You guys are seriously jumping straight to torturing ourselves for a niche defense stat? Doesn't make sense to me unless you just want to be edgy.
It is ANYTHING but niche. It's the most important stat in a broad sense (although specialists can benefit more from their specialties, obviously). If we're being targeted by Reavers? It's OUR most important stat. And we're a Stone damn it.

(Also, the gains we get from this are permanent even if we stop using it, unlike the other ones. With biological life extension we could live well into our 100s or even 200s. And our kids' willpower will key off of ours when they're learning.)

The most essential ability on a deathworld is the ability to GRIT YOUR TEETH.
"Doubling all equipment bonuses" isn't static.

Not going to argue too hard on this, though, since I think we're risking the Pedagogical accelerator winning, and I think that has the potential to be a disaster.
It's only doubled against Psychic attacks though. Like, we got a small bonus of I think +5 or +10 against the psychic attack in the original Reaver fight. That would be doubled. It's actually pretty specific and circumstantial. I'm pretty sure the Nightmare Cube's willpower gains would outstrip it pretty heartily within a decade.

Agreed though, that we'd be TRULY insane to not take a willpower defense upgrade of some kind. I just think that in the long run the Nightmare Cube is vastly higher value (and even in the short term it'll catch up really quickly)
Hey...Is the nightmare cube a descendant of the PsykerBox?

The box itself wasn't destroyed, Anna could have SCIENCEd it to make a non-Psyker able to use it and make copies

[X] Nightmare cube (Guarantees minimum +1 base willpower per year used; greatly improves willpower training; additional side effects when in use)
[X] Stone Reliquary (final resting place of Dia Stone's stasis chamber)
I just think that in the long run the Nightmare Cube is vastly higher value
Depends. For Ella alone, almost certainly. Even if all the bugs get worked out, I don't see the torture box seeing large scale use.

If we go for the Phylactory, though, that might see use throughout our entire society - especially in the military. Much the same for any equipment we can get for taking advantage of that doubling. And not all psychic assaults have to be aimed at Ella directly.

This kinda depends on our choice here having some degree of long-term implications beyond Ella herself, of course, but that doesn't seem at all unlikely to me.
[X] Nightmare cube (Guarantees minimum +1 base willpower per year used; greatly improves willpower training; additional side effects when in use)

[X] Stone Reliquary (final resting place of Dia Stone's stasis chamber)

This sounds pleasant and the reliquary to absorb some of the ambient power of our ancestor.

With the Nightmare Cube, our own willpower increases as we torture ourself to a higher will, rather than relying on a machine to protect us. The only issue is taking time off to not become a flagellant type of mindset.
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Depends. For Ella alone, almost certainly. Even if all the bugs get worked out, I don't see the torture box seeing large scale use.

If we go for the Phylactory, though, that might see use throughout our entire society - especially in the military. Much the same for any equipment we can get for taking advantage of that doubling. And not all psychic assaults have to be aimed at Ella directly.

This kinda depends on our choice here having some degree of long-term implications beyond Ella herself, of course, but that doesn't seem at all unlikely to me.
The thing is these are getting beta-teste in general. The Phylactery muse extension WILL probably see widespread usage eventually, and I hope we grab one once we've gotten all the mileage we can out of the Nightmare Cube. (And hey, the thing that we use to beef up our psychics is pretty important to test too, right?)

Like you said, Ella will probably personally benefit the most from the Nightmare Cube, and since these are all just prototypes anyway, I think that should be our primary deciding factor here. Anna's probably going to roll all of them out on a wider scale around the same timetable anyway.
[X] Nightmare cube (Guarantees minimum +1 base willpower per year used; greatly improves willpower training; additional side effects when in use)
[X] Stone Reliquary (final resting place of Dia Stone's stasis chamber)

Nightmare3​; oh yeah!

More seriously, I think resistance training for the horrible mindfuckery that is/will-be Reaver and Chaos bullshit can only be a good thing. Also, hopefully no Warp interjection as part of the process, so any craziness will be of the mere mortal kind.

It's almost a pity we're not psychic, although without the benefits Mirande had or the Academy she was creating we'd probably screw ourselves up. Then again, I guess we could always erupt later, if AN hasn't decided that letting us get access to powers beyond mortal ken was in error...

Lastly, go visit great-goddessgrandmother 'Cold-as-Ice Huge-Stones' frozen in carbonite to get some advice on how to be a badass and kill psykers with our mind.

"I can kill you with my brain."
"Whimpering ape, you do not even have the psychic potential to-"
*mental headbutt*
"Guh! What is thi-!"
*superman you!~*
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Hmm...basically making her more cautious by working with the quite real dangers of her risk assessment. Feels like Exodite style stuff.

...that would be how the puzzle box worked yeah.

I was thinking that the Exodites seemed to fit this better. The crazy guy was easily eccentric enough to have been the first person to stumble onto something they didn't want getting around. This isn't the normal Reavers' style, and even the more game-playing ones would have had zero concern about the collateral damage of just popping another crunchy hoo-mahn who happened to be in the way. This character isn't special to them.

If it weren't for the psychic intervention I'd be wondering if perhaps CrazyDude or another Indigo Hammer faction set this up himself for some reason. Even with it, Blackthorn might have been making a play. They have the most psyker capability and that might have helped them in retroengineering some Reaver tech or getting some insight into the dragons and disguising it as Reaver tech.
[X] Nightmare cube (Guarantees minimum +1 base willpower per year used; greatly improves willpower training; additional side effects when in use)
[X] Elder Shrine (where the networked brains of the most devout whose bodies have failed now rest)
I was thinking that the Exodites seemed to fit this better. The crazy guy was easily eccentric enough to have been the first person to stumble onto something they didn't want getting around. This isn't the normal Reavers' style, and even the more game-playing ones would have had zero concern about the collateral damage of just popping another crunchy hoo-mahn who happened to be in the way. This character isn't special to them.

If it weren't for the psychic intervention I'd be wondering if perhaps CrazyDude or another Indigo Hammer faction set this up himself for some reason. Even with it, Blackthorn might have been making a play. They have the most psyker capability and that might have helped them in retroengineering some Reaver tech or getting some insight into the dragons and disguising it as Reaver tech.
Hmm, wasn't the 'friendly' Eldar from last Quest Exodite? As much as we have Dark/Craftworld/Exodite at this point, anyway.

Also, and apologies for a possible derail, but do we have a list of settlements/polities threadmarked somewhere, possibly with techlevels and agenda-type stuff, or is your info cribbed from the latter part of MirandeQuest and/or OOC posts?

Edit: Not suggesting it's invalid or anything, just something I'd want to look over.
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[X] Phylactery muse extension (+10 to willpower checks; doubles other equipment bonuses vs. psychic powers)

[X] Stone Reliquary (final resting place of Dia Stone's stasis chamber)

Not huge on any of the options, and this seems to be the least, mess with your brain option for now.
Nightmares are scary yo, I would rather our Grand-ma stay the scariest thing in our lives.
[X] Pedagogical accelerator muse extension (Improved learning success; doubles age for the purposes of educational trait requirements)

[X] Stone Reliquary (final resting place of Dia Stone's stasis chamber)

I prefer going allrounder over optimising so early in the game. In fact, allrounder is very much more to my taste than optimising in general.
[X] Nightmare cube (Guarantees minimum +1 base willpower per year used; greatly improves willpower training; additional side effects when in use)
[X] Stone Reliquary (final resting place of Dia Stone's stasis chamber)
Hmm, wasn't the 'friendly' Eldar from last Quest Exodite? As much as we have Dark/Craftworld/Exodite at this point, anyway.

No, they were actual Exodites
The timeline was this:

Eldar Empire becomes kinky
Exodites split off
Space-Amish begin creating craftworlds
Space-Amish set off in craftworlds
Slaanesh Birth
Space-Amish become Craftworld Eldar
Survivors of Eldar Empire become Dark Eldar
[X] Pedagogical accelerator muse extension (Improved learning success; doubles age for the purposes of educational trait requirements)
[X] Skull Garden (a place where the skulls of the departed are displayed with their death poems, guarding the skulls of dragons slain by the faithful)

The nightmare cube is the absolute worst option and will fuck over Ella long term. The mounting stress of having nightmares all the time is going to be very bad for her mental and general health. In the time needed to equal the gains by the Phylactery Ella will be a wreck, if it's constantly on. That's several years of nightmares every night.

Edit: And overall the Pedagogical accelerator has the best long term benefits as we can learn new traits faster.
Edit2: It also increases learning in general meaning we can also train willpower with it faster than without it.
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Hmm, wasn't the 'friendly' Eldar from last Quest Exodite? As much as we have Dark/Craftworld/Exodite at this point, anyway.

Also, and apologies for a possible derail, but do we have a list of settlements/polities threadmarked somewhere, possibly with techlevels and agenda-type stuff, or is your info cribbed from the latter part of MirandeQuest and/or OOC posts?

Edit: Not suggesting it's invalid or anything, just something I'd want to look over.

AN is currently working on a background codex. I'm running off of my freakishly cross-indexed collection of minutia. We'll need confirmation before we have anything actionable, but in the meantime we can speculate off of the assumptions that the non-GW aspects are largely unchanged and the ported GW aspects are at least roughly similar.

[X] Pedagogical accelerator muse extension (Improved learning success; doubles age for the purposes of educational trait requirements)
[X] Skull Garden (a place where the skulls of the departed are displayed with their death poems, guarding the skulls of dragons slain by the faithful)

The nightmare cube is the absolute worst option and will fuck over Ella long term. The mounting stress of having nightmares all the time is going to be very bad for her mental and general health. In the time needed to equal the gains by the Phylactery Ella will be wreck, if it's constantly on. That's several years of nightmares every night.

Edit: And overall the Pedagogical accelerator has the best long term benefits as we can learn new traits faster.
Edit2: It also increases learning in general meaning we can also train willpower with it faster than without it.

I have screaming nightmares every time I close my eyes, and I'm just fine.
I have screaming nightmares every time I close my eyes, and I'm just fine.
I don't think your definition of fine is the one typicaly used by the rest of us and Ella isn't you in anyway.

Furthermore and as I've already said the Pedagogical accelerator can also be used to train willpower. Sure the gain will not be as fast as with the Nightmare Cube, but neither will it have the massive effects on Ellas health as it and that are just the straight forward known ones. The Nightmare Cube has even more side effects than the other muse extensions on top of that.
Because of that it can only be used for a short amount of time and in that time it might exceed the willpower bonus of the Phylactery outside of the additional increase in equipment bonuses or it might not. With the Pedagogical accelerator we can train willpower constantly and if we do enough training actions and possibly fullfil some other requirements that can become permanent. We can also use the Pedagogical accelerator to train traits that boost willpower, like the Survivor trait.

The Nightmare Cube is betting that we can get enough use out of it before it's adverse effects make using it impossible. While we can learn one thing from it well, it only does that for one thing. Meanwhile the Pedagogical accelerator can be used constantly and we can use it to learn many things. The pay off and risks for using the Pedagogical accelerator are just plain better than they for the Nightmare Cube.
Didn't both Mirande, her younger sisters (not Anna, but Elsa and Andraste I think?) and Dia deal with nightmares, Reaver Codex and Reaver Psychic Nightmares? They turned out fine (relatively)

Two of them became stone(heh) cold badasses
Two of them turned out reasonably social for growing up Pre-Fall Eldar with no Daddy and a slowly corrupting Mother (from the Khorne-stab not the Eldar)

Dia was only insane Once from non-Chaos causes!
And she was both functional and got better from sheer force of will

Stones are rather anti-mental illness
Didn't both Mirande, her younger sisters (not Anna, but Elsa and Andraste I think?) and Dia deal with nightmares, Reaver Codex and Reaver Psychic Nightmares? They turned out fine (relatively)

Two of them became stone(heh) cold badasses
Two of them turned out reasonably social for growing up Pre-Fall Eldar with no Daddy and a slowly corrupting Mother (from the Khorne-stab not the Eldar)

Dia was only insane Once from non-Chaos causes!
And she was both functional and got better from sheer force of will

Stones are rather anti-mental illness
You can't compare the Codex integration to more or less constant mental torture from the Nightmare Cube. The effects are just too dissimilar, so you can't compare how Elsa and Andraste turned out with how Ella will be affected by the Cube.

Mirande was born before Dia got the Codex, so she didn't have to deal with it's effects growing up.

Dia was shortly insane from having the Codex rammed into her brain until she she properly got it integrated, that's true, but again you can't compare the Codex and the Cube. If you can compare the Codex to one of the Muse extensions it's the Pedagogical accelerator, since both cram knowledge into your brain. The accelerator is designed for doing so without damaging the users mind, unlike the Codex was which was a 'Your questions anoy me. Choke on this!' thing instead.

Dia had to deal with nightmares, but those were either mundane ones and not constant or caused by the daemonic wound. The first kind she dealt with, but she was losing the fight against the second source even with all the increased willpower she had at that point.

Sure the stress from the Cube isn't going to make her suddenly not functional, but the constant mental exhaustion and lack of sleep is going to catch up eventually.

So using the Cube is taking a gamble on Ella holding on long enough.
Codex: Great Powers
Codex: Major Groups on Dandriss

The title of 'Great Power' is something of a misnomer for the collection of post apocalyptic survivors even in comparison to more primitive industrial nation states, but the title is still somewhat apt in that there are five major groups that can be said to hold sufficient military and economic power that only another Great Power can successfully challenge them, although for all the groups logistics and numbers greatly limit their capacity to actually project power very far. These five groups are: Green Owl, Indigo Hammer, the Blackthorn Regulars, the Authority, and the Belters. Of the 'Colour Powers' they have the largest populations and strongest economies, while the Authority and Belters both have the most advanced technology, powerful militaries, and can claim continuity with the prior government, giving them considerable cultural sway over many of the unaffiliated groups.

Green Owl
Full name "The Duchy of Green Owl and the Protector of the Glass Canopy Quarantine Zone"
Liberal Corporate Neo-Aristocracy

An impromptu duchy with a solid core around the Counties of Shattersaw and Owl's Nest, it was formed through a series of military conquests and political weldings by Baroness, later Countess, Dia Stone, a warrant officer pre-Starfall assigned to the academic community of Greengraft. Through a combination of luck and ensuring that the academics were well supplied with funds to maintain and recover their technology, she managed to maintain a high standard of living for her people. With security assured via military force, she was able to quickly establish trade and commerce among the survivors. Through political marriages she welded together her people with the Barony of Dragonfly's Landing, a former tourist destination full of nobles who had kept order in the immediate aftermath of Starfall. The successes of Dia Stone were expanded upon by her daughter, Anna, who took control of the Dragonflies at an early age due to the death of her father in a reaver attack and continued policies of sponsorship of technology and business while also aggressively expanding military capacity. After approximately ten years as baroness, she ascended to become a countess with the abdication due to illness of her mother. Shortly thereafter she declared that she controlled enough resources and territory to be named a Duchess and challenged any who thought otherwise to prove her wrong.

The South Woods Conflicts, Aerospace Crisis and the Secession War demonstrated that the forces at her command, both military and economic, meant that no other single Great Power could prove her wrong, and she was more likely to find allies in Indigo Hammer and the Blackthorn Regulars than either of her two primary competitors were. While somewhat distant and often finding each other weird, the people of Green Owl and Indigo Hammer were both far more socially and politically liberal than the Belters or Authority, and the Regulars were willing to swallow their distaste for them in order to go after the people they truly hated when necessary. While the Authority sees them as upstarts, they also see them as being the least divergent from prior social norms, so they are willing to talk and trade more frequently than anyone else. Similarly, whatever distaste the Belters have for the ground based Dandriss, it seems the least around the people of Green Owl. As such, Green Owl often plays the middle man for the various other Great Powers, aided by their strong mercantile interests.

Indigo Hammer
Full name "The Commonwealth of Indigo Hammer"
Liberal Military-Academic Civic Bureaucracy

Another hodgepodge weld of multiple communities that formed immediately after Starfall, the scientists of Indigo Leaf managed to make numerous breakthroughs in the management of Dandriss life. Developing radical new technologies and techniques, they produced radical biological modifications to their people, allowing them to work outside of the settlements with much more limited protection, and to grow their people physically stronger, hardier, and better able to handle the toxic biologies of the planet. Freed of significant infrastructural constraints, they made major strides in plant sculpting that allowed for further expansion. In exchange for military protection they traded much of the products, if not the knowledge itself, to the now semi-legendary figure of Colonel Hammer. While his origins have been deliberately shrouded, the military man took over the local county capital in spite of the bomb damage and made a benevolent military dictatorship to help people survive. Deliberately larger than life for propaganda purposes, he actually had the foresight to rapidly devolve power to his own people in 'monitoring committees'. Over the first three decades post-Starfall he came to weld together numerous communities, especially with the exotic technologies Indigo Leaf was developing. Eventually he stepped down and retired in obscurity in a process that directly welded together the government structure he had produced with the academic hierarchy of Indigo Leaf.

While possessing numerous military advantages, among the biggest reasons that Indigo Hammer is considered a Great Power is that they possess a method for universal assembly that works via "programming" genetically engineered Dandriss plants to produce technological analogs. Combined with their other advantages and they have among the strongest industrial base of the Great Powers, and their industry is also well protected since they can leave with it into the woods. They have also produced numerous nomadic splinter groups that spread their influence, philosophy, and trade across the planet. Their closest allies are Green Owl, although the two have come to butt heads over trade issues as both of them have trade companies that compete with each other. Because of the radical biological changes they induce through Dandriss derived drug regimens, they are also tolerant of some of the more extreme body types present among the Blackthorn Regulars. They get along poorly with the Authority and there is no dialogue between them and the Belters without an intermediary present.

Blackthorn Regulars
Full name "The Blackthorn Regular Militia and Defence Companies"
Radical Communitarian Corporate Military Dictatorship

Composed of a number of mercenary bands that worked variously for the Authority and the Belters, in 42 SF they banded together and declared open revolt against their former employers, seizing the facilities the Belters had built in the former capital and 'liberating' the large population of indentured servants located there. While technologically and industrially the weakest of the Great Powers, the Blackthorn Regulars are by far the most populous and have what many consider supernaturally good luck. Composed of numerous small mercenary bands that originated as competing gangs of scavengers from Blackthorn - and later other communities transplanted there for the chance at food and shelter - they eventually coordinated into a loose hierarchy bound by contracts and family ties. Currently run by the man only known as "Little Rock" (it is a source of mutual irritation with the Stone dynasty of Green Owl that there is a similarity of names there), the Blackthorn Regulars are known for three things: their seething hatred of aristocratic and corporate structures that they blame for Starfall; their tolerance of any sort of the gross mutation that has popped up since Starfall that many other communities reject; and their willingess to throw bodies at problems whenever they are lacking in technology.

For obvious reasons they get along with almost none of the other Great Powers, but they have been aided by the mutual animosity between the Authority and the Belters, and the fact that both of those groups tend to take an overbearing tone against Green Owl and Indigo Hammer. During the Secession War they received considerable aid from those two in retaliation over the Aerospace Crisis that had been simmering for the past decade. Both Green Owl and Indigo Hammer will also support the Blackthorn Regulars unconditionally on anything having to do with the containment Dragon Woods that are less than a thousand kilometres from Blackthorn due to the religious beliefs of those groups. While they don't exactly like the new corporations and nobility they contain, the Regulars are also more willing to let ideological differences slide in comparison to the representatives of the old order and the groups that personally oppressed them prior to independence. It was only through third party negotiations that they actually declared an official peace with the Belters and Authority, and they have had numerous brushfire conflicts in the years since, especially when they march troops into tributary communities of the Authority.

Full Name "The Authority of the Restoration Movement"
Reactionary Neofeudal Military Dictatorship

Composed of a combination of vacationing nobles and the remnants of the officer corp they managed to scrape together from across the planet, the Authority was once the premier force on Dandriss due to their possession of the North Polar Military Base and numerous technologies they recovered from within. However, a combination of technological stagnation and decline and some unspoken of disaster that killed their original leadership, the Authority went into steep decline. Their dozens of client communities were treated mostly as sources of tribute and were not developed the way that Green Owl or Indigo Hammer did, and over time much of their military might was reliant on mercenary forces. When the Belters came along and challenged their ability to control the skies and offered better deals to their mercenary forces, they almost collapsed completely. While still primarily coasting on old glories, their current leader, Marshall Julian Danzig, has made efforts at slowing the decline and has even demonstrated the capacity to expand capabilities thought static or in decline previously. However, there are many whispers that dark things occur in the Polar Fortress and that the Authority as a whole is cursed, with their current improvements in fortune coming at nightmarish cost. What exactly this cost is varies from rumour to rumour, but the expansion of their elite corp of cybernetic shock troops almost certainly came at high human cost.

While the exact details differ depending on who is telling the story, both the Authority and the Belters claim that there was a conflict between the people who would found each faction in the immediate aftermath of Starfall. The Authority lost and was kicked out of the orbiting station to take over the Polar Fortress, while the Belters took their damaged station into the local asteroid belt and Jovian planets. The bad blood between the two, as well as the fact that they consider the other their primary military threat, puts them constantly at each other's throats. They view the other Great Powers with unearned paternalism and are constantly getting into conflicts as other powers pull their underdeveloped vassal communities away from them through economics or force, although they tend to only be directly violent with the Blackthorn Regulars as a polity.

Full name "Stellar Trading and Reclamation Corporation"
Deep Conservative Corporate Bureaucracy

The last remnants of the StarCorp branch that set up Dandriss as a colony world, their administrative station in orbit suffered a damaging revolt by the predecessors of the Authority in the days immediately after Starfall. Damaged to the point where they could not supply the trips down to the planet's surface for supplies, they instead broke orbit to go to the more gravitationally favourable mining opportunities in the asteroid belt (hence their common name of "Belters"). Approximately thirty years after Starfall they began to send expeditions back to Dandriss. While the group as a whole numbers less than ten thousand individuals, they retain full access to pre-Starfall technology, allowing for a highly automated economy and technologies that were never even released on Dandriss. This makes them simultaneously the most powerful and most fragile of the Great Powers, especially since the majority of their economy is weeks of spaceflight away and there are often only a few hundred personnel in orbit, and often less than a dozen on the ground for any reason. For some reason they also view the people of Dandriss in an extremely negative light and their interactions tend to be highly paternalistic and controlling. Their attempts to ban any sort of flight outside their control resulted in the Aerospace Crisis, which then later resulted in the disaster of the Secession War. They still claim the ultimate high ground and will aggressively defend the orbitals against attempted insertions by ground based powers, but have given up on restricting sub-orbital flights due to a lack of manpower.

While they don't get along with any of the other Great Powers, they have been forced to concede that they cannot dictate terms to them outside of their control of the orbits due to extremely limited capacity to maintain force projection on the ground. While they can fight and win any conflict with only a few dozen heavily armed and armoured soldiers, they cannot hold ground without local assistance, and after the rebellion of their mercenaries and theft of much of their ground infrastructure, they have generally given up on such schemes. Most of their ground activities are business related in nature, usually attempts to manipulate economics and bring the other Great Powers to blows with each other.

Lesser Communities

The majority of the population of Dandriss is either not a member of the Great Powers or only loosely affiliated with one. These communities, ravaged by Starfall and never able to recover to the extent the Great Powers did, are important in that they represent population and resources to be absorbed and leveraged, and the possibility of rare salvage. They vary from a few families in the ruins of smaller communities, to the more typical five hundred to two thousand populations of most settlements, to a few "Middle Powers" that have recovered enough that they can resist the Great Powers economically and militarily due to supply line lengths and logistical challenges. While many that have only been distantly contacted by the aerospace heavy groups like the Authority or Belters and view the Great Powers as distant saviours, many of the more aware ones view the Great Powers warily. The Colour Powers are often wildly divergent culturally, while the remnants of the old order are often paternalistic and overbearing. Many feel that they are caught in a crossfire of squabbling nations and corporations, pawns and prizes for those lucky enough to bounce back quickly.

Warlords and Raiders

While the heyday of barbarism in the first three decades after Starfall has faded with increasing interconnection between communities and the recovery stable trade lines and national armies bring, there are still significant chunks of the map where the Great Powers do not have enough presence to stamp down on raiders who stick to the rail lines and striking at small communities. As the number of nomadic splinter groups breaking off from the growing population and growing philosophical divergences of Indigo Hammer increase, a few have also taken up attacking their more sedentary neighbours. While not considered a threat to the Great Powers, such groups can occasionally become a problem for distant outposts, and protection from particularly bad examples tends to be a major recruiting tool for the Great Powers.
So, all the major players are still there, and Blackthorn has someone with well enough developed Divination high enough up the chain that the others notice how "lucky" they get.
We do not know anything about the Mantis, including if they are still around, but the Belters kept them a secret earlier as well.
Authority is led by Danzig, which is good and bad, he is competent and pragmatic - maybe too competent and too pragmatic, thus dangerous.

Indigo hammer can be a great ally and they research in other directions to us, this again can be extremely favorable, while I expect Blackthorn to be a problem, but if we won't be able to get our own psyker program we will be needing them.

Belters are a joker in this card game - huge research and advancement potential there, but also a potential catastrophe on our hands.
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So we're the Diplo-merchant faction covering a mechanised fist. Are we still the research-crazy faction? And what benefits do we get from the Elder Shrine brains?

Indigo hammer can be a great ally and they research in other directions to us, this again can be extremely favorable, while I expect Blackthorn to be a problem, but if we won't be able to get our own psyker program we will be needing them.
So, if we want this generation to follow in the footsteps of our ancestors...

Marry into Indigo Hammer?