Mirror Matches Movement
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 1; Type:Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: None
The Silver Forest needs no preparation to imitate another's face. Their movements are already his own. This Charm permanently removes the difficulty increase for attempting to disguise one's self as a specific person and also removes the difficulty increase for attempting to mimic that person without first spending several weeks observing the target.
Shifting Quicksilver Visage
Cost: - (1m); Mins: Essence 2; Type:Permanent
Keywords: Illusion
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Mirror Matches Movement
Szoreny uses no makeup to mirror others. By reflexively committing a single mote, the Infernal can use illusion to alter his appearance as though making a mundane disguise, except that it only takes a single instant to do so and requires no makeup or props. Further, the Infernal is not restricted in how high his effective Appearance can be.
This illusory disguise looks, feels, and even smells exactly how it should, based upon the Infernal's (Intelligence+Larceny) roll, so it cannot be detected simply by touching the disguised Infernal. The disguise lasts until the Infernal uncommits the mote.
Charm Concept: Szoreny and Disguises
After the Primordial War, Szoreny was turned upside down by his rough treatment at the hands of the Exalted. In protest to this, Szoreny now refuses to show a truly perfect reflection of anyone except his fellow Yozis upon any of his silver branches. Because of this, none of Szoreny's Charms can provide a perfect disguise. They can eliminate penalties and speed the process, but it will always remain possible, if only remotely so, that ordinary sense will pierce his disguises and see them for what they truly are.
Impossible Form Duplication
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3; Type:Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Shifting Quicksilver Visage
The reflections of the Silver Forest know no limits to the forms that they may take. This Charm removes all penalties and difficulty increases causes by attempting to impersonate someone of a different gender, age, or body type. Further, this Charm allows the Infernal to use Shifting Quicksilver Visage to impersonate anything of approximately the same dimensions as the Infernal, even inanimate objects. The Infernal can just as easily impersonate a fat man as appear to be a small tree.