Right, all the dice are just waiting for me to roll them, so I can start this.
Yes, it's upgrade time again!
I will not be pinging people unless absolutely necessary. These will remain in Informational so they don't clutter up the main Threadmarks.
More voters have reached the first milestone, and are eligible to upgrade to an Elder Tree.
At base, all Elder Trees gain an additional 'base' die. That is, every action you vote for gets two dice applied instead of one. In addition, most Elder Trees apply an additional bonus to their field of expertise, much like standard Trees.
The specific type of Elder Tree is determined first by your current type of tree, and second by your voting record.
This does not 'count' as a vote for the purposes of future Tree upgrades, but please put an [x] in the brackets
if you are one of the people called upon. If you are not, study it anyway - keep voting and you'll be faced with this choice, too.
Heart Trees
The following Heart Trees are eligible for
one of the following Elder Tree types:
The Meddler,
Deuterium Dawn
[ ]
Elder Heart Tree
-The Elder Heart Tree gains an additional bonus die to all Defense and Survival based actions, for a total of two bonus dice.
+4d6 to Defense and Survival, +2d6 to all others.
[ ]
Protective Tree
-The Protective Tree gains two additional bonus dice to all Defensive actions at the cost of the bonus dice to Survival actions, for a total of three bonus dice.
+5d6 to Defense, +2d6 to all others
[ ]
Scavenging Tree
-The Scavenging Tree gains two additional bonus dice to all Survival actions at the cost of the bonus dice to Defensive actions, for a total of three bonus dice.
+5d6 to Survival, +2d6 to all others
Mind Trees
The following Mind Trees are eligible for
one of the following Elder Tree types:
Demensional One
[ ]
Elder Mind Tree
-The Elder Mind Tree gains an additional bonus die to all Communication and Research based actions, for a total of two bonus dice.
+4d6 to Communication and Research, +2d6 to all others.
[ ]
Communication Tree
-The Communication Tree gains two additional bonus dice to all Communication actions at the cost of the bonus dice to Research actions, for a total of three bonus dice.
+5d6 to Communication, +2d6 to all others
[ ]
Research Tree
-The Research Tree gains two additional bonus dice to all Research actions at the cost of the bonus dice to Communication actions, for a total of three bonus dice.
+5d6 to Research, +2d6 to all others
Root Trees
The following Root Trees are eligible for
one of the following Elder Tree types:
[ ]
Elder Root Tree
-The Elder Root Tree gains an additional bonus die to all Growth and Offense actions, for a total of two bonus dice.
+4d6 to Growth and Offense, +2d6 to all others
[ ]
Growth Tree
-The Growth Tree gains two additional bonus dice to all Growth actions at the cost of the bonus dice to Offensive actions, for a total of three bonus dice.
+5d6 to Growth, +2d6 to all others
[ ]
Assault Tree
-The Assault Tree gains two additional bonus dice to all Offensive actions at the cost of the bonus dice to Growth actions, for a total of three bonus dice.
+5d6 to Offense, +2d6 to all others
Please please
please get your choices to me prior to Sunday evening PST, so that I can keep plugging away at this and update my spreadsheets prior to the next turn starting.