Cost: 5m, 1hl; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Digestion Without Distinction
Metagaos makes others into himself, and vice-versa. The Infernal can use this Charm to quickly impersonate any character he has tasted in this scene, cannibalizing his own flesh into an impenetrable Essence-mask. This disguise functions just like the one created by Perfect Mirror (Exalted, pp. 228), except that its near-perfection lasts for only (Essence x 2) minutes. This period can be extended by an hour for each full health level's worth of the impersonated character's flesh that the warlock consumes, to a maximum of (Essence) hours. After it ends, however, the disguise becomes vulnerable to even mundane scrutiny, and loses a single threshold success for every fifteen minutes that passes, until none are left and the warlock is simply shrouded in strips of stolen skin and fleshy false-cloth.
A second purchase of this Charm grants the warlock (Essence) automatic successes on his disguise roll, and expands his range of mimicry, flesh softening into a malleable mush within the skinsuit. He can now impersonate characters up to half as small or half-again as large as himself, and ignore restrictions on age or Essence. He can also impersonate characters of entirely different body-types, such as dogs, dragon kings, or non-humanoid demons, their inhuman anatomy represented by up to (Infernal's Essence) points of temporary mutations.
A third purchase at Essence 4+ allows the Infernal to retain the forms of characters he has tasted past the scene in which he did so, provided he completely devoured them. Such disguises obviously cannot extend their perfection past the usual duration.