among them.
Warred among whom?

"That's a very short story. And not a lot of plot."
How did she know that was the end of the story?

{X} They're friendly faces, right? And they have to know the way back up. Go ask them to provide you with a guide out of here.
{X} This is very weird. Why would Las Noches's enforcers be down here in such numbers? Follow them without revealing yourself and see what they're up to.

This sort of thing usually leads to treasure.

All sorts of ways to interpret Aaroniero's second story, of course.
In this AU, Nemo used to be a hollow that had magical sun powers that brainwashed people into being her slaves, but one day she was defeated by Mantis and stopped being evil.
Ah. I thought Cirucci was right and she had just shot Ceros at people.

And I was a bit bewildered that her resurraccion has nothing to do with the radiance thing. Did that ability just disappear when she became an arrancar?
There were a couple of different Big!Nemo ideas being thrown around before Phigment started writing those AU's. Some of them had her brainwashing other hollows with a weird sort of empathy thing. Others had her literally turn hollow's shadows into her minions, and another was just her being a big glowing boom cannon who shot things.
My personal idea is that she used to do the glowy brainwashing thing, but after the battle with Mantis she repeatedly tore off her own wings (the source of her glowy brainwashy stuff) until they stopped healing and left cauterised stumps. Fast forward to becoming an Arrancar, and she's rejected her past so thoroughly that her Resurreccion has actually inverted her original abilities- she becomes a monster of shadow, not of light.
My personal idea is that she used to do the glowy brainwashing thing, but after the battle with Mantis she repeatedly tore off her own wings (the source of her glowy brainwashy stuff) until they stopped healing and left cauterised stumps. Fast forward to becoming an Arrancar, and she's rejected her past so thoroughly that her Resurreccion has actually inverted her original abilities- she becomes a monster of shadow, not of light.
Thing is, Nemo's Resurreccion is golden and sunny, not shadowy. We see it in her fight with Yammy.
Thing is, Nemo's Resurreccion is golden and sunny, not shadowy. We see it in her fight with Yammy.
Actually (and speaking OOC, to be clear), the first Number 48 update with Nemo describes her the Pillar Witch of Dust and Shadows:
And now, with apologies to NO ONE, because I fear nothing, but directing all blame towards Krekian, I give you:

Now You Feel Like Number 48
Chapter 2: VIII, The Pillar Witch Queen of Dust and Shadows


Of course, few people ever go to see the Pillar Witch. The Queen of Shadows? She's not really a queen of much since the old guard was pushed out of the Espada, but Pillar Witch seems a little disrespectful...

Everyone knows the story, of course. The Espada, ruling from their ten thrones, when Lord Aizen's new arrancar came. Trial by combat was always how seats in the Espada changed occupants, but it was an unusual decade in which even one of the mighty was cast down. So many, though, so quickly. Dordonii and Gantenbainne challenged on the same day and defeated, but spared with a mocking suggestion that they "still had use". Then, Matias, who received no such mercy, crushed in an instant by the beast Yammy. All his clever artifice availed him nothing. And the Queen of Shadows, watching from carved throne, simply stood up and walked away.

If you were a cold rational sort, it was easy to understand. The Queen of Shadows was well known to be one of the weaker Espada of the time. She must have realized she had no chance against the new ranks, and so she chose not to compete.

Some romantic sorts said instead that she and Matthias were close, and seeing his death broke her resolve. Hollows, though, especially powerful hollows, were seldom so attached. Some expected her to plot revenge, but it had never come. She retired to the edges of Las Noches, and faded from sight.

Whatever the truth might be, you have a job. Esmerelda told you she needed something. You wonder how Nemo Elcorbuzier even made the request. Did she leave her domain to find Esme? Is there still someone in this giant fortress who comes to check on her now and then? It's deliciously mysterious, really. You don't know anyone who claims to have laid eyes on Nemo in ages, but that can't be possible, can it?

OK, Cirucci, enough stalling. You're nervous about meeting a genuine legend of Hueco Mundo, even if she's past her prime, but it'll be fine! This will be something new you can tell the other Numeros about. You bet they'll be really impressed! None of them are hobnobbing with the Privaron, after all. This could mean big things for you. And it can't possibly go worse than that mess with Barragan and the crown. Ugh.

Oh, gods, do you still smell like teriyaki sauce? You can't go in front of a Privaron like that. It isn't done!

No, it's fine, you cleaned your uniform. It took hours, but you got almost all the stains out. It'll be fine. Your hair is still super-cute. Hmmm. Is super-cute appropriate for meeting a Privaron? Maybe something more serious! No more stalling.

When you enter the Pillar Witch's domain, it makes you uneasy. There is a little post out front, with a flag on it. The flag is up. That explains how Esmerelda knew she needed something. Most Espada use these when they have a message to deliver and don't want to send a fraccion, but you suppose there's no reason it couldn't be used for other purposes... You carefully lower the flag. It squeaks on its little hinge. You step over the threshold...

It's appalling, really. It's a giant room, full of vertical columns which stop short of the ceiling. That explains the "Pillar Witch" bit, at least. Light enters the room from high windows at the corners, and the shadows from the pillars make a checkerboard of the floor. The high ceilings are nice; as big as the room is, you can imagine releasing Golondrina and just flying around for a while. But at the ground level, the play of light and shadow creates a confusing mess. You can't imagine how anyone in the midst of that room could keep their bearings. Worse, it's dirty. The whole floor is coated in a thick layer of fine dust. There is exactly one set of footprints visible in the dust; your own. How could anyone...

Any contemplation is halted by a sudden, quiet tap above you. You almost fall over from being startled. All around you, the web of shadows has darkened and grown; you feel like they're literally walls surrounding you. That has to be your imagination, but...

There, on the pillar closest to you, a human form. A small woman, though still probably taller than you. But with an undeniable aura of compressed power, the sort you'll never approach. She's lean, like she hasn't been eating enough, and unkempt.

Frankly, she's a mess. Her hair is uneven, like she just hacks it off with a sword when it gets long. Her trousers are wrinkled and the legs are rolled up; they must be too long for her. Her jacket is creased and worn. You suspect she's been sleeping in those clothes, although you wouldn't be rude enough to say so. To her face, especially. She stands there, rigid as a wooden stick. It makes you nervous.

"Hello?" you say uncertainly. "Miss Elcorbuzier? I'm Cirucci Sanderwicci. Your flag was raised, that you had an errand? I came to see how I could help you out. I'm so pleased to meet, you, really, you're like a legend in Las Noches. Whatever you need, I'll take care of it! You'll be so pleased, I'll work extra hard to get everything right for you! Just tell me how I can be of service..."

When in doubt, be chipper. Tough audience, though. Nemo just stands there like a stone statue, sizing you up. Finally she nods, just a hair's worth, and OH GOSH SHE'S RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU! You give a sharp squeal of surprise and jump backward, right into a pillar, even as the muted report of the Sonido fades. Nemo rolls her eyes, then shrugs out of her jacket and holds it toward you. You can see now that a seam has split down the side.

"You need your uniform repaired?" you hazard, grabbing the jacket. "Absolutely! I'll get this done right away!"

Nemo nods once more, and then turns, and with a bare flicker of Sonido, vanishes again.

Not much of a talker, that one. At least she didn't threaten you. Still, you have a mission now. But what's the best way to handle it? Looking at the jacket, you can see that it's just the same basic uniform every arrancar in Las Noches wears. That's hardly right. As a Privaron, and the former Queen of Shadows, Nemo Elcorbuzier is certainly entitled to have something personalized and tailored for her. She may no longer be an Espada, but she's still their kin. She's nobility, and shouldn't be treated like some ordinary rank-and-file soldier. But she doesn't seem to care much...

{} Go to the official tailor, Alphonse, and demand a proper new uniform for Nemo, befitting of her status. He may put up a fight, but if you claim she ordered it, he'll have to give in.
{} Go to the tailor, and ask him to fix the existing jacket. That'll be the fastest option, and Nemo doesn't care what it looks like.
{} Go demand a new outfit from Alphonse, but give him your own measurements. Fix Nemo's jacket personally, and return it to her, then keep the new uniform for yourself. New dresses don't grow on trees after all.
{} Write In
And the Number 48 update with her Ressureccion never actually shows it.
Now You Feel Like Number 48

Chapter XL: Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay


You can't understand why this is happening. Why, now? Why, like this? Why would Privaron Nemo have left her self-imposed exile just to issue this stupid challenge? It's…it's…it's idiotic. It's insane. You reach up, recklessly, grab Aaroniero's collar, and drag him down so that you can look him in the eye-slits of his ridiculous mask.

"What is going on here?" you hiss. "You're her second. She must have said something! Tell me why she challenged Yammy? What was she thinking? What does this mean?"

The Ninth calmly straightens back to his full height, leaving your feet dangling inches from the ground, but makes no move to throw you off.

"We didn't actually discuss it," he remarked, as lights shifted oddly in the mask. "She asked me to play second because I'm the last Espada left from her time. I agreed because, well, old times. But if I had to take a guess, I'd say she challenged Yammy in order to die. One of the others might have shown mercy, but Yammy has no such inclinations. Although, I imagine the prospect of hitting Yammy a few time was not without appeal, either. History, you know."

"That doesn't make any sense! How can you say something like that? She's over there fighting for her life!"

"No, child," the Ninth answered. "I've seen Nemo Elcorbuzier fight for her life before. It did not involve trading punches with a brute five times her size. She doesn't expect to win this."

"She hit him through a wall! Three times!"

"Yammy is tougher than a wall. Any Espada is, and Nemo knows it. No one believes Nemo will defeat Yammy. Now, be quiet, so that I can enjoy the show."

Aaroniero proceeds to ignore you, as inconsequential to him as Kukkapuro, still yapping excitedly next to you.

The show, as you turn back to the battlefield, seems to be drawing to its conclusion. Yammy has a solid bruise from where the Privaron initially backhanded him when she issued her challenge. His uniform is caked in sand and the dust of pulverized stone, but otherwise, he seems hardly injured by the blows he has taken. The same can't be said for Nemo. The uniform you worked so hard to extort from Alphonse is blocked and torn. One of her eyes is swollen shut, and her torso is dented dented strangely. Yammy dangles her from her right arm, which is clearly broken.

This can't be how she ends. Not like this. Unbidden, a cry wrenches its way from your throat.

"Mistress Nemo! You can defeat Yammy! I believe in you!"

A hush falls over the battlefield. Yammy turns slowly in your direction.

"Really?" he says in disbelief. "You're going to throw in with this loser now, when the game's over? I thought better of you than that. I thought you were fun, Cirucci. I was going to give you a chance. You could be something. But no, you're too stupid for that. You're not even smart enough to stay quiet while I finish, no, you're so dumb you open your mouth now, when it's all over but the bleeding. Well, if you believe in this trash so much, maybe I'll use her body to beat you to death, huh? That'll be all poetic and shit, right? Like one of those sappy stories you like. The sad tale of useless and stupid. They deserved each other."

He shakes the hanging body of Nemo for emphasis, to demonstrated that he can make good on his threat. You wince as you see a look of pain twist her face. Nemo Elcorbuzier, Privaron Espada, spins slowly from a ruined shoulder to look you in the face.

"I'm," she rasps painfully.

You've never heard her voice before. It's not even something you think about, really, odd as it was when you first met. It's a gravelly alto, slow and quiet.


Her left arm, still free, grasps the sword at her waist. Then, drawing and slicing in a single motion, it whips upward.

Yammy is not caught unawares. He moves smoothly to block, his free hand ready to intercept any strike at his face or chest. Nemo was not striking at him.

Her right arm severed at the elbow, she drops to the ground and rolls away to assume a guard stance.

"Wow," Yammy sneers, throwing aside the hand he still clutched. "What a great plan. You can't beat me with two arms, so you cut one off. I like your guts, lady. I like them so much I'm going to spread those guts all across the room now."

Nemo doesn't respond to his taunts. She takes a deep breath, which must hurt incredibly. Her dented ribcage expands, and then, impossibly, just stays in position. The cuts on her face seal together. Then, with a sickening series of popping sounds, her right shoulder realigned itself, and a new arm sprang from the stump. She flexed it slowly, then rotated her shoulder.

"High-speed regeneration? Well, that's a good trick, I guess. But it just means I have to keep killing you until it sticks. Only makes it harder for you, at the end. We know who's stronger."

The beast charges, grasping. This time, however, instead of entering his reach to deliver an ineffectual strike, as she has before, the Privaron simply steps to the side, and hurls a bala from each fist, one striking his right shoulder, the other knocking his right ankle out from under him. Yammy spins away from his own momentum, and skids to a stop, then lunges at her again. With the crisp report of Sonido, she is above and behind him, and as he tries to reverse direction, a startlingly fast cero lances out from the antennae of her mask. It strikes Yammy, scorching him, and cloud of dust rolls out from the impact point.

Instead of settling back to the ground, the dust coalesces into the shadowy forms of hollows. Monsters of every shape and size gibber and cavort around the battlefield, hurling insults and striking with fist and fang at Yammy and each other. In the confusion, you have lost sight of the Privaron. Yammy, too, seems confused. He spins and flings a bala of his own at a cluster of phantoms; even as they disperse to wisps of dust, he is struck by return fire from the opposite direction. Yammy crashes into the ghostly crowd, and catches nothing but air; a unseen hand launches gray bolts, screaming in retaliation.

"Well," Aaroniero remarks. "I suppose she's decided to fight for real after all. So, then, time to be frightfully bored."

The actual contest for the next few minutes is a strange mixture of tension and anticlimax. You can hardly see anything, past the throngs of milling shades that spring forth each time Nemo unleashes a cero. The melee is lit by the red flashes of Yammy's bala and the gray streaks of Nemo's; Yammy's roars of rage make a contrast to Nemo's eerie silence.

"How long," you wonder. "How long can this go on? They can't keep this up; it's not possible."

"Back in the old day," Aaroniero said, "there were stories that insisted Nemo Elcorbuzier dueled the Duke with a Hundred Arms for six days before he collapsed from his wounds. She's very hard to catch, you understand, and with the regeneration, does not wear down. While her opponents weaken with every drop of blood they shed. I doubt Yammy has patience for a contest like that, however."

Soon enough, his words prove prophetic.

"Destroy, Ira!" comes the roar, and all the world is flame.

From the cloud of roiling phantoms rises a volcano, burning the shadowy tormentors, burning the sands, burning the sky. It resolves into an abomination, a behemoth with Yammy's face, trampling the world to dust. It towers, on its many legs; it laughs, and you sense it not with your ears but the grinding of your bones.

It takes a breath, and inhales every cloud and phantom; it exhales, and blows them across the horizon. In front of the abomination stands a figure, barely a speck.

A fist like an elephant crashes at the tiny figure; she retreats.

The beast's mockery rolls forth.

"Thought you were smart, did you? Thought you could hide, and play your games? Where will you hide now, gnat? Make your shadows; I'll stomp them all at once! Run! I'll burn the whole desert to ash to kill you!"

You believe the monster could do it.

The Privaron stands before him, and makes her decision. She holds her sword vertically before her. She utters words not heard in the deserts of Hueco Mundo for longer than memory.

"Rise to the Challenge, Polilla"


{} Run Away
{} Hide
{} Run Away, THEN hide.
{} Watch What Happens Next

Don't actually vote, I don't want to screw up Omicron's tallies. Seriously.
So the first update suggests she has a reputation/powerset similar to canon!Nemo, and the only Ressureccion info we have doesn't contradict that. But at the same time, the backstory very strongly suggests Privaron!Nemo was Radiant!Nemo. My theory is the result of that. Plus, I just find the whole 'ripping off your wings to reject who you were' a neat mental image.
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Actually (and speaking OOC, to be clear), the first Number 48 update with Nemo describes her the Pillar Witch of Dust and Shadows:
Yes, because no one in Las Noches has seen her Resurreccion and all they know of her is as that brooding, grey arrancar who lives in dust and shadows.

And the Number 48 update with her Ressureccion never actually shows it.
Yes it does. It's the bottom-most picture, right under ""Rise to the Challenge, Polilla"".
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Just curious apart from being Crippled why you guys don't focus much on Combat Arts unlike Energy and those non combat Advanced skills and Mundane skills?
Is it for the story and making her look cool?
Yes, because no one in Las Noches has seen her Resurreccion and all they know of her is as that brooding, grey arrancar who lives in dust and shadows.

Yes it does. It's the bottom-most picture, right under ""Rise to the Challenge, Polilla"".
Note that the nickname 'Queen of Shadows' is applied to her when describing her as a member of the Espada:
And the Queen of Shadows, watching from carved throne, simply stood up and walked away.
That could be a back-application of the nickname, but to me it makes more sense in that context as one she already had.

As for the picture, it's just that- a picture. It doesn't say whether her abilities are based around light or shadows- the fact that it doesn't match canon!Nemo's Resurreccion means nothing, as so much else has changed, and the golden colouration could be interpreted as anything from her Resurreccion having light powers to it being her spiritual energy to it just being an artistic effect. Plus, since Phigment wasn't the one to draw it (I think... please correct me if I'm wrong) it's use is probably more because it's a neat image than because it perfectly matches Privaron!Nemo's Resurreccion.

Now, to be clear, I'm not saying I'm right about Privaron!Nemo having shadow-based powers (I outright said this was an idea of mine of how things might go, not that it was fact), or that she has to have them, or anything absurd like that. But l do think there's more than enough room in Phigment's posts to allow for the possibility.
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{X} This is very weird. Why would Las Noches's enforcers be down here in such numbers? Follow them without revealing yourself and see what they're up to.

Boy it sure would be fucked up if your boss was a terrifying mind-control monster. It's a good thing Ruddborne's gone now, right? There's nobody like that in Las Noches anymore, right?
Just curious apart from being Crippled why you guys don't focus much on Combat Arts unlike Energy and those non combat Advanced skills and Mundane skills?
Is it for the story and making her look cool?

1. I like the non-combat abilities. They're neat. Some of them, like Style, started off purely as xp sinks so that we didn't explode in strength from the sheer number of omakes that were being put out, but they still have an appreciable and interesting effect on the story.

2. If we focused more on Combat Arts, that xp would have to come from somewhere else, giving us less to put into our stronger skills. To exaggerate the effect of that a bit, it feels a bit too much like going for a well-rounded, decent in everything sort of build. I find it boring to have no real weaknesses or strengths, but perhaps more importantly, characters with dedicated strengths and weaknesses are just plain more effective than characters with neither.
Stage Fright
So I mentioned before that I sometimes have too much fun writing Luppi.It's just fun to write him banter with people and sometimes it can easily lead to me forgetting his actual character and role in the narrative. The currently in-progress update was a good example of this. I had a lot of fun writing a scene of him that ended up not working at all for the actual story, being pretty much just crack. So I scrapped it and wrote something very different.

But, being a generous soul, I am posting this here as a non-canon QM omake. You can consider it an excerpt from a hypothetical Number None Abridged series, if you like :V

Stage Fright

"Sooo," Luppi says, rubbing his hair. "This is kind of awkward.

The handsome Shinigami gives him a flat glare for only answer. Both his hands are clutching the hilt of his weird split-scythe weapon, but his grip is shaky - there is a bloody tear in his uniform where Luppi's hand sliced clean through the skin, and his chest is probably sporting a couple of impressive bruises, at a guess.

"I mean, I appreciate the effort, you know. It's just, I was there because my skills lie in fighting multiple opponents, and there's just, like… Not enough of you. I'm sorry, honey. You're just not enough on your own."

Luppi briefly glances above, where Grimmjow rushes like a meteor and clash with the Captain in an impact so harsh the shockwave makes his chest rumble. Hail falls onto his shoulders from a crack in the Shinigami's ice, and Luppi sighs wistfully.

The pretty one takes this opportunity to try flash-stepping up to him, and Luppi grins, raising his arm to block the blade. There is a clicking sound and all three other scythes join the first, closing on his arm like a claw, and the Shinigami pulls back in a wrenching gesture…

The uniform tears, and a few drops of blood fall to the ground below. Then they stop, the cut to shallow to shed more. Luppi looks at the wound, then at the Shinigami, his expression one of deep compassion.

"Yeah, sorry. That's Hierro for you. This is getting kind of embarrassing."

The Shinigami pants heavily… Then lowers his sword and chuckles, flicking a lock hair out his feather-adorned eyes.

"It does, right? I'm sorry about that. I can do a lot better than that, it's just, I guess you could say I have stage fright."

"Is that so?" Luppi asks, tilting his head. Then he raises an eyebrow. "Isn't it more like… Performance anxiety?"

The Shinigami chuckles.

"No, not at all. It's the crowd, you see. Embarrassing secret powers that I can't reveal to my friends, you know the kind."

Luppi nods wisely.

"Yes, absolutely. You have no idea of the flack I get just because my presence makes all allies turn on each other."

"Really? Gods, that would be an awkward one to explain."

Luppi sighs. For a moment, there is silence. He looks at his surroundings - both other Fraccions seem to be having their own dizzying speed contests, and of course above them the Captain is turning the rain into a weaponized hailstorm while Grimmjow is laughing and taunting him and, really, it seems like Luppi got the worst of the lot. No fun at all.

"Look, it's a bit embarrassing to admit," Luppi says, "but I was hoping for this to be kind of… Well, kind of a date. With the well-toned fighting maniac up there. And you're taking a long time to die. Would you mind just…" He waves his hand evasively. "Just kind of keeling over and dying quick? Then I could join Grimmjow and tag-team your Captain and it'd be a really nice day out."

"He's not my Captain," the Shinigami says, rubbing his chest wounds with a wounds, "and honestly, I've seen your Espada's type before. He's like nine out of ten people in the Eleven. You try and help him in his fight, and you will make an enemy for life. Really big on 'this is my fight' drama."

"Hmm." Luppi rubs his chin, thoughtful. "I guess so, yeah. So even finishing our fight quickly would be pointless. Lord, what a waste."

"You think you have it rough?" the Shinigami says, cocking an eyebrow. "I'm literally waiting for you to decide whether I live or die, even though I could put up a decent fight if I was ready to just shame myself forever in my friend's eyes. It's awful."

"It's not like I'm not sensitive to that!" Luppi protests, waving his long sleeves. "I mean, you clearly have something interesting going on. Secret powers you would not reveal to your allies even if it meant your death? Making friends with people who'd judge you like this in the first place? The only Shinigami I've ever met to have some sense of style? You've got a story to tell, my friend, and it'd be a real shame to waste it."

There is a pause.

The Shinigami stares at Luppi, and frowns.

"Are you… Coming on to me?"

"What? No!" Luppi shouts. "I told you I'm trying to make this a date with the boss guy. And you're kind of flimsy."

"You say that," the Shinigami says dubiously, "but I just told you that your date is probably a no-go, and then you start complimenting me. I'm no one's rebound guy. And you don't even know my name."

"Oh please. Like you wouldn't love getting some of this," Luppi says, twisting his body in a sinuous, almost hypnotic motion.

"How do you know that's even my thing? Just because I have some interest in dressing properly doesn't mean you can assume…"

"You have feathers sticking out of your eyebrows." Luppi says flatly. A pause. "And I mean, it's fabulous, but you know."

The Shinigami sighs deeply.

"Can you just kill me already?"

"I don't know." Luppi shrugs. "If I drag this on for long enough, is there any chance of reinforcements joining us, so that I can make you part of a package? Like, with a few friends actually helping you instead of fighting their own battles, you'd give me a challenge, I'm sure."

"Well, there are the drifters," the Shinigami says frowning. "You know about them already, if you're here, but I honestly don't think they're on your level. And of course, there is the secret privileged information regarding this town that I am not sharing with the enemy."

"Is it the renegade Shinigami captains? Because we already know about those."

The Shinigami winces visibly. Luppi sighs, folding his hands behind his head.

"This sucks. I should have gone with Nemo. I'm sure she's having more fun."

"Wait." The voice is suddenly serious. Luppi tilts his head with a curious look. "You have an ally called Nemo?"

"Yeah? Girl with a big horned mask, about yay tall, doesn't talk much."

The Shinigami chuckles darkly.

"How fate conspires to make fools of us. You wish you'd been with her - and now I'm wishing she'd been here instead of you. I never thought I'd see her again, but she and I have a rematch in the wings."

A smile slowly stretches Luppi's lips.

"Now you really have my interest."
Just curious apart from being Crippled why you guys don't focus much on Combat Arts unlike Energy and those non combat Advanced skills and Mundane skills?
Is it for the story and making her look cool?

Ignoring Crippled:

1. It is unfavoured, hence costs more xp then our favoured skills.

2. This was started during the days when We Stand in Awe was the main running bleach quest on the site, which featured a character who heavily favoured sword initially. Hence starting a character that didn't was more appealing.

3. This character is made to be closer to a specialist then a generalist. A generalist might be able to do more, but they won't really be able to punch out of their weight class in the right conditions unlike a specialist can, and we need to be able to do that if we are to stay relevant. Specialization isn't death, here.

4. Our Ressureccion doesn't really support it well, since our blade is something we only can only " briefly conjure an image of it from shadow, allowing you to perform quick and sharp draw-cuts" and our "shadow-blade is too short-lived to effectively parry". We can't slug it out in ressureccion, our weapon only exists for short instances and is a thing of shadows. We don't want to actually be in melee range with someone for more time then needed to deliver a quick attack then disengage, or we'll have a bad time.

5. Nemo has a specific theme and slugging it out in melee combat isn't to theme.

As for Mundane skills:

Style had opened up voting options for us that worked phenomenally before, helps us be a better servant to Cirucci, makes us more agreeable to others, helps not draw even more attention to ourselves, and makes us look graceful and composed even in combat. Well it doesn't straight up help in combat, that illusion of control and grace would have a psychological effect. Basically it helped for way more things than combat arts did.

Medicine: We are literally the only person who is a skilled medic in all of Los Noches right now. Having it up to snuff is critically important for more than just us.

Advanced skills:

Marana: Literally our magic skill. Allows us to make "enchanted" gear, not just for ourselves, but for our allies.

High Speed Regen: Self healing skill that is further enhanced via ressureccion.

Descorrer: Besides the general use of being able to hop dimensions, next rank it will be able to work going from one point to the other in the same dimension. The utility will simply increase, and become much more effective.

Also: Combat arts is as the name suggests only good for combat (and for reasons mentioned above not near the best for us for combat)

Thing is this quest is more than just combat,and has more challenges beyond just combat.

Mundane skills by definition gives us more we are able to do outside of combat, makes us able to overcome challenges in ways a person purely focused on combat could never dream of.

Advanced skills is a bit of a mixed bag in that regard, with High Speed Regen helping personal injury, which is something we mainly sustain in combat, Marana being fantastic in its potential utility both in and out of combat, and Descorrer currently being mainly an out of combat skill, though with possible tactical and strategic advantages especially once we get it another level.

Simply speaking there are many reasons why the other skills are more favoured over combat arts.
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My personal idea is that she used to do the glowy brainwashing thing, but after the battle with Mantis she repeatedly tore off her own wings (the source of her glowy brainwashy stuff) until they stopped healing and left cauterised stumps. Fast forward to becoming an Arrancar, and she's rejected her past so thoroughly that her Resurreccion has actually inverted her original abilities- she becomes a monster of shadow, not of light.
She ripped off her mask, not her wings, in order to escape. P!Nemo talks about it at the end of That Which Exhumes saying that her lack of knowledge and desperation are when doing so are the reasons why her mask is so rough and bulky.

Considering the way mask breaking is spoken of, as something that can cause loss power, intelligence, and very incomplete transformations if badly done, I wouldn't be surprised if she accidentally inverted her light powers, making them into shadows.

And then in the Nntoira fight he hits her mask really hard, making it crack, and then she uses her high speed regen to make the mask heal into a proper more correct shape returns her original powers.

{X} This is very weird. Why would Las Noches's enforcers be down here in such numbers? Follow them without revealing yourself and see what they're up to.
Yes, because no one in Las Noches has seen her Resurreccion and all they know of her is as that brooding, grey arrancar who lives in dust and shadows..
Well, Aaronerio seems to think he's seen her fight full out, which would probably include her Resureccion, but might not. However, Prent's theory here is a good explanation.
She ripped off her mask, not her wings, in order to escape. P!Nemo talks about it at the end of That Which Exhumes saying that her lack of knowledge and desperation are when doing so are the reasons why her mask is so rough and bulky.

Considering the way mask breaking is spoken of, as something that can cause loss power, intelligence, and very incomplete transformations if badly done, I wouldn't be surprised if she accidentally inverted her light powers, making them into shadows.

And then in the Nntoira fight he hits her mask really hard, making it crack, and then she uses her high speed regen to make the mask heal into a proper more correct shape returns her original powers.

{X} This is very weird. Why would Las Noches's enforcers be down here in such numbers? Follow them without revealing yourself and see what they're up to.
Yay, an update! :)

Being adorable and friendly worked on Nemo...

{x} They're friendly faces, right? And they have to know the way back up. Go ask them to provide you with a guide out of here.

Hmm, so Aizen's big plot is just a poor attempt to imitate Nemo? Does Aizen know it's Nemo or is Aaronierro being mean and keeping that to himself? :(
{X} Violence is Usually The Answer. Legal niceties aside, Espada thrones have always changed owners via bloodshed. Offer to have things out with Nnoitra right now. Sure, he's an invincible killing machine, but it would tie everything up neatly.