Psionics can't tame dragons without extensive, and frankly well beyond our ability (at least half a century even if it was an empire-level research focus), designer biological modification. Even Mirande can't modify them significantly enough to make them domestic. Hell, she barely had input in their conception as a species other than pumping them full of energy to mutate from.
For now, I'll be placated by having a dragon skull on our mech in the future.

To be fair to Mirande, she never got a chance last quest after her awakening. The only dragon we even encountered got melted by Dinah, and I don't recall we ever attempted to hunt them.
My risk assessment was based on the fact that ANY potential target was less than 50%

Man are we really having this argument again?

All I can recall properly from back then is that I called it dead to rights and you were absolutely certain that he wasn't going to be heading to blackthorn and that even if it was that it would be impossible for us to catch up. The second was factually incorrect and the first was based on the idea of just playing it safe and sitting our ass down and letting him come to us.

Which is almost always a bad idea when your enemy is building steam and strength over time which we did know at that point. Even from the point of view that he could have hit Indigo whilst we were out it didn't make a whole lot of sense because we had scouts out looking for him and we could have rerouted back if he was.

I've missed the page before this so I'm kind of jumping in dry here but what brought this all up again? The codex post from AN?
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Psionics can't tame dragons without extensive, and frankly well beyond our ability (at least half a century even if it was an empire-level research focus), designer biological modification. Even Mirande can't modify them significantly enough to make them domestic. Hell, she barely had input in their conception as a species other than pumping them full of energy to mutate from.

To be fair, Mirande didn't try to domesticate them
They were an accidental offshoot of her Dragonmecha she dredged up out of the ground to punch one of the top 25 combatants in the UNIVERSE in the face
(7, 8, 9 from the Exalted Daemons, Emps is a range of 25, not counting actual Gods because Divinity)

Every single iota of effort not spent making her Emperor-class Dragon was spent piloting the thing to destroy Nurgle's Gardener Copajdjfurjsnfoe
I'm not accusing you of being disingenuous, I'm accusing @Delcer of being disingenuous.

My risk assessment was based on the fact that ANY potential target was less than 50% and that while Blackthorn had better odds, we had a great deal more to lose if we abandoned Indigo Leaf and wound up being wrong. Especially since Blackthorn's two treasures were mathematically and narratively unlikely to be sequential with one another (meaning that there were overwhelming chances he'd come to Indigo next with only one of the two in hand if Blackthorn was, indeed, the next in line). Also keep in mind the fact that Indigo Leaf came before one of the Blackthorn Treasures in order (which we know now was BT#2) made Blackthorn a lot less likely from a statistical standpoint. That's important information.

That was my thinking at the time, anyway. But yeah, I'm not taking issue with your standpoint so much. Just Delcer's and others who've made the same argument as him. I agree with your assessment for the most part.
Oh, I apologize for that then.

And I'm going to stop continuing this argument.
[X] Store for now (Opens up special research projects, -1 Economy a turn to store until finish researching or a Research Lab constructed)
[X] Make a pilgrimmage to Owl's Rest to donate to the Gravetender temple there
[X] Hold onto them as is for latter study
[X] Store for now (Opens up special research projects, -1 Economy a turn to store until finish researching or a Research Lab constructed)
[X] Make a pilgrimmage to Owl's Rest to donate to the Gravetender temple there
[X] Hold onto them as is for latter study
What are you in favor of doing to deal with the -Economy or get a lab built? At the moment it would be a fairly substantial setback and take a long time to alleviate.
What are you in favor of doing to deal with the -Economy or get a lab built? At the moment it would be a fairly substantial setback and take a long time to alleviate.
Yeah, it seems much more likely that we'll find another dragon before we have time to build a lab or do a research project on this dragon. Keeping it would be a MASSIVE drain of resources for no gain in the forseeable future.
Yeah, it seems much more likely that we'll find another dragon before we have time to build a lab or do a research project on this dragon. Keeping it would be a MASSIVE drain of resources for no gain in the forseeable future.
And if it's really a special specimen, we kinda owe it to Anna to have it studied ASAP rather than holing it up in a warehouse. There's very little, if any, room for it to be both worth keeping and appropriate to keep.
[X] Donate to Anna
[X] Make a pilgrimmage to Owl's Rest to donate to the Gravetender temple there
[X] Hold onto them as is for latter study

Reactions (Cha+Intr) 67 + 27 = 94

It was raining when Ella met her grandmother in person for the first time since the incident. There had been a fire in the region of Owl's Landing recently, so the rain was mixed with the ash and slag picked up, giving it the consistency of thin, bloody mud as it fell from the sky. The pre-Starfall windows were proof against most things short of a direct nuclear explosion and were also treated to be superhyrdophobic, so the material just bounced right off, but it certainly set the mood as Anna gazed out upon the dreary world outside.

"So, as you might have guessed, I'm kind of pissed right now," Anna noted.

"Of course, my Duchess," Ella replied meekly. Swallowing her pride was always a difficult thing, but she was politic enough to know when to be contrite, or at least appear that way.

"Twice in two years you get your mech banged up - legitimate both times, I will admit, but still rather galling - and you had a VIP die under your watch. When you get back you will of course be joining in the hunt for the remaining dragon and whatever spawn it made out of Messermass," Anna said.

"Of course, my Duchess."

Anna was silently for a long moment before she sighed in exasperation. There was an audible chirp and then Ella's muse informed her that local network connections had been disabled and it was currently in a forced read-only mode. That of course caused her to raise an eyebrow as Anna finally turned away from the window, giving her a look of mixed frustrations. Going to her desk, she motioned for Ella to sit with her as she pulled out a number of physical files. Glancing at them, she said, "So, just to make sure you got the not so subtle message, none of what is going to be said here is to leave this room. First of all, you're damn lucky that you brought the dragon corpse with you. Not only are those scales damn useful, but they will make assuring the Indigo Hammer bigwigs that you really did do everything in your power to prevent this outcome. You were fucked from the start, and I'm not just talking about the fact that the dragons got the drop on you."

Tossing a photo over to Ella, Anna leaned back in her chair with an unpleasant frown on her face. Picking it up, Ella found a photograph of some burned out piece of reaver tech, which just caused her eyes to widen in shock and confusion.

"It's a fucking dragon lure," Anna said with disgust. "It sounds out a telepathic signal that attracts the dragons. This was a setup and a hit here kid." Rubbing her forehead, she then said, "Oh, and it gets worse. We checked over the biometric logs your mech took during the fight, and shit gets weirder. Right as the fight with the linnorm concludes your vitals show a subtle but profound crash. Hormone levels and nervous activity all go from an active fight response to one of major mental exhaustion, and all far too quickly. Or, more simply, instead of being fired up enough to want to go out and find Messermass, someone nudged you towards apathy and exhaustion. It's subtle enough that it's not something you really want to disclose, but... yeah. You were almost certainly mindfucked by a reaver. Twice in two years, that's... unpleasant."

Something unpleasant and heavy started to settle in her stomach and Ella could only really feel violated. Last time it had been an almost sort of drunken thing and it was really more of a fight, just another weapon used against her, but this... this was fundamentally being used. Her grandmother looked at her with some concern for a moment before Ella just sort of nodded and said, "I think I'll get through this..."

"Take your time Ella," Anna replied sympathetically. "This, however, means that we have one of two things going on. The first is that we have another mastermind reaver out and about, playing games for shits and giggles. The second is that another faction with a different MO from the usual members we encounter is acting out their own agenda, which involves killing Messermass and not you via dragon attack."

Something flickered across Anna's face there and she said, "Either way, it's bad news for us. About the only 'good' news in all of this is that, while we can't really disclose the whole 'assassinated by reavers in a completely atypical manner' thing, we're not exactly lacking for reasons why someone might want to assassinate Mr. Zinde. He has a complex relationship with the people of Indigo Hammer. He was strongly liked by the common people because he was exactly the sort of larger than life maniac who makes for great network stories, but everyone who ever interacted with him kind of wanted him as far from them as possible. The response from his own family was basically 'Oh, I always knew this was going to happen.'"

Anna's lips actually quirked and she said, "You actually got a sympathy card from his brother shortly after finding out that you were involved with so little warning as to his presence. It's crazy."

Ella frowned and replied, "It's not okay though. A VIP still died on my watch. Okay, there were a lot of factors working against me, but even bad luck isn't an excuse. I've been working to fight against bad luck since I was born."

Anna nodded and said, "Yeah, you're kind of fucked there. Probably going to take a bit of a hit to the tourism department, unfortunately. Still, it could be worse. You could be giving militarily valuable materials to a friendly rival who is more likely to be able to make use of it than you are."

Ella winced at that while Anna just laughed and said, "Well, we wouldn't have those lovely scales if not for you, and Indigo Hammer is only getting one as confirmation that you really were ambushed by a multi-spectral camouflage dragon. Still, a bit annoying."

Nodding at that, Ella then tilted her head and asked, "Actually... does this timeline not make any sense to you? Even with a lure and the dragons already being in the rough region it should have taken a lot longer for those two to be brought into the path Messer was randomly wandering..."

Waving the concern away, Anna said, "It's something of an open secret among the higher ranks that the reaver leadership is bullshit like that. We don't disclose the full extent of their observed powers to prevent a general panic or despair, but this sort of thing is entirely within the bounds of something they could pull off. They very well could have been mentally manipulating Messermass behind the scenes to encourage him into going to Razorleaf Meadows once their trap was ready... and no, don't ask why they just didn't do something more direct, the upper levels seem to get off on ridiculous convolution the way the rank and file get off on pain. The few major leaders we have encountered-" at that Anna's face flashed darkly as those were the sorts who had killed her father and inflicted considerable suffering on her family "-all are the sort to do this. They may also be targeting you in some way, or maybe just Razorleaf Meadows considering they showed up before you arrived."

"That's distinctly not comforting," Ella replied with dry sarcasm.

"I know. Still, I like the fact that despite the fact that you tried your best, you're not actually bringing that up. Sometimes your best isn't good enough, that's no excuse. It is a mitigating factor though," holding up her own cybernetic limbs, she smiled and said, "When your best isn't good enough, you get better. So, with that in mind, I am authorizing the release of some of our special projects for you to field test."

Leaning over to the special file she had, Anna pushed forward three sheets of paper with data and descriptors on them of certain special pieces of experimental hardware. Glancing over them, Ella's eyebrows went up in surprise at what was on display.

Her options...
[] Phylactery muse extension (+10 to willpower checks; doubles other equipment bonuses vs. psychic powers)
[] Pedagogical accelerator muse extension (Improved learning success; doubles age for the purposes of educational trait requirements)
[] Nightmare cube (Guarantees minimum +1 base willpower per year used; greatly improves willpower training; additional side effects when in use)
[] None (these are all experimental and could have significant unexpected drawbacks, refuse for now)

About an hour later after her meeting with Anna, Ella found herself in the Grand Cathedral. The centre of the Gravetender faith, albeit not its heart since that was in the old hospital in Shattersaw where the Gravekeeper's bones lay, it was a large structure made out of a former hotel that had been turned to this grand open space full of structurally superfluous arches and other such architectural touches to make it awe inspiring. It was quiet when she arrived, only a few priests and attendants doing their own little tasks and a few petitioners sitting in quiet contemplation. Ella had decided to make her donation mostly a quiet one. While she took pride in killing a greater linnorm possessing strange abilities, she had still lost someone under her ostensible protection in the process. It didn't feel like a grand victory, but a bitter defeat, and so she had decided to donate the primary trophy to the temple. She had grown up with the Gravetenders being part of her life, but she wasn't really sure about her relationship to it. It was mostly philosophical musings and a community gathering as far as she was concerned, she didn't have the deep connection and faith in the more supernatural elements that had crept in like her grandmother did.

Still, she should probably spend some time here. There were several major points to tour, but eventually someone was going to come find her and talk about her donation, and where that was would probably set the tone. So, where to go first?

Pick your "random encounter" location...
[] Stone Reliquary (final resting place of Dia Stone's stasis chamber)
[] Elder Shrine (where the networked brains of the most devout whose bodies have failed now rest)
[] Skull Garden (a place where the skulls of the departed are displayed with their death poems, guarding the skulls of dragons slain by the faithful)
[] Main Audience Chamber (wait in the main pews of the central room)
So that's what set off the willpower check. I'm actually not 100% sure we should take the experimental muse enhancements... They're nice, really nice in fact, but 'unknown side effects' kind of wards me off of them.
Her options...
[] Phylactery muse extension (+10 to willpower checks; doubles other equipment bonuses vs. psychic powers)
[] Pedagogical accelerator muse extension (Improved learning success; doubles age for the purposes of educational trait requirements)
[] Nightmare cube (Guarantees minimum +1 base willpower per year used; greatly improves willpower training; additional side effects when in use)
[] None (these are all experimental and could have significant unexpected drawbacks, refuse for now)
Hmm--i *think* aside from "None" these are in descending order of how potent the effect (and htus likely the side effect) is, and if thats right then i'd want to go for the first--a decent boost to defending against psychic attacks but with the least danger. If not, then the PAME sounds like the most useful thing... hmm
Pick your "random encounter" location...
[] Stone Reliquary (final resting place of Dia Stone's stasis chamber)
[] Elder Shrine (where the networked brains of the most devout whose bodies have failed now rest)
[] Skull Garden (a place where the skulls of the departed are displayed with their death poems, guarding the skulls of dragons slain by the faithful)
[] Main Audience Chamber (wait in the main pews of the central room)
In the original, was Mirande's resting place also in the Stone Reliquary with Dia? If so i'd lean towards that, but otherwise i'm not at all sure what kinds of encounters each location might lead to...
[X] Pedagogical accelerator muse extension (Improved learning success; doubles age for the purposes of educational trait requirements)

[X] Stone Reliquary (final resting place of Dia Stone's stasis chamber)
[X] Phylactery muse extension (+10 to willpower checks; doubles other equipment bonuses vs. psychic powers)

I don't know enough to care what random encounter thing we get, but we keep getting mind raped. This seems urgent.
[X] Pedagogical accelerator muse extension (Improved learning success; doubles age for the purposes of educational trait requirements)

Not sure on the encounter vote yet.
[X] Pedagogical accelerator muse extension (Improved learning success; doubles age for the purposes of educational trait requirements)

[X] Stone Reliquary (final resting place of Dia Stone's stasis chamber)
[X] Nightmare cube (Guarantees minimum +1 base willpower per year used; greatly improves willpower training; additional side effects when in use)
[X] Elder Shrine (where the networked brains of the most devout whose bodies have failed now rest)

The Nightmare Cube seems interesting, but I'm also partial to the Pedagogical Accelerator.
[X] Nightmare cube (Guarantees minimum +1 base willpower per year used; greatly improves willpower training; additional side effects when in use)

[X] Stone Reliquary (final resting place of Dia Stone's stasis chamber)

I want to raise our willpower as soon and as high as possible, and since willpower usually counts double against pay powers we should achieve rough parity with phylactery in five years, and we raise our basic willpower - it counts against all willpower uses.

I also want to visit Dia, and maybe we get some info about Mirande.
Nightmare cube seems pretty attractive. I'd like to build up willpower, and it seems like side effects are limited to year we train with it. We can always stop if they're nasty.


[x] Nightmare cube (Guarantees minimum +1 base willpower per year used; greatly improves willpower training; additional side effects when in use)
[X] Nightmare cube (Guarantees minimum +1 base willpower per year used; greatly improves willpower training; additional side effects when in use)

[X] Stone Reliquary (final resting place of Dia Stone's stasis chamber)

I want to raise our willpower as soon and as high as possible, and since willpower usually counts double against pay powers we should achieve rough parity with phylactery in five years, and we raise our basic willpower - it counts against all willpower uses.

I also want to visit Dia, and maybe we get some info about Mirande.
I considered going with that one myself, but the name and 'additional side effects' suggest to me that we are like at self-torture training that may make us unstable or something to that general tune. Not worth the risk, in my opinion.
[x] Nightmare cube (Guarantees minimum +1 base willpower per year used; greatly improves willpower training; additional side effects when in use)
[x] Skull Garden (a place where the skulls of the departed are displayed with their death poems, guarding the skulls of dragons slain by the faithful)
Her options...
[] Phylactery muse extension (+10 to willpower checks; doubles other equipment bonuses vs. psychic powers)
[] Pedagogical accelerator muse extension (Improved learning success; doubles age for the purposes of educational trait requirements)
[] Nightmare cube (Guarantees minimum +1 base willpower per year used; greatly improves willpower training; additional side effects when in use)
Guesses at the side effects:

When you learn, you're encountering novel input and incorporating it into how you think and act. I'm going to bet the first two are tradeoffs between psy resistance and learning speed. After all, resistance to psy is resistance to changing your mind - and faster learning isn't automatically suppressed when someone tries to "teach" you something unpleasant.

The third, now, I'm betting costs us sleep and possibly sanity. In exchange, it's almost certainly the most powerful psy-defense long term.