No, SV, You Are the Forest! (Riot Quest)

The Ingaba have been pretty square with the Forest so far.

At this point, I don't know that I'd want exactly the same terms, but I'd still vote for having a friendly relationship with them.

In practical terms, I think the Forest has gotten a very good return for its investment, and friends are always handy.
The Ingaba have been pretty square with the Forest so far.

At this point, I don't know that I'd want exactly the same terms, but I'd still vote for having a friendly relationship with them.

In practical terms, I think the Forest has gotten a very good return for its investment, and friends are always handy.
Yes. Though, as I said back when we got the worm - we have a very strong basis to ask for a more favorable agreement. Our primary ask was for research assistance, but aside from the research avenues they opened, they don't really help with the actual studying anymore.

Hopefully the "deepen bond" ask will give an avenue for fixing that if there's some actual physical bottleneck involved... though from their interlude shortly after the treaty was ratified, I'd say there's more that they can offer on the tech front if they choose to.
Currently it looks like the * tech we're researching is Crystal Formation, which, while not a bad choice, is, well... the fourth distinct * tech we've researched in four turns. We're like half-done on all of the ones we've touched thus far.
From what I can see, we're only researching one other * tech right now: the Laser. With Gnu on the psychic link request, I can probably afford to throw in for that instead, but without at least three others our Ingaba support will still end up in Crystal Formation.

Otherwise I'm considering placing a single die into Asking about the Prey. Could go either way on that.
The Ingaba have been pretty square with the Forest so far.

At this point, I don't know that I'd want exactly the same terms, but I'd still vote for having a friendly relationship with them.

In practical terms, I think the Forest has gotten a very good return for its investment, and friends are always handy.

Indeed. At this point, the Forest is indirectly paying for fleet protection and future safe harbor. This location has more attention than we'd like, but so long as either the ancient starforge or wormhole are present, the Ingaba will defend it from attack.

If the treaty were up for re-negotiation this turn, I'd probably want items #4 (general research assistance) and #5 (full research base) modified or removed, perhaps replaced with a heavier psionic presence. That way, the Ingaba would need to trade on an item-by-item basis for further tech, but we'd still remain in contact if/when the Forest moves to a new star system.
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Could the Forest leave and leave behind a grove to maintain communications?

Presumably the Worm would fit in somehow what with its uneasy vicegrip on every inch of landscape but I couldn't guess beyond that.
Could the Forest leave and leave behind a grove to maintain communications?

Presumably the Worm would fit in somehow what with its uneasy vicegrip on every inch of landscape but I couldn't guess beyond that.
First rule of DnD, never EVER EVER split the party! The only trees in the lore that can 'think' are trees representing us players.
[X] [Tree] Mind Tree
[X] [Action] Research the Twist power (Gravity)
[X] [Focus] Grow the Forest
[X] [Focus] Grow the Forest x2
[X] [Focus] Grow the Forest x3

This quest seems very interesting, hopefully I joined correctly!
[X] [Tree] Mind Tree
[X] [Action] Research the Twist power (Gravity)
[X] [Focus] Grow the Forest
[X] [Focus] Grow the Forest x2
[X] [Focus] Grow the Forest x3
First rule of DnD, never EVER EVER split the party! The only trees in the lore that can 'think' are trees representing us players.
Not Necessarily. There is such a thing as off shoot colonies. where seeds of a tree plant, what have you will be carried elsewhere to populate a new are and propagate the species. right now the entire forest is confined to one system. So having a few go to another system for both propagation and safety is actually a good idea if done right. We can have the aliens transport some trees elsewhere to start building a second forest that will hopefully be safe from any hostile attack. Or we have said forest go off by itself without the aliens knowing and build a forest by itself where the aliens don't know it is.
Adhoc vote count started by RebelYell on Feb 11, 2021 at 4:28 PM, finished with 206 posts and 112 votes.
Not Necessarily. There is such a thing as off shoot colonies. where seeds of a tree plant, what have you will be carried elsewhere to populate a new are and propagate the species. right now the entire forest is confined to one system. So having a few go to another system for both propagation and safety is actually a good idea if done right. We can have the aliens transport some trees elsewhere to start building a second forest that will hopefully be safe from any hostile attack. Or we have said forest go off by itself without the aliens knowing and build a forest by itself where the aliens don't know it is.
while you're absolutely right about how propagation is a viable strategy for survival, I feel it doesn't take into account a few things. Thing one: the forest is supported by a lovecraftian network of roots that connects every tree in the forest, if we were to try and separate the forest into smaller groves we would need to separate a whole host of special trees which would be detrimental to the forest as a whole. Thing two: if specialty trees are separated from the network, can they even function? The heart trees decide when to put up the shields the root trees gather and store resources, and also are in charge of growing the forest, and mind trees do the research and communication if the new grove doesn't have those it might just be a cool rock formation. The final thing, the point of the core trees being us is that our barely organized diatribe is also the patchwork unity that is the collective conscience of the forest in other words it would be busted as heck if we could just grow new core trees. All this to go back to the point, if we wanted to make a new forest we would also need to split the voters into groups which is a terrible idea for all the reasons stated.
you're braver than I am, though I would recommend waiting until we hit mag four before trying to split off a big ol' chunk of it. Godspeed I guess.
Honestly I have been getting busy with RL stuff So I haven't really had time to pay attention to this thread. so if there was an offshoot sent, I wouldn't mind if they used my Heart Tree as the leader of the offshoot colony. One Heart Tree, One Mind Tree, ect ect, and go from there.
Honestly I have been getting busy with RL stuff So I haven't really had time to pay attention to this thread. so if there was an offshoot sent, I wouldn't mind if they used my Heart Tree as the leader of the offshoot colony. One Heart Tree, One Mind Tree, ect ect, and go from there.
I honestly believe there would need to be atleast 2 of each tree to start a new forest. one for each roll. However as it is now, Until we get a way for any theoretical branch Forest to happen we would need a tree for them to be able to communicate across star systems. Otherwise, I believe it would be a different Forrest all together.
Because it would be like setting up a colony in a place you cannot really travel to (we would have to move the entire forest there) and not being able to communicate with them. If we could communicate with a seperate forest, the most use I could see with them would be to have them set up in a new star system and observe it for a few turns to see if its good to move there or not.
What if we opened some sort of stable wormhole and grew out through it. That way we'd basically be in multiple solar systems while still being connected to the main growth.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Raising Kittens on Feb 7, 2021 at 6:46 PM, finished with 216 posts and 113 votes.